Solid state equipment has operational characteristics differing from those of
electromechanical equipment. Safety Guidelines for the Application, Installation and Maintenance of Solid State Controls (Publication SGI-1.1
available from your local Rockwell Automation sales office or online at describes some important
differences between solid state equipment and hard-wired electromechanical
devices. Because of this difference, and also because of the wide variety of
uses for solid state equipment, all persons responsible for applying this
equipment must satisfy themselves that each intended application of this
equipment is acceptable.
In no event will Rockwell Automation, Inc. be responsible or liable for indirect
or consequential damages resulting from the use or application of this
The examples and diagrams in this manual are included solely for illustrative
purposes. Because of the many variables and requirements associated with any
particular installation, Rockwell Automation, Inc. cannot assume responsibility
or liability for actual use based on the examples and diagrams.
No patent liability is assumed by Rockwell Automation, Inc. with respect to
use of information, circuits, equipment, or software described in this manual.
Reproduction of the contents of this manual, in whole or in part, without
written permission of Rockwell Automation, Inc., is prohibited.
Throughout this manual, when necessary we use notes to make you aware of
safety considerations.
Identifies information about practices or circumstances
that can cause an explosion in a hazardous environment,
which may lead to personal injury or death, property
damage, or economic loss.
Identifies information that is critical for successful
application and understanding of the product.
Identifies information about practices or circumstances
that can lead to personal injury or death, property
damage, or economic loss. Attentions help you:
• identify a hazard
• avoid a hazard
• recognize the consequence
Labels may be located on or inside the equipment (for
example, drive or motor) to alert people that dangerous
voltage may be present.
Labels may be located on or inside the equipment (for
example, drive or motor) to alert people that surfaces may
be dangerous temperatures.
POINT I/O, POINTBus, and RSLogix 5000 are trademarks of Rockwell Automation.
ControlNet is a trademark of ControlNet International, Ltd. DeviceNet is a trademark of Open DeviceNet Vendor Association, Inc.
Summary of Changes
Summary of Changes
This publication contains new and revised information not in the last
New and Revised Information
See the table for a summary of the major changes in this manual.
PrefaceUpdate of list of publications
Indication that for specifications and safety approval information
refer to the installation instructions
2 Addition of Before You Begin section
Addition of attention and warning statements
Appendix AUpdate on how to configure modules in RSLogix 5000 software
Change Bars
W e marked with change bars (as shown with this paragraph) the areas
in this manual that differ from previous editions and indicate the
addition of new or revised information.
Work with the Fault/Program Action Dialog. . . . . . . . . . . . A-4
Work with the Counter Configuration Dialog . . . . . . . . . . . A-6
Work with the Output Configuration Dialog. . . . . . . . . . . A-10
viPublication 1734-UM003B-E N-P - August 2005
Purpose of This Manual
Who Should Use This
Read this manual for information about how to install, configure, and
troubleshoot your module.
For This InformationSee
About the ModulesChapter 1
Install the ModulesChapter 2
Input and Output DataChapter 3
Configure Your ModuleChapter 4
Access Instantiated InstancesChapter 5
Troubleshoot with the IndicatorsChapter 6
You must be able to use RSNetWorx software or similar configuration
software to set up and calibrate these modules. You must have the
capability to download and use Electronic Data Sheet files.
We assume you know how to do this in this manual. If you do not,
refer to your software user manuals or online help before attempting
to use these modules.
1Publication 1734-UM003B-E N-P - August 2005
Preface 2
Related Products and
For specification, safety approval, and other information r efer to th e
• Publication Number 1734-IN003
5V and 24V Very High-speed Counter Modules
Installation Instructions
For related 1734 products and documentation see the table.
DescriptionCat. No.Publication
Analog Input Modules
Installation Instructions
Analog Output Modules
Installation Instructions
DeviceNet Communication Interface
Installation Instructions
Field Potential Distributor
Installation Instructions
POINT I/O 24V dc Expansion Power Supply
Installation Instructions
POINT I/O Selection Guide1734 series1734-SG001
Protected Output Module s
Installation Instructions
Relay Output Modules
Installation Instructions
Sink Input Modules
Installation Instructions
Source Output Modules
Installation Instructions
Wiring Base Assembly
Installation Instructions
Wiring Base Assembly
Installation Instructions
Publication 1734-UM003B-EN-P - August 2005
Preface 3
The following define the intended operation of the module.
Lead BreakageTypically requires a shunt resistor (across the load) to detect
3 levels of current/input states -
• Open (Wire Off, Device = ?)
