Silvercrest SPCM 1200 A1 User Manual [hr]

Silvercrest SPCM 1200 A1 User Manual




















Popcorn-Maker SPCM 1200 A1



































ID-Nr.: SPCM1200A1-09/10-V1

IAN: 62050


Stroj za izradu kokica

Operating instructions

Upute za upotrebu

R Aparat pentru popcorn

Машина за пуканки


Ръководство за експлоатация

Συσκευή παρασκευής ποπ




Οδηγίες χρήσης


SPCM 1200 A1








Popcorn Maker


Read the operating instructions carefully before using the appliance for the first time and preserve this booklet for later reference. Pass the manual on to whomsoever might acquire the appliance at a later date.

Stroj za izradu kokica


Upute za rukovanje prije prve upotrebe pažljivo pročitajte i sačuvajte ih za kasnije korištenje. Ukoliko uređaj dajete trećim osobama, priložite i ove upute.

R Aparat pentru popcorn





Citiţi cu atenţie instrucţiunile de utilizare înainte de prima utilizare şi păstraţi-le pentru o consultare ulterioară. Dacă încredinţaţi aparatul unor terţi, ataşaţi şi instrucţiunile de utilizare.

Mашина за пуканки


Прочетете внимателно ръководството за експлоатация преди да използвате уреда за първи път и го запазете за по-нататъшна употреба. Когато предавате уреда на трети лица, предайте и това ръководство с него.

Συσκευή παρασκεύής ποπ κορν


Διαβάστε το εγχειρίδιο χειρισμού πριν από την πρώτη χρήση προσεκτικά και φυλάξτε το για μια μελλοντική χρήση. Παραδώστε το εγχειρίδιο σε όποιον παραδοθεί στη συνέχεια η συσκευή.



Lesen Sie die Bedienungsanleitung vor der ersten Verwendung aufmerksam durch und heben Sie diese für den späteren Gebrauch auf. Händigen Sie bei Weitergabe des Gerätes an Dritte auch die Anleitung aus.

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Intended Use

The popcorn maker is meant solely for preparing popcorn at home. It is not meant for any commercial use.

Description of the Appliance

1 Cover

2 Measuring cup

3 Casing

4 ON/OFF switch

5 Indication lamp

6 Dispensing chute

7 Popping chamber

Technical Data

Mains voltage:

230 V ~ /50 Hz

Rated output:

1200 W

KB time:

6 Minutes

CO Time

The CO Time (Continuous Operation Time) details how long an appliance can be operated without the motor overheating and becoming damaged. After the appliance has run for this period it must be switched off until the motor has cooled itself down.

Items Supplied

Popcorn Maker

Measuring beaker

Operating instructions

Safety instructions

Read the operating instructions carefully before using the appliance for the first time and preserve this booklet for later reference. Hand over the manual to anyone, whom you pass on the appliance to.

This appliance is not intended for use by persons (including children) with reduced physical, sensorial or mental cabilities, or lack of experience and knowledge, unless they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance by a person responsible for their safety.

Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the appliance.

Unplug the power cord after every use and before cleaning, so as to prevent the appliance from switching on inadvertently.

Check the appliance and all the parts for visible damages. The safety concept can work only if the appliance is in an immaculate condition.

Use only normal dry maize or popcorn kernels. Otherwise the appliance could be irreparably damaged.

Do not use an external timing switch or a separate remote control system to operate the appliance.

Danger of electrical shock!

Connect the appliance to a 230 V/50 Hz rated power plug.

Arrange for defective power plugs and/or cables to be replaced as soon as possible by a qualified technician or by our Customer

Service Department to avoid the risk of injury.

Never immerse the appliance in water.

Just wipe it with a damp cloth.

Do not expose the appliance to rain and never use it in damp or wet surroundings.

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Make sure that the power cord does not become wet during operation.

Unplug the appliance immediately after use. The appliance is completely disconnected, only when you pull out the power plug from the power socket.

Do not open or repair the appliance casing yourself. In this case, the device is not safe and the warranty is voided.

Fire hazard!

Do not use the appliance near hot surfaces.

Some parts of the appliance become very hot during operation. Therefore, do not touch its surface to avoid burn injuries.

Do not keep the appliance in places that are exposed to direct sunlight, as this could lead to overheating and cause irreparable damage.

Do not leave the appliance unattended when in use.

Do not operate the appliance for more than 6 minutes at a time.

After every two consecutive quantities of popcorn, allow a pause of at least 10 minutes by switching the appliance off before using it again.

Do not put ingredients like sugar, oil, butter, salt, margarine etc. into the popping chamber; as such substances can cause damage to the appliance.

Never operate the appliance without maize corn in the popcorn chamber.

Injury hazard!

Keep children away from the connecting cable and the appliance. Children frequently underestimate the danger from electrical appliances.

