Mindray BC-2800 Service Manual

Service Manual
BIO-MEDICAL ELECTRONICS CO., LTD. (hereinafter called Mindray) owns all rights to this unpublished work and intends to maintain this work as confidential. Mindray may also seek to maintain this work as an unpublished copyright. This publication is to be used solely for the purposes of reference, operation, maintenance, or repair of Mindray equipment. No part of this can be disseminated for other purposes.
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Content of this manual is subject to changes without prior notice.
Responsibility on the manufacturer party
Mindray is responsible for safety, reliability and performance of this equipment only in the condition that:
all installation, expansion, change, modification and repair of this equipment are conducted by
Mindray qualified personnel;
BC-2800 Auto Hematology Analyzer I
applied electrical appliance is in compliance with relevant National Standards;
the instrument is operated under strict observance of this manual.
This equipment is not intended for family usage. This equipment must be operated by skilled/trained clinical personnel.
It is important for the hospital or organization that employs this equipment to carry out a reasonable maintenance schedule. Neglect of this may result in machine breakdown or injury of human health.
II BC-2800 Auto Hematology Analyzer
Workmanship & Materials
Mindray guarantees new equipment other than accessories to be free from defects in workmanship and materials for a period of one year from date of shipment under normal use and service. Mindray's obligation under this warranty is limited to repairing, at Mindray’s option, any part which upon Mindray's examination proves defective.
Mindray's obligation or liability under this warranty does not include any transportation or other charges or liability for direct, indirect or consequential damages or delay resulting from the improper use or application of the product or the substitution upon it of parts or accessories not approved by Mindray or repaired by anyone other than a Mindray authorized representative.
This warranty shall not extend to any instrument wh ich has been subjected to misuse, negligence or accident; any instrument from which Mindray's original serial number tag or product identification markings have been altered or removed, or any product of any other manufacturer.
Safety, Reliability and Performance
Mindray is not responsible for the effects on safety, reliability and performance of the BC-2800 Hematology Analyzer if:
assembly operations, extensions, re-adjusts, modifications or repairs are carried out by
persons other than those authorized by Mindray.
Personnel unauthorized by Mindray repairs or modifies the instrument.
BC-2800 Auto Hematology Analyzer III
Return Policy
Return Procedure
In the event that it becomes necessary to return a unit to Mindray, the following procedure should be followed:
1. Obtain return authorization. Contact the Mindray Service Department and obtain a Customer
Service Authorization (Mindray) number. The Mindray number must appear on the outside of the shipping container. Return shipments will not be accepted if the Mindray number is not clearly visible. Please provide the model number, serial number, and a brief description of the reason for return.
2. Freight policy. The customer is responsible for freight charges when equipment is shipped to
Mindray for service (this includes customs charges).
