Konica Minolta bizhub 306/266 User Manual

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Table of contents
1.1 Welcome .......................................................................................................................................... 1-3
1.1.1 User's guides ......................................................................................................................................1-3
1.1.2 User's Guide .......................................................................................................................................1-3
1.2 Conventions used in this manual .................................................................................................. 1-4
1.2.1 Notations and symbols used in this manual .......................................................................................1-4
Symbols used in this manual ............................................................................................................. 1-4
Procedural instruction........................................................................................................................ 1-4
Product and key names..................................................................................................................... 1-5
Notations of application names ......................................................................................................... 1-5
1.2.2 Original and paper indications ............................................................................................................1-6
2 Overview
2.1 Printer Controller ............................................................................................................................ 2-3
2.1.1 Roles of the printer controller .............................................................................................................2-3
2.1.2 Flow of printing ...................................................................................................................................2-4
2.2 Operating environment................................................................................................................... 2-5
2.2.1 Connectable computers and operating systems................................................................................2-5
2.2.2 Interface used for connection .............................................................................................................2-6
2.3 Setup procedure ............................................................................................................................. 2-7
2.3.1 For local connection (USB port)..........................................................................................................2-7
2.3.2 For network connection ......................................................................................................................2-7
Original and paper sizes .................................................................................................................... 1-6
Original and paper indications ........................................................................................................... 1-6
For Windows ...................................................................................................................................... 2-5
USB interface..................................................................................................................................... 2-6
Ethernet.............................................................................................................................................. 2-6
Connection diagram........................................................................................................................... 2-6
3 Installing the Printer Driver (for Windows)
3.1 Printer drivers compatible with respective operating systems.................................................. 3-3
3.2 Installation using installer .............................................................................................................. 3-4
3.2.1 Operating environment of the installer................................................................................................3-4
3.2.2 For USB connection............................................................................................................................3-4
Changing the installation settings
(Windows 7/8.1/10/Server 2008 R2/Server 2012/Server 2012 R2) ................................................... 3-4
Install Procedure ................................................................................................................................ 3-5
3.2.3 For network connection ......................................................................................................................3-6
3.3 Manually uninstalling the printer driver ........................................................................................ 3-7
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4 Setting the PCL Printer Driver
4.1 Printer driver setting window......................................................................................................... 4-3
4.1.1 Displaying the setting window ............................................................................................................4-3
4.1.2 Print settings window..........................................................................................................................4-4
4.1.3 Properties window ..............................................................................................................................4-5
4.2 [Device Options] tab ....................................................................................................................... 4-6
4.2.1 [Device Options]..................................................................................................................................4-6
4.3 Common operations ....................................................................................................................... 4-7
4.3.1 Common settings................................................................................................................................4-7
4.3.2 Saving the settings ([Easy Set])...........................................................................................................4-8
4.4 [Setup] tab ....................................................................................................................................... 4-9
4.4.1 Function list.........................................................................................................................................4-9
4.4.2 Setting Custom Size .........................................................................................................................4-10
4.4.3 Using Secure Print ............................................................................................................................4-11
Specifying from the printer driver .................................................................................................... 4-11
Outputting in this machine............................................................................................................... 4-12
4.5 [Layout] tab.................................................................................................................................... 4-13
4.6 [Per Page Setting] tab .................................................................................................................. 4-14
4.7 [Watermark] tab ............................................................................................................................ 4-15
4.7.1 Function list.......................................................................................................................................4-15
4.7.2 Creating a new watermark................................................................................................................4-16
4.7.3 Editing a watermark ..........................................................................................................................4-17
4.8 [Quality] tab ................................................................................................................................... 4-18
4.8.1 Function list.......................................................................................................................................4-18
4.8.2 Setting the font .................................................................................................................................4-19
5 Setting the XPS Printer Driver
5.1 Printer driver setting window......................................................................................................... 5-3
5.1.1 Displaying the setting window ............................................................................................................5-3
5.1.2 Print settings window..........................................................................................................................5-4
5.1.3 Properties window ..............................................................................................................................5-5
5.2 [Device Options] tab ....................................................................................................................... 5-6
5.2.1 [Device Options]..................................................................................................................................5-6
5.3 Common operations ....................................................................................................................... 5-7
5.3.1 Common settings................................................................................................................................5-7
