Mindray BeneVision N17, BeneVision N15, BeneVision N12 Service Manual

BeneVision N17/BeneVision N15/ BeneVision N12
Patient Monitor
Service Manual
Copyright 2018 Shenzhen Mindray Bio-Medical Electronics Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
Release time: July 2018
BeneVision N17/BeneVision N15/BeneVision N12 Patient Monitor Service Manual I

Intellectual Property Statement

SHENZHEN MINDRAY BIO-MEDICAL ELECTRONICS CO., LTD. (hereinafter called Mindray) owns the intellectual property
rights to this product and this manual. This manual may refer to information protected by copyrights or patents and
does not convey any license under the patent rights of Mindray, nor the rights of others. Mindray does not assume any
liability arising out of any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties.
Mindray intends to maintain the contents of this manual as confidential information. Disclosure of the information in
this manual in any manner whatsoever without the written permission of Mindray is strictly forbidden. Release,
amendment, reproduction, distribution, rent, adaption and translation of this manual in any manner whatsoever
without the written permission of Mindray is strictly forbidden.
, is the trademark, registered or otherwise, of Mindray in China and other countries. All other trademarks
that appear in this manual are used only for editorial purposes without the intention of improperly using them. They are
the property of their respective owners.
This posting serves as notice under 35 U.S.C.§287(a) for Mindray patents: http://www.mindrayna.com/patents.
Federal Law (USA) restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a physician or other practitioner
licensed by U.S. state law to use or order the use of this device.
This manual describes all features and options. The equipment may not have all of them. Contact
Mindray Technical Support department for any questions.
II BeneVision N17/BeneVision N15/BeneVision N12 Patient Monitor Service Manual
Manufacturer’s Responsibility
Contents of this manual are subject to changes without prior notice.
Mindray is responsible for safety, reliability and performance of this product only on the condition that:
All installation operations, expansions, changes, modifications and repairs of this product are conducted by
Mindray authorized personnel;
The electrical installation of the relevant room complies with the applicable national and local requirements; This product is operated under strict observance of the operator’s manual.


Mindray warrants that components within its products will be free from defects in workmanship and materials for a
period of five (5) years from the date of purchase except that disposable or one-time use products are warranted to be
free from defects in workmanship and materials up to a date one year from the date of purchase or the date of first use,
whichever is sooner.
This warranty does not cover consumable items such as, but not limited to, batteries, external cables, and sensors.
Mindray shall not be liable for any incidental, special, or consequential loss, damage, or expense directly or indirectly
arising from the use of its products. Liability under this warranty and the buyer’s exclusive remedy under this warranty is
limited to servicing or replacing the affected products, at Mindray’s option, at the factory or at an authorized distributor,
for any product which shall under normal use and service appear to Mindray to have been defective in material or
workmanship. Recommended preventative maintenance, as prescribed in the service manual, is the responsibility of the
user and is not covered by this warranty.
No agent, employee, or representative of Mindray has any authority to bind Mindray to any affirmation, representation,
or warranty concerning its products, and any affirmation, representation or warranty made by any agent, employee, or
representative shall not be enforceable by buyer or user.
Damage to any product or parts through misuse, neglect, accident, or by affixing any non-standard accessory
attachments, or by any customer modification voids this warranty. Mindray makes no warranty whatsoever in regard to
trade accessories, such being subject to the warranty of their respective manufacturers.
A condition of this warranty is that the equipment or accessories which are claimed to be defective be returned when
authorized, freight prepaid to Mindray DS USA, Inc., 800 MacArthur Blvd, Mahwah, NJ 07430 or its authorized
representative. Mindray shall not have any responsibility in the event of loss or damage in transit.
BeneVision N17/BeneVision N15/BeneVision N12 Patient Monitor Service Manual III


Mindray's obligation or liability under this warranty does not include any transportation or other charges or liability for
direct, indirect or consequential damages or delay resulting from the improper use or application of the product or the
use of parts or accessories not approved by Mindray or repairs by people other than Mindray authorized personnel.
This warranty does not extend to:
Malfunction or damage caused by improper use or man-made failure. Malfunction or damage caused by unstable or out-of-range power input. Malfunction or damage caused by force majeure events, such as (i) flood, fire and earthquake or other similar
elements of nature or acts of God; (ii) riots, war, civil disorders, rebellions, or revolutions in any country; or (iii) any
other cause beyond the reasonable control of Mindray.
 Malfunction or damage caused by improper operation or repair by unqualified or unauthorized service people.  Malfunction of the instrument or part whose serial number is not legible.  Others not caused by instrument or part itself.
Return Policy
In the event that it becomes necessary to return a unit to Mindray, follow the instructions below.
1. Obtain a return authorization.
Contact the Mindray Service Department and obtain a Mindray Customer Service Authorization Number. The
Mindray Customer Service Authorization Number must appear on the outside of the shipping container. Return
shipments will not be accepted if the Mindray Customer Service Authorization Number is not clearly visible. Please
provide the model number, serial number, and a brief description of the reason for return.
2. Freight policy
The customer is responsible for freight charges when this product is shipped to Mindray for service (including any
relevant customs fees or other freight related charges).
3. Return address
Please send the part(s) or equipment to the address offered by Customer Service Department.
IV BeneVision N17/BeneVision N15/BeneVision N12 Patient Monitor Service Manual
Mindray maintains a network of service representatives and factory-trained distributors. Prior to requesting service,
perform a complete operational check of the instrument to verify proper control settings. If operational problems
continue to exist, contact Mindray service.
In North America contact the Service Department at (800) 288-2121, ext: 8116 for Technical Support or (201) 995-8000
for assistance in determining the nearest field service location.
Please include the instrument model number, the serial number, and a description of the problem with all requests for
Any questions regarding the warranty should be directed to your local sales or service representative.
Upon request, Mindray provides circuit diagrams, component part lists, descriptions, calibration
instructions, or other information which assist the user’s appropriately qualified technical
personnel to repair those parts of the equipment which are designated by Mindray DS USA, Inc. as
Contact Information
Shenzhen Mindray Bio-Medical Electronics Co., Ltd.
Mindray Building, Keji 12th Road South, High-tech Industrial Park, Nanshan, Shenzhen
518057 P.R. China
+86 755 81888998
+86 755 26582680
Mindray DS USA, Inc.
800 MacArthur Boulevard, Mahwah, New Jersey 07430 USA
1.800.288.2121, 1.201.995.8000
BeneVision N17/BeneVision N15/BeneVision N12 Patient Monitor Service Manual V


