1008177, REV. 04PAGE 18
After any disassembly of the CoughAssist, the unit should be tested for proper operation before being put back
into service. This test can be done without the top cover on in order to gain access to the blower pressure
adjustment potentiometers. Refer to Figure 9. However, proper precautions should be taken to avoid electrical
shock if this is done.
1. Use a rubber plug or similar object to temporarily block the Patient Connection on the front of the
2. Verify that the Pressure Gauge is zeroed. If adjustment is needed, remove the gray dot covering
the adjustment hole and adjust using a small flat blade screwdriver. Replace the dot.
3. On all models, set the Inhale Pressure knob fully clockwise, and Inhale Flow and Pressure knobs
fully counterclockwise. On the CA models, set the Manual/Auto switch to Manual, and set each
time knob to approximately 1 second.
4. Plug the CoughAssist into an appropriate electrical outlet.
1. Place the power switch to the “on” position and note that the green light in the switch comes on.
2. Turn the Pressure knob through the full range of blower speeds and be sure the speed of the
motor increases steadily. With the Pressure knob fully clockwise, allow the unit to warm up for 1 to
2 minutes.
3. Adjust the Variac to set the input line voltage. If a 230 VAC application, adjust the variac to set the
input line voltage to 230 V +
5 VAC. If a 115 VAC application, adjust the Variac to set the input line
voltage to 115 V +
5 VAC. If a 100 VAC application, adjust the Variac to set the input line voltage
to 100 +
3 VAC.
4. With the Pressure knob set at the minimum speed (counterclockwise) move the Manual Control
Lever to the Inhale position (to the right) and note that the pressure on the gauge reads between 2
and 5 cmH
O. Move the Manual Control Lever to exhale (to the left) and note that the gauge
reads between -2 and -5 cmH
O. Turn the Pressure knob to maximum (clockwise) and repeat
inhale and exhale test noting that the reading on the gauge is between 54 and 66 cmH
Release the manual control lever from the inhale and exhale positions at maximum pressure and
not that the lever moves to the center and pressure drops immediately to 0 cmH
5. If the correct pressures are not achieved the pressure control can be adjusted as follows. First
remove the top cover. If the unit has not been run for a while, turn it on with the Pressure knob
fully clockwise and allow the unit to warm up for 1 to 2 minutes.
6. On the Circuit Board attached to the front panel locate the two trim potentiometers directly above
the Patient Outlet on the right. Refer to Figure 9. The top trim pot adjusts the minimum pressure
(clockwise to increase), while the bottom trim pot adjusts the maximum pressure (counterclockwise to increase). First adjust the minimum pressure (2 to 5 cmH
O), then adjust the maximum
(54 to 66 cmH2O), then check the minimum again since the two adjustments interact somewhat.
To avoid electrical shock, take the normal precautions when working with the unit
plugged in and the cover is removed.