D-Link DES-3200, DES-3200-2BF Reference Manual

Information in this document is subject to change without notice. © 2011 D-Link Corporation. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any manner whatsoever without the written permission of D-Link Corporation is strictly forbidden. Trademarks used in this text: D-Link and the D-LINK logo are trademarks of D-Link Corporation; Mic rosoft and Windows are registered tradem arks
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D-Link Corporation disclaims any proprietary interest in trademarks and trade names other than its own. February 2011 P/N 651ES3200035G
xStack® DES-3200 Series Layer 2 Ethernet Managed Switch WEB UI Reference Guide
Table of Contents
Intended Readers ....................................................................................................................................................... viii
Typographical Conventions ........................................................................................................................................ viii
Notes, Notices, and Cautions ..................................................................................................................................... viii
Web-based Switch Configuration ................................................................................................. 9
Introduction ................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Login to Web Manager ............................................................................................................................................................... 9
Web-based User Interface ....................................................................................................................................................... 10
Web Pages .............................................................................................................................................................................. 11
Configuration ............................................................................................................................... 12
Device Information ...................................................................................................................................................... 13
System Information ..................................................................................................................................................... 13
Serial Port Settings ..................................................................................................................................................... 14
IP Address Settings .................................................................................................................................................... 15
IPv6 Address Settings ................................................................................................................................................ 17
IPv6 Route Settings .................................................................................................................................................... 18
IPv6 Neighbor Settings ............................................................................................................................................... 18
Port Configuration ....................................................................................................................................................... 19
Port Settings ............................................................................................................................................................................ 19
Port Description Settings.......................................................................................................................................................... 21
Port Error Disabled .................................................................................................................................................................. 21
Static ARP Settings .................................................................................................................................................... 22
User Accounts ............................................................................................................................................................ 23
System Log Configuration .......................................................................................................................................... 24
System Log Settings ................................................................................................................................................................ 24
System Log Server .................................................................................................................................................................. 24
DHCP Relay................................................................................................................................................................ 26
DHCP Relay Global Settings ................................................................................................................................................... 26
DHCP Relay Interface Settings ................................................................................................................................................ 29
DHCP Local Relay Settings ..................................................................................................................................................... 29
DHCP Auto Configuration Settings ............................................................................................................................. 30
MAC Address Aging Time .......................................................................................................................................... 30
Web Settings .............................................................................................................................................................. 31
Telnet Settings ............................................................................................................................................................ 31
Password Encryption .................................................................................................................................................. 31
CLI Paging Settings .................................................................................................................................................... 32
Firmware Information .................................................................................................................................................. 33
SNTP Settings ............................................................................................................................................................ 34
Time Settings ........................................................................................................................................................................... 34
Time Zone Settings .................................................................................................................................................................. 35
SMTP Settings ............................................................................................................................................................ 37
xStack® DES-3200 Series Layer 2 Ethernet Managed Switch WEB UI Reference Guide
SMTP Service Settings ............................................................................................................................................................ 37
SMTP Service .......................................................................................................................................................................... 38
MAC Notification Settings ........................................................................................................................................... 38
MAC Notification Global Settings ............................................................................................................................................. 38
MAC Notification Port Settings ................................................................................................................................................. 38
SNMP Settings ........................................................................................................................................................... 39
SNMP View Table .................................................................................................................................................................... 40
SNMP Group Table .................................................................................................................................................................. 41
SNMP User Table .................................................................................................................................................................... 42
SNMP Community Table.......................................................................................................................................................... 43
SNMP Host Table .................................................................................................................................................................... 44
SNMP Trap Configuration ........................................................................................................................................................ 45
RMON ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 45
Time Range Settings .................................................................................................................................................. 46
Single IP Management ............................................................................................................................................... 46
Single IP Settings ..................................................................................................................................................................... 48
Topology .................................................................................................................................................................................. 49
Tool Tips .................................................................................................................................................................................. 51
Right-Click................................................................................................................................................................................ 52
Menu Bar ................................................................................................................................................................................. 54
Firmware Upgrade ................................................................................................................................................................... 55
Configuration File Backup/Restore .......................................................................................................................................... 55
Upload Log File ........................................................................................................................................................................ 56
Gratuitous ARP ........................................................................................................................................................... 56
Gratuitous ARP Global Settings ............................................................................................................................................... 56
Gratuitous ARP Settings .......................................................................................................................................................... 57
ARP Spoofing Prevention Settings ............................................................................................................................. 58
PPPoE Circuit ID Insertion Settings ........................................................................................................................... 59
L2 Features ................................................................................................................................... 60
Jumbo Frame .............................................................................................................................................................. 60
VLANs ......................................................................................................................................................................... 61
Understanding IEEE 802.1p Priority ........................................................................................................................................ 61
VLAN Description ..................................................................................................................................................................... 61
IEEE 802.1Q VLANs ................................................................................................................................................................ 62
Q-in-Q VLANs .......................................................................................................................................................................... 65
802.1Q Static VLAN ................................................................................................................................................................. 67
Q-in-Q ......................................................................................................................................................................... 70
Q-in-Q Settings ........................................................................................................................................................................ 71
VLAN Translation Settings ....................................................................................................................................................... 72
802.1v Protocol VLAN ................................................................................................................................................ 72
802.1v Protocol Group Settings ............................................................................................................................................... 72
802.1v Protocol VLAN Settings ................................................................................................................................................ 74
VLAN Trunk Settings .................................................................................................................................................. 75
xStack® DES-3200 Series Layer 2 Ethernet Managed Switch WEB UI Reference Guide
GVRP Settings ............................................................................................................................................................ 76
Asymmetric VLAN Settings ......................................................................................................................................... 77
MAC-based VLAN Settings ........................................................................................................................................ 77
PVID Auto Assign Settings ......................................................................................................................................... 78
Port Trunking .............................................................................................................................................................. 78
LACP Port Settings ..................................................................................................................................................... 80
Traffic Segmentation ................................................................................................................................................... 81