Manual Purpose

This manual provides detailed information about the assembly, disassembly, testing and troubleshooting of the
equipment to support effective troubleshooting and repair. It is not intended to be a comprehensive, in-depth
explanation of the product architecture or technical implementation. Use of the manual is necessary for proper
equipment maintenance and will help to eliminate equipment damage and personal injury.
This manual is based on the maximum configuration; therefore, some contents may not apply to your monitor. If you
have any question, please contact our Customer Service Department.

Intended Audience

This manual is for biomedical engineers, authorized technicians or service representatives responsible for
troubleshooting, repairing and maintaining the patient monitors.
Contact your local Mindray Service Organization for information on product courses which address service and support
for this product.


A password may be required to access different modes within the monitor. The passwords are listed below:
 User maintenance: MIN888 (User adjustable)  Configuration mode: MIN315 (User adjustable)
It is recommended that the user should change the passwords for user maintenance and configuration mode once they
take ownership of the equipment.
VI BeneVision N17/BeneVision N15/BeneVision N12 Patient Monitor Service Manual
1 Safety ................................................................................................................................................................................. 1-1
1.1 Safety Information .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 1-1
1.1.1 DANGER ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 1-1
1.1.2 Warnings .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 1-2
1.1.3 Cautions ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 1-2
1.1.4 Notes ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1-2
1.2 Equipment Symbols ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 1-2
2 Operation Theory .............................................................................................................................................................. 2-1
2.1 Overview ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 2-1
2.2 Product System Architecture ...................................................................................................................................................................... 2-1
2.2.1 Main Control Board .......................................................................................................................................................................... 2-2
2.2.2 Internal Module Rack COM Board ............................................................................................................................................... 2-3
2.2.3 Power Architecture ........................................................................................................................................................................... 2-3
2.2.4 Independent Display Board (for the N17 Only) ..................................................................................................................... 2-4
2.2.5 iView Module (for the N17 Only) ................................................................................................................................................. 2-4
2.2.6 Alarm LAMP Board ........................................................................................................................................................................... 2-4
2.2.7 Power Switch Board ......................................................................................................................................................................... 2-4
2.3 Data Logic Flow ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 2-4
3 Testing and Maintenance .................................................................................................................................................. 3-1
3.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3-1
3.1.1 Test Equipment .................................................................................................................................................................................. 3-1
3.1.2 Preventative Maintenance ............................................................................................................................................................. 3-1
3.1.3 Recommended Frequency ............................................................................................................................................................ 3-2
3.1.4 Visual Inspection ............................................................................................................................................................................... 3-3
3.1.5 NIBP Tests ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 3-4
3.1.6 Sidestream and Microstream CO2 Tests .................................................................................................................................... 3-6
3.1.7 AG Tests ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 3-8
3.2 Power On Test ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 3-11
3.3 Module Performance Tests ....................................................................................................................................................................... 3-11
3.3.1 ECG Tests ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 3-11
3.3.2 Resp Performance Test ................................................................................................................................................................. 3-12
3.3.3 SpO2 Test ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 3-12
3.3.4 NIBP Tests .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 3-13
3.3.5 Temp Test .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 3-13
3.3.6 IBP Tests ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 3-13
3.3.7 C.O. Test ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 3-15
3.3.8 Mainstream CO2 Tests ................................................................................................................................................................... 3-15
3.3.9 Sidestream and Microstream CO2 Tests ................................................................................................................................. 3-16
3.3.10 AG Tests ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 3-16
3.3.11 EEG Test ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 3-16
3.3.12 BIS Test ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 3-18
BeneVision N17/BeneVision N15/BeneVision N12 Patient Monitor Service Manual 1
3.3.13 CCO/SvO2 Tes t s .............................................................................................................................................................................. 3-19
3.3.14 NMT Tests ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 3-19
3.4 Nurse Call Relay Performance Test ......................................................................................................................................................... 3-21
3.5 Analog Output Performance Test ........................................................................................................................................................... 3-21
3.6 Electrical Safety Tests .................................................................................................................................................................................. 3-22
3.7 Recorder Check ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 3-23
3.8 Network Print Test ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 3-23
3.8.1 Device Connection and Setup ................................................................................................................................................... 3-23
3.9 Battery Check ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 3-24
3.10 Mounting Check ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 3-24
3.10.1 Safety check ................................................................................................................................................................................... 3-24
3.10.2 Overall Test and Check of Installed System ........................................................................................................................ 3-24
4 Troubleshooting ................................................................................................................................................................ 4-1
4.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4-1
4.2 Part Replacement ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 4-1
4.3 Check before Powering on the Monitor ................................................................................................................................................. 4-1
4.4 Software Version Check ................................................................................................................................................................................ 4-1
4.5 Technical Alarm Check .................................................................................................................................................................................. 4-2
4.6 Troubleshooting Guide ................................................................................................................................................................................ 4-2
4.6.1 Power On/Off Failures ..................................................................................................................................................................... 4-2
4.6.2 Display Failures .................................................................................................................................................................................. 4-3
4.6.3 Module Rack Failures ...................................................................................................................................................................... 4-4
4.6.4 Alarm Failures .................................................................................................................................................................................... 4-5
4.6.5 Output Interface Failures ............................................................................................................................................................... 4-6
4.6.6 Power Supply Failures ..................................................................................................................................................................... 4-7
4.6.7 Network Related Problems ........................................................................................................................................................... 4-7
4.6.8 Device Integration Failures ........................................................................................................................................................... 4-8
4.6.9 Recorder Failures .............................................................................................................................................................................. 4-9
5 Hardware Configuration Options .................................................................................................................................... 5-1
5.1 Overview ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5-1
5.2 Optional Parameter Function Modules .................................................................................................................................................. 5-2
5.3 Optional Functional Assemblies ............................................................................................................................................................... 5-3
