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About These Manuscripts .................................................................6
A Word from Master Togo of Shing Jea Monastery
Book I:
Empire of the Dragon ..............................................................................8
Chapter 1:
Canthan Culture ................................................................................9
The Emperor’s Court The Celestial Ministry The Vassal Factions The Gods in Cantha The Canthan Calendar
Chapter 2:
Allies .................................................................................................27
Chapter 3:
Enemies .............................................................................................41
Book II:
Heroes of Cantha .....................................................................................48
Chapter 1:
The Hero’s Path .................................................................................49
Interesting Times Creating Your Character
Attributes .....................................................................................51
Leveling Up
Chapter 2:
The Eight Professions .......................................................................55
Make Your Choice
Ritualist .......................................................................................60
Warrior ........................................................................................62
Elementalist .................................................................................64
Monk ...........................................................................................66
Ranger .........................................................................................68
Mesmer .......................................................................................70
Necromancer ...............................................................................72
Skills .................................................................................................74
Secondary Professions
Chapter 3:
Exploring Cantha ..............................................................................77
It’s 1582 CC. Do You Know Where Your Character Is? Getting Around
Mini-Map ....................................................................................79
District Menu Map Travel Towns and Landscapes
Chapter 4:
Adventuring ......................................................................................91
The Good Fight Come Equipped Your Inventory Loot and Treasure The Skill Bar Staying Alive Missions and Quests Meeting the Challenge
Guilds ..........................................................................................108
Alliances .....................................................................................109
Chapter 5:
Player vs. Player ................................................................................111
Playing PvP Creating a PvP Character PvP Combat Tournament Play Tournaments: Common Factors Tournaments: Variable Factors Tournament Battles Observer Mode
Credits: ...........................................................................................122
These texts comprise a selection of documents found in the vast libraries of Imperial Cantha. The Empire of the Dragon holds sway over the Canthan continent to the south of Tyria, and has a rich and unique history that these manuscripts can only begin to describe. For further secrets and a deeper understanding of Cantha, along with in­depth looks at the adventures you will have in this strange land of
jade seas and petried forests, investigate the Guild Wars Factions Guidebook, on sale separately.
On the following pages you will receive a personal welcome from Master Togo of Shing Jea Monastery which leads into Book I: Empire of the Dragon. This section contains a summary of Canthan history, along with an overview of the events that transpired in the year 872 BE by Tyrian reckoning. The death of the 27 a massive, sometimes tragic impact on the next 200 years. These manuscripts tell the tale of the Betrayer, Shiro Tagachi, his defeat at the hands of the Luxon and Kurzick champions, and how Canthan culture survived. You will also learn about important players on the current scene—including Master Togo—as well as an overview of politics, religion, economics, and society in Cantha. Finally, you will get a look at some of the foes you will face in your adventures.
Book II: Heroes of Cantha contains all you need to know to begin the life of a hero in Cantha, along with a few pointers for visitors from the northern Tyrian continent. Here you will learn in detail how to play Guild Wars Factions and learn the basics of survival and success in the Empire of the Dragon. For pointers on gameplay and your direct interaction with the in-game world, head to this section.
For instructions on installing please see the printed insert that came with your copy of the game.
Guild Wars Factions on your computer,
Canthan emperor had
I bid you welcome to Cantha, my students. You are ready to study the professions of the hero, including two ancient disciplines unique to the Empire of the Dragon. You could summon Spirits from beyond with the magic of the Ritualist, or strike down the most dreaded adversaries with the swift, silent techniques of the deadly Assassin. You may grow into a mighty Warrior, or embrace the path of the powerful Elementalist. The methods of the manipulative Mesmer may prove to be your destiny, though the holy strength of the Monk could be the school that calls to your soul. Perhaps you will bring the dead to defend Cantha as a Necromancer, or take on the mantle of Ranger and strike at your enemies with bow, trap, and beast.
Study the faces of your enemies and meet them with force should you encounter them on the Shing Jea countryside, the streets of Kaineng
City, the calcied Echovald Forest, or the glittering Jade Sea. Master
your professions and choose your allies wisely. When the time comes to take up arms, you’ll have nary a moment to react. There will be little opportunity for idle contemplation, for soon you must step out into a greater world. When that moment comes you must be ready to kill those who would do the same to you. You must be prepared to help those in need and seek alliances with those who may appear more foe than friend.