Layer 2 Protocol Tunneling Settings ........................................................................................................................... 82
BPDU Attack Protection Settings ............................................................................................................................... 83
IGMP Snooping .......................................................................................................................................................... 84
IGMP Snooping Settings .......................................................................................................................................................... 84
IGMP Access Control Settings ................................................................................................................................................. 86
IGMP Snooping Multicast VLAN Settings ................................................................................................................................ 87
IP Multicast Profile Settings ..................................................................................................................................................... 88
Limited Multicast Range Settings ............................................................................................................................................. 90
Max Multicast Group Settings .................................................................................................................................................. 90
MLD Snooping Settings .............................................................................................................................................. 91
Port Mirror ................................................................................................................................................................... 94
Loopback Detection Settings ...................................................................................................................................... 94
Spanning Tree ............................................................................................................................................................ 96
STP Bridge Global Settings ..................................................................................................................................................... 98
STP Port Settings .................................................................................................................................................................... 99
MST Configuration Identification ............................................................................................................................................ 101
STP Instance Settings ........................................................................................................................................................... 102
MSTP Port Information .......................................................................................................................................................... 103
Forwarding & Filtering ............................................................................................................................................... 103
Unicast Forwarding Settings .................................................................................................................................................. 103
Multicast Forwarding Settings ................................................................................................................................................ 104
Multicast Filtering Mode ......................................................................................................................................................... 105
NLB Settings ............................................................................................................................................................. 106
LLDP ......................................................................................................................................................................... 106
LLDP Global Settings ............................................................................................................................................................. 107
LLDP Port Settings ................................................................................................................................................................ 108
LLDP Basic TLVs Settings ..................................................................................................................................................... 109
LLDP Dot1 TLVs Settings ...................................................................................................................................................... 110
LLDP Dot3 TLVs Settings ...................................................................................................................................................... 111
Ethernet OAM ........................................................................................................................................................... 112
Ethernet OAM Port Settings ................................................................................................................................................... 112
Ethernet OAM Event Configuration ........................................................................................................................................ 113
Connectivity Fault Management (CFM) .................................................................................................................... 114
CFM Settings ......................................................................................................................................................................... 116
CFM MA Settings ................................................................................................................................................................... 117
CFM MEP Settings ................................................................................................................................................................ 118
xStack® DES-3200 Series Layer 2 Ethernet Managed Switch WEB UI Reference Guide
CFM Port Settings .................................................................................................................................................................. 120
CFM Loopback Settings ......................................................................................................................................................... 121
CFM Linktrace Settings .......................................................................................................................................................... 122
ERPS Settings .......................................................................................................................................................... 123
QoS ............................................................................................................................................. 125
Advantages of QoS ................................................................................................................................................................ 125
Understanding QoS ............................................................................................................................................................... 126
Bandwidth Control .................................................................................................................................................... 127
Traffic Control ........................................................................................................................................................... 128
Queue Bandwidth Control Sett ings .......................................................................................................................... 130
802.1p Default Priority .............................................................................................................................................. 131
802.1p User Priority .................................................................................................................................................. 131
QoS Scheduling Settings .......................................................................................................................................... 132
Priority Mapping ........................................................................................................................................................ 133
TOS Mapping ............................................................................................................................................................ 134
DSCP Mapping ......................................................................................................................................................... 135
Security ....................................................................................................................................... 136
Safeguard Engine ..................................................................................................................................................... 136
Trusted Host ............................................................................................................................................................. 138
IP-MAC-Port Binding ................................................................................................................................................ 138
IMP Binding Global Settings .................................................................................................................................................. 139
IMP Binding Port Settings ...................................................................................................................................................... 140
IMP Binding Entry Settings .................................................................................................................................................... 141
DHCP Snooping Entries ........................................................................................................................................................ 142
MAC Block List ....................................................................................................................................................................... 142
Port Security ............................................................................................................................................................. 142
Port Security Port Settings ..................................................................................................................................................... 142
Port Security FDB Entries ...................................................................................................................................................... 144
802.1X ....................................................................................................................................................................... 144
Understanding 802.1X Port-based and Ho st-based Network Access Control........................................................................ 147
Port-based Network Access Control ...................................................................................................................................... 147
Host-based Network Access Control ..................................................................................................................................... 148
802.1X Settings ...................................................................................................................................................................... 149
802.1X User ........................................................................................................................................................................... 150
Authentication RADIUS Server .............................................................................................................................................. 151
Guest VLAN Configuration ..................................................................................................................................................... 152
Guest VLAN ........................................................................................................................................................................... 153
Initialize Port(s) ...................................................................................................................................................................... 153
Reauthenticate Port(s) ........................................................................................................................................................... 154
SSL Settings ............................................................................................................................................................. 155
Download Certificate .............................................................................................................................................................. 156
Ciphersuite ............................................................................................................................................................................. 156
SSH ........................................................................................................................................................................... 157
xStack® DES-3200 Series Layer 2 Ethernet Managed Switch WEB UI Reference Guide
SSH Settings .......................................................................................................................................................................... 158
SSH Authmode and Algorithm Settings ................................................................................................................................. 158
SSH User Authentication Lists ............................................................................................................................................... 160
Access Authentication Control .................................................................................................................................. 161
Authentication Policy Settings ................................................................................................................................................ 162
Application Authentication Settings ........................................................................................................................................ 162
Authentication Server Group .................................................................................................................................................. 163
Authentication Server ............................................................................................................................................................. 164
Login Method Lists ................................................................................................................................................................. 165
Enable Method Lists .............................................................................................................................................................. 166
Local Enable Password Settings ............................................................................................................................................ 167
MAC-based Access Control...................................................................................................................................... 168
MAC-based Access Control Settings ..................................................................................................................................... 168
