Metrohm 766IC User Manual

CH-9101 Herisau/Switzerland Tel. ++41 71 353 85 85 Fax ++41 71 353 89 01 Internet E-Mail
766 IC Sample Processor
8.766.1003 Instructions for Use
30.06.1998 / dö
Table of contents
Table of contents
1 Introduction....................................................................................... 1
1.1 Instrument description................................................................... 1
1.2 Parts and controls........................................................................... 2
1.3 Information about the Instructions for Use................................ 5
1.3.1 Organization ............................................................................ 5
1.3.2 Notation and pictograms ........................................................ 6
1.4 Support documentation .................................................................. 7
1.4.1 Application Bulletins................................................................ 7
1.4.2 Application Notes.................................................................... 7
1.5 Safety notes....................................................................................... 7
1.5.1 Electrical safety ....................................................................... 7
1.5.2 General safety rules ................................................................ 8
2 Installation......................................................................................... 9
2.1 Setting up the instrument............................................................... 9
2.1.1 Packaging................................................................................ 9
2.1.2 Check....................................................................................... 9
2.1.3 Location................................................................................... 9
2.1.4 Arrangement of the instruments ............................................. 9
2.2 Mains connection........................................................................... 10
2.2.1 Setting the mains voltage ..................................................... 10
2.2.2 Fuses ..................................................................................... 11
2.2.3 Mains cable and mains connection...................................... 11
2.2.4 Switching the instrument on/off ............................................ 11
2.3 Attaching the accessories............................................................ 12
2.3.1 Connecting the swing head.................................................. 12
2.3.2 Connecting the keyboard ..................................................... 12
2.3.3 Installing the plug cover........................................................ 12
2.3.4 Installing the splash protection............................................. 13
2.3.5 Installing the needle .............................................................. 13
2.3.6 Placing the sample rack........................................................ 14
2.3.7 Adjusting the sample rack .................................................... 14
2.3.8 Tubing connections 766 – 733 ............................................. 16
2.3.9 Tubing connections 766 – 754 ............................................. 18
2.3.10 Fixing tubing and cables..................................................... 18
766 IC Sample Processor
Table of contents
3 Operating tutorial..................................................................... 27
2.4 Connection of devices to the remote interface........................ 19
2.4.1 General information on remote interface...............................19
2.4.2 Connection cables .................................................................19
2.4.3 IC system without suppression .............................................20
2.4.4 IC system with suppression with 766 as "Master".................20
2.4.5 IC system with suppression with PC as "Master"..................21
2.4.6 IC system for simultaneous anion/cation determination ......21
2.4.7 IC system with sample dialysis..............................................22
2.5 Connection of devices to the RS232 interface......................... 23
2.5.1 General information on RS232 interface ...............................23
2.5.2 Connection of a printer ..........................................................24
3.1 Prerequisites / Preparations......................................................... 27
3.2 Configuration .................................................................................. 28
3.3 Rack configuration......................................................................... 29
3.4 Methods............................................................................................ 31
3.5 "Tracing".......................................................................................... 31
4 Operation.......................................................................................... 35
4.1 Fundamentals of operation.......................................................... 35
4.1.1 Display....................................................................................35
4.1.2 Keyboard................................................................................36
4.1.3 Overview of key functions......................................................37
4.1.4 Instrument dialog ...................................................................46
4.1.5 Data entry ...............................................................................48
4.1.6 Text entry................................................................................49
4.2 Basic settings ................................................................................. 51
4.2.1 Configuration – <CONFIG> key...........................................51
4.2.2 Locking keyboard functions ..................................................55
4.3 Methods............................................................................................ 57
4.3.1 Structure of a method ............................................................57
4.3.2 Method parameters – <PARAM> key..................................58
4.3.3 Programming of sequences ..................................................60
4.3.4 LEARN mode..........................................................................61
4.3.5 TRACE function......................................................................61
4.3.6 Commands for sequences ....................................................62
4.3.7 Process control ......................................................................67
4.3.8 User defined methods ...........................................................68
4.3.9 POWERUP method................................................................69
4.4 Manual operation............................................................................ 70
4.4.1 Turning the sample rack / Positioning the samples..............70
4.4.2 Moving the lift .........................................................................70
766 IC Sample Processor
Table of contents
4.4.3 Setting the sample position .................................................. 71
4.4.4 Pump control......................................................................... 71
4.4.5 Display interface signals ....................................................... 71
4.4.6 Interface control..................................................................... 72
4.4.7 Print out reports..................................................................... 73
4.5 Sample racks................................................................................... 75
4.5.1 Standard rack (6.2041.430) .................................................. 75
4.5.2 Magnetic code....................................................................... 75
4.5.3 Rack data .............................................................................. 76
4.5.4 Special beakers..................................................................... 78
4.6 Standard methods.......................................................................... 79
4.6.1 Method "PC" .......................................................................... 79
4.6.2 Method "PC Seg"................................................................... 80
4.6.3 Method "SP"........................................................................... 81
