3.1Transmission format for the serial interface .......................................................................................................................... 5
3.2Format of a message ............................................................................................................................................................6
3.3Principle of message interchange ......................................................................................................................................... 7
4.1MODBUS Communication Basics......................................................................................................................................... 9
4.2Using MODBUS with KELLER products ............................................................................................................................... 9
4.3Description of MODBUS functions ............................................................................................................................... ....... 10
4.4Modbus Communication Examples............................................................................................................................... ...... 10
4.10Device Operation Command List ...................................................................................................................................... 16
5Description of Keller bus functions ...................................................................................................................................17
5.1Example: read pressure value with exception handling ...................................................................................................... 17
5.6Function 48 : Initialise and release............................................................................................................................... ....... 23
5.7Function 66 : Write and read new device address ............................................................................................................. 24
5.8Function 69 : Read serial number ............................................................................................................................... ....... 24
5.9Function 73 : Read value of a channel (floating point)....................................................................................................... 25
5.10Function 74 : Read value of a channel (integer) ...............................................................................................................26
5.11Function 95 : Commands for setting the zero point .......................................................................................................... 27
6.2floating-point format IEEE754 ............................................................................................................................................. 30
6.3Error handling and recognition ............................................................................................................................................ 31
6.4Calculation of the CRC16 checksum .................................................................................................................................. 33
6.5Description of the software driver (DLL).............................................................................................................................. 34
This document describes the communications protocol for the Series 30 digital pressure transmitters from KELLER
Druckmesstechnik. In addition to these transmitters, other devices such as data loggers or manometers are also offered. These
products are distinguished by the designation CLASS. Within this device class, the individual device groups are differentiated by
the designation GROUP. All Series 30 pressure transmitters bear the CLASS designation 5.
The software version number consists of following components:
Device group SW-Version
Series 30 and 40 5 20 SW-Version: release year SW-Version: release week
In this document, the software version is defined by Class.Group-Year.Week, e.g. 5.20-5.50.
The protocol itself is based on MODBUS, but incorporates optimised functions for the device, these functions are called Keller
bus functions. However, minimum (only fct3) MODBUS RTU functionality is implemented for devices CLASS.GROUP = 5.20
with firmware 2.40 and newer. Full MODBUS support is provided from firmware 5.20-10.XX on.
See Appendix for an overview of differnet versions.
2Bit transfer layer (physical layer)
The physical connection is provided by the RS485 serial interface. This guarantees good interference immunity and enables a
flexible bus structure, i.e. several devices can be administrated as slaves by a single master. In order to minimise the scope of
cabling, the RS485 is used in half-duplex mode. This means that 2 wires are required for communications and 2 wires for power
In order to operate several devices at one serial interface, they are simply all connected in parallel (RS485A, RS485B, GND and
+Vcc). Before incorporating the devices into the bus, each device must be programmed with a different address.
It is possible to configure a network up to a length of 1300 metres with a maximum of 128 devices. Each riser cable may be up to
14 m in length. The employed cable should correspond to specification EIA RS485.
max. 1300m
max. 14m
dev. ndev. 2dev. 1
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4.3Description of MODBUS functions
This section describes the MODBUS functions supported by Series 30 transmitters (device Class.Group = 5.20)
F3: Read registers on MODBUS address space
F6: Write single register on MODBUS address space
F8: MODBUS Echo function
F16: Write multiple registers on MODBUS address space
Read a number of subsequent registers in the MODBUS address space starting with StAdd. Note, that the data returned has to
be interpreted according the definitions in “4.9 MODBUS Register Map”.
• Function is implemented in devices Class.Group-Version = 5.20-2.40 and later
• The number of registers read in one cycle is limited:
4 registers for devices Class.Group-Version = 5.20-10.XX and later
2 registers for earlier versions than Class.Group-Version = 5.20-10.XX
• Byte-count of the answer will be an even number (1 register = 2 bytes)
• Addresses that are part of double sized registers, return 0x0000 if only one register is requested
• Returns NaN or Exception 4 in case of a channel error, depending on accessing a “float” or “integer” address.
DevAddr0x03StAdd H StAdd L# Reg H# Reg LCRC16_LCRC16_H
DevAddr0x03# Bytes Data H Data L …Data L CRC16_LCRC16_H
Error codes:
2Illegal data address:
- Wrong starting-address or wrong number of registers
- Start-address not defined, register exceeding defined range return 0x0000
3Illegal data value:
- Quantity of requested registers out of bound
- Must be <= 4 for devices Class.Group-Version = 5.20-10.XXand later
- Must be <= 2 for devices Class.Group-Version = 5.20-2.40 - 5.20-10.XX4Slave Device Failure:
- Value not valid (=> check status)
- Over/Underflow when requesting value as int
- Channel not active and requesting value as int
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4.6Function 6: MODBUS Single Register Write
This function has the same functionality as F16, but writes only 1 register.
