Thank you for purchasing Star Trek® Away Team for your PC. This
manual will show you how to install the game and quickly jump
into the action and adventure that Away Team has to of fer.
Reflexive Entertainment and Activision® have worked long and hard
to provide you with the best interactive experience possible. We
hope you enjoy playing Away Team as much as we enjoyed making
Visit us on the web at,, and let us
know what you think. We look forward to hearing from you.
Have fun!
The Away Team Development Team
Communiqué from Admiral Nolotai
to Starfleet Command
I have concluded my analysis of Starfleet’s ability to respond to threats and
found the mobility and adaptability of our forces to be lacking.
Enemies like the Borg, the Romulans, the Dominion, and many others seek to
dissolve the United Federation of Planets. With our own resources spread thin
across the galaxy, it is becoming increasingly difficult to protect all of our
I propose that Starfleet Command form a special crew for a new time. A team
prepared for the most extreme missions, capable of entering places that our
conventional forces cannot go.
Starfleet research has completed their work on the U.S.S. Incursion, a
Starship equipped with the Holographic Masking System. With this
holographic technology, the Incursion can assume the form of any ship,
allowing the crew to infiltrate areas that the rest of our fleet cannot enter.
To complement the Incursion’s stealth power, I have worked closely with
Commander Data to train a diverse crew of seventeen very talented
I believe that this new crew represents the best and brightest from Starfleet.
Enclosed in this document, you will find dossiers on all the officers of this
team, detailing their talents and
It is my opinion that we establish this elite Away Team immediately. Without
their presence, the integrity of the Federation will be endangered.
Fleet Admiral Nolotai
Starfleet Command
Insert the game CD into your CD-ROM drive. Please close all open
programs before installation. Choose one of the following options
to install the game:
• If your CD-ROM drive has AutoPlay enabled, the setup will begin
automatically. Simply follow the on-screen installation
• If AutoPlay is not enabled, double-click on the My Computer
icon on your desktop. Double-click on the CD-ROM drive icon.
Then double-click on the Away Team setup icon and follow the
on-screen installation instructions.
To play Star Trek Away Team, you must have the Away Team CD in
your CD-ROM drive.
For those that like to jump right into the game, we’ve created a
quick reference guide. These are all the default controls you will
need to play Away Team. If you would like to change any of these
settings, you can easily do so in the Configure menu.
Select/Move Left Button
Use/Fire Right Button
Inventory Mouse Wheel
(if available)
Walk W
Run R
Crouch C
Cycle Movement X
Map Controls
Scroll Left
Scroll Right
Scroll Up
Scroll Down
Next Inventory ]
Previous Inventory [
Phaser P
Concussion Grenade G
EMP Grenade E
Neural Disruptor N
Hypospray H
Sniper Rifle F
Vulcan Nerve Pinch K
Enhanced Mind Meld D
Pause Time ENTER
Center on Last Hit SPACE
Select Vision Cone V
Cycle Vision ConeTAB
Toggle Sound Cone S
Chat (Network Only) T
Select Entire Team A
Select Individual
Team Members1-6
Objectives O
Mini-Map M
Zoom In KEYPAD +
Zoom Out KEYPAD Zoom Reset KEYPAD *
Configuration MenuF1
Save MenuF9
Load MenuF10
Quick SaveF11
Load Quick SaveF12
When you load Star Trek Away Team, you will see the Main Menu
system. Maneuver the cursor with the mouse to highlight the
At the Main Menu, you can choose from the following: Start New
Game, Load Game, Settings, Play Network Game, Credits, and Quit.
Start New Game
When you select Start New Game, you will be prompted to select a
difficulty mode. The default mode is Normal. If you are a novice
gamer, or would like an easier gameplay experience, select Easy as
the difficulty mode. Once the difficulty has been set, select Start
and the Introduction Cinematic will play. You can skip this movie,
and any other cinematic movie, by pressing the Spacebar (or the Esc
key). After the cinematic, the game will begin with a Captain’s Log
briefing for Mission One. Click on End Briefing to start the mission.
Load Game
This sub menu lets you load a saved game to resume where you left
off on a previous mission.
When you select this menu, a list of all your saved game files will
appear. You will see the text description of the file next to a
thumbnail picture of the game where you saved. Then click on the
highlighted file you wish to load.
When you select Settings, you will bring up the Conf igure menu. This
sub menu allows you to adjust many of the game settings to
optimize your experience.
Brightness: You can move the slider on this setting to change the
Brightness of your screen.
Scroll Speed: You can affect the speed of scrolling when you move
your cursor off the screen, or use the arrow keys on your keyboard.