• Off (Wire OK, Device Off)
• On (Wire OK, Device On)
This method does not check the input against a time base,
only that the device wiring (current loop) is intact.
Missing PulseTypically uses an input pulse to reset a watc hdog timer (fixed
or programmable HW). This method does detect Lead
Breakage, since a broken wire will time-out the watchdog.
Zero FrequencyTypically uses an input pulse to calculate an input frequency
and verify it is above an error threshold. This method does
detect Lead Breakage, since a broken wire will generate a
0Hz frequency.
Missing Pulse or Zero Frequency will also detect a customer
device stuck high or low, since the counter is monitoring for a
change in the input state. Currently, the Counter/Encoder
Modes do not have Zero Frequency Detection - the A and B
inputs are time independent, only looking for input edge
changes to increment/decrement the count value.
The Period/Rate and Continuous Rate modes do have Zero
Frequency Detection, since the Z input is monitored for Zero
Frequency in Firmware (A and B inputs are not used and not
The Rate Measurement mode inherently has Zero Frequency
Detection, since no A pulses in any sample period are = 0Hz
(B and Z inputs are not used and not monitored).
Publication 1734-UM003B-E N-P - August 2005
Preface 4
Operational ModeZero Frequency DetectionInput Monitored
Period/RateYesZ Only
Rate MeasurementYA Only
Publication 1734-UM003B-EN-P - August 2005
About the Modules
What This Chapter Contains
Module Description and
Read this chapter to learn about types, features, and capabilities of the
encoder/counter modules.
The modules install into the POINT I/O terminal base (1734-TB or
1734-TBS) and interface with the Point I/O DeviceNet Pass-through
(1734-PDN) or the Point I/O DeviceNet Adapter (1734-ADN).
A module serves as a signal conditioner, function block, and counter
between the customer process signals on the terminal base and the
POINTBus containing the command information. The main functional
blocks are the following.
• Customer digital I/O interface
• Counter ASIC
• Microprocessor
The module accepts feedback from the following.
• Encoders (either single ended or differential)
• Pulse generators
• Mechanical limit switches
• Frequencies up to 1 MHz
A filter is available with the following settings.
• 50 Hz
• 500 Hz
• 5 kHz
• 50 kHz)
Turn the filter off to achieve the fastest counting rate. The input
voltage range is 5Vdc (VHSC5) or 15-24V dc (VHSC24). The module
returns the count or frequenc y in the form of a 24 bit binary number
(0 - 16,777,215) expressed in a 32 bit long word.
Each counter has a user-selectable preset and rollover value
associated with it.
The module has 2 outputs that access customer power from the
POINTBus to facilitate various output device voltage requirements.
1Publication 1734-UM003B-E N-P - August 2005
1-2 About the Modules
The outputs are rated to source 0.5A at 10 to 28.8V dc. The output
may be tied to an input. This lets you cascade counters of multiple
1734-VHSC modules. The counter has 4 user- selectable On-Off values
(windows) associated with it. Tie either output to any or all of the
window signals.
Operating Modes
The modules operate in the modes shown in the table.
Counter ModeRead read incoming single-phase pulses, return a
Period/Rate Mode Count internal clocks during the On period, return a
frequency. Outputs updated only at the end of the
Continuous/Rate Mode Count internal clocks during the On period, return a
frequency. Outputs are updated con tinuous ly during
the period.
Rate Measurement ModeRead pulses during the sample period, return a
PWM Mode (pulse width
Generate a pulse width modulated signal.
The operation of the counter and encoder modes is nearly identical.
The difference between the two modes is in the type of feedback
(single-phase versus two-phase) for the count direction (up or down).
In encoder mode, a transition is expected on the B input for
counting to proceed in a direction; whereas, in counter mode, the B
input may be left at a static level.
Publication 1734-UM003B-EN-P - August 2005
You select all operating modes by writing appropriate configuration
data to the module.
Counter Mode
The counter mode reads incoming pulses and returns a binary
number (0 - 16,777,215
accepts single-phase inputs. The module determines the Phase B
input state, and counts up or down accordingly.
) to the POINTBus. The counter mode only
About the Modules 1-3
Channel A input is used as the counting pu lse while channel B is used
to determine the direction.
[B = High, Count = Down; B = Low or floating (not connected), Count
= Up]
The Channel B input may be tied high or low for unidirectional
counting, or toggled for bidirectional counting.
