0 (0)
User‘s Manual
Interface for Encoders
English (en) 12/2012


List of tables .......................................................................................................................... 5
List of figures ......................................................................................................................... 7
1 General information ....................................................................................................... 8
1. 1 Encoder gateway .................................................................................................... 8
1. 2 Absolute encoders ................................................................................................. 8
1. 3 PROFIBUS technology ........................................................................................... 9
1.3.1 PROFIBUS DP functionality levels ............................................................. 9
1. 4 References ............................................................................................................ 10
1.4.1 Abbreviations ............................................................................................. 10
2 Encoder gateway installation ...................................................................................... 11
2.1 Settings inside the gateway .................................................................................. 11
2.1.1 Node address ............................................................................................ 12
2.1.2 Bus termination ......................................................................................... 13
2.2 Power supply ......................................................................................................... 14
2.3 BUS lines ............................................................................................................... 16
2.4 Shielding philosophy ..............................................................................................18
2.5 GSD file ..................................................................................................................18
2.6 LED indication ........................................................................................................ 19
3 Absolute encoder installation .................................................................................... 20
3.1 Settings inside the encoder ................................................................................. 20
3.1.1 Node address ........................................................................................... 20
3.1.2 Bus termination ........................................................................................ 21
3.2 Connecting the encoder ....................................................................................... 22
3.2.1 Bus lines ................................................................................................... 24
3.3 Shielding philosophy ............................................................................................. 26
3.4 GSD file ................................................................................................................. 26
3.5 LED indication ....................................................................................................... 27
4 Configuration example ................................................................................................ 28
4.1 Device description file installation (GSD-file) ....................................................... 28
4.2 Setting the encoder gateway configuration ......................................................... 29
4.3 Setting encoder gateway parameters .................................................................. 32
4.4 Isochrone mode parameter settings -BUS .......................................................... 34
4.5 Isochrone mode parameter settings DPV2 slave ................................................ 36
5 PROFIBUS IO data description ................................................................................... 37
5.1 Encoder profile for PROFIBUS version 4.1 .......................................................... 37
5.2 Application class definition ................................................................................... 38
5.3 Standard signals ................................................................................................... 38
5.4 Standard telegrams .............................................................................................. 39
5.4.1 Standard telegram 81 ............................................................................... 39
5.4.2 Standard telegram 82 ............................................................................... 40
5.4.3 Standard telegram 83 ............................................................................... 41
5.4.4 Standard telegram 84 ............................................................................... 42
5.5 Format of G1_XIST1 and G1_XIST2 ..................................................................... 43
5.6 Format of G1_XIST3 ............................................................................................. 44
5.7 Control word 2 (STW2_ENC) ............................................................................... 45
5.8 Status word 2 (ZSW2_ENC) ................................................................................. 46
5.9 Control word (G1_STW) ....................................................................................... 47
5. 10 Status word (G1_ZSW)......................................................................................... 48
5.11 Isochronous operation .......................................................................................... 49
6 Alarms and warnings ................................................................................................... 51
6.1 Alarm mechanism ................................................................................................ 51
6.2 Channel related diagnosis .................................................................................... 51
6.3 Faults ..................................................................................................................... 52
6.4 Error message ...................................................................................................... 53
7 Acyclic parameter data ................................................................................................ 54
7. 1 Acyclic data exchange .......................................................................................... 54
