0903 Pa rt No. X09 -95736
Character/Party Controls
I............. Open/Close Inventory.
B............Open/Close Spell Book.
weapons and active spells.
H ...........Drink health potion.
M ...........Drink mana potion.
L ............View/Hide character labels.
CTRL+A ...Select all party members.
G............Guard the selected character.
S ............ Stop current action.
R............ Redistribute potions.
Camera Controls
– or mouse wheel forward ..............................................Zoom camera out.
= or mouse wheel back ..................................................Zoom camera in.
Left screen edge or LEFT ARROW
....................................Rotate camera to left.
Right screen edge or RIGHT ARROW
...............................Rotate camera to right.
Top screen edge or UP ARROW
.......................................Tilt camera down.
Bottom screen edge or DOWN ARROW
............................Tilt camera up.
Hold down middle mouse button.....................................Rotate/tilt camera.
These are the default settings for common hotkeys. To view a complete list of hotkeys or to customize the settings, click the Options button on
the Main menu (or click the Menu button within the game, and then
click Options), click Input, and then click Hotkeys.
Formation Controls
Hold down right mouse button, then left-click ........ Cycle through formations.
Hold down right mouse button, then move
mouse left and right ...................................... Change formation orientation.
Hold down right mouse button, then rotate
mouse wheel ................................................ Change formation spacing.
General Controls
......... Pause game.
F9 ................... Quick save game.
CTRL+S ............ Save game.
.................. Quick load game.
CTRL+L ............ Load game.
Z..................... Collect items on
the ground. ALT
.................. View/Hide labels for
items on the ground.
W.................... Minimize/Maximize
Weapons Panels. TAB
................. Open/Close
F ..................... View/Hide Field
ESC ................. Skip cinematics; close
any open screen.
X..................... View/Hide Health
Level and Mana Level indicators.
\ ..................... View/Hide
multiplayer stats.
J...................... Open/Close Journal.
ENTER ............. Chat in multiplayer.
SHIFT+ENTER... Chat with team in multiplayer.
CTRL+ENTER .... Chat globally
in multiplayer. SHIFT+LEFT
CLICK............... Attack nearest monster.
................. Open Game Options.
i 1
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About Photosensitive Seizures
A very small percentage of people may experience a seizure when exposed to certain visual images, including flashing lights or patterns that may appear in video games. Even people who have no history of seizures or epilepsy may have an undiagnosed condition that can cause these “photosensitive epileptic seizures” while watching video games.
These seizures may have a variety of symptoms, including lightheadedness, altered vision, eye or face twitching, jerking or shaking of arms or legs, disorientation, confusion, or momentary loss of awareness. Seizures may also cause loss of consciousness or convulsions that can lead to injury from falling down or striking nearby objects.
Immediately stop playing and consult a doctor if you experience any of these symptoms. Parents should watch for or ask their children about the above symptoms—children and teenagers are more likely than adults to experience these seizures.
The risk of photosensitive epileptic seizures may be reduced by taking the following precautions:
• Play in a well-lit room.
• Do not play when you are drowsy or fatigued. If you or any of your relatives have a history of seizures or epilepsy, consult a doctor
before playing.
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, and
Dungeon Siege: Legends of Aranna
are the exclusive trademarks of Gas Powered Games Corp. The copyrights in this manual are the property of Gas Powered Games Corp. and are protected by U.S. and International copyright laws. This manual may not be copied, reproduced, translated, or reduced to any electronic medium or machine-readable form without the prior consent of Gas Powered Games Corp.
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Part No. X09-95736
An Island in Con ict................. 2
Other Races
............................. 4
The Island Today
...................... 5
New Places .............................. 6
New Weapons and Armor
......... 6
New Spells ............................... 6
New Monsters
.......................... 7
A New Way to Fly
..................... 7
New Features
........................... 8
Installing ................................12
Starting the Game ...................12
Moving Your Character ............16
Controlling the Camera
Using the Megamap................. 16
Selecting a Weapon or Spell.....17
Attacking ................................18
Opening Containers
and Doors ...........................18
Picking Up Treasure
Drinking Potions
Managing Inventories
............. 20
Equipping Weapons
and Armor.......................... 22
New Weapons
........................ 24
New Armor Types
................... 25
Equipping Spells..................... 26
Nature Magic
......................... 27
Combat Magic ........................ 27
New Spells ............................. 27
Increasing Your Skills............. 29
Character Attributes
............... 30
Weapon and
Armor Strength
................... 30
Unconsciousness and Death.....31
Talking to Other Characters .... 32
Pursuing Quests..................... 32
Adding a Character or Pack
Animal to Your Party
........... 32
Dismissing a Character
from Your Party
.................. 33
Buying and Selling Items
........ 34
Sell All................................... 35
Managing Your Party
.............. 35
Setting Movement, Attack,
and Targeting Orders
.......... 36
Movement Orders
.................. 36
Attack Orders
........................ 37
Targeting Orders
.................... 37
Moving Your Party
in Formation
....................... 38
Playing a Multiplayer Game..... 39
Joining or Hosting a
Multiplayer Game................ 39
Dying .....................................41
Saving Multiplayer Games
....... 42
Chatting................................. 42
Trading Items with
Other Players
...................... 42
Viewing Team Information
...... 43
CREDITS................................ 44
The devastation unleashed through this conflict consumed the island, transforming once lush areas of forest and jungle into blasted, broken wastelands. The Utraean cities fell into disrepair as the leaders could no longer provide the level of comfort their citizens once enjoyed. Infighting and rebellion ensued.
