Metrohm IC Net 2.2 User Manual

CH-9101 Herisau/Switzerland Internet E-Mail
IC Net 2.2
8.110.8263 Software Manual
02.2003 / pkl
All Rights Reserved.
Printed in Switzerland by Metrohm AG, CH-9101 Herisau 2003
Table of contents

Table of contents

1 Introduction ...............................................................1
1.1 Purpose of program .................................................................. 1
1.2 Information about the software manual .................................. 2
1.3 Notation and pictograms .......................................................... 3
1.4 Installation ................................................................................. 4
1.4.1 Hardware requirements for the PC................................. 4
1.4.2 Software Installation ....................................................... 4
1.4.3 Software update ............................................................. 5
1.4.4 Software deinstallation ................................................... 6
1.4.5 Demo version ................................................................. 6
1.4.6 Registration..................................................................... 6
2 Fundamentals of the operation ................................7
2.1 Starting/closing the program ................................................... 7
2.1.1 Start the «IC Net» program ............................................. 7
2.1.2 Close the «IC Net» program ........................................... 7
2.2 Glossary..................................................................................... 8
2.3 Overview of program windows .............................................. 10
2.4 Main window elements ........................................................... 10
2.5 Icons of the main window....................................................... 11
2.6 Overview of file types ............................................................. 12
2.7 Context-sensitive menus........................................................ 13
2.8 Keyboard and mouse functions............................................. 13
2.9 Help .......................................................................................... 14
3 Software settings ....................................................15
3.1 Fonts ........................................................................................ 15
3.2 Security system....................................................................... 15
3.2.1 Security Options window.............................................. 16
3.3 Audit Trail ................................................................................ 19
IC Net 2.2
3.4 Global settings ........................................................................ 21
4 Systems ...................................................................24
4.1 System creation....................................................................... 24
4.1.1 System wizard .............................................................. 24
4.1.2 System window............................................................. 26
4.1.3 Add devices to an existing window.............................. 26
Table of contents
4.2 System file handling ............................................................... 27
4.3 System functions .................................................................... 27
4.3.1 Connect and disconnect system.................................. 27
4.3.2 Start/stop hardware and record baseline..................... 28
4.3.3 Start/stop determinations ............................................. 29
4.3.4 Options for determinations........................................... 29
4.4 System settings....................................................................... 31
4.4.1 Modify system window ................................................. 31
4.4.2 Watch window display.................................................. 31
4.4.3 Set start mode .............................................................. 31
4.4.4 Install new devices........................................................ 32
4.4.5 Install existing devices.................................................. 32
4.4.6 Print system parameters............................................... 32
4.4.7 Show system parameters............................................. 33
4.4.8 Links.............................................................................. 33
4.5 System state window.............................................................. 33
4.5.1 Status messages.......................................................... 33
4.5.2 General error messages............................................... 34
4.5.3 Error messages for 761 Compact IC ........................... 34
5 Interfaces ................................................................36
5.1 Interface installation ............................................................... 36
5.1.1 Add interfaces with system wizard ............................... 36
5.1.2 Add interfaces in workplace window............................ 37
5.1.3 Delete interfaces........................................................... 37
5.2 762 IC Interface........................................................................ 38
5.2.1 762 IC Interface features .............................................. 38
5.2.2 762 icon on the toolbar................................................. 38
5.2.3 762 icons in the system window................................... 38
5.2.4 762 IC Interface window ............................................... 39
5.2.5 762 Event output lines .................................................. 41
5.3 771 Compact Interface............................................................ 45
5.3.1 771 Compact Interface features................................... 45
5.3.2 771 icon on the toolbar................................................. 45
5.3.3 771 Compact Interface window.................................... 45
5.4 Metrohm PC Board.................................................................. 47
5.5 Global timer ............................................................................. 48
5.5.1 Timer icon ..................................................................... 48
5.5.2 Timer program .............................................................. 48
6 Devices ....................................................................50
6.1 Device installation................................................................... 50
6.1.1 Install devices at system creation ................................ 50
6.1.2 Install new devices in system window.......................... 51
6.1.3 Install existing devices in system window .................... 51
6.1.4 Delete devices .............................................................. 51
IC Net 2.2
Table of contents
6.2 Watch window ......................................................................... 52
6.2.1 Watch window icon ...................................................... 52
6.2.2 Watch window settings................................................. 52
6.3 732 IC Detector ........................................................................ 54
6.3.1 732 IC Detector features .............................................. 54
6.3.2 732 IC Detector icon..................................................... 54
6.3.3 732 IC Detector window ............................................... 55
6.4 761 Compact IC ....................................................................... 61
6.4.1 761 Compact IC features ............................................. 61
6.4.2 761 Compact IC icon ................................................... 61
6.4.3 761 Compact IC window .............................................. 62
6.4.4 Hardware settings ........................................................ 69
6.5 817 Bioscan ............................................................................. 73
6.5.1 817 Bioscan features.................................................... 73
6.5.2 817 Bioscan icon.......................................................... 73
6.5.3 817 Bioscan window .................................................... 73
6.6 733 IC Separation Center........................................................ 81
6.6.1 733 IC Separation Center features............................... 81
6.6.2 733 IC Separation Center icon ..................................... 82
6.6.3 733 IC Separation Center window................................ 82
6.7 709 IC Pump............................................................................. 85
6.7.1 709 IC Pump features................................................... 85
6.7.2 709 IC Pump icon......................................................... 86
6.7.3 709 IC Pump window ................................................... 86
6.8 Metrohm solvent delivery unit................................................ 89
6.8.1 Metrohm SDU features................................................. 89
6.8.2 Metrohm SDU icon ....................................................... 89
6.8.3 Metrohm SDU window.................................................. 89
6.9 752 Pump Unit ......................................................................... 94
6.9.1 752 Pump Unit features................................................ 94
6.9.2 752 Pump Unit icon...................................................... 94
6.9.3 752 Pump Unit window ................................................ 94
6.10 753 Suppressor Module.......................................................... 97
6.10.1 753 Suppressor Module features................................. 97
6.10.2 753 Suppressor Module icon ....................................... 97
6.10.3 753 Suppressor Module window.................................. 97
6.11 754 Dialysis Unit.................................................................... 100
6.11.1 754 Dialysis Unit features ........................................... 100
6.11.2 754 Dialysis Unit icon ................................................. 100
6.11.3 754 Dialysis Unit window............................................ 100
IC Net 2.2
6.12 793 Sample Prep Module ...................................................... 103
6.12.1 793 Sample Prep Module features............................. 103
6.12.2 793 Sample Prep Module icon................................... 103
6.12.3 793 Sample Prep Module window ............................. 103
6.13 812 Valve Unit ........................................................................ 106
6.13.1 812 Valve Unit features............................................... 106