4.6.4 Method "SP Seg" ................................................................... 82
4.6.5 Method "An Cat" .................................................................... 83
4.6.6 Method "AnCatSeg"............................................................... 84
4.6.7 Method "Preconc".................................................................. 86
4.6.8 Method "Dialysis"................................................................... 87
5 Interfaces.........................................................................................89
5.1 Remote interface............................................................................. 89
5.1.1 Pin assignment of the remote socket:.................................. 89
5.1.2 Functional characteristics ..................................................... 90
5.2 RS232 interface............................................................................... 93
5.2.1 General rules for remote control........................................... 93
5.2.2 Call-up of objects .................................................................. 94
5.2.3 Trigger.................................................................................... 95
5.2.4 Status messages................................................................... 96
5.2.5 Error messages..................................................................... 97
5.2.6 Remote control commands .................................................. 98
5.2.7 Data transmission protocol................................................. 105
5.2.8 Handshake .......................................................................... 106
5.2.9 Pin assignment.................................................................... 109
5.2.10 RS232 error rectification.................................................... 110
6 Appendix.........................................................................................111
6.1 Error messages............................................................................. 111
6.2 Technical data............................................................................... 113
6.3 Maintenance and servicing......................................................... 115
766 IC Sample Processor
6.3.1 Maintenance by Metrohm service ...................................... 115
6.3.2 Care of the unit.................................................................... 115
6.3.3 Replacing the pump tubing ................................................ 116
Table of contents
6.4 Diagnosis....................................................................................... 117
6.4.1 General Information .............................................................117
6.4.2 Preparing the instrument .....................................................118
6.4.3 Working memory (RAM).......................................................119
6.4.4 Display..................................................................................119
6.4.5 Keyboard ..............................................................................120
6.4.6 Remote interface..................................................................121
6.4.7 RS232 interface....................................................................122
6.4.8 External Bus interface ..........................................................122
6.4.9 Beeper ..................................................................................123
6.4.10 Rack code recognition.......................................................123
6.5 Initialize data memory ................................................................. 124
6.6 Validation / GLP............................................................................ 126
6.7 Warranty and conformity............................................................ 127
6.7.1 Warranty ...............................................................................127
6.7.2 EU Declaration of conformity...............................................128
6.7.3 Certificate of conformity and system validation ..................129
6.8 Standard equipment .................................................................... 130
6.9 Optional accessories................................................................... 132
6.10 Index ............................................................................................. 133
List of figures
Fig. 1: Side view of the 766 IC Sample Processor ...................................................2
Fig. 2: Rear of the 766 IC Sample Processor .......................................................... 4
Fig. 3: Setting the mains voltage.......................................................................... 11
Fig. 4: Keyboard connection ...............................................................................12
Fig. 5: Installing the splash protection.................................................................. 13
Fig. 6: Needle installation.................................................................................... 14
Fig. 7: Sample rack placing................................................................................. 14
Fig. 8: Adjusting the sample rack ....................................................................... 15
Fig. 9: Installing the pump tubing ........................................................................17
Fig. 10: Opening chain links.................................................................................. 18
Fig. 11: Interconnection with IC system without suppression...................................20
Fig. 12: Interconnection with IC system with suppression with 766 as "Master"......... 20
Fig. 13: Interconnection with IC system with suppression with PC as "Master".......... 21
Fig. 14: Interconnection with IC system for anion/cation system .............................. 21
Fig. 15: Interconnection with IC system with dialysis............................................... 22
Fig. 16: Connection possibilities for the RS232 interface ........................................ 23
Fig. 17: Schematic representation of the instrument dialog .....................................47
Fig. 18: Installation of the preconcentration column ............................................... 86
766 IC Sample Processor
1 Introduction
1.1 Instrument description
The 766 IC Sample Processor can be used for automating ion chro­matographic determinations, especially in combination with the Metrohm IC system instruments. The 127 sample tubes with a volume of up to 11 mL are arranged on the sample rack in three rows, which guarantees easy access and unrestricted programming. Two additional rinsing positions allow sample introduction free from cross­contamination even with widely varying sample matrices. If the 766 IC Sample Processor is used together with the 732 IC Detector and the 733 IC Separation Center, various injections are possible from a single sample tube, depending on the sample size. Sample tubes made of polypropylene are standard. To protect the samples from external con­tamination, the tubes can be hermetically sealed.
1.1 Instrument description
Sample introduction from the 766 IC Sample Processor is achieved by means of its integrated peristaltic pump. The sample is conveyed by the pump through the capillary into the sample loop of the injector lo­cated within the 733 IC Separation Center. A steel needle for sealed or a PEEK needle for open sample tubes can be used alternatively. Owing to the relatively large volume of the sample tubes the 766 IC Sample Processor can also be used for applications with enrichment columns, dialysis (with the 754 Dialysis Unit) or simultaneous anion/cation deter­minations.
The sequences for the processing of each sample are freely definable within broad boundaries. The same is true for the start and final se­quences that are executed once either before or at the end of a sample series. With the help of the LEARN mode, which is provided for creating process methods, methods can be created easily and stored as user methods.
Preprogrammed standard methods for the most common modes of operation allow to use the 766 IC Sample Processor directly, with only little programming effort. The time frame can be given by the IC Sample Processor; alternatively, the whole sequence can be managed by the «IC Metrodata» remote control software via the «Queue» (sample ta­ble). The RS232 interface built in as standard allows remote control of the IC Sample Processor from a PC.
