Mindray DIAP User manual

Service Manual
DIAP Communications Protocol
This publication contains data proprietary to Mindray DS USA, Inc. It is provided solely for use by qualified personnel to interface external devices with certain Mindray devices. Mindray DS USA, Inc. assumes no responsibility for any adverse interaction resulting from the use of this protocol, or for any regulatory issues that may be raised by connecting devices. The details of this protocol are subject to change at any time, without prior notice.
© Mindray DS USA, Inc., 2008. All rights reserved. Contents of this publication may not be reproduced in any form without permission of Mindray DS USA, Inc.
ii 0070-10-0307 DIAP Communication Protocol Service Manual
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
DIAP....................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Introduction..................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 DIAP............................................................................................................................... 1
1.2.1 Connection Type..................................................................................................... 1
1.2.2 Physical Protocol .................................................................................................... 1
1.2.3 Session Protocol......................................................................................................1
1.2.4 Command/Reply Legend........................................................................................ 2
1.3 Commands and Replies................................................................................................... 6
1.4 Error Handling.............................................................................................................. 19
1.4.1 Field Level Errors................................................................................................. 19
1.4.2 Command Level Errors......................................................................................... 19
Appendix A.........................................................................................................................A-1
A.1 CRC Algorithm...........................................................................................................A-1
A.2 CRC Test Program......................................................................................................A-3
Appendix B......................................................................................................................... B-1
B.1 DIAP Modem Support (Optional) .............................................................................. B-1
B.1.1 Overview............................................................................................................. B-1
B.1.2 Physical Implementation..................................................................................... B-1
B.1.3 DIAP Slave Requirements.................................................................................. B-1
B.1.4 DIAP Slave Supported Modems......................................................................... B-1
B.1.5 DIAP Slave Modem Initialization Strings.......................................................... B-1
B.1.6 DIAP Master Requirements................................................................................ B-2
B.1.7 DIAP Master Supported Modems....................................................................... B-2
DIAP Communication Protocol Service Manual 0070-10-0307 iii
Table of Contents
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iv 070-10-0307 DIAP Communication Protocol Service Manual
1.1 Introduction
This document defines the DIAP for new patient monitor external data communication design.
1.2 DIAP
The DIAP was designed to be simple, yet extensible for new features without compromising programs written by third parties.
1.2.1 Connection Type
The DIAP is a point-to-point, hierarchical (one or more into one host) protocol. All communications are initiated by the host. No common access media types, including serial multi-point connections, are supported.
It is a request/reply, non-continuous protocol. Only numeric data (no waveforms) are supported.
1.2.2 Physical Protocol
The physical interface for the DIAP is asynchronous serial, with a baud rate of 9600 and 19200, 8 bits, 1 stop bit, no parity.
1.2.3 Session Protocol
The messages must be/are encapsulated as follows:
First Character Last Character
DIAP Communication Protocol Service Manual 0070-10-0307 1-1
% Error
All Commands are case-insensitive ASCII.
All Replies are mixed case as indicated in next section.
Timeout: No reply for 10 seconds.
Maximum message size for Commands is 255 total bytes.
Maximum message size for Replies is 511 bytes.
Item Description Type Length
where: xxx is a channel number from 000 to 999
- it is always 000 for a patient monitor
- it is always 001 to 999 for a central monitor
< , > are delimiter characters literal ASCII string 1, 1
literal ASCII character + ASCII decimal numeric
CRC is a cyclical redundancy check as described in the
section beginning on page 2-1.
LF is an ASCII line feed character. literal ASCII character 1
1.2.4 Command/Reply Legend
This is the legend to the Command/Reply list. It indicates how the arguments for the Commands and Replies are defined. See “Commands and Replies”(section 1.3).
Items designated as ‘ASCII decimal numeric’ are padded with leading (left) zeros.
Items designated as ‘ASCII hex numeric’ are padded with leading (left) zeros.
Items designated as ‘literal ASCII string’ are padded with trailing (right) spaces.
Items designated as ‘ASCII string’ are padded with trailing (right) spaces.
Items designated as ‘ASCII string’ will be truncated by the monitor/central as necessary.