5.3.2 Saving the settings ([Easy Set])...........................................................................................................5-8
5.4 [Setup] tab ....................................................................................................................................... 5-9
5.5 [Layout] tab.................................................................................................................................... 5-10
5.6 [Quality] tab ................................................................................................................................... 5-11
6 How to Use USB Direct Print
6.1 Printing procedure .......................................................................................................................... 6-3
6.2 Changing print setting.................................................................................................................... 6-4
6.2.1 Setting paper size ...............................................................................................................................6-4
6.2.2 Setting simplex/duplex .......................................................................................................................6-4
6.2.3 Setting the number of copies..............................................................................................................6-5
6.2.4 Checking file name .............................................................................................................................6-5
6.3 Performing USB direct printing by entering the ID (Account) number ...................................... 6-6
6.4 Changing USB memory setting ..................................................................................................... 6-7
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7 Operating the Panel for Printer Functions
7.1 Printer operation ............................................................................................................................. 7-3
7.1.1 Printer Indicator ..................................................................................................................................7-3
7.1.2 Starting Printing ..................................................................................................................................7-3
7.1.3 Canceling a print job...........................................................................................................................7-4
7.1.4 Power Save mode...............................................................................................................................7-5
7.1.5 Changing mobile setting .....................................................................................................................7-5
8 Web Connection
8.1 Overview .......................................................................................................................................... 8-3
8.1.1 Operating environments......................................................................................................................8-3
8.2 How to use Web Connection ......................................................................................................... 8-4
8.2.1 How to access ....................................................................................................................................8-4
8.2.2 How to view the screen ......................................................................................................................8-4
8.2.3 User mode and administrator mode...................................................................................................8-5
8.2.4 How to operate ...................................................................................................................................8-5
8.3 User mode ....................................................................................................................................... 8-6
8.3.1 [System] - [Summary]..........................................................................................................................8-6
8.3.2 [System] - [Details] ..............................................................................................................................8-7
8.3.3 [System] - [Maintenance] - [Counter] ..................................................................................................8-8
8.3.4 [System] - [Maintenance] - [Power Save Setting] ...............................................................................8-8
8.3.5 [System] - [Online Assistance] ............................................................................................................8-9
8.3.6 [Print Job] - [Print Job Management]..................................................................................................8-9
8.3.7 [Print Job] - [File Download]..............................................................................................................8-10
8.3.8 [Print] - [Settings] - [Paper Handling] ................................................................................................8-10
8.3.9 [Print] - [Settings] - [Paper Layout]....................................................................................................8-11
8.3.10 [Print] - [Settings] - [Printer Setting] ..................................................................................................8-11
8.3.11 [Print] - [Test Print] ............................................................................................................................8-12
8.3.12 [Print] - [Font Information] .................................................................................................................8-12
8.3.13 [Address] - [One-Touch Dial Setting] ................................................................................................8-13
8.3.14 [Address] - [Speed Dial Setting]........................................................................................................8-13
8.3.15 [Address] - [Group Dial Setting] ........................................................................................................8-14
8.3.16 [Network] - [Summary] ......................................................................................................................8-14
9 Troubleshooting
9.1 Main messages and troubleshooting............................................................................................ 9-3
9.2 Handling print data when an error occurs.................................................................................... 9-4
9.2.1 [MACHINE TROUBLE] error................................................................................................................9-4
9.2.2 Temporary error ..................................................................................................................................9-4
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10 Appendix
10.1 Print specifications ....................................................................................................................... 10-3
10.2 USB Direct Print specifications ................................................................................................... 10-4
10.3 Manually Installing the Printer Driver (for Windows) ................................................................. 10-5
10.3.1 Checking the connection method.....................................................................................................10-5
10.3.2 Using LPR/Port9100 connection for installation ...............................................................................10-5
10.3.3 Using IPP connection for installation..............................................................................................10-10
10.3.4 Using the Web service connection for installation..........................................................................10-12
10.3.5 Using USB connection for installation ............................................................................................10-13
Operations required to use this function (for administrators) .......................................................... 10-5
Installing the printer driver by automatically detecting the printer................................................... 10-6
Installing the printer driver by creating a new port .......................................................................... 10-8
Operations required to use this function (for administrators) ........................................................ 10-10
Web service ................................................................................................................................... 10-12
Operations required to use this function (for administrators) ........................................................ 10-12
Installation methods....................................................................................................................... 10-12
Updating the printer driver............................................................................................................. 10-14
11 Index
11.1 Index by item ................................................................................................................................. 11-3
11.2 Index by button.............................................................................................................................. 11-4
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1 Introduction

1.1 Welcome

Thank you for purchasing this machine.
This User's Guide describes the functions, operating instructions, precautions for correct operation, and sim­ple troubleshooting guidelines of this machine. In order to obtain maximum performance from this product and use it effectively, please read this User's Guide as necessary.