Make sure to find a safe place for the appliance.

Do not operate the appliance, if it has fallen off or is damaged. Get the appliance checked and if necessary, repaired by experts.


Making popcorn

1.Switch the appliance off and remove the cover 1, before filling the popping chamber 7 with maize kernels.

Ensure that you only use dry popcorn maize.

2.Fill the popping chamber 7 with approximately 120 g (4 measuring cups 2) of maize kernels.


Never fill less than approximately 30 g (1 measuring cup 2) into the popping chamber 7. Do not put ingredients like sugar, oil, butter, salt, margarine etc. into the popcorn chamber 7, as such substances may damage the appliance.

3.Place the cover 1 along with the mounted measuring cup 2 on the casing 3.

4.Place a heat-resistant serving bowl below or at the dispensing chute 6, to collect the popcorn when done.

5.Plug in the power cord to mains and use the ON/OFF switch 4 to power up the appliance. Now the indication lamp 5 lights up.

6.Switch the appliance off using the ON/OFF switch 4 once the popcorn is ready. Now the indication lamp 5 is turned off.

7.Remove all residues from the popping chamber 7, before starting with another quantity of - popcorn.

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During operation the cover 1 becomes hot.

Allow the appliance to cool down for at least 10 minutes after every two consecutive quantities of popcorn.

Serve sweet or salted popcorn

1.Add 2–3 teaspoons of butter or margarine into the measuring cup 2, before switching the appliance on. The butter melts as the popcorn is being prepared.


Do not put ingredient like sugar, oil, butter, salt, margarine etc. into the popping chamber 7. Such substances may stick to the popping chamber 7 and damage the appliance.

2.Pour melted butter over the popcorn in the serving bowl. Stir the popcorn and sprinkle salt or sugar according to your taste.



First pull the power plug out of the power socket and let the device cool off completely. Injury hazard!

Clean the housing and the inside using a slightly wet cloth. In case of stubborn stains, pour a few drops of a mild detergent on the damp cloth.


Make sure that moisture does not seep into the casing while cleaning! The appliance could be irreparably damaged.


Do not dispose of the appliance in your normal domestic waste. This product is subject to the European guideline 2002/96/EC.

Dispose of the appliance through an approved disposal centre or at your community waste facility. Observe the currently applicable regulations.

In case of doubt, please contact your waste disposal centre.

Dispose of all packaging materials in an environmentally friendly manner.





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Warranty & Service

The warranty for this appliance is for 3 years from the date of purchase. The appliance has been manufactured with care and meticulously examined before delivery. Please retain your receipt as proof of purchase. In the event of a warranty claim, please make contact by telephone with our Service Department. Only in this way can a post-free despatch for your goods be assured.

The warranty covers only claims for material and manufacturing defects, but not for transport damage, for wearing parts or for damage to fragile components, e.g. buttons or batteries. This product is for private use only and is not intended for commercial use. The warranty is void in the case of abusive and improper handling, use of force and internal tampering not carried out by our authorized service branch. Your statutory rights are not restricted in any way by this warranty.

The warranty period will not be extended by repairs made under warranty. This applies also to replaced and repaired parts. Any damage and defects extant on purchase must be reported immediately after unpacking the appliance, at the latest, two days after the purchase date. Repairs made after the expiration of the warranty period are subject to payment.


Tel.: 0871 5000 700 (£ 0.10 / minute) e-mail:

Kompernass Service Ireland

Tel.: 1850 930 412 (0,082 EUR/Min.)

Standard call rates apply. Mobile operators may vary.


CY Kompernass Service Cyprus

Tel.: 800 9 44 01


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Uporabna namjena

Stroj za kokice isključivo je predviđen za proizvodnju kokica. Nije namijenjen za komercijalnu uporabu.

Opis uređaja

1 Poklopac

2 Mjerna čašica

3 Kućište

4 Prekidač Uklj./Isklj.

5 Indikacijska svjetiljka

6 Otvor za izbacivanje

7 Komora za kokice

Tehnički podaci

Mrežni napon:

230 V ~ /50 Hz

Nominalna snaga: 1200 W


6 minuta

Izjava o sukladnosti za ovaj proizvod dostupna je na internet stranici


KB-vrijeme (vrijeme kratkotrajnog pogona) označava, koliko dugo uređaj može biti u pogonu, bez da se motor pregrije i pretrpi oštećenje. Nakon navedenog KB-vremena uređaj morate isključiti toliko dugo, dok se motor ne ohladi.

Obim isporuke

Uređaj za pečenje kokica

Mjerna čaša

Upute za rukovanje

Sigurnosne upute

Upute za posluživanje prije prve upotrebe pažljivo pročitajte i sačuvajte ih za kasnije korištenje. Ukoliko uređaj dajete trećim osobama, priložite i ove upute.