Foul things are afoot in Cantha, and they hope to strike at the very heart of what we are. This evil wishes to erase our kind and rule a kingdom of misery. We will not allow this. We will defend this kingdom with the will of the gods and the strength of our ancestors. Attend to your training and master your abilities, for you hold the fate of the Empire of the Dragon in your hands.
—Master Togo
Book I:
Many nobles make up the bulk of the emperor’s court—trusted advisors, sycophantic yes-men, and in a few cases outright spies for the Kurzicks or Luxons. (These spies do not realize the emperor knows full well of their existence and uses them to control what information reaches these vassal cultures from the court of Emperor Kisu.) The
court is distinct from the ofces of the Celestial Ministry, in that its
members are literally in the emperor’s presence for much of the day.
The court is also where one will nd the personal representatives of
the Emperor Kisu, who act on his behalf in a number of arenas, both political and military. The Emperor’s Blade is the ruler’s able right hand, a deadly master of swordsmanship. The Emperor’s Voice speaks the Canthan monarch’s words. The Emperor’s Hand does Kisu’s bidding in cases where violence may not be needed, but words will not be enough.
The vast Empire of the Dragon contains hundreds of thousands of people. Many are human; some on the fringes of humanity, but Emperor Kisu rules all. Yet one man, even an Ascendant Emperor, cannot see to all of the concerns and laws governing so many. To keep Cantha running effectively, a bureaucracy is and always has been key. This bureaucracy—known collectively as the Celestial Ministry—has grown
in size and power over the years, though not necessarily in efciency.
Emperor Kisu knows that the bureaucracy is too large, and in places too corrupt, but even the sovereign ruler of Cantha can only do so much to stem the tide of a growing bureaucratic class in Kaineng City.
The Celestial Ministry is divided into four smaller Ministries, each one devoted to a different aspect of Cantha’s imperial government. These ministries, each named after one of the four major elements, have been created over several hundred years to (ostensibly) meet certain needs that the Celestial Ministry could not handle. Their elemental names—
Fire, Earth, Air, and Water—are traditionally tied to specic (and
largely mythical) powers. The most visible function of all Ministries is tax collection, which makes them even more unpopular among the masses. Most Canthan citizens love their emperor, but hate the bureaucracy that runs his empire.
Ministry of Flame
The Ministry of Flame is the oldest of the four smaller organizations within the Celestial Ministry. The Ministry of Flame controls law enforcement and justice; convicted criminals may be incinerated.
Mythical Power: Control over the sunrise and sunset.
Ministry of Earth
The Ministry of Earth is synonymous with paperwork; record keeping, building projects, accounting, and more fall under this ministry’s purview. The Ministry of Earth is infamous for beginning public
projects that never seem to get nished, but prove protable to the
friends and allies of the ministry.
Mythical Power: Control over the bounties of the land—animal, vegetable, and mineral.
Ministry of Water
This ministry controls the city’s water supply, irrigation, and the shing
industry, as well as sharing direct control of Cantha’s harbors with the Ministry of Wind (an eternal bone of contention).
Mythical Power: Controls rainfall as well as the moon’s rise and set.
Ministry of Wind
The Ministry of Wind oversees all trade and shipping that relies on the wind—over land or across the sea. Ship captains pay taxes that (the ministry claims) make the winds blow in the desired direction. The Ministry of Wind shares control of Cantha’s ports with the Ministry of Water.
Mythical Power: Controls the winds and storms.
The Luxons, like their sworn enemies the Kurzicks, have long been “vassals” of Cantha—politically and economically absorbed by the empire long ago, but allowed to maintain distinct cultures and ways of life. All Luxons are united in their distrust of the Kurzicks, their frequent competitors for power and territory, and vice versa. But there was a time when the two vassal cultures were at peace. That peace was
shattered when Shiro Tagachi killed the 27 Though the Luxon and Kurzick champions slew Shiro and avenged the emperor’s death, they died along with thousands of others when the Jade Wind washed over the land. The Luxons and Kurzicks have been at odds ever since.
emperor 200 years earlier.
The Luxons of the Jade Sea
For a scant few seconds the storm that followed Shiro’s death wail roiled the sea, spawning waves that reached hundreds of feet into the air. An instant later, everything was frozen in place, but not because of a sudden cold front—the sea was not turned to ice. It had become solid jade. In order to survive, the Luxons had to adapt to a literally landlocked lifestyle, unable to transport goods to market or even sail to the nearby islands for fresh water. Their merchant ships had become
one with the petried ocean, and the currents that took them to far­ung lands were now still as glass.
