Inficon XL3000flex Translation Of The Original Operating Instructions

Translation of the original operating instructions
Leak Detector
Catalog No. 520-200
From software version V2.72
Bonner Strasse 498
50968 Cologne, Germany
INFICON Table of Contents
XL3000flex-Operating-instructions-jina83en1-03-(1809) iii
Table of Contents
1 About these instructions ...................................................................................................................................6
1.1 Other associated documents ....................................................................................................................6
1.2 Target groups ...........................................................................................................................................6
1.3 Warnings...................................................................................................................................................6
2 Safety ...............................................................................................................................................................7
2.1 Intended use .............................................................................................................................................7
2.2 Owner requirements .................................................................................................................................7
2.3 Duties of the operator ...............................................................................................................................8
2.4 Dangers ....................................................................................................................................................8
3 Scope of delivery and additional equipment...................................................................................................10
3.1 Accessory list:.........................................................................................................................................10
4 Description......................................................................................................................................................12
4.1 Function ..................................................................................................................................................12
4.2 Operation mode sniffing..........................................................................................................................13
4.3 Device setup ...........................................................................................................................................14
4.4 Technical data ........................................................................................................................................18
4.5 Factory settings ......................................................................................................................................19
4.6 Sniffer line SL3000XL .............................................................................................................................22
4.6.1 Device overview.......................................................................................................................... 22
4.6.2 Operating elements on the handle.............................................................................................. 23
4.7 Touchscreen elements ...........................................................................................................................24
4.8 Elements of the error and warning display .............................................................................................27
5 Operation........................................................................................................................................................28
5.1 Switching the device on ..........................................................................................................................28
5.2 Basic settings..........................................................................................................................................28
5.2.1 Setting the language ...................................................................................................................28
5.2.2 Setting date and time ..................................................................................................................29
5.2.3 Selecting a unit for the leak rate ................................................................................................. 29
5.2.4 Select display unit for pressure................................................................................................... 30
5.2.5 Select interface unit for pressure ................................................................................................30
5.2.6 Operator types and authorizations.............................................................................................. 30 Logging out the operator ....................................................................................................31
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iv XL3000flex-Operating-instructions-jina83en1-03-(1809)
5.2.7 Setting the audio alarm ...............................................................................................................32
5.2.8 Cathode Selection....................................................................................................................... 32
5.2.9 Changing the display of the axes................................................................................................ 33
5.2.10 Changing the display of measured values .................................................................................. 34
5.2.11 Displaying Calibration Instructions .............................................................................................. 34
5.2.12 Show calibration request............................................................................................................. 34
5.2.13 Show warnings............................................................................................................................ 34
5.2.14 Automatic switch-off of the touchscreen .....................................................................................35
5.2.15 Changing the display brightness ................................................................................................. 35
5.2.16 Show setpoint ............................................................................................................................. 35
5.2.17 Assigning favorite buttons ........................................................................................................... 35
5.2.18 Selecting the type of expansion module .....................................................................................36
5.2.19 Assigning inputs and outputs ...................................................................................................... 36
5.2.20 Assigning the digital inputs of the I/O module ............................................................................. 39
5.2.21 Assigning the digital outputs of the I/O module........................................................................... 42
5.2.22 Operation mode “Sniffing” ........................................................................................................... 44
5.3 Settings for the measurements...............................................................................................................45
5.3.1 Select gas type (mass) ............................................................................................................... 45
5.3.2 Setting setpoints ......................................................................................................................... 45
5.3.3 Calibrating the device ................................................................................................................. 46 Time and general preferences ...........................................................................................46 External Calibration Configuration and Start......................................................................47 External calibration with sniffer line SL3000XL ..................................................................49 Check the calibration..........................................................................................................49 Calibration using the external calibration leak test.............................................................50 Entering the calibration factor ............................................................................................50 Calibration factor sniffing....................................................................................................50
5.3.4 Suppressing gas backgrounds with "ZERO" functions ...............................................................51
5.4 Measuring ...............................................................................................................................................53
5.5 Measurement result display with signal filters ........................................................................................53
5.6 Recording data .......................................................................................................................................55
5.7 Copying measurement data, deleting measurement data ......................................................................56
5.8 Updating the software.............................................................................................................................56
5.8.1 Updating the software of the control unit .................................................................................... 56
5.8.2 Updating the software of the I/O module .................................................................................... 57
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5.9 Calling up information .............................................................................................................................58
5.10 Display, save, load parameters ..............................................................................................................61
5.11 Resetting the settings .............................................................................................................................62
6 Installation ......................................................................................................................................................63
6.1 Setup ......................................................................................................................................................63
6.2 IO module - or bus module mounting (optional) .....................................................................................64
7 Warning and error messages .........................................................................................................................66
8 Cleaning and maintenance.............................................................................................................................74
8.1 Cleaning the housing ..............................................................................................................................74
8.2 Maintenance of the XL3000flex ..............................................................................................................74
8.2.1 Change the filter mat of the fan input.......................................................................................... 74
8.2.2 Replacing the fuses .................................................................................................................... 75
8.2.3 Replacing the filter cartridge on the sniffer probe .......................................................................75
8.3 Sending for repair or maintenance .........................................................................................................77
9 Decommissioning the measuring instrument..................................................................................................78
9.1 Sending in the device .............................................................................................................................78
10 CE Declaration of Conformity .........................................................................................................................80
1 | About these instructions INFICON
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1 About these instructions
This document applies to the software version stated on the title page.
