Radio Shack PRO-106 User Manual

The Preprogrammed Data is Copyright 2008
LLC and is used with permission.
Digital Trunking
Radio Scanner
Introduction ................................................. 3
Important Copyright Notice .......................3
About the Preprogrammed Data ............... 3
VS 20 – CT, MA, NH, ME ....................... 52
VS 19 – KY, NC, SC.................................50
VS 18 – North New Jersey, New Yoke.. 48
VS 17 – DE, MD, Shore, NJ Shore ........ 46
VS 16 – South Ohio................................ 44
VS 15 – North Ohio, PA ......................... 42
VS 14 – MI, IN......................................... 40
VS 13 – WI, IL.......................................... 38
VS 12 – TN, GA, MO.............................. 36
VS 11 – MS, AL, AR ................................ 34
VS 10 – South Texas, Louisiana............. 32
VS 9 – North Texas................................. 30
VS 8 – AZ, NM, CO, KS, OK .................. 28
VS 7 – WA, OR, NV and UT................... 26
VS 6 – California Other.......................... 24
VS 5 – California Desert......................... 22
VS 4 – Virginia Other .............................20
VS 3 – South Florida ..............................18
VS 2 – North Florida ..............................16
Preprogrammed Data Directory ............... 13
Monitoring Networked EDACS Systems . 11
VS 1 – National Capital Region, DC-MD-VA
Using the Preprogrammed Data ................. 7
Monitoring Networked Motorola and P25
Systems....................................................... 10
Receiving More Traffic on a Trunked Radio
System........................................................... 5
About Talkgroup Names............................. 6
Important Copyright Notice
The preprogrammed trunked radio system data
contained within your Advanced Digital Scanner
was provided by LLC and
is subject to copyright. We ask that you respect
this copyright by adhering to the following
to the “V-Scanner Storage” section of your User’s
more information on V-Scanner operations, refer
• Do not convert the preprogrammed data into preprogrammed data on web sites.
formats for use with other scanning receivers.
About the Preprogrammed Data
Your RadioShack PRO-106/PRO-197 Digital
Trunking Radio Scanner features 21 “V-Scanner”
folders used for storing special non-volatile
memory within the scanner. V-Scanner makes it
possible to store and recall complete scanner
configuration data. 20 of these folders (1-20) are
intended for use as folder storage locations. One
location (00) is intended for use as a temporary
storage location, or scratchpad, so you can easily
move V-Scanner data around in the scanner. For
• Do not post the information contained in the data for later use.
• You may transfer the contents of the
preprogrammed data to a personal computer
that you own for the purpose of archiving the
• The preprogrammed data is intended for
your personal use only.
For your convenience, the 20 V-Scanner folder
storage locations (01-20) are preprogrammed
with the frequencies, talkgroups, and
configuration data for approximately 350 trunked
radio systems in the United States. The scanner’s
working memory and V-Scanner folder “00” are
not preprogrammed with any data.
Each V-Scanner folder can hold up to 1800
“scannable objects,” grouped in up to 20
Scan Lists. Each V-Scanner folder can contain
approximately 20 individual trunked radio
systems, or sites within networked systems,
leaving room to spare for your own custom
The preprogrammed data in your scanner contains
the top public safety trunked radio systems in the
United States, those that are most likely to carry
local radio traffic that is of interest to many users.
Non-public safety systems, airport systems, transit
systems, federal systems, military systems, and
large statewide trunked radio networks are not
included in the preprogrammed data.
The preprogrammed data contains the talkgroups
that are used for day-to-day public safety
dispatch, response, and operations activities.
Administrative talkgroups and talkgroups
unrelated to public safety are not included in the
preprogrammed data.
RadioShack acknowledges,
LLC for providing this trunked radio system
configuration data. For more information
on conventional and trunked radio systems
worldwide, please visit:
Note: The accuracy of the preprogrammed
talkgroup and system configuration data is
subject to system configuration changes and
possible errors in the user-submitted data
reported to For accurate
and up-do-date information, be sure to visit frequently.
Receiving More Traffic on a Trunked
Radio System
It is not possible to include every trunked radio
system and talkgroup in the United States in
the preprogrammed data. If the systems in your
area are not present, you may find it useful to
visit to find your local
system so that you can add it to the radio’s
programming. You can also program a “wildcard”
talkgroup that will allow you to hear all activity on
the trunked radio systems that you monitor.