The traditionally seafaring Luxons became nomads sailing on a lifeless sea. They contrived ways to adapt their giant ships to the jade waves. They now carry out extensive jade mining operations on the frozen sea, uncovering magical oddities and precious resources made up of
the petried life embedded in the unmoving waves.
Today, the Luxons have grouped themselves into three
different clans: the Serpent, the Turtle, and the Crab.
To keep order, the Luxons invest authority in their
Council of Elders, the ruling body that meets each
year to modify and approve the “code” that all
the clans will follow for the next 12 months.
Although the clans often battle against one
another, this is less about warfare and
more about demonstrating which clan is
the strongest and most powerful. These
battles are usually fought by each clan’s
champion, along with that champion’s
elite guard. No matter how much the
clans may disagree, they all come
together when the Kurzicks need to be
taught a lesson.
The Kurzicks of Echovald Forest
When the Jade Wind swept through the branches of Echovald Forest,
it turned everything to stone. Birds crashed to the forest oor in mid­ight. Deer leaped from the ground as esh and blood, and came to
earth little more than life-like statues. Now, two centuries later, life
has cautiously returned. The Kurzicks were the rst to venture back to the forest. There they have adapted to their petried surroundings and
have begun to carve their culture into this new landscape.
To the devout Kurzicks, everything is a sign; a portent of what
is to come. They nd a divine message and meaning in
everything they witness. This church-state is ruled by the Council of Nobles, which makes decisions and laws only after receiving counsel from the spiritual leaders, known as the Redemptors. Great Houses govern the Kurzicks, ancient families that can trace their origins into Cantha’s distant past, and beyond.
Today there are ve main Houses, two of which are the most powerful and inuential. It is common for
the Houses to argue among themselves, but when
it comes time to ght the Luxons, the Kurzicks
quickly forget their internal squabbles and focus their hatred on their long-standing enemy. Since Shiro’s death and the petrifaction of the forest, the Kurzicks have built their elaborate homes and cathedrals directly into the fossil trunks of enormous trees that make up the forest. Kurzick culture is built on ceremony, rituals, and traditions, and
this is reected in their elaborate
architecture and art.
The Tengu of Cantha
Tengu are a unique species of avian humanoids found in both Tyria and Cantha. Females are generally larger than males of the species, though
their plumage is plainer, even drab. Tengu lost the ability of ight some
time in the distant past, but can use their almost human hands to wield all manner of weapons—when they want to. Their talons make most
weapons superuous. Tengu hate cooked food, and most live on a diet
of fresh, raw meat.
The Angchu Tengu of Cantha have long been cut off from their kinfolk to the north—though Canthan merchants travel frequently to Tyria, few take along Tengu passengers. The Angchu are one of two Tengu tribes found in Cantha, and are the more peaceful of the two. (The more primitive and warlike Sensali Tengu will attack any humans—and any Angchu Tengu—on sight.) The Angchu have found ways to live with the humans that nominally control their land, while the Sensali prefer a nomadic life. The Angchu Tengu have learned much more articulate ways to communicate, and for the most part remain at peace with their human neighbors. The Angchu reserve most of their hatred and aggression for the Yeti people of the mountains, their sworn enemies since the days before Cantha even
existed as a unied nation. The Canthans tolerate the Angchu Tengu,
but few view them as equal with humans.
The largest Angchu settlement is known as Aerie in the common language (which supplanted ancient Canthan long ago, even on the southern continent). Both Tengu tribes have many names for the place, but refer to it as Aerie when speaking to outsiders. Aerie is ruled by Merlin Featherstone, a wise, gruff, but generally respected old Tengu who acts as the settlement’s mayor, sheriff, judge, and (if necessary) executioner. Most Canthans attribute the ongoing peace between Aerie and the humans of Cantha to Featherstone’s leadership. But even Merlin Featherstone cannot be held responsible if a foolish human tries to venture into Aerie (or any other Tengu village) during the lean months of winter. During that season, when fresh meat is scarce, the Angchu Tengu can become as hostile and territorial as their Sensali cousins.