Product names may occur in the document, which are added for identification
purposes only and belong to the respective owner of the rights.
1.1 Other associated documents
Interface protocols jira54
Bus module BM1000 jiqb10
I/O module IO1000 jiqc10
1.2 Target groups
These operating instructions are intended for the owner and for technically qualified
personnel with experience in leak detection technology and integration of leak
detection devices in leak detection systems. In addition, the installation and use of the
device require knowledge of electronic interfaces.
1.3 Warnings
Imminent hazard resulting in death or serious injuries
Hazardous situation resulting in potential death or serious injuries
Hazardous situation resulting in minor injuries
Hazardous situation resulting in damage to property or the environment
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2 Safety
2.1 Intended use
The XL3000flex is a helium or hydrogen leak detector for sniffing detection. With the
device you locate and quantify leaks on test objects.
A test object always contains gas under overpressure. Check the exterior of the test
objects for escaping gas using a sniffer line (sniffing method).
• Operate the device only according to this instruction manual.
• Comply with application limits, see "Technical Data".
Improper use
Avoid the following, non-intended uses:
• Use outside the technical specifications, see "Technical Data".
• Use in radioactive areas
• Use of accessories or spare parts, which are not included in this manual.
• Test of wet or damp test objects
• Sniffing of explosive, aggressive, corrosive, flammable, toxic or reactive
• Sniffing of condensable fluids and vapors
• Sniffing of gases contaminated with particles
• Sniffing gas mixtures with a hydrogen concentration greater than 5%
• Using the device in potentially explosive atmospheres.
• Aspirate liquids into the device via the sniffer line
• Operation at too high ambient temperature
• Searching mains voltage-carrying lines or objects with a sniffer line
• Use of the device as a seat or step
• When lifting the device using the handles, the feet of the device must not point
upwards. Otherwise your hands may get trapped.
• Inserting the sniffer tip into body orifices.
2.2 Owner requirements
The following notes are for companies or any person who is responsible for the safety
and effective use of the product by the user, employee or third party.
Safety conscious operation
• Operate the device only if it is in perfect technical condition and has no damage.
2 | Safety INFICON
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• Only operate the device in accordance with this instruction manual, in a safety and
risk conscious manner.
• Adhere to the following regulations and observe their compliance:
– Intended use
– General applicable safety and accident prevention regulations
– International, national and local standards and guidelines
– Additional device-related provisions and regulations
• Only use original parts or parts approved by the manufacturer.
• Keep this instruction manual available on site.
Personnel qualifications
• Only have qualified personnel make the basic settings on the device. The handling
of the sniffer line can also be done by laymen according to instructions.
2.3 Duties of the operator
• Read, observe, and follow the information in this manual and in the work
instructions provided by the owner. This concerns in particular the safety
instructions and warnings.
• Always observe the complete operating instructions for all work.
• If you have any questions about operation or maintenance that are not answered
in this manual, please contact Customer Service.
2.4 Dangers
The measuring instrument was built according to the state-of-the-art and the
recognized safety regulations. Nevertheless, improper use may result in risk to life and
limb on the part of the user or third parties, or damage to the measuring instrument or
other property may occur.
