TX29U -Wireless 915 MHz Temperature Transmitter
The TX-29U temperature transmitter measures the outdoor t emperat ure and
transfers the data to the temperature station.
1. One TX29U Temperature transmitter
2. Mounting hardware
3. Instruction manual and warranty card.
• Two fresh AA, IEC LR6, 1.5V Alkaline batte ri es.
• The temperature transmitter should be placed in a dry, shaded area.
Avoid direct sun, as that will cause incorrect readings.
• Fog and mist will not harm your temperature transmitter but direct rai n
must be avoided.
• The temperature transmitter has a range of 330 feet (100 m). Ke ep in
mind that the 330 feet is in open air with no obstruct ions and that radio
waves DO NOT curve around objects. Actual transmission range will vary
depending on what is in the path of the signal. Each obstruction (roof,
walls, floors, ceilings, thick tree s, et c.) will effectively cut signal range in
Example: A wireless weather/ temperature station with a 33 0 f eet (100 m)
range is mounted on an interior wall, so that the signal has to pass
through one interior wall, one exterior wall, and across the 10 feet (3 m)
width of the room between the 2 walls. The first wall will reduce the range
to 165 feet (50 m), and the second wall will reduce the range to 87 feet
(26.5 m). Factoring in the 10 foot room, this leaves a ma ximum o f 77 feet
(23.5 m) of remaining signal range.
This allowance is typically enough for a frame wall with non-metallic
siding; however certain materials can reduce range even further. Met al
siding, stucco, and some types of glass can reduc e si gnal range by as
much as ¾ or more, compared to the ½ reduction typical of most
obstructions. It is possible to receive a signal through these materials,
however maximum range will be much less due to their tendency to
absorb or reflect a much larger portion of t he sensor’s signal.
• The Temperature transmitter transmits a signal about every 4.5 seconds.
After the batteries have been installed, the indoor temperature station will
search for the signal for a duration of few minutes. If there is no
temperature reading in the OUTDOOR LCD af t e r 5 mi nutes, user shall
make sure the units are within range of each other, or repeat the battery
installation procedure.
• If a button is pressed before the indoor temperature station receives the
signal from the Temperature transmitter, you will need to follow the batt ery
installation procedure again.
When one transmitter is to be used
1. First, insert the batteries to the temperature transmitter (see “Battery
Installation” below).
2. Within 2 minutes of powering up the transmit t er, insert the batteries to
the Temperature Station (see “Battery Installation” below). Once the
batteries are in place, all segments of t he LCD will light up briefly.
Following the indoor temperature and the time as 12:00 will be
displayed. If they are not shown in LCD after 60 seconds, remove the
batteries and wait for at least 60 seconds before reinserting them. Once
the indoor data is displayed user may proceed to the next step.
3. After the batteries are inserted, the Temperature Sta t ion will start
receiving data signal from the transmitter. The outdoor temperature
should then be displayed on the Temperature station. If thi s does not
happen after 5 minutes, the batteries will need to be remo ved from bot h
units and reset from step 1.
4. In order to ensure sufficient 915 MHz transm ission however, there
should be a distance of no more than 330 feet (100 meters) between the
final position of the Temperature Station and the tran smitter.
Adding additional remote transmitters (using more than 1 transmitter)
1. User shall remove all the batteries from the temperature station and
transmitters and wait 60 seconds if setting ha s been done with one
transmitter before.
2. Insert the batteries to the first transmitter.
3. Within 2 minutes of powering up the firs t transmitter, insert the batteries
to the Temperature Station. Once t he batteries are in place, all
segments of the LCD will light up briefly. Following the indoor
temperature and the time as 12:00 will be displayed. If they are not
shown in LCD after 60 seconds, remove the batteries and wait for at
least 60 seconds before reinserting them.
4. The outdoor temperature from the first transmitter (channel 1) should
then be displayed on the Temperature station. Also , the signal reception
icon will be displayed. If this does not h appen after 5 minutes, the
batteries will need to be removed from both units and reset from step 1.
5. Insert the batteries to the second transmitter as soon as the outdoor
temperature readings from the first trans mit t er are displayed on the
temperature station.
User shall insert the batteries into the second t ra nsm it t er within 45 seconds of
reception of the first transmitter.
6. The outdoor temperature from the second transmit t er and the "channel
2" icon should then be displayed on the Temperature statio n. If this
does not happen after 5 minute, the batteri es will need to be removed
from all the units and reset from step 1.
7. Insert the batteries to the third transmit ter as soon as the "channel 2"
icon and outdoor data are displayed on the temperature station. Then
within 5 minutes, the channel 3 outdoor data from the third transmitter
will be displayed and the channel icon will shift back to "1" once the third
transmitter is successfully received. If this is not happen, user shall
restart the setting up from step 1.
Note: User shall insert the batteries into the third transmitter within 45 seconds
of reception of the second transmitter.
8. In order to ensure sufficient 915 MHz transmission however, this should
under good conditions be a distance no more than 330 feet (100 m )
between the final position of the Temperature Station and the
Transmission problems will arise if the sett ing for additional sensors is not
followed as described above. Should transmission problems occur, it i s
necessary to remove the batteries from all units and start again the set-up from
step 1.
Temperature Station
1. Lift up the battery compartment cover.
2. Observing the correct polarity install 2 AA, Alkaline batteries.
The batteries will fit tightly (to avoid start-up problems make s ure they do
not spring free).
3. Replace compartment cover.
Remote Temperature transmitter
1. Remove the battery cover by sliding the cover down.
2. Observing the correct polarity install 2 AA, Alkaline batteries. The
batteries will fit tightly (to avoid start-up problems make sure t hey do not
spring free).
