Games PC EARTH BEYOND User Manual

INTRODUCTION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
COMMAND REFERENCE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
A BRIEF GALACTIC HISTORY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
SETTING UP THE GAME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
AN INTRODUCTION TO GAMEPLAY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
BEGINNING YOUR ADVENTURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
INTERACTING WITH THE GALAXY . . . . . . . . . . 15
COMMUNICATING WITH OTHERS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
FLYING YOUR SHIP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
INTERACTING WITH OBJECTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
COMBAT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
INVENTORY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
ABOUT YOUR CHARACTER. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
EXPERIENCE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
SKILLS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
MISSIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
COOPERATIVE PLAY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
YOUR STARSHIP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
LEARNING MORE ABOUT ITEMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
BASIC ITEM TYPES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
BUYING AND SELLING EQUIPMENT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
MAKING YOUR OWN EQUIPMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
HULL UPGRADES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
SKILLS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
WEAPON SKILLS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
TECHNOLOGY SKILLS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
TRADE SKILLS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
SPECIALIZED SKILLS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
LIFE IN AN EVOLVING GALAXY . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
CREDITS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
This product has been rated by the Entertainment Software Rating Board. For information about the ESRB rating, or to comment about the appropriateness of the rating, please contact the ESRB at 1-800-771-3772.
Welcome to Earth & Beyond™, the first online role-playing galaxy! Alien encounters, mysterious discoveries, perilous quests, strategic alliances, and epic battles await you. You’ve just joined a community of thousands of starship pilots from around the world, gathering together in an adventure of a lifetime.
It’s a big galaxy… how far will you go?
FFOORR MMOORREE IINNFFOO wwwwww..eeaaggaammeess..ccoomm
about this and other titles, visit EA GAMES™ on the web at
It’s easy to navigate Earth & Beyond menus using your keyboard and mouse. This section provides the basic controls for Earth & Beyond menu navigation and gameplay.
Turn Left/Right Tilt Up/Down Begin moving forward/backward Toggle Move Forward Move forward with lock Move backward with lock Stop Moving Engage/Disengage Warp Toggle autofollow with target Join/Leave formation
j/l i/k A/Z √ ] v+ ] [ Q
Toggle galaxy map on/off Toggle navigation map on/off Zoom maps in/out
G t =/_
See enclosed Install Guide for Technical Support information.
Due to the interactive nature of this product, certain content in this manual is subject to change. To access the most up-to-date version, please visit
Next Target in context Previous Target in context Next Target (no context) Previous Target (no context) Target Self Target group member #1 Target group member #2 Target group member #3 Target group member #4 Target group member #5 Target nearest player Target nearest hostile attacking Target nearest enemy MOB (monster or beast) Target nearest friendly MOB (monster or beast) Target nearest navigation Target nearest object
MOB stands for Monster or Beast.
D C N P ~ ™ £ ¢ ∞
§ ¶ H
• S W X
Fire all weapons Fire/Activate slot 1 Fire/activate slot 2 Fire/activate slot 3 Fire/activate slot 4 Fire/activate slot 5 Fire/activate slot 6 Swap to Bank B
F 1 2 3 4 5 6 a
+ Hold
Restore camera position Save camera location Next 3rd person camera Previous 3rd person camera Toggle between 1st and 3rd person Take a picture Moves the camera around the ship Zoom camera in and out
h v+ º º q+º ª g v
+ Mouse
Begin Radio Message Begin Group Message Begin Guild Message Begin local area message Begin default channel message Begin targeted message Begin Command Message Print target's name and position in chat Prints player's position in chat Move chat text down one line Move chat text up one line Move chat text down one page Move chat text up one page Reply to last personal tell Bring up reply menu Save chat line text to quick message 1-9 Print saved chat line text from slots 1-9
' L ; K e J / v+ T v+ P q+ k q+ i q+ r q+ π R v+ R a+ ¡- ª v+ ¡- ª
+ Mouse
Go to next message Go to previous message Cycle chat target Cancel message
k i t s
Open the in-game help screen Toggle equipment open/closed Toggle cargo open/closed Toggle space station vault open/closed Toggle character info on/off Toggle missions on/off Toggle ping on/off Next ephemeral text in history Previous ephemeral text in history Show client and server version Activate/Deactivate Quit menu Delete current character Delete previous character Go one character left/right Go to beginning of text line Go to end of text line Toggle insert mode Immediately show tool-tip
¡ I 0 q+ I Y U v+ I a+ k a+ i v+ V s m n j/l h u f v
+ Hover
After two centuries of conflict, Humankind’s three races – the Progen, Terrans and Jenquai – had achieved an uneasy balance of power by dividing known space between them.