Hazards due to liquids
and chemicals
Liquids and chemical substances can damage the instrument.
• Comply with application limits, see "Technical Data".
• Do not suck up liquids with the instrument.
• Keep the hydrogen concentration below 5% to prevent ignition.
Dangers from electric
There is a danger to life from the contact of conductive parts inside the device.
• Disconnect the device from the power supply prior to any installation and
maintenance work. Make sure that the electric power supply cannot reconnected
without authorization.
The device contains electric components that can be damaged from high electric
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• Before connecting the device to the power supply, make sure that the supply
voltage specified on the device is the same as the local power supply.
3 | Scope of delivery and additional equipment INFICON
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3 Scope of delivery and additional
Item Quantity
XL3000flex 1
USB stick 1
Filter set for fans 2
Set of fuses 1
Power supply cable US 1
Power supply cable UK 1
Power supply cable JP 1
Power supply cable EU 1
Goods issue inspection log 1
Touch PIN 1
Operating instructions 1
Check the delivery contents after receiving the product to ensure it is complete.
Necessary accessories for operation
For operating the XL3000flex you need a sniffer line SL3000XL. It is available in
various lengths:
- SL3000XL XL, length 3 m, order number 521-011
- SL3000XL XL, length 5 m, order number 521-012
- SL3000XL XL, length 10 m, order number 521-013
- SL3000XL XL, length 15 m, order number 521-014
Always store the device in compliance with the technical data, see Technical data
3.1 Accessory list:
The parts listed below can additionally be ordered.
Designation Catalog number
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Designation Catalog number
BM1000 PROFIBUS 560-315
BM1000 PROFINET IO 560-316
BM1000 DeviceNet 560-317
BM1000 EtherNet/IP 560-318
I/O1000 module, Analog/Digital 560-310
Data cable 0.5 m 560-334
Data cable 5m 560-335
Data cable 10 m 560-340
SL3000XL-3, 3m length 521-011
SL3000XL-5, 5m length 521-012
SL3000XL-10, 10m length 521-013
SL3000XL-15, 15m length 521-014
Adapter customer sniffer line P3000XL 521-015
Oil / Water Protection Tip for SL3000XL 521-016
Filter for Oil/Water Protection Tip 521-017
Sniffer tip ST312XL, 120 mm, rigid, 120 mm, rigid 521-018
Sniffer tip FT312XL, 120 mm, flexible, 120 mm, flexible 521-019
Sniffer tip ST385XL, 385 mm, rigid, 385 mm, rigid 521-020
Sniffer tip FT385XL, 385 mm, flexible, 385 mm, flexible 521-021
Sniffer tip FT250XL, 250 mm, flexible, 250 mm, flexible 521-022
Filter cartridge for SL3000XL (25x) 521-023
4 | Description INFICON
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4 Description
4.1 Function
The XL3000flex is a detection device for the tracer gases helium and hydrogen.
The device is designed for leak detection with the SL3000XL sniffer line, which is
available in different lengths. With this sniffer line, you can detect leaks at a greater
distance (high Flow) from the suspected leak if the detection limit has deteriorated and
switch to low flow for more accurate localization.
Digital data can be exchanged via the optionally available I/O module IO1000 or bus
module BM1000.
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4.2 Operation mode sniffing
The XL3000flex has been developed exclusively for the "sniffing" mode. For operating
you need a sniffer line SL3000XL. It is available in various lengths, see "Scope of
delivery and additional equipment [}10]".
The sniffer line SL3000XL is connected to the connection provided on the front of the
device, see "Device setup [}14]".
Sniffer line SL3000XL
Detection limit < 2 x 10-7 mbar l/s
Gas flow (low flow / high flow) (300 sccm / 3000 sccm)
Available lengths 3 / 5 / 10 / 15 m
Cable sleeve Plastic
Good-Bad-DIsplay Yes
ZERO via button Yes
Connection on the device via a separate sleeve on
the front of the device
Display with measurement view Yes
Acknowledge faults via buttons on the sniffer probe Yes
End standby via a button on the sniffer probe Yes
Acknowledge calibration via a button on the sniffer
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4.3 Device setup
Front view
1 Connection for sniffer line
4 Speaker
2 Touchscreen 5 Connection for USB stick
3 Area for fixing a holder for the
sniffer line
6 Status LED
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Back view
1 Filter ventilator inlet 5 Power cable connection
2 Filter ventilator inlet 6 Mounting screws for a profile rail
(for mounting the I/O module
IO1000 or the bus module,
3 Device power ON/OFF switch 7 Connection for the data cable of
the I/O module or bus module
4 Electrical fuse
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View from below
1 filter fan outputs 2 Rubber feet (4 pieces)
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Side handles for transportation
1 Transport handles
Do not open the device!