7. 2 Identification and Maintenance (I&M functions) ................................................. 54
7. 3 Base mode parameter access ............................................................................. 55
7.3.1 General characteristics ............................................................................. 55
7.3.2 Parameter requests and responses ......................................................... 55
7.3.3 Changing the preset value........................................................................ 55
7.3.4 Reading the preset value .......................................................................... 56
7. 4 Detailed description of supported parameters .................................................... 57
7.4.1 Parameter 918, read only ......................................................................... 57
7.4.2 Parameter 922, read only ......................................................................... 57
7.4.3 Parameter 925, read/write ........................................................................ 57
7.4.4 Parameter 964, read only ......................................................................... 57
7.4.5 Parameter 965, read only ......................................................................... 57
7.4.6 Parameter 971, read/write ........................................................................ 57
7.4.7 Parameter 974, read only .......................................................................... 57
7.4.8 Parameter 975, read only ......................................................................... 58
7.4.9 Parameter 979, read only ......................................................................... 58
7.4.10 Parameter 980, read only ......................................................................... 59
7.4.11 Parameter 65000 read/write .................................................................... 59
7.4.12 Parameter 65001, read only ..................................................................... 59
7.4.13 Parameter 65002, read/write ................................................................... 60
7.4.14 Parameter 65003, read only ..................................................................... 60
7. 5 Example of reading and writing to a parameter .................................................. 60
7.5.1 Used blocks .............................................................................................. 61
8 Functionality in the PROFIBUS DPV2 device ........................................................... 66
8.1 Code sequence .................................................................................................... 67
8.2 Class 4 functionality ............................................................................................. 67
8.3 G1_XIST1 Preset control ...................................................................................... 68
8.4 Scaling function control ........................................................................................ 68
8.5 Alarm channel control ........................................................................................... 69
8.6 Compatibility mode .............................................................................................. 70
8.7 Preset value .......................................................................................................... 71
8.8 Scaling function parameters ................................................................................ 73
8.8.1 Measuring units per revolution ................................................................ 73
8.8.2 Total measuring range ............................................................................... 74
8.9 Maximum master sign-of-life failures .................................................................. 78
8. 10 Velocity measuring units ...................................................................................... 79
8.11 Encoder profile version ......................................................................................... 80
8.12 Operating time...................................................................................................... 81
8.13 Offset value .......................................................................................................... 81
8.14 Acyclic data ........................................................................................................... 82
8.14.1 PROFIdrive parameters ............................................................................ 82
8.14.2 Encoder parameter numbers ................................................................... 83
8.14.3 Parameters 6500 and 65002 -Preset value ............................................. 84
8.14.4 Parameter 65001 operating status parameter structure ......................... 85
8.14.5 Encoder specific parameter 65003- Operating status 64 bit structure ... 87
8.14.6 I&M functions ........................................................................................... 88
9 Encoder state machine ................................................................................................ 89
9.1 Normal operation state......................................................................................... 90
9.1.1 Profile version 4.x ..................................................................................... 90
9.1.2 Profile version 3.x ..................................................................................... 90
9.1.3 Profile version 3.x and 4.x ........................................................................ 90
9.2 Parking state ......................................................................................................... 90
9.3 Set/shift home position (Preset) ........................................................................... 90
9.3.1 Preset depending on different telegrams ................................................ 90
9.3.2 Absolute preset with negative value ........................................................ 91
9.4 Error state ............................................................................................................. 91
9.5 Error acknowledgement ....................................................................................... 91
9.6 Start up ................................................................................................................. 91
10 Revision history ............................................................................................................ 92