The Tyrian gods are worshipped throughout the world, including distant Imperial Cantha. The worship and perception of the gods within the Empire of the Dragon has taken on a uniquely Canthan cast, and
the ve greater gods of the pantheon share the Canthan heavens with
an assortment of lesser demigods comprised of eternal ancestor spirits and legendary heroes granted divine status by the diverse inhabitants of the realm. Among the two most populous and distinct vassal cultures in the Empire, the Kurzicks practice a particularly devout and pious form of worship tied to the great Kurzick Houses. The Luxons, on the other
hand, believe not only in the ve greater gods of the Tyrian pantheon,
but also three demigoddesses—the three queens Alua, Elora, and Ione.
The goddess of life and air, Dwayna is the even-tempered leader of the old gods. Her followers are primarily healing Monks and Elementalists specializing in Air Magic (though in times of war, there are few who do not send a prayer to the Winged Goddess to spare them or their loved ones). Dwayna is often depicted as young, tall, and slender, rising above the ground on huge feathered wings. Canthan artists often depict her
oating above the vibrant, living souls of
their eternal ancestors.
Necromancers learn early that the way to true power is by bowing down at the foot of the god of death and ice to pledge total, undying allegiance. The Assassins of Cantha pay homage to Grenth, and rarely take on a job unless a priest of Grenth places a blessing upon the task. Ritualists, who speak to and control the darker forces of the underworld, also draw strength from Grenth’s teachings. Statues of Grenth depict the god with the body of a man and the narrow, skeletal head of a beast; Canthan artists tend to add a draconic look to the skull. The Canthan version of Grenth stands astride a small mountain of the dead, but in Canthan art the faces of these corpses are always averted from the god of death, as if in shame, to distinguish these enslaved dead from the “living” ancestor spirits.
The god of war and re, Balthazar is often
worshipped by Warriors and Elementalists, though Monks devoted to the Protection or Smiting disciplines can also be found among his devotees. Army commanders and guild lords will often say a
few words to the Bastion of Martial Glory before leading their followers into battle. Balthazar is frequently shown holding a greatsword, its tip lodged
in the ground, with a pair of battle hounds sitting at
attention at his feet. In Cantha, the sword is usually
one of the single-edged imperial style, and the
battle hounds are usually replaced with winged
Twin goddesses of beauty and illusion forming a paradoxically singular entity, Lyssa is the patron god of the Mesmer profession in the northern Tyrian continent. In Cantha she also represents the incarnation of luck, both good and bad. Many Canthan Assassins revere Lyssa more for her intrinsic duality than her famous beauty and have been known to
invoke her charms. Depictions of Lyssa in Canthan culture reect the typical northern style: lithe twin gures of exquisite beauty entwined in
an eternal dance.
Many Canthans, especially the suspicious Luxons and the warlike Kurzicks, believe that the goddess of earth and nature has abandoned the empire. They believe that not even Melandru could have withstood Shiro Tagachi’s literally petrifying death cry. But Melandru’s devoted followers—the Rangers, Earth Elementalists, and many cultist sects— know that this is merely a misunderstanding of what the goddess truly represents. They know that the goddess endures within the crystalline shell of the once-thriving Canthan landscape. Melandru is frequently depicted in both Cantha and Tyria as a tall, winged dryad from the waist up. But whereas northerners see a creature whose lower half grows naturally into a living tree, Canthan artists usually describe a
severe gure ensconced in an outcrop of Echovald quartz. Melandru’s
roadside temples offer shelter, food, and water to weary travelers even in Cantha, though such shrines are few, and separated by long stretches of lifeless stonescape.
The Canthan Empire uses its own dating system for strictly internal and local affairs. When dealing with outsiders such as the Tyrians of the northern kingdoms, most Canthans can easily convert from the mathematically sound Canthan calendar to the more commonly used Mouvelian dating system. The Mouvelian calendar begins counting years from the moment the gods left Tyria, an event known as the Exodus; years are labeled BE (Before the Exodus) or AE (After the Exodus). In Cantha, the years are counted from the date the clans
unied into the Empire of the Dragon under Lord Emperor Kaineng
Tah: the year 510 BE according to the Mouvelian calendar. The years before this date are not considered important enough to number, and are simply referred to as the early, middle, or late pre-imperial era.
Mouvelian Seasons Canthan Months
Season of the Zephyr (Air aligned) days 1-90
Season of the Phoenix (Fire aligned) days 91-180
Season of the Scion (Water aligned) days 181-270
Changhai Zhoyo Nongkam
Zalfawn Saita Mikan
Nemnai Beibacah Suzhen
Season of the Colossus (Earth aligned) days 271-360
Yundinfang Songtahn Kainengtah
Months and Seasons
Unlike the Mouvelian calendar, which divides the 360-day year into four seasons aligned with the elements, the Canthan calendar—also 360 days—is broken into 12 months of 30 days each. Each month once aligned perfectly with the cycles of the moon, but over time the two cycles have diverged. Today, the new moon usually appears roughly halfway through any given Canthan month.