1.1.1 User's guides

User's guide CD/DVD manuals Overview
[Quick Guide] This manual describes operating procedures and the most fre-
[User's Guide Copy] This manual describes details on copy mode operations and
[User's Guide Fax] This manual describes details on fax mode operations and set-
[User's Guide Print] This manual describes details on printer functions.
[User's Guide Scan] This manual describes details on scan functions.
[User's Guide Network Administrator] This manual describes details on setting methods for each
[Trademarks/Copyrights] This manual describes details on trademarks and copyrights.
quently used functions in order to enable you to begin using this machine immediately.
the settings of this machine.
• Specifications of originals and copy paper
• Copy function
• Maintaining this machine
• Troubleshooting
• G3 fax function
• Internet Fax
• Printer function
• Setting the printer driver
• USB Direct Print
•Mobile Print
• Scan Function
• Setting the TWAIN/WIA scan driver
• Network scan (E-mail TX, FTP TX, SMB TX, and mobile TX)
•Scan to USB
function using the network connection.
• Network settings
• Settings using Web Connection
• Trademarks and copyrights

1.1.2 User's Guide

This User's Guide is intended for users ranging from those using this machine for the first time to administra­tors.
It describes basic operations, functions that enable more convenient operations, maintenance procedures, simple troubleshooting operations, and various setting methods of this machine.
Note that basic technical knowledge about the product is required to enable users to perform maintenance work or troubleshooting operations. Limit your maintenance and troubleshooting operations to the areas ex­plained in this manual.
Should you experience any problems, please contact your service representative.
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1.2 Conventions used in this manual

Related setting
Related setting (for the administrator)
The operation procedures are described using illustrations.
1.2 Conventions used in this manual

1.2.1 Notations and symbols used in this manual

Symbols are used in this manual to express various types of information.
The following describes each symbol related to correct and safe usage of this machine.
Symbols used in this manual
- This symbol indicates that a failure to heed the instructions may lead to death or serious injury.
- This symbol indicates that a failure to heed the instructions may lead to mishandling that may cause
injury or property damage.
This symbol indicates a risk that may result in damage to this machine or documents. Follow the instructions to avoid property damage.
This symbol indicates supplemental information of a topic as well as options required to use a function.
This symbol indicates supplemental information of a topic.
This symbol indicates reference functions related to a topic.
This shows the settings related to a particular topic for any user.
This shows the settings related to a topic only for administrators.
Procedural instruction
0 This check mark indicates an option that is required in order to use conditions or functions that are pre-
requisite for a procedure.
1 This format number "1" represents the first step.
2 This format number represents the order of serial steps.
% This symbol indicates a supplementary explanation of a pro-
cedural instruction.
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Conventions used in this manual
% This symbol indicates transition of the Display to access a desired menu item.
This symbol indicates a desired page.
This symbol indicates a reference.
View the reference as required.
Product and key names
Notations used in this manual
[ ] An item enclosed in brackets [ ] indicates a key name on the Display or computer
Bold text This presents a key name, part name, product name, or option name on the Control
screen, or the name of a user's guide.
Notations of application names
This manual describes application names as shown below.
Application name Notations used in this manual
PageScope Web Connection Web Connection
PageScope Mobile (for iPhone/iPad/Android) Mobile (for iPhone/iPad/Android)
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1.2 Conventions used in this manual

1.2.2 Original and paper indications

Original and paper sizes
The following explains the indication for originals and paper described in this manual. When indicating the original or paper size, the Y side represents the width and the X side the length.
Original and paper indications
w indicates the paper size with the length (X) being longer than the width (Y).
v indicates the paper size where the length (X) is shorter than the width (Y).
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This machine
Printing system
Printer controller

2 Overview

2.1 Printer Controller

The printer controller is a device that enables the printing function on this machine.