Company Contact
Address: Mindray Building, Keji 12th Road South, Hi-tech
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Phone: +86 755 26582888 Fax: +86 755 26582680
Authorized Representative
Name: Shanghai International Holding Corp. GmbH (Europe)
Address: Eiffestraβe 80 D-20537 Hamburg Germany
Phone: +49 40 2513175 Fax: +49 40 255726
IV BC-2800 Auto Hematology Analyzer
Chapter1 Hardware ..................................................................................................... 1-1
1.1 General............................................................................................................................... 1-1
1.2 Power Supply..................................................................................................................... 1-3
1.3 RTC.................................................................................................................................... 1-4
1.4 CPU and Peripheral Devices..............................................................................................1-5
1.5 Analog Inputs and Outputs.................................................................................................1-8
1.6 Digital Inputs and Outputs................................................................................................. 1-9
1.7 Driving Board ...................................................................................................................1-11
1.8 Display Unit..................................................................................................................... 1-14
1.9 Functions of the Keypad Adapter..................................................................................... 1-16
Chapter2 Fluidic System ............................................................................................. 2-1
2.1 Fluidic system.................................................................................................................... 2-1
2.2 Construction of Fluidic System.......................................................................................... 2-2
2.3 Composition of Fluidic System.......................................................................................... 2-3
2.4 Functional modules............................................................................................................ 2-4
2.5 Counting Procedure.......................................................................................................... 2-12
Chapter3 Disassembling the Analyzer......................................................................... 3-1
3.1 Main Unit Structure............................................................................................................ 3-1
3.2 Disassembling the Main Unit............................................................................................. 3-3
Chapter4 Histograms and Pulse Graphs ..................................................................... 4-1
4.1 Histograms..........................................................................................................................4-1
4.2 Pulse Graphs....................................................................................................................... 4-3
Chapter5 Adjustment................................................................................................... 5-1
5.1 Gain Adjustment .................................................................................................................. 5-1
Chapter 6 Maintenance ...............................................................................................6-1
6.1 Regular Maintenance ........................................................................................................... 6-2
6.2 System Maintenance ............................................................................................................6-4
6.3 System Status ..................................................................................................................... 6-17
6.4 System Self-Test ................................................................................................................ 6-18
6.5 Log..................................................................................................................................... 6-23
6.6 System Configuration ........................................................................................................ 6-25
6.7 Printing Management......................................................................................................... 6-26
6.8 Adjusting Sample Probe and Replacing Probe Wipe......................................................... 6-28
Chapter7 Troubleshooting ......................................................................................... 7-1
7.1 Error Codes .......................................................................................................................... 7-2
7.2 Solutions ..............................................................................................................................7-3
Chapter8 List of Spare Part............................................................................................ 8-1
Appendix BC-2800 Error Message ..............................................................................A-1
BC-2800 Auto Hematology Analyzer I
Chapter1 Hardware
Figure 1-1 Schematic of the CPU board
The CPU, FPGA and Super I/O are the major components on the board. The
CPU carries out the instructions and functions as the core of the board. The
FPGA functions as the relay between the CPU and the Super IO. The Super I/O
includes various interfaces that can be accessed by the CPU through the FPGA.
System memories are SDRAMs. The DOM is a Disk-On-Module that stores the
system software and test data. The RTC is a real time clock. System
configurations are stored in the EEPROM. The VRAM is the memory for video
1.1.2 Basic Functions of the CPU Board
To receive such analog signals as the WBC/RBC/PLT counts, HGB
measurement, aperture voltage vacuum/pressure signals, etc.
To monitor such system status as the +48V, +12V and -12V supplies of the
analog board, the +3.3V and +12V supplies of the CPU board itself and the
temperature of the whole analyzer.
To receive the keypad signal and control the keypad buzzer and LCD backlight.
BC-2800 Auto Hematology Analyzer (V1.0) 1- 1
To generate control signals to control the valves, aperture zapping, HGB LED,
current source and digital pot.
To drive and turn on the LCD and adjust the contrast.
To drive the keyboard, printer and floppy drive.
1-2 BC-2800 Auto Hematology Analyzer (V1.0)
1.2 Power Supply
The CPU board is powered by two independent external power supplies, a +5V
supply and a 12V supply. Two 5A fuses are respectively installed on the two
power entries. The +5V supply is converted a +3.3V supply to power the digital
components and the +3.3V supply is also further converted into a +1.5V supply
to power the FPGA. The +12.8V supply serves the CPU board only.
Figure 1-2 Power distribution of the CPU board
BC-2800 Auto Hematology Analyzer (V1.0) 1- 3
1.3 RTC
Figure 1-3 Arrangement of the CPU Clock
The X1, X4 and X2 are external crystal oscillators whose frequencies are
45MHz, 45MHz and 24MHz respectively. The clock output of the CPU, BCLKO,
is main clock signal of the CPU board.