The easiest way to add a wildcard talkgroup is to
duplicate a talkgroup that is already programmed
for the system, change the pertinent data for that
talkgroup (in this case, the ID and the Tag), then
save the duplicated (and changed) talkgroup as a
new object.
3. Scroll to the
2. Press the EDIT softkey, then press the DUPE
1. Press PGM (PROG), then use the STWX
keys to navigate to any talkgroup on the
system where you wish to add a talkgroup or
softkey. A duplicate of the selected object is
created in memory.
softkey, which will set the ID field to
ID: field and press the Dflt
available on your scanner’s LCD display.
except for the changes that you made before
5. Press the Save softkey to save your work.
Appendix C” of your User’s Guide. Press ENT
or the Done softkey when you are finished.
You now have a new object that has all of the
attributes of the object you first duplicated,
The DUPE feature may also be used to add
specific talkgroups to the preprogrammed data.
For more information on the DUPE feature, refer
to the “Duplicate (DUPE)” section of your User’s
About Talkgroup Names
The RadioReference database includes two
fields that are used for naming talkgroups. The
“Display” field is an abbreviated talkgroup
name designed to fit into radio displays. The
“Description” field is a longer text description of
the talkgroup.
Your scanner is capable of displaying a maximum
of 16 characters for the talkgroup name. If the
RadioReference database included “Display”
data for a talkgroup, we utilized it. However, if a
talkgroup has no “Display” data associated with
it, we used the contents of the “Description”
field, which may not fit into the display space
order for you to use the preprogrammed data in
your scanner.
1. Examine the “Preprogrammed Data Directory” to
2. Identify the V-Scanner folder that contains the
3. Load the appropriate V-Scanner folder into
2. Press the Stor softkey. The scanner will display:
1. Press
Before proceeding, you may want to save the
contents of the scanner’s working memory,
which otherwise will be erased when you load a
V-Scanner folder. Skip this section if you do not
need to save the working memory.
To save the contents of your working memory:
4. Enable or disable Scan Lists as needed to
4. Scroll the Tag: field and press the X key.
Enter a new name for your duplicated object
using the text entry method described in
Using the Preprogrammed Data
There are four basic steps that are required in
display the V-Scanner menu:
FUNC PGM (PROG). The scanner will
see if your system is included.
desired system.
your scanner’s working memory.
select the system or systems that you wish to
1. Press
2. Press the
V-Scanner menu.
FUNC PGM (PROG) to open the
To Load a V-Scanner folder into Working
V-Scanner menu.
6. Press the Cancl softkey to return to the main
5. Enter a name for the V-Scanner using the
empty, you are prompted to confirm the
operation, which will erase the current
V-Scanner folder contents. Press YES to
confirm and overwrite, or NO to cancel. The
Standard Text Entry Method and press OK.
The scanner displays the following screen
while storing the contents of working memory
to the selected V-Folder:
scanner will display:
4. Press the
your work to an empty folder or overwrite the
contents of a programmed folder.
3. V-Scanner folder 00 should already be
selected by default, or use the ST keys to
scroll to the desired location. You can save
Load softkey.
Stor softkey. If the folder is not
3. Use the ST keys to select the V-Scanner
8. While the radio is scanning, turn off the Scan
Lists except the one for your area. Use the
1 – 0 keys to toggle Scan lists 1-10 on and
off, and FUNC 1 – FUNC 0 to toggle Scan
Lists 11-20 on and off. If your were to turn off
all but Scan List 5, the display would appear
as follows while scanning:
7. After the loading operation is complete,
press the SCAN key. The scanner will reboot
and begin scanning.
6. After pressing the YES softkey, the scanner
the YES softkey to proceed, or press NO if you
don’t want to erase your working memory
contents. (See the previous section if you
need to save your working memory.)
loads the V-Folder (example shows Folder #3
for South Florida):
4. Press the Load softkey.
5. The scanner will prompt you with a warning:
Really overwrite main memory?” Press
folder for your location.
Using the Preprogrammed Data
2. Press the EDIT softkey, then press the CURR
3. Scroll down to the TSYS item and press the
4. Scroll to Multi-site. Use the WX keys to
any control channel in the list that is usable.
