Silvercrest SRL 150 A1 User Manual

Infrared Lamp
Operating Instructions Infrared Lamp . . . .Page 3
Upute za uporabu infracrvene
svjetiljke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Stranica 11
Manual de utilizare Lampă cu infraroşii Pagina 21
инфрачервена лампа . . . . . . . . . . . .страница 30
Οδηγία χρήσης λάμπας με
υπέρυθρες ακτίνες. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Σελίδα 39
GR CY Page 1 Thursday, September 2, 2010 1:31 PM
SRL 150 A1
Infrared Lamp SRL 150 A1
Infrared Lamp
SRL 150 A1
Infrared Lamp SRL 150 A1
Operating Instructions Infrared Lamp . . . .Page 3
The Appliance ........................................ 3
Manufacturer .......................................... 3
Electrical Properties ............................... 3
General Safety Precautions ................... 4
Special Safety Precautions .................... 6
Intended Use .......................................... 7
Initial Use ................................................ 7
How the Infrared Lamp Helps ................. 7
Caring for Your Appearance ................... 8
Important for the Sportsman ................... 8
Treatment of Animals ............................. 8
When Should I Seek Medical Advice? ... 9
Cleaning ................................................. 9
Lamp Durability ...................................... 9
Changing the Bulb .................................. 9
Ambient Conditions for Transport/
Storage ................................................... 9
Repairing Possible Faults ....................... 9
Disposal ................................................ 10
WARRANTY ......................................... 11
Warranty card.........................................12
Luxoplast Kunststofftechnik GmbH, Wernher-von-Braun-Str. 3 - 5, 84539 Ampfing in Germany hereby declares the conformity of this product with the following EU Directive
• 93/42/EEC.
Electrical Properties
Rated voltage 230 V AC Nominal power
consumption Rated frequency 50 Hz
max. 150 W
Please read the instructions carefully before using the unit – they contain a number of important and useful pieces of information.
The Appliance
View of the unit, see page 2:
Infrared lamp
Lamp housing
Lamp stand
Mains cable
Explanation of symbols
Allgemeine Sicherheitshinweise
Gerät der Schutzklasse II Dieses Symbol bedeutet, dass dieses Gerät zweifach isoliert ist.
Achtung: Begleitdokumente beachten! Keine unbeaufsichtigte Benutzung.
Dieses Symbol bedeutet, Informationen zum korrekten Betrieb des Gerätes.
Gefahrwarnsymbol - bezieht sich auf Personenschäden.
Vorsichtwarnsymbol - bezieht sich auf Sachschäden.
Immer Netzstecker ziehen bei Betriebsstörungen, beim LampenwechseI, vor jeder Reinigung und wenn das Gerät nicht in Gebrauch ist! Niemals am Netzkabel ziehen! Während des Betriebes und vor Ablauf einer ausreichenden Abkühlzeit darf die Lampe nicht berührt werden! Tauchen Sie das Gerät nie in Wasser und setzen Sie es weder Regen noch anderer Feuchtigkeit aus! Sollte das Gerät doch einmal ins Wasser gefallen sein, nehmen Sie es erst
Protective category II unit This symbol means that the unit is double insulated.
Caution: consult the accompanying documentation! No unsupervised use.
This symbol means that it offers information about how to use the unit correctly.
Danger warning symbol – draws attention to risk of personal injury.
Caution warning symbol – draws attention to risk of material damage.
LOT symbol with a four-digit number represents the date of production.
An explanation of these symbols can be found in the Disposal section of the instructions for use.
Type B application component
Hot Surface / Burn Hazard
General Safety Precautions
Always disconnect the plug from the mains socket in the
event of faults, when changing the bulb, before cleaning and when the appliance is not in use. Never pull on the mains cable! Do not touch the lamp during operation or without first allowing a sufficient cooling period. Never immerse the appliance in water and do not allow it to come into contact with rain or other moisture! Should the appliance fall into water, disconnect the plug from the mains socket before removing the appliance from the water. Afterwards, do not use the appliance again before it has been checked by a member of authorised customer service personnel. This also applies if the mains cable or the appliance has fallen or been dropped. Place the appliance on a stable, level surface. Ensure an area of at least 30 cm of free space around the unit in order to avoid overheating.
Do not place the appliance on hot surfaces or near to heat sources and lay the mains cable in such a way that it does not come into contact with hot or sharp­edged objects. Do not use the appliance whilst standing on a wet floor or if your hands or the appliance are wet. Do not bend the mains cable and do not wind it around the appliance. Do not leave the appliance unattended during operation. Use only proper extension leads. Do not operate the appliance outdoors, as this may bring it into contact with rain or other moisture.
If the appliance is not used properly or if it is operated incorrectly, no liability can be accepted for any damage which occurs as a result. Persons (including children) who are unable to operate the appliance correctly due to their physical, sensory or mental capabilities or lack of experience or knowledge should not use this appliance without supervision or instruction by a responsible person.
Electrical appliances are not children’s toys! Therefore, use and store the appliance out of the reach of children. Do not allow the mains cable to hang down.
Repairs are to be carried out only by authorised customer service personnel. Never attempt to open the appliance or e.g. to get into the inside using metal objects.
If the mains cable is damaged, it must be replaced only by a repair workshop nominated by the manufacturer (see guarantee card), in order to avoid any danger.