1-4 BC-2800 Auto Hematology Analyzer (V1.0)
1.4 CPU and Peripheral Devices
Figure 1-4 CPU and peripheral devices
1.4.1 CPU
The CPU is MOTOROLA MCF5307 (external frequency 45MHz; operation
frequency 90MHz; processing speed as high as 75MIPS).
The MCF5307 features a 32-bit data bus and a 32-bit address bus. The board
uses a 24-bit addressing mode, reserving the most-significant 8 bits as the
general purpose I/Os for the FPGA.
The MCF5307 can be tuned through the BDM port (J18 of the CPU board).
The CPU board utilizes the built-in I
C and UART controllers of the MCF5307 to
use the EEPROM and RTC as expanded serials ports.
The CPU boards utilizes the built-in DRMA controller of the MCF5307 to use the
2×8M SDRAM as the expanded memory.
1.4.2 WDT
The Watch-Dog-Timer (WDT) is TI TPS3828. It monitors the running of the
software. The CPU must send a feedback to the WDT every 1.6s, otherwise the
WDT will force the CPU to restart.
BC-2800 Auto Hematology Analyzer (V1.0) 1- 5
Figure 1-5 WDT
1.4.3 FLASH
The FLASH is TE28F160(2M bytes) . The boot program is stored in the FLASH,
so the FLASH is also called the BootROM. Every time the system is powered on,
the CPU first executes the boot program that initializes the system and loads the
control software from the DOM. The FLASH also contains such information as
the FPGA configuration, FPGA version and LCD contrast.
1.4.4 SDRAM
The system memory consists of two 8M-byte memories.
1.4.5 DOM
The CPU board uses a 32M DOM that is powered by a 3.3V supply (the DOM
can also be supplied by 5V supply). The DOM is only operational after the FPGA
is configured.
1.4.6 RTC
The CPU board uses a real time clock (RTC) to record the time. The RTC is
connected to the I
C bus of the CPU board and synchronized by a 32.768KHz
crystal oscillator. When the analyzer is powered on, the RTC is powered by the
CPU board; when the analyzer is powered off, it is powered by the built-in
1.4.7 EEPROM
The CPU board uses an 8K byte EEPROM to store such information as system
configurations and settings. It is connected to the I2C bus of the CPU and can
be written by CPU on-line.
1.4.8 LEDs
When D1 is on, it means +3.3V is functioning properly. When D9 is on, it means
+12.8V is functioning properly. When D5 is on, it means the system is reading
1-6 BC-2800 Auto Hematology Analyzer (V1.0)
or writing the DOM. When D7 is on, it means the FPGA has been configured
and is functioning properly. When D20 is on, it means the FPGA is restarting; The D11~D18 indicate the system status as defined by the software.
BC-2800 Auto Hematology Analyzer (V1.0) 1- 7
1.5 Analog Inputs and Outputs
1.5.1 Signals of Blood Cell Counts
The CPU board has three A/D converters, U10 (AD7928), U11(AD7908) and
U14 (AD7908). Both the AD7928 and AD7908 feature 8-channel and 1MSPS,
only the former is 12-bit converter and the latter 8-bit. The U10 is actually
installed and powered by a 2.5V supply, while the U11 and U14 are reserved.
The sampling speed is set to 500KSPS.
1.5.2 Signals of System Monitoring
The Super I/O monitors such system status as the +48V, +12V and -12V
supplies of the analog board, the +3.3V and +12V supplies of the CPU board
itself and the temperature of the whole analyzer.
1.5.3 Signals of LCD Contrast
The Super I/O generates PWM signals that are then integrated to output a
0~2.5V analog signal to control the LCD contrast. The user can adjust the
contrast through the software interface.
1-8 BC-2800 Auto Hematology Analyzer (V1.0)
1.6 Digital Inputs and Outputs
1.6.1 Serial Port
The analyzer has 6 serial ports, which are illustrated in Figure 1-6.