6.13.2 812 Valve Unit icon..................................................... 106
Table of contents
6.13.3 812 Valve Unit window................................................ 107
6.14 816 IC Eluent Selector ...........................................................109
6.14.1 816 IC Eluent Selector features .................................. 109
6.14.2 816 IC Eluent Selector icon ........................................ 109
6.14.3 816 IC Eluent Selector window................................... 109
6.15 828 IC Dual Suppressor.........................................................112
6.15.1 828 IC Dual Suppressor features ............................... 112
6.15.2 828 IC Dual Suppressor icon ..................................... 112
6.15.3 828 IC Dual Suppressor window ................................ 112
6.16 750 Autosampler ....................................................................116
6.16.1 750 Autosampler features .......................................... 116
6.16.2 750 Autosampler icon................................................. 116
6.16.3 750 Autosampler window ........................................... 117
6.17 766 IC Sample Processor ......................................................120
6.17.1 766 IC Sample Processor features............................. 120
6.17.2 766 IC Sample Processor icon................................... 120
6.17.3 766 IC Sample Processor window ............................. 121
6.18 788 IC Filtration Sample Processor ......................................129
6.18.1 788 IC Filtration Sample Processor features.............. 129
6.18.2 788 IC Filtration Sample Processor icon .................... 129
6.18.3 788 IC Filtration Sample Processor window............... 130
6.19 Data recorder..........................................................................138
6.19.1 Data recorder icon...................................................... 138
6.19.2 Select processing method and data source.............. 138
6.20 System timer ..........................................................................141
6.20.1 Timer icon ................................................................... 141
6.20.2 Timer program ............................................................ 141
7 Methods .................................................................142
7.1 Method file handling ..............................................................142
7.2 Passport..................................................................................142
7.2.1 General ....................................................................... 143
7.2.2 Sample........................................................................ 144
7.2.3 Column ....................................................................... 145
7.2.4 Eluent.......................................................................... 146
7.2.5 Comment .................................................................... 147
7.3 Method setup..........................................................................148
7.3.1 General ....................................................................... 148
7.3.2 Measure...................................................................... 148
7.3.3 Filters .......................................................................... 149
7.3.4 Processing.................................................................. 150
7.3.5 Math............................................................................ 151
7.4 Integration ..............................................................................153
7.4.1 General information .................................................... 153
7.4.2 Setup........................................................................... 154
7.4.3 Events ......................................................................... 156
IC Net 2.2
Table of contents
7.5 Calibration and quantification.............................................. 161
7.5.1 General information.................................................... 161
7.5.2 Notations .................................................................... 162
7.5.3 External standard calibration...................................... 163
7.5.4 Component table........................................................ 163
7.5.5 Peak identification ...................................................... 166
7.5.6 Concentration table .................................................... 167
7.5.7 Calibration curve......................................................... 169
7.5.8 Update calibration ...................................................... 171
7.5.9 Calibration data handling ........................................... 172
7.6 Report output......................................................................... 173
7.6.1 Report options window............................................... 173
7.6.2 Items to report ............................................................ 174
7.6.3 More items to report ................................................... 176
7.6.4 Report destination ...................................................... 179
7.6.5 Peak table................................................................... 179
7.6.6 Template options........................................................ 182
7.6.7 File output options...................................................... 182
7.6.8 Report elements ......................................................... 183
8 Chromatograms.....................................................188
8.1 Chromatogram window ........................................................ 188
8.2 Chromatogram file handling................................................. 189
8.2.1 Open chromatogram.................................................. 189
8.2.2 Save chromatogram................................................... 191
8.2.3 Close chromatogram.................................................. 191
8.2.4 Delete chromatogram ................................................ 191
8.2.5 Export chromatogram ................................................ 191
8.2.6 Import chromatogram ................................................ 192
8.3 Graphical representation...................................................... 193
8.3.1 Appearance ................................................................ 193
8.3.2 Other graphical functions ........................................... 197
8.4 Peak editor............................................................................. 198
8.4.1 Switching on/off the peak editor................................. 198
8.4.2 Peak editor functions.................................................. 198
8.4.3 Moving the cursor....................................................... 199
8.5 Printing................................................................................... 200
8.5.1 Page layout for printing .............................................. 200
8.5.2 Printer settings............................................................ 201
8.5.3 Print preview ............................................................... 201
8.5.4 Printing........................................................................ 201
IC Net 2.2
8.6 Miscellaneous functions....................................................... 202
8.6.1 Reintegration .............................................................. 202
8.6.2 Recalibration............................................................... 202
8.6.3 Electronic signature.................................................... 202
8.6.4 Subtraction of a chromatogram ................................. 204
8.6.5 Compare chromatogram............................................ 205
8.6.6 Data compression ...................................................... 206
Table of contents
9 Sample queue........................................................209
8.6.7 Invert chromatogram .................................................. 207
8.6.8 Autodatabase ............................................................. 207
9.1 Sample queue file handling...................................................209
9.1.1 Open sample queue................................................... 209
9.1.2 Save sample queue.................................................... 209
9.1.3 Delete sample queue ................................................. 209
9.2 Sample queue control............................................................210
9.2.1 Sample queue overview table .................................... 210
9.2.2 Start sample queue .................................................... 211
9.2.3 Pause sample queue.................................................. 211
9.2.4 Cancel last run............................................................ 212
9.2.5 Reset sample queue................................................... 212
9.3 Sample queue editor..............................................................212
9.3.1 Open queue editor window ........................................ 212
9.3.2 Sample queue editor functions .................................. 213
9.3.3 Print sample queue..................................................... 214
9.3.4 Close sample queue editor ........................................ 214
10 Batch reprocessing ...............................................215
10.1 Batch reprocessing queue file handling ..............................215
10.1.1 Open batch reprocessing queue ............................... 215
10.1.2 Create new batch reprocessing queue...................... 215
10.1.3 Save batch reprocessing queue ................................ 216
10.2 Perform batch reprocessing .................................................216
10.2.1 Reprocess options window ........................................ 216
10.2.2 Merge chromatograms............................................... 222
10.3 Batch reprocessing queue editor .........................................223
10.3.1 Open batch reprocessing queue editor window........ 223
10.3.2 Batch reprocessing queue editor functions ............... 224
10.3.3 Print batch reprocessing queue ................................. 224
10.3.4 Close batch reprocessing queue editor..................... 224
11 Appendix ................................................................226
11.1 Software license.....................................................................226
11.2 Declaration of conformity – Software validation.................228
11.3 Ordering designations...........................................................228
11.3 Index........................................................................................229
IC Net 2.2