The Terrans claimed Earth, headquarters to their massive trade corporations. The genetically engineered Progen, bred for perfection, commanded the wastes of Mars. The Jenquai, ever seeking knowledge, created great space stations to orbit the moons of Jupiter.
Peace was shattered when the first Stargate, an ancient artifact built by an unknown race, was discovered. Coveting its secrets for their own, the Jenquai hid the Gate from the other races. However, their efforts were in vain. Within months, a spy employed by the Terran conglomerate InfinitiCorp revealed the Gate’s existence to the outraged Terrans and Progen. Humanity was suddenly thrust into conflict, an epic battle over control of the Gate.
The three races fought a devastating nine-year war, known as the Gate War, using weapons far deadlier than any previously conceived. Millions of lives were lost, and millions more would have perished had the Terrans not surprised their foes with a sudden cease-fire proposal. After months of negotiations, the three civilizations agreed to share the Gate, and declared an uneasy peace.
However, InfinitiCorp had plans of its own. Under utmost secrecy, its scientists had reverse-engineered the Gate’s technology, and within a few short years the mighty conglomerate announced to the astonished worlds the genesis of the Infinitigate. The rush to colonize the galaxy was on.
Fifty years have passed since the invention of the Infinitigate. Progen, Jenquai, and Terrans alike have thrived, spreading their civilizations across two dozen star systems, exploiting their riches. However, though the races are at peace, acrimony remains. Tension and distrust govern galactic relations and every citizen fears the day when the spectre of war will again raise its shadow.
Something else, something even more frightening, clutches at the minds of the humans. The aliens who built the Gate – aliens with clearly superior intelligence and technology – have yet to return. Where did they go? Will they be coming back? And will they be pleased to find an upstart Humanity colonizing what once belonged to them?
The next chapter in human history is about to begin, and you will play a pivotal role.
Earth & Beyond is a persistent online galaxy, your ticket through the Internet to a dynamic world whose history evolves while you’re away. As long as you maintain an active account, you’ll keep your character, starship and virtual possessions, so you can continue your adventures whenever you like. But be prepared to encounter a changed world upon your return! New alliances may have formed, wars been fought and uncharted regions discovered. Your friends may have become more powerful, discovering new pathways to riches and glory. What once was, may no longer be, and what was only a dream may now be reality. This is life in an online world…the world of Earth & Beyond. Let your adventures begin!
To participate in Earth & Beyond, you will need the installed game, the CD, an Internet connection, and an EA.COM account.
For more information about installation and technical issues, see the enclosed Install Guide.
TToo ssiiggnn uupp ffoorr yyoouurr ffrreeee EEAA..CCOOMM aaccccoouunntt::
Go to
Click LOGIN. The EA login screen appears.
Select CREATE A NEW EA MEMBER ACCOUNT, submit the requested information, and click OK. Your account is now activated.
If you already have an EA.COM account, you don’t have to create a new one.
After you’ve installed the game and created your EA.COM account (if necessary), you will need to subscribe to Earth & Beyond.
. The EA homepage appears.
TToo ssuubbssccrriibbee ttoo
During installation you’ll have to register your Earth & Beyond account. Once you have followed the link, instructions are displayed on screen. Your registration code has been included with the CD package you purchased. If you have an account already, you still need to go through the registration process to enable your Earth & Beyond access. If you don’t have an account, you’ll be able to create one during the registration process.
Your first 30 days are free with no obligation. Should you choose to stay with us we’ll charge you a modest fee according to the choices you make during the account setup process.
EEaarrtthh && BBeeyyoonndd
Be sure your sound is on during the account registration process. Your online digital assistant, Megan, will be there to assist you – but she can’t help if you can’t hear her speak!
