D-Link DES-3528P, DES-3528DC, DES-3552P Cli Reference Manual

CLI Reference Guide
Product Model:
DES-3528/DES-3552 Series
Layer 2 Managed Stackable Fast Ethernet Switch
Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................... 5
USING THE CONSOLE CLI ........................................................................................................ 7
COMMAND SYNTAX ................................................................................................................ 10
BASIC SWITCH COMMANDS .................................................................................................. 12
MODIFY BANNER AND PROMPT COMMANDS ..................................................................... 24
SWITCH PORT COMMANDS ................................................................................................... 27
PORT SECURITY COMMANDS ............................................................................................... 31
STACKING COMMANDS .......................................................................................................... 36
NETWORK MANAGEMENT (SNMP) COMMANDS ................................................................. 40
SWITCH UTILITY COMMANDS ................................................................................................ 57
NETWORK MONITORING COMMANDS .................................................................................. 63
MULTIPLE SPANNING TREE PROTOCOL (MSTP) COMMANDS .......................................... 76
FORWARDING DATABASE COMMANDS ............................................................................... 87
TRAFFIC CONTROL COMMANDS .......................................................................................... 93
QOS COMMANDS .................................................................................................................... 97
PORT MIRRORING COMMANDS ........................................................................................... 107
VLAN COMMANDS ................................................................................................................. 110
VOICE VLAN COMMANDS ..................................................................................................... 124
SUBNET-BASED VLAN COMMANDS ................................................................................... 130
ASYMMETRIC VLAN COMMANDS ........................................................................................ 133
LINK AGGREGATION COMMANDS ...................................................................................... 135
IP–MAC-PO RT BINDING (IMPB) COMMANDS ..................................................................... 139
LIMITED IP MULTICAST ADDRESS ...................................................................................... 155
BASIC IP COMMANDS ........................................................................................................... 160
MULTICAST VLAN COMMANDS ........................................................................................... 165
IGMP / MLD SNOOPING COMMANDS .................................................................................. 179
DHCP RELAY COMMANDS ................................................................................................... 208
802.1X COMMANDS (INCLUDING GUEST VLANS) ............................................................. 221
ACCESS CONTROL LIST (ACL) COMMANDS ..................................................................... 238
SAFEGUARD ENGINE COMMANDS ..................................................................................... 258
FILTER COMMANDS (DHCP SERVER / NETBIO S) .............................................................. 260
LAYER 3 CPU FILTER COMMANDS ..................................................................................... 265
LOOP-BACK DETECTION COMMANDS ............................................................................... 267
TRAFFIC SEGMENTATION COMMANDS ............................................................................. 271
SFLOW COMMANDS.............................................................................................................. 273
TIME AND SNTP COMMANDS ............................................................................................... 281
ARP AND GRATUITOUS ARP COMMANDS ......................................................................... 286
ROUTING TABLE COMMANDS ............................................................................................. 292
MAC NOTIFICATION COMMANDS ........................................................................................ 294
ACCESS AUTHENTICATION CONTROL COMMANDS ........................................................ 297
SECURE SHELL (SSH) COMMANDS .................................................................................... 315
SECURE SOCKETS LAYER (SSL) COMMANDS .................................................................. 321
D-LINK SINGLE IP MANAGEMENT COMMANDS ................................................................. 326
JWAC COMMANDS ................................................................................................................ 335
LINK LAYER DISCOVERY PROTOCOL (LLDP) COMMANDS ............................................. 350
Q-IN-Q COMMANDS ............................................................................................................... 363
RSPAN COMMANDS .............................................................................................................. 369
STATIC MAC-BASED V LAN C OMMANDS ............................................................................ 373
SIMPLE RED COMMANDS ..................................................................................................... 375
MAC-BASED ACCESS CONTROL COMMANDS LIST ......................................................... 382
