HP NetServer E 200 Installation Manual

HP NetServer E 200
Network Operating System
Installation Guide
For: Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 Server
Microsoft Windows 2000 (Server and Advanced Server) Microsoft Small Business Server 4.5
Novell NetWare 5.1
Red Hat Linux 6.1
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Hewlett-Packard Company Network Server Divisi on Technical Communications/MS 45SLE 10955 Tantau Avenue Cupertino, California 95014 USA
© Copyright 2000, Hewlett-Packard Company.
1 Microsoft Window s NT 4.0 Server Inst allation Guide for the HP
NetServer E 200 ............................................................................................... 1
Section 1. Hardware Requir ements for Installation......................................... 1
Section 2. Creat e the E 200 Drivers Diskettes................................................ 1
Section 3. Creat e Microsoft Windows NT Installation Disket tes...................... 1
Section 4. Perform Manual Windows NT Installation ...................................... 2
Troubleshooti ng Tips and Tricks.................................................................... 6
Tip #1. Troubleshooting SCSI Host Bus Adapter Configuration.................. 6
Tip #2. Extended Transl ation..................................................................... 6
Tip #3. NT Warning About Drives with M or e than 1024 Cylinders During
Boot.......................................................................................................... 7
Tip #4. Service Pack Files Replaced Without Feedback............................. 7
Tip #5. Using the NT Event Log to Diagnose Net work Adapter Problems... 7
Tip #6. Booting from Another PCI SCSI HDD............................................. 8
On-Line Inform ation and Software Sources.................................................... 8
2 Microsoft Window s 2000 Server and Advanced Server Installation Guid e
for the HP NetServer E 200.............................................................................. 9
Section 1. Hardware Requir ements for Installation......................................... 9
Section 2. Creat e the E 200 Drivers Diskette ................................................. 9
Section 3. Perform Manual Windows 20000 Installation ................................. 9
Section 4. On-Line Information and Software Sources ................................. 12
3 Microsoft NT Small Business Server 4.5 Installation Guide for th e HP
NetServer E 200 ............................................................................................. 13
Section 1. Hardware Requir ements for Installation....................................... 13
Section 2. HP E 200 NetServer Disket te...................................................... 13
Section 3. Perform NT SBS 4.5 Installation.................................................. 13
Section 4. On-Line Information and Software Sources ................................. 18
4 Novell NetWare 5.1 In st all at io n Guid e for th e HP NetServer E 200 ......... 19
Section 1. Hardware Requir ements for Installation....................................... 19
Section 2. HP E 200 NetServer Drivers Diskette .......................................... 19
Section 3. Perform Manual NetW ar e 5.1 I nstallation .................................... 19
Section 4. On-Line Information and Software Sources ................................. 21
5 Novell NetWare Small Busi ness 5.0 Installation Guide for the HP
NetServer E 200 ............................................................................................. 23
Section 1. Hardware Requir ements for Installation....................................... 23
Section 2. HP E 200 NetServer Disket te...................................................... 23
Section 3. Perform Manual NetW ar e SB 5. 0 Installation............................... 23
Section 4. On-Line Information and Software Sources ................................. 26
6 Red Hat Linux 6.1 Installation Guide for the HP NetServer E 200 ........... 27
Section 1. Hardware Requir ements for Installation....................................... 27
Section 2. HP E 200 NetServer Disket te...................................................... 27
Section 3. Perform Manual Linux 6.1 Installation.......................................... 27
Section 4. On-Line Information and Software Sources ................................. 29
1 Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 Server
Installation Guide for the HP NetServer E 200
This section was created January 28, 2000.
Section 1. Hardware Requireme nts for Installation
Prepare your NetServer following the instructions in the E 200 Installation Guide. It is recommended that you do not install any third party adapters until you verify
that the Hewlett-Packard equipment is functioning properly and you complete the Windows NT installation.
To avoid problems use only hardware that ap p ears on the Win d ows NT Hardware Compatibility List. (HCL) You can access the latest HCL via Microsoft’s Web site at
Section 2. Create the E 200 Drivers Diskettes
Your system includes an HP Startup CD. Boot your system from the CD and follo w the on-screen instructions to create two Win dows NT 4.0 Drivers Diskettes and two HP Diagtools Diskettes.