This appliance is designed solely for use in private households, not for commercial use.
Keep the operating instructions in a safe place and pass them on with the appliance.
Special Safety Precautions
When using infrared emitters
Ensure that the voltage specified on the light bulb is the same as that of the local mains supply.
The unit must not be used for serious conditions (diabetes, skin cancer, heart disease, acute inflammation, multiple sclerosis, thrombosis, blood clotting problems), skin conditions or if seemingly harmless symptoms last too long! In such cases, consult a doctor. If you have taken painkillers or consumed alcohol, only use the appliance on your doctor’s advice as your sensitivity to heat may be impaired.
The UV radiation of the unit can damage the cornea and retina. When using the appliance, always keep your eyes closed.
Do not use the appliance near to bathtubs, washbasins or other vessels containing water. There is a danger even when the appliance is switched off. Remove the plug from the mains socket after use.
The housing becomes very hot when the appliance is switched on – danger of burns!
Heat sensitivity may be reduced after taking painkillers and anaesthetics, after local anaesthetic and by certain illnesses. In these cases, the distance must be at least 80 cm.
Installing a residual-current protector with a nominal trigger current of no more than 30 mA offers additional protection. Contact your electrician.
1) Use the infrared emitter only
with a Philips PAR 38 E, 230 V, 150 W infrared bulb. Do not use any other bulb and if any bulb is purchased subsequently, ensure that it is identical with the version supplied here.
2) Do not place any flammable objects in the area of irradiation: combs, spectacle frames etc. can catch fire and textiles may be singed.
3) Avoid sudden cooling (e.g. of the head) immediately after treatment.
4) Protect the lamp from strong impacts, including setting down harshly.
5) Remember not to put the appliance away immediately after switching it off, but allow it to cool first for a few minutes.
6) Disconnection from the mains supply is only guaranteed if the plug is removed from the socket.
Intended Use
The appliance may only be employed for its intended use – for heat therapy and treating illnesses. The infrared lamp is designed solely for use in private households and is not intended for commercial use. Any other use or modification to the appliance does not constitute an intended use and is fundamentally forbidden. No liability can be assumed for damage caused by use for purposes other than the intended use or in the event of improper operation.
It is a long-known fact that heat can relieve pain and in many cases accelerate healing.
This healing heat is provided particularly effectively by the infrared lamp, from which the infrared radiation penetrates through the skin and deep into the tissue beneath. There is increased perfusion of the blood in the area, the blood vessels expand, more body-builders are taken to the irradiated point and the body breaks down the more “roughage”. The recovery process can be accelerated by the healing heat from the infrared lamp.
Initial Use
Place the appliance on a level surface and insert the mains plug into a properly installed plug socket. The infrared lamp will be illuminated.
Irradiation Distance
The distance should be such that the heat is felt to be comfortable. Generally, the distance is 40 - 60 cm.
Irradiation Duration
The best results are achieved with a treatment of 2 x 15 minutes per day.
How the Infrared Lamp Helps
Rheumatism, muscle pain and lumbago
Continue the daily treatment until no more pain is felt. In the case of articular
rheumatism, seek the advice of your doctor.
Colds – The start of a cold can be
suppressed. If you already have a cold, repeated treatment can provide significant relief. However, only genuine colds should be treated. In the case of maxillary sinus,
frontal sinus and throat infections, treatment should only be undertaken
with the doctor’s consent.
Bruises and sprains – Start the treatment
around 12 hours after the accident and continue until any pain and all stiffness has disappeared.
Dermatitis, boils – Healing is promoted by regular infrared irradiation, if used in conjunction with remedies prescribed by the doctor.
undesired build-up of fat disappear more quickly.
Important for the Sportsman
If the infrared lamp is used when participating in the various forms of sport, the blood flow is intensified. This may help to improve sporting performance.
Wounds – Wounds heal quicker with treatment using the infrared lamp. At the same time, the risk of infection is reduced.
For infected wounds and for cases in complex locations, consult the doctor first.
Chilblains and cold feet – Chapped skin,
chilblains, numb fingers, occasional cold feet etc are caused by reduced blood flow. Treatment with the infrared lamp makes the blood vessels expand and stimulates circulation. However, it is important to start the treatment in good time.
Caring for Your Appearance
Healthy and cared for skin primarily demands sufficient circulation. Daily treatment with the infrared lamp proves time and again to be indispensable for beauty care, as this infrared heat has depth effect. The skin also takes in cosmetic compounds more quickly if the infrared lamp is used before and after application. It makes no difference whether skin is dry or greasy.
Hair loss – Infrared treatments combined with a scalp massage, can help remedy temporary hair loss.
Massage – The effect of massage is significantly increased by transitional or simultaneous infrared irradiation. The muscles are relaxed more. Bruising and the
The infrared lamp can also be used during a break, in conjunction with a massage, in order to relieve tiredness, muscle cramp and stiffness. Small injuries such as sprains, bruises and strains can be combated effectively.
Treatment of Animals
The healing heat of the infrared lamp can also be used for sick or the case of bruising, sprains, muscle pains (race horses and dogs), eczema, bald patches, skin and teat infections, swollen ankles and poorly healing wounds. Infrared treatments have proven to be advantageous even after dogs have been trimmed.
injured pets: e.g. in
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