MAC-based Access Control Local Settings............................................................................................................................ 170
DoS Prevention Settings ........................................................................................................................................... 171
DHCP Server Screening Settings ............................................................................................................................. 172
DHCP Server Screening Port Settings ................................................................................................................................... 172
DHCP Offer Permit Entry Setting ........................................................................................................................................... 174
ACL ............................................................................................................................................. 175
ACL Configuration Wizard ........................................................................................................................................ 175
Access Profile List .................................................................................................................................................... 176
CPU Interface Filtering ............................................................................................................................................. 193
CPU Access Profile List ............................................................................................................................................ 193
ACL Finder ................................................................................................................................................................ 207
ACL Flow Meter ........................................................................................................................................................ 207
Monitoring .................................................................................................................................. 209
Cable Diagnostics ..................................................................................................................................................... 209
CPU Utilization .......................................................................................................................................................... 210
Port Utilization ........................................................................................................................................................... 211
Packet Size ............................................................................................................................................................... 212
Memory Utilization .................................................................................................................................................... 213
Packets ..................................................................................................................................................................... 214
Received (Rx) ........................................................................................................................................................................ 214
UMB_cast (Rx) ....................................................................................................................................................................... 216
Transmitted (Tx) ..................................................................................................................................................................... 217
Errors ........................................................................................................................................................................ 219
Received (RX) ........................................................................................................................................................................ 219
Transmitted (TX) .................................................................................................................................................................... 221
Port Access Control .................................................................................................................................................. 223
RADIUS Authentication .......................................................................................................................................................... 223
RADIUS Account Client ......................................................................................................................................................... 225
Authenticator State ................................................................................................................................................................ 227
Authenticator Statistics .......................................................................................................................................................... 228
xStack® DES-3200 Series Layer 2 Ethernet Managed Switch WEB UI Reference Guide
Authenticator Diagnostics ...................................................................................................................................................... 232
Browse ARP Table ................................................................................................................................................... 234
Browse VLAN ........................................................................................................................................................... 234
IGMP Snooping ........................................................................................................................................................ 234
Browse IGMP Router Port...................................................................................................................................................... 234
IGMP Snooping Group ........................................................................................................................................................... 235
IGMP Snooping Host ............................................................................................................................................................. 236
MLD Snooping .......................................................................................................................................................... 236
Browse MLD Router Port ....................................................................................................................................................... 236
MLD Snooping Group ............................................................................................................................................................ 237
LLDP ......................................................................................................................................................................... 237
LLDP Statistics System .......................................................................................................................................................... 237
LLDP Local Port Information .................................................................................................................................................. 238
LLDP Remote Port Information .............................................................................................................................................. 238
Ethernet OAM ........................................................................................................................................................... 239
Browse Ethernet OAM Event Log .......................................................................................................................................... 239
Browse Ethernet OAM Statistics ............................................................................................................................................ 239
Connectivity Fault Management ............................................................................................................................... 240
CFM Fault Table .................................................................................................................................................................... 240
CFM MP Table ....................................................................................................................................................................... 240
CFM Packet Counter ............................................................................................................................................................. 241
CFM MIPCCM Table .............................................................................................................................................................. 241
MAC-based Access Control Authentication State .................................................................................................... 242
Browse Session Table .............................................................................................................................................. 242
MAC Address Table .................................................................................................................................................. 243
System Log ............................................................................................................................................................... 244
Save and Tools ........................................................................................................................... 245
Save Configuration ................................................................................................................................................... 245
Save Log ................................................................................................................................................................... 246
Save All ..................................................................................................................................................................... 246
Configuration File Upload & Download ..................................................................................................................... 246
Upload Log File ......................................................................................................................................................... 247
Reset ......................................................................................................................................................................... 247
Ping Test ................................................................................................................................................................... 248
Download Firmware .................................................................................................................................................. 249
Reboot System ......................................................................................................................................................... 249
Appendix A Technical Specification ........................................................................................ 250
Appendix B System Log Entries ............................................................................................... 253
Appendix C RADIUS Attributes Assignment ........................................................................... 268
Appendix D Glossary ................................................................................................................. 271
Appendix E Warranty ................................................................................................................. 274
xStack® DES-3200 Series Layer 2 Ethernet Managed Switch WEB UI Reference Guide
Intended Readers
The DES-3200 Serie s User Manual contains information for set up and management of the Switch. This m anual is intended for network managers familiar with network management concepts and terminology.
Typographical Conventions
Convention Description
[ ] In a command line, square brackets indicate an optional entry. For example: [copy
filename] means that optionally you can type copy followed by the name of the file. Do not type the brackets.
Bold font Indicates a button, a toolbar icon, menu, or menu item. For example: Open the File menu
and choose Cancel. Used for emphasis. May also indicate system messages or prompts appearing on your screen. For example: You have mail. Bold font is also used to represent filenames, program names and commands. For example: use the copy command.
Boldface Typewriter Font
Indicates commands and responses to prompts that must be typed exactly as printed in the manual.
Initial capital letter Indicates a window name. Names of keys on the keyboard have initial capitals. For
example: Click Enter.
Italics Indicates a window name or a field. Also can indicate a variables or parameter that is
replaced with an appropriate word or string. For example: type filename means that you should type the actual filenam e instead of the word sho wn in italic.
Menu Name > Menu Option
Menu Name > Menu Option Indicates the menu structure. Device > Port > Port Properties means the Port Properties menu option under the Port menu option that is
located under the Device menu.
Notes, Notices, and Cautions
A NOTE indicates important information that helps you make better use of your device.
A NOTICE indic ates either pot ential damage to hardware or loss of data and te lls you how to avoid the problem.
A CAUTION indicates a potential for property damage, personal injury, or death.
xStack® DES-3200 Series Layer 2 Ethernet Managed Switch WEB UI Reference Guide
Section 1
Web-based Switch Configuration
Introduction Login to Web Manager Web-based User Interface Web Pages
All software functions of the S witc h c an be managed, configure d an d monitored via the embedded web-base d ( HTML) interface. The Switch ca n be managed from remote statio ns anywhere on the network throug h a standard browser such as Firefox, Microsoft Internet Explorer , Mozilla, or Netscape. The browser acts as a universal access tool and can communicate directly with the Switc h using the H T T P protoc ol.
The Web-based m anagement module and the Consol e program (and Telnet) are diff erent ways to access the sam e internal switching sof tware and conf igure it. Thus, al l settings encount ered in W eb-based managem ent are the sam e as those found in the console program.
Login to Web Manager
To begin managing the Switch, s imply run the browser you have installed on your com puter and point it to the IP address you have defined for the device. The URL in the address bar should read something like:, where the numbers 123 represent the IP address of the Switch.
NOTE: The Factory default IP address for the Switch is
This opens the management module's user authentication window, as seen below.
Figure 1 - 1 Enter Network Password dialog
Enter “admin” in bot h the Us er Nam e and Pass word fields and click OK. T his will ope n the Web-based user interf ace. The Switch management features available in the web-based manager are explained below.
xStack® DES-3200 Series Layer 2 Ethernet Managed Switch WEB UI Reference Guide
Web-based User Interface
The user interface pr ovides access to various Switch conf iguration and management windows, allows you to view performance statistics, and permits you to graphically monitor the system status.
Areas of the User Interface
The figure below shows the user interface. The user interface is divi ded into three distinct areas as desc ribed in the table.
Figure 1 - 2 Main Web-Manager page
Area Function
Area 1
Select the folder or window to be displayed. The folder icons can be opened to display the hyperlinked window button s and subfol ders c ontai ned within t hem . Click the D -L ink logo to go t o the D-Link website.