1.1 Purpose of program

1 Introduction

1.1 Purpose of program
«IC Net 2.2» is the name of the data acquisition and control software for PC-controlled ion chromatographic systems consist­ing of Metrohm and Bischoff instruments. The current version is a true 32-bit application. It was designed specially to operate un­der Windows 2000 and Windows XP and uses all its benefits.
The «IC Net 2.2» program can be used to create systems for re­cording and evaluating chromatograms. Time programs can also be created in which a large number of instrument functions can be triggered for each program step. It is also possible to use pro­grammable signals to control external instruments.
The operating software meets all the requirements you could place today on a modern integration software: single or multi­point calibration, internal or external standard, selectable algo­rithms for non-linear calibration, various integration modes with in­tegration parameters and integration events, different methods for peak recognition, peak editor, free scaling, superimposing sev­eral chromatograms, use of sample tables and batch reprocess­ing; a powerful and GLP-conform report generator with output in­terfaces for monitor, printer and external databases.
The «IC Net 2.2» software can be configured and used in order to comply with the Electronic Records and Signatures Rule, known as 21 CFR Part 11, established by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). For this purpose, the program con­tains password protection, user administration, electronic signa­tures, audit trail and administration of methods and results in da­tabases. To use the 21 CFR Part 11 features of «IC Net 2.2» the operating system Windows 2000 or Windows XP with NTFS file system is required.
IC Net 2.2
1 Introduction