After you’ve installed the game and created your account, it’s time to make a character! Whether you're the fighting type, a wily entrepreneur, or a restless explorer who wants to chart the depths of space, Earth & Beyond has a character for you. Your race (Terran, Progen, Jenquai) and base profession type (Tradesman, Warrior, Explorer) combine to form a unique set of skills and attributes that will define your game experience.
Your online digital assistant, Megan, will help you during the character creation process. You'll be able to select a profession, modify your appearance, and customize your very own starship. Spend as much time as you like making your character; it's safe to experiment because nothing is saved until you enter the game, and you can always make a new character if you wish.
Megan will help you choose your persona, so keep your sound turned on! You should examine all six of the possible character types before choosing one, as your gaming experience will be very different with each. However, since you can make as many characters as you like (up to five at a time), you’ll be free to experiment until you find the choice that is right for you.
Terrans are the descendants of the original Earth inhabitants, those who remained behind while their brethren colonized Jupiter and Mars. Naturally inclined towards the Trade professions, Terrans are adept at negotiation and item creation skills.
The Tradesman is the enterprising capitalist of the 23rd century. Members of the mega-corporation InfinitiCorp, they are excellent negotiators and possess the widest range of manufacturing skills. In combat, Tradesmen take a defensive role, using their large cargo holds to store treasure.
The Progen are the genetically engineered descendants of the original Mars colonists. Seekers of physical and mental perfection, they are a warrior race known for their fierce fighting capabilities.
The Warrior is the ultimate fighting machine. They are genetically enhanced and bred for combat, Warriors have a wide range of combat­oriented skills at their disposal. Among the most deadly is the Shield Inversion skill, which allows them to turn their shields into a deadly beam weapon, and the Self-Destruct skill, with which they can take out their enemies in a cataclysmic explosion.
The Enforcer is a member of Earthcorps, the military arm of the Terran race. Possessing many of the trade skills of their Tradesmen counterparts, Enforcers are also capable fighters, possessing a wide range of battle skills, including the invaluable Hacking skill, which enables them to disrupt their enemies’ defenses from afar.
The Sentinel is an ideal fusion of Warrior and Explorer. Possessing the fighting capabilities of the Progen with the skills of an Explorer, Sentinels are most valued for their ability to Jumpstart derelict ships and manipulate enemy combatants with their Gravity Link and Menace skills.
The descendents of the first deep-space exploration expedition, the Jenquai, have an almost religious passion for seeking knowledge and exploring the farthest reaches of space.
The consummate Explorer and prospector of rare minerals, this character type is considered the most self-sufficient of all the professions. Although weak in combat, Explorers can travel undetected by using their Cloak skill and their ability to Jumpstart derelict comrades makes them valuable members of any group.
Stealth and evasion are the weapons of choice for the Defender. Known for hit-and-run tactics in combat, Defenders will cloak to approach an enemy unseen, then use their Summon skill to draw its hapless victim from the safety of its allies.
Once you’ve selected a profession, you can customize your character’s appearance. Each profession has its own general style, and you’ll be able to choose your gender, customize your height and weight, and pick from a wide variety of clothing, hairstyles, and facial details – even tattoos!
After you’ve adjusted your character’s appearance, it’s time to customize your starship. You’ll be logging many flight hours during your adventures, so be sure to customize your ship just the way you like it!
Each starship starts with a base shape particular to your character’s profession, and from there may have its hull, wings, engine, and other pieces customized. You may choose from a variety of shapes and colors, painting your ship with glossy, flat, or metallic shades. Once you’ve chosen your ship’s shape and colors, you are able to apply a decal and name.
As you progress in your Earth & Beyond career, your starships hull grows with you, becoming bigger and more powerful. You receive your first upgrade after completing your initial series of missions inside the game.
Powerful guilds (groups of players with common interests) can sometimes obtain a special, custom decal to place on their starships. Look for details at
You’re almost finished! After customizing your starship, you must choose your character’s name and the galaxy (server) on which you want to play.
Your name must be composed only of letters – no numbers, symbols, or spaces – and be reasonably pronounceable, or Megan will ask you to try again.
If you want a specific name, and it’s not available on the server you’ve selected, you may be able to obtain that name on another server. Try changing the selected server on the character-naming screen, and then enter the game again.
Because only one person can have a name on any given server, your chances to obtain a common word for your character’s name are slim. Your best bet is to make up a completely new name, one that is uniquely you.