Figure 1-6 Serial ports
The CPU incorporates 2 UART controllers (3.3LVTTL), one to control the motor
of the driving board and the other communicates with the recorder (powered by
5VTTL). The FPGA implements 2 UART (3.3VTTL), one to connect the keypad
and the other reserved to control the pump. Another 2 UARTs (RS232) are
implemented inside the Super I/O to connect the scanner and to communicate
with the PC.
1.6.2 Parallel Port and PS/2 Port
The Super I/O provides a DB25 parallel connector to connect to connect a
printer or a floppy drive (the power supply of the floppy drive is supplied by the
PS/2). The software will automatically adapt to the connected printer or the
floppy drive.
The Super I/O provides a keyboard interface and a mouse interface (COM3 and
COM4). Note that the BC-2800 does not support the mouse yet.
1.6.3 GPIOs
1 Signals of the Start key
The FPGA detects the input signal, which will turn low when the Start key is
2 Volumetric metering Signals
The FPGA detects the signals sent by the start transducer and the end
BC-2800 Auto Hematology Analyzer (V1.0) 1- 9
3 Signals of level detection
The BC-2800 has not level sensors
4 Digital pot
The SPI bus interface implemented by the FPGA controls the 4 digital
potential-meters on the analog board to control the HGB gain.
5 Signals controlling valves and pumps
The Super I/O outputs 20 control signals to control the valves and pumps
through the driving board. Since the BC-2800 only has 1 pump and 11 valves,
the redundant lines and ports are reserved.
6 Signals controlling bath
The Super I/O outputs 4 control signals (through the analog board) to control the
three switches that respectively control the aperture zapping, current source and
7. Others
The Super I/O outputs 2 control signals to control the photo-couplers of the
volumetric metering board and the buzzer of the keypad.
1-10 BC-2800 Auto Hematology Analyzer (V1.0)
1.7 Driving Board
The driving board controls and drives the pumps, valves, and motors.
1.7.1 Basic Functions
The driving board drives the valves, pumps and motors. It carries out the
following instructions sent by the CPU: to open/close the pumps or solenoid
valves; to control the motors of the syringes; to control the movement of the
sample probe; to remain the torques of the motors when the analyzer has entered the screen saver.
1.7.2 Basic Blocks
The driving board mainly consists of a power block, switching block and motor
control block. See the figure below for the positions of each block of the PCBA. Power block
The power block includes a 5V, 12V and 30V DC supply. The 12V and 30V
supply comes from the power interfaces, where two LEDs are installed to
respectively indicate the whether the 12V or 30V supply is connected. When
the LED is on, it indicates the corresponding power has been connected to the
driving board. The MC7805T converts the received 12V supply into the 5V
supply, as the following figure shows.
Figure 1-7 How the 5V power is obtained Switching block
The switching block mainly consists the photocoupling circuit and driving circuit of the pumps and valves, as the figure below shows.
Figure 1-8 Switching control circuit
1. Photocoupling circuit
The photocoupling circuit mainly consists of the photocoupler and resistors. It
provides 16 TTL outputs to the valves and pumps. The photocoupler, TLP521-2,
BC-2800 Auto Hematology Analyzer (V1.0) 1- 11
isolates the digital ground from the driving ground.
2. Driving circuit of valves and pumps
The driving voltage of the valves and pumps are 12V (TTL). The circuit mainly
consists of ULN2068. In the BC-2800, the circuit can maximum drives 14 valves
and 2 pumps. The fluidic system decides which pumps or valves are to be
actually used. Motor control block
The motor control block includes: serial communication circuit, control/drive
circuit of the sample probe mechanism, control/drive circuit of the syringe motor,
and drive/signal-detecting circuit of the position sensors.
1. Serial communication circuit
Since the CPU board requires a 3.3V power supply while the driving board
requires a 5V power supply, a photocoupler (H11L1) is needed for the purposes
of conversion and isolation.