Items designated as ‘ASCII string’ may contain A-Z, a-z, 0-9, comma, period, dash, space, question
Item Description Type Length Units
XXX generic ASCII number ASCII decimal numeric 3 -
ASCII hex numeric 4
S numeric sign ASCII ‘+’ or ‘-’ 1 -
productName Accutorr | Passport | Passport ST |
VISA | Passport 2 | Spectrum | Spectrum OR |Trio| Passport V | Valiant* | VSeries
* Valiant = Accutorr V
mVersion monitor software version ASCII string 3 -
1-2 070-10-0307 DIAP Communication Protocol Service Manual
literal ASCII string 32 -
mRevision monitor software revision ASCII decimal numeric 3 -
pVersion protocol format version=000 ASCII decimal numeric 3 -
pRevision protocol software revision**
** Valiant and Passport V = 000 VSeries = 000
patRoom1 patient room, line 1 ASCII string 4 -
patRoom2 patient room, line 2 ASCII string 4 -
patName1 patient name, line 1 ASCII string 32 -
patName2 patient name, line 2 ASCII string 32 -
unit Name unit name ASCII string 32 -
co2ins co2 inspired value ASCII decimal numeric 3 torr
co2et co2 end-tidal value ASCII decimal numeric 3 torr
o2ins o2 inspired value (10x) ASCII decimal numeric 4 %
o2et o2 end-tidal value (10x) ASCII decimal numeric 4 %
agtins agent inspired value (100x) ASCII decimal numeric 5 %
ASCII decimal numeric 3 -
agtet agent end-tidal value (100x) ASCII decimal numeric 5 %
n2oins n2o inspired value (10x) ASCII decimal numeric 4 %
n2oet n2o end-tidal value (10x) ASCII decimal numeric 4 %
sys systolic value ASCII decimal numeric 3 + 1
dia diastolic value ASCII decimal numeric 3 + 1
map map value ASCII decimal numeric 3 + 1
status status bits ASCII hex numeric 4 -
heartRate Source
Respiration Source
beatType NONE literal ASCII string 16 -
NONE | ECG | SpO2 | NIBP | P1 | P2 | P3 | P4
NONE | ECG | CO2 | PAW | TV literal ASCII string 16 -
literal ASCII string 16 -
DIAP Communication Protocol Service Manual 0070-10-0307 1-3
rhythm NONE literal ASCII string 16 -
temp temperature (10x)
(100 X for Accutorr Plus)
sec seconds ASCII decimal numeric 2 -
min minutes ASCII decimal numeric 2 -
hour hours ASCII decimal numeric 2 -
day day of month ASCII decimal numeric 2 -
month month of year ASCII decimal numeric 2 -
year year ASCII decimal numeric 4 -
weekday Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat |
timeInSecs elapsed time (since midnight, 01-
Lo low alarm value or “OFF” ASCII decimal numeric or
ASCII decimal numeric 4 + 1
literal ASCII string 3 -
ASCII decimal numeric 10 -
literal ASCII string
3 + 1 sign or 1 space
Hi high alarm value or “OFF” ASCII decimal numeric or
pawpValue pulmonary artery wedge pressure ASCII decimal numeric 3 + 1
coValue cardiac output value (100x) ASCII decimal numeric 4 liters/min
ciValue cardiac index value (10x) ASCII decimal numeric 3 liters/min/m
agentName ISO | ENF | HAL | DES | SEV literal ASCII string 3 -
stValue ECG s-t value (10x) ASCII decimal numeric 2 + 1
timeInMins time in minutes ASCII decimal numeric 3 minutes
apneaAlarm alarm delay for Apnea or “OFF” ASCII decimal numeric or
histString1 Item#,Date,Time,Call
literal ASCII string
literal ASCII string
ASCII String 4+9+6+13 -
3 + 1 sign or 1 space
3 seconds
1-4 070-10-0307 DIAP Communication Protocol Service Manual
histString100 Item#,Date,time,Call
height Height in centimeters (10x) ASCII decimal numeric 4 cm
weight Weight in kilograms (100x) ASCII decimal numeric 5 kg
bsa Body Surface Area using Dubois
Algorithm BSA = height(cm)0.725 x weight(kg)0.425 x 0.007184 (1000x)
cpp Cerebral Perfusion Pressure
calculated as the difference between the Art Mean and the ICP Mean pressure
mode Monitor mode of “Standby”, “Demo”
or “Normal” is returned
vtValue insp/exp Tidal Volume ASCII decimal numeric 4 ml
mvValue insp/exp Minute Volume (10x) ASCII decimal numeric 3 ml
ASCII String 4+9+6+13 -
ASCII decimal numeric 5 Dubois
ASCII decimal numeric 3 + 1
ASCII string 8 -
ieRatio Ratio of insp time to exp time ASCII string 5 -
pValue Spirometry pressure ASCII decimal numeric 3 + 1
complValue Dynamic Airway compliance value ASCII decimal numeric 3 ml/ cmH2O
macValue Minimum Alveolar Concentration
vtLo low alarm value or "OFF" of Tidal
vtHi low alarm value or "OFF" of Tidal
mvLo low alarm value or "OFF" of Flow
Minute Volume (10x)
mvHi high alarm value or "OFF" of Flow
Minute Volume (10x)
spSensorSize Spirometry Sensor Size Adult | Ped |
ASCII decimal numeric 2 -
ASCII decimal numeric or literal ACSII string
ASCII decimal numeric or literal ACSII string
ASCII decimal numeric or literal ACSII string
ASCII decimal numeric or literal ACSII string
Literal ACSII string 5 -
sign or 1 space
4 ml
4 ml
3 + 1 sign or 1 space
3 + 1 sign or 1 space
rawValue Dynamic Airway Resistance ASCII decimal numeric 2 cmH2O/l/s
DIAP Communication Protocol Service Manual 0070-10-0307 1-5
bissef BIS Spectral Edge Frequency (10x) ASCII decimal numeric 3 Hz
sbis Standard Deviation of BIS (10x) ASCII decimal numeric 3 N/A
semg Standard Deviation of EMG (10x) ASCII decimal numeric 3 dB
svi Stroke Volume Index (10x) ASCII decimal numeric 4 ml/m2
edvi End Diastolic Volume Index (10x) ASCII decimal numeric 4 ml/m2
esvi End Systolic Volume Index (10x) ASCII decimal numeric 4 ml/m2
o2eii Oxygen Extraction Index (10x) ASCII decimal numeric 3 %
1.3 Commands and Replies
The following is a list of alternating Commands and Replies. They are encapsulated in the format above. There are no space characters within the Commands or Replies - they are indicated in the
table for clarity only.
Multiple Commands may be sent in one message; they must be separated by semi-colons (‘;’); the
Replies will be returned in a single message separated by semi-colons. Having replies returned as
a single message insures that the information in the replies are all synchronized with respect to one another (atomic transaction).
The value for deltaT will reflect what the values were for t1 and t2 at the time the message was received.
DIAPØØØ<deltaT> (meanwhile, t1 changed from 42 to 40)
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