Wireless Weather Station
Model 308-1711 | Quick Setup Guide
The Wireless Weather Station features manu al set t im e, date, tim e alarm ,
Outdoor/I ndoor temperature alerts, and moon phase. Monitor temp erature
and humidi ty, track tem per atu re trends and set cus tomizable temperatur e
alerts--all in one conv enient devic e. Wireless transmission range of over
200 feet (60 meters) in op en air, from tr ansmitter to weather station.
• Remove batter y cover f rom the weather station. Sl ide tab down and pull
out to remove the battery cover.
• Insert 2 NEW A A batt eries (not included) int o
the back of the w eath er station. Obser ve the
correct polarity (see marking inside the batter y
comp artment). The weather station will light up
and show, i ndoor temperature, humi di t y and
• Do Not Mix Old and New Batter ies
• Do Not Mix Alk aline, Standard , Lithium or Rechargeable Batterie s
• Ensure that the transmitter is within 10 feet of the Weather
• To r emove batter y cover f rom TX141TH-A transmitter, slide the
battery cover down and lift off the front of the transmitter.
• Insert 2 NEW AA batteries (not included) into the transmitter.
Observe the correct pol arity.
• Within 3 minutes the weather station will show r eadi ngs in the
outdoor temperature area on the LCD.
• Note: Allow the weath er station and th e transmitter to stay
within 10 f eet of each other f or th e first 15 minut es of set up.
After the bat te ries are inse rt ed, the weather st ation will search for the
outdoor temperatur e/h umidity transmitter for 3 minutes.
Th e an t e n n a s ymb ol will flash during rec eption, and tem perature
display wil l be dashes “---“.
Th e an t e n n a s ymb ol will scroll during signal synchronization.
If synchronizati on fails onc e, th e antenna will lose one ba r.
If synchronization f ails twice, the ant enna will lose two bars.
If recepti on continuousl y f ai l s to receive 5 times, the ant enna symbol wi l l
be shown as
The antenna will show full display with successful RF (radio
frequency ) reception.
If the outdoor temperature is n ot displayed after three
minutes, hold the SENSOR button on the weat her station
for th ree seconds t o search for outdoor transmitter.
Next, press the TX button on the outdoor transm i tter to send signal.
If it still does not recei ve the outdoor temper atu re, remove batteries from
both the w eather station and the transmitter for 15 m i nutes then repeat
the setup instructions from step 1.
The maximum transmitti ng range in open air is over 200-feet (60
meters). Obstacles suc h as walls, wi ndows, stucco, concrete, and large
metal objects can redu ce the range.
The TIME/DATE button w i l l m ove t hrough the program
menu and c onfirm settings.
Use the UP ARROW button to increase a value.
Use the D OW N ARROW button to decreas e a v alue.
Hold the TIME/DATE button for three sec onds to enter t im e set mo de.
YEAR: The Year will flash. Use the ARROW buttons to choose the year,
and press the TIME /DATE button to confir m and move t o the month.
MONTH: The Month will flash, u se the ARROW buttons to choose the
month, and press the TIME/ DA T E button to c onfirm and move to the
DATE: The Date will flash. Use the ARROW b uttons to choose the date,
and press th e TIME/DATE button to confirm and mov e to 12/24 hour
ti me format.
12/24-HOUR: Th e time format 12/24 will flash. Use the ARROW buttons
to choose 12-hour or 24-hour t im e for mat and pr ess th e TIME/DATE
button t o confi rm and move to h our.
HOUR: The Hour will flash. Use the ARROW b uttons to choose the
hour, and press the TIME/ DA TE button t o c onfirm and move to minutes.
MINUTES: The Minutes will flash. Use the ARR OW buttons to choo se
the minut es, and press t he TIME/D ATE butt on t o confirm and move to
FAHRENHEIT/CELSIUS: °F or °C will flash. U s e the ARROW buttons
butto n to select Fahr enheit or Cel sius. Press and rel eas e th e
TI M E/DATE bu tton to c onfirm and exit the progr am menu .
Note: W hen no buttons are press ed for ten seconds, the weather station
will save th e l ast change and d efault back to normal tim e and
tem per atur e d i s play mode.
The TIME ALAR M button moves through th e alarm setting
mode a nd confirms th e f inal setting.
Use the UP ARROW button to i ncrease a value.
Use the D OWN ARROW button to decr eas e a value.
From normal time and temperature disp lay mode, press and rel ease the
TIME ALAR M button once t o show alarm ti me. Hold the TIME ALARM
button for three seconds to enter alarm set mode.
HOUR: The Hour will flash. Us e the AR ROW buttons to s et the hou r,
and press TIME ALARM button to confirm and switch t o m inutes.
MINUTES: The Minutes will flash. Use th e ARROW bu ttons to set the
minutes, and press TIME ALARM butt on to confirm.
Press the TIME/D ATE butto n t o return to normal mode
Note: W hen no buttons are pres sed for ten second s, the weather station
will save th e last chan ge and defaul t b ack to n ormal mode.
From normal time and temperature disp lay mode, press and release the
TIME ALAR M button once t o show alarm tim e.
Press and r el ease the TIME ALARM button repeatedly to turn ON/OFF
alarm. T he alarm icon
appears wh en alarm is activat ed.
