JoWooD Productions Software AG
Technologiepark 4a
A-8786 Rottenmann, Austria.
Homepage JoWooD:
Homepage „Gothic II“:
© 2004 by Pluto 13 GmbH. published by JoWooD Productions Software AG, Technologiepark 4a, A-8786 Rottenman, Austria.
Software, graphics, music, text, names and the handbook are copyright protected. The software and the handbook may not be copied, reproduced or translated, nor may they be reduced to any electric medium or machine-readable format without prior written permis­sion from JoWood Productions Software AG.
Certain people experience epileptic seizures while viewing flashing lights or specific patterns in our daily environment. These persons can also experience epileptic seizures while watching TV or playing computer games. Even gamers, who have never experienced any seizures, may nonetheless have an undetected epileptic condition. Consult your doctor if you, or a member of your family, have an epileptic condition. When you experience any of the following symptoms, stop the game immediately: Dizziness, altered vision, eye or muscle twitching, mental confusion, loss of awareness of your surroundings and/or convulsions.
Technical support and Customer Service
You are experiencing difficulties while installing the software or you are in the middle of the game and you don’t know what to do next?
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1 How the add-on is integrated into the game
The whole story in the add-on is part of the world of Gothic II. That means, everything is integrated into the original game and can be played parallel to the normal storyline. After the add-on has been installed you must start the game again from the beginning, where Xardas, the demon evocator, will tell you what you must do to enter the new world.
1 How the add-on is integrated into the game...............5
2 New World 3 New Guilds 4 Some New Monsters 5 New Spells
6 The Amulet of the Seeking Will-o’-wisp ....................10
7 The Language of the Creators ......................................11
8 Game Balancing ...........................................................12
9 Credits..............................................................................13
2 New Worlds
Until now, nobody was sure what was hidden behind the mountains in the northeast. In “Night of the Raven” you’ll find out! A whole new world is awaiting you. However, in order to enter this new world you’ll have to find the entrance. The followers of the “Ring of Water” will assist you!
3 New Guilds
Water Mages
Also “Circle of Water”. You’ve already encountered one of the Water Mages in Gothic II: Father Vatras from Khorinis. In “Night of the Raven” you’ll encounter even more. Players who have played Gothic I (one!) will remember Saturas and the Mages from the new camp. The problem: They remember YOU, too! Looks like you shouldn’t have blown up their ore reserves after all….
Ring of Water
Not to be mixed up with the “Circle of Water”. The Ring of Water is an organization consisting of people who assist the Water Mages in their duties. The names of the members of the Ring are a well-kept secret – but you can be sure a few of them are old acquaintances…
Ever since the royal fleet was almost totally destroyed by the Orcs, the pirates no longer have much to capture. They are dwelling at a hidden coast in Khorinis, killing their time doing business with the fencers in town and picking fights with the bandits. Pirates are tough guys, but in the bottom of their hearts they’re ok – especially if you offer them a nice shot of Grog.
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+ 6 hidden pages