Scroll Accel: You can control the acceleration rate of scrolling when
you move your cursor off the screen.
Pause Game When Hit Off Screen: Checking this option will auto pause
the game when a member of your team is hit off screen, allowing
you the choice to issue orders.
Difficulty: You can select a new difficulty mode with this option.
The default difficulty mode is Normal. This setting can be changed
at any time during the game with this option.
Configure Keyboard
Within this sub menu, you can customize your control set. If you
don’t like the default keyboard settings, you can rebind the
keyboard commands in this menu. You can change the following
• General: This menu allows you to bind key commands for various
• Inventory: Change the controls that select items and equipment.
You can bind key commands for items like the Cloaking Band and
the Teleportation Brig with this menu.
• Movement: The movement menu allows you to rebind the
commands that move your Away Team. You have the ability to
change the keyboard commands associated with the Movement
Toggle keys.
• Weapon: Change the controls allowing you to select your
different weapons.
• Mouse: On the right side of the key configuration screen, there is
a representation of your current mouse controls. The default
setting for the mouse utilizes the Left Mouse Button for moving
and selecting, the Middle Mouse Wheel for cycling through the
inventory, and the Right Mouse Button for firing weapons and
using items. These buttons can be reversed by clicking on the
Reverse Mouse Buttons icon.
• Reset to Default: You can restore the original control
configurations by selecting this icon.
Configure Sound
Master Volume: Adjusting this will affect the overall volume of the
game. Raising or lowering this control will change all sound in the
game: music, sound ef fects, and voices. Press the M button if you
want to mute the volume.
Sound Effects Volume: Adjusting this setting will only change the
volume of the sound effects in the game, like explosions, Phaser
blasts, doors opening, and other effects.
Music Volume: Adjusting this setting will change the volume of the
music in the menus and briefing screens and the background
ambient music played during the game.
Voice-Overs: This setting turns Voice Overs On or Off. Your Away
Team members will occasionally talk to each other, depending on
the circumstance. Also, enemies or characters in the environment
may say something to you. If turned off, you will not hear the
audio portion of the dialogue, but you will still see the dialogue's
Stereo: Mono or Stereo. The default setting is Stereo sound. If you
are experiencing performance issues, you can adjust the sound
quality to Mono.
Sound Mixing: Set this to Better or Faster depending on your
system requirements. The Better setting plays the highest quality
sounds. If you are experiencing slowing during the game, you could
set this to Faster.
An homage to all of the people at Reflexive, Activision, and other
companies who worked together to bring you Star Trek Away Team.
Selecting the Quit icon will bring up a screen that asks if you are
sure that you want to quit the game. Select Yes if you want to exit
the game and return to your desktop environment or No if you
want to remain in the game.
Once you begin the game, you can enter the Options Menu by
pressing the Esc key. From this menu, you can perform several
functions: Configure, Load, Save, End Game, and Resume.
Configure: You can also configure your keyboard controls from this
menu, and access it directly with the F1 key. From the Configure
menu you can also select a new Diff icutly mode. The default
difficulty mode is Normal. This setting can be changed at any time
during the game with this option.
Save: You can save your progress with this option. You will be
prompted to name the saved game file. You can access this menu
directly with the F9 key.
Load: You can load any saved game with this option. This menu can
be accessed directly using the F10 key.
Restart Mission: Restarts the current mission.
End Game: This will quit your current mission and return you to the
Main Menu.
Resume: Select this to continue your mission, or you can simply
press Esc again.
Once you have installed the game and have set up your configuration in the game menus, you’re ready to join the Incursion crew on
their first mission. This manual will introduce you to the basics of
the game and show you the interface used to select and control an
Away Team.
Throughout Star Trek Away Team, you will assume control of a team
of one to six operatives to perform missions. These missions will
take you across the galaxy to confront enemies of the Federation.
For the first tutorial mission, a team has been selected for you that
will teach you the basics of the game interface. After Mission One,
you will have the opportunity to choose your own team for each
A very important tool in Star Trek Away Team is the Pause Time
feature. By default, Pause Time is set to the Enter key. By pressing
this key, you can pause the game and issue commands to your team
members. After you've given orders to the team, you can exit Pause
Time and return to the game by pressing the Pause Time key. In
later missions when the action becomes intense, this invaluable
feature will help you complete all your objectives.
Most of the action will take place in the main screen. If you would
like to zoom in to see something more closely, or zoom out to see
more of the environment, use the numeric keypad + and – to zoom
in and out. Note: The Zoom feature is available in Single Player only.