3. Replace the battery cover by sliding upwards. Be sure battery cover is on
If the signal reception is not successful on the first frequency of 915MHz
for 45 seconds, the frequency is changed t o 920M Hz and the learning is
tried for another 45 seconds. If it is st ill not successful the reception is
tried for 45 seconds on 910MHz. This will also be done during resynchronization.
Detailed Set up procedures of the Temperature St at ion and the
Transmitter refer to the main operation manual of WS-9021U or 9640U.
The Temperature transmitter can be mounted onto a wall with the use of s c rews
1. Remove the mounting bracket from the Temperature transmitter.
2. Place the mounting bracket over the desired location.
3. Through the two screw holes of the bracket, mark the mounting surface
with a pencil.
4. Screw mounting bracket onto the mounting surface. Ensure t hat the
screws are tight against the bracket.
5. Insert the Temperature transmitter into the brack et .

Table standing
With the mounting bracket installed at t he bottom, the transmitter can be placed
on any flat surface.
Before permanently fixing the remote temperature sensor wall base, place all
units in the desired locations to check tha t t he out door temperature readings
are receivable. In event that the signal is not received, relocat e t he remote
temperature sensor or move them slightly as this may help the si gnal reception.
• Extreme temperatures, vibration, and shock should be avoided to prevent
damage to the units.
• Clean displays and units with a soft, damp cloth. Do not use solvents or
scouring agents; they may mark the displays and casings.
• Do not submerge in water.
• Immediately remove all low powered batteries to avoid leakage and damage.
• Opening the casings invalidates the warranty. Do not try to repair t he unit.
Contact La Crosse Technology for repairs.
Detailed Set up procedures of the Temperature Station and t he t r ansmitter
refers to the main operation manual of WS-9021U or 9640U.
Data measuring range:
Outdoor temperature: -39.8 °F to 139.8°F with 0.2°F resolution
Transmission range: 330 feet (100 m) in open space
Power Supply:
transmitter :
Battery life cycle: Approximately 24 months
battery type:
Dimensions (H x W x D):
(-39.8°C to 59.9°C with 0.1°C resolution)
“OFL” displayed if outside this range
2 x AA, IEC LR6, 1.5V
1.50 x 0.83 x 5.05 in
(38.2 x 21.2 x 128.3 mm)
La Crosse Technology, Ltd provides a 1-year limited warranty on this product
against manufacturing defects in materials and workmanship.
This limited warranty begins on the original date of purchase, is valid only on
products purchased and used in North America and only to the original
purchaser of this product. To receive warranty service, the purchaser must
contact La Crosse Technology, Ltd for problem determi nat ion and service
procedures. Warranty service can only be performed by a La Crosse
Technology, Ltd authorized service center. The original dated bill o f sal e must
be presented upon request as proof of purchase to La Cros se Technology, Ltd
or La Crosse Technology, Ltd’s authorized service center.
La Crosse Technology, Ltd will repair or replace this product, at our option and
at no charge as stipulated herein, with new or reconditioned parts or product s if
found to be defective during the limited warrant y peri od specified above. All
replaced parts and products become the property of La Crosse Technology, Ltd
and must be returned to La Crosse Technology, Ltd. Replacement parts and
products assume the remaining original warranty, or ninety (90) days,
whichever is longer. La Crosse Technology, Ltd will pay all expenses for labor
and materials for all repairs covered by this warranty. If necessary repairs are
not covered by this warranty, or if a product is examined which is not in need or
repair, you will be charged for the repairs or examination. The owner must pay
any shipping charges incurred in getting your La Crosse Technology, Ltd
product to a La Crosse Technology, Ltd authorized service c ent er. La Crosse
Technology, Ltd will pay ground return shipping charges to the owner of the
product to a USA address only.
Your La Crosse Technology, Ltd warranty covers all defects in material and
workmanship with the following specified exceptions: (1) damage caused by
accident, unreasonable use or neglect (including the lack of reasonable and
necessary maintenance); (2) damage occurring during shipment (claims must
be presented to the carrier); (3) damage to, or deterioration of, any accessory or
decorative surface; (4) damage resulting from failure to f ollow instructions
contained in your owner’s manual; (5) damage resulting from the performance
of repairs or alterations by someone other than an authorized La Crosse
Technology, Ltd authorized service center; (6) units used for other than home
use (7) applications and uses that this product was not i nt ended or (8) the
products inability to receive a signal due to any source of interference. . This
warranty covers only actual defects within the product itself, and does not cover
the cost of installation or removal from a fixed installation, normal set-up or
adjustments, claims based on misrepresent at i on by the seller or performance
variations resulting from installation-related circumstances.
This warranty gives you specific legal rights. You may also have other right s
specific to your State. Some States do no a ll ow the exclus ion of consequential
or incidental damages therefore the above exclusion of limitation may not appl y
to you.
For warranty work, technical support, or information contact:
All rights reserved. This handbook must not be re produced in any form, even in
excerpts, or duplicated or processed using elect ro nic, mechanical or chemical
procedures without written permission of the publisher.
This handbook may contain mistakes and printing errors. Th e inf ormation in
this handbook is regularly checked and correct ions made in the next issue. We
accept no liability for technical mistakes or prin t ing e rrors, or their
All trademarks and patents are acknowledged.
La Crosse Technology, Ltd
2817 Losey Blvd. S.
La Crosse, WI 54601
Phone: 608.782.1610
Fax: 608.796.1020
(information on other products)
(warranty work)