2.1.1 Roles of the printer controller

Incorporating the printer controller enables this machine to function as a printing system, which enables print­ing through the use of applications loaded on the computer connected to this machine. When using this ma­chine as a network printer, you can print using applications loaded on the computer.
Printer Controller
The printer controller provides the following functions:
- Printing data sent from a printer driver on a computer
- Printing via the network using Web service (Windows Vista/7/8.1/10/Server 2008/Server 2008 R2/Serv-
er 2012/Server 2012 R2), LPR or IPP printing
- Configuring settings for this machine and the printer controller from a client computer via the network
(using a Web browser)
- Controlling the number of pages to be printed (Account Track functions)
- Fax transmission direct from a computer (PC-FAX transmission)
The PC-FAX transmission requires optional Fax Kit FK-510 and Extended Operation Panel MK-750. For details on the PC-FAX transmission, refer to the [User's Guide Fax].
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2.1 Printer Controller
When using network connection
When using USB connection
Ethernet (TCP/IP) USB
Print Operation
Printer driver
Printer driver
This machine
Printer controller
PCL processing (Rasterization)

2.1.2 Flow of printing

The following outlines the flow of operations for using this printing system as a printer.
Print data sent from an application is received by the printer driver.
The data is sent to this machine via the USB interface for USB connection or Ethernet (TCP/IP) for network connection. Then the data is passed from this machine to the printer controller. The printer controller raster­izes images (expands output target characters and images to bitmap data). This data is printed from this ma­chine.
When a print job is received during copying, the data is stored in the memory of this machine. When the cop­ying is completed, the print job is automatically printed.
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2.2 Operating environment

This section describes the system requirements for using the printing system including the printer controller, and the interfaces used for connection.

2.2.1 Connectable computers and operating systems

Ensure that the computer to be connected meets the following conditions.
For Windows
Connectable computers and operating systems
Operating system Windows Vista (x86/x64, SP2 or later)
Windows Server 2008 (x86/x64) Windows Server 2008 R2 (x64) Windows 7 (x86/x64, SP1 or later) Windows 8.1 (x86/x64) Windows 10 (x86/x64) Windows Server 2012 Windows Server 2012 R2
CPU Any processor of the same or higher specifications as recommended for your
operating system.
Memory Memory capacity as recommended for your operating system.
Sufficient memory resource is required for your operating system and the appli­cations to be used.
Drive CD/DVD-ROM drive
Operating environment
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2.2 Operating environment
Network connector (10 Base-T/100 Base-TX)
USB port (type B) for USB 2.0

2.2.2 Interface used for connection

To connect this printing system to the computer, the following interfaces can be used.
USB interface
Use this interface to use this printing system via a USB connection. The USB interface can be connected to a computer running Windows. A USB cable is required for connection. Use a type A (4 pin, male) or type B (4 pin, male) USB cable.
Use this interface to use this printing system via a network connection. It supports 100Base-TX and 10Base-T standards. In addition, TCP/IP (LPD/LPR, IPP) and Web service pro­tocols are supported.
Connection diagram
The printer cables are connected to each port on this machine.
Left side of the machine
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2.3 Setup procedure

To use this printing system, you must complete the setup in advance.
The setup refers to a series of procedures for connecting the machine to the computer and installing the print­er driver to the computer.
Perform the setup using the following procedures.

2.3.1 For local connection (USB port)

1 Connect this machine to the computer.
2 Install the printer driver.
% When you install the printer driver, WIA and TWAIN scan drivers are installed at the same time.

2.3.2 For network connection

1 Connect this machine to the computer.
2 Check that the computer to be used is connected to the network.
3 Specify the IP address of this machine, and then connect it to the network.
Setup procedure
4 Change the network settings for this machine according to the connection method or protocol.
% LPR: From [TCP/IP Configuration]-[LPD Setting], enable LPD printing. % Port 9100: In [IPv4 Configuration], enable the RAW port number (initial setting: [9100]). % IPP: In [IPP Configuration], enable IPP printing. % Web Service Print: In [WSD Configuration], enable [Use WSD Browsing]. % When you install the printer driver, WIA and TWAIN scan drivers are installed at the same time.
5 Install the printer driver.
% Specify the network port for the printer driver according to the connection method or protocol.
After installing the printer driver, perform test print to make sure that the connections are made properly.
For details on the network settings, refer to the [User's Guide Network Administrator].
The procedure for installing the printer driver varies depending on the connection method, operating system of the computer, and printer driver. For details, refer to page 3-3.
To update an existing printer driver, uninstall it first. For details, refer to page 3-7.
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2.3 Setup procedure
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Installing the Printer Driver (for Windows)