• Function is implemented in devices Class.Group-Version = 5.20-10.XX and later
• A register contains 2 bytes (16 bit).
• Use this function for single configuration steps, cause the returned error is easily distinguishable from other register
• Note that single register operations are not allowed in the address ranges 0x03XX and 0xFFXX.
DevAddr0x06StAdd H StAdd LData H Data L CRC16_LCRC16_H
DevAddr0x06StAdd H StAdd LData H Data L CRC16_LCRC16_H
Error codes:
2Illegal data address
- address not accessible by function 6
- Start-address not defined (for writing)
3Illegal data value
- frame length incorrect
4 Slave Device Failure
- The data written is outside the defined data range
4.7Function 8: MODBUS Echo Test
This function may be used to perform a quick line check. It just returns the data received.
• Function is implemented in devices Class.Group-Version = 5.20-10.XX and later
• Data may be any 2 byte value
DevAddr0x080x000x00Data H Data L CRC16_LCRC16_H
DevAddr0x080x000x00Data H Data L CRC16_LCRC16_H
Error codes:
3Illegal data value:
- The data following the function code was not the fixed data (0x00, 0x00).
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4.8Function 16: MODBUS Register WRITE
Write a number of subsequent registers on the MODBUS address space starting with StAdd.
• Function is implemented in devices Class.Group-Version = 5.20-10.XX and later
• A register contains 2 bytes (16 bit).
• The number of registers written in one cycle is limited to 2 (0x02) for Class.Group-Version = 5.20-10.XX
• Byte-count of the answer will be an even number (1 register = 2 bytes).
• Addresses above 0xFF00 are virtual command registers that simply execute a task on the slave. Please refer to chapter
“4.9 MODBUS Register Map” for more information.
• Writing float values (0x03XX and 0xFFXX) always requires 2 data registers.
• #Reg in the response declares the number of actually written registers (in case an error occurs, this amount is not the
same as in the request)
DevAddr0x10StAdd H StAdd L# Reg H# Reg L# Bytes Data H Data L
…Data H Data L CRC16 LCRC16 H
DevAddr0x10StAdd H StAdd L# Reg H# Reg LCRC16_LCRC16_H
Error codes:
2Illegal data address:
- Undefined starting-address or wrong number of registers
- Start-address not defined (for writing)
3Illegal data value:
- The amount of data is out of bound
- Byte-Count is not twice the # Reg.
4Slave Device Failure:
- Attempted to write into a protected register
- The data written is outside the defined data range
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4.9MODBUS Register Map
Process Value Read Range (0x000x):
• compatible with Class.Group-Version = 5.20-10.XX and former
• format is float according to chapter “6.2 floating-point format IEEE754”, channel error returns NaN, over-/underflow is
represented by +/-infinity
• corresponding functionality to Keller Bus functions F73
0x0000 Calculated value (customer specific format) HWord
0x0002 Pressure of sensor1 HWord
0x0004 Pressure of sensor2 HWord
0x0006 Temperature HWord
0x0008 Temperature of sensor1 HWord
0x000A Temperature of sensor2 HWord
CH0 R ---
P1 R bar
P2 R bar
T R °C
Calculated value (customer specific format) LWord
Pressure of sensor1 LWord
Pressure of sensor2 LWord
Temperature LWord
Temperature of sensor1 LWord
Temperature of sensor2 LWord
Process Value Read Range (0x001x):
• compatible with Class.Group-Version = 5.20-10.XX and later (4 instead of 2 byte signed integers)
• Overflow returns “2147483647”, an underflow “-2147483648”
• format is 4 byte signed integer
• corresponding functionality to Keller Bus functions F74
0x0010 Calculated value (customer specific format) HWord
0x0012 Pressure of sensor1 HWord
0x0014 Pressure of sensor2 HWord
0x0016 Temperature HWord
0x0018 Temperature of sensor1 HWord
0x001A Temperature of sensor2 HWord
CH0 R ---
P1 R 1/100 mbar
P2 R 1/100 mbar
T R 1/100 °C
TOB1 R 1/100 °C
TOB2 R 1/100 °C
Calculated value (customer specific format) LWord
Pressure of sensor1 LWord
Pressure of sensor2 LWord
Temperature LWord
Temperature of sensor1 LWord
Temperature of sensor2 LWord
Process Value Read Range (different mapping) (0x0100):
• compatible with Class.Group-Version = 5.20-10.XX and later
• format is float according to chapter “6.2 floating-point format IEEE754”, channel error returns NaN, over-/underflow is
represented by +/-infinity
• used for accessing data in one cycle (e.g. P1 and TOB1)
0x0100 Pressure of sensor1 [bar] HWord
0x0102 Temperature of sensor1 [°C HWord
0x0104 Pressure of sensor2 [bar] HWord
0x0106 Temperature of sensor2 [°C] HWord
R P1
R P2
Pressure of sensor1 [bar] LWord
Temperature of sensor1 [°C] LWord
Pressure of sensor2 [bar] LWord
Temperature of sensor2 [°C] LWord
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Device Configuration Range (0x02xx):
• compatible with Class.Group-Version = 5.20-10.XX and later
• all registers contain 16 bit [15..8][7..0] (1 register), high byte = 0x00 if not specified differently
• corresponding functionality to Keller Bus functions F32, F33, F66 and F69
0x0200 R/W UART UART settings:
0x0201 R FILTER_bck Factory setting for filter value.