766 IC Sample Processor
1 Introduction
1.2 Parts and controls
55 66 77 88 99
Always in­stall splash protection!
Always install plug cover!
Fig. 1: Side view of the 766 IC Sample Processor
766 IC Sample Processor
1.2 Parts and controls
11 Splash protection
Must be installed always in operation!
22 Needle
Steel needle (6.2624.000) or PEEK needle (6.1835.000)
33 Lift
With swing head attached
44 Needle holder
55 PEEK compression fitting
For peek capillary 88
66 PEEK compression fitting
1515 Contact pressure lever
For adjusting the contact pressure
1616 Holding clamp
For locking the tubing cartridge into place
1717 Snap-action lever
For releasing the tubing cartridge
1818 PEEK capillary (6.1831.060; 1 m)
For conveying the sample to the injection valve of the 733 IC Separa­tion Center
1919 Tower
2020 PE bottle (6.1608.080; 300 mL)
77 Swing head
88 PEEK capillary (6.1831.050;
40 cm)
Connection needle – pump tubing
99 Guide chain
For fixing tubings and cables
1010 Pump tubing (6.1826.040)
For conveying the sample
1111 Screw thread for splash
1212 Mounting pin
For attaching the tubing cartridge
2121 Connection cable for swing head
Attached, incl. branch plug for remote connection
2222 Remote connection
2323 Plug cover (6.2752.010)
2424 Fuse holder
Changing the fuses, see section 2.2.2
2525 Mains connection plug
Mains connection, see section 2.2.3
2626 Mains switch
For switching the instrument on/off: I = ON 0 = OFF
1313 Tubing cartridge (6.2755.000)
For 6.1826.0X0 pump tubing
1414 Pump drive
Roller head with contact rollers
766 IC Sample Processor
2727 Sample rack (6.2041.430)
2828 PP sample tube (6.2743.050)
(can be sealed with 6.2743.060 PE caps)
1 Introduction
Type 1.766.
RS 232 Keyboard
Made by Metrohm Herisau Switzerland
Fig. 2: Rear of the 766 IC Sample Processor
11 Splash protection (6.2751.040)
Must be installed always in operation!
99 Guide chain
For fixing tubings and cables
1313 Tubing cartridge (6.2755.000)
For 6.1826.0X0 pump tubing
1919 Tower 3030 Serial number 2020 PE bottle (6.1608.080; 300 mL) 3131 Keyboard connection 2323 Plug cover (6.2752.010) 3232 RS232 connection
2727 Sample rack (6.2041.430)
2828 PP sample tube (6.2743.050)
(can be sealed with 6.2743.060 PE caps)
2929 Mounting screws for splash
766 IC Sample Processor
1.3 Information about the Instructions for Use
1.3 Information about the Instructions for Use
Please read through these Instructions for Use carefully before oper­ating the 766 IC Sample Processor. The Instructions for Use contain information and warnings to which the user must pay attention in order to assure safe operation of the instrument.
1.3.1 Organization
These 8.766.1003 Instructions for Use for the 766 IC Sample Proc­essor provide a comprehensive overview of the installation, startup pro­cedure, operation, fault rectification and technical specifications of this instrument. The Instructions for Use are organized as follows:
Section 1 Introduction
Description of the instrument, parts and controls, safety notes
Section 2 Installation
Mains connection, attachment of accessories, connection of external devices
Section 3 Operating tutorial
Introduction to the operation
Section 4 Operation
Detailed description of display, keyboard, methods, manual operation, sample racks, standard methods
Section 5 Interfaces
Remote interface, RS232 interface and remote control language
Section 6 Appendix
Error messages, technical data, maintenance and servicing, diagnosis, warranty, declaration of conformity, standard equipment, optional accessories, index
To find the information you require about the instruments please use either the Table of contents or the Index at the back. The 8.766.1013 Quick Reference Guide is suitable for use as a reference work for daily use as it explains the most important parameters and key func­tions.
766 IC Sample Processor
1 Introduction
1.3.2 Notation and pictograms
The following notations and pictograms (symbols) are used in these In­structions for Use:
<PUMP> Switch or key
1515 Part or control of 766
8989 Part or control of 732/733
2626 Part or control of 754
'rack number' Parameter or entry value
at 766 IC Sample Processor
******** counter 0/127 PUMP- ready
Text in keyboard display of 766 IC Sample Processor
This symbol draws attention to a possible danger to life or injury if the associated directions are not followed correctly.
This symbol draws attention to possible damage to instruments or instrument parts if the asso­ciated directions are not fol­lowed correctly.
This symbol marks important information. Read these direc­tions before continuing.
This symbol marks additional information and tips.
766 IC Sample Processor
1.4 Support documentation
1.4.1 Application Bulletins
The «Application Bulletin» is a collection of analytical methods, applica­tion examples and literature references. Of Metrohm's approximately 200 Application Bulletins, 34 currently refer to ion chromatography. All these Application Bulletins are available on request free of charge from your Metrohm supplier.
You will find an updated list of the Application Bulletins at any time un­der «».
