Model 5207 Fire Alarm
Built-in Touchpad Operating Instructions
These instructions must be framed and displayed next to the Model 5207 panel
in accordance with NFPA 72 fire code for Local Protected Fire Alarm Systems.
Basic Operation of Built-in Touchpad
Function Keystrokes
System test*
Reset alarms (or smoke detectors)*
Clear alarm memory*
Reset dialer
Start download
Alarm memory display
Display troubles
Silence troubles or alarms*
Disable/Enable zones
Begin fire drill
3 ENTER + code 0 or 1
4 ENTER + code 0 or 1
7 ENTER + code, or SILENCE + code
Zone # +
2 0 ENTER + code 0 or 1
The system sounds an alarm and reports a fire test when you exit fire drill mode.
End fire drill
Walk test
Zone Troubleshooting mode
Step Programming mode
SILENCE + code 0 or 1
2 2 ENTER + code
2 5 ENTER + code
2 7 ENTER + code 0
Function Keystrokes
Set date*
For example, to set
the date of Jan. 13,
1995, enter:
1 1 3 9 5
Set time*
For example, to set
the time of Wed.,
4:30 p.m., enter:
1 0 4 3 0
8 ENTER + 6-digit date
Use mmddyy format for date, where:
mm = Month (enter leading 0 for 1-digit months)
dd = Day (enter leading 0 for 1-digit days)
yy = Year
9 ENTER + 6-digit date
Use wdhhmm format for time, where:
w = Day of week (0=Sun., 1=Mon., 2=Tue.,
3=Wed., 4=Thu., 5=Fri., 6=Sat.)
d = Time of day (0=AM, 1=PM)
hh = Hour (enter leading 0 for 1-digit hrs.)
mm = Minutes
(enter leading 0 for 1-digit min.)
To exit download, set date, and set time modes, press CLEAR CLEAR .
* These functions do not require you to enter a valid operating code unless the
NEED CODE AT PANEL option is selected during programming.
For service call:
Form # 150486