Today’s Utraeans no longer dominate Aranna, or even their current island home, though they still control many powerful and magical inventions. They remain a proud, if remorseful, people.
The Zaurask
A race of saurians, the Zaurask were coaxed out of the jungles and swamps by the Utraeans thousands of years ago and subjected to Utraean magic and devices. The Zaurask were at first obedient and docile, agreeing out of innocence or ignorance to work for the Utraeans. But eventually they rose up against their masters, and many managed to free themselves from Utraean rule. Those that tried but failed to escape were quickly rounded up and enslaved in the mines and factories of the Utraean cities. Understandably, the Zaurask now possess a deep-rooted hatred for the Utraeans and, as a result, have plundered and defiled many ancient Utraean structures.
Zaurask society is tribal, and their shamans are adept at using the natural forces around them to attack their enemies. Their power and strength comes through physical combat, and most of their warrior caste bear scars obtained from skirmishes with Utraean or Hassat forces or from ritualistic combat training. Hardened fighters, the Zaurask are not to be trifled with.
You’ve heard stories of great adventures in years gone by, of the heroes who crusaded across the Kingdom of Ehb, battling the stubborn Krug, poisonous mucosae, and horrifying zombies. You’ve longed for adventures yourself, while spending your youth sharpening your skills in the quiet little garrison town of Arhok.
Now you’ve pieced together a strange story, discovering from an old tattered journal that your mother and father were also heroes, known for adventures throughout the continent of Aranna. The journal sends you on a journey to a mysterious island brimming with thousands of years of history. Here you’ll encounter strange primordial creatures, some that have long been at war with one another.
An Island in Con ict
The Utraeans
The Utraeans are an ancient race of powerful beings responsible for much of the magic in Aranna. To the early Utraean elders, comfort and security were paramount to everything else. But after millennia of supremacy, the Utraeans unwittingly engineered their own decline by falsely believing that their magic and machines made them omnipotent and by denying the destructive effect their power was having on the other island races. Like many great civilizations before them, the Utraeans ignored the dangers that arose from their suppression of the Zaurask and Hassat. This led to years of war among the island’s inhabitants.
The Hassat
The Hassat are an indigenous race of felines. The Utraean wizards bred the Hassat as a source of cheap labor during the period of the Zaurask captivity. The Hassat gained their independence during the Race Wars, and are now trying to build a culture and society of their own.
Other Races
The Droc are a primitive crocodilian race that has gone largely unnoticed by the other groups on the island. They spend much of their time trying to appease their god, who requires frequent live sacrifices. These aggressive cave-dwelling reptiles feed on pond algae and plankton, but love to adorn themselves in bones, especially human skulls.
Half Giants
Along with the Utraeans, Zaurask, Hassat, and Droc, a fifth group lives on the island: the Half Giants. They call themselves “The Children of the Mountain,” and are actually strangers to the island. How they got here and why is shrouded in mystery.
The Half Giants fear they are the last of their kind. It’s been many generations since they’ve had contact with their homeland, and the Children grow fewer with each passing season. They believe that the history of their people will end on this accursed isle of mad wizards and wretched experiments.
The Island Today
After generations of war and conflict, the Hassat and Utraeans are all but extinct, and the Zaurask are proliferating, with their numbers far exceeding those of their enemies. It’s only a matter of time before the saurian race overwhelms the island. With their powers and machines almost completely exhausted, the Utraeans have turned to the day-to-day business of mere survival. Having never been a fertile people, and after the heavy losses sustained during the Race Wars, the Utraeans are slowly dying out. And with them dies the knowledge of, and access to, their great machines.