Most months of the Canthan calendar have names whose origins are lost to history and predate the empire by centuries. Only two—Changhai and Kainengtah—have relatively recent origins. These months, which bookend the Canthan year, are named for the two most celebrated emperors in Canthan history: Kaineng Tah, the Lord Emperor who united the Canthan clans; and Chang Hai, a prince who followed the path of the hero and became Ascendant before taking the throne.
Chang Hai became the rst of many such “Ascendant Emperors.”
uNifiEd TiMEliNE
Note that “CC” (for “Canthan Calendar”) is only used in Tyria and other non-Canthan cultures. In Cantha, the year 1 CC is simply the year 1.
Canthan Calendar
1582 CC 1072 AE
1581 CC 1071 AE
1580 CC 1070 AE End of the Guild Wars.
1568 CC 1058 AE
1527 CC 1017 AE
1523 CC 1013 AE The rst Guild Wars begin.
1450 CC 940 AE Cantha’s embassy formally closed in Ascalon City.
1412 CC 902 AE
1382 CC 872 AE
731 CC 221 AE Cantha begins trading with Tyria.
684 CC 174 AE Serpents leave the world of men.
511 CC 1 AE
Mouvelian Calendar
Signicant Events
Present day. Master Togo summons Mhenlo to the Shing Jea Monastery.
Resurgent trade between Cantha and the devastated Tyrian king­doms formalized in the Second Treaty of Lion’s Arch. Bay of Sirens renamed Sea of Sorrows after upswing in shipwrecks.
Kintah dies and is succeeded by his son Kisu, who becomes the 31st Canthan emperor.
The Luxons and Kurzicks of Cantha end formal diplomatic contact, communicating with each other only when required (and almost
always through ofcial liaisons of the Celestial Ministry).
Long-standing trade agreements between the Tyrian kingdoms and the Canthan Empire dissolved by imperial decree.
Shiro Tagachi slain in the Harvest Temple of Cantha after killing Emperor Angsiyan. The bloodline is unbroken when his son Hanjai (Kisu’s great-great grandfather) ascends to the throne.
Prince Chang Hai, a Warrior Monk, becomes rst Ascendant
emperor of Cantha.
Canthan Calendar
510 CC Year 0 The gods leave Tyria.
509 CC 1 BE Gods give magic to the races of Tyria.
410 CC 100 BE
305 CC 205 BE Humans appear on the northern continent.
51 CC 459 BE Kurzicks declare independence from Cantha, become vassal clan.
48 CC 462 BE Luxons formally secede from the Empire, become vassal clan.
46 CC 464 BE Lord Emperor Kaineng Tah dies under mysterious circumstances.
0 CC 510 BE
Late Pre-Im­perial Era
Middle Pre-Imperial Era
Early Pre­Imperial Era
Mouvelian Calendar
786 BE
1769 BE The Forgotten arrive in Tyria.
10,000 BE
Signicant Events
High-planes human settlements become known as Ascalon.
Ascalon’s new king receives rst Canthan ambassador.
Canthan clans unite under Kaineng Tah, rst Lord Emperor of the
Humans appear in Cantha for the rst time and settle the northern
coastline before spreading completely across the continent. Their development is unhindered by the Forgotten.
Last sign of Giganticus Lupicus—true giants—on Tyria (best guess).
Emperor Kisu
Born in: Kaineng City Nation: Cantha Profession: Ritualist Age: 50
Master Togo
Born in: Kaineng City Nation: Cantha Profession: Ritualist Age: 65
Emperor Kisu grew up admiring his elder half-brother Togo in Kaineng City. Both were sons of the last emperor, Kintah, but Kisu was the legitimate son of Kintah and his wife, while Togo—though 15 years Kisu’s senior—was born to the emperors favored concubine Yuki. The two were always close, but when Kisu left to take on the duties of empire, Togo followed a different path. Kisu became the sovereign ruler of several hundred thousand souls on the southern continent, while Togo studied the ways of magic and ritual. The emperor is respected and beloved by the Canthan people, even though few have ever actually seen him in person outside of the urban areas of Kaineng City.