Area 2
Presents a graphical near real-time im age of the front panel of the Switch. T his area displays the Switch's ports and expansion modules, showing port activity, dup
lex mode, or flow control,
depending on the specified mode. Various areas of the graphic c an be selected for performing managem ent functions, including port
Area 3
Presents switch information based on your selection and the entry of configuration data.
NOTICE: Any changes made to the Switch configuration during the current session must be saved in the Save Configuration window (Save > Save Configuration) or use the command line interface (CLI) command save config.
Area 1
xStack® DES-3200 Series Layer 2 Ethernet Managed Switch WEB UI Reference Guide
Web Pages
When you connect to the m anagement m ode of the Switch wit h a Web browser , a login windo w is displayed. E nter a user name and password to access the Switch's management mode.
Below is a list and description of the main folders available in the Web interface: Configuration – Contains m ain windows concern ing Device Inform ation, S ystem Inform ation, Serial Port Sett ings, IP
Address, IPv6 Interface Settings, IPv6 Route Settings, IPv6 Neighbor Settings, Port Configuration, Static ARP Settings, User Account s, System Log C onfiguration, DHCP Rela y, DHCP Auto Conf iguration Settin gs, MAC Address Aging Time, W eb Settings, Telnet Set tings, Password Encr yption, CLI Pagin g Settings, Firm ware Information, SNT P Settings, SMTP Setti ngs, MAC Notification Settin gs, SNMP Settings, Tim e Range Settings, Single IP Man agement, Gratuitous ARP, ARP Spoofing Prevention Settings and PPPoE Circuit ID Insertion Settings.
L2 Features – Contains main windows concerning Jumbo Frame, 802.1Q Static VLAN, Q-in-Q, 802.1v Protocol VLAN, VLAN Trunk Settings, GVRP Settings, Asymmetric VLAN Settings, MAC-based VLAN Settings, PVID Auto Assign Settings, Port Trunking, LACP Port Settings, Traffic Segmentation, L2PT Settings, IGMP Snooping, MLD Snooping Settings, Port Mirror, Loopback Detection Settings , Spanning Tree, Forwarding & F iltering, NLB Settings, LLDP, Ethernet OAM, Connectivity Failure Management, and ERPS Settings.
QoS – Contains main windows concerning Bandwidth Control, Queue Bandwidth Control Settings, Traffic Control, Queue Bandwidth Contr ol Settings, 802.1 P Default Priority, 802.1P User Priority, QoS Scheduling Sett ings, Priority Mapping, TOS Mapping, and DSCP Mapping.
Security – Contains m ain windows conc erning Safeg uard Engine, T rusted Host, IP-MAC-Port Binding, Por t Security,
802.1X, SSL Settings, SSH, Access Authentic at io n Co ntr ol, M AC-b as ed Ac ces s Contr o l, Do S Pre ve nti on S etti ngs and DHCP Server Screening.
ACL – Contains m ain windows concerning ACL Configuration W izard, Access Profile L ist, CPU Access Prof ile List, ACL Finder, and ACL Flow Meter.
Monitoring – Contains m ain windows concerning C able Diagnostics, CPU Utilizati on, Port Utilization, Packet Size, Memory Utilization, Pack ets, Errors, Port Access Control, Bro wse ARP Table, Browse VLAN, IGM P Snooping, MLD Snooping, LLDP, Connectivity Failure Management, MAC-based Access Control Authentication State, Browse Session Table, MAC Address Table, and System Log.
Save & Tools – Contains main windows concerning Save Configuration, Save Log, Save All, Configuration File Upload & Download, Upload Log File, Reset, Ping Test, Download Firmware, and Reboot System.
NOTE: Be sure to configure the user name and password in the User Accounts window (Configuration > User Accounts) before connecting
the Switch to the greater network.
xStack® DES-3200 Series Layer 2 Ethernet Managed Switch WEB UI Reference Guide
Section 2
Device Information System Information Serial Port Settings IP Address Settings IPv6 Interface Settings IPv6 Route Settings IPv6 Neighbor Settings Port Configuration Static ARP Settings User Accounts System Log Configuration DHCP Relay DHCP Auto Configuration Settings MAC Address Aging Time Web Settings Telnet Settings Password Encryption CLI Paging Settings Firmware Information SNTP Settings SMTP Settings MAC Notification Settings SNMP Settings Time Range Settings Single IP Management Gratuitous ARP ARP Spoofing Prevention Settings PPPoE Circuit ID Insertion Settings
xStack® DES-3200 Series Layer 2 Ethernet Managed Switch WEB UI Reference Guide
Device Information
This window contai ns the m ain settings for all maj or functions on the Sw itch and appear s automaticall y when you log on. To return to the Device Information windo w, click the DES-32 00 Series folder. T he Device Info rmation window shows the Switch’s MAC Address (as signed by the factory and unchangeable) , the Boot PROM Version, Firmware Version, the Hard war e Ver s ion, a nd ot her i nf ormation about different s etti ngs on t he S witc h. T his inf ormation is helpful to keep track of PROM and f irmware updates and to obta in the Switch's MAC a ddress for entr y into another network device's address table, if necessary. In add ition, this windo w displays the status of functions on t he Switch to quic kly assess their current glo bal status. Som e f unctions are hyper -link ed to th eir conf igur ation windo w for eas y ac cess from the Device Information window.
Figure 2 - 1. Device Information window
System Information
This window contains the System Inform ation details. The user may enter a System Name, System Location and System Contact to aid in defining the Switch, to the user's preference. This window displays the MAC Address, Firmware Version and Hardware Version.
Click Configuration > System Information to display the following window:
Figure 2 - 2. System Information window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Parameter Description
System Name
Enter a system name for the Switch, if so desired. This name will identify it in the Switch network.
System Location
Enter the location of the Switch, if so desired.
System Contact
Enter a contact name for the Switch, if so desired.
Click Apply to implement changes made.
xStack® DES-3200 Series Layer 2 Ethernet Managed Switch WEB UI Reference Guide
Serial Port Settings
The following win dow allows the Baud Rate and t he Auto Logout to be changed as well as containing inform ation about the Serial Port Settings.