1.4.2 Application Notes
The «Application Notes» present application information in concen­trated form, i.e. on maximum 2 pages. There are currently 88 Applica­tion Notes (in English) in the field of ion chromatography. You can order these free of charge from your Metrohm supplier or view them in the Internet under «» and copy them from there.
1.4 Support documentation
1.5 Safety notes
1.5.1 Electrical safety
While electrical safety in the handling of the 766 IC Sample Processor is assured in the context of the specifications IEC 1010-1 (protection class 1, degree of protection IP40), the following points should be noted:
Mains connection
Set the mains voltage and check the mains fuse and mains connection in accordance with the instructions in section 2.2.
Opening the 766 IC Sample Processor
To avoid all danger of coming into contact with live components do not open the instrument or remove any parts when the 766 IC Sample Processor is connected to the power supply. Always disconnect the instrument from all voltage sources before you open it and ensure that the mains cable is disconnected from mains connection 2525 !
766 IC Sample Processor
1 Introduction
Protection against static charges
Electronic components are sensitive to static charging and can be destroyed by discharges. Before you touch any of the components inside the 766 IC Sample Processor, you should earth yourself and any tools you are using by touching an earthed object (e.g. housing of the instrument or a radiator) to eliminate any static charges which exist.
1.5.2 General safety rules
Install splash protection
To avoid any danger of injury by the needle, the splash protection must always be installed when operating the 766 IC Sample Proces­sor!
Install plug cover
To prevent any contamination of the mains and remote connection by spilled solvents or chemicals, the plug cover must always be installed when operating the 766 IC Sample Processor !
Do not use caps together with the PEEK tube
If you are using the 6.1835.000 PEEK needle, the sample tubes may not be sealed with caps because they cannot be pierced by the PEEK needle and the needle may be damaged thereby.
Handling of solvents
Check the pump tubing and all input and output leads periodically for possible leaks. Follow the relevant instructions regarding the handling of flammable and/or toxic solvents and their disposal.
Regular exchange of pump tubings
Pump tubings constitute consumable material and must be replaced from time to time (see section 6.3.3). Suitable measures must be taken so that any leak which might occur in the pump tubing or connections during unattended operation will cause no damage (collection device for any liquid which may leak out).
766 IC Sample Processor
2 Installation
2.1 Setting up the instrument
2.1.1 Packaging
The 766 IC Sample Processor is supplied together with the separately packed accessories in special packagings containing shock-absorbing foam linings designed to provide excellent protection. The actual in­strument is packed in an evacuated polyethylene bag to prevent the in­gress of dust. Please store all these special packagings as only they can assure damage-free transport of the instrument.
2.1 Setting up the instrument
2.1.2 Check
After receipt, immediately check whether the shipment is complete and undamaged (compare with delivery note and list of accessories in sec-
tion 6.8). In the case of transport damage, see instructions in section
6.7.1 "Warranty".
2.1.3 Location
Position the instrument in the laboratory at a location convenient for op­eration, free from vibrations and protected against a corrosive atmos­phere and contamination by chemicals.
Do not operate the 766 IC Sample Processor without splash protec­tion 11 and plug cover 2323 being installed!
2.1.4 Arrangement of the instruments
To make the connection between needle 22 and the injection valve at the 733 IC Separation Center with the peek capillary 1818 (length 1 m) supplied, position the 766 IC Sample Processor immediately on the left side of the IC system.
766 IC Sample Processor
Take precautions to ensure that any leaks from pump tubings or connections cannot cause more damage.
2 Installation
2.2 Mains connection
Follow the instructions below for connecting to the power supply. If the instrument is operated with the mains voltage set wrongly and/or wrong mains fuse there is a danger of fire!
2.2.1 Setting the mains voltage
Before switching on the 766 IC Sample Processor for the first time, check that the mains voltage set on the instrument (see Fig. 2) matches the local mains voltage. If not, reset the mains voltage on the instru­ment as follows:
Disconnect mains cable
Disconnect mains cable from mains connection plug 2525 of the 766 IC Sample Processor.
Remove fuse holder
Using a screwdriver, loosen fuse holder 2424 beside the mains connection 2525 and take out completely.
Check fuse
Carefully take the fuse installed for the desired mains voltage out of fuse holder 2424 and check its specifications (the position of the fuse in the fuse holder is marked by the white arrow imprinted next to the mains voltage range):
100…120 V 0.5 A (slow-blow) Metrohm-Nr. U.600.0013 220…240 V 0.25 A (slow-blow) Metrohm-Nr. U.600.0010
Insert fuse
Change fuse if necessary and reinsert in fuse holder 2424.
Install fuse holder
Depending on the desired mains voltage, insert fuse holder 2424 in the 766 IC Sample Processor so that the corresponding mains voltage range can be read normally and the adjacent white arrow points to the white bar imprinted on the right side of the fuse holder (see Fig. 3).
766 IC Sample Processor
2.2 Mains connection
100 – 120 V
2.2.2 Fuses
220 – 240 V
- 240 V
- 120 V
- 120 V
- 240 V
2424 Fuse holder
2525 Mains connection
2626 Mains switch
Fig. 3: Setting the mains voltage
One of the two fuses 0.5 A/slow-blow for 100120 V or 0.25 A/slow­blow for 220240 V is installed in fuse holder 2424 of the 766 IC Sample Processor as standard.