3.1 Printer drivers compatible with respective operating systems


3 Installing the Printer Driver (for Windows)

3.1 Printer drivers compatible with respective operating systems
Before using this printing system, you must install the printer driver.
The following lists the printer drivers included on the CD/DVD and the supported operating systems. Select the required printer driver.
Printer driver Page de-
scription lan­guage
PCL driver PCL Windows Vista (x86/x64, SP2 or later)
XPS driver XPS Windows Vista (x86/x64, SP2 or later)
- Select the page description language according to the application used for printing.
- Either of the installer or Add Printer Wizard can be used to install the printer driver.
- The XPS driver does not support account track functions. If you are using account track functions on
this machine, use another driver.
Supported Operating Systems
Windows Server 2008 (x86/x64) Windows Server 2008 R2 (x64) Windows 7 (x86/x64, SP1 or later) Windows 8.1 (x86/x64) Windows 10 (x86/x64) Windows Server 2012 Windows Server 2012 R2
Windows Server 2008 (x86/x64) Windows Server 2008 R2 (x64) Windows 7 (x86/x64, SP1 or later) Windows 8.1 (x86/x64) Windows 10 (x86/x64) Windows Server 2012 Windows Server 2012 R2
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3.2 Installation using installer

The installer automatically detects the printer on the same TCP/IP network as your computer or the machine connected via USB to your computer, and allows you to install the required printer driver. You can also install the printer driver by manually specifying the connection destination.
The printer drivers that can be installed using the installer are PCL driver or XPS driver.

3.2.1 Operating environment of the installer

Operating environment
Operating system Windows Vista (x86/x64, SP2 or later)
Windows Server 2008 (x86/x64) Windows Server 2008 R2 (x64) Windows 7 (x86/x64, SP1 or later) Windows 8.1 (x86/x64) Windows 10 (x86/x64) Windows Server 2012 Windows Server 2012 R2
CPU Any processor of the same or higher specifications as recommend-
ed for your operating system
Memory Memory capacity as recommended for your operating system
Sufficient memory resource is required for your operating system and the applications to be used.
Installation using installer
- Administrator authority is required for installation.
- If a wizard window for adding new hardware opens when using USB connection, click [Cancel].
- When you install the printer driver, WIA and TWAIN scan drivers are installed at the same time.
- The installer does not support installation in IPv6 environments.

3.2.2 For USB connection

Changing the installation settings (Windows 7/8.1/10/Server 2008 R2/Server 2012/Server 2012 R2)
If you are using Windows 7/8.1/10/Server 2008 R2/Server 2012/Server 2012 R2, change the computer set­tings before installing the printer driver.
1 Open the [Control Panel] window.
% In Windows 8.1/10/Server 2012/Server 2012 R2, press the [X] key while pressing the [Windows] key,
and click [Control Panel] when a menu is displayed.
% In Windows 7/Server 2008 R2, open the Start menu, then click [Control Panel].
2 Click [System and Security] - [System].
3 Click [Advanced system settings] on the menu in the left-hand pane.
The [System Properties] window appears.
4 In the [Hardware] tab, click [Device Installation Settings].
5 Select [No, let me choose what to do], select [Never install driver software from Windows Update.], then
click [Save Changes].
% After you have installed the printer driver, change the setting back to [Yes, do this automatically (rec-
6 Click [OK] to close the [System Properties] window.
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3.2 Installation using installer
Install Procedure
The USB cable must be connected during the last installation step. Do not connect the USB cable to this machine until a message appears on the screen instructing you to connect the cable.
1 Insert the printer driver CD/DVD-ROM into the CD/DVD-ROM drive of the computer.
% The required CD/DVD-ROM varies depending on the printer driver. Select the CD/DVD-ROM corre-
sponding to the printer driver used.
2 Open the printer driver folder on the CD/DVD-ROM, and double-click [Setup.exe].
% Depending on the settings on the computer, the UAC (User Account Control) dialog box may ap-
pear. Check the details, and continue.
The installer starts.
3 Select a language, then click [OK].
4 Click [Next].
5 After checking all terms in the license agreement, select [I accept the terms of the License Agreement],
then click [Next].
% If you disagree, you will not be able to install the driver.
6 Select this machine in [Select Model].
% To install the XPS driver, Select [KONICA MINOLTA XXX PCL XPS].
7 Select port [USB] to connect, then click [Next].
The installation starts.
8 When a message appears instructing you to connect the USB cable, connect the USB cable between
the computer and this machine.
% If the window instructing you to connect the USB cable does not appear, operate according to the
instructions on the currently displayed window.
9 Click [Finish].
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3.2.3 For network connection