Example of Counter Mode
ingle Phase Pulse Generator
Count UpCount Down
A Input
B Direction
Z (Store Count)
(Gate / Reset )
Input A
Input B
Input Z
Encoder Modes
The encoder mode reads incoming pulses and returns a binary
number (0 - 16,777,215
only accepts two-phase quadrature inputs. The module senses the
relationship between the 2 phases, and counts up or down
) to the POINTBus. The encoder mode
There are two basic encoder types, absolute and incremental. A
single-output incremental encoder is called a tachometer encoder. A
dual channel incremental encoder with one channel leading the other
by 90° is called a quadrature encoder.
A system using a quadrature encoder may include an optional zero
pulse, or index, serving as a reference mark for system reset. The
principal disadvantage of a system using incremental en coders is that
a power interruption causes the loss of position reference, so a system
must be reinitialized or returned to a known zero position.
Publication 1734-UM003B-E N-P - August 2005
1-4 About the Modules
Absolute encoders typically have higher speed requirements (200 KHz
typical) for motion control applications. An absolute encoder has a
unique code associated with each position, so the exact position is
always known, even if the system power is turned off.
Example of Multiplying Encoder Mode X1, X2 and X4
Input A
Input B
Z (Store Count)
Input Z
Quadrature Encoder
(Gate / Reset )
Forward RotationReverse Rotation
1 Count
4 Count
1352467 10981211
11971086 523401
X1 Multiplying Encoder Mode
Quadrature input signals are used to count on the leading (up
direction) or trailing (down direction) edge of A for a bidirectional
count, and channel B is used to determine the direction.
Publication 1734-UM003B-EN-P - August 2005
[ B = leads A, Count = Down; B = follows A, Count = Up ]
X2 Multiplying Encoder Mode
Quadrature input signals are used to count on leading and trailing
edges of A for a bidirectional count, and channel B is used to
determine the direction.
[ B = leads A, Count = Down; B = follows A, Count = Up ]
About the Modules 1-5
X4 Multiplying Encoder Mode
Quadrature input signals are used to count on leading and trailing
edges of A and B for a bidirectional count, and channel B is used to
determine the direction.
[ B = leads A, Count = Down; B = follows A, Count = Up ]
Period/Rate Mode
The Period/Rate mode returns an incoming frequency and a total
accumulated count to the POINTBus, by gating an internal 5 MHz
internal clock with an external signal.
This mode determines the frequency and total number of input pulses
by counting the number of internal 5MHz clock pulses over a
user-specified number of input signal pulses. At the end of the
specified number of pulses, the module returns the frequency
(0 - 1 MHz). When the frequency is updated, both outputs are
checked against their associated presets.
Example of Period/Rate Mode
A ( Not Used )
B ( Not Used )
Encoder / Pulse Generator
Z Input ( Pulse )
5 MHz Internal
Sampling Clock
Accumulated Count
ssumes symmetrical pulse, 50% duty cycle, so Period = Sample Time On X 2 {On & Off}
requency = 1 / Period If Count = 20, Scalar = 1, and Clock Period = ( 1 / 5 MHz )
requency = 1 / [ ( 20 / 1 ) X ( 1 / 5 MHz ) X 2 ] = 125 kHz
(Gate / Reset )
Input A
Input B
Input Z
5 MHz Clk
Frequency & Outputs
Updated Here
Publication 1734-UM003B-E N-P - August 2005
1-6 About the Modules
As the frequency of the incoming pulse train at the Z (Gate/Reset)
terminal increases, the number of sampled pulses from the 5MHz
clock decreases. Since accuracy is related to the number of pulses
received over the sample period, the accuracy decreases with
increasing frequencies at the Gate/Reset terminal. Refer to the
following Scaling table.
Relationship Between Sampled Pulses and Input Frequency
Input Frequency at Z Gate/Reset TerminalSample Pulses for 1/2 Cycle of Z Gate/Reset Pulse
2.5 Hz1 M
5 Hz500 k
10 Hz250 k
20 Hz125 k
50 Hz50 k
100 Hz25 k
200 Hz12.5
500 Hz5 k
1k Hz2.5 k
2 Hz1.25 k
5 kHz500
10 kHz250
20 kHz125
50 kHz50
100 kHz25
Publication 1734-UM003B-EN-P - August 2005
Scaling the input frequency through the use of a scalar can lessen the
decrease in accuracy. A scalar value of 1 returns an accurate input
frequency if incoming input pulses have a 50% duty cycle.
Operation of Scalar
In the Period/Rate mode, the scalar lets the incoming pulse train at the
Z Gate/Reset pin be divided by a user-defined number. There is one
scalar value for each counter. Acceptable values for the scalar are 1,
2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, and 128. The default value for each scalar is 1.
