Getting Started Using Your TI-84 Plus Silver Edition
TI-84 Plus Silver Edition Edit Keys
Keystroke Result
~ or |Moves the cursor within an expression.
} or ÜMoves the cursor from line to line within an expression that
occupies more than one line. On the top line of an expression
on the home screen, } moves the cursor to the beginning of
the expression. On the bottom line, Ü moves the cursor to
the end of the expression.
y|Moves the cursor to the beginning of an expression.
y~Moves the cursor to the end of an expression.
ÕExecutes an instruction and/or an expression.
ëOn a line with text on the home screen, clears the current line.
On a blank line on the home screen, clears everything on the
home screen. In an editor, clears the expression or value
where the cursor is located.
{Deletes a character at the cursor.
y 6Changes the cursor to an underline (__) and inserts characters
in front of the underline cursor; to end insertion, pressy6,
or press |}~or Ü.
yChanges the cursor to ; the next keystroke performs a
2nd operation (in blue above a key); to cancel 2nd,
press y again.
ÉChanges the cursor to ÿ; the next keystroke pastes an alpha
character (in green above a key); to cancel É press
É again, or press |}~or Ü.
y7 Changes the cursor to ÿ; sets alpha-lock; subsequent
keystrokes paste alpha characters; to cancel alpha-lock, press
É. If you are prompted to enter a name for a group or a
program, alpha-lock is set automatically.
ÑPastes an X in Func mode, a T in Par mode, ain Pol mode,
or an n in Seq mode with one keystroke.
Display Cursors
In most cases, the appearance of the cursor indicates what will happen
when you press the next key.
Cursor Appearance Effect of next keystroke
Entry Solid rectangleA character is entered at the cursor;
$any existing character is overwritten.
Insert UnderlineA character is inserted in front of the
__cursor location.
Second Up arrowA 2nd character (blue on the keyboard)
}is entered or a 2nd operation is executed.
Alpha Reverse AAn alpha character (green on the keyboard)
ÿis entered or SOLVE is executed.
Full CheckerboardNo entry; the maximum number of
rectangle #characters has been entered at a prompt
or memory is full.
Using a TI-84 Plus Silver Edition Menu
You can access most TI-84 Plus Silver Edition operations using menus.
When you press a key or key combination to display a menu, one or
more menu names appear on the top line of the screen.
The menu name on the left side of the top line is highlighted.
Up to seven items in that menu are displayed, beginning with item 1,
which is also highlighted.
A number or letter identifies each menu item’s place in the menu.
The order is 1 through 9, then 0, then A, B, C, and so on.
When the menu continues beyond the displayed items, a down arrow
( ) replaces the colon next to the last displayed item.
When a menu item ends in an ellipsis (...), selecting the item will
display a secondary menu or editor.
Displaying a Menu
While using your TI-84 Plus Silver Edition, you will often
need to access items from its menus. When you press
a key that displays a menu, that menu temporarily
replaces the screen where you are working.
Example: Calculate 5 + 9
1. 5 + 9 Enter the expression in the home screen
2. Press ç
3. Press 3 to choose the correct item from the menu
4. Press Õ to calculate
Keystrokes: 2T6 ç 0 Õ 734
Moving Between Menus
Some of the keys on your TI-84 Plus Silver Edition
access more than one menu. When you press such
a key, the names of all accessible menus are
displayed on the top line. When you highlight a
menu name, the items in that menu are displayed.
Press ~ and |to highlight each menu name.
Setting Modes
Mode settings control how your TI-84 Plus Silver Edition displays and
interprets numbers and graphs. Mode settings are retained by the
Constant Memory™feature when you turn off your TI-84 Plus Silver Edition.
All numbers, including elements of matrices and lists, are displayed
according to the current mode settings.
To display the mode settings on your TI-84 Plus Silver Edition, press
z . The current settings will be highlighted. Default settings are
highlighted below.
Normal Sci EngNumeric notation
Float 0123456789Number of decimal places
Radian DegreeUnit of angle measure
Func Par Pol SeqType of graphing
Connected Dot Whether to connect graph points
Sequential SimulWhether to plot simultaneously
Real a+bi re iReal, rectangular complex, or polar complex
Full Horiz G-TFull screen, two split-screen modes
1 Press Ü or } to move the cursor to the line of the setting you want.
2 Press ~ or | to move the cursor to the setting you want.
3 Press Õ.
TI-84 Plus Silver Edition Expressions, Menus, and Graphing
efining or Editing a Function for Graphing
Entering Expressions and Instructions
What is an Expression?
