Ideal for severe field use! With
Ideal for severe field use! With
wide-band reception, rugged and
wide-band reception, rugged and
submersible design, the powerful
submersible design, the powerful
EAI "man down" feature, and simple
EAI "man down" feature, and simple
keyboard commands, the VX-6R/E*
keyboard commands, the VX-6R/E*
is loaded with features for the
is loaded with features for the
toughest outdoor applications!
toughest outdoor applications!
Direct Memory Recall feature provides
One-Touch Stored Frequencies Access,
just like on a Car Stereo!
Full keyboard operation is powerful, but in an
emergency it can seem confusing. The VX-6R/E,
though, adopts a one-touch DMR (Direct Memory
Recall) system operating just like your car stereo
does. Just tune to a frequency, press a numerical
key for about two seconds
to store the frequency,
and then just touch that
key to recall the stored
frequency instantly!
DMR Preset Frequencies
DMR USA Version DMR EXP Version
1 145.00 MHz
2 146.52 MHz
3 147.50 MHz
4 435.00 MHz
5 440.00 MHz
Huge 900-channel Memory Capacity
with 24 Memory Banks and
Two "Special Memory" Groups.
Huge 900-Channel, 24-Banks Memory System
Each of the 900 available memory channels may
be assigned an alpha-numeric "Tag" (label), for
quick identification of the channel. The 24 memory
banks may store up to 100 channels each, and a
channel may be assigned into multiple banks, if
desired. And you can assign an identification tag
to each memory bank.
Memory Channel
CH 000 145.000 MHz
CH 001 145.500 MHz
CH 002 438.020 MHz
CH 003 446.020 MHz
CH 004 145.700 MHz
CH 005 439.800 MHz
CH 006 128.800 MHz
CH 997 145.620 MHz
CH 998 433.200 MHz
CH 999 128.600 MHz
6 222.00 MHz
7 540 kHz
8 88.00 MHz
9 76.00 MHz
0 120.00 MHz
*For Export model, you can store your favorite frequencies.
1 144.00 MHz
2 144.00 MHz
3 144.00 MHz
4 144.00 MHz
5 144.00 MHz
6 144.00 MHz
7 144.00 kHz
8 144.00 MHz
9 144.00 MHz
0 144.00 MHz
Memory Bank "1"
144 MHz Amateur Band Channels
Memory Bank "2"
430 MHz Amateur Band Channels
Memory Bank "3"
All Amateur Band Channels
Memory Bank "4"
Club Channels
Memory Bank "5"
Air Band Channels
*Simulated LCD display
Actual size
144/430 MHz Dual-Band
5 W Hand-Held
FM Transceiver
E for European version
Three Special Memory Banks for Shortwave,
Marine, and Weather Broadcast Stations!
89 Shortwave Broadcast Channels, representing
many of the most popular broadcast stations in
the world, are pre-loaded and labeled at the
factory. You may change the contents of these
channels, to customize the channels for your
listening preferences.
The U.S. version of the VX-6R/E includes ten NOAA
weather broadcast channels, and the VX-6R/E
can watch for the 1050-Hz "Severe Weather" alert,
warning you of the approach of dangerous weather
280 Marine Channels are also pre-programmed
at the factory, letting you get in on all the maritime
action in your area!
Other Memory Features
"Nuisance channel Skip" feature for eliminating
sets of band-limit "Programmable Memory Scan"
channels for restricting operation to band
segments •12 quick-recall "Home" channels, one
per band •"Memory Only" mode,
simplifying operation during public-service events.
The Channel Selector and
Volume knobs are a new
and unique design, with
deep grooves allowing easy
adjustment, even when
wearing gloves during cold
frequencies from VFO scanning •50
Ergonomic Design is Ideal for
Operation when Wearing Gloves
ideal for