1. If at any time you do not feel perfectly well, or believe that you have any
disease, go at once to your first sergeant, who will send you to a medical officer for examination.
2. Stay away from any person having a disease unless it is your duty to take
care of him.
3. Take a bath at frequent, regular intervals and at least twice a week. Pay
particular attention to your armpits, the parts between your legs and the feet.
4. Be on the lookout for body lice and crab lice. If you have a continued itching on your body or head, report to a medical officer at once.
5. Get in the habit of having your bowels move regularly once each day at as
nearly the same time as possible. Using the ground for this purpose is a source
of great danger to everyone.
6. Keep your hair cut short and your fingernails clean. This is especially
important if you are detailed as a cook, baker, or in other positions in which
you handle food.
7. Flies and cockroaches frequently carry disease germs and leave them on
food. Scraps of food, fruit skins, and manure should never be left on the
ground about the post or camp.
8. Avoid venereal diseases. If you should feel that you have caught a venereal disease, report to the medical officer at once and do exactly as he tells you.
Under this menu you may set game options, optimize video and audio settings
for your system, and customize keyboard controls to your liking. After setting
your configuration, hit the Done button to apply your settings and return to the
Main Menu. Hit the Use Defaults button to restore the original default settings.
The method to configure controls in Opposing Force has not changed from the
original Half-Life.
Note - If you have customized your original Half-Life configuration, you will
want to look at the configured keys in Opposing Force to make sure you are
happy with the new settings and options.
Vest volume Adjusts the volume of the instructions provided by your Powered
Vest (note that the soldier’s powered vest does not provide as much audio feedback as the Black Mesa Research Facility HEV suit Gordon Freeman wore in
To hear the Opposing Force music, you must have the Half-Life: Opposing
Force CD in your CD drive. To adjust the volume of the music, go to the
Start Menu/Programs/Acessories/Multimedia, and select the Volume
Control applet.
Most video cards have updated video drivers available since the release of HalfLife. Due to the popularity of Half-Life, many of these updates include optimizations that will make Opposing Force operate even better on your computer.
It is recommended that you check with your video hardware vendor to verify that
you have the latest version of video drivers.
During the installation of Half-Life: Opposing Force, your version of Half-Life
will be upgraded to the latest version. However, it is recommended that you use
the “Update” option periodically to search for future revisions and new game
MMaarrcchh 77tthh
II ffiinnaallllyy ssaaww tthhee ggoovveerrnnmmeenntt gguuyy ttooddaayy.. II’’mm nnoott ssuurree hhee iiss aa
gg--mmaann,, bbuutt hhee wwaass wweeaarriinngg aa rreeaallllyy uuppttiigghhtt ssuuiitt aanndd ccaarrrryyiinngg aa
bbrriieeffccaassee.. HHee llooookkeedd mmoorree lliikkee aa llaawwyyeerr oorr iinnssuurraannccee aaggeenntt ttoo
mmee.. II ddiidd nnoottiiccee hhiimm cchheecckkiinngg mmee oouutt.. SSeevveerraall ttiimmeess
tthhrroouugghhoouutt tthhee ddaayy II ssppootttteedd hhiimm jjuusstt wwaattcchhiinngg mmee dduurriinngg
By being courteous and respectful to constituted authority you are exhibiting
qualities of a good soldier.