1.2 Information about the software manual

This 8.110.8263 Software Manual provides a comprehensive overview of the operation of the «IC Net» program. The manual is organized as follows:
Section 1 Introduction
Section 2 Fundamentals of the operation
Program elements and features
Section 3 Software settings
Fonts, security system, global settings
Section 4 Systems
Creation of new systems, interfaces and devices, determinations
Section 5 Interfaces
Installation, control and parameter settings of inter­faces
Section 6 Devices
Installation, control and parameter settings of de­vices
Section 7 Methods
Method parameters, integration, calibration, quanti­fication, report
Section 8 Chromatograms
Chromatogram appearance, peak editor
Section 9 Sample queue
Sample queue control and editor
Section 10 Batch reprocessing
Reprocessing of chromatograms
Section 11 Appendix
Software license, declaration of conformity, ordering designations, index
To find the required information, you will find it an advantage to use either the Table of contents or the Index at the back.
This Software Manual describes only the installation and opera­tion of Metrohm instruments. For details concerning the Bisch­off instruments, please refer to the on-line help in the program and to the Bischoff instruction manuals.
Additional publications about ion chromatographic analyses are available on request free of charge from your Metrohm agency. The 8.732.2003 Metrohm Monograph «Ion chromatography» provides an introduction to the theoretical fundamentals and gen­eral information on separating columns and sample pretreatment.
The 8.732.2013 IC Applications Collection contains all the Application Notes on the subject of ion chromatography and
IC Net 2.2

1.3 Notation and pictograms

can be updated at any time by downloading the latest applica­tions from the Internet under «». Last, but not least, you will find detailed information on the separating columns available from Metrohm and on special IC applications in the rele­vant "Application Bulletins".
1.3 Notation and pictograms
The following notations are used in this software manual:
[ Ctrl ] Key
Menu item, parameter or entry value
Program window
This symbol indicates a possible risk of death or injury to the user and possible damage to the instrument or its components by electricity.
Danger/Warning This symbol indicates a possible risk of death or injury to the user and possible damage to the instrument or its components.
Caution This symbol marks important information. First read the associated directions before you continue.
IC Net 2.2
Comment This symbol marks additional information and tips.
1 Introduction

1.4 Installation

1.4.1 Hardware requirements for the PC

Computer Pentium III with 450 MHz or higher
Operating system Windows® 2000 or Windows® XP
Free space on hard disk 12 MB for program files
Working memory RAM 128 MB for Windows
Graphics resolution 800×600, better 1024×768 or more
Printer Any printer supported by the operat-

1.4.2 Software Installation

50 MB recommended for data files
256 MB for Windows
ing system
To use the 21 CFR Part 11 features of «ICNet 2.2» the operating system Windows 2000 or Windows XP with NTFS file system is required.
If you want to update from IC Net 2.1 to IC Net 2.2, proceed as described in section 1.4.3.
Insert installation CD into CD drive. Select <Start> and Run. Find the file setup.exe on the CD and click on <OK>. Click on IC Net in the selection menu and follow the setup program instructions.
IC Net 2.2
1.4 Installation
To change from an IC Net installation (without 21 CFR part 11 features) to an IC Net Compliant (with 21 CFR part 11 features) installation (and back) you have to remove the previous installa­tion! Pay attention to the corresponding dialog in the setup pro­gram.
The two software packages «IC Net 2.2» and «Autodatabase
1.0» will be installed in the desired directory. Icons are created in
the program folder, in the startup folder, and on the desktop. In addition to the program files of the «IC Net» program, the follow­ing folders are installed:
Accounts Folder for user data, access is closed.
Data Folder for storage of chromatogram files (*.chw)
and batch reprocessing files (*.bar) with several examples.
Devices Folder for storage of device files.(*.dev).
Flog Folder for Audit Trail files, access is closed.
Log Folder for storage of exception files (*.exc), His-
Methods Folder for storage of data acquisition method
Reports Folder for storage of report files (*) and graphic
Services Folder for user administration.
Systems Folder for storage of system files (*.smt).