5.3.1 Installing an SMR .............................................................................................................................................................................. 5-3
5.3.2 Setting up Wireless Network Functions ................................................................................................................................... 5-3
5.3.3 Upgrading Recorder ........................................................................................................................................................................ 5-4
5.3.4 Upgrading iView System ................................................................................................................................................................ 5-4
5.3.5 Upgrading Independent Display Function ............................................................................................................................. 5-4
6 Repair and Disassembly .................................................................................................................................................... 6-1
6.1 Tools..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6-1
6.2 Preparations for Disassembly ..................................................................................................................................................................... 6-1
6.3 Main Unit Disassembly ................................................................................................................................................................................. 6-2
6.3.1 Basic Disassembly............................................................................................................................................................................. 6-2
6.3.2 Disconnecting the Base ................................................................................................................................................................. 6-3
2 BeneVision N17/BeneVision N15/BeneVision N12 Patient Monitor Service Manual
6.3.3 Separating the Front and Rear Half of the Monitor .............................................................................................................. 6-4
6.4 Further Disassembly of the Front Case Assembly ............................................................................................................................... 6-7
6.4.1 Removing the Power Switch Board ............................................................................................................................................ 6-7
6.4.2 Removing the Alarm Lamp and Light Sensor Board............................................................................................................ 6-7
6.4.3 Removing the Screen Assembly Cables ................................................................................................................................... 6-8
6.5 Further Disassembly of the Rear Case Assembly ................................................................................................................................ 6-9
6.5.1 Removing the Recorder .................................................................................................................................................................. 6-9
6.5.2 Further Disassembly of the Recorder ........................................................................................................................................ 6-9
6.5.3 Removing the Bluetooth Board ................................................................................................................................................ 6-11
6.5.4 Removing the Wi-Fi Module ...................................................................................................................................................... 6-12
6.5.5 Removing the Internal Module Rack Assembly .................................................................................................................. 6-13
6.5.6 Removing the Main Support Assembly (N12& N15) ......................................................................................................... 6-16
6.5.7 Removing the iView Board Assembly (N17) ......................................................................................................................... 6-20
6.5.8 Removing the Independent Display Board Assembly (N17 Series)............................................................................. 6-22
6.5.9 Removing the Handle .................................................................................................................................................................. 6-23
6.6 Further Disassembly of the Base Assembly ........................................................................................................................................ 6-24
6.7 Disassembling the Module Rack ............................................................................................................................................................ 6-25
6.8 Disassembling the MPM Module ........................................................................................................................................................... 6-28
7 Parts ................................................................................................................................................................................... 7-1
7.1 N12 Parts ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 7-1
7.1.1 N12 Whole Unit .................................................................................................................................................................................. 7-1
7.1.2 N12-NLT Front Housing Assembly .............................................................................................................................................. 7-2
7.1.3 N12-Sharp Front Housing Assembly .......................................................................................................................................... 7-3
7.1.4 N12 Rear Housing ............................................................................................................................................................................. 7-4
7.1.5 N12 Rear Housing Assembly (FRU)(115-044499-00) ............................................................................................................ 7-6
7.1.6 N12 Battery Cavity Assembly (FRU)(115-044504-00) ........................................................................................................... 7-7
7.1.7 N12 Module Rack Body Assembly (FRU) (115-044507-00) ................................................................................................ 7-8
7.2 N 15 Parts ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7-9
7.2.1 N15 Whole Unit .................................................................................................................................................................................. 7-9
7.2.2 N15-NLT Front Housing Assembly ........................................................................................................................................... 7-10
7.2.3 N15-Sharp Front Housing ........................................................................................................................................................... 7-11
7.2.4 N15 Rear Housing .......................................................................................................................................................................... 7-12
7.2.5 N15 Rear Housing Assembly (FRU) (115-044541-00) ..................................................................................................... 7-14
7.2.6 N15 Base Assembly (FRU)(115-044543-00) .......................................................................................................................... 7-15
7.2.7 N15N17 Module Rack Body Assembly (FRU) (115-044546-00) ..................................................................................... 7-16
7.3 N17 Parts ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7-17
7.3.1 N17 Whole Unit ............................................................................................................................................................................... 7-17
7.3.2 N17-NLT Front Housing Assembly ........................................................................................................................................... 7-18
7.3.3 N17-Sharp Front Housing ........................................................................................................................................................... 7-19
7.3.4 N17 Rear Housing .......................................................................................................................................................................... 7-20
7.3.5 N17 Rear Housing Assembly (FRU)( 115-044548-00) ........................................................................................................ 7-22
7.3.6 N17 Base Assembly (FRU) (115-044550-00) ......................................................................................................................... 7-23
7.3.7 Independent Display Upgrade Package (115-044554-00) .............................................................................................. 7-24
7.3.8 Independent Display Assembly ................................................................................................................................................ 7-25
7.3.9 iView Module Assembly (115-050002-00) ............................................................................................................................ 7-26
BeneVision N17/BeneVision N15/BeneVision N12 Patient Monitor Service Manual 3
7.4 External Satellite Module Rack (SMR) ................................................................................................................................................... 7-27
7.4.1 Exploded View ................................................................................................................................................................................. 7-27
7.4.2 Parts List ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 7-27
7.5 M51C Module ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 7-28
7.5.1 Exploded View ................................................................................................................................................................................. 7-28
7.5.2 Parts List ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 7-28
A Electrical Safety Inspection .............................................................................................................................................. A-1
A.1 Power Cord Plug ............................................................................................................................................................................................. A-1
A.2 Device Enclosure and Accessories ........................................................................................................................................................... A-1
A.3 Device Labelling ............................................................................................................................................................................................. A-2
A.4 Scheduled Electrical Safety Inspection .................................................................................................................................................. A-2
A.5 Electrical Safety Inspection after Repair ................................................................................................................................................ A-2
A.6 Electrical Safety Inspection Tes t ................................................................................................................................................................ A-3
4 BeneVision N17/BeneVision N15/BeneVision N12 Patient Monitor Service Manual

