Installation Instructions
MF41-6043/6083 Series
Non-Spring Return Rotary Electric Dampers
24 Vac – Floating Control SmartX Actuators
These direct coupled 24 Vac Non-Spring Return rotary electric SmartX
Actuators are designed for three-position (floating) control of dampers.
• Compact, lightweight design
• Manual override
• 5° preload as shipped from factory
• Plenum cabling
• Feedback potentiometer models available
• cUL and UL listed; plenum versions also CE certified
• Independently adjustable dual auxiliary switches available
These actuators are used in constant or variable air volume installations for control of HVAC dampers requiring up to 44 lb-in (5 Nm)
torque or 88 lb-in (10 Nm).
Product Numbers
Torque Cabling
44 lb-in (5 Nm) Plenum MF41-6043 —
88 lb-in (10 Nm) Plenum MF41-6083 MF41-6083-510
Standard Feedback Potentiometer 1K Ω
24 Vac Operating Voltage
• Personal injury or loss of life may occur if you do not follow a procedure as specified.
• Equipment damage or loss of data may occur if you do not follow a procedure as specified.
© 2019 Schneider Ele ctric . All rig hts res erve d. All tradema rks are o wned by S chneid er Elect ric Industries SAS o r its af filia ted comp anies. April , 2019 tc
Docume nt Number: F-27213 -5

Installation Instructions
Operating voltage (G–Y1 or G-Y2): 24 Vac +20%, -15
Frequency 50/60 Hz
Power consumption 2.3 VA
Auxiliary Features
Feedback potentiometer 0 to 1000 Ω
(MF41-6083-510) <10 mA
Dual auxiliary switch contact rating
AC rating 24 Vac 4A resistive, 2A inductive
DC rating DC 2A
Switch Range
Switch A 0° to 90° with 5° intervals
Recommended range usage 0° to 45°
Factory setting 5°
Switch B 0° to 90° with 5° intervals
Recommended range usage 45° to 90° 45° to 90°
Factory setting 85°
Switching hysteresis 2°
MF41-6043 44 lb-in (5 Nm)
MF41-6083 Series 88 lb-in (10 Nm)
Runtime for 90° opening or closing
MF41-6043 90 seconds. at 60 Hz
(108 seconds at 50 Hz)
MF41-6083 Series 125 seconds at 60 Hz
(150 seconds at 50 Hz)
Nominal angle of rotation 90°
Maximum angular rotation 95°
Shaft size
Minimum shaft length 3/4-inch (20 mm)
Rating NEMA Type 2
IP54 according to EN60529
Material Durable plastic
Gear lubrication Silicone-free
Ambient Conditions
Ambient temperature:
Operation -25°F to 130°F (-32°C to 55°C)
Storage and transport -40°F to 158°F (-40°C to 70°C)
Voltage Requirements for 6083
Series at High Temperatures:
Minimum Voltage: 24 Vac +20%, -10%
90°F to 130°F (32°C to 55°C)
Ambient humidity (non-condensing) 95% rh
Agency Certification UL 873
cUL certified to Canadian
Standard C22.2 No. 24-93
CE Conformity
Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) 89/336/EEC
Emissions standards EN 61000-6-3:2001
Immunity standards EN 61000-6-2:2001
Requirements for electric actuators EN 60730-2-14:2001
Pre-cabled connection 18 AWG
Cable length 3 feet (0.9 m)
Life cycle Five-year warranty
Dimensions See Figure 7
Weight 1.06 lb (0.48 kg)
Actuator Components
8070 60
Aux Switch
01 02
Figure 1. Parts of the Actuator.
1. Base plate
2. Positioning scale for angle of rotation
3. Connection cables
4. Connection cables
5. Manual override
6. Coupling bushing
7. 1/2-inch guide
8. Auxiliary switch A
9. Auxiliary switch B
10. Position indicator
11. Adjustment lever with locking screw (4 mm hex)
12. Set screw for mechanical range stop (3 mm hex)
13. Anti-rotation bracket
A floating control signal controls the damper actuator. The actuator’s
angle of rotation is proportional to the length of time the signal is applied. A 24 Vac control signal to wires 1 and 6 (G-Y1) causes the actuator coupling to rotate clockwise. A 24 Vac control signal to wires 1
and 7 (G-Y2) causes the actuator coupling to rotate counterclockwise.
To reverse the direction of rotation, the wires 6 and 7 (Y1 and Y2)
can be interchanged.
In the event of a power failure or with no control voltage, the damper
actuator holds its position.
Life Expectancy
An improperly tuned loop will cause excessive repositioning that will
shorten the life of the actuator.
April , 2019 tc © 2019 Schneider Ele ctric . All rig hts res erve d. All tradema rks are o wned by S chneid er Elect ric Industries SAS o r its af filia ted comp anies.
Document Number: F-27213-5