Ensure that the instrument is never put into operation with fuses of another type, otherwise there is danger of fire!
For checking or changing fuses, proceed as described in section 2.2.1.
2.2.3 Mains cable and mains connection
Mains cable
The instrument is supplied with one of three mains cables
6.2122.020 with plug SEV 12 (Switzerland, …)
6.2122.040 with plug CEE(7), VII (Germany, …)
6.2133.070 with plug NEMA 5-15 (USA, …)
which are three-cored and fitted with a plug with an earthing pin. If a different plug has to be fitted, the yellow/green lead (IEC standard) must be connected to protective earth (protection class 1).
Any break in the earthing inside or outside the instrument can make it a hazard!
Mains connection
Plug the mains cable into mains connection plug 2525 of the 766 IC Sample Processor (see Fig. 3).
2.2.4 Switching the instrument on/off
The 766 IC Sample Processor is switched on and off using mains switch 2626.
766 IC Sample Processor
2 Installation
2.3 Attaching the accessories
For attaching the accessories at the 766 IC Sample Processor, pro­ceed in the order described below.
2.3.1 Connecting the swing head
Plug in the branch plug of the connection cable 2121 permanently at- tached to the swing head into the remote connection socket at the 766 IC Sample Processor and screw it onto this connection using a screw­driver (see Fig. 1).
2.3.2 Connecting the keyboard
Connecting the keyboard
Connect the 6.2142.010 keyboard to the keyboard connection 3131 "Keyboard". For disconnection, press the plug together slightly on both sides.
Switch on instrument
Switch on the 766 IC Sample Processor with mains switch 2626. The keyboard display lights up. The instrument is initialized and the lift is raised completely.
2.3.3 Installing the plug cover
Fig. 4: Keyboard connection
To prevent any contamination of the mains and remote connection by spilled solvents or chemicals, the 6.2752.010 plug cover must always be installed when operating the 766 IC Sample Processor !
Install the plug cover 2323 in the corresponding guide groove above mains connection plug 2525 and remote connection 2222 (see Fig. 1 and Fig. 2).
766 IC Sample Processor
2.3.4 Installing the splash protection
To avoid any danger of injury by the needle, the 6.2751.040 splash protection must always be installed when operating the 766 IC Sam­ple Processor!
Remove holding screws
Remove the holding screws 2929 and the washer mounted on the screw threads 1111 at tower 1919 using the 6.2621.100 Allen key.
Remove protective film from splash protection
Remove the plastic film glued on both sides of the splash pro­tection 11.
Install splash protection
Attach splash protection 11 onto the screw threads 1111 at the tower 1919 and fix it with the holding screws 2929 and the washer using the 6.2621.100 Allen key.
2.3 Attaching the accessories
11 Splash protection
2929 Holding screws
2.3.5 Installing the needle
Remove PEEK compression fitting 5
Remove PEEK compression fitting 55 screwed onto the needle holder 44.
Insert needle
Insert needle 22 (6.2624.000 steel needle or 6.1835.000 PEEK needle) completely into the opening of the needle holder 44.
Fig. 5: Installing the splash protection
766 IC Sample Processor
Fix needle
Tighten compression fitting 55 in needle holder 44 by hand (never use tools!).
2 Installation
22 Steel needle (6.2624.000) or
PEEK needle (6.1835.000)
44 Needle holder
55 PEEK compression fitting
66 PEEK compression fitting
77 Swing head
88 PEEK capillary (6.1831.050)
If you are using the 6.1835.000 PEEK needle, the sample tubes may not be sealed with caps because they cannot be pierced by the PEEK needle and the needle may be damaged thereby.
Fig. 6: Needle installation
2.3.6 Placing the sample rack
Place sample rack
Place sample rack 2727 on the turntable of the 766 IC Sample Processor acc. to Fig. 7.
Read magnetic code
Press <RESET> to move the rack to the home position, in which the magnetic code can be read (details see section
2.3.7 Adjusting the sample rack
If a new sample rack is placed on the 766 IC Sample Processor for the first time, it must be adjusted on a rack position in the middle row (example: position 37) as follows:
Fig. 7: Sample rack placing
Place sample rack
Place empty sample rack 2727 on the 766 IC Sample Processor and press <RESET> (see section 2.3.6).
766 IC Sample Processor
2.3 Attaching the accessories
22 Steel neddle
(6.2624.000) or PEEK needle (6.1835.000)
2727 Sample rack
3232 Adjusting position 37
3333 Adjusting screw
Move to adjusting position
Press <MOVE>, enter number '37' and confirm with <ENTER>. Sample rack and swing head are turned until needle 22 is above the adjusting position 3232 (position 37: first opening of the middle row).
Check needle position
Press <ê> until the needle 22 is ca. 1 cm above the upper
level of the sample rack 2727.
Check needle position: If the needle 2 cannot be lowered
unhindered through the upper hole of the adjusting position 32, continue directly with point 4.