2. Control/Drive circuit of sample probe mechanism
The control/Drive circuit of sample probe mechanism includes the control/drive
circuit of the elevator motor and that of the rotation motor. The control system of
the sample probe motor consists of a AT89S51 MCU and ADM705 WDT. The
AT89S51 also detects the signals coming from the position sensor when
controlling the motors.
A. Control/drive circuit of the elevator motor
The circuit includes the control part (a MCU system) and the drive part, as
shown in the figure below.
The MCU system provides the sequence signals for the elevator and rotation
motors and controls the position sensors, as the figure below shows. The MCU
reset signal (RST_XY) is active-high.
The drive part mainly consists of a control device (L6506), drive device (L298N)
and follow-current device (UC3610). The drive voltage is 30V. The sequence
signal and the enable signal of the drive device come from the MCU.
B. Control/drive circuit of the rotation motor
The circuit mainly consists of a control part (MCU system) and a drive part.
Refer to the previous introduction for the MCU system. The drive part is the
ULN2068B and the drive voltage is 12V. The sequence signal comes from the
MCU, as shown in the figure below.
3. Control/drive circuit of the syringe motor
The circuit mainly consists of a control part (MCU system) and a drive part.
The MCU is the P87LPC762 with built-in WDT. The MCU system executes the
aspirating and dispensing operation of the syringe and detects the signals sent
by the position transducers.
The drive part is similar to that of the elevator motor. See the block diagram
above for details.
1-12 BC-2800 Auto Hematology Analyzer (V1.0)
4. Drive/signal-detection circuit of the position transducers
The control system judges the motor positions by the signals sent by the
position transducers (photocouplers). The photocouplers are driven by the MCU
through a 74LS07. The photocoupler sends the position signals to the MCU
through a 74LS14 (inverter). See the figure below for the block diagram of the
position-detecting circuit. The photocouplers are installed on the sample probe
assembly and the syringe assembly and feed the control and feedback signals
to the driving board through cables. Testable Signals
To test the signals, connect the grounding terminals of the oscillator and the
multi-meter to the DGND or the PGND.
The testable signals are: control signals of valves and pumps, sequence signals
of the motors, valves, position signals sent by the position transducers, serial
communication signals, reset signals and voltage signals of the power supplies.
BC-2800 Auto Hematology Analyzer (V1.0) 1- 13
1.8 Display Unit
1.8.1 Function of the Adapter
The LCD adapter connects the LCD to the CPU board.
Figure 1-9 Connection Schematic
1.8.2 Introduction of the adapter
The adapter incorporates two FPC/FFC connectors, J2 and J3. The J3 is for the
BC-2800 display while the J2 is reserved for other Mindray analyzer. Only the J2
is installed for the BC-2800. The J1 serves to connect the LCD signal cable.
1-14 BC-2800 Auto Hematology Analyzer (V1.0)
Figure 1-10 Schematic of the adapter
BC-2800 Auto Hematology Analyzer (V1.0) 1- 15
1.9 Functions of the Keypad Adapter
1. To scan the keypad
The keypad adapter scans the keypad and reports the scanned key code to the
main board.
2. To control the LCD brightness
The keypad adapter receives the instructions from the main board to turn on/off
the backlights and power indicator of the LCD and to control the brightness of
the backlights.
3. To control the buzzer
The keypad adapter receives the instructions from the main board to turn on/off
the buzzer.
1.9 .1 Architecture of the Adapter
The adapter mainly consists of a MCU, keypad matrix, backlight control, power
indicator control and buzzer.