List of tables

List of tables
Table 1 Termination switch settings ........................................................................ 13
Table 2 Pinning M12 power supply connector ....................................................... 14
Table 3 Pinning M12 bus in/out connectors ........................................................... 16
Table 4 Available GSD file for DPV2 gateway ......................................................... 18
Table 5 LED indication ............................................................................................. 19
Table 6 Terminating switch settings ........................................................................ 21
Table 7 Pinning M12 power supply ......................................................................... 22
Table 8 Pinning M12 bus in/out lines ...................................................................... 24
Table 9 Available GSD file for DPV2 encoder ......................................................... 26
Table 10 LED indication encoder .............................................................................. 27
Table 11 Standard signals .......................................................................................... 38
Table 12 Supported telegrams .................................................................................. 39
Table 13 Format of G1_XIST3 ................................................................................... 44
Table 14 STW2_ENC definition ................................................................................. 45
Tabl e 15 Detailed assignment of control word2 (STW2_ENC) ................................ 45
Table 16 ZSW2_ENC definition ................................................................................. 46
Table 17 Detailed assignment of Status word 2 (ZSW2_ENC) ................................ 46
Table 18 G1_STW implementation requirements .................................................... 47
Table 19 G1_ZSW implementation requirements .................................................... 48
Table 20 Channel related diagnostics ....................................................................... 51
Table 21 Faults ........................................................................................................... 52
Table 22 Sensor status word..................................................................................... 53
Table 23 Write of preset value .................................................................................. 55
Table 24 Read of preset value, parameter request .................................................. 56
Table 25 Read of preset value, parameter response ............................................... 56
Table 26 Used hardware components ...................................................................... 60
Table 27 Used software components ....................................................................... 60
Table 28 Parameters of SFB52 ................................................................................. 64
Table 29 Parameters of SFB53 ................................................................................. 64
Table 30 Supported functions ................................................................................... 66
Tabl e 31 Code sequence attributes .......................................................................... 67
Table 32 Class 4 functionality attributes ................................................................... 67
Table 33 G1_XIST1 Preset control attributes ............................................................ 68
Table 34 Scaling function control attributes .............................................................. 68
Table 35 Alarm channel control attributes ................................................................. 69
Table 36 Compatibility mode attributes .................................................................... 70
Table 37 Compatibility mode definition .................................................................... 70
Table 38 Preset value parameters ............................................................................. 72
Table 39 Single turn scaling parameters ................................................................... 73
List of tables
Table 40 Total measuring range ................................................................................. 74
Table 41 Maximum master sign-of-life parameter ................................................... 78
Table 42 Parameter Velocity measuring unit............................................................. 79
Table 43 Coding of velocity measuring units ............................................................ 79
Table 44 Encoder profile version parameter ............................................................. 80
Table 45 Operating time parameter .......................................................................... 81
Table 46 Offset value parameter ............................................................................... 81
Table 47 Supported PROFIdrive parameters ............................................................ 82
Table 48 Encoder specific parameter ....................................................................... 83
Table 49 Structure of parameter 65000 Preset value .............................................. 84
Table 50 Structure of 65002 Preset value 64 bit ...................................................... 84
Table 51 Structure of 65001 Encoder operating status ............................................ 85
Table 52 Detailed structure of 65001 Operating status ........................................... 85
Table 53 Parameter 65001 Sub index 1: Operating status ....................................... 86
Table 54 Structure of 65003 Operating status 64 bit ............................................... 87
Table 55 Structure of 65003 Operating status 64 bit ............................................... 87
Table 56 Supported I&M functions ........................................................................... 88
Table 57 Revision history .......................................................................................... 92

List of figures

List of figures
Figure 1 Placement of screws ................................................................................... 11
Figure 2 PCB-view of a cable gland PROFIBUS gateway ........................................ 12
Figure 3 Orientation of M12 power supply connector ............................................. 14
Figure 4 Terminal connections of power supply cables ........................................... 15
Figure 5 Orientation of M12 bus connectors ........................................................... 16
Figure 6 PCB-view of a cable gland encoder ........................................................... 20
Figure 7 Orientation of M12 power supply connector ............................................. 22
Figure 8 Terminal connections of power supply cables ........................................... 23
Figure 9 Orientation of M12 bus connectors ........................................................... 24
Figure 10 Terminal connections of bus line cables .................................................... 25
Figure 11 Overview of encoder profiles ..................................................................... 37
Figure 12 Absolute value in G1_XIST1 ....................................................................... 43
Figure 13 Absolute value in G1_XIST2 ....................................................................... 43
Figure 14 Sequence of the DP-cycle in isochronous mode ....................................... 49
Figure 15 DB1, request data block ............................................................................. 61
Figure 16 DB2, response data block .......................................................................... 61
Figure 17 DB3, instance data block of SFB52 ............................................................ 62
Figure 18 DB4, instance data block of SFB53 ............................................................ 62
Figure 19 OB1, read and write operation ................................................................... 63
Figure 20 Diagnostic address of slot 1 ....................................................................... 65
Figure 21 Variable table ............................................................................................... 65
Figure 22 Cyclic scaling ............................................................................................... 75
Figure 23 Non-cyclic scaling G1_XIST 1 Preset control enabled ............................... 76
Figure 24 Non-cyclic scaling G1_XIST 1 Preset control disabled ............................... 77
General information

1 General information

This manual describes the installation procedures and configuration of HEIDENHAIN absolute encoders and encoder gateways with PROFIBUS DPV2 functionality.

