Andover Continuum
Power Supplies with
or without UPS
The Andover ContinuumTM PS 120/240 AC 50-U, PS 120/240
AC 65-U and PS120/240 AC 85-U power supply modules are
designed to provide 24 VDC power for the Andover Continuum
NetController II CPU module and its associated Andover
Continuum I/O modules. In addition, these models provide full
UPS battery backup in the event of an AC line failure
Andover Continuum Power Supplies
with or without UPS Features
The PS 120/240 AC 50-U, AC 65-U,
and AC 85-U power supplies are part
of the Andover Continuum Ethernetbased intelligent building system. The
Andover Continuum system allows you
to cost-effectively mix and match DIN
rail-mounted CPU, power supply, and
various combinations of I/O modules and
user interfaces to meet your control and
monitoring needs.
• Power Supply Modules Provide 24 VDC Power
and Battery-Backed UPS Power to And over
Continuum NetController II CPU and I/O Modules
Choice of 85 Watt, 65 Watt, or 50 Watt Models
• Built-in Battery Charger
• Sel ection of Progr ammable Batter y Backu p
Modes via Andover Plain English Programming
Non- UPS Mod els Available for Use as an
Extended Power Source
-48 VDC Mod el Available for
Telecommunications Use
DIN Rail Mo unting and Sli de-Togeth er
Connectors for Easy Installation
All the models offer an impressive array of features
that reduce or eliminate the impact of power
failure. In them, a built-in battery charger provides
15 watts maximum to the battery. The charger’s
current is limited to prevent overloading the power
supply in the event of a shorted or defective
battery. Using standard rechargeable lead acid
batteries (not included), the 50-U model will provide
full UPS operation including all I/O modules for up
to 60 minutes at 35 watts power consumption;
the 65-U model provides 60 minutes full UPS at
50 watts; the 85-U model provides 30 minutes full
UPS at 70 watts. Both allow for full operation of the
CPU module only (including modem and network
interface) with no I/O power for four hours; or
backup of DRAM and real-time clock for 72 hours
These backup modes can be selected and
controlled through Andover Plain English™
programming. Maximum charging time of the
battery charger is 48 hours using recommended
batteries. Two 12V 7.0 AHr sealed rechargeable
batteries are required with both models (not
included). Extended backup times are available
using larger batteries.
Schneider Electri
The UPS circuit provides the Andover Continuum
CPU with two status signals indicating the
operating condition of the power supply — one
signal indicates an AC power failure and a
change over to UPS mode and the other signal
indicates when the battery voltage has reached
an unsafe discharge level and will soon shutdown.
A disconnect switch removes the battery and
prevents further discharge of the battery.