Note that a 0 scalar is equivalent to a 1.
The product of the Sample Period times the scalar should be less than
6.71 seconds in order to avoid a zero frequency detect indication.
(5 MHz sample time = 200ns; 16,777,216 counts x 200ns x 2 half cycles
of Z = 6.71 seconds)
About the Modules 1-7
Continuous/Rate Mode
The Continuous/Rate Mode returns an incoming frequency and a total
accumulated count to POINTBus, by gating an inte rnal 5 MHz internal
clock with an external signal.
Similar to the Period/Rate mode except outputs in this mode are
updated continuously. This mode determines the frequency and total
number of input pulses by counting the number of internal 5 MHz
clock pulses over a user-specified number of input signal pulses. Each
output is turned on as soon as the turn-on count is reached, and
turned off as soon as the turn-off count is reached. As the internal 5
MHz clock is counted, the outputs dynamically track the 5 MHz count.
Example of Continuous/Rate Mode
A ( Not Used )
B ( Not Used )
ncoder / Pulse Generator
Input ( Pulse )
MHz Internal
ampling Clock
ccumulated Count
Assumes symmetrical pulse, 50% duty cycle, so Period = Sample Time On X 2 {On & Off}
Frequency = 1 / Period If Count = 20, Scalar = 1, and Clock Period = ( 1 / 5 MHz )
Frequency = 1 / [ ( 20 / 1 ) X ( 1 / 5 MHz ) X 2 ] = 125 kHz
(Gate / Reset )
Input A
Input B
Input Z
5 MHz Clk
Updated Here
Outputs Updated
As the frequency of the incoming pulse train at the Z Gate/Reset
terminal increases, the number of sampled pulses from the 5 MHz
clock decreases. Since accuracy is related to the number of pulses
received over the sample period, the accuracy decreases with
increasing frequencies at the Gate/Reset terminal. (Refer to the
“Operation of Scalar” information and table in the Period/Rate Mode.)
Publication 1734-UM003B-E N-P - August 2005
1-8 About the Modules
Rate Measurement Mode
The Rate Measurement mode determines the frequency and total
number of input pulses over a user-specified sample period. At the
end of the interval, the module returns a value representing the
sampled number of pulses and a value indicating the incoming
When you update the count and frequency, you check any associated
outputs against their associated presets. Frequency is calculated by
dividing the accumulated count by the user-selected time period, and
is returned in the read data. Allowable time periods are 10 ms to 3 s in
10 ms increments, with a default value of 1 s. Note that a 0 time
period is equivalent to the 1 s default.
Example of Rate Measurement Mode
A Input
B ( Not Used )
Z ( Not Used )
(Gate / Reset )
Encoder/Pulse Generator
A Input ( Pulse )
Internal Sampling Gate
Accumulated Count
User Selectable Sample Period,
10ms to 2s in 10ms increments.
If Sample Period is 50ms, and Count = 3, then Frequency = 3 /50ms = 60Hz
Input A
Input B
Input Z
Time Base
Frequency Calculated,
Outputs Updated Here
Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) Mode
The Pulse Width Modulation mode uses the counter to generate a
continuous rolling sequence of numbers. The real-time PWM value
written to the module is converted to a window edge so that a
variable duty-cycle signal can be generated. The counter resets to zero
based upon the PWM period programmed into the module. Any
output tied to Window 0 transmi t s the PWM signal.
Publication 1734-UM003B-EN-P - August 2005
About the Modules 1-9
New Data Indicator
A two-bit counter, C1 and C0, is updated every time an event occurs,
indicating that new data is available in the Stored/Accumulate d Count
words. Events are defined as:
Any active gate transition in any of the Store Count (Counter or
Encoder) modes
The end of the gate sample period in either the Period / Rate,
Continuous / Rate or PWM modes
The end of the programmed sample period in the Rate Measurement mode
To use these bits reliab ly, acquisition of data fro m the counter module
must occur faster than the events, which cause C1/C0 to increment.
When C1/C0 is updated, a change of state (COS) message can be sent.
Default Configuration
The module default configuration on startup are the following.
• Counter mode
• 50 Hz filter on A, B, and Z
• No time base
• Active Output Assembly = 105
• Rollover = 0x00FFFFFF
• Preset = 0
• No scalar
• Output 0 untied
• Output 1 untied
• Window comparators = 0
• Counter Control Safe State = 0
• Output Control Safe State = 0
To modify the default settings to those required for your application,
refer to the appropriate section of this publication.