Note: Th e al arm will ri ng f or 2 m i nutes then turn off.

• When the al arm sounds, pr ess the TIME ALAR M button to snooze the
alarm for 10 minutes.
• The snooz e opt ion can be repeated three times.
Note: Whil e the alarm sounds, press any button except th e TIME ALARM
button t o turn the alarm off.
The indoor and outdoor temperatur e trend
indicat ors will update every 30 minut es or less.
These trends represent temperature changes
over the past three hours.
UP: Temperat ure rising m ore than 2°F /1°C in the past thr ee hours
RIGHT: Temperature ha s not changed more than 2 °F / 1°C in t he past
three hours.
DOWN: Temperature falling more than 2°F /1°C in t he past three h ours
The weath er station will show the daily m i nimum and maximum
temperatures eac h day starting at midnight (12: 00 AM). The w eat her station
automatically resets the min/m ax t em peratures at midnight (12:00 AM).
• View M IN data: Press and release the MIN TEMP button to view th e
minimum Indoor and Outdoor Temperatures.
• Reset MIN d ata: Hold t he MIN TEMP button for 5
seconds and t he Indoor and all Outdoor Minimum Tem peratures will be
reset to c urrent temperatures .
• View MAX data: Press an d relea se the MAX TE M P bu tton to view the
maximum Indoor and Outdoor T em peratures.
• Reset MAX data: Hold the MAX TEMP button for 5
seconds and the Indoor and all Outd oor Maxim um
Temperatures will be reset to current temperatures.
Note: When no buttons are pressed f or t en seconds, the weather station
will return t o di splay the current temperature.
Alert values are set when they flash in t he outdoor and in door temper ature
areas. Temperatur e alerts are turned on or off in the Temperature Alert box.
From normal time and temperatur e di splay mode, press and releas e the
TEMP ALERT button to select:
o Outdoor HI
o Outdoor LOW
o Indoor HI
o Indoor LOW
One or all the tem p erature alerts may be set.
Rang e for indoor temperature alert: +32°F t o +122°F (0 °C to 50°C)
Rang e for outdoor tem per atu r e a l er t : -40°F to 140°F (-4 0°C to 60°C)
Hold the TEMP ALERT button for three seconds, until the
we ather stat ion beeps, to enter alert setti ng.
OUTDOOR HI alert wil l flash in the outdoor temperature area. Press the
ARROW bu ttons to set the alert v alu e, and press the TEM P AL ERT
button to confirm. Then pr ess the TEMP ALERT button again swit ch to
OUTDOO R L OW setting.
OUTDOOR LOW alert will flash in the outdoor
tem per atur e a rea. Press the ARROW buttons to set the
alert value, and press the TEMP ALE RT button to
confirm. Then press the TEMP ALERT button again switch t o INDOOR
HI setting.
INDOOR HI alert will flash in the indoor t em perature area. Press the
ARROW bu ttons to set the alert value, and pre ss the TEMP A L ER T
button t o confi rm. Then press the TEMP ALERT button again switch to
INDOOR LOW sett i ng.
INDOOR LOW displ ay will flash in the indoor
tem per atur e a rea. Press the ARROW butto ns to
choose the v al ue, and press the TEMP ALERT button
to con firm and exit.
From normal time and temperature disp lay mode, press and release th e
TEMP ALERT button to toggle between:
o Outdoor HI
o Outdoor LOW
o Indoor HI
o Indoor LOW
Press the MAX TEMP button to tu rn the selected alert ON. The alert i con
appears w hen alarm is acti v ated.
Press the MIN TEMP button to turn the alert OFF.
Note: When no tem p erat u r e a lert s are s et , the
Temperature Ale rt area will show ALE RTS O FF.
When a temp erature alert i s ringing, the corresponding alert symbol
will flash.
The al e r t w i l l ri ng f or five seconds every minute, unt i l t he
tem p er atu r e i s ou t o f alert ra nge.
Press any button to stop alert . The alert symbol will still
Turn Alert OF F : I n normal mode, pr ess and releas e t he TEMP ALERT
button to select the alert to turn off. With HI or LOW aler t selected, pre ss
the MIN button to turn that alert OFF.
Heat Index combines the effects of heat and humidity. It is the appar ent
temperature of how hot it feels to a human b eing. As humi di t y i nc reases,
the body i s unable to cool effectively. T he tem per atu re w ill feel warmer.
View Heat Index: From normal t im e and tempe rat ure display mod e, press
the HEAT/DEW butt on once and Heat Ind ex wil l show instead of the
outdoor am bient temperature.
Note: Heat i ndex will be the same numb er as the
temperature unti l the ou tdoor temperature is ab ove 80
degrees °F (26.7°C)
Dew Point Temperature is the s aturat ion point of the air, or the temp erature
to which the air has to cool in order to creat e condensation. The higher the
dew points, the higher the moisture conten t of the air at a given
View Dew P oint Temperatur e: From normal time and temperature display
mode, press th e HEAT/DEW but ton twice and Dew Point will show instea d
of the outdoor ambient temp erature. Th e wor ds Dew Poi nt
will show near outdoor temperatur es.
Note: Dew Point i s lowe r than t he actual temp erature.
The Moon Phase is based on th e date manually set on the weat her station.
The moon is divi ded by 6 sections, showing a total of 12 phas es of the