RPC Controller to External Device
nstructions for use
November 12, 2012
New Brunswick RPC Controller
to External Device
Instructions for use
Revision A

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January 14, 2013
Revision A

RPC Controller to External Device — Instructions for use
1 New Brunswick™ RPC controller to iPad
1 Connect New Brunswick™ RPC controller to iP ad
• Wireless router
• iPad
• Mocha VNC Lite App (available from the App Store), requires internet access
1.0.1 Connect wireless router
1. Plug wireless router to the mains/power supply.
2. Connect New Brunswick™ system’s Ethernet port to wireless router.
This will be a wired connection.
1 Ethernet port
New Brunswick™ RPC controller to iPad
3. Navigate to the Hardware Setup tab on the Setup screen of the New Brunswick System, and
record the IP Address.
1 Record IP address
If ‘TCPIP Parameters‘ block is greyed out and/or the fields are empty, (see Troubleshooting on
p. 12).
It may take a few minutes to refresh the IP address on the system.

RPC Controller to External Device — Instructions for use
1.0.2 Connect and configure iPad
1. Tap the Settings App > Wi-Fi > Select your router from the list of available networks.
New Brunswick™ RPC controller to iPad
1 Select router
2. Tap to open Mocha VNC Lite App
1 Mocha VNC Lite

RPC Controller to External Device — Instructions for use
Ta p Configure under Tasks > Tap New....
New Brunswick™ RPC controller to iPad
1 Tap to configure
3. In the VNC server address field, enter the IP address recorded for your unit.
1 Enter IP address