Monster Description
Chitterskrag Enormous, imposing cross between a hermit
crab and a cockroach.
Automatons Relentless, sharp-edged, clockwork figures.
Rune Guardian Furry creatures with bleached-white cow-
skull heads.
Droc Crocodilian cave dwellers.
Fleshrender Ghoulish flesh eaters and servants to the
Skitterclaws Colorful, flightless, and deadly ostrich-sized
Scorpiot Giant robot scorpions with magical stingers.
New Monsters
Some of the monsters in Aranna will look familiar to you, but there are also entirely new creatures to conquer.
In Dungeon Siege®: Legends of Aranna™, you’ll discover new places, unique spells, and powerful potions, and you’ll gain new types of weapons and armor.
New Places
The continent of Aranna includes more than just the Kingdom of Ehb. Your adventure starts in the garrison town of Arhok in Ehb.
Surrounded by walls and guard towers, the village is comprised of shops, a tavern, a few homes, and a barn. The people are friendly and will be happy to provide information or trade equipment with you.
After exploring Arhok, your adventure continues when you
transport to an intriguing island. Just off the coast of Ehb, this island is purported to be the lost kingdom of the Utraeans and is filled with things that you’ve never seen before: new weapons, new armor, new spells, and, of course, new monsters to battle!
New Weapons and Armor
Utraean weapons reflect the magic and brilliance of their inventors, and now in Dungeon Siege: Legends of Aranna, you can combine pieces of armor (treasure sets) to earn magical enhancements. Find out more in “Equipping Weapons and Armor”
(page 22) in
this manual.
New Spells
You begin your journey acquiring many of the same magic spells that were found in the Kingdom of Ehb, but there are other spells as yet unheard of! Some of these new spells are described in “Equipping Spells” (page 26) in this manual.
A New Way to Fly
On your journey, you will rediscover “displacers.” Invented by the Utraean wizards, these magical transporters once formed the backbone of a trade network all across the lands of Aranna.
To work, the displacers require active devices at both ends of each link; however, in the ages since these wonders were built, many displacers have deteriorated. You may find some displacers that don’t work until you trigger a second pad, and others that don’t work at all. Glowing orbs around each pad let you know if the device is active, and nearby obelisks show the pad’s destination.
New Features
Along with great new items and places in Dungeon Siege: Legends of Aranna, you’ll also experience the following
gameplay improvements.
Improved Control Groups
Increase the effectiveness of your party (mages in particular) by using the improved control groups. In addition to switching among ten different slot combinations for your party, you can now use the control groups to switch instantly among ten different spells, even if the spells aren’t active.
To record and use control groups
1. Press the
CTRL key and a number key to record the currently active slot for each party member. (The four slots are located to the right of each Character Portrait.) This “records” a set of active weapons and spells.
2. Press that number key at any time to activate the set of weapon slots and spells that you recorded in Step 1.
Now, in Dungeon Siege: Legends of Aranna, you are no longer confined to the currently active spells. You can record any spell in the Spell Book and switch to it instantly at any time. Use this feature to switch rapidly between spells in and out of combat.
Improved Tooltips
Compare the deadliness of fast- and slow-attack weapons through improved tooltips. Every weapon’s tooltip now shows you the average damage inflicted over 10 seconds of use. This will save you the trouble of calculating the advantages of speed versus damage rating. Tooltips also show the price of an item, so you can make value choices without going to a shop.
Redistributable Potions
Click the Redistribute Potions button at the bottom left of the screen, or press the R key, to give all party members their fair share of the party’s potions. Mages get all of the mana potions and melee warriors get more health potions.
Transformation Spells
Change your magic users into powerful melee combatants with new Transformation spells. Experience the earth-shaking power of playing as a Rock Beast, or try playing with the deadly sting of a scorpion.
Orb Spells
Cast new Orb spells, which create powerful magical orbs that revolve around you and automatically target nearby enemies, leaving your hands free for melee combat, ranged combat, or additional spell casting.
Imbued Items
Keep an eye open for “imbued” items, armor, and weapons. These special objects significantly increase your prowess in battle. Imbued items appear with a purple background in your Inventory.
Treasure Sets
Discover pieces of rare “treasure sets.” Composed of three to five pieces of weapons, armor, or other equipment, these treasure sets appear with an aqua background in your Inventory. Each of these related magical items is powerful in its own right, but when combined, they are endowed with additional bonuses.
Off-Screen Attack Warnings
Remain alert to the status of fellow party members through the new off-screen attack warning. If a party member is under attack out of your view, their Character Portrait will flash orange, alerting you to rally to their aid.