1.1 Encoder gateway

The advantages of the gateway concept is that it allows the use of small and very robust EnDat encoders, which make the encoder gateway solution suitable in applications where very high ambient temperature is a limiting factor. The encoder gateway supports singleturn encoders with up to 31 bit resolution and multiturn encoders with up to 37 bits resolution with the limitations described in this manual.

1.2 Absolute encoders

With an absolute encoder each angular position is assigned a coded position value generated by a code disc equipped with several parallel fine graduations tracks which are scanned individually. On singleturn encoders, i.e. an encoder producing absolute positions within one revolution, the absolute position information repeats itself with every revolution. So called multiturn encoders can also distinguish between revolutions. The numbers of unique revolutions is determined by the resolution of the multiturn scanning and repeats itself after the total resolution is reached.

1.3 PROFIBUS technology

PROFIBUS is a powerful and versatile 2-wire non-proprietary open field bus standard defined by several international standards such as EN 50170, IEC 61158 together with different device profiles. There are 3 different PROFIBUS versions available today, DP, FMS and PA. HEIDENHAIN products support the Decentralized Peripherals (DP) version. In addition to manufacturer-specific functions, the HEIDENHAIN devices described in this manual supports application class 3 and 4 according to the encoder profile
3.162 v4.1. The encoder device profile describing encoder functionality and additional information about PROFIBUS can be ordered from PROFIBUS User Organization, PNO.
PROFIBUS User Organization
Haid-und-Neu Straβe 7 D 76131 Karlsruhe Tel: +49 721 96 58 590 Fax: + 49 721 96 58 589

1.3.1 PROFIBUS DP functionality levels

The main functions of the different levels are as follows:
DPV0: Supports the basic functionality for the PROFIBUS protocol. In principal this means the cyclical I/O communication and diagnostics. HEIDENHAIN have a separate manual for DPV0 devices.
DPV1: The most important benefits with DPV1 are the expanded functions for the acyclical data communication and alarm handling. This is a precondition for parameterization and calibration of field devices over the bus in runtime.
DPV2: In addition to the functionality above, DPV2 includes expansions that are required for time critical applications such as motion control. This means functions such as slave-to-slave communications and isochronous data exchange (time synchronization).
General information
General information
Process Field Bus
PROFIBUS and Profinet International
PROFIBUS Nutzerorganisation e.V.
German term "Gerätestammdaten". A GSD is the device database file, also called device datasheet.
Decentral Periphery
Input data
Data which the master receives from the encoder
Output data
Data which the encoder receives from the master.
Identification and Maintenance
PROFIBUS MS1 AR (Acyclic data exchange between master (class1) and slave)
PROFIBUS MS2 AR (Acyclic data exchange between master (class2) and slave)
Organization Block

1.4 References

1.4.1 Abbreviations

Profile Encoder V4.1, Order No. 3.162
Profile Drive Technology, PROFIdrive V4.1, Profibus International, Order Nr: 3.172
PROFIBUS Guidelines, Part 1: Identification & Maintenance Functions V1.1, Profibus International, Order Nr: 3.502
PROFIBUS Guidelines, Part 3: Diagnosis, Ala rms and Time Stamping V1.0, Profibus International, Order No. 3.522
PROFIBUS Guidelines: PROFIBUS Interconnection Technology V1.1, Profibus International, Order No. 2.142

2 Encoder gateway installation

2.1 Settings inside the gateway

The encoder gateway addressing switches and bus termination must be configured during commissioning of the device. This is done by removing the back cover, i.e. screwing off the three screws at the rear of the gateway.

Figure 1 Placement of screws

Encoder gateway installation
Screws to remove
back cover
Encoder gateway installation
Screw terminals
Bus termination switch (on/off)
Node address switches

2.1.1 Node address

The node address of the encoder gateway can be set via three decimal rotary switches located inside the back cover. The weighting, x100, x10 and x1 are specified on the circuit board besides the switches. Permissible address range is between 0 and 126 but the lower addresses 0 to 2 are usually used by the master and not recommended to be used by the device. Each address used in a PROFIBUS network must be unique and may not be used by other devices.
The device address is only read and adopted when the gateway power supply is switched on. A restart of the gateway is therefore required in order to adopt changes done to the address settings.