1 Safety

1.1 Safety Information

Indicates an imminent hazard that, if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury.
Indicates a potential hazard or unsafe practice that, if not avoided, could result in death or
serious injury.
Indicates a potential hazard or unsafe practice that, if not avoided, could result in minor
personal injury or product/property damage.
Provides application tips or other useful information.

1.1.1 DANGER

There are no dangers that refer to the product in general. Specific “Danger” statements may be given in the
respective sections of this manual.
BeneVision N17/BeneVision N15/BeneVision N12 Patient Monitor Service Manual 1-1

1.1.2 Warnings

All installation operations, expansions, changes, modifications and repairs of this product
should be conducted by Mindray authorized personnel.
There is high voltage inside the equipment. Never disassemble the equipment before it is
disconnected from the AC power source.
When you disassemble/reassemble a parameter module, a patient leakage current test must
be performed before it is used again for monitoring.
The equipment must be connected to a properly installed power outlet with protective earth
contacts only. If the installation does not provide for a protective earth conductor, disconnect
it from the power line and operate it on battery power, if possible.
Dispose of the package material, observing the applicable waste control regulations and
keeping it out of children’s reach.

1.1.3 Cautions

Make sure that no electromagnetic radiation interferes with the performance of the
equipment when preparing to carry out performance tests. Mobile phone, X-ray equipment
or MRI devices are a possible source of interference as they may emit higher levels of
electromagnetic radiation.
Before connecting the equipment to the power line, verify the voltage and frequency ratings
of the power line are the same as those indicated on the equipment’s label or in this manual.
Protect the equipment from damage caused by drop, impact, strong vibration or other
mechanical force during servicing.

1.1.4 Notes

Refer to Operation Manual for detailed operation and other information.

1.2 Equipment Symbols

See the N series Operator’s Manual (P/N: 046-011259-00) for information about the symbols used on this
product and its packaging.
1-2 BeneVision N17/BeneVision N15/BeneVision N12 Patient Monitor Service Manual

2 Operation Theory

2.1 Overview

As a bedside workstation for multi-parameter monitoring, the N series can provide the complete patient
management, abundant physiological parameter monitoring and physiological alarm functions, as well
the powerful data review function and the flexible wired and wireless network configuration and
application capabilities. The third-party application can be accessed easily through the iView application,
meeting the increasingly common information requirements of hospitals. The provided series of CAA
applications can help doctors to make auxiliary diagnosis for patients. Meanwhile, the N series provide the
hospital management personnel with more excellent monitor management applications, rendering
assistance in fixing the efficiency and quality problems during monitor equipment management of
The N series provide the product models with display screens of different sizes according to the demand
of clinical application. In addition to touch screen operations, the user can use the mouse and keyboard to
operate the monitor. The N series can connect to multiple display screens to function as mirror screens or
extension screens.
The series of products are compatible with the BeneView T series plug-in modules and related accessory
products. They can work together with the TDS to implement the intra-hospital transfer application of
In comparison with the BeneView T series products, the N series boast better human-computer
interaction design and clinical applicability, more complete IT solution capability of hospitals, and more
abundant CDS applications.

2.2 Product System Architecture

All the N17/N15/N12 monitors have only one main unit:
The N12 main unit uses the 12.1” TFT WXGA display screen.
The N15 main unit uses the 15.6” TFT FHD display screen.
The N17 main unit uses the 18.5”TFT FHD display screen.All of them use the touch screen as an input device and can extend the mouse, keyboard and
remote control.
An internal module rack is integrated, with 4 slots (N12) or 6 slots (N15/N17).
The MPAN and WiFi modules are optional.The built-in recorder is optional.
The N15/N17 can connect to the external module rack and TDS; the N12 can connect to the
BeneVision N17/BeneVision N15/BeneVision N12 Patient Monitor Service Manual 2-1
Main control board
iView assembly
N17 Optional
Power switch
Alarm lamp
MPAN module
TP control
Battery interface
Back shell
WiFi module
Independent display board
N17 Optional
Internal module com board4slots/6slots
Nurse call
Battery interface
Main Processor
Data Memory
USB hub
Touch panel
Power M0
Internal Module
Rack communication
Power key board
USB 4*port
MPAN Module
ion cfg)
Nursecall interface
Alarm light
Back light
Main Control board
Figure 2-1 System block diagram of the N17/N15/N12/N12C