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4.4 Technical data
Mechanical data
Dimensions (L×W×H) 544 x 404 x 358 mm
Weight 37.5 kg
Electrical data
Power 280 VA
Operating voltage 100 -120 VAC 50/60 Hz
230 VAC 50/60 Hz
Main fuse 2x T6,3 A 250 V
Ingress protection IP 30
Physical data
Run-up time 150 s
Detectable gases Helium, hydrogen
Detectable masses
He, H2, Mass 3 (e.g. H-D, 3He or H3)
Ion source 2 longlife Iridium filaments, Yttrium-oxide
Gas flow
• High flow
• Low flow
3000 sccm
300 sccm
Minimum detectable leak rate (MDLR)
• Helium
• High flow
• Low flow
• Forming gas (95/5)
• High flow
• Low flow
2 x 10-6 mbar l/s
2 x 10-7 mbar l/s
2 x 10-6 mbar l/s
2 x 10-7 mbar l/s
Response time
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• High flow
• Low flow
< 1 s
< 1 s
Measured at 1 atm (1013 mbar) at sea level. The gas pressure changes with
atmospheric pressure and thus also with the geographical altitude.
Ambient conditions
Permissible ambient temperature (during
10 °C ... 40 °C
Max. altitude above sea level 2000 m
Max. relative humidity above 40 °C 50%
Max. relative humidity from 31 °C to 40°C80% ... 50% (decreasing linearly)
Max. humidity up to 31 °C 80%
Storage temperature -20 °C ... 60 °C
Pollution degree 2
4.5 Factory settings
The following table shows the factory settings in the "Sniffing" mode.
Parameter Factory setting
AO upper limit exp. 1 x 10
Operation mode XL Sniffer Adapter
Bus module address 126
Pressure capillary blocked
(Low Flow) 0.2 mbar
Pressure capillary broken
(Low Flow) 0.6 mbar
Clogged pressure capillary monitoring
- with XL Sniffer Adapter (High Flow) 150 mbar
Broken pressure capillary monitoring
- with XL Sniffer Adapter (High Flow) 400 mbar
Pressure unit (interface) mbar
Emission On
Filter leak rate threshold 1 x 10
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Parameter Factory setting
Filter ZERO time 5 s
Filter mode I-Filter
Gas percentage in H2 (M3, He) 5 % H2 , 100 % M3, 100% He
Gas ballast Off
I/O module log ASCII
Calibration request On
Calibration factor VAC/SNIF Mx
(for vacuum, sniffing and all masses)
Cathode selection Auto Cat1
Compatibility mode XL Sniffer Adapter
Config. Analog output 1 Leak rate mantissa
Config. Analog output 2 Leak rate exponent
Config. Analog output scaling 0.5 V / decade
Configuration of digital outputs Pin 1: Trigger 1, inverted
Pin 2: Trigger 2, inverted
Pin 3: Trigger 3, inverted
Pin 4: Trigger 4, inverted
Pin 5: Ready
Pin 6: Error, inverted
Pin 7: CAL request, inverted
Pin 8: Open, inverted
Configuration of digital Inputs Pin 1: Select dyn. / normal CAL
Pin 2: Sniff
Pin 3: Start/Stop, inverted
Pin 4: ZERO
Pin 5: External CAL
Pin 6: Internal CAL
Pin 7: Clear
Pin 8: ZERO update
Pin 9: –
Pin 10: –
Leak rate unit SNIF, (display and
mbar l/s
Leak rate unit VAC, (display and
mbar l/s
Leak rate upper limit VAC (interface) 1.0 x 10
Leak rate lower limit VAC (interface) 1.0 x 10
Leak rate upper limit SNIF (interface) 1.0 x 10
Leak rate lower limit SNIF (interface) 1.0 x 10
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Parameter Factory setting
Fan mode Fan always on
Machine factor in standby Off
Machine factor / Sniff factor 1.0 (for all masses)
Mass 4
Module on the I/O connection IO1000
Nominal state TMP On
calibration leak external SNIF 9.9 x 10
calibration leak external VAC 9.9 x 10
calibration leak internal 9.9 x 10
Open calibration leak internal Off
Sniffer line detection On
Sniffer LED Alarm Configured Flashing
Sniffer light brightness 5
Sniffer beep Trigger
Sniffer button Flow On
Sniffer key ZERO On
Language English
Muting the beep Off
TMP rotation speed 1000
Trigger level 1 (2, 3, 4) 2 x 10-4 mbar l/s
(1 x 10-5) mbar l/s
Preamplifier test at CAL On
Maintenance warning TMP and diaphragm pump
ZERO with start On
ZERO mode Suppress everything
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4.6 Sniffer line SL3000XL
4.6.1 Device overview
1 Connection SL3000XL, connection for
the sniffer line on the front
2 The status LED indicates the
operating status. A permanently lit
status LED shows that the sniffer line
is supplied with voltage.