Click Configuration > Serial Port Settings to display this window:
Figure 2 - 3. Serial Port Settings window
Parameter Description
Baud Rate
This field specifies the baud rate for the serial port on the Switch. There are four possible baud rates to choose from , 9600, 19200, 38400 and 115200. For a conn ection to the Switch using the CLI interface, the baud rate must be set to 9600, which is the default setting.
Auto Logout
Select the logout tim e used for the console interf ac e. T his aut omatically logs the u ser out af ter an idle period of time, as d ef ined. C hoos e f r om the following options : 2 Minutes, 5 Minutes, 1 0 Minutes, 15 Minutes or Never. The default setting is 10 minutes.
Click Apply to implement changes made.
NOTE: If a user configures the ser ial port’s baud r ate, the baud rate will take effec t and save immediately.
xStack® DES-3200 Series Layer 2 Ethernet Managed Switch WEB UI Reference Guide
IP Address Settings
The IP address ma y initially be se t using the console interface prior to connecting to it through the Ethern et. If the Switch I P a ddress has not yet been ch anged, read th e intr oductio n of the DES-3200 Series CLI Reference Manual for more information.
Click Configuration > IP Address Settings to display the following window:
Figure 2 - 4. IP Address Settings window
To manually assign the Switch's IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway address:
1. Click Static at the top of the window.
2. Enter the appropriate IPv4 Address and Sub net Mas k.
3. To access the Switch from a different subnet from the one it is installed on, enter the IP address of the Gateway. If the Switch will be managed from the subnet on which it is installed, leave the def ault address ( in this field.
4. If no VLANs have been previously configured on the Switch, you can use the default Management VLAN Name. The default VLAN contains all of the Switch ports as members. If VLANs have been previously configured on the Switch, t he Management VLAN Nam e of the VLAN that contains the port conn ected to the management station will have to be entered to ac c ess the Switch .
5. Use the drop-down Interface Admin State menu to select Enabled if it has not already been done.
NOTE: The Switch's factory default IP address is with a subnet mask of and a default gateway of
To use the BOOTP or DHCP protocols to assign the Switch an IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway address, select either BOOTP or DHCP.
xStack® DES-3200 Series Layer 2 Ethernet Managed Switch WEB UI Reference Guide
The IP Address Settings options are:
Parameter Description
Allows the entry of an IPv4 ad dress, Subnet Mas k, and a Default Gate way for th e Switch. T hese fields should be of the form xxx.xxx .xxx.xxx, where e ach x xx is a number (represented in d ecim al form) between 0 and 2 55. This addr ess should be a unique addres s on the n etwork as signed for use by the network administrator.
The Switch will send o ut a DHCP broadcas t request when it is powered up. Th e DHCP protocol allows IP address es, network masks, and default g ateways to be assigned b y a DHCP server. If this option is set, the Swit ch will first look for a DHCP server to provide it with this information before using the default or previously entered settings.
The Switch will send out a BOOTP broadcast request when it is powered up. The BOOTP protocol allows IP addres ses, network masks , and default gateways to be assigned b y a central BOOTP server. If this optio n is set, t he Switc h will f irst look for a BOOTP s erver t o provide it with this information before using the default or previously entered settings.
IP Interface
The current IP Interface being assigned an IP address on this window.
Management VLAN Name
This allows the entry of a VLAN Name from which a management station will be allowed to manage the Switch us in g T C P/I P (i n-band via web manager or Telnet). Mana gem ent s ta tio ns th at are on VLANs other than the one enter ed here will not be able to manage the Switch in-band unless their IP addresses are entered in the Securit y IP Management window. If VLANs have not yet been configured f or the Switc h, the default VLAN contains all of the S witch's ports . There are no entries in th e Security IP Mana gement table, by def ault, so any manage ment station that can connect to the Switch can access the Switch until a management VLAN is specified or Management Station IP Addresses are assigned.
Interface Admin State
Toggle between Enabled and Disabled. This mus t be set to Enabled when setting an I P address on this window.
IPv4 Address
Enter the desired IPv4 address to be set. The default address is
Subnet Mask
A Bitmask that determines the extent of the subn et that the Switch is o n. Should be of the f orm xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx , where each xxx is a number (repres ented in decimal) between 0 and 255. The value should be for a Class A network, for a Class B network, and for a Class C network, but custom subnet masks are allowed.
IP address that determ ines where packets with a destination a ddress outside the current subnet should be sent. This is usually the ad dress of a rout er or a host ac ting as an IP gate way. If your network is not part of an intranet, or you do not wan t the Switch to be accessible out side your local network, you can leave this field unchanged.
DHCP Option 12 State
Use to enable or disable DHCP Option 12.
DHCP Option 12 Host Name
Type the name of the host used for Option 12. Up to 63 characters are allowed.
Click Apply to allow changes to take effect.
xStack® DES-3200 Series Layer 2 Ethernet Managed Switch WEB UI Reference Guide
IPv6 Address Setti ngs
Users can display the Switch’s current IPv6 interface settings. To view the following window, click Configuration > IPv6 Interface Settings:
Figure 2 - 5. IPv6 Interface Settings window
To configure IPv6 inter face settings, e nter an IPv6 Addr ess and c lick Apply. The new entr y will app ear in t he table at the bottom of the window.
After making the desired changes, click the Apply button. The following parameters may be configured or viewed:
xStack® DES-3200 Series Layer 2 Ethernet Managed Switch WEB UI Reference Guide
Parameter Description
Interface Name
The name of the IPv6 interface being displayed or modified.
Display the VLAN name of the IPv6 interface.
Admin. State
Display the current administrator state.
IPv6 Address
Enter the IPv6 address of the interface to be modified.
Automatic Link
Local Address
Toggle between Enabled and Disabled. Enabling this i s helpf ul when no external sour c e of net work addressing information is available.
NS Retransmit Time (0-
Enter a value between 0 and 4294967295. This is the neighbor solicitation’s retransmit timer in milliseconds. The default is zero.
IPv6 Route Settings
The user can configure the Switch’s IPv6 Route Table. To view the following window, click Configuration > IPv6 Route Settings:
Figure 2 - 6. IPv6 Route Settings window
Enter an IP Interfac e, an IPv6 addres s in the Default Gateway fiel d and then cli ck the Create butto n. In addition, the Metric can be enter ed between 1 and 65535. The new I Pv6 route will be displ ayed in the table at th e bottom of the window.
IPv6 Neighbor Settings
The user can configure the Switch’s IPv6 neighbor settings. The Switch’s current IPv6 neighbor settings will be displayed in the table at the bottom of this window.
