Danby DWC2121BLS Owner’s Manual

ReedendF_tlQwAft SafetyRt_ls__nd Opera_lng]nsb'ucttonsBeforeFirs!
A,nrtl deI'e_tefoeet_onnsrceils machine=llsozet st=iresleulBelee
coneigI_ee_e s6eurtt6deco guilJean premierIieu_
Leey Slgalodes lesIndfcactenesde _eguddedy deOperael_nAflles de
DBnbyPr_ucls Um_ed,Guelph,OnlafloCanad_ NIH Gzg
Table of Contents .................... I
Table des matl_res ................... 13
Indies ..............................
DanbyPi-_ucts]_¢, Fin_Jlay,OhloUSA 45B4(}
,mpo n aey normalon
Safety PrecauUons 3 Grounding InstruclJons 4
Operating instructions
Features of Your Wine Cooler 5
The Controls of Your Wine Cooler 6
Setting the Temperature 6
Wine Storage 7
Shelf Instructions 7
Installation Instructions
ToolsYou Will Need 8
Preparing the Enclosure 8
Care and Cteanlng
Halpfult Hints How to Clean the Inside
How toClean the Outside
.........Tr6ubte ShoOting
Before Your Celt For Service 10
9 9
Welcome to the
Danby family, We're proud of our quality
products and we
You'll see tt In this Best of all, you'll
easy-to-use manual experience these and you'U hear It In the values each time you friendly voices of our use your wine cooler°
consumer service That's Important, department, because your new
Te!:l-800-26-Danby, appliance will be part
Start Herel...Before using your Wine Cooler
Writedown themodo_end aeds| Stapleyourreceiptto the lne_e numbers here.,They ere one label beck cover of this manuel Youwltl
locatedon the back ef thewine need it to obtainasP,ice under cooler, w_r_nty
Modelnumber DWC2121eL8
Serial number
D_ta purchased
of your family for a
long time.
Beforeyou callforeerv)ce,
thereare a few thingsyou cando to help us serve
you better.,,
Read thts manuel t! conf_InsInstructionsto
helpyouuse end mslnt_tn yourvine coolerproperly.
If you received a damaged appliance lmmedleteEycon_ct the
dealer (or bulider) thet _old you thewthecooler.
Save time end money Check the Troubfe Shooting
section before cafllng. T'nts
section helps you solve common problems thatmay
If youdo need service, you canrelax knowing helpIs
onlye phone call away. Tel: 1-800-26-Dm, nlby'
!alches, llds, tocklandlordaprs from unbsedOrd!scarded:_pp_la_ce_;Or _ke 0ornbiOthere_Jon
: :: ; DON;T WAIT_DO IT NOW1 ; ;: ;
: :: : _ .::; ..... ...... ;: .... : ....
To t_uca thO_Skof ffre 'bum_,e!ec_c Sh_; or njury op_ons when uSirigyour appt!Srtcei: :;
:fo!l_ b_ pres_uUens,I_ic_udlngthpfo _lng s_cf.rana;: ;: : :: ;;; ; ; i ::;;:
plug or the epp_nce ibeff'fn instmc_ensth_,heCamend
Wate_ CIaanIngsadden(s) of this
Do n_t uoo thisproductnear
* Th_aappliancemus! be gmund_, Connect onlyto a pmpedygroundedouUat,
See *Groundingth_ttudJans"
sac_on on page4
Do not operate th_aeppllan_ gIt has e darnsged power cord
orplug,g II Is nat working pmpody,orIfthe appliance has
Do not apll¢_ the power cord
Ihat Is equipped with this apptl=
Keep power cord away from Stare wt_e tn _eaied bottles
heated surfaces, only.
water-far example, Ina wet
basement, near e swimming poolor near a a_nk.
Donot usecorrosive chemicalsorvapor_tnthis
Uce this appUanceonlyfor
R'sIntended use, aadesctibed tnthismanual-
De net state parIBhsblefood items such as (but not limited to) meaL_end dairy products
Inyourwine cooler,
, D_ notcover or b_ockany openingsonthe appliance,
This applianceIstntandedfor household usa only,Do not
attempt 1oOperateora_orethis eppl_nco ou[doora,
This appliance should be serviced onlybyquailed eerv-
icepa_ennsi, Contaclthe nearestaulhottzed service
faciIlly for examlnallon,repair er adjusbnenL
Consults qualified ele_dcian or_ewvtc8technicianI_'the
ground_g ta_,_c_ons erenot
coroplotelyundarstood,or If
doubtexlstsee to whetherthe appliance ts p_opedyground-
tfth_ outletIs e standard2_ prongwall ouffot,ffia your per- sons]msponslbImy_nd abflga-
Uonto have it reptecsdwlth e propedygrounded3_prong
wei! outleL
For boat operattan, plugthis applianceinto Its c,v.mciodJJ_
col outtet to pr_'ont flickering of lights,blowingof fusaor tdpptag of circuitbreaker.
Do not underany circom. otBnc_ cut or removethe
third (ground)prongfromthe powerco_,
Do not use anadapter plug
withthis appliance.
Do not USear_oxtenstan
cordw_thf_laappliance, if the power cord _etooshort, hove
e qualified aloctddanorearw _cetechntctsn Install an o_et near the appliance.