When set to Roam, the scanner will attempt
it until it is no longer usable. When set to
Stat, the scanner will track the system using
select Off, Stat, or Roam. When set to Off,
the scanner will find the first usable control
channel in the control channel list and use
SEL key to edit the TSYS parameters.
Your Advanced Digital Scanner includes a Multi-
site feature that can enhance the operation of
the scanner when monitoring Multi-site systems.
Multi-site can be enabled by editing the trunking
system (TSYS) parameters for the system. Multi-
site can be set to Off, Stat (Stationary), or Roam.
By default, Multi-site is set to Off.
To activate Multi-site mode on a preprogrammed
Motorola or P25 networked system:
1. Press
talkgroup on the networked multi-site system
using the STWX keys.
PGM (PROG), then navigate to a
Using the Preprogrammed Data
Monitoring Networked Motorola and P25
Some of the systems that are preprogrammed in
your scanner are networked, multi-site Motorola
systems, such as Smartzone, OmniLink, and
networked P25 systems. These systems are
designed to cover very large areas by using
multiple networked transmitter sites, each with its
own set of frequencies.
EDACS trunking is quite different from Motorola
and P25 trunking. With Motorola and P25
trunking, the subscriber radios on the system
(and your scanner) get all of the system channel
frequency information from the control channel,
which simplifies wide-area networked system
scanning. In EDACS, it is necessary to program
Monitoring Networked EDACS Systems
Some of the systems that are preprogrammed in
your scanner are networked, multi-site EDACS
networks. Like Motorola and P25 networked
systems, these EDACS systems are designed
to cover very large areas by using multiple
networked transmitter sites, each with its own set
of frequencies.
7. Multi-site functionality is not available in
Keep in mind that the threshold settings
are only available when Multi-site Roam is
EDACS or LTR trunking.
6. You should experiment with different Multi-
site modes and threshold settings to find a
combination that works best for your location.
5. Press the
a new “best control channel” to use. Roam
decisions are made using the Threshold
Hi and Threshold Lo settings. For more
information on Multi-site, please see “Multi-
Site Mode On Networked Systems” in your User’s
to the TSYS parameters, then press the SAVE
softkey again to use the scanner.
SAVE softkey to save your changes
to locate and use the best possible control
channel and ignore others, until the control
channel is no longer usable, then it will locate
Using the Preprogrammed Data
toggle the scan lists on and off to exclude certain
sites in the network from scan operation.
Where a networked EDACS system has been
configured using Method 2, we have assigned
one or more sites to the same Scan Lists.
Typically, these sites will be located in rural areas,
and the scanner should find and use the best site
in the group for scanning. If necessary, you can
lock out the TSYS objects associated with systems
that you do not want to scanner to monitor.
Where a networked EDACS system has been
configured using Method 3, we have assigned all
of the sites in the network to the same Scan List.
The scanner should find and use the best site in
the group for scanning. If necessary, you can lock
out the TSYS objects associated with systems that
you do not want to scanner to try and monitor.
User Type State wide, County, City, or
networked EDACS system), you should be able
to achieve a sort of “Roaming” functionality, as
described above in the section above regarding
Motorola and P25 Multi-site systems. You can
State The state where the system is
Using the Preprogrammed Data
every frequency for each site in the network as a
separate trunked radio system.
You will find that networked EDACS systems are
configured in the preprogrammed data in one
of three different ways, depending on the space
available in the V-Scanner where the networked
EDACS system can be found, and depending
on the type of system and size of the jurisdiction
where it is deployed. The “Preprogrammed Data
Directory” lists these as Methods 1, 2, and 3.