Continue lowering the needle by pressing <ê> until the
needle 22 is ca. 1 cm above the lower level of the sample rack
Check needle position: If the needle 2 cannot be lowered
unhindered through the lower hole of the adjusting position 32, continue directly with point 4.
Lower needle completely by pressing <ê>.
Check needle position: If the needle 22 is in the middle of the
lower hole, the sample rack must not be adjusted (continue in this case with point 5).
Fig. 8: Adjusting the sample rack
766 IC Sample Processor
Adjust sample rack
Loosen the three adjusting screws 3333 on the lower level of the
sample rack using the 6.2621.100 Allen key
Carefully turn the two upper levels of the sample rack 2727 by
hand until the lowered needle 22 is exactly in the middle of the lower hole at the adjusting position 3232.
Tighten the adjusting screws 3333.
Move to rest position
Press <RESET> to move the sample rack to the rest position.
2 Installation
2.3.8 Tubing connections 766 – 733
For transferring the sample from the 766 IC Sample Processor to the injection valve of the 733 IC Separation Center the following tubing connections must be made:
Pump tubings are consumable material with a lifetime which depends on the contact pressure (see section 6.3.3). This is why the tubing cartridges should be raised completely by loosening snap-action lever 1717 on the right-hand side if the pump is to remain switched off for a considerable length of time (the set contact pressure remains un­changed).
The 6.1826.0X0 pump tubing is made of PVC and must not be used for rinsing with solutions which contain acetone. In such cases, rinse with different pump tubing or a different pump.
Install pump tubing
Release tubing cartridge 1313 from holding clamp 1616 by
pressing down snap-action lever 1717 and remove from mounting pin 1212 on the 766 IC Sample Processor (see Fig.
Press contact pressure lever 1515 on the tubing cartridge down
as far as it will go.
Insert pump tubing 1010 in the tubing cartridge 1313 as shown in Fig. 9. The black-black stopper 3636 must click into the corre- sponding holder on the left-hand side of the tubing cartridge.
Place the tubing cartridge 1313 on mounting pin 1212 and press down on the right-hand side until snap-action lever 1717 clicks into position on holding clamp 1616. Take care that no kinks are formed in the pump tubing.
Connection needle – pump tubing
Mount the PEEK compression fitting 66 on one end of the PEEK capillary 88 and the PEEK compression fitting 3434 on the other end.
Screw the PEEK capillary 88 with the PEEK compression fitting 66 on to the PEEK compression fitting 55 already mounted on needle holder 44 (see Fig. 6).
Insert PEEK capillary 88 into the guide chain 99 (see Fig. 1 and section 2.3.8).
Screw a coupling 3535 on to the PEEK compression fitting 3434 at the other end of PEEK capillary 88.
Push coupling 3535 on to the inlet end of the pump tubing 1010 (see Fig. 6).
766 IC Sample Processor
88 3535 1010 3636 1313 1515 3636 3535 18181717 343466
2.3 Attaching the accessories
Fig. 9: Installing the pump tubing
66 PEEK compression fitting
1717 Snap-action lever
88 PEEK capillary (6.1831.050) 1818 PEEK capillary (6.1831.060)
1010 Pump tubing (6.1826.040) 3434 PEEK compression fitting
1313 Tubing cartridge (6.2755.000) 3535 Coupling (6.2744.030) 1515 Contact pressure lever 3636 Stopper (black-black)
Connection pump tubing – injection valve
At the 733 IC Separation Center, loosen the rotary nipple
screwed onto the interior side of connection 2222 or 2828.
Take PTFE suction tubing 8484 (see Fig. 14 and Fig. 15 of the
732/733 Instructions for Use) completely out of connection 2222 or 2828 and unscrew from connection "1" of injection valve 6666.
Pull the PEEK capillary 1818 through the opening 2222 or 2828 of
the 733 IC Separation Center and screw onto connection "1" of injection valve 6666 using a 6.2744.010 PEEK compression fitting.
Retighten rotary nipple on the interior side of connection 2222
or 2828 to fix the capillary 1818.
766 IC Sample Processor
Tubing connection injection valve – waste
Insert 6.2744.020 coupling (from 733 accessories) into con-
nection 2121 or 2727 of the 733 IC Separation Center.
Screw PTFE suction tubing 8484 onto the 6.2744.020 coupling
attached to connection 2121 or 2727 and lead it into the waste container.
In the case of the 733.0020 IC Separation Center with two injection valves, it is possible to fill both sample loops from the same 766 IC Sample Processor. For this, connection "1" of valve A (outlet of the sample loop) must be connected to connection "2" of valve B (inlet of the sample loop) using a 6.1803.040 PEEK capillary (15 cm).
2 Installation
2.3.9 Tubing connections 766 – 754
If the 766 IC Sample Processor is used for an IC system with sample dialysis (see section 2.4.6), the peristaltic pump at the 754 Dialysis Unit is used for sample conveying instead of the pump at the 766 IC Sample Processor. The tubing connections between the 754 Dialysis Unit 754 and the 733 IC Separation Center 733 have to be made as shown in Fig. 8 of the 754 Instruction for Use. The only change concerns the inlet of the sample, which is installed as follows:
Install a PEEK compression fitting 6.2744.010 on the inlet end of the PTFE tubing 2626 (6.1803.030, see Fig. 8 of the 754 Instruction for Use) connected to the 754 Dialysis Unit and screw it on the PEEK compres­sion fitting 55 (see Fig. 6).