To view the following window, click Configuration > IPv6 Neighbor Settings:
Figure 2 - 7. IPv6 Neighbor Settings window
Enter the Interface Name, Neighbor IPv6 Address, and the Link Layer MAC Address and then click the Add button. To look for an IPv6 Neigh bor Settings table entry, enter th e Interface Name, select the desir ed State (All, Address,
Static, or Dynamic) in the middle section of this window, and then click the Find button. To delete all the entries being displayed on the table at the bottom of this window, click the Clear button.
xStack® DES-3200 Series Layer 2 Ethernet Managed Switch WEB UI Reference Guide
The following parameters may be configured or viewed:
Parameter Description
Interface Name
Enter the name of the IPv6 neighbor . To search for all the current int erfaces on the Switch, go to the second Interface Nam e field in th e middle part of t he window, tick the All check box, and then click the Find button.
Neighbor IPv6 Address
Enter the neighbor IPv6 address.
Link Layer MAC Address
Enter the link layer MAC address.
State Use the drop-down menu to select All, Address, Static, or Dynamic.
Port Configuration
This section contains information for configuring various attributes and properties for individual physical ports, including port speed and flow control.
Port Settings
Various port settings, including State, Spe ed/Duplex, Flow Contro l, Address Learning, Medium Type, and MDIX can be configured on the Switch.
To view the following window, click Configuration > Port Configuration > Port Settings:
Figure 2 - 8. Port Settings window
To configure switch ports , choose the port or sequential range of por ts using the From Port and To Port pull-down menus. Use the remaining pull-down menus to configure the parameters described below:
xStack® DES-3200 Series Layer 2 Ethernet Managed Switch WEB UI Reference Guide
Parameter Description
From Port/To Port
Use the pull-down menus to select the port or range of ports to be configured.
Toggle this field to either enable or disable a given port or group of ports.
Toggle the Speed/Duplex field to either select the speed and duplex/half-duplex state of the port.
Auto denotes auto-negoti ation between 10 and 100 Mbps devices , in full- or half-duplex. The Auto s etting allows th e port to autom atically determ ine the fastes t settings the d evice the por t is connected to can handle, and then to us e those settin gs. The other opt ions are Auto, 10M Half, 10M Full, 100M Half and 100M Full, 1000M Full_Master, 1000M Full_Slave and 1000M Full.
There is no automatic adjustment of port settings with any option other than Auto. The Switch allows the user to configure two types of gigabit connections; 1000M/Full_M and
1000M/Full_S. Gigabit connections only support full duplex connections and take on certain characteristics that are different from the other choices listed.
The 1000M Full_Master and 1000M Full_Slave parameters refer to connections running a 1000BASE-T cable for connec tio n be t we en th e S witch port and other devic e capable of a gigabit connection. The m aster setting (1000 M Full_Master) will allow the port to a dvertise capabilities related to duplex, speed and physical layer type. The master setting will also determine the master and slave relations hip between the two connected physical layers. This relationship is necessary for establishi ng the tim ing control b etween the t wo ph ysical layers. T he timing c ontrol is set on a master physical layer by a local sour ce. The slave setti ng (1000M Full_Slave) uses loop timing, where the timing comes from a data stream received from the master. If one connection is set for 1000M F ull_Mas ter, t he other s ide of the conn ection m us t be set for 1000M Full_Slave. Any other configuration will result in a link down status for both ports.
Flow Control
Displays the flow contr ol scheme used for the various por t configurations. Ports configured f or full-duplex use 802.3x flow control, half -duplex ports use backpressure flow control, a nd Auto ports use an automatic selection of the two. The default is Disabled.
Address Learning
When Enabled, desti nat io n and sour c e M AC a ddres s e s are automatically listed in the f or ward ing table. The default setting is Enabled.
Medium Type
This applies only to th e Combo ports. If configuring the Com bo ports this defines the type of transport medium us ed. SFP ports should be set at Fiber and the Combo 1000BASE-T ports should be set at Copper.
MDIX This can be specified as Auto, Normal, or Cross. In Normal state, the port is in MDIX mode and
can be connec ted to a PC NIC using a straight cable. If it is in Cross state, the port is in MDI mode, and can be connec ted to a port (in MDIX mode) on another switch through a straight cable.
Click Apply to implement the new settings on the Switch.
xStack® DES-3200 Series Layer 2 Ethernet Managed Switch WEB UI Reference Guide
Port Description Settings
The Switch supports a port description feature where the user may name various ports on the Switch. To view the following window, click Configuration > Port Configuration > Port Description Settings:
Figure 2 - 9. Port Description Settings window
Use the From Port and To Port pull-down menus to choose a port or range of ports to describe, and then enter a description of the port(s).
The Medium Type applies only to the Combo ports. If configuring the Combo ports this defines the type of transport medium used. SFP ports should be nominated Fiber and the Combo 1000BASE-T ports should be nominated Copper. The result will be displayed in the appropriate switch port number slot (C for copper ports and F for fiber ports).
The following parameters can be configured:
Parameter Description
From Port/To Port
Use the pull-down menus to select the port or range of ports to be configured.
Medium Type
This only applies to the Combo ports. If configuring the Combo ports, this defines the t ype of transport medium used. SFP ports should be set at Fiber and the Combo 1000BASE-T ports should be set at Copper.
The description of the the ports.
Click Apply to implement the new settings on the Switch.
Port Error Disabled
The following window will display inform ation about ports that have had their connection st atus disabled for reasons such as STP loopback detection or link down status.
To view this window, click Configuration > Port Configuration > Port Error Disabled:
xStack® DES-3200 Series Layer 2 Ethernet Managed Switch WEB UI Reference Guide
Figure 2 - 10. Port Error Disabled window
The following parameters are displayed:
Parameter Description
Displays the port that has been error disabled.
Port State
Describes the current running state of the port, whether Enabled or Disabled.
Connection Status
This field will read the uplink status of the individual ports, whether Enabled or Disabled.
Describes the reason why the port has been error-disabled, such as a STP loopback occurrence.
Static ARP Settings
The Address Resolution Pr otocol ( ARP) is a T CP/I P pr otocol that c onverts IP addr ess es into ph ysical ad dress es. T his table allows network m anagers to view, define, m odify and delete ARP infor mation for specif ic devices. Static entr ies can be defined in the ARP Table. When static entries are defined, a permanent entry is entered and is used to translate IP address to MAC addresses.