To use this machine as part of a network, connect the computer with this machine via the network and check the IP address and RAW port number (initial setting: [9100]) before installing the printer driver.
The IP address and RAW port number can be checked in [IPv4 Configuration]. For details on the network set­tings, refer to "Network settings" of [User's Guide Network Administrator], and Web Connection - [Network]
- [TCP/IP Configuration] and [Network]-[IPv4 Configuration].
1 Insert the printer driver CD/DVD-ROM into the CD/DVD-ROM drive of the computer.
% The required CD/DVD-ROM varies depending on the printer driver. Select the CD/DVD-ROM corre-
sponding to the printer driver used.
2 Open the printer driver folder on the CD/DVD-ROM, and double-click [Setup.exe].
% Depending on the settings on the computer, the UAC (User Account Control) dialog box may ap-
pear. Check the details, and continue.
The installer starts.
3 Select a language, then click [OK].
4 Click [Next].
Installation using installer
5 After checking all terms in the license agreement, select [I accept the terms of the License Agreement],
then click [Next].
% If you disagree, you will not be able to install the driver.
6 Select this machine in [Select Model].
% To install the XPS driver, Select [KONICA MINOLTA XXX PCL XPS].
7 Select port [Network] to connect, and click [Search].
The connected machine is automatically detected.
8 Select the IP address of the machine, then click [OK].
9 Click [Next].
% If the machine is not detected by [Search], you can enter the IP address directly.
The installation starts.
10 Click [Finish].
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3.3 Manually uninstalling the printer driver

3.3 Manually uninstalling the printer driver
If the printer driver was installed without using the installer, manually uninstall the printer driver.
1 Display the printer window.
% In Windows 8.1/10, press the [X] key while pressing the [Windows] key, and click [Control Panel] -
[Hardware and Sound] - [View devices and printers] when a menu is displayed.
% In Windows Server 2012/Server 2012 R2, press the [X] key while pressing the [Windows] key, and
click [Control Panel] - [Hardware] - [View devices and printers] when a menu is displayed.
% In Windows 7/Server 2008 R2, open the Start menu, then click [Devices and Printers]. If
[Devices and Printers] is not displayed, select [Control Panel] - [Hardware and Sound], and click [View devices and printers].
% In Windows Vista/Server 2008, click the Start menu, and select [Control Panel] - [Hardware and
Sound] - [Printers]. When [Control Panel] is displayed in Classic View, double-click [Printers].
2 Click the icon of the printer driver to be uninstalled.
3 Uninstall the printer driver.
% In Windows 7/8.1/10/Server 2008 R2/Server 2012/Server 2012 R2, click [Remove device] on the
% In Windows Vista/Server 2008, press the [Delete] key on the computer keyboard.
4 From then on, follow the on-screen instructions to carry out operations.
When the printer driver has been uninstalled, the icon disappears from the window.
5 Open [Server Properties].
% In Windows 7/8.1/10/Server 2008 R2/Server 2012/Server 2012 R2, select a different printer, and
click [Print server properties] on the toolbar.
% In Windows Vista/Server 2008, right-click on the area that has nothing displayed in the [Printers]
window, click [Run as administrator] - [Server Properties].
% Depending on the settings on the computer, the UAC (User Account Control) dialog box may ap-
pear. Check the details, and continue.
6 Click [Drivers] tab.
7 From the [Installed printer drivers:] list, select the printer driver to be uninstalled, then click [Remove].
8 Select [Remove driver and driver package.] in the dialog box for confirming to remove the target, then
click [OK].
9 In the dialog box for confirming if you are sure to remove the printer, click [Yes].
10 Click [Delete].
11 Click [OK].
12 Close the open windows, and then restart the computer.
% Be sure to restart the computer.
Uninstallation of the printer driver is then completed.
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Manually uninstalling the printer driver
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Setting the PCL Printer Driver
+ 80 hidden pages