Where a networked EDACS system has been
configured using Method 1, we have assigned
individual sites to individual Scan Lists. By turning
all of the Scan Lists on (for every site in the
Preprogrammed Data Directory
The following pages provide a directory of the
preprogrammed contents of the V-Scanner
folders as shipped from the factory. The columns
are defined as follows:
RR System
VS Name Name of the V-Scanner file
VS The V-Scanner number where the
SL The Scan List number that the
section above)
LTR: a Logic Trunked Radio (LTR)
mode Motorola system using a
3600 baud control channel
Project 25: Any APCO Project 25
EDACS W: EDACS Wide (9600CC)
EDACS N: EDACS Narrow (4800CC)
Net EDACS W/N 1, 2, or 3: A
networked EDACS system stored
using Method 1, 2, or 3 (see the
“Monitoring Networked EDACS Systems”
The system name as displayed by
the radio
Regional (Regional = more than
one city or County)
Motorola: an analog or mixed
The System Name as listed on
system can be found
system is assigned to
Using the Preprogrammed Data
VS 1 – National Capital Region, DC-MD-VA
VS 1 – National Capital Region, DC-MD-VA
RR System Name VS Name VS SL System Name State User Type System Type
Washington DC 800 NCR-DC-MD-VA 1 1 DCFD800 DC City Motorola
Washington DC UHF NCR-DC-MD-VA 1 2 DCMPDUHF DC City Motorola
Anne Arundel Co. NCR-DC-MD-VA 1 3 Anne Arundel MD County Motorola
Baltimore City NCR-DC-MD-VA 1 4 BaltCity MD City Motorola
Baltimore Co. Public Safety NCR-DC-MD-VA 1 5 BaltCounty MD County Motorola
Calvert Co. NCR-DC-MD-VA 1 6 Calvert MD County Motorola
Carroll Co. NCR-DC-MD-VA 1 7 Carroll MD County Motorola
Charles Co. NCR-DC-MD-VA 1 8 Charles MD County Motorola
Frederick Co. NCR-DC-MD-VA 1 9 Frederick MD County Motorola
Harford Co. NCR-DC-MD-VA 1 10 Harford MD County Motorola
Howard Co. NCR-DC-MD-VA 1 11 Howard MD County Motorola
Montgomery Co. NCR-DC-MD-VA 1 12 Montgomery MD County Motorola
Alexandria NCR-DC-MD-VA 1 13 Alexandria VA City Motorola
Arlington Co. NCR-DC-MD-VA 1 14 Arlington VA County Motorola
Fairfax Co. Public Safety NCR-DC-MD-VA 1 15 FairfaxSafety VA County Motorola
Fauquier Co./Culpeper Co. NCR-DC-MD-VA 1 16 FauquierCulpeper VA Regional Motorola
Loudoun Co. NCR-DC-MD-VA 1 17 Loudoun VA County Motorola
Manassas/Manassas Park NCR-DC-MD-VA 1 18 Manassas VA City Motorola
Prince William Co. NCR-DC-MD-VA 1 19 PrinceWilliam VA County Motorola
Spotsylvania Co. NCR-DC-MD-VA 1 20 Spotsylvania VA County EDACS W
VS 2 – North Florida
RR System Name VS Name VS SL System Name State User Type System Type
Bay Co. FL North 2 1 Bay FL County Motorola
Citrus Co. FL North 2 2 Citrus FL County Motorola
Clearwater FL North 2 3 Clearwater FL City EDACS W
Gainesville/Alachua Co. FL North 2 4 GainesvlAlachua FL Regional Motorola
Hernando Co. FL North 2 5 Hernando FL County Motorola
Hillsborough Co. FL North 2 6 HillsboroughEast FL County Net EDACS W 1
Hillsborough Co. FL North 2 7 HillsboroughWest FL County Net EDACS W 1
Jacksonville City Public Safety
-First Coast Radio
Manatee Co. FL North 2 9 ManateeEast FL County Net EDACS W 1
Manatee Co. FL North 2 10 ManateeWest FL County Net EDACS W 1
Orlando/Orange Co. FL North 2 11 Orlando-Orange FL Regional Motorola
Osceola Co. FL North 2 12 Osceola FL County Motorola
Pasco Co. FL North 2 13 Pasco FL County EDACS W
Pinellas Co. FL North 2 14 Pinellas FL County Motorola
Sarasota Co. Public Safety FL North 2 15 Sarasota FL County Motorola
Seminole Co. FL North 2 16 Seminole FL County Motorola
Tallahassee/Leon Co. FL North 2 17 TallahasseeLeon FL Regional Motorola
Volusia Co. Public Safety FL North 2 18 Volusia1 FL County Net EDACS W 1
Volusia Co. Public Safety FL North 2 19 Volusia2 FL County Net EDACS W 1
Volusia Co. Public Safety FL North 2 20 Volusia3 FL County Net EDACS W 1
FL North 2 8 Jacksonville FL City Motorola
VS 2 – North Florida
+ 19 hidden pages