WEB-BASED ACCESS CONTROL COMMANDS .................................................................. 392
POWER OVER ETHERNET (POE) COMMANDS ................................................................... 400
PPPOE CIRCUIT ID INSERTION COMMANDS ...................................................................... 404
DNS RELAY COMMANDS ...................................................................................................... 405
POLICY ROUTE COMMANDS ................................................................................................ 407
BPDU ATTACK PROTECTION COMMANDS ........................................................................ 409
ETHERNET OAM COMMANDS .............................................................................................. 413
DHCP SERVER COMMANDS ................................................................................................. 422
CABLE DIAGNOSTICS COMMANDS .................................................................................... 434
CONNECTIVITY FAULT MANAGEMENT COMMANDS ........................................................ 435
COMMAND HISTORY LIST .................................................................................................... 451
ARP SPOOFING PREVENTION COMMANDS ....................................................................... 453
AUTO-CONFIGURATION COMMANDS ................................................................................. 455
COMPOUND AUTHENTICATION COMMANDS .................................................................... 458
DEBUG SOFTWARE COMMANDS ........................................................................................ 464
DHCPV6 CLIENT COMMANDS .............................................................................................. 469
DHCPV6 RELAY COMMANDS ............................................................................................... 471
D-LINK UNIDIRECTIONAL LINK DETECTION (DULD) CO MMANDS................................... 476
ETHERNET RING PROTECTION SWITCHING (ERPS) COMMANDS .................................. 478
IPV6 NEIGHBOR DISCOVER COMMANDS ........................................................................... 487
IPV6 ROUTE COMMANDS ..................................................................................................... 491
LAYER 2 PROTOCOL TUNNELING (L2PT) COMMANDS .................................................... 493
LOCAL ROUTE COMMANDS ................................................................................................. 496
MSTP DEBUG ENHANCEMENT COMMANDS ...................................................................... 498
PING COMMANDS .................................................................................................................. 502
SHOW TECHNICAL SUPPORT COMMANDS ....................................................................... 504
TRACE ROUTE COMMANDS ................................................................................................. 507
VLAN COUNTER COMMANDS .............................................................................................. 509
APPENDIX A - PASSWORD RECOVERY PROCEDURE ...................................................... 512
APPENDIX B - TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS .................................................................... 513
xStack® DES-3528/DES-3552 Series Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Managed Switch CLI Reference Guide
The Switch can be managed through the Switch’s serial port, Telnet, or the Web-based management agent. The Command Line Interface (CLI) can be used to configure and manage the Switch via the serial port or Telnet interfaces.
The DES-3528/DES-3552 Series Layer 2 stackable Fast Et hernet Switch Ser ies are members of the D-Link xStack
family. Ranging from 10/100Mbps edge Switches to core gigabit Switches, the xStack Switch family has been future­proof designed to provide a stacking architecture with fault tolerance, flexibility, port density, robust security and maximum throughput with a user-friendly management interface for the networking professional.
This manual provides a reference for all of the commands contained in the CLI for the xStack
DES-3528, DES­3528P, DES-3528DC, DE S-3552 and DES-3552P s eries of Switches. Conf iguration and management of the Switch via the Web-based management agent is discussed in the User’s Guide.
NOTE: For the remainder of this manual, all versions of the DES-3528, DES-3528P, DES-3528DC, DES-3552 and DES-3552P Switches will be referred to as simply the Switch or the DES-3528/52 Series.
Accessing the Switch via the Serial Por t
The Switch’s serial port’s default settings are as follows:
115200 baud
no parity
8 data bits
1 stop bit
A computer running a terminal emulation program capable of emulating a VT-100 terminal and a serial port configured as above are then connected to the Switch’s serial port via an RS-232 DB-9 cable.
With the serial port properly connected to a management computer, the following screen should be visible. If this screen does not appear, try pressing Ctrl+r to refresh the console screen.
DES-3528 Fast Ethernet Switch
Command Line Interface
Firmware: Build 2.60.017
Copyright(C) 2010 D-Link Corporation. All rights reserved.
Figure 1-1. Initial CLI screen
There is no initial username or password. Just press the Enter key twice to display the CLI input cursor DES- 3528:admin# . This is the command line where all commands are input.
Setting the Switch’s IP Address
Each Switch must be assigned its own IP Address, which is used for communication with an SNMP network m anager or other TCP/IP application (for example BOOTP, TFTP). The Switch’s default IP address is Users can change the default Switch IP address to meet the specification of your networking address scheme.