Communications Window
number from 1-6. Once this group is assigned, you can press and
hold Shift then the number from 1-6 to select that group again.
If you attempt to move any character to an inaccessible area, or to a
location that is too far away from the current position, you might
see the cursor change into a large X. This X cursor lets you know that
your character cannot move to the location from the current
Interact Cursor
If you move the cursor over something that you can interact with,
the cursor will change to an Interact cursor. If the object is
something you can pick up, you can right-click on the object to pick
it up. If the object is a computer terminal or control device, you can
right-click to attempt to use the object. Some terminals can only be
used by characters with specific skills, like Terminal Repair.
If the character you have selected can’t perform an interaction, the
Text Area
cursor will change to an X or you will hear a voice-over explanation.
Combat Crosshair Cursor
The following list details all of the elements of the main game
Your cursor allows you to interact with the game world. You will
primarily use the cursor to select members of the Away Team to
When you have a weapon selected, the cursor changes to a Combat
Crosshair cursor. Any ranged weapon, like a Phaser, displays the
Combat cursor to show you if the shot is clear. If the cursor is green,
you have a clear shot at the acquired target. A red crosshair lets you
know that your shot is obstructed or that your target is out of range.
When using the Sniper Rifle, pay attention to the cursor—you don’t
want to waste a valuable round when the cursor is red.
move them in and out of combat, but you can also interact with
your environment. If you see an object or console that you would
like to inspect, move the cursor over it. The cursor will change to
let you know what kind of interaction could occur.
Movement Cursor: Selecting and Moving the Away Team
You will see a simple arrow cursor when you are moving Away Team
characters. You can select a single character by left-clicking on the
character on the screen, or on the character’s portrait. Then use
the movement cursor to point to an area you want to move to and
left-click again. If you want to move a group of characters, leftclick and drag a selection box to select all available team members
within that area. Once selected, you can left-click to move the
team. Holding down the Shift key and clicking on a team member
will add them to the current group, while holding down the Control
key will deselect the crew member clicked on. You can also select
Team Status Bar
On the left side of the screen, there is a vertical bar with the
portraits of your Away Team characters. This is the Team Status bar.
It not only shows you the current roster of your Away Team, it also
displays their current health level. The red bar next to the portrait
indicates the health level—as a character takes damage, the red bar
will shrink. The portraits of the team members selected will be
displayed in color. Double-clicking on a team member’s portrait will
center the screen on that person, allowing you to easily locate them
on the map.
Each portrait also has a Discipline symbol that shows which class the
character belongs to. There are five classes: Command, Engineering,
Science, Security, and Medical.
team members with the keyboard numbers 1 through 6.
You can also assign a group of characters to a key command so that
they can be selected quickly. Group select the characters you would
like to assign to a new group, then press and hold Control and a
Inventory Tray
The lower right portion of the interface is dedicated to
your inventory tray. By right-clicking on this tray, you
will bring up a pop-up menu showing all the weapons
and items possessed by the character you have selected.
If you have more than one character selected, then all
of their items, skills and weapons will be shown. Once
the inventory is open, you can equip a character with a
weapon or select an item or skill by left-clicking on the
appropriate icon.
You will notice that the tray is sorted by groups of items. When you
have the entire team selected and you bring up the inventory tray,
you will see all of their weapons, skills, and items. The tray has
been arranged so that you can quickly find the weapon types
aligned in the same column and likewise for items and skills.
This clock continues to tick as you progress through a mission. If
you click on the time, you can enter Pause Time. While in Pause
Time, you can issue orders to any of your Away Team members. To
return to real-time action, simply click on the chronometer again.
You can also enter Pause Time by pressing Enter on the keyboard.
GAME TIP: Pause Time is an excellent way to control your
Team during combat, allowing you to choose your attack
and defense strategy.
Text Window
The text window displays text descriptions of different objects in
the game. When you select a weapon or an object from your
inventory, a brief description appears in the text window. If you
use the tricorder to examine something in the environment, the
tricorder will display text in this window.
To bring up the Mini-Map, press the M key. The Mini-Map will show
you a representation of the entire mission map. Animated blue
squares on the Mini-Map will show you the locations of mission
objectives. Use the Mini-Map to find where you need to go to
complete your primary and secondary objectives.
Communications Window
If a character speaks to you or sends you a communication, you will
hear the character’s voice and see a message at the top of the
interface. Next to the message, you will see the portrait of the
character sending you the message. If at any time you would like to
skip through the dialogue, press the Spacebar and you will skip the
Action Icons
The lower left area of the inventory has six important icons.