0x0202 R S/N-H Serial Number High Bytes
0x0203 R S/N-L Serial Number Low Bytes
0x0204 R CFG_P Active pressure channels (high priority):
0x0205 R CFG_T Active Temperature channels (low priority):
0x0206 R/W CFG_CH0 Calculated channel: Byte value (decimal)
0x0207 R/W CNT_T Temperature measurement interval in seconds.
0x0208 R/W CNT_TCOMP
Bit 0 .. 3: Baud rate
Baud rate Value = 0: 9’600baud
Baud rate Value = 1: 115’200baud
Bit 4: Parity selection. 0: no Parity, 1: Parity enable
Bit 5: Parity mode. 0: odd parity, 1: even parity
Bit 1: P1
Bit 2: P2
Bit 3: T (Temperature sensor)
Bit 4: TOB1 (Temperature of pressure sensor P1)
Bit 5: TOB2 (Temperature of pressure sensor P2)
After CNT_T * CNT_TCOMP seconds a temperature compensation will be performed.
Value of Bit 7 ... 4 (HighNibble):
Low pass filter for P1 and P2. LowpassFilter = 2
[B7 ... B4]
The formula for the low pass filter is given as:
: new filtered value
: actual measured value
: old filtered value
0x0209 - - Not used (return 0x0000)
0x020A R/W FILT_CTRL Filter setting for one conversion:
Bit 0: Adaptive filter for P1 and P2 (on / off)
Bit 1: Low pass filter for T, TOB1 and TOB2 (on / off)
Bit 2 .. Bit 4: Over sampling ration OSR = 2^(8+Bit 2 ... 4)
Bit 5 .. 6: Amount of samples per averaging: 0 ..3 = 1, 2, 4 or 8 values.
Factory settings see FILTER_ORG.
0x020B R DAC_CTRL Analogue output:
Bit 0: Milli Amperes output (4 .. 20mA)
Bit 1: Voltage output
Bit 4 = 1: P1 is linked to the analogue output
Bit 4 = 0: CH0 is linked to the analogue output
Scaling see function 30/31
0x020C R STATUS Status, the same as the STAT byte from F73.
0x020D R/W DEV_ADDR Device Address
0x020E R Class:Group Firmware-Version
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0x020F R Year:Week Firmware-Version
Device Coefficient Range (0x03xx):
• compatible with Class.Group-Version = 5.20-10.XX and later
• all registers contain 16 bit [15..8][7..0] (1 register)
• address is calculated by (0x0300 + 2*{Coeff-No.}). {Coeff-No.} is defined in Function 30.