2.3.10 Fixing tubing and cables
In order to fix tubing or cables in the guide chain 99 any chain link may be opened with a screw driver or another appropriate tool.
Fig. 10: Opening chain links
766 IC Sample Processor
2.4 Connection of devices to the remote interface
732/1 Remote
2.4 Connection of devices to the remote interface
2.4.1 General information on remote interface
The branch plug of cable 2121 leading from the swing head (see Fig. 1) is plugged into the 25 pin remote interface (see section 2.3.1). Any exter­nal devices can be connected to remote connection 2222 of this branch plug. The 766 IC Sample Processor can be remote controlled via the 8 input lines, the 14 output lines can be used to control external devices.
Before an external device is connected to remote connection 2222, the 766 IC Sample Processor must always be switched off using mains switch 2626!
The pin assignment of the remote interface, its functions, the electrical requirements and conditions are described in section 5.1.
2.4.2 Connection cables
Connecting peripheral instruments to the 766 IC Sample Processor re­quires Metrohm cables. Otherwise a safe data transmission may not be guaranteed.
Metrohm cables are labeled with the type of the instrument which they may be connected with and optionally with the particular socket. Mind the cable ends.
766 IC Sample Processor
2 Installation
2.4.3 IC system without suppression
The 766 IC Sample Processor is connected to an IC system without suppression consisting of 732 IC Detector, 733 IC Separation Center and 709 IC Pump as shown in Fig. 11 using the 6.2141.110 cable. With this interconnection the standard methods 'PC', 'PC Seg', 'SP' and
'SP Seg' can be used (see section 4.6).
6.2125.060 cable
6.2141.110 cable
Fig. 11: Interconnection with IC system without suppression
2.4.4 IC system with suppression with 766 as "Master"
The 766 IC Sample Processor is connected to an IC system with sup­pression consisting of 732 IC Detector, 733 IC Separation Center, 709 IC Pump and either 752 Pump Unit or 753 Suppressor Module as shown in Fig. 12 using the 6.2125.120 adaptor. With this interconnec­tion, in which the 766 IC Sample Processor is the "Master", the standard methods 'SP' and 'SP Seg' can be used (see section 4.6).
6.2125.090 cable
6.2125.120 adaptor
6.2125.090 cable
6.2143.210 cable
6.2125.090 cable
6.2141.110 cable
6.2125.060 cable
6.2143.200 cable
Fig. 12: Interconnection with IC system with suppression with
766 as "Master"
766 IC Sample Processor
2.4 Connection of devices to the remote interface
2.4.5 IC system with suppression with PC as "Master"
The 766 IC Sample Processor is connected to an IC system with sup­pression consisting of 732 IC Detector, 733 IC Separation Center, 709 IC Pump and either 752 Pump Unit or 753 Suppressor Module as shown in Fig. 13 using the 6.2125.120 adaptor. With this interconnec­tion, in which the PC is the "Master", the standard methods 'PC',
'PC Seg' and 'Preconc' can be used (see section 4.6).
6.2141.110 cable
6.2125.120 adaptor
Fig. 13: Interconnection with IC system with suppression with
PC as "Master"
2.4.6 IC system for simultaneous anion/cation determination
The 766 IC Sample Processor is connected to an IC system for simul­taneous determination of anions and cations consisting of two 732 IC Detectors, the 733 IC Separation Center, two 709 IC Pumps and (if suppression is used) the 753 Suppressor Module as shown in Fig. 14 using the 6.2125.120 adaptor. With this interconnection the standard methods 'AnCat' and 'AnCatSeg' can be used (see section 4.6).
6.2125.090 cable
6.2125.090 cable
6.2125.060 cable
6.2143.210 cable
6.2143.200 cable
6.2141.110 cable
6.2125.090 cable
766 IC Sample Processor
6.2125.120 adaptor
6.2143.210 cable
6.2125.090 cable
6.2125.060 cable
Fig. 14: Interconnection for anion/cation system
6.2125.090 cable
6.2125.060 cable
6.2141.120 cable
2 Installation
2.4.7 IC system with sample dialysis
The 766 IC Sample Processor is connected to an IC system with sam­ple dialysis consisting of 732 IC Detector, 733 IC Separation Center, 709 IC Pump, 754 Dialysis Unit and (if suppression is used) the 753 Suppressor Module as shown in Fig. 15 using the 6.2125.120 adaptor. With this interconnection the standard method 'Dialysis' can be used (see section 4.6). If no suppression is used, the 754 Dialysis Unit can be connected to the 6.2125.120 adaptor using the 6.2143.200 cable.