1. Twin Door Design: Dlvtded compsd- msnt_ affow forseparate storage of different typesof wines,
2_ Dual Elactronlc Controls: For Indt- vlduelly mgulaUng the temperature forboth
compartments of the wine cooler,
3, Magnetic Door Gaskets: Tight fitting sealsretainerlthecooffngpowersnd humid- itylevels
4oWooden Trim Shelves: Pe_aflyslide out for easyaccesstoyourwine
5oChild Proof Locks with Ray
6, Front Mounted Exhaust: Allowsfor
7, Tempered Glass Doors: Tinted far UV prolecgon while eUIIallowing for easy
_nteflor viewing
8_Leveling Legs goInterior Lights (notshown):
ff[umtnateathecompartmentwhenthe dcor
ts opened,
10, Interior Light Toggle Switch: To
manue++ytltum]natslextlngutehboth thte_ar lights,white doors remain cfosad
I. Run
indicator tight Illuminates to algnlfy the
coollng mode is currently in operaUen
2, Electronic Display
DIspay screen shows currant cabinet temperature and set temperature. (see
'Seffing the Temperature' below)
time;the temperature :
will aut0m,,tlc=,fly beset
(!2"G) n the !eft and right
and Will be displayed trt
thn:Fehranh_ tsca e (_F)
3. C°/P
Adjacent Indicatorlight denotes which
sceneof temperature ts d_spiayod
4. 'UP' BUtton
Used te raise (warm) the temperature
In I" degree Inemmen[_,
_DOWN' Button Used b tower (cool) the
temperature In 1=degree Icoraman_.
* The temperature rangefor bo_ Compartmentsc_n be
set as toweu 39"F (4'C) or as high as 64"F (1g'C) to suit
yourspecl_e wtne storage requirements, Each depme- sionof the UP or DOWN but-
tonwtlEeitew you adjust the
tomperalura In '["degree
incrementswithlnthe afore* mentionedrange.
, You moy view your'sat' temperatureat any time by
brief|l,'depraeetng either thu +UP'or'DOWN +button. The
eeltemperature willflush in
the dtsptsy nreu for 5 eec_
ends beforethe dtsplay resumes ehnwteg the current
r_ bleat temperatura_
P|easa note: In the event of o power falbra or Intsrrup- lion, sll modified set|lnge are
lost end the defaultsoRIngs ere usedonce power
Ftg C
FORYOUR 8AFE'fY: i _ _
safetyGlee.soG_oves i!
gi..i=r Qogg{O=ihou]di _
ceni_binef_orie f_e_:mO_n{Odfntheree('wa/I,_oteUdecor_outffud_n the:_nc_osum:
Mea=udng Square i
Allowthe wlne coolerdoor Is NOTE: Be certain the
mmsth open for t_few minutes power Is off before
_zftermanuelcleanlngto air out
end di3' the Inside of the wine cleaningany part of coolsrmblnot this appliance
Walls, Floor,Inside Humidors Window, and Shelves
: :_: : :: : :: Waist depesIl_,and dsBl _n
sbratdve t!e_rl_ra Or#hs m damp cloth,
;:CoOler. ;, :i: : ;::
shoUld be removad with a
Wash oarefuliy In warm, sudsy
waist The humidorcan be
broken Ifdropped
To avoid breakage,do not piece HumidorInto hotwater
Immadlala_yuponremoving froma chilledwinecooler cabi-
Before You Call For Service
Problem Possible Cause What to do
No Powo;',
Cabinet Temperature Temperaturesetting too High
Condensation on thg cabthet endJer doora
if none of the above rectify the sltuaUon please contact our customer care department
Afuse inyour home may Replacefuse or resetcircuit breaker, ba blownor _a dtcuit
Power surge_
Plugnot fullyInsertedtnto Make surethe 3*pang ptugon the
wall ouUet wlne cooler ts fullyinsertedInto at|tier
Doer(e) not shut propedy
or openedexcosslve{y
in|odor _ghtBtoggled on The Interior lightsate intended for
ExhauBtvent_sob.tmcted Vafltythere _snothingbleck_ngthe
Recenilyadded e large
quantity of warm be|ties |o the cabinet
Highhumidity conditions The condensation witf subside once in the homo humid{t/conditionsmtum to nermef
Doer(e)oat shut properly Ensure that the doors are fuUydoS_J at openedexcegslvaly and that the gasketsare aea_ag,
Unptugthew}ne cooler,wafta few ascends and then plugIt backin
Vod_ the tempomtu_'ocontrolso|Ung,
adjustif heccessary,
Ensurethat the doomera tullydosed
end that the gasket_am t_ealthg, againstthe criblno_, Open the doors onlyas neededand forshort per_edt_
of time,
temperarylightingof coblnots for disptaypurposesonly, Thoyare not
intendedto beiofi on for prolonged time peflede
frontmounted ox.heuslthgvenL
Limit thequantity of warm bottles being introduced to the cab}nat at the
sametime, Aiiempt to phase in the load tn_redudJoni! possible,(Ie Iced
no mer_ than 6 warm be_es at once-. 3 par compartment)
againstthe cabinets,Openthe doom
only as needed end for shortpcdede of t!mo.
at1-800-26oDanby" (t.8o0.26_2629)
+ 26 hidden pages