Localized Attacks
Avoid accidentally running into the clutches of a horrid beast by holding down the SHIFT key when you attack. This causes your characters to target the monster closest to the area where you click (a localized attack). When no monsters are around, holding down the SHIFT key and clicking will order your characters to break open the nearest treasure container.
Unsummon Creature and Untransform Buttons
Cancel Combat spells for better control. If you are about to head into battle and your Summon or Transformation spell is getting close to expiring, use the Unsummon Creature or Untransform buttons, located in the Field Commands, to negate the spell. Recast the spell and enter battle at full strength.
Glyph Traps
Experience the satisfaction of killing monsters with the new Glyph spells. Place Glyphs on the ground to create a lethal trap, and then lure monsters to their doom.
Group Awareness
Watch properly equipped party members rush to each other’s aid. Characters you have not ordered to hold their ground will run to help if their fellow party members come under attack.
Increase the load each character can carry by using new backpacks. Each character is limited to one backpack. Right­click your backpack to open it. You can also drop an item directly onto a closed backpack to stash the item away. If your main Inventory has no room, items you pick up off the ground will automatically go into the backpack, if there is room.
Sell All
Quickly convert all unequipped loot to gold with the new
All button (which appears near a shopkeeper’s portrait). With
the pull down menu by the Sell All button, you can: sell all but potions, scrolls, and unique spells (the default setting); sell all but scrolls and potions; sell all but unique spells; or just sell all. If you accidentally sell something in your Inventory that you wanted to keep, the shopkeeper will allow you to buy it back for the same price he or she paid you.
Auto-Arrange Improvements
Your party members’ Inventory items will now be arranged automatically when they pick up new items. You no longer have to manually rearrange their Inventory to make more room.
Multiplayer Save
Experience improved group gameplay. Now, each time you exit a multiplayer game, the Journal state of your character will be saved. Play through with friends and complete all the quests together!
World Map
The World Map in Dungeon Siege: Legends of Aranna allows you to truly appreciate the epic scale of your journey and measure your progress through the game. Click the World Map
button (or press SHIFT+TAB) to view the map. Each time you enter a new region of the world, another section of the map will be revealed to you. A label identifies your current location in the world.
Distinct Party Members
Enjoy the distinct personalities of party members. As you add members to your party, they will speak to you. You can turn these “voice-over acknowledgements” on or off by going to the Options menu, selecting the Audio tab, clicking the More button, and then clicking the Voice Overs button.
Use the tragg, a new pack animal that delivers powerful attacks and can carry almost as much loot as a packmule. However, unlike packmules, traggs rapidly become attached to their owners and will rush into battle to gore any monster that threatens the party. You can also order traggs to attack enemies.
Health Level indicator
Character Portrait
Mana Level indicator
Melee Weapon
Ranged Weapon
Active Spells
View/Hide Inventory button
Weapons panel
Camera Follow Mode Off
Minimize Compass
View/Hide Engagement and
Formation Standing Orders button
Follow Party Leader button
View/Hide Field Commands button
Open/Close Game Menu button
Open/Close Journal button
Open/Close Megamap button
Open/Close World Map button
Description Text
Status Bar
Drink Mana Potion button
Drink Healing Potion button
Pause/Resume Dungeon Siege button
Disband Party Member button
Select Party button
Collect Items button
Redistribute Potions button
View/Hide Item Labels button
Unsummon Creature button
Untransform button
Insert Dungeon Siege: Legends of Aranna Disk 1 into the CD-ROM drive, and then follow the instructions on the screen. If Setup does not begin automatically, follow these steps:
Click Start, point to Settings, and then click Control Panel.
2. Double-click Add or Remove Programs.
3. In the Add or Remove Programs dialog box, select Add New
, click the CD or Floppy button, and then follow the
instructions on the screen.
Starting the Game
To start
Dungeon Siege: Legends of Aranna
Click Start, point to Programs, point to Dungeon Siege: Legends
of Aranna
, and then click Dungeon Siege: Legends of Aranna.
Setting Out on Your Journey
To venture through Aranna by yourself
Click Single Player.
2. Click Start New Game.
3. Click the arrow buttons to select your character’s gender and appearance. Males and females are equally strong and skilled.
4. Type a name for your character, and then click Next.
5. Select Legends of Aranna from the list of maps and then click Next.
6. Set the difficulty level. You can use the Options menu to change the difficulty level later.
To play with other players across the Internet or a local area network (LAN), see “Playing a Multiplayer Game” (page 39) in this manual.
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