1.4.3 Software update

For software update from IC Net 2.1 to IC Net 2.2, proceed as fol­lows:
1. Switch on PC and start operating system.
tory files (*.hst) und Log files (*.log).
files (*.mtw) and sample queue files (*.que) with several examples.
files (*.wmf).
IC Net 2.2
2. If you want to save chromatograms, methods and system files created by IC Net 2.1, backup the folders
Systems in another directory on the hard disk.
Data, Methods, and
3. If you want to save data created by Autodatabase 1.0, backup the folders Filters, Report templates, and User database in an­other directory on the hard disk.
4. Deinstall the IC Net 2.1 software by selecting <Start> / Settings
/ Control panel
, double-clicking the Software icon, selecting
1 Introduction
Metrohm IC Net 2.1 in the list and clicking on <Add/remove>. All
program files and icons should be removed.
5. Delete the folder IC Net 2.1 in the program folder.
6. Install the IC Net 2.2 software (see section 1.4.2).
7. Copy the IC Net 2.1 backup files of the folders Data, Methods, and Systems into the folders ..\IC Net 2.2\IC Net\Data, ..\IC Net
2.2\IC Net\Methods
, and ..\IC Net 2.2\IC Net\Systems.
8. Copy the Autodatabase backup files of the folders Filters, Re-
port templates
2.2\Autodatabase\Filters plates
, and ..\IC Net 2.2\Autodatabase\User database.
, and User database into the folders ..\IC Net
, ..\IC Net 2.2\Autodatabase\Report tem-
The folder ..\IC Net 2.2\IC Net\Data is protected against unauthor­ized access and manipulation, if the 21 CFR Part 11 compli­ance is enabled. To copy the chromatograms from the backup
Data folder into the ..\IC Net 2.2\IC Net\Data folder start IC Net 2.2
and open the Chromatogram open window (see section 8.2.1), select the backup Data folder, mark the chromatograms and copy them into the ..\IC Net 2.2\IC Net\Data folder.

1.4.4 Software deinstallation

Select <Start> / Settings / Control panel. Double-click the Software icon. Select Metrohm IC Net 2.2 in the list and click on
<Add/remove>. All program files and icons should be removed.

1.4.5 Demo version

If the «IC Net Software 2.2» is installed on a PC without installa­tion of IC system components, this software can be used as a
demo version which is restricted to the display and recalcula­tion of already recorded chromatograms.

1.4.6 Registration

Please send us your 8.110.8207 Registration card as soon as possible. Only registered users will get updated program versions at a special price.
IC Net 2.2

2.1 Starting/closing the program

2 Fundamentals of the operation

2.1 Starting/closing the program

2.1.1 Start the «IC Net» program

Start the program Double-click this icon or the ICNet.exe file to start the «IC Net 2.2» program. The
IC Net login window appears:
Enter your User name and your Password and click on
After software installation at the first start of the software, the
window opens (see section 3.2.1)and a user with Adminis-
access level is created. It is recommended to create us­ers as a first action after the installation. For the definition of us­ers, see section 3.2.

2.1.2 Close the «IC Net» program

IC NET / File / Exit (Alt+F4)
Exit the «IC Net 2.2» program.
The program is also quit by clicking on in the upper right part
of the main window.
<Log In>.
IC Net 2.2
2 Fundamentals of the operation

2.2 Glossary

Batch reprocessing
Batch reprocessing is understood to be the subsequent reproc­essing of a series of chromatograms which have been loaded in a batch reprocessing queue. During reprocessing with a selected method the settings for calibration, integration, passport, appear­ance and report can be altered at will (for details, see section 10).
Calibration is used to describe the method of determining the re­lationship between the peak height or peak area found for one component and its concentration in the sample. The result of the calibration is a calibration function (calibration curve), which shows the relationship between the amount of sample and the evaluated quantity.
The determination of the calibration function with reference solu­tions can be carried out as a one-point or as a multiple-point calibration. The calibration method which is mainly used in ion chromatography is the external standard calibration (absolute calibration); calibration with an internal standard (relative cali­bration) or tabulated calibration are also possible (for details, see section 7.5).
A chromatogram is a graphic plot of the elution curve (signal vs. time) recorded following a chromatographic separation on a separating column.
Chromatograms are stored as chromatogram files (*.chw) in the
Data directory. As well as the measuring data the chromatogram
files also contain the method parameters and system settings which have been used for data recording, data processing and remote control (for details, see section 8).
In order to carry out a determination a suitable system must be selected for the separating problem. The result of the determina­tion is a chromatogram, in which the measuring data and results of the determination are stored (for details, see section 8).
The «IC Net» program supports remote control for Metrohm and Bischoff instruments. Each instrument within a system is a de- vice. Devices are stored as device files (*.dev) in the Devices di­rectory. All Metrohm devices start with Me*.dev and all Bischoff
devices start with Bi*.dev (for details, see section 6).
Integration is to be understood as being the method for determin­ing the peak area and peak height with the aid of approximate baselines. The integration algorithm included in the program is in-
IC Net 2.2
2.2 Glossary
fluenced by the integration parameters and the optionally pro­grammable integration events which are defined in the method. In addition, the integration can be manually corrected later with the aid of the peak editor (see section 8.4), for details see sec- tion 7.
The «IC Net» program supports remote control for interfaces available from Metrohm and Bischoff. Interfaces generally convert analog signals to digital form, which can be handled by the com­puter. Interfaces are stored as device files (*.dev) in the Devices di­rectory. All Metrohm interfaces and Metrohm devices start with Me*.dev; all Bischoff interfaces and Bischoff devices start with Bi*.dev (for details, see section 5).
A method contains all information necessary for data acquisi­tion, integration, peak evaluation and quantification. It can
be considered as the chromatogram template, i.e. chromatogram without raw data. Methods are stored as method files (*.mtw) in the Methods directory.
Each system is linked to a method. This method is called proc- essing method and is opened automatically at the start of a new determination (for details, see section 7).
Sample queue
A sample queue is used for the automated processing of series of samples, particularly in combination with a sample changer (for details, see section 9).
The combination of Metrohm and Bischoff devices connected to an interface is called a system. The system includes all the set­tings of the devices, their time program, the data acquisition pa­rameters and the processing method which have been optimized for the specific separating column and the determination to be carried out with it. A system is used to start single determinations or determinations with the help of a sample queue.
Systems are stored as system files ( tory (for details, see section 4).
The workplace contains all interfaces and systems connected to the PC COM. The icons of all these active interfaces and systems are shown on the toolbar. They can also be displayed in the
window opened by selecting the Options / Devices setup
menu item.
*.smt) in the Systems direc-
IC Net 2.2
2 Fundamentals of the operation