2.2.1 Main Control Board

There are the main control CPU, program memory, data memory, system configuration memory, system
FPGA, WiFi module (optional), power management MCU, battery charging circuit, and DC-DC circuit on
the main control board. The internal interface and external interfaces are also provided on the board. The
internal interface is an interface between the recorder, internal module rack COM board, AC-DC, and the
battery. The external interfaces refer to the DVI display interface, USB interface, and Ethernet interface.
2-2 BeneVision N17/BeneVision N15/BeneVision N12 Patient Monitor Service Manual
Figure 2-2 Diagram of the main control board
AC-DC in
9.611.1V, +15
Power switch
Alarm lamp
Led driver
Internal module rock COM
iView module
Independent display
MPAN module

2.2.2 Internal Module Rack COM Board

Two models of internal module rack COM boards are available. The N12 uses the 4-slot COM board, and
the N15/N17 uses the 6-slot COM board. The internal module rack COM board is used to provide the
interface for communication with the parameter module, the SMR interface and nurse call interface, and
the MPAN module interface. Besides, the data forwarding FPGA and corresponding power circuit are also
provided on the internal module rack COM board.

2.2.3 Power Architecture

Figure 2-3 Diagram of power architecture
The AC/DC power module outputs 15V to the main control board, and 3.3V, 5V and 12V can be generated
through the internal DC-DC conversion circuit in the main control board to provide a power supply to
other modules or boards in the main unit. The battery charging circuit is powered by 15V, and the AC
power supply and battery power supply can be switched according to AC on-line detection.
The +12V power supply is provided to the power supply, including the external module rack, and the
DC-DC isolation design is implemented at the module end.
The iVIew assembly uses the power rail Vbus, which is the switching output between the AC-DC output
and battery and aims to avoid abnormal power failure of the iView module and running exception of the
Windows OS running on other modules due to an unexpected power failure of the AC power supply. The
battery supports the main unit to stop the iView module in the normal power-off mode. In the case of
battery power supply, the iView module cannot start.
BeneVision N17/BeneVision N15/BeneVision N12 Patient Monitor Service Manual 2-3
Display and
user interface
Data storage

2.2.4 Independent Display Board (for the N17 Only)

It is used to connect the main unit to a display and extend the main screen display. It adopts the DVI
interface. Moreover, the external display with a touch screen can be supported through the USB interface
of the main unit. At present, the supported display with a touch screen is Elo 1919LM.

2.2.5 iView Module (for the N17 Only)

As an embedded computer module, it provides the following external interfaces: the network interface,
DVI interface, and the USB interface. It can connect to the keyboard, mouse, network cable, and display
independently. The configuration of the iView module is mutually exclusive with that of the independent
display module.

2.2.6 Alarm LAMP Board

The LED alarm lamp and light sensor are provided on the board. The light sensor implements the ambient
light detection and is used to adjust brightness of the LCD background light.

2.2.7 Power Switch Board

There are the power switch and three indicators on the power switch board, which are the AC on-line
indicator, battery indicator, and the power-on indicator.

2.3 Data Logic Flow

Figure 2-4 Data flow diagram
The monitoring parameters are collected and analyzed through the module, and then forwarded to the
system software through the internal or external module rack. The system software displays the waveform,
numerical value and alarm information, and the data, alarm information and numerical value are also
stored in the internal data memory at the same time. Meanwhile, they can also be sent to the central
station or other monitors through the wired or wireless network.
2-4 BeneVision N17/BeneVision N15/BeneVision N12 Patient Monitor Service Manual

3 Testing and Maintenance

3.1 Introduction

To ensure the patient monitor always functions properly, qualified service personnel should perform
regular inspection, maintenance and test. This chapter provides a checklist of the testing procedures for
the patient monitor with recommended test equipment and frequency. The service personnel should
perform the testing and maintenance procedures as required and use appropriate test equipment.
The testing procedures provided in this chapter are intended to verify that the patient monitor meets the
performance specifications. If the patient monitor or a module fails to perform as specified in any test,
repairs or replacement must be done to correct the problem. If the problem persists, contact our
Customer Service Department.
All tests should be performed by qualified service personnel only.
Care should be taken when changing the settings in Maintenance and Configuration menus to
avoid loss of data.
Service personnel should possess a working knowledge of the test tools and make sure that
test equipment and cables are applicable.

3.1.1 Test Equipment

Required Test Equipment is listed in the specific test procedure.

3.1.2 Preventative Maintenance

The following sections provide a list of recommended preventative maintenance procedures. It is
recommended to verify accuracy and calibrate the patient monitor as needed at least once every two
years (and once a year for CO
and contents.
and AG modules). See the following sections for detailed test procedures
BeneVision N17/BeneVision N15/BeneVision N12 Patient Monitor Service Manual 3-1