To view this window, click Configuration > Static ARP Settings
Figure 2 - 11. Static ARP Settings window
The following fields can be set:
Parameter Description
ARP Aging Time (0-65535)
The user may globally set the maximum amount of time, in seconds, that an Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) entry can remain in the Switch’s ARP table, without being accessed, before it is dropped from the table. The value may be set in the range of 0 to 65535 seconds, with a default setting of 20 seconds.
IP Address
The IP address of the ARP entry.
MAC Address
The MAC address of the ARP entry.
After entering the IP Addre ss and MAC Addres s of the Static ARP entr y, click Apply to implem ent the new entr y. To completely clear the Static ARP Settings, click the Delete All button. To modify a static ARP entry, click the corresponding Edit button in the table. To delete a static ARP entry, click the corresponding Delete button in the table.
NOTE: The Switch supports up to 255 static ARP entries.
xStack® DES-3200 Series Layer 2 Ethernet Managed Switch WEB UI Reference Guide
User Accounts
Use this window to control user privileges, create new users, and view existing User Accounts. To view this window, click Configuration > User Accounts:
Figure 2 - 12. User Accounts window
The following fields can be set:
Parameter Description
User Name
The name of the user, an alphanumeric string of up to 15 characters.
Enter a password for the new user.
Access Right There are two levels of user privi leges, Admin and User. Some features and sel ections available
to users with Admin privileges may not be available to those with User level privileges. (Table 2 - 1 below summarizes Admin and User level privileges)
Confirm Password
Retype the new password.
To add a new user, ent er the appropriate information and c lick Apply. To modif y or delete an existing us er, click on the Edit button for that user.
NOTICE: In case of lost p asswords or password cor ruption, please refer to the “Password Recovery Procedure” Appendix in the DES-3200 Series CLI Reference Manual which wil l guide you thro ugh the s teps necessar y to resolve
this issue.
Admin and User Privileges
There are two levels of user privileges, Admin and User. Some menu selections available to users with Admin privileges may not be available to those with User privileges.
The following table summarizes the Admin and User privileges:
Management Admin User
Configuration Yes Read-only Network Monitoring Yes Read-only Community Strings and Trap Stations Yes Read-only Update Firmware and Configuration Files Yes No System Utilities Yes No Factory Reset Yes No
xStack® DES-3200 Series Layer 2 Ethernet Managed Switch WEB UI Reference Guide
User Account Management
Add/Update/Delete User Accounts Yes No View User Accounts Yes No
Table 2 - 1. Admin and User Privileges
System Log Configuration
This section contains information for configuring various attributes and properties for System Log Configurations, including System Log Settings and System Log Host.
System Log Settings
This window allows the user to enable or disable the System Log and specify the System Log Save Mode Settings. To configure the system log settings, click Configuration > System Log Configura tion > System Log Settings
Figure 2 - 13. System Log Settings window
The following parameters can be set:
Parameter Description
System Log
Use the radio buttons to either enable or disable the system log feature.
Save Mode
Use this drop-down m enu to choose the m ethod that will trigger a log entry. Choose among On Demand, Time Interval, and Log Trigger.
min (1-65535)
Enter a time interval, in minutes, for which a log entry is to be made.
To modify the system log settings on this window, enter the appropriate information and click Apply.
System Log Server
The Switch can send Syslog messages to up to four designated servers using the System Log Server. To configure the system log settings, click Configuration > System Log Configura tion > System Log Server:
Figure 2 - 14. System Log Server window
The following parameters can be set:
xStack® DES-3200 Series Layer 2 Ethernet Managed Switch WEB UI Reference Guide
Parameter Description
Server ID
Syslog server settings index (1-4).
This drop-down m enu allo w s you to s e lect the level of m ess ages t hat wil l be s en t. The options are Warning, Informational, and All.
Server IP Address
The IP address of the Syslog server.
Some of the operati ng system daemons and pr ocesses have been assign ed Facility values. Processes and daemons that have not been exp licitly assigned a Facility may use an y of the "local use" facilities or they ma y use the "user-level" Facility. Those Faci lities that have bee n designated are shown i n the f ollowin g: Bold font indic ates th e fac ility valu es tha t the Switch is currently employing.
Numerical Facility Code Numerical Facility Code
0 1 2 3 4 5
7 8
9 10 11
kernel messages user-level messages mail system system daemons security/authorization messages messages generated intern a l ly by
syslog line printer subsystem network news subsystem UUCP subsystem clock daemon security/authorization messages FTP daemon
12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
NTP subsystem log audit log alert clock daemon
local use 0 (local0) local use 1 (local1) local use 2 (local2) local use 3 (local3) local use 4 (local4) local use 5 (local5) local use 6 (local6) local use 7 (local7)
UDP Port (514 or 6000-65535)
Type the UDP port number used for sending Syslog messages. The default is 514.
Status Choose Enabled or Disabled to activate or deactivate. To add a new entry, enter the appropriate information and click Apply.
xStack® DES-3200 Series Layer 2 Ethernet Managed Switch WEB UI Reference Guide
DHCP Relay
The relay hops count lim it allows the maximum number of hops (routers) that the DHCP m essages can be relayed through to be set. If a packet’s hop c ount is equal to or more than the hop cou nt limit, the packet is dropped. The range is between 1 and 16 hops, with a default value of 4. The relay time threshold sets the minimum time (in seconds) that the Switch will wait before f orwarding a BOOT REQUEST pac ket. If the valu e in the seconds field of the packet is less than the re lay time t hreshold, the pack et will be dro pped. T he range is be tween 0 and 65,535 seconds, with a default value of 0 seconds.
DHCP Relay Global Settings
To enable and configur e DHCP Relay Global Sett ings on the Switch, c lick Configuration > DHC P Relay > DHCP Relay Global Settings:
Figure 2 - 15. DHCP Relay Global Settings window
The following fields can be set:
Parameter Description
DHCP Relay State This field can be toggled between Enabled and Disabled using the pull-down menu. It is
used to enable or disable the DHCP Relay service on the Switch. The default is Disabled
DHCP Relay Hops Count Limit (1-16)
This field allows an entry betwee n 1 and 16 to define the m aximum num ber of router hops DHCP messages can be forwarded across. The default hop count is 4.