• You must read an even number registers
• format is float according to chapter “6.2 floating-point format IEEE754”
• Writing only allowed with F16 (write cycle with 2 registers)
• corresponding functionality to Keller Bus functions F30 and F31
0x036A R/W 53 bar Threshold value of the root function
0x0380 R/W 64 bar Offset of pressure sensor P1
0x0382 R/W 65 Gain factor of pressure sensor P1
0x0384 R/W 66 bar Offset of pressure sensor P2
0x0386 R/W 67 Gain factor of pressure sensor P2
0x0388 R/W 68 bar Offset of analogue output
0x038A R/W 69 Gain factor of analogue output
0x038C R/W 70 Offset of CH0
0x038E R/W 71 Gain factor of CH0
0x03A0 R 80 bar Minimum pressure of sensor P1
0x03A2 R 81 bar Maximum pressure of sensor P1
0x03A4 R 82 bar Minimum pressure of sensor P2
0x03A6 R 83 bar Maximum pressure of sensor P2
0x03A8 R 84 °C Minimum temperature of temperature sensor
0x03AA R 85 °C Maximum temperature of temperature sensor
0x03AC R 86 °C Minimum temperature of sensor P1
0x03AE R 87 °C Maximum temperature of sensor P1
0x03B0 R 88 °C Minimum temperature of sensor P2
0x03B2 R 89 °C Maximum temperature of sensor P2
0x03B4 R 90 Minimum value of channel CH0
0x03B6 R 91 Maximum value of channel CH0
0x03B8 R 92 bar Pressure for minimum analogue signal *
0x03BA R 93 bar Pressure for maximum analogue signal *
0x03BC R 94 mA, V Minimum analogue signal*,**
0x03BE R 95 mA, V Maximum analogue signal*,**
* Required for scaling the analogue output (see below)
**The information for No. 94 and No. 95 may be in mA or V, according to whether the device possesses a voltage output or a
current output (function 100 index 3).
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4.10Device Operation Command List
• compatible with Class.Group-Version = 5.20-10.XX and later
• Writing only allowed with F16 (write cycle with 2 registers)
• This address range is NOT readable
• corresponding functionality to Keller Bus function F95
• Some bytes of the message are fixed, see following frame layout:
DevAddr0x100xFFStAdd L0x000x020x04B3B2
DevAddr0x100xFFStAdd L0x000x02CRC16_LCRC16_H
W Set Zero P1
W Reset Zero P1
W Set Zero P2
W Reset Zero P2
- -
- -
W Set Zero CH0
W Reset Zero CH0
The zero point value from P1 is calculated, that the current measured value equals the
floating point number specified.
Zero Point Value from P1 is set to default (Coeff-No. 64 = 0.0)
The zero point value from P2 is calculated, that the current measured value equals the
floating point number specified.
Zero Point Value from P2 is set to default (Coeff-No. 66 = 0.0)
The zero point value from CH0 is calculated, that the current measured value equals the
floating point number specified.
only available in devices of Class.Group 5.20.
Zero Point Value from CH0 is set to default (Coeff-No. 70 = 0.0)
only available in devices of Class.Group 5.20.
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5Description of Keller bus functions
This section describes the functions of the bus protocol for Series 30 transmitters (device Class.Group 5.1 and 5.20) using the
Keller bus functions (not MODBUS).
Note that all numbers are shown as decimal (not as hex, contradictory to what was described in the MODBUS-chapters)!
F30: Read out calibration (scaling) and information floating-point values
F31: Write calibration floating-point values
F32: Read out configurations
F33: Write configurations
F48: Initialise devices, whereby the device ID is returned
F66: Write bus address
F69: Read out serial number
F73: Read out current pressure and temperature values in floating-point format
F74: Read out current pressure and temperature values in integer format
F95: Zeroing functions
5.1Example: read pressure value with exception handling
A simple example for reading out
Request P1, funct. 73:
250 73 1 161 167
a pressure value.
Because only one transmitter is
connected, the „transparent“
address 250 is used.
To read out pressure functions 73
Transmission error
occured -> Log-File
and 48 are necessary. When the
slave replies with error no. 32
2 or 3
Invalid Channel or
message -> Check
your request
(device just recently started up,
power on), then this has to be
confirmed with function 48. This is
helpful to detect current supply
Initialize, funct. 48:
250 48 4 67
Initialize: F48
interruptions (on the power supply
During start-up the device group
Transmission error
occured -> Log-File
can be checked via function F48
to ensure that this version is
Further information is available:
25.28979 °C
Buffer=10, device
already initialized
5.2Function 30: Read coefficient
Exception errors:
2 if no. > 111
3 if message length incorrect
32 if device is not yet initialised
Every coefficient can be read in IEEE754 format (floating-point format 4-byte B0 .. B3) via this function.
Æ Information on IEEE754: see appendix.
5.2.1 Calibration values
No.Description of coefficient Unit
53 Threshold value of the roof function bar
64 Offset of pressure sensor P1 bar
65 Gain factor of pressure sensor P1
66 Offset of pressure sensor P2 bar
67 Gain factor of pressure sensor P2
68 Offset of analogue output bar
69 Gain factor of analogue output
70 Offset of CH0
71 Gain factor of CH0
72 Upper threshold value for switching output 1**
73 Lower threshold for switching output 1**
78 Upper threshold value for switching output 2**
79 Lower threshold for switching output 2**
100… 111 free coefficients for customer use
** no longer supported for devices 5.20-10.XX and newer.
The calibration values can be read and written.
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