Texas instruments TI-30XA SOLAR SCHOOL EDITION User Manual

TI----30Xa SOLAR
School Edition
School Edition
School EditionSchool Edition
Texas Instruments makes no warranty, either express or implied, including but not limited to any implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, regarding any programs or book materials and makes such materials available solely on an “as-is” basis.
In no event shall Texas Instruments be liable to anyone for special, collateral, incidental, or consequential damages in connection with or arising out of the purchase or use of these materials, and the sole and exclusive liability of Texas Instruments, regardless of the form of action, shall not exceed the purchase price of this equipment. Moreover, Texas Instruments shall not be liable for any claim of any kind whatsoever against the use of these materials by any other party.
2003, 2005 Texas Instruments Incorporated

Table of Contents

Basic Operations
Results................................................................. 3
Basic Arithmetic .................................................... 3
Percents ............................................................... 4
Powers and Roots................................................. 5
Logarithmic Functions ........................................... 5
Angle Units ........................................................... 6
DMS..................................................................... 6
Rectangular to Polar ............................................. 7
Polar to Rectangular ............................................. 7
Trigonometric Functions ........................................ 8
Hyperbolic Functions............................................. 8
One-Variable Statistics .......................................... 9
Clearing and Correcting........................................12
Constants (Repeated Operations) ........................12
Memory ...............................................................13
Order of Operations .............................................14
Display Indicators ................................................16
Error Conditions ...................................................17
In Case of Difficulty ..............................................18
Service Information ..............................................19
One-Year Limited Warranty for Commercial
Electronic Product ............................................20
................................................... 2

Basic Operations

TI-30Xa Solar
¦ To turn on the TI-30Xa Solar, expose the solar
panel to light and press !. Note: Always press ! to clear the calculator because memory and display may contain incorrect numbers.
¦ To turn off the TI-30Xa Solar, cover the solar panel
with the slide case.
2nd Functions
2nd functions are printed above the keys. " selects the 2nd function of the next key pressed. For example, 2 " t calculates the cube of 2.


The calculator can display up to 10 digits plus a minus sign (-9,999,999,999 through 9,999,999,999) and a 2-digit exponent. Results with more than 10 digits display in scientific notation.

Basic Arithmetic

D > 8 2 60 D 5 8 12 J 120. J Completes all pending operations.
With constant ( operation and value.
O Changes sign of value just entered.
1 D 8 O D 12 J 5.
6 7 Parenthetical expression (up to 15
open). J closes all open parentheses.
. Pi is calculated with 12 digits
(3.14159265359), displayed with 10 digits (3.141592654).
2 8 . J 6.283185307
K), repeats the


Percentage (5% of 250 )
250 8 5 " u 0.05 J 12.5
Ratio (Ratio of 250 to 5% ) 250 2 5 " u 0.05
J 5000.
Add-On (5% add-on of 250)
250 D 5 " u 12.5 J 262.5
Discount ( 5% discount of 250 ) 250 > 5 " u 12.5
J 237.5

Powers and Roots

/ 8 / D 4 / J 0.375 0 6 0 D 2 J 38. 1 256 1 D 4 1 J 18. " t 2 " t D 2 J 10. " z 8 " z D 4 J 6. , 5 , 3 J 125. " Y 8 " Y 3 J 2.

Logarithmic Functions

$ 15.32 $ 1.185258765
D 12.45 $ J 2.280428117 " R 2 " R > 10 0 J 0. % 15.32 % 2.729159164
D 12.45 % J 5.250879787 " S .693 " S 1.999705661
D 1 J 2.999705661

Angle Units

# Cycles angle-unit setting between
" Q Cycles (converts) angle-unit setting
degrees, radians, and grads without affecting displayed number.
between degrees, radians, and grads for display, entry, and calculation.
" Q RAD 0.785398163 " Q GRAD 50. " Q DEG 45.
DEG 45
Enter DMS (Degrees/Minutes/Seconds) values as
D.MMSSs, using 0s as necessary:
D degrees (0–7 digits) . decimal-point separator MM minutes (must be 2 dig its) SS seconds (must be 2 digits) s fractional part of a second
For example, enter 48 ¡5'3.5" as 48.05035.
Note: Before using a DMS value in a calculation, you
must convert it to decimal with " q.
" q Interprets display as DMS and
" w Temporarily displays current value as
converts it to decimal.
30.09090 " q 30.1525
30.1525 " w 30¡09'09"0
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