2.3 Overview of program windows

«IC Net 2.2» consists of different windows whose functionality is linked together. The different windows are:
IC NET Main program window with menus for file
administration, printing, method modifica­tion, options, login and user rights, window handling.
CHROMATOGRAM Chromatogram window for graphic plot of
running or recorded chromatograms.
SYSTEM System window for control of interfaces and
SYSTEM STATE System state window for status messages.
WATCH WINDOW Watch window for live display of instrument
QUEUE EDITOR Queue editor window for edition of sample

2.4 Main window elements

The elements of the IC NET main window are the menu bar, the toolbar and the status bar, indicating prompts and logged-in user.
Menu bar
queue tables and batch reprocessing ta­bles.
Status bar
Logged-in userPrompts, information
IC Net 2.2

2.5 Icons of the main window

2.5 Icons of the main window
The following icons are displayed in the IC NET main window:
Open chromatogram
Save chromatogram
Open last batch reprocessing file
Make report
Print preview
Send chromatograms to Autodatabase
Print chromatogram
Method setup
Cascade all opened chromatogram windows
Vertical tiling of open chromatogram windows
Horizontal tiling of open chromatogram windows
Enable/disable peak editor mode. If the Peak editor
mode is enabled, the peak editor icons appear.
View all
Lock system
IC Net 2.2
762 IC Interface
771 Compact Interface
Connected system
Global timer
2 Fundamentals of the operation

2.6 Overview of file types

The following file types are produced by the «IC Net» software:
*.adb Autodatabase file
Contains chromatogram and method data of all deter­minations.
*.bar Batch reprocessing file (binary file)
Contains batch reprocessing data. The *.bar file is stored automatically in the Data folder.
*.cal Calibration file (binary file)
Contains calibration data, which can be exported with
Net / Method / Calibration / Export calibration
The *.cal file is stored automatically in the Methods folder.
*.chw Chromatogram file (binary file)
Contains chromatogram, system and method data of a determination. The *.chw file is stored automatically in the Data folder.
*.exc Exception file (ASCII file)
Contains exceptions from normal running and error messages. The *.exc file is stored automatically in one of the day subfolders of the Log folder.
*.hst History file (ASCII file)
Contains history of commands and program actions.
*.hst file is stored automatically in one of the day
The subfolders of the
*.log Log file (ASCII file)
Log folder.
Contains log file of data communication between PC and instruments. The *.log file is stored automatically in one of the day subfolders of the Log folder.
*.mtw Method file (binary file)
Contains the data acquisition method, which can be linked to a system.
*.mtw file is stored automatically in the Methods
The folder.
*.que Sample queue file (binary file)
Contains a sample data table. The
*.que file is stored automatically in the Systems
IC Net 2.2
2.7 Context-sensitive menus
*.rtt Report file (ASCII file)
Contains a report template. The *.rtt file is stored in the program folder.
*.smt System file (ASCII file)
Contains the system settings. The *.smt file is stored automatically in the Systems folder.
*.dev Device file (ASCII file)
Contains drivers for devices. The *.dev file is stored in the Devices folder.

2.7 Context-sensitive menus

Some of the menu functions of the program windows are also ac­cessible by clicking on the desired window or item and pressing the right mouse button. The pop up windows have different contents and functions depending on the selected active window or item type.