Drivers Diskette #1 – SCSI and LAN drivers
A:\SCSI – Drivers for HP SCSI card A:\NICDRV –Drivers for HP LAN card
Drivers Diskette #2 – High resolution video drivers
A:\VIDEO – Drivers for HP vi deo car d
Section 3. Create Microsoft Windows NT Installation Diskettes
Three installation diskettes are required to install Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 on your server. Foll ow these steps to create these insta llation dis k ettes:
1. Locate three blank, formatted 3.5" diskettes.
Chapter 1 Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 Server Installation Guide
2. Insert your Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 CD-ROM into a desktop PC.
3. From a DOS prompt, t ype:
4. Follow the prompt and insert the diskettes in the order described.
CD-ROM:\i386\winnt32 /ox
Section 4. Perfor m Manua l Windows NT Installation
The installat i on of Windows NT contains five phases.
Phase 0 – Run Diagnostics (Optional)
Phase 1 – Driver Installation
Phase 2 – Har d Drive Preparation
Phase 3 – System Configuration Details
Phase 4 – Completing the Installati on
NOTE Do not try to install Windows NT 4.0 via booting from the
Windows NT CD-ROM. This method of installation does not work prop e rly. The in stall ation procedure will prompt you to insert the Windows NT CD-ROM at a later time.
PHASE 0 – Run Diagnostics (Optional )
Onc e the E 20 0 hardwa re is installed, boot the system from the DiagTools Diskette that was created from the HP Startup CD to run the hardware diagnostic and to save/view the hardware inventory.
PHASE 1 – Driver Installation
1. Insert th e Windows NT Setup/ Boot Di sket t e #1 and boot the system.
2. Replace the diskette when prompted and pr e s s Enter.
3. Press Enter at the fir st menu to setup Win dows NT.
4. If the system has a SCSI HDD :
Press S to "Skip mass storage detection and manually select SCSI
Press S again to "Specify additional SCSI adapters".
The Windows NT installer will display a scrolling list of options.
Chapter 1 Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 Server Installation Guide
Select "Other (Requires Disk provided by a hardware manufacturer)." When prom pted t o insert the "Manufacturer-supplied
hardware support disk", insert the E 200 Drivers Disket t e #1 (SCSI/LAN) into floppy drive A:.
Select t he "HP 2940/78xx SCSI Driver" by pressing Enter.
5. Press S again to install the IDE CD-ROM driver.
6. Press the up arrow key to view more driver selections.
7. Select the "IDE CD-ROM (ATAPI 1.2)/PCI IDE Controller" driver by pressing enter.
8. Replace the diskette when prompted to do so.
9. Ensure that both the SCSI and CD-ROM drivers are loaded. The inst allation will not be success fu l if these two driver s ar e n ot properly installed. If you have any more mass storage device drivers to install, you may do so at this time by pr essing S. When completed, press the Enter key to continue.
PHASE 2 – Hard Drive Preparation
1. Press Enter to continue if you are warned about your hard disk containing more than 1024 cylinders.
2. Depending on the previous state of your hard drive, you may need to press C to contin u e with the inst allation wh en prompted.
3. Insert the Windows NT CD-ROM when prompted.
4. Read the Licen s ing Agreemen t and agree to con tinue the installa tion.
5. The Windows NT Server Setup Screen will display the system hardware and software components. Press Enter if the configuration matches your computer.
6. The setup th en shows a list of hard drives on your ser ve r, al ong with the partitions proposed on each drive. The default partition on which to install NT on the first drive (Drive 0) is highlighted. Select C to create a partition in the unpartitio ne d space.
7. Enter the appropriate size for your NOS partiti on. HP recommends 2000MB.
8. Press Enter to Install NT on the New (Unformatted) partition.
9. Select a file system form at : FAT (DOS t ype file system) or NTFS (Windows type file system - recommended) for this NOS partition.