The Switch is also assigned a unique MAC address by the factory. This MAC address cannot be changed, and can be found on the initial boot console screen – shown below.
xStack® DES-3528/DES-3552 Series Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Managed Switch CLI Reference Guide
Boot Procedure V1.00.B008
Power On Self Test ........................................ 100 %
MAC Address : 00-22-B0-10-8A-00 H/W Version : A2
Please wait, loading V2.60..017 Runtime image ............. 100 %
UART init ................................................. 100 %
Device Discovery .......................................... 100 %
Configuration init ........................................ |
Figure 1-2. Boot screen
The Switch’s MAC addres s can also be found in the Web management program on the Switch Information (Basic Settings) window on the Configuration menu.
The IP address for the Switc h must be set before it can be managed with t he Web-based manager. The Switch I P address can be autom aticall y set using BO OTP or DH CP protoc ols, in whic h case the actual a ddress as signed to th e Switch must be known.
The IP address may be set using the Command Line Interface (CLI) over the console serial port as follows:
1. Starting at the command line prompt, enter the commands config ipif System ipaddress xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy. W her e the x’s r epresent the IP addres s to be assigned to the IP int erface named System and the y’s represent the corresponding subnet mask.
2. Alternatively, users can enter conf ig ipif System ipa ddress xxx.xxx.x xx.xxx/z. Where the x’s represent the IP address to be as sig ned t o the IP i nterfac e nam ed System and the z represents the cor respon ding num ber of subnets in CIDR notation.
The IP interface nam ed System on the Switch can be assigned an IP address and s ubnet mask which can then be used to connect a management station to the Switch’s Telnet or Web-based management agent.
DES-3528:admin# config ipif System ipaddress
Command: config ipif System ipaddress
Figure 1-3. Assigning an IP Address screen
In the above exam ple, the Switch was assigned an IP address of 10.24. 73.21 with a subnet mask of 255.0. 0.0. The system message Success indicates that the command was executed successfully. The Switch can now be configured and managed via Telnet, S NMP MIB browser and the CLI or via the W eb-based management agent using t he above IP address to connect to the Switch.
xStack® DES-3528/DES-3552 Series Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Managed Switch CLI Reference Guide
The DES-3528/52 Series supports a console management interface that allows the user to connect to the Switch’s management agent via a serial port and a terminal or a computer running a terminal emulation program. The console can also be used over the network using the TCP/IP Telnet protocol. The console program can be used to configure the Switch to use an SNMP-based network management software over the network.
This chapter describes how to use the console interface to access the Switch, change its settings, and monitor its operation.
NOTE: Switch configuration settings are saved to non-volatile RAM using the save command. The current configuration will then be retained in the Switch’s NV-RAM, and re loa ded when the S witc h is rebooted. If the Switch is rebooted without using the save command, the last configuration saved to NV-RAM will be loaded.
Connecting to the Switch
The console interface is used by connecting the Switc h to a VT100-compatible terminal or a computer runni ng an ordinary terminal em ulator program (e.g., the HyperTerminal program included with the W indows operating system ) using an RS-232C serial cable. Your terminal parameters will need to be set to:
VT-100 compatible
115200 baud
8 data bits
No parity
One stop bit
No flow control
Users can also access the same functions over a Telnet interface. Once users have set an IP address for your Switch, users can use a Telnet program (in VT-100 compatible terminal mode) to access and control the Switch. All of the screens are identical, whether accessed from the console port or from a Telnet interface.
After the Switch reboots and users have logged in, the console looks like this:
DES-3528 Fast Ethernet Switch
Command Line Interface
Firmware: Build 2.60.017
Copyright(C) 2010 D-Link Corporation. All rights reserved.
Figure 2-1. Initial Console screen after logging in
Commands are entered at the command prompt, DES-3528:admin# .. There are a number of helpful features inc lu ded i n t he CLI. E nteri ng the ? command will displa y a list of all of the top-
level commands.
cable_diag ports cfm linktrace cfm loopback clear clear address_binding dhcp_snoop binding_entry ports clear address_binding nd_snoop binding_entry ports clear arptable clear attack_log clear cfm pkt_cnt clear counters clear dhcp binding clear dhcp conflict_ip clear ethernet_oam ports
clear fdb
xStack® DES-3528/DES-3552 Series Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Managed Switch CLI Reference Guide
clear igmp_snooping data_driven_group
clear igmp_snooping statistics counter clear jwac auth_state clear log clear mac_based_access_control auth_state clear mld_snooping data_driven_group
CTRL+C ESC q Quit SPACE n Next Page ENTER Next Entry a All
Figure 2-2. The ? Command
When users enter a command without its required parameters, the CLI will prompt users with a Next possible completions: message.