Publication 1734-UM003B-E N-P - August 2005
1-10 About the Modules
Operating Mode Features
Operating FeatureCounter
Software ResetYYYYYY
Store Count -
See the table for a summary of features active in each mode.
Up / Down
X1, X2 & X4
(Count)Y (Count)
(PWM Value)
Operating Mode Features
The Z Gate/Reset Terminal operates in one of fou r modes when the
Store Count feature is in use. The four figures below detail the
operation in each mode.
Store Count Mode 1: Store/Continue
In mode 1, the rising edge of a pulse input on the Z Gate/Reset
terminal causes the current counter value to be read and stored in the
Read Data file. The counter continues counting. The stored count is
available in the Stored/Accumulated Count word. The stored count
information remains until it is overwritten with new data.
ead, Store Count,
nd Continue Counting
Publication 1734-UM003B-EN-P - August 2005
About the Modules 1-11
Store Count Mode 2: Store/Wait/Resume
In mode 2, the rising edge of a pulse input on the Z Gate/Reset
terminal reads and stores the current counter value in the
Stored/Accumulated Count word and inhibit counting while the Z
Gate/Reset terminal is high. Counting resumes on the falling edge of
the pulse at the Z Gate/Reset terminal. The stored count information
remains until it is overwritten wi th new data.
top Counting
tore CountResume Counti
Store Count Mode 3: Store-Reset/Wait/Start
In mode 3, the rising edge of a pulse input on the Z Gate/Reset
terminal stops counting, reads, and stores the current counter value in
the Stored/Accumulated Count word, and resets the counter to zero.
The counter does not count while the input pu lse on the Z Gate/Reset
terminal is high. Counting resumes from zero on the falling edge of
the pulse at the Gate/Reset terminal. The stored count information
remains until it is overwritten wi th new data.
ounter has stopped Counting
Stop Count, Store,
and Reset to zerofrom zero
Start Counti
Store Count Mode 4: Store-Reset/Start
In mode 4, the rising edge of a pulse input on the Z Gate/Reset
terminal stores the current counter value in the Stored/Accumulated
Count word and reset the counter to zero. The counter continues
counting while the Z Gate/Reset terminal is high. The stored count
information remains until it is overwritten with new data.
Publication 1734-UM003B-E N-P - August 2005
1-12 About the Modules
Start Counting
tore Count,
nd Reset to zero
Continue Counti
Output Control
To connect an output to a compare window, you could program the
module accordingly:
• Tie Output 0 to Window 0
• Program Window 0 ON Value to 2000
• Program Window 0 OFF Value to 5000
ON-OFF Operation of Output 0
Output remains energized for 3000 additional counts
utput turns ON at count value of 2000
If the OFF value is greater than the ON value, the output turns ON at
2000 and OFF at 5000. If the ON value is greater than the OFF value,
the output turns OFF at 2000 and ON at 5000.
ffect of ON-OFF Value on Output Operation
Output remains Energized
for 3000 additional counts
utput turns ONOutput turns OFF
t count of 2000
at count of 5000
Output turns OFFOutput turns O
at count of 2000
Output turns OFF at count value of 50
Output remains Deenergized
for 3000 additional counts
at count of 500
Turn Off Value > Turn On Value
Publication 1734-UM003B-EN-P - August 2005
Turn On Value > Turn Off Value
Install the Module
What This Chapter Contains
Read this chapter for information about how to install the modules.
The 1734-VHSC module is a two-module set. Module 1 houses the
1734-VHSC functionality while module 2 provides screw terminals
necessary to access chassis gro und (Chas Gnd) and common (C).
Module 2 also connects terminal 4 to 5 and terminal 6 to 7 for ease of
wiring power to the input device. Module 2 is not necessary for VHSC
functionality but eases customer wiring. Module 2 does not use a
node address, and it doesn’t consume power from the POINTBus. To
reduce loop area, place module 2 adjacent (either side) to module 1.
For Information About How ToSee Page
Before You Begin2-1
Install the Mounting Base Assembly2-1
Install the Module2-4
Install the Removable Terminal Block2-6
Remove a Mounting Base2-6
Wire the Modules2-7
Before You Begin
1Publication 1734-UM003B-E N-P - August 2005
Preventing Electrostatic Discharge
This equipment is sensitive to electrostatic discharge,
which can cause internal damage and affect normal
operation. Follow these guidelines when you handle
this equipment:
• Touch a grounded object to discharge potential
• Wear an approved grounding wriststrap.
• Do not touch connectors or pins on component
• Do not touch circuit components inside the
• If available, use a static-safe workstation.
• When not in use, store the equipment in
appropriate static-safe packaging.
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