Chapter 1 Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 Server Installation Guide
10. Sp eci fy the dir ectory for Windows NT. Defa u lt =
11. Press Enter to have Setup examine your hard disks.
12. Insert the E 200 Windows NT Drivers Diskette when prompted.
13. Be sure to remove an y floppi es or C D- ROMs from their drives before restarting your computer.
PHASE 3 - System Configuration Detai l s
Follow the on-screen instructions and complete all sections regarding system configu ration details, i. e., server li censing, computer name, server role, administrator password, emergency repair disk, etc.
1. When you reach the Network Adapters screen, do NOT select Start S earch.
Instead, select "Select from list…"
2. Select the "Have Disk" button when given a list of Network Adapter drivers.
3. Insert the "HP E 200 Windows NT Drivers Diskette #1" and type the follo wi ng in the path: A:\NICDRV
4. Select th e "HP 10/100TX PCI LAN Adapter " and press OK.
5. Follow the on -screen instructions to complete the installation
PHASE 4 – Completing the Installation
1. Ch oose ’"Finish"’ at the window titled "Step 3, Finishing Setup"
2. Set the Time, Date, and Time Zone.
3. Be sure to check the box "Automatically adjust for daylight saving changes".
4. You will be notified that standard VGA video drivers have been installed. Do not attempt to install the HP high resolution video drivers at this time. A service pack must be installed first after the NT installation is complete.
5. Remove all floppies an d CD-ROMs from their drives and reboot the syste m when prompted .
6. Install Service Pack #3 or later after completing the basic installation.
NOTE When in stalling the service pa ck, answer ’NO’ when pr ompted
to overwrite driver files. You do not want to overwrite the driver files that you installed from your Drivers Diskettes with the fil es on the service p ack CD.
Chapter 1 Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 Server Installation Guide
You can get a copy of Windows NT 4.0 Service Packs from Microsoft Support, (800) 936 5900 or (800) 426 9400 or http://www.microsoft.com.
7. The Microsoft Wind ows installation process has instal l ed the stan dar d VGA video driver. I f you would li k e to make use of the hi gh resolution video driver, follow thes e s teps:
Ensure Service Pack #3 is installed. This is a REQUIREMENT. From the Start menu, select Set tings, Control Panel , and Disp la y. Under the Se ttings tab , click Display Type. Click Change and Have Di sk. Insert the E 200 Drivers Diskette #2 and type "
" in the path.
After the installation, be sure to "Test" your new video drivers by clicking on the "Test" button. You may want to set other video display modes: col or palette, desktop area, font size, and refresh frequ ency rate. Ensure the settings you choose are supported by your monitor circuitry.
Your installation is now complete. Remove all floppy disks and CD­ROMs. Restart your comput er.
Chapter 1 Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 Server Installation Guide
Troubleshoot ing Tips and T ricks
This section will help you resolve some of the most common installation problems.
Tip #1. Troubl eshooting SCSI Host Bus Adapter Configur ation
The boot manager for Windows NT contains recovery logic to allow you to return to the last known good con f iguration. If you have c hanged your S CSI host bus adapter configuration and Windows NT no longer boots, follow these steps to recover:
1. Undo any hardware changes you have made to the computer since it was last operational.
2. Rebo ot the computer. Press the spacebar when the messag e " Press spacebar NOW to invoke the Last Known Good menu." Appears. Follow the instructions on the screen to continue booting.
NOTE Do not log in if you pass the "Press spacebar NOW to
invoke the Last Known Good screen" option,
because this will wipe out the configuration you want.
3. On ce your computer is operational again , double ch eck all the har d ware and software configuration changes you wish to make. Look specifically for conflicts with parts of the existing system configuration that are not being changed. If you cannot determine the source of the error, contact the host adapter vendor or HP Technical Support for assistance.
Tip #2. Exten ded Tran slation
In order to boot from hard drives with capacity greater than 1GB, the Extended Translation for SCSI controller needs to be enabled. Otherwise, the maximum boot partition is limited to 1GB. Make sure to enable Extended Translation for additional SCSI controller s that you may choose to install. For most SCSI controller s the "Extended Translation option" can be enabled from SCSI-Select menu. SCSI-Select is available by pr essing Ctrl-A during system boot.
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