Figure 2 PCB-view of a cable gland PROFIBUS gateway

Example: To set the node address to 115, the switch to the left
(x100) shall be set to 1, the switch in the middle(x10) should also be set to 1 and the switch to the right(x1) shall be set to 5.

2.1.2 Bus termination

There is a 220ohms resistor between bus A and bus B line.
Not a valid setting
Not a valid setting
There is no resistor between bus A and bus B line.
In a PROFIBUS net, all devices are connected in a bus structure. Up to 32 devices (master and/or slaves) can be connected in one segment. When more devices are needed repeaters should be used to amplify the signals between segments. An active termination must be added in the beginning and the end of each bus segment in order to ensure error-free operation. In case of the gateway with cable glands such terminators are integrated inside the back cover and can be activated via dip switches as shown in figure 2. If the device is un-powered the A and B lines are internally terminated by a 220 Ω resistor.
Table 1 Termination switch settings
When encoder gateways with M12 connectors are used the termination should be done using a M12 terminating resistor plug.
Note: When M12 terminating resistor plugs are used, the
internal terminating switch shall not be activated.
Encoder gateway installation
Encoder gateway installation
Power supply M12 version
+E Volt (9-36V)
Not connected
0 Volt
Not connected
Power supply

2.2 Power supply

The power supply connection of M12 equipped gateways are constituted by a male A-coded 4 pin M12 connector.

Figure 3 Orientation of M12 power supply connector

Table 2 Pinning M12 power supply connector
Encoder gateways equipped with cable glands are delivered with a dust protection foil from the factory. The protection foil needs to be removed prior to installing the cables. It is recommended that gateways equipped with cable glands are equipped with a shielded power supply cable with conductor area between 0,34 mm is ø 6 mm to ø 8 mm for the power supply cable. The power supply screw terminal is located inside the back cover of the ga te way. In the case were the gateway is the last node in the bus-structure and only the cable glands for Supply and Bus-in is in use, the Bus out cable gland should be replaced with a M16 filler plug to ensure proper sealing.
The +E terminal shall be used to connect +E Volt (9-36Vdc). The 0V terminal shall be used to connect 0 Volt.

Figure 4 Terminal connections of power supply cables

Note: Tighten all screws in the terminal, even if no cable has
been attached.
Note: The two +E terminals are connected to each other and
the two 0V terminals are also connected to each other, i.e it does not matter to which pair the +E Volt and 0Volt are connected to.
Encoder gateway installation
to 1.5 mm2. Permissible outer cable diameter
Encoder gateway installation
Bus in line
Bus out line
Not connected
VP 1 A 2 A
Not connected
3 B 4 B 4
Bus in
Bus out

2.3 BUS lines

The PROFIBUS bus line connections of the M12 equipped devices are constituted by a male B-coded 5 pin M12 connector (bus in), and a female B-coded 5 pin M12 connector (bus out).

Figure 5 Orientation of M12 bus connectors

Table 3 Pinning M12 bus in/out connectors
The cable gland gateway shall be equipped with twisted pair shielded cable in accordance with EN 50170 and PROFIBUS guidelines. The guidelines recommend a conductor area higher than 0,34 mm 10 mm for the bus lines cables. Located inside the back cover are four screw terminals containing the required bus line terminals marked A and B. Cable glands not used, should be replaced with a M16 filler plug to ensure proper sealing.
Note: Tighten all screws in the terminal, even if no cable has
been attached.
Note: The two A terminals are internally connected to each
other and the two B terminals are also connected to each other so it does not matter to which the bus lines are connected to.
Encoder gateway installation
. Permissible outer cable diameter is ø 8 mm to ø
Encoder gateway installation
GSD file
Gateway functionality
GSD file
Gateway PROFIBUS DPV2 (For rotary encoders)
Gateway PROFIBUS DPV2 (For linear encoders)

2.4 Shielding philosophy

To achieve the highest possible noise immunity and resistance against other EMI related disturbances the bus and power supply cables shall always be shielded. The screen should be connected to ground on both ends of the cable. In certain cases compensation current might flow over the screen. Therefore a potential compensation wire is recommended.