Necessary accessories for operation
For operating the XL300flex you need the sniffer line SL3000XL. It is available in
different lengths (see Scope of delivery and additional equipment [}10]).
See also
2 Scope of delivery and additional equipment [}10]
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4.6.2 Operating elements on the handle
The display of the handle displays part of the information of the main display.
Sniffer line SL3000XL
The leak rate is shown as a bar graph and displayed numerically. The unit of
measurement is the same as in the main display.
The display also shows the gas type and the tracer gas concentration. If the
XL3000flex is operated in the high flow operation mode, then the gas type display has
a dark background.
Warning or error messages are shown on the display. The message is confirmed with
the right button. The right button can otherwise be used to switch between low flow
and high flow.
The left button can be used for a ZERO-adjustment: The background display is set
toZERO by pressing the key.
The sniffer probe is equipped with LEDs for work in dimly lit places.
Risk of eye damage
LEDs generate a bundled light that can damage your eyes.
► Do not look into the LEDs from a short distance or for longer periods of time.
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4.7 Touchscreen elements
Measurement display
1 Keyboard lock 2 Communication status 3 Operator
4 ZERO 5 Message 6 Tracer gas
7 Operation mode 8 Leak rate with peak hold
9 Graphic representation of the
leak rate and the peak hold
10 Time axis 11 Button "Favorite 2" 12 Button "Favorite 1"
13 Menu 14 Value axis 15 Value axis
1 - Keyboard lock
The control unit is locked or unlocked by pressing and holding the icon for the
keyboard lock.
2 - Icon for the communication status
• Icon connected: The device communicates with the mass spectrometer module.
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• Icon disconnected: The device does not communicate with the mass spectrometer
Establish communication:
Reset control unit.
Checking the status of the mass spectrometer module.
Check cable connection.
3 - Operator
The registered operator is shown abbreviated.
Display Meaning
Ope Operator
Sup Supervisor
Int Integrator
Ser Service
4 - ZERO
Background suppression is active.
5 - Caution icon
Active warnings are stored in the unit.
The active warnings can be displayed via the menu "Info > History > Warnings".
6 - Tracer gas
Set tracer gas and tracer gas concentration percentage.
Display Meaning
He Helium (4He)
H2 Hydrogen
M3 E.g. H-D, 3He or H
7 - Operation mode
Configured operation mode
Display Operation mode
LOW FLOW XL sniffer adapter in LOW FLOW
HIGH FLOW XL sniffer adapter in HIGH FLOW
8 - Leak rate
Current measurement for the leak rate.
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9 - Graph
Graphic display of the leak rate Q(t).
10 - Leak rate
Time axis of the leak rate Q(t).
11 - Button "Favorite 2"
You can assign preferred parameters to this key.
12 - Button "Favorite 1"
You can assign preferred parameters to this key.
13 - Icon for the menu
All functions and parameters of the control unit can be accessed using the "Menu"
key .
A full representation of the menu is included on the supplied USB stick.
14 - Value axis
Value axis of the leak rate Q(t).
15 - Device of measurement
Device of measurement of the value axis.
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