DES-3528:admin# config account
Command: config account
Next possible completions: <username>
Figure 2-3. Example Command Parameter Help
In this case, the comm and config account was entered with the parameter <username>. The CLI will then prompt users to enter the <username> with the m essage, Next possible completions:. Every command in the CLI has this feature, and complex commands have several layers of parameter prompting.
In addition, after typing an y given comm and plus one space, users can see all of the next possib le sub-c omm ands, in sequential order, by repeatedly pressing the Tab key.
To re-enter the previous command at the comm and prompt, press the up arro w cursor key. The previou s command will appear at the command prompt.
DES-3528:admin# config account
Command: config account Next possible completions: <username>
DES-3528:admin# config account Command: config account Next possible completions: <username>
Figure 2-4. Using the Up Arrow to Re-enter a Command
In the above example, the comm and config account was entered without the requ ired parameter <username>, the CLI returned the Next possible completions: <username> prompt. The up arrow cursor contr ol key was pres sed to re-enter the previous comm and (config account) at the command prompt. Now the appropriat e username can be entered and the config account command re-executed.
All commands in the CLI function in this way. In addition, the syntax of the help prompts are the same as presented in this manual angle brackets < > indicate a numerical value or character string, braces { } indicate optional parameters or a choice of parameters, and brackets [ ] indicate required parameters.
If a command is entered that is unrecognized by the CLI, the top-level commands will be displayed under the Available commands: prompt.
Available commands:
.. ? cable_diag cfm clear config create debug delete disable download enable login logout no ping ping6 reboot reconfig reset
save show telnet traceroute
xStack® DES-3528/DES-3552 Series Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Managed Switch CLI Reference Guide
traceroute6 upload
Figure 2-5. The Next Available Commands Prompt
The top-level comm ands consist of commands such as show or config. Most of these com mands require one or more parameters to narrow the top-level comm and. This is equivalent to show what? or config what? Where the what? is the next parameter.
For example, if users enter the show command with no addit ional param eters, the CLI will then display all of the possible next parameters.
DES-3528:admin# show
Command: show
Next possible completions:
802.1p 802.1x access_profile account accounting acct_client address_binding arp_spoofing_prevention arpentry asymmetric_vlan attack_log auth_client auth_diagnostics auth_session_statistics auth_statistics authen authen_enable authen_login authen_policy authentication authorization autoconfig bandwidth_control bpdu_protection cfm command_history config cpu cpu_filter current_config device_status dhcp dhcp_local_relay dhcp_relay dhcp_server dhcpv6_relay dnsr dot1v_protocol_group dscp duld erps error ethernet_oam fdb filter firmware flow_meter gratuitous_arp greeting_message gvrp hol_prevention igmp_snooping ipfdb ipif ipif_ipv6_link_local_auto iproute ipv6 ipv6route jumbo_frame jwac l2protocol_tunnel lacp_port limited_multicast_addr link_aggregation lldp local_route log log_save_timing log_software_module loopdetect mac_based_access_control mac_based_access_control_local mac_based_vlan mac_notification max_mcast_group mcast_filter_profile mef_l2_protocols mef_vlan_preservation mirror mld_snooping multicast multicast_fdb packet per_queue poe policy_route port port_security port_security_entry port_vlan ports pppoe pvid qinq radius rmon router_ports rspan safeguard_engine scheduling scheduling_mechanism serial_port session sflow sim snmp sntp sred ssh ssl stack_device stack_information stacking_mode stp subnet_vlan switch syslog system_severity tech_support terminal time time_range traffic traffic_segmentation trap trusted_host utilization vlan vlan_counter vlan_precedence vlan_translation vlan_trunk voice_vlan wac
Figure 2-6. Next possible completions: Sh o w Command
In the above example, all of the possible next parameters for the show command are displayed. At the next command prompt, the up arrow was used to re-enter the show command, followed by the account parameter. The CLI then displays the user accounts configured on the S witc h.
xStack® DES-3528/DES-3552 Series Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Managed Switch CLI Reference Guide
The following symbols are used to describe how command entries are made and values and arguments are specified in this manual. The online help contained in the CLI and available through the console interface uses the same syntax.