6.2125.120 adaptor
6.2125.090 cable
6.2125.090 cable
6.2125.060 cable
6.2143.220 cable6.2141.110 cable
Fig. 15: Interconnection with IC system with dialysis
766 IC Sample Processor
2.5 Connection of devices to the RS232 interface
6.2125.060 cable
Printer cables, see section 2.5.2
2.5 Connection of devices to the RS232 interface
2.5.1 General information on RS232 interface
Many different instruments may be connected via the serial RS232 in­terface 3232. In addition to all Metrohm instruments that support the Metrohm remote control language (see section 5.2) any printer with se­rial interface (or parallel interface and parallel/serial converter) or a per­sonal computer (PC) may be connected. Any other measuring instru­ment may be controlled via RS232 interface, as long as it supports serial data transmission.
Fig. 16: Connection possibilities for the RS232 interface
In order to guarantee safe data transmission, it is important to set the same RS232 interface parameters correctly for both instruments con­nected (see section 2.5.2).
Control commands (examples)
CTL:RS &M;$G starts a Metrohm instrument CTL:RS &M;$S stops a Metrohm instrument PRINT: config prints a configuration report to
a printer or PC
766 IC Sample Processor
Scanning input data (example):
SCN:RS : *R" waiting for readiness of a Metrohm
2 Installation
2.5.2 Connection of a printer
Printers with the following printer drivers may be connected:
IBM IBM Proprinter and printers with IBM emulation Epson Epson printers and printers with Epson emulation Seiko Seiko printers DPU-411 and DPU-414 Citizen Citizen printer IDP562-RS HP HP printers and compatibles with HP PCL3 emulation
If you connect other printers, ensure that these emulate a printer mode supported by the 766 IC Sample Processor.
Most printers with a serial interface are connected using the 6.2125.050 Cable. Printers with a parallel interface need a serial/parallel converter (e.g. 2.145.0300) and the 6.2125.020 Cable.
Before connecting a printer to the RS232 interface, switch off the 766 IC Sample Processor !
The interface parameters are set in the configuration submenu ">RS232
The following table provides information on a few selected printers.
Printer Cable RS232 settings Settings on printer
IBM Proprinter 6.2125.050
Seiko DPU-411
Seiko DPU-414
6.2125.020 baud rate: 9600
6.2125.130 baud rate: 9600
baud rate: 9600 data bit: 8 stop bit: 1 parity: none handshake: Hws character set: IBM
data bit: 8 stop bit: 1 parity: none handshake: Hws character set: Seiko
data bit: 8 stop bit: 1 parity: none handshake: Hws character set: Seiko
see printer manual
Settings of the DIP switches:
on off
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6
The switchable 7-bit ASCII character set of the printer will be automatically set by the 732 IC Detector to the national character sets in accordance with the set dialog language.
Settings of the DIP switches:
Dip SW-1Dip SW-1 Dip SW-2Dip SW-2 Dip SW-3Dip SW-3 11 OFF ON ON 22 ON OFF ON 33 ON ON ON 44 OFF ON ON 55 ON ON OFF 66 OFF ON ON 77 ON OFF ON 88 ON OFF ON
The switchable 7-bit ASCII character set of the printer will be automatically set by the 732 IC Detector to the national character sets in accordance with the set dialog language.
766 IC Sample Processor
2.5 Connection of devices to the RS232 interface
Printer Cable RS232 settings Settings on printer
Citizen IDP562-RS
6.2125.050 baud rate: 9600
data bit: 8 stop bit: 1 parity: none handshake: Hws character set:Citizen
Epson with 6-pin round connector
6.2125.040 baud rate: 9600
data bit: 8 stop bit: 1 parity: none handshake: Hws character set: Epson
Epson with additional serial interface #8148
6.2125.050 baud rate: 9600
data bit: 8 stop bit: 1 parity: none handshake: Hws character set: Epson
Epson LX-300 6.2125.050 baud rate: 9600
data bit: 8 stop bit: 1 parity: none handshake: Hws character set: Epson
Epson and Canon printers with parallel interface
HP Deskjet with serial interface
HP Laserjet with serial interface
6.2125.020 +
2.145.0300 serial/ parallel converter
6.2125.050 or adaptor cable 25-pin neg./9-pin pos. (e.g. HP C2933A)
Adaptor cable 25-pin neg./9-pin pos. (e.g. HP C2933A)
baud rate: 9600 data bit: 8 stop bit: 1 parity: none handshake: Hws character set: Epson
baud rate: 9600 data bit: 8 stop bit: 1 parity: none handshake: Hws character set: HP
baud rate: 9600 data bit: 8 stop bit: 1 parity: none handshake: Hws character set: HP
HP Deskjet/ Laserjet with parallel
6.2125.020 +
2.145.0300 serial/ parallel converter
baud rate: 9600 data bit: 8 stop bit: 1 parity: none handshake: Hws character set: HP
Settings of the DIP switches:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
The switchable 7-bit ASCII character set of the printer can be changed to the national character sets only by setting Dip switch 4 and 5:
44 55 Character setCharacter set
ON ON Great Britain ON OFF France
OFF ON Germany
Spanish does not have its own character set (it is best to select French).
Settings of the DIP switches:
on off
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Settings of the DIP switches on the interface:
on off
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 81 2 3 4 5 6
see printer manual
see printer manual
Settings of the DIP switches:
on off
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
see printer manual
see printer manual
766 IC Sample Processor
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