3.1.3 Recommended Frequency

Check/Maintenance Item Frequency
Preventative Maintenance Tests
Visual inspection When first installed or reinstalled.
NIBP tests
Sidestream and
Microstream CO
AG tests
Performance Tests
ECG tests
Resp performance test
SpO2 test
NIBP test
Temp test
IBP tests
C.O. test
Sidestream and
Microstream CO
AG tests
Pressure check
Leakage test
Leakage test
Performance test
Performance test
Performance test
Pressure check
Leakage test
Performance test
Pressure calibration
Leakage test
Performance test
Leakage test
Performance test
1. If the user suspects that the measurement is incorrect.
2. Following any repair or replacement of relevant module.
3. For NIBP module, at least once every two years; for CO
and AG modules, once a year.
4. AG leakage test should be performed before AG
1. If the user suspects that the measurement is incorrect.
2. Following any repair or replacement of relevant
3. At least once every two years. For CO
AG and NMT
modules, at least once a year.
4. AG leakage test should be performed before AG
EEG test
BIS test
CCO/SvO2 tests
Output calibration
Performance test
NMT tests
Sensor check
3-2 BeneVision N17/BeneVision N15/BeneVision N12 Patient Monitor Service Manual
Nurse call relay performance test
Analog output performance test
If the user suspects that the nurse call or analog output does
not function properly.
Electrical Safety Tests
Earth impedance
Electrical safety
Earth leakage test
Patient leakage current
1. Following any repair or replacement of the power module.
2. When the patient monitor is dropped.
3. At least every two years or as required.
Patient auxiliary current
Other Tests
1. When first installed or reinstalled.
Power on test
2. Following any maintenance or the replacement of any
main unit parts.
Recorder check Following any repair or replacement of the recorder.
1. When first installed.
Network print test
2. Whenever the printer is serviced or replaced.
1. When first installed.
Device integration check
2. Following any repair or replacement of the external device.
Function test
1. When first installed.
2. Whenever a battery is replaced.
Battery check
Performance test
Once every two months or when the battery run time is
reduced significantly.
1. When first installed.
Mounting check
2. At least every two years or as required.
Note: Performance test is not required for the rSO
perform self tests, and the ScvO
needs to be calibrated prior to use.
, and ScvO2 modules, because the rSO2, modules
2 Preventative Maintenance Procedures

3.1.4 Visual Inspection

Inspect the equipment for obvious signs of damage. The test is passed if the equipment has no obvious
signs of damage. Follow these guidelines when inspecting the equipment:
Carefully inspect the case, display screen, buttons, knobs, and handle for obvious signs of damage. Inspect the SMR and parameter modules for obvious signs of damage. Inspect the power cord, bracket and module accessories for obvious signs of damage. Inspect all external connections for loose connectors, bent pins or frayed cables. Inspect all connectors on the equipment for loose connectors or bent pins. Make sure that safety labels and data plates on the equipment are clearly legible.
BeneVision N17/BeneVision N15/BeneVision N12 Patient Monitor Service Manual 3-3