When not holding court, Emperor Kisu often dwells in his own palatial, private section of the city, Raisu Palace, which is forbidden to all but the emperor and those he chooses to allow inside. And every year during the Harvest Festival, he travels (with a well-armed entourage) to the temple where Shiro
Tagachi slew Kisu’s ancestor 200 years earlier, in deance of fear or
Son of the previous Canthan emperor and his beloved concubine, Yuki, Togo grew up in the palace and helped raise his young half-brother, Kisu. Though Kisu was next in line for the imperial throne, he and Togo were always close, and the elder half- brother helped oversee the future emperors education alongside the palace tutors. When Kisu left his studies behind to take on the imperial role, Togo left for Shing Jea Monastery, eventually rising to a leadership position. In the time since, each has grown accustomed to running his own “empire”—Kisu the literal Empire of the Dragon, and Togo the most respected and holy academic institution in the land. There is no ill will between them, despite the petty efforts of some underlings to drive wedges between the half-brothers. Still, for the safety of each, their blood relationship is not widely publicized.
Togo went on to become an accomplished Ritualist and was key to several Canthan military victories before he was named the new Master of Shing Jea Monastery upon the death of Master Botah. To the casual observer, Togo would appear to have been shunned by the palace, possessing no power. A closer look reveals that he is the emperors “behind-the-scenes” man; Kisu rarely makes a move of any
importance without consulting his half-brother rst.
Born in: Wajjun Bazaar Nation: Cantha Profession: Assassin Age: 22
Born in: Serenity Temple Nation: Ascalon Profession: Monk Age: 22
Nika’s past is shrouded in nearly as much mystery as Nika herself, though Master Togo has learned a bit about her— everyone knows the master of Shing Jea Monastery. She has also let slip to Master Togo, if not to Mhenlo and his friends, that she was born in Wajjun Bazaar, a market district not far from one of the largest ports in Cantha. Her father died mysteriously before she was born; her mother sent Nika to the secretive Conclave at a very young age to learn the art of the Assassin, a trade that the women of her family had practiced for centuries. Her mother, in fact, runs the largest Assassin’s guild
in all of Cantha. Nika killed her rst man at age 10, and made her rst solo kill when
she was 12. She has never murdered anyone, to her way of thinking—assassination is her business, and she kills only to defend herself or
her friends, or to fulll a licensed contract.
Nika joins Mhenlo’s group almost by accident. She is impressed by the way the disparate group
of heroes works so efciently, and offers to ll
a void left by a set of twin sisters that left the group earlier. She is wholly dedicated to only two things—avenging her ancestor Vizu and protecting the Empire of the Dragon.
Born in Serenity Temple to a priest of Dwayna and priestess of Balthazar, Mhenlo has been steeped in the teachings of healing and smiting magic. A devoted servant of both Dwayna and Balthazar, he has studied hard his entire life, and has been rewarded by both the gods of his provenance. But paying allegiance to two gods has not been without its consequences; having no clear path to follow, Mhenlo has a tendency to overanalyze situations and possible consequences, not sure whether to take the path of aggressive strength or that of defensive grace.
Mhenlo spent much of his life inside Serenity Temple, paying homage to the old gods and studying the Path, which will lead him to enlightenment. He also spent a long stretch of his youth studying under Master Togo of Shing Jea Monastery, where he was exposed to even more religious and philosophical teachings that made it no
easier for the young monk to nd a focus in life. But the teachings
of Togo and the Ritualist’s wisdom made a deep impact on Mhenlo. When Master Togo sends a request for Mhenlo’s aid, the monk wastes no time gathering his friends and setting out for Cantha.
Born in: Rin Nation: Ascalon Profession: Warrior Age: 24
Devona is quite serious and very direct in her dealings with other people. She aspires to be a great Warrior, just like her father. Sometimes this aspiration turns into a tremendous internal pressure to succeed. Devona’s father was one of the leaders of a prestigious and highly respected guild—Ascalon’s Chosen. He lost his life defending the city walls against a raid by an Orrian guild during the last Guild War. Devona was only a little girl at the time, but since that day, she has dedicated her life to mastering the martial arts of sword and hammer.
Devona naturally rises to lead most any group she is with, and in Cantha she often butts heads with both Togo and Mhenlo, despite her lack of experience on the southern continent. She always assesses any situation before rushing in. This often puts her at odds with the brash Cynn or the impulsive Lo Sha—and when her temper gets the best of her, this often erupts into
verbal, though not physical, conict.