2.8 Keyboard and mouse functions

The mouse can be used to carry out the normal program operat- ing functions such as the selection of menu items and fields. It can additionally be used for magnifying a section of a chroma­togram (zooming). To zoom a portion of the plot it is necessary to place the mouse cursor to the upper left corner of the square to zoom, press the left mouse button and drag the cursor to the lower right corner of the rectangle. After releasing of the left mouse button the selected region will be zoomed full-screen. If the cursor is active in the peak editor mode then it can be moved by pressing down the right-hand mouse key.
The keyboard can also be used to scale a chromatogram in the window, as described below.
Keyboard quick reference
Cursor is inactive:
[ up ] Increases sensitivity on the Y axis. [ down ] Reduces sensitivity on the Y axis. [ right ] Expands a chromatogram on the X axis.
IC Net 2.2
[ left ] Shrinks a chromatogram on the X axis. [ Ctrl ] + [ Home ] Autoscale procedure on the X axis (shows
all on X).
[ Ctrl ] + [ End ] Autoscale procedure on the Y axis (shows
all on Y).
[ PageUp ] Shifts a chromatogram on 1/10 part of a
screen upwards.
2 Fundamentals of the operation
[ PageDown ] Shifts a chromatogram on 1/10 part of a
[ Shift ] + [ up ] Increases a distance between channels of a
[ Shift ] + [ down ] Reduces a distance between channels of a
[ 0 (Zero) ] Adjusts a zero on the last point of a chro-
Only part of the chromatogram is on screen:
[ Ctrl ] + [ right ] Moves one window right (without change of
[ Ctrl ] + [ left ] Moves one window left (without change of
[ Home ] Shows the beginning of a chromatogram
[ End ] Shows the end of a chromatogram (without
screen downwards.
matogram (running chromatogram) or its lowest level (finished run).
scale on X and Y axes).
scale on X and Y axes).
(without change of scale on X and Y).
change of scale on X and Y).

2.9 Help

[ 0 (Zero) ] Adjusts a zero on the lowest level in the
Cursor is active:
[ 0 (Zero) ] Adjust a zero in site of the cursor. [ right ] Moves cursor left to right. [ Shift ] + [ right ] Quickly moves cursor left to right. [ left ] Moves cursor to the left. [ Shift ] + [ left ] Quickly moves cursor to the left. [ Home ] Moves cursor to beginning of a window. [ End ] Moves the cursor to end of a window. [ Shift ] + [ End ] Sets the beginning of a window in site of
the cursor.
[ Shift ] + [ Home ] Sets the end of a window in site of the cur-
By clicking on , by clicking on , by selecting the
Help / Contents menu item, or by pressing the [ F1 ] key you can
get on-line help on the current topic anywhere in the program.
Green texts can be clicked to jump to a different Help
Violet texts identify the dialog item, parameter or button
in the corresponding window.
Blue texts identify important information.
IC Net 2.2
3.1 Fonts

3 Software settings

3.1 Fonts

IC NET / Options / Fonts
This option allows the selection of fonts used by the system.
Font for dialogs... Selection of font used for dialog boxes.
Default setting: MS Sans Serif / Standard / 8 pt.
Font for reports... Selection of font used for report output to the
screen or printer. Default setting:
Courier New / Standard / 10 pt.
Font for tables... Selection of font used for data presentation in
Font for plots... Selection of font used for labels on chroma-
Save fonts configuration

3.2 Security system

In accordance with GLP and 21 CFR Part 11 requirements the «IC Net» software supports security with password protection of the system. Every user has his own User Name, Password and Ac-
cess Level
tables on the screen. It is not used for presen­tation of tables in the report. Default setting: MS Sans Serif / Bold / 8 pt.
togram plots and calibration curves. Default setting: Times New Roman / Bold / 10 pt.
Save chosen font configuration.
If you want to reset the modified font settings to the initial default settings, delete the
fonts.cfg file in the
program path.
that restricts the set of possible actions.
IC Net 2.2
IC Net / Options / Security opens the user administration of IC Net.
When this menu item is chosen, the System log in window is called up first (see section 2.1.1).
The access to the user administration is restricted according to the Access level of the user, therefore different windows are called.
3 Software settings
User Window Possible actions
Novice, Master
Administrator Security options This window allows editing the
New Password