3.1.5 NIBP Tests Leakage Test
Tools required:
 NIBP cuff for adult patient  NIBP hose  Cylinder
Follow this procedure to perform the test:
1. Set Patient Category to Adult.
2. Connect the NIBP cuff to the NIBP connector on the patient monitor.
3. Wrap the cuff around the rigid cylinder as shown below.
NIBP connector
4. Select Main Menu Maintenance enter the required password Module NIBP NIBP
Leakage Test. The message NIBP Leakage Test is displayed in the NIBP parameter area.
5. The cuff automatically deflates after 20s, which means NIBP leakage test is completed.
6. If no message is displayed in the NIBP parameter area, it indicates that the system has no leak. If the
message NIBP Pneumatic Leak is displayed, it indicates that the system may have a leak. In this case,
verify the connections and make sure that the NIBP cuff, hose, and connectors are not leaking. Then,
perform the test again.
You can also perform a manual leakage test:
1. Perform steps 1-4 in the NIBP Accuracy Test section.
2. Raise the pressure in the rigid vessel to 250 mmHg with the squeeze bulb. Then, wait for 5 seconds
until the measured values become stable.
3. Record the current pressure value and meanwhile count time with a timer. Then, record the pressure
value after counting to 60 seconds.
4. Compare the two values and make sure the difference is not greater than 6 mmHg.
3-4 BeneVision N17/BeneVision N15/BeneVision N12 Patient Monitor Service Manual NIBP Accuracy Test
Squeeze bulb
Tools required:
T-shape connector TubingSqueeze bulbRigid vessel with 500 ± 25 ml internal volumeReference manometer (calibrated with accuracy equal to or greater than 1 mmHg)
Follow this procedure to perform the test:
1. Connect the equipment as shown below.
NIBP connector
2. Before inflation, the reading on the manometer should be zero. If not, open the valve of the squeeze
bulb to let the whole airway open to the atmosphere. Close the valve after the reading turns to zero.
3. Select Main Menu Maintenance enter the required password Module NIBP NIBP
Accuracy Test.
Rigid vessel
4. Check the reading of the manometer and the reading of the patient monitor. Both should be 0
5. Raise the pressure in the rigid vessel to 50 mmHg with the squeeze bulb. Then, wait for 10 seconds
until the measured values become stable.
6. Compare the reading of the manometer with the reading of the patient monitor. The difference
should be 3 mmHg or less. If it is greater than 3 mmHg, contact your service personnel.
7. Raise the pressure in the rigid vessel to 200 mmHg with the squeeze bulb. Then, wait for 10 seconds
until the measured values become stable. Repeat step 6.
You can use an NIBP simulator to replace the squeeze bulb and the reference manometer to
perform the test.
You can use an appropriate cylinder and a cuff instead of the rigid vessel.
BeneVision N17/BeneVision N15/BeneVision N12 Patient Monitor Service Manual 3-5
3.1.6 Sidestream and Microstream CO
Leakage Test
1. Plug the module into the module rack.
2. Wait until CO2 warmup is finished and then completely block the gas inlet of the module or water
trap (by using your finger or a pinched sample line). The sidestream and microstream CO
will behave as follows:
Sidestream: Plug the sidestream CO
module into the module rack of the main unit. Wait one
minute until the module warmup is finished and then completely block the gas inlet of the
module (you may use a pneumatic plug or your finger to manually occlude the port). An alarm
message CO2 Airway Occluded will appear on the screen. Block the gas inlet for another 60
seconds. Select Main Menu Maintenance enter the required password → Module →
CO2 Calibration. If the flow rate is less than 10 ml/min and the alarm message continues, it
indicates that the module does not leak. If the alarm message CO2 Airway Occluded disappears,
or the flow rate is greater than or equal to 10 ml/min, it indicates that the module leaks.
Microstream: After 3 seconds, the alarm message "CO
Block the gas inlet for another 30 seconds. If the alarm message "
Purging" is displayed on the screen.
CO2 Airway Occluded" is
displayed, it indicates that the module does not leak.
Accuracy Test
2 modules
Tools required:
For microstream CO
module and CO2 sidestream module without O2 module, a gas cylinder with
5±0.03% CO2, 21.0% O2 and balance gas N2 (P/N 0075-00-0033-01) o r a st e e l ga s cylin d e r wit h : 
CO2 concentration 3% - 7%  a/c 0 .01 (w h er e a = a b so lu t e ga s co n ce n tr a t io n a c c u rac y, c = g a s co n ce n tra tio n )  balance gas N2
For sidestream CO
module with O2 module equipped, a steel gas cylinder (0075-00-0048-01) with 6%
CO2, 4% Desflurane, 45% N2O, and 45% O2,
T-shape connector TubingFlowmeter
1. Plug the module into the module rack.
2. Wait until the CO
module warmup is finished. Check the airway for leak and perform a leakage test
as well to make sure that the airway has no leak.
3. Select Main Menu Maintenance enter the required password Module CO2
4. Connect the test system as follows:
3-6 BeneVision N17/BeneVision N15/BeneVision N12 Patient Monitor Service Manual
Relief valve
T-shape connector
Gas cylinder
5. Open the relief valve, and adjust it until the flowmeter has a stable reading between
10 ml/min and 50 ml/min.
6. Verify that the real-time CO
value is within 6±0.2% in the Calibrate CO2 menu (for microstream CO2,
the value is 45±2 mmHg).
7. Replace the cylinder to the steel gas cylinder with >40% O
sidestream CO
within ±2% (when O
module with O2 module equipped) and verify that the real-time O2 value error is
≤80%) or ±3% (80%≤O2≤100%).
Tools required:
For microstream CO
module and CO2 sidestream module without O2 module, a gas cylinder with
5±0.03% CO2, 21.0% O2 and balance gas N2 (P/N 0075-00-0033-01) o r a st e e l ga s cylin d e r wit h : 
CO2 concentration 3% - 7%  a/c 0 .01 (w h er e a = a b so lu t e ga s co n ce n tr a t io n a c c u rac y, c = g a s co n ce n tra tio n )  balance gas N2
For sidestream CO
module with O2 module equipped, a steel gas cylinder (0075-00-0048-01) with 6%
CO2, 4% Desflurane, 45% N2O, and 45% O2,
T-shape connector
and balance gas N2(applicable to
 Tubing  Flowmeter
1. Make sure that the sidestream or microstream CO
module has been warmed up or started up.
2. Check the airway for leaks and perform a leakage test as well to make sure that the airway has no
3. Select Main Menu Maintenance enter the required password Module CO2.
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4. In the CO2 menu, select Zero.
5. After the zero calibration is finished successfully, connect the equipment as follows:
Relief valve
T-shape connector
Gas cylinder
6. Open the relief valve, and adjust it until the flowmeter has a stable reading between
10 ml/min and 50 ml/min.
7. In the Calibrate CO2 menu, enter 6% (the CO2 concentration) in the CO2 field. The measured CO2
concentration is displayed.
8. After the measured CO
concentration becomes stable, select Calibrate CO2 to calibrate the CO
9. Replace the cylinder to the steel gas cylinder with >40% O2 and balance gas N2(applicable to
sidestream CO2 module with O2 module equipped) and calibrate O2.
If the calibration is finished successfully, the message Calibration Completed! is displayed in the Calibrate
CO2 menu. If the calibration failed, the message Calibration Failed! is displayed. In this case, check
whether the operations are correct and perform another calibration. If the calibration fails several times,
return the module to Mindray for repair.