Ne dopustite, da uređaj koriste osobe (uključujuśi djecu), čije fizičke, senzorske i mentalne sposobnosti ili pomanjkanje iskustva i znanja ih sprječavaju da na siguran način koriste uređaj, ukoliko prethodno nisu nadzirani ili podučavani.

Uputite djecu u vezi uređaja i mogućih opasnosti, kako se ona ne bi igrala sa uređajem.

Nakon svake uporabe i prije čišćenja izvucite mrežni utikač, kako biste spriječili nehotično uključivanje uređaja.

Prekontrolirajte uređaj i sve njegove dijelove na vidljiva oštećenja. Sigurnosni koncept uređaja može funkcionirati samo u besprijekornom stanju.

Koristite isključivo uobičajeni suhi kukuruz/ kukuruz kokičar.

Ne koristite eksterni rasklopni sat ili odvojeni daljinski sustav za rad sa uređajem.

Opasnost od strujnog udara!

Priključite ovaj uređaj na utičnicu sa naponom od 230 V/50 Hz.

Oštećene mrežne utikače ili kablove neizostavno dajte na popravak ovlaštenim stručnjacima ili servisu za kupce, kako biste izbjegli nastanak opasnosti.

Uređaj nikada ne zaronite u vodu ili u druge tekućine!

Uređaj ne izložite kiši i ne koristite ga u vlažnom ili mokrom okruženju.

Obratite pažnju na to, da priključni vod za vrijeme pogona uređaja nikada ne bude mokar ili vlažan.

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Uređaj odmah nakon uporabe odvojite

od strujne mreže. Samo kada utikač izvućete iz strujne mreže, uređaj više neće biti pod naponom.

Kućište uređaja ne smijete otvarati ili popravljati. U tom slučaju sigurnost nije garantirana i jamstvo prestaje važiti.

Opasnost od požara!

Uređaj ne upotrebljavajte u blizini vrućih površina.

Određeni dijelovi uređaja se za vrijeme

rada jako zagrijavaju. Ne dirajte ove uređaje, da se ne biste opekli.

Uređaj ne postavljajte na mjestima, koja su izložena neposrednim utjecajem sunca.

U protivnom može doći do pregrijavanja, a uređaj može biti nepopravljivo oštećen.

Uređaj nikada ne ostavite nenadziranog, dok je u pogonu.

Uređaj ne koristite duže od 6 minuta.

Nakon dvije uzastopne porcije uređaj ostavite najmanje 10 minuta isključenog, prije nego što ga ponovno koristite.

U komoru za kokice ne umetnite sastojke poput šećera, ulja, maslaca, soli, margarina i sl, jer to dovodi do oštećenja uređaja.

Uređaj nikada ne pogonite, ako se zrna kokica ne nalaze u komori za kokice.

Opasnost od ozljeđivanja!

Djecu držite podalje od priključnog kabela i uređaja. Djeca često potcjenjuju opasnosti od električnih uređaja.

Osigurajte, da uređaj bude sigurno postavljen.

Ukoliko je uređaj pao ili je oštećen, ne smijete ga više stavljati u pogon.

Uređaj dajte kvalifici-ranom stručnom osoblju na kontrolu i eventualno na popravak.


Proizvodnja kokica

1.Isključite uređaj i odstranite poklopac 1,

prije nego što komoru za kokice 7 napunite sa zrnima kukuruza kokičara.

Obratite pažnju na to, da koristite isključivo suha zrna kukuruza kokičara.

2.Napunite komoru za kokice 7 sa ca. 120 g (4 mjerne čašice 2) zrna kukuruza kokičara.


Nikada ne napunite manje od 30 g (1 mjerna čašica 2) u komoru za kokice 7. Ne umetnite sastojke poput šećera, ulja, maslaca, soli, margarina i sl. u komoru za kokice 7, jer to dovodi do oštećenja uređaja.

3.Postavite poklopac 1 zajedno sa mjernom čašicom 2 na kućište 3.

4.Podmetnite zdjelu za serviranje postojanu na visoke temperature ispod otvora za ispust 6, pomoću koje ćete hvatati gotove kokice.

5.Utaknite mrežni utikač u utičnicu i uređaj uključite pomoću prekidača UKLJ/ISKLJ 4. Indikacijska svjetiljka 5 se uključuje.

6.Uređaj nakon dovršenog postupka pripremanja kokica pomoću prekidača UKLJ/ISKLJ 4 isključite. Indikacijska svjetiljka 5 se gasi.

7.Otklonite sve ostatke iz komore za kokice 7, prije nego što počnete pripremati novu porciju kokica.


Poklopac 1 se za vrijeme pogona uređaja jako zagrijava. Uređaj nakon uzastopnog pripremanja dviju porcija kokica pustite da se rashladi najmanje 10 minuta.

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+ 18 hidden pages