3.2.1 Security Options window

IC NET / Options / Security
This window contains the user administration and password op­tions. Only a user with Administrator access level can open it. It consists of the two tabs User List and Password Options.
The Security Options window is accessible only to Adminis- trator users. If there is no Active Administrator, e.g. because he
has forgotten his password, you have to reinstall the «IC Net» software to gain access. Therefore it is highly recommended to create a second Administrator user as a backup. Store his password in a safe place.
This window allows the user to change his Password.
User List and the Password Op­tions
, it is also possible for an
administrator user to change his
User List
The User List displays the User name, Full Name, access Level and user Status of each user created. The list can be sorted alpha­betically according to one of the four columns by clicking the title. A star ( * ) at the end of the title indicates the sorting criterion.
<Add user> Add new user to the User's List, opens the Add
User window.
IC Net 2.2
3.2 Security system
<Modify user> Edit current user's settings (username, full
name, access level, status), opens the Modify
<Password> Change the password of the administrator
logged in. Opens the New Password window.
Add/Modify User
User User name of the user.
Full Name Full name of the user, this name is displayed
in the status bar of the main window through­out an IC Net session.
Level Access level of the user.
Novice Restricted access to program functions. Al-
lows only start and stop of determinations us­ing existing system and method files and manual control of the devices. Modifications of system, method and data files are not al­lowed.
Master Access to all program functions with few ex-
ceptions: the user cannot set
, open the Workplace window, change
Global prefer-
hardware settings of interfaces and devices, change
Administrator Access to all program functions. This level
Security options.
should be switched on only while installing the system or in the case of configuration change. The administrator user is authorized to change name, access level and status of other users.
IC Net 2.2
Status Status of the user.
Active The User is able to work with «IC Net» within
the limitations of the access
Level assigned to
him by the Administrator.
Inactive The User is not able to work with «IC Net». The
user Status is also set Inactive if the number of
3 Software settings
Password Options
failed Login attempts exceeds the limit set in the Password Options. The user can be set Active again by the Admin-
Removed The User is not able to work with «IC Net», he
is removed from the system but he is still listed in the User List. The user can be set Active again by the Admin-
This tab allows to specify Password and Login related security set­tings.
Minimum Password Length
Minimum number of characters for the Pass-
Range: 2...10, default 6.
Maximum number of login attempts
If the number of failed Login’s exceeds this value, the
User is set Inactive.
Range: 2...10, default 3.
Password Validity
Number of days the Password of a User re­mains valid. If the password is expired, the user is prompted at the system log in to change his password. Range: 1...999, default 365.
IC Net 2.2
3.3 Audit Trail
Automatic Logout After
After the specified period of inactivity (in min­utes) the system is locked, to protect it against unauthorized access. Range: 1,...999, default 30.
The program prompts for username and password every time the system starts. This username stamps methods, chromatograms and reports, created during the working session. During the work it is possible to change the current user with the menu item IC NET
/ O
ptions / Lock system.

3.3 Audit Trail

IC NET / Options / Audit Trail
The Audit Trail is a part of the Security system. IC Net automati­cally tracks all user logins and actions that create, modify or de­lete electronic records. The Audit Trail records every event with time, date and the user who performed it.
The Audit Trail window is accessible only to Administrator users.
This option displays the Audit Trail records in the Audit Trail win­dow.
Chromatogram Open the Audit Trail window that displays all
changes made to the chromatogram. Dis­plays Date, Time, User, Item changed in the chromatogram,
Old Value and New Value.
This option is only available if the interesting chromatogram is open and the active window of IC Net.
Changes to the Audit Trail of a chromatogram are made when the chromatogram is saved.
IC Net 2.2
History Open the Audit Trail window that displays all
actions performed in the IC Net window. Displays Date, Time, User, Item worked on and
Value of every action logged.
Tool to track the login and user administration history.
3 Software settings
Audit Trail window
The Audit Trail window displays the Audit Trail records of the IC Net or Chromatogram History in a table. Easy access to spe-
cific information is enabled by several sort and filter options of the log window. The Log Window can be sorted according to one of the six columns by clicking the title. A star ( * ) at the end of the ti­tle indicates the sorting criterion.
Refresh window, not available for Chroma-
togram History.
Open Save Audit Trail As window to export
Audit Trail records.
Sort, open the Sort window.
Filter the table according to the content and
column of a selected field. This filter option can be applied sequentially to reduce the displayed data.
Reset filter.
Open Help.
IC Net 2.2
3.4 Global settings
Sort window
This window offers a more refined possibility to arrange log data by combining the column titles of the Audit Trail window to a Sort
where the Audit Trail records are sorted.
Sort Sequence Sort criteria of the Sort Sequence, the sort
criteria are applied in the order of their entry in the list.
Available Unused sort criteria.

3.4 Global settings

IC NET / Options / Global preferences
This window is used for global program settings. It can be opened only by the user with Administrator access level.
Data file overwrite Global settings for overwriting of chroma-
Select marked sort criterion.
Deselect marked sort criterion.
togram files:
Never Chromatogram files cannot be overwritten.
A modified chromatogram is saved as new file with the file name number raised by 1.
Ask The user is asked if the chromatogram
should be overwritten.
IC Net 2.2
Always Chromatogram files are always overwritten
without confirmation.
3 Software settings
If method changed Global settings for saving of method files:
Don’t ask to save The method file is not saved automatically.
It can be saved only with File / Save / Method.
Ask to save The user is asked if the method should be
Overwrite without asking
Method files are overwritten without confir­mation.
If disk method is newer
Global settings for overwriting of method files:
Ask to overwrite The user is asked if the method should be
Overwrite without asking
Method files are overwritten without confir­mation.
User comments
Changes on methods, systems, chroma­tograms,… :
Require Comment on changes
The user has to comment a change.
Opening chromatograms
Global settings for opening chroma­tograms:
Ignore last data directory
If this option is enabled, the directory is opened where the current selected chroma-
IC Net 2.2
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