We don’t allow vulgar names in enforced very aggressively; so don’t try to sneak anything past Megan, even as a joke!
Earth & Beyond
. This policy will be
To ensure a highest quality of game play, we’ve made multiple copies of Earth & Beyond, each residing on a different computer server (or galaxy). Each galaxy is a self-contained copy of the game, and once you have created a character in one galaxy, it cannot be moved to another.
If you have friends playing which galaxy they’re playing on before making a character.
Earth & Beyond
, you may want to ask
Once you’ve created a character and starship, getting started is easy. You first enter the game inside our interactive tutorial, hosted by – of course – Megan. Megan teaches you how to talk, fly, and interact with the world, as well as answers any basic questions you may have.
It is vital to complete the first set of quests given by your faction. You will obtain some of your most important game skills from them.
Every new account must go through the tutorial once, after which you may de-select the Playing with Beginner Tutorial option on the character­naming screen.
Learn the basics of communicating with other characters, flying your ship, and interacting with objects.
Earth & Beyond is a social game, and we’ve created many ways for you to chat with your fellow players!
The most basic method of chat is the Broadcast message, which gets sent to everyone in your current sector (or space station, if you’re indoors).
TToo bbrrooaaddccaasstt::
Press the
Type your message, then press
Broadcast chat is great for beginners and making friends, but once you’re more familiar with the game you’ll want to explore the many other chat options available.
To send a private message, type /tell <insert player name><insert message>.
You can also use the ‘Chat’ menu at the top of your screen to change from Broadcasting to a different type of chat. The Chat menu lets you customize how messages are sent to other players.
To fly, simply hold down your right mouse button. Your ship accelerates to its maximum speed.
To steer, move your cursor in the direction you want to go.
To stop flying, release the mouse. Your ship slows and eventually stops.
To thrust, click the up arrow on your movement interface (located at the bottom of the screen)
again to send.
Click the up arrow to thrust forward, and the back arrow to engage your reverse thrusters.
To stop thrusting, click the front or back arrow once. Your ship coasts to a standstill.
You can also thrust by using the Aand Zkeys.
Thrusting is great for crossing small distances, if you want to get somewhere in a hurry, your best bet is your warp drive!
TToo wwaarrpp::
Select a target by left-clicking its icon on your screen. Your target is now displayed in your targeting interface, in the lower right of your screen.
Once you have a target, click the Warp button. Your warp drive engages, and you blast toward your target, stopping automatically when you reach your destination.
Earth & Beyond is a big place, and without a map, it’s easy to get lost! Fortunately, your starship comes with a state-of-the-art navigation system to help you track your whereabouts.
To access the map, click the map icon in the lower left-hand corner of your screen. The navigation map appears.
When you open your navigation system, you’ll see a series of icons, each of which indicates a unique location known to your ship’s computer. Locations of which you’re aware but have not yet explored are denoted by question marks; if you’ve explored a location (or it came pre-programmed into your ship’s computer), you’ll see a miniature version of its icon.
To select a location, click on it in the navigation map. Doing so targets the location, and your computer will draw a travel path for you.
To warp to a targeted location, press the Warp button. Your computer automatically navigates from point-to-point as you travel.
You may also select your starmap by pressing the circular button in the upper left of the navigation map. The starmap displays a map of all star systems and sectors (areas within star systems) that are known to you, as well as a series of lines showing the gates that travel between them.
Use your mouse wheel or right mouse button to zoom your navigation map. You may also left-click and drag your cursor to move around the map.
Your navigation map is your friend. We recommend using it!
We’ve made it easy for you to interact with the Earth & Beyond universe!
Most objects you encounter in space have actions you may take upon them.
TToo iinntteerraacctt wwiitthh aann oobbjjeecctt::
Left-click on an object to target it. The object is now displayed in your targeting interface and a series of context-sensitive buttons appear that may be pressed to interact with the object you have targeted.
Press one of the context-sensitive buttons to try that action upon the object.
Common actions include a Gate button to travel through stargates, a Dock button to dock at space stations, and a Follow button to follow a creature or another player.
To learn more about an item in Earth & Beyond – for example, your ship’s engine – right-click on it. A window appears that displays more information for you.
+ 18 hidden pages