3.1.7 AG Tests

Leakage Test
1. Plug the AG module into the module rack.
2. Wait until the AG module warmup is finished and then completely block the gas inlet of the AG
module (you may use a pneumatic plug or your finger to manually occlude the port). An alarm
message AG Airway Occluded will appear on the screen.
3. Block the gas inlet for another 60 seconds. Select Main Menu Maintenance enter the
required password → Module → AG → Calibration. Check that the flow rate is less than 10
ml/min. If the alarm message continues, it indicates that the module does not leak.
If the alarm message disappears, or the flow rate is greater than or equal to 10 ml/min, it indicates that the
module leaks.
3-8 BeneVision N17/BeneVision N15/BeneVision N12 Patient Monitor Service Manual
Accuracy Test
Tools required:
Gas cylinder with a certain standard gas (such as 6±0.05% CO2, Bal N
) or standard gas mixture. Gas
concentration should meet the following requirements: AA > 1.5%, CO2 > 1.5%, N2O > 40%, O2 > 40%,
of which AA represents an anesthetic agent. Precision requirement: a/c ≤ 0.01 (a is the gas absolute
concentration accuracy; c is the gas concentration)
T-shape connector TubingFlowmeter
1. Plug the AG module into the module rack.
2. Wait at least 10 min and then perform a leakage test to make sure that the airway has no leakage.
3. Connect the test system as follows:
Relief valve
T-shape connector
Gas cylinder
4. Open the relief valve, and adjust it until the flowmeter has a stable reading between 10 ml/min and
50 ml/min.
5. Verify that the concentration of each composition meets the specification stated in the Operator's
Tools required:
A supply of medical grade 100% O2 and an anesthetic calibration gas (4% Desflurane, 6% CO2, 45%
N2O, Bal O2, P/N: 0075-00-0048-01 and flow regulator P/N: 0119-00-0235). Gas concentration should
meet the following requirements:
AA ≥ 1.5%, CO2 1.5%, N2O 40%, O2 40%, of which AA represents an anesthetic
BeneVision N17/BeneVision N15/BeneVision N12 Patient Monitor Service Manual 3-9
a/c 0.01 (a is the gas absolute concentration accuracy; c is the gas concentration)
T-shape connector Tubing
Follow this procedure to perform a calibration:
1. Select Main Menu Maintenance enter the required password Module AG.
2. Check the airway and make sure that there are no occlusions or leaks.
Vent the sampling tubing to the air and check if the Current Flow Rate and Set Flow Rate are
approximately the same. If the deviation is great, it indicates that there is an occlusion in the
tubing. Check the tubing for an occlusion.
Perform a leakage test to make sure that the airway has no leakage.
3. Connect the test system as follows:
4. Open the relief valve and vent a certain standard gas or gas mixture. Adjust the relief valve until the
flowmeter has a stable reading between 10 ml/min and 50 ml/min.
Relief valve
T shape connector
Gas cylinder
5. In the Calibrate AG menu, the concentration and flowrate of each measured gas are displayed.
If the difference between the measured gas concentration and the actual one is within tolerance,
a calibration is not needed.
If the difference is not within tolerance, a calibration should be performed. Select Calibrate.
6. Enter the vented gas concentration. If you use only one gas for calibration, set other gases'
concentration to 0. If the calibration is performed for all gases, the gas with an entered
calibration value of 0 is not calibrated.
7. Select Calibrate to start a calibration.
8. If the calibration is finished successfully, the message Calibration Completed! is displayed. If the
calibration failed, the message Calibration Failed! is displayed. In this case, perform another
calibration. If the calibration fails several times, return the module to Mindray for repair.
3-10 BeneVision N17/BeneVision N15/BeneVision N12 Patient Monitor Service Manual
Calibrate the O
module, if it has been transported for long distance.

3.2 Power On Test

This test is to verify that the patient monitor can power up correctly. The test is passed if the patient
monitor starts up by following this procedure:
1. Connect the patient monitor to the AC mains. The AC mains LED and battery LED light up.
2. Press the power on/off switch to switch on the patient monitor. The system sounds a beep indicating
the self test on alarm sounds is passed. The alarm lamps light red, yellow and cyan respectively, and
then go off, indicating the self test on alarm sound is passed.
3. The patient monitor enters the main screen and start-up is finished.

3.3 Module Performance Tests

3.3.1 ECG Tests

ECG Performance Test
Tools required:
Medsim300B patient simulator or other equivalent simulator
1. Connect the patient simulator with the ECG module using an ECG cable.
2. Set the patient simulator as follows: ECG sinus rhythm, HR = 60 bpm with the amplitude as 1 mV.
3. Verify that the ECG waves are displayed correctly without noise and the displayed HR value is within
60±1 bpm.
4. Disconnect each of the leads in turn and observe the corresponding lead off message displayed on
the screen.
5. Set the output of the simulator to deliver a paced signal and set Paced to Yes on the monitor. Check
the pace pulse marks on the monitor screen.
ECG Verification
Tools required: vernier caliper
1. Select the ECG parameter window or waveform area FilterDiagnostic.
2. Select
3. Select Calibration. A square wave appears on the screen and the message "ECG Calibrating" is
Main Menu Maintenance → enter the required password Module..
4. Compare the amplitude of the square wave with that of the scale. The difference should be with 5%.
5. After completing the calibration, select Stop Calibration.
BeneVision N17/BeneVision N15/BeneVision N12 Patient Monitor Service Manual 3-11
If necessary, you can print out the square wave and wave scale through the recorder and then measure
the difference.

3.3.2 Resp Performance Test

Tools required:
Medsim300B patient simulator or other equivalent simulator
1. Connect the patient simulator to the module using a non ESU-proof cable and set lead II as the
respiration lead.
2. Configure the simulator as follows: lead II as the respiration lead, base impedance line as 500 Ω; delta
impedance as 1 Ω, respiration rate as 20 rpm.
3. Verify that the Resp wave is displayed without any distortion and the displayed Resp value is within
20±1 rpm.
3.3.3 SpO
Tools required:
1. Connect SpO2 sensor to the SpO2 connector of the monitor. Set Patient Category to Adult and PR
Source to SpO2 on the monitor.
2. Apply the SpO
sensor to the ring finger of a healthy person.
3. Check the Pleth wave and PR reading on the screen and make sure that the displayed SpO2 is within
95% and100%.
4. Remove the SpO
sensor from your finger and make sure that an alarm of SpO2 Sensor Off is
Measurement accuracy verification:
The SpO
accuracy of the MPM module has been verified in human experiments by comparing with
arterial blood sample reference measured with a CO-oximeter. Pulse oximeter measurements are
statistically distributed and about two-thirds of the measurements are expected to come within the
specified accuracy range compared to CO-oximeter measurements.
A simulator cannot be used to assess the accuracy of a pulse oximeter monitor or a SpO
sensor. Instead, it can only verify that whether the monitor is functional. The accuracy of a
pulse oximeter monitor or a SpO2 sensor needs to be verified by clinical data.
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