2.5 GSD file

In order to start using the PROFIBUS DP gateway, a device description file needs to be downloaded and imported to the configuration software. The device description file is called a Generic Station Description file and contains the necessary implementation parameters needed for a PROFIBUS DP device.
Available GSD files can be downloaded from
Table 4 Available GSD file for DPV2 gateway
The GSD data is saved in the PROFIBUS master and transferred once to the gateway when the system is powered on. If the gateway has been started with one GSD file and a new GSD file with a different ID-number shall be used, the gateway needs to be restarted before it can use the new GSD file.

2.6 LED indication

Bus status
No power
No connection to other
- Bus disconnected
available/switched off
Red 2)
Red 2)
No connection to other
No connection to EnDat
Blinking 1)
Parameterization or
- Configuration received
System failure
- Diagnosis exists, slave in
data exchange mode.
Data exchange and encoder function properly.
Encoder gateway installation
In order to determine the status of the gateway two LEDs are visible on the front of the gateway. The module LED indicates status of the module itself. The bus LED indicates the status of the bus. The table below defines the diagnostic messages using a bi-colored red/green LED for bus and module.
Table 5 LED indication
1. The blinking frequency is 0.5 Hz. Minimal indication time is
2. Position error is when an alarm occurs in the encoder or if the
device. Criteria: No data
device. No connection
- Master not
encoder at power up.
between EnDat encoder and
configuration fault
differs from the supported configuration.
- Parameter error in the
3 sec.
EnDat encoder is disconnected from the PROFIBUS interface PCB.
Absolute encoder installation
Screw terminals
Bus termination Node address

3 Absolute encoder installation

3.1 Settings inside the encoder

The encoder node address and bus termination must be configured during commissioning of the device. This is done by removing the back cover, i.e. screwing off the three screws at the rear of the encoder.

3.1.1 Node address

The node address of the encoder can be set via two decimal rotary switches located inside the back cover. The weighting, x10 or x1 are specified beside the switches. Permissible address range is between 0 and 99 but the lower addresses 0 to 2 are usually used by the master and not recommended to be used by the device. Each address used in a PROFIBUS network must be unique and may not be used by other devices.
The device address is only read and adopted when the encoder power supply is switched on. A restart of the encoder is therefore required in order to adopt changes done to the address settings.

Figure 6 PCB-view of a cable gland encoder

Example: If the node address shall be set to 85, the left(x10) switch shall be set to 8 and the right(x1) switch shall be set to 5.
switch (on/off)

3.1.2 Bus termination

There is a 220ohms resistor between bus A and bus B line.
Not a valid setting
Not a valid setting
There is no resistor between bus A and bus B line.
In a PROFIBUS net, all devices are connected in a bus structure. Up to 32 devices (master and/or slaves) can be connected in one segment. When more devices are needed repeaters should be used to amplify the signals between segments. An active termination must be added in the beginning and end of each bus segment in order to ensure error-free operation. In case of the encoder with cable glands such terminators are integrated inside the back cover and can be activated via dip switches as shown in figure 6. If the device is un-powered the A and B lines are internally terminated by a 220Ω resistor.
Table 6 Terminating switch settings
When encoders with M12 connectors are used the termination should be done using a terminating resistor plug.
Note: When encoders with M12 terminating resistor plugs
are used, the internal terminating switch shall not be activated.
Absolute encoder installation
Absolute encoder installation
Power supply M12 version
+E Volt (9-36V)
Not connected
0 Volt
Not connected
Power supply

3.2 Connecting the encoder

The power supply connection of M12 equipped encoders are constituted by a male A-coded 4 pin M12 connector.

Figure 7 Orientation of M12 power supply connector

Table 7 Pinning M12 power supply
Encoders equipped with cable glands are delivered with a dust protection foil from the factory. The protection foil needs to be removed prior to install the cables. It is recommended that encoders with cable gland are equipped with a shielded power supply cable with conductor area between
0,34 mm
t o 1.5 mm2. Permissible outer cable diameter is ø 6 mm to ø 8 mm for the power supply cable. Located inside the back cover are two screw terminals containing the required power supply terminals marked (+) and (-). In the case were the encoder is the last node in the bus-structure and only the cable glands for Supply and Bus-in is in use, the Bus out cable gland should be replaced with a M16 filler plug to ensure proper sealing.
The (+) terminal shall be used to connect the +EV-line (9-36 Vdc). The (-) terminal shall be used to connect the 0 V-line.