But whatever differences she might have with her allies, she is loyal to
a fault. Devona would sacrice
her own life to save the life of a friend, and frequently puts herself in harm’s way to protect those who travel with her. Devona was the
rst of Mhenlo’s friends
to volunteer to join him in Cantha. Indeed, there was no question she would join him, she told the monk. Loyalty demanded it.
Lo Sha
Born in: Kaineng City Nation: Cantha Profession: Mesmer Age: 25
Lo Sha is one of the most brilliant teachers at Shing Jea Monastery, but like many true geniuses, he is somewhat addled when it comes to small details. And like many
Mesmers, he is justiably vain and proud.
Headmaster Kaa likes to say that if Lo Sha would focus on his skills as much as he focuses on his fellow Mesmer instructor, Mei Ling, he could be one of the greatest Mesmers in Canthan history. So far, Lo Sha’s obsession with Mei Ling has kept him just shy of true greatness, but even so, few can equal his talent with illusion, inspiration, and domination magic.
Lo Sha joins Mhenlo’s group at Master Togo’s insistence—Togo is one of the few beings Lo Sha truly respects, and the Mesmer would follow the master of Shing Jea Monastery into the underworld if asked. He prefers, however, to remain at the monastery whenever possible, studying new and spectacular ways to manipulate the perceptions of others—especially Mei Ling’s.
Born in: Unknown Nation: Ascalon Profession: Necromancer Age: 20
Eve hasn’t a clue where she was born—she was found as a young child stealing food from a sleeping vagrant in the back alleys of Ascalon City. Fortunately for Eve, she was not found by a city guard but by a kindly matron, who brought her to the Holy Dwayna Academy for Wayward & Incorrigible Girls (Ascalon City branch). Wherever Eve had come from, she had already learned to read at an advanced level before she ended up at the school students called the “Wayward Academy,” and voraciously devoured every text in the library. It wasn’t long before Eve’s curiosity (and her ability to both manipulate and avoid Matron Irma) led her to a secret library in the bowels of the Academy. There, forbidden texts opened up an entirely new world to young Eve. By the
time she was 15, she had raised her rst bone minion.
Eve had never gotten along with the other girls—she much preferred the company of her tomes and scrolls. When, one day, a few of her fellow students pulled an especially vicious and humiliating prank on her, Eve literally pounced upon the leader of her tormentors, bit the girl’s ear off, and swallowed it whole. That was the end of Eve’s studies at the Holy Dwayna Academy for Wayward & Incorrigible Girls, and not even Matron Irma mourned her departure.
Of all Mhenlo’s friends, Eve is probably the most independent, and it would not take much for the Necromancer to leave them behind and strike out on her own. But she is smart enough to know that loyal allies—even the living—are valuable to one with her powers. She has joined the expedition to Cantha to learn new ways to manipulate the powers of necromancy, and, she freely admits, to see what kinds of horrors might be created from Cantha’s unique species. Eve’s one constant companion is a human skull she found in the hidden library. She insists that the skull—which she calls “Adam”—speaks to her and dispenses wise advice at critical junctures. No one else has ever heard the skull say a word.
Eve met Mhenlo, Cynn, Devona, and Aidan during the Charr invasion. She was in the graveyard, experimenting with new methods of undead
resurrection, when the Charr ooded into the cemetery on the heels of
Mhenlo and the others. More out of curiosity than any noble intentions, Eve ordered the Charr to stop. When the beastly creatures turned on her instead, thinking her easy prey, she simply raised her hands and called forth a small army of the dead to meet them. The Charr never stood a chance. Eve was amused when Devona asked the Necromancer to join them, but has since become a good friend of Devona, Aidan,
and Mhenlo. She is often in conict with Cynn, but the two respect
each others power enough to get along when the going gets rough.
Born in: Surmia Nation: Ascalon Profession: Elementalist Age: 20
A former child prodigy, Cynn always had people catering to her every whim. Her family was among the nobility in the city of Surmia—until the Charr invasion and the Searing. When Ascalon was destroyed,
Cynn was caught outside the Wall (Surmia was one of the rst places
to fall during the initial assault). A magical projectile fell directly upon her palatial home, killing her parents and trapping her under a broken table for several days. A Charr warband discovered her while looting the city. They dug her out, thinking to make a meal of her, but Cynn
had other ideas. She single-handedly wiped out
the entire warband, turning
them and the remains of her
home into little more than a
smoldering pile of ash.