DHCP Relay Time Threshold (0-65535)
Allows an entry between 0 and 65535 seconds, and defines the maximum time limit for routing a DHCP pac ket. If a value of 0 is entered, the S witch will not process t he value in the seconds field of the BO OTP or DH CP packet. If a non-zero value is ent ered, the S witch will use that value, along with the hop count to determine whether to forward a given BOOTP or DHCP packet.
DHCP Relay Agent Information Option 82 State
This field can be toggled between Enabled and Disabled using the pull-down menu. It is used to enable or disabl e t he DHCP Agent Inform ation O pti on 8 2 on t he S witch. T he default is Disabled.
Enabled – When this field is toggled to Enabled the relay agent will insert and remove DHCP relay information (o ption 82 field) in messages bet ween DHCP servers and clients. When the relay agent rec eives th e DH C P req ues t , i t a dds the opt ion 82 inf ormation, and the IP address of the relay agent (if the relay agent is configured), to the packet. Once the option 82 inform ation has been added to the pack et it i s sent on to the DHC P ser ver. W hen the DHCP server rece ives t he pac ket , if the ser ver is c apable of opti on 82, it can im plement policies like restricting the num ber of IP addresses that can be ass igned to a sin gle remote ID or circuit ID. T hen the DHCP server ec hoes the option 82 f ield in the DHCP reply. The DHCP server unicasts the repl y to the back to the relay age nt if the request was rela yed to the server by the relay agent. The switch verifies that it originally inserted the option 82 data. Finally, the rela y agent removes the option 82 field and forwards the pa cket to the switch port that connects to the DHCP client that sent the DHCP request.
Disabled - If the f ield is to g gle d to Disabled t he re lay agent will not insert and r emove DHCP
relay information (optio n 82 field) in m essages betwee n DHCP servers an d clients, and the
xStack® DES-3200 Series Layer 2 Ethernet Managed Switch WEB UI Reference Guide
check and policy settings will have no effect.
DHCP Relay Agent Information Option 82 Check
This field can be toggled between Enabled and Disabled using the pull-down menu. It is used to enable or disable the S witches ab ility to c heck the valid ity of t he pack et’s opt ion 82 field.
Enabled – W hen the field is toggled to Enable, the r elay agent will ch eck the validit y of the packet’s option 82 f ield . If t he switch receives a pac ket that contains the op tio n-82 field from a DHCP client, the switch drops the packet because it is invalid. In p ackets received from DHCP servers, the relay agent will drop invalid messages.
Disabled - W hen the f ie ld is toggled to Disabled, the relay agent will not check the validity of the packet’s option 82 field.
DHCP Relay Agent Information Option 82 Policy
This field can be togg led between Rep lace, Drop, and Keep by us ing the pull-down menu. It is used to set the Switch es po licy for han dling pac k ets when the DH CP Agent Information Option 82 Check is set to Disabled. The default is Replace.
Replace - The option 82 field will be replaced if the option 82 field already exists in the packet received from the DHCP client.
Drop - T he pack et will be d roppe d if the o ption 8 2 field alrea dy exists in the pack et rec eived from the DHCP client.
Keep -The option 82 field wil l be retained if the option 82 field a lready exists in the packet received from the DHCP client.
DHCP Relay Agent Information Option 82 Remote ID
This field is for you to ent er the remote ID. Tick Default to use the Switch’s s ystem MAC address as the remote ID.
Click Apply to implement any changes that have been made.
NOTE: If the Switch receives a packet that contains t he option-82 field from a DH CP client and the information-checking feature is enabled, the switch drops the packet because it is invalid. Ho wever, in som e instances, you might conf igure a client with t he option-82 field. In this situation, you should disable the information-check feature so that the switch does not rem ove the option-82 f ield from the packet. You ca n configure the action that the switch takes when it receives a packet with existing option-82 information by configuring the DHCP Agent Inf ormation Option 82 Policy.
The Implementation of DHCP Inform a t ion Option 82 on the Switch
The config dhcp_relay option_82 command conf igures the DHCP rela y agent information optio n 82 setting of the switch. The formats for the circuit ID sub-option and the remote ID sub-option are as follows:
NOTE: For the circuit ID sub-optio n of a standalone switch, the m odule field is always zero.
xStack® DES-3200 Series Layer 2 Ethernet Managed Switch WEB UI Reference Guide
Circuit ID sub-option format:
a. b. c. d. e. f. g.
1 6 0 4 VLAN
Module Port
1 byte 1 byte 1 byte 1 byte 2 bytes 1 byte 1 byte
a. Sub-option type b. Length c. Circuit ID type d. Length e. VLAN: the incoming VLAN ID of DHCP client packet. f. Module: For a standalone switch, the Module is always 0; for a stack able switch, the Module is the
Unit ID.
g. Port: The incoming port number of DHCP client packet, port number starts from 1.
Remote ID sub-option format: (default)
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 2 8 0 6 MAC address
1 byte 1 byte 1 byte 1 byte 6 bytes
1. Sub-option type
2. Length
3. Remote ID type
4. Length
5. MAC address: The Switch’s system MAC address.
Remote ID sub-option format :( for user-configured string)
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 2 N+2 1 N ASCII Remote ID String (up to 127 characters)
1 byte 1 byte 1 byte 1 byte N bytes
1. Sub-option type
2. Length
3. Remote ID type
4. Length
5. User configured Remote-ID
Figure 2 - 16. Circuit ID and Remote ID Sub-option Format
xStack® DES-3200 Series Layer 2 Ethernet Managed Switch WEB UI Reference Guide
DHCP Relay Interface Settings
This window allows t he user to set up a server, by IP addr ess, for r elaying DHC P/ BOOT P information to the Switc h. The user may enter a pre viously configured IP interface on the Switch that will be connected dir ectly to the DHCP server using the followi ng wind o w. Properly configured setti ngs will be d ispl ayed in the DHCP Re lay Interface Table at the bottom of the following window. The user may add up to four server IP’s per IP interface on the Switch.
To enable and configur e DHCP Relay Global Sett ings on the Switch, c lick Configuration > DHCP Relay > DHCP
Relay Interface Settings:
Figure 2 - 17. DHCP Relay Interface Settings window
The following parameters may be configured or viewed.
Parameter Description
The IP interface on the Switch that will be connected directly to the Server.
Server IP
Enter the IP address of the DHC P server. Up to four server IPs can be configured per IP Interface
DHCP Local Relay Settings
This function on the Switch allows configuration of the DHCP local relay for VLAN. To view this window, click Configuration > DHCP Local Relay> DHCP Local Relay Settings:
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