Figure 8 Terminal connections of power supply cables

Note: Tighten all screws in the terminal, even if no cable has
been attached.
Absolute encoder installation
Absolute encoder installation
Bus in line
Bus out line
Not connected
A 2 A
Not connected
3 B 4 B 4
Bus in
Bus out

3.2.1 Bus lines

Figure 9 Orientation of M12 bus connectors

Table 8 Pinning M12 bus in/out lines
The cable gland encoders shall be equipped with twisted pair shielded cable in accordance with EN 50170 and PROFIBUS guidelines. The guidelines recommend a conductor area higher than 0,34 mm ø 10 mm for the bus line cables. Located inside the back cover are four screw terminals containing the required bus line terminals marked (A) and (B). Cable glands not used should be replaced with a M16 filler plug to ensure proper sealing.
The (A) terminal shall be used to connect the A-line. The (B) terminal shall be used to connect the B-line.

Figure 10 Terminal connections of bus line cables

Note: Tighten all screws in the terminal, even if no cable has
been attached.
Note: The two A terminals are internally connected to each
other and the two B terminals are also connected to each other so it does not matter to which terminal the bus lines are connected to.
Absolute encoder installation
. Permissible outer cable diameter is ø 8 mm to
Absolute encoder installation
GSD file
Gateway functionality
GSD file
Absolute encoder PROFIBUS DPV2

3.3 Shielding philosophy

To achieve the highest possible noise immunity and resistance against other EMI related disturbances the bus and power supply cables shall always be shielded. The screen should be connected to ground on both ends of the cable. In certain cases compensation current might flow over the screen. Therefore a potential compensation wire is recommended.

3.4 GSD file

In order to start using an absolute encoder with PROFIBUS DP interface, a device description file needs to be downloaded and imported to the configuration software. The device description file is called a Generic Station Description file and contains the necessary implementation parameters needed for a PROFIBUS DP device.
Available GSD files can be downloaded from
Table 9 Available GSD file for DPV2 encoder
The GSD data is saved in the PROFIBUS master and transferred once to the encoder when the system is powered on. If the encoder has been started with one GSD file and a new GSD file with a different ID-number shall be used, the encoder needs to be restarted before it can use the new GSD file.

3.5 LED indication

Bus status
No power
No connection to other
- Bus disconnected
switched off
Red 2)
Red 2)
No connection to other
No connection to EnDat
Blinking 1)
Parameterization or
- Configuration received
System failure
- Diagnosis exists, slave in
- Position error
Data exchange. Slave and operation OK
Absolute encoder installation
In order to determine the status of the encoder two LEDs are visible from the rear end of the encoder. The module LED indicates status of the module itself. The bus LED indicates the status of the bus. The table below defines the diagnostic messages using a red (BUS) and a bicolor, Red/Green, LED (MODULE).
device. Criteria :No data
device. No connection between EnDat encoder
configuration fault
Table 10 LED indication encoder
1. The blinking frequency is 0.5 Hz. Minimal indication time is
3 sec.
2. Position error is when an alarm occurs in the encoder or if the
EnDat encoder is disconnected from the PROFIBUS interface PCB.
- Master not available/
encoder at power up.
differs from the supported configuration.
- Parameter error in the
data exchange mode.
Configuration example

4 Configuration example

This chapter will illustrate how to set up and configure an encoder gateway with PROFIBUS DPV2 in isochronous operation. In the example below a Siemens Step 7 PLC and SIMATIC MANAGER was used.

4.1 Device description file installation (GSD-file)

In order to start using an encoder gateway with PROFIBUS interface, a device description file needs to be downloaded and imported to the configuration software.
The latest available GSD file can be downloaded from
Installation of GSD-files in SIMATIC MANAGER
1. Select Options -> Install GSD File and click the Browse button
to navigate to the location of the GSD file. If a bitmap picture representing the encoder is requested, make sure that the bitmap file is located in the same folder as the GSD file. A bitmap file is included in the zip-file avaliable from www.heidenhain.com.
2. Select the GSD file and click the Install button to start installing
the selected GSD file.
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