1.9.2 Detailed Description Power supply
The main board provides a +12V and 3.3V supplies, which are isolated from
each other. The 3.3V supply is the main power of the adapter and the +12V is
passed to the backlight board (inverter) of the LCD and also converted to a 5V
supply to drive the buzzer and controls the on/off of the backlight power the
adapter. Since the 3.3V and +12V are isolated, the MCU send the control
signals to the buzzer and backlight board through photocouplers. MCU
The MCU is AT89C2051 whose resetting time is 470ms. It uses a 11.0592MHz
crystal oscillator. Keypad scanning
The keypad matrix is 5X4 one, incorporating 9 I/O wires and 20 keys. Note that
the keys at line 5 and columns 3 and 4 are not used. Backlight control
The keypad adapter shuts off the backlight and blinks the power indicator when
instructed by the main board to do so (usually after the analyzer entered the
screen saver). The backlight board uses an independent 12V power supply and
receives the control signals through photocouplers. The transistor is used to
help control the LED so that the power indicator can be turned on even when
something is wrong with the MCU.
1-16 BC-2800 Auto Hematology Analyzer (V1.0)
Figure 1-11 Control of LCD brightness
The LCD brightness is controlled by pot RV1. Adjusting the RV1 can force the
VBL to change within 0.5~3V. The voltage change is fed into the inverter and
causes the change of the drive current and hence the change of the brightness.
Note that the smaller the voltage and the brighter the LCD. Buzzer control
The buzzer is controlled by a DC signal (5V DC; current<40mA). The 5V supply
of the buzzer is isolated from the VDD and the control signal is received through a photocoupler (TLP521-2)that is controlled by a current around 10mA.
Figure 1-12 Buzzer control
BC-2800 Auto Hematology Analyzer (V1.0) 1- 17
Fluidic System
Chapter 2 Fluidic System
2.1 Fluidic system
1. prepares diluent for the whole blood and prediluted modes
2. counts blood cells and measures HGB concentration
3. dispenses diluent
4. implements the flush, startup and cleaning cycles
5. controls vacuum/pressure
BC-2800 Auto Hematology Analyzer (V1.0) 2- 1
Fluidic System
2.2 Construction of Fluidic System
The fluidic system consists of a sample probe assembly, syringe assembly, pump
assembly, volumetric metering unit, right valve panel and front panel.
2.2.1 Sample Probe Assembly
No. Name
1 Rotation motor
2 Probe wipe
3 Probe holder
4 Sample probe
5 Elevator motor
6 Upper photo-coupler
7 Sleeve
Left and right
9 Retaining ring
Figure 2-1 Sample probe assembly
10 Mount
2.2.2 Syringe assembly
2.2.3 Pump Assembly
2.2.4 Volumetric metering unit
2.2.5 Right valve panel and front panel
See Chapter 3 Disassembling Instructions.
2-2 BC-2800 Auto Hematology Analyzer (V1.0)
Fluidic System
2.3 Composition of Fluidic System
The fluidic system consists of the following subsystems: sensor subsystem, bath
subsystem, lyse dispensing and mixing subsystem, diluting subsystem,
volumetric metering subsystem, vacuum subsystem, pressure subsystem and
auxiliary subsystem.
The key components of the fluidic system are the solenoid valve, syringe,
aperture, sample probe, pump, bath metering tube, probe module,
negative/positive pressure chamber and hose.
The solenoid valve is ASCO458. Totally 11 valves are used, 7 three-way valves
and 4 two-way valves.
The two syringes, 10mL and 50uL, are made by Mindray.
The aperture is Ø80.
The sample probe has two layers and its surface is polished, making the probe
easy to clean.
BC-2800 Auto Hematology Analyzer (V1.0) 2- 3
Fluidic System
2.4 Functional modules
The fluidic system can be divided into the following functional modules:
aspiration/dispensing module, counting module, washing module, hydraulic
module, mixing module and waste discharging module. See the figure below for
the interaction of these modules.
Mixing module
Figure2-2 Interaction of the functional modules
2.4.1 Aspiration/dispensing module
The aspiration/dispensing module includes a motor that drives the 50 uL and 10
mL syringes, the former for aspirating/dispensing the whole blood sample and
the latter for aspirating/dispensing the prediluted sample, diluent and lyse. See
the figure below for details.
2-4 BC-2800 Auto Hematology Analyzer (V1.0)
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