Cynn is a bit of a princess but
with a decidedly dark streak. She’s
often cynical and ippant when dealing with
authorities or situations that seem hopeless. She’s
highly intelligent, and magic comes easily to her.
Because of her experiences during the Searing, Cynn has developed a rather cavalier attitude toward her own death. Consequently, she tends
to bite off more than she can chew, and often
gets herself and her friends into trouble. She has
joined Mhenlo’s expedition to Cantha to satisfy her
own curiosity, to learn new ways to make things
explode, and out of an honest (though well-hidden)
desire to stop the mysterious threat in Cantha
before the southern continent sees the same kind
of devastation that has wracked the northern
realms of Tyria.
Argo,Turtle Clan Champion
Born in: Cavalon Nation: Luxon Profession: Elementalist Age: 37
The Turtle Champion is respected and honored throughout the Luxon territories for his courage, his profound sense of justice, and his awe-
inspiring power on the battleeld. He was the rst Luxon Champion to earn
his title in mortal combat that ended without the death of either combatant. Argo’s opponent, Tullus, had fought bravely, and continued to keep his guard
deantly up even after the bloody loss of
a foot and many other injuries. Rather than strike Tullus down as the crowd demanded, Argo simply declared himself the victor and handed Tullus his sword. The gesture allowed his foe to leave the arena alive and with honor intact, but was a clear indication of Argo’s victory—to hand over his weapon showed that the future champion had nothing to fear.
Justice was served, the bloodlust of the crowd was relatively satised,
and this noble act earned Argo the admiration of all the clans. Even the Kurzicks honor Argo’s bravery and skill, as a foe against whom they themselves can hope to prove worthy.
Even more than the Luxons’ traditional enemies, Argo carries generations of hatred in his heart for the Canthan Empire, which he, and many Luxons, believe has kept his people cornered in the most desolated section of the continent, the Jade Sea. Yet as much as he despises the Canthan Empire, the continent is still his home. And when threats arise that no one faction can face alone, Argo might be convinced to join forces with the Kurzicks—and perhaps even with the
Canthan oppressors—to ght for the survival of all.
Born in: Borlis Pass Nation: Ascalon Profession: Ranger Age: 32
The son of a huntsman, Aidan grew up with a quiver of arrows on his back. He never knew his mother, who died in childbirth while his family was on a wagon train from Kryta to Ascalon. As soon as the boy was old enough to hold a bow in one hand, Aidan’s father packed up just the good steel heads of their tools and the two men headed off into the wild. They found a spot in the middle of a forest clearing, retted their tools with hand-carved handles, and built their own home from scratch.
Aidan is a survivor. Nothing is out of the question if it means he and his companions will live for another day. He thinks fast and acts
even faster, with an inner calm and silent condence his friends nd
infectious. Aidan has wisdom his younger counterparts lack, though he never feels the need to lord it over them. To Master Togo, Aidan is a youngster, and the Ranger has easily let the mantle of wisdom pass to the Ritualist. Aidan was glad to join Mhenlo on his journey to Cantha, though he is troubled nightly by the thought of his homeland having to get by without him. This is not arrogance, but simple recognition of fact.
Countess Danika zu Heltzer
Born in: Arborstone Nation: Kurzick Profession: Monk Age: 22
Danika zu Heltzer dwells with the rest of her family in the fortress-like Cathedral zu Heltzer, a monument to Saint Viktor (one of the two champions who slew Shiro Tagachi on the day of the Jade Wind). Like her father Count Petrov zu Heltzer, leader of the great Kurzick House that bears their last name, Danika is proud to name the venerable Viktor as an ancestor. Unlike her father, Danika is much more open-minded toward non- Kurzicks and the other Kurzick Houses. This is probably attributable to her avid reading habits. To overcome the extreme boredom of what she considers her “imprisonment” in the cathedral, she has voraciously devoured the contents of countless tomes in the zu Heltzer family library, especially those that speak of other lands and other peoples.
Danika has never been more frustrated with the Kurzicks’ isolationist policies, which she believes can only lead to the further decline of her people, and indeed her world. She is eager to venture into the world
outside Echovald Forest, and nd new allies for all the Kurzicks. Like Argo, her sense of justice is strong, and she would be among the rst
of the Kurzicks to set aside factional differences should a greater threat arise. She has even had some contact, against her fathers strict orders, with House Vasburg, the longtime rivals of House zu Heltzer.
+ 49 hidden pages