Movement Mode Toggle – This button allows you to change the
movement mode of any number of characters you have currently
selected. The three movement modes for a character are Walk, Run,
and Crouch. You can cycle through these modes by pressing the
X key or by using the mouse to press the toggle button. There are
advantages to the different modes. Running allows you to travel
through the environment faster, but it is the loudest of the three
modes. Crouching is the slowest movement mode, but it is the
quietest. Walking is moderately fast and moderately quiet.
Select All – This useful command allows you to quickly group select
all of your Away Team characters, regardless of their position. Once
selected, you can move them to a location by left-clicking. This is
a great way to gather your operatives to one place if they are
separated. You can also press the A button to group select.
Display Objectives – You can view Primary Objectives and Secondary
Objectives for your current mission. During a mission, you could
receive new objectives, so check this screen periodically. You can
also press the O key to access this screen.
Toggle Vision Cone – To help you prepare for encounters with enemy
guards, you can select the vision cone feature to see a guard’s field
of view. Press the vision cone button on the interface or press the
V key to turn on vision cone—you will notice that the cursor
changes to a blue vision cursor. Now click on a guard and you will
be able to see the guard’s field of view, represented by a
transparent blue area on the screen.
You can also use the Tab key to cycle through the fields of views for
the different guards on screen. You can only see the field of view
for one guard at a time.
Toggle Sound Cones – During stealth missions, the sound cone
toggle is a vital asset. When turned on, you see blue circular sound
cones emanating from characters making noise (shooting a gun,
running, etc.). Enemy guards will react to noises that they can
hear—if a sound cone hits a guard, the guard has “heard” that
sound. You can also press the S key to toggle sound cones on.
Louder noises create larger cones of sound. You can minimize your
noise by crouching while moving.
GAME TIP: Use sound cones when you’re trying to sneak up
on an enemy. It is recommended that you turn sound cones
off when you’re running with an entire group, as many
sound cones will emanate from the characters and obscure
your view of the map.
Options Menu – You can access the Options Menu by clicking on this
icon. You can also use the Esc key to bring up this menu.
After Mission One, you will be able to choose a team
before each mission, for most missions. Once you have
completed a mission, you will receive a debrief ing for the
mission and a new briefing for the next mission. Once the
briefings finish, the Team Selection screen will appear. You
can return to the briefing screen again by clicking on
Briefing at the top lef t of the screen.
The Team Selection screen utilizes an intuitive folder tab
system to let you access more information about the
different characters.
Character Screen
On the left side of the screen are the available characters you can
choose for a mission. These characters are separated into folder tabs
marked with their respective Discipline symbols. Click on a new folder
tab to show all the characters available for a given discipline. If you
would like to see the weapons and items for a given character, click
on Inventory (then press Character to see their statistics again).
Take time to look at the different characters to get a feel for their
different strengths and abilities.
Required Skills or Items
The upper right region of this interface tells you what skills or items
are necessary for the current mission. Skills or items that are
required for the mission are listed on top. You can click on this to
cycle through Away Team members with the respective skill needed
for the mission. There is also an area of Recommended Items. By
clicking on these skills or items, you can cycle through the different
characters with the recommended skills or items.
Transporter Pad
When you are ready to add characters to your Away Team, select the
appropriate character and then click on the right arrow button at
the middle of the screen or double-click on their portrait. Clicking
this will “transport” that character to the Transporter Room on the
right side of the interface. Continue choosing characters in this
manner until you have selected all the Away Team members
required for the mission—the middle arrows will fade if you can’t
choose any more team members. If you change your mind, you can
select another Away Team character by selecting a character on the
Transporter Pad and clicking on the left arrow button—this puts
that character back into the roster pool.
For some missions, there are specialists that are required to go on a
certain mission. For instance, Slovaak and Refelian must accompany
you for Mission Two. However, you are free to choose the remaining
members of the team.
Before you begin a mission, you will receive a briefing
from a Command Officer like Admiral Nolotai or Captain
Refelian. You will be given plot information about the
current mission.
Press Continue after the first briefing to see if there are
any other messages from other crewmembers. For later
missions, you may receive messages from other Away
Team members, informing you that they have researched
a new weapon or equipment upgrade.
You can also review the briefing again by pressing Replay. When
you are ready to start the mission, select End Briefing.
Once you’ve completed a mission, you will proceed to a debrief ing
screen where a Command Of ficer will summarize your
accomplishments. You’ll also be given information pertaining to the
next mission.
When the debriefing for the completed mission is done, you then
receive a briefing for the next mission. Once you are briefed, you
will then go to the Away Team Com screen so you can pick your
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