An expression is a group of numbers, variables, or functions and
their arguments, or a combination of these elements. An expression
evaluates to a single answer. For example, ()2is an expression. On the
TI-84 Plus Silver Edition, you enter an expression in the same order as
you would write it on paper. You can enter an
expression on the home screen to calculate
an answer.
Entering an Expression
To create an expression, you enter numbers, variables, and functions
from the keyboard and menus on your TI-84 Plus Silver Edition. An
expression is completed when you press Õ, regardless of the
cursor location. The entire expression is evaluated according to
Equation Operating System (EOS
and the answer is displayed. When an entry is
executed on the home screen, the answer is
displayed on the right side of the next line.
The mode settings control the way the TI-84 Plus Silver Edition interprets
expressions and displays answers. If an answer, such as a list or matrix,
is too long to display entirely on one line, an
ellipsis (...) is displayed to the right or left.
Press ~ or | to display the rest of the answer.
To display the MATH menu, press
1: Frac Displays answer as a fraction
2: Dec Displays answer as a decimal
4: 3√
5: x√Calculates xth root
6: fMin( Finds minimum of a function
7: fMax( Finds maximum of a function
8: nDeriv( Computes numeric derivative
9: fnInt( Computes integral of a function
0: Solver... Displays equation solver
To display the MATH NUM menu, press
1: abs( Computes absolute value
2: round( Rounds value to specified decimal place
3: iPart( Calculates integer part
4: fPart( Calculates fractional part
5: int( Finds greatest integer less than or equal to number
6: min( Finds minimum value
7: max( Finds maximum value
8: lcm( Calculates least common multiple
9: gcd( Calculates greatest common divisor
To display the MATH PRB menu, press
1: rand Generates random number between 0 and 1
2: nPr Computes number of permutations
3: nCr Computes number of combinations
4: ! Calculates factorial
5: randInt( Generates random integer in specified range
6: randNorm( Generates random # from Normal distribution
7: randBin( Generates random # from Binomial distribution
Calculates cube
Calculates cube root
) rules (see General Math page),
çç ~~
çç ||
To Define or Edit a Function
1 Press o to display the Y= editor.
2 Press Ü to move the cursor to the
function you want to define or edit.
To erase a function, press ë.
3 Enter or edit an expression to define
the function.
Displaying a New Graph
To display a graph of the selected function,
press s. TRACE, ZOOM, and CALC
operations display the graph automatically.
As the graph is plotted, the busy indicator is
on, and the X and Y values are updated.
Free-Moving Cursor
When you first display the graph, no cursor is visible. You must press
|~}or Ü for the cursor to move from the center of the viewing
window. Continue pressing |~}or Ü to move the cursor around.
Tracing a Function
Use the TRACE operation to move the cursor from one plotted point
to the next along a function. To begin, press r. The TRACE cursor
is on the first selected function in the Y= editor, centered horizontally
on the screen. The cursor coordinates are displayed at the bottom of
the screen if CoordOn format is selected. The Y= expression is displayed
in the top left corner of the screen if ExprOn format is selected.
Moving the TRACE Cursor
To move the TRACE cursor Do this:
To the previous or next plotted pointPress | or ~
Five plotted points on a function Press y | or y ~
(Xres affects this)
To any valid X value on a functionEnter a value & press Õ
From one function to anotherPress } or Ü
To alter the viewing area of the graph, press
1: ZBox Draws a box to define the viewing window
2: Zoom In Magnifies the graph around the cursor
3: Zoom Out Views more of a graph around the cursor
4: ZDecimal Sets ⌬X and ⌬Y to 0.1
5: ZSquare Sets equal-size pixels on the X and Y axes
6: ZStandard Sets the standard window variables
7: ZTrig Sets the built-in trig window variables
8: ZInteger Sets integer values on the X and Y axes
9: ZoomStat Sets the values for current stat plots
0: ZoomFit Fits Ymin and Ymax between Xmin and Xmax
To display the CALCULATE menu, press
1: value Calculates a function Y value for a given X
2: zero Finds a zero (x-intercept) of a function
3: minimum Finds a minimum of a function
4: maximum Finds a maximum of a function
5: intersect Finds an intersection of two functions
6: dy/dx Finds a numeric derivative of a function
7: ∫f(x)dx Finds a numeric integral of a function
To return to the Home Screen from any other screen, press