NOTE: All commands are case-sensitive. Be sure to disable Caps Lock or any other unwanted function that changes text case.
<angle brackets>
Purpose Encloses a variable or value that must be specified. Syntax
config ipif <ipif_name 12> [{ipaddress <network_address> | vlan <vlan_name 32> | state [enable | disable}] | bootp | dhcp]
Description In the above syntax example, users must supply an IP interface name in the <ipif_name
12> space, a VLAN name in the <vlan_name 32> space, and the network address in the <network_address> space. Do not type the angle brackets.
Example Command
config ipif Engineering ipaddress vlan Design state enable
[square brackets]
Purpose Encloses a required value or set of required arguments. One value or argument can be
create account [admin | operator | user] <username 15>
In the above syntax example, users must specify either an admin or a user level account to be created. Do not type the square brackets.
Example Command
create account admin Tommy
| vertical bar
Purpose Separates two or more mutually exclusive items in a list, one of which must be entered. Syntax
create account [admin | operator | user] <username 15>
In the above syntax example, users must specify either admin, or user. Do not type the vertical bar.
Example Command
create account admin Tommy
Purpose Encloses an optional value or set of optional ar guments. Syntax
reset {[config | system]} force_agree
In the above syntax example, users have the option to specify config or system. It is not necessary to specify either optional value, however the effect of the system reset is dependent on which, if any, value is specified. Therefore, with this example there are three possible outcomes of performing a system reset. See the following chapter, Basic Commands for more details about the reset command. Do not type the braces.
Example command
reset config
xStack® DES-3528/DES-3552 Series Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Managed Switch CLI Reference Guide
Purpose Indicates at least one or more of the values or arguments in the preceding syntax
enclosed by braces must be specified.
config dhcp_relay {hops <value 1-16> | time <sec 0-65535>}(1)
In the above syntax example, users have the option to specify hops or time or both of them. The "(1)" following the set of braces indicates at least one argument or val u e within the braces must be specified. Do not type the parentheses.
Example command
config dhcp_relay hops 3
Line Editing Key Usage
Delete Deletes the character under the cursor and then shifts the remaining characters in the line
to the left.
Backspace Deletes the character to the left of the cursor and then shifts the remaining characters in
the line to the left. Left Arrow Moves the cursor to the left. Right Arrow Moves the cursor to the right. Up Arrow Repeats the previously entered command. Each time the up arrow is pressed, the
command previous to that displayed appears. This way it is possible to review the
command history for the current session. Use the down arrow to progress sequentially
forward through the command history list. Down Arrow The down arrow will display the next command in the command history entered in the
current session. This displays each command sequentially as it was entered. Use the up
arrow to review previous commands. Tab Shifts the cursor to the next field to the left.
Multiple Page Display Control Keys
Space Displays the next page. CTRL+c Stops the display of remaining pages when multiple pages are to be displayed. ESC Stops the display of remaining pages when multiple pages are to be displayed. n Displays the next page. p Displays the previous page. q Stops the display of remaining pages when multiple pages are to be displayed. r Refreshes the pages currently displayed. a Displays the remaining pages without pausing between pages. Enter Displays the next line or table entry.
xStack® DES-3528/DES-3552 Series Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Managed Switch CLI Reference Guide
The basic Switch commands in the Command Line Interface (CLI) are listed (along with the appropriate parameters) in the following table.
Command Parameters
create account [admin | operator | power_us er | user] <username 15> config account <username> {encr ypt [plain _tex t | sha_1] <password>} show account delete account <username> enable password
disable password
encryption show session show switch show device_status show serial_port config serial_port {baud_rate [9600 | 19200 | 38400 | 115200] | auto_lo g out [ne ver | 2_m inutes | 5_minutes |
10_minutes | 15_minutes]}(1) enable clipaging disable clipaging telnet <ipaddr> {tcp_port <value 1-65535>} enable telnet <tcp_port_number 1-65535> disable telnet enable web <tcp_port_number 1-65535> disable web save {[config <config_id 1-2 > | lo g | all]} reboot {force_agree} reset {[config | system]} {force_agree} login logout clear config terminal width [default | <value 80-200>] show terminal width
Each command is listed, in detail, in the following sections.
create account
Used to create user accounts.
xStack® DES-3528/DES-3552 Series Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Managed Switch CLI Reference Guide
create account
Syntax create account [admin | operator | power_user | user] <username 15> Description
This command is used to create user accounts that consist of a username of 1 to 15 characters and a password of 0 to 15 characters. Up to 8 user accounts can be created.
Parameters admin – Specifies that the user acc ount wi ll be set to adm in.
operator – Specifies that the user account will be set to operator. power_user – Specifies that the user account will be set to power user. user – Specifies that the user account will be set to user. <username 15> - Enter the account username here. This name can be up to 15 characters
Only Administrator-level users can issue this command. Usernames can be between 1 and 15 characters. Passwords can be between 0 and 15 characters.
Example usage:
To create an administrator-level user account with the username “dlink”.
DES-3528:admin# create account admin dlink
Command: create account admin dlink
Enter a case-sensitive new password:**** Enter the new password again for confirmation:**** Success.
NOTICE: In case of lost passwords or password corruption, please refer to the D-Link website and the White Paper entitled “Password Recovery Procedure”, which will guide you through the steps necessary to resolve this issue.
config account
Used to configure user accounts
Syntax config account <username> {encryp t [p lain_text | sha_1] <password>} Description
When the password information is not specified in the command, the system will prompt the user to input the password interactively. For this case, the user can only input the plain text password.
If the password is present in the command, the user can select to input the password in the plain text form or in the encrypted form. The encryption algorithm is based on SHA-I.
<username> Name of the account. The account must already be defined. plain_text Select to specify the password in plain text form. sha_1 Select to specify the password in the SHA-I enacrpted form. password The password for the user account.
The length for of password in plain-text form and in encrypted form are different. For the plain-text form, passwords must have a minimum of 0 character and can have a maximum of 15 characters. For the encrypted form password, the length is fixed to 35 bytes long. The assword is case-sensitive.
Only Administrator-level users can issue this command. Usernames can be between 1 and 15 characters. Passwords can be between 0 and 15 characters.
Example usage:
To configure the user password of “dlink” account:
xStack® DES-3528/DES-3552 Series Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Managed Switch CLI Reference Guide
DES-3528:admin# config account dlink
Command: config account dlink
Enter a old password:**** Enter a case-sensitive new password:**** Enter the new password again for confirmation:**** Success.
show account
Used to display user accounts.
Syntax show account Description
This command is used to display all user accounts created on the Switch. Up to 8 user accounts can exist at one time.
Only Administrator-level users can issue this command.
Example usage:
To display the accounts that have been created:
DES-3528:admin# show account
Command: show account
Current Accounts: Username Access Level
--------------- -----------­dlink Admin
Total Entries: 1
delete account
Used to delete an existing user account.
Syntax delete account <username> Description
This command is used to delete an existing entry.
<username> Name of the user who will be deleted.
Only Administrator-level users can issue this command.
Example usage:
To delete the user account “System”:
DES-3528:admin# delete account System
Command: delete account System
enable password encryption
Used to enable password encryption.
Syntax enable password encryption Description
The user account configuration information will be stored in the configuration file, and can be
xStack® DES-3528/DES-3552 Series Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Managed Switch CLI Reference Guide
enable password encryption
applied to the system later.
If the password encryption is enabled, the password will be in encrypted form. When password encryption is diabled, if the user specifies the password in plain text form,
the password will be in plain text form. However, if the user specifies the password in encrypted form, or if the password has been converted to encrypted form by the last enable password encryption command, the password will still be in the encrypted form. It cannot be reverted to the plaintext.
Only Administrator-level users can issue this command.
Example usage:
To enable password encryption:
DES-3528:admin# enable password encryption
Command: enable password encryption
disable password encryption
Used to disable password encryption.
Syntax disable password encryption Description
The user account configuration information will be stored in the configuration file, and can be applied to the system later.
If the password encryption is enabled, the password will be in encrypted form. When password encryption is disabled, if the user specifies the password in plain text form,
the password will be in plan text form. However, if the user specifies the password in encrypted form, or if the password has been converted to encrypted form by the last enable password encryption command, the password will still be in the encrypted form. It cannot be reverted to the plaintext.
Only Administrator-level users can issue this command.
Example usage:
To disable password encryption:
DES-3528:admin# disable password encryption
Command: disable password encryption
show session
Used to display a list of currently logged-in users.
Syntax show session Description
This command displays a list of all the users that are logged-in at the time the command is issued.
Only Administrator and Operator-level users can issue this command.
Example usage:
xStack® DES-3528/DES-3552 Series Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Managed Switch CLI Reference Guide
To display the way that the users logged in:
DES-3528:admin# show session
Command: show session
ID Live Time From Level Name
--- --------- ------------ ----- ------­ 8 00:00:16.250 Serial Port 5 Anonymous
Total Entries: 1
CTRL+C ESC q Quit SPACE n Next Page p Previous Page r Refresh
show switch
Used to display general information about the Switch.
Syntax show switch Description
This command displays information about the Switch.
Example usage:
To display the Switch’s information:
DES-3528:admin# show switch
Command: show switch
Device Type : DES-3528 Fast Ethernet Switch MAC Address : 1C-AF-F7-AD-33-20 IP Address : (Manual) VLAN Name : default Subnet Mask : Default Gateway : Boot PROM Version : Build 1.00.B008 Firmware Version : Build 2.60.B010 Hardware Version : A4 Serial Number : P1UQ3A4000012 System Name : System Location : System Uptime : 0 days, 0 hours, 3 minutes, 58 seconds System Contact : Spanning Tree : Disabled GVRP : Disabled IGMP Snooping : Disabled MLD Snooping : Disabled VLAN Trunk : Disabled Telnet : Enabled (TCP 23) Web : Enabled (TCP 80) SNMP : Disabled
CTRL+C ESC q Quit SPACE n Next Page ENTER Next Entry a All
show device_status
Used to display the current Switch’s power and fan status.
Syntax show device_status Description
This command displays status of both the Switch’s internal and external power and the fan status.
xStack® DES-3528/DES-3552 Series Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Managed Switch CLI Reference Guide
show device_status
Example usage:
To display the Switch’s device status:
DES-3528:admin# show device_status
Command: show device_status
Internal Power: Active External Power: Fail
show serial_port
Used to display the current serial port settings.
Syntax show serial_port Description
This command displays the current serial port settings.
Example usage:
To display the serial port setting:
DES-3528:admin#show serial_port
Command: show serial_port
Baud Rate : 115200 Data Bits : 8 Parity Bits : None Stop Bits : 1 Auto-Logout : Never
config serial_port
Used to configure the serial port.
Syntax config serial_port {baud_rate [9600 | 19200 | 38400 | 115200] | auto_logout [never |
2_minutes | 5_minutes | 10_minutes | 15_minutes]}(1)
This command is used to configure the serial port’s baud rate and auto logout settings.
baud_rate [9600 | 19200 | 38400 | 115200] The serial bit rate that will be used to communicate with the management host. There are four options: 9600, 19200, 38400,
115200. Factory default setting is 115200.
never − No time limit on the length of time the console can be open with no user input. 2_minutes The console will log out the current user if there is no user input for 2 minutes. 5_minutes − The console will log out the current user if there is no user input for 5 minutes. 10_minutes The console will log out the current user if there is no user input for 10
minutes. 15_minutes The console will log out the current user if there is no user input for 15
Only Administrator and Operator-level users can issue this command.
Example usage:
To configure baud rate:
xStack® DES-3528/DES-3552 Series Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Managed Switch CLI Reference Guide
DES-3528:admin# config serial_port baud_rate 115200
Command: config serial_port baud_rate 115200
enable clipaging
Used to pause the scrolling of the console screen when a command displays more than one page.
Syntax enable clipaging Description
This command is used when issuing a command which causes the console screen to rapidly scroll through several pages. This command will cause the console to pause at the end of each page. The default setting is enabled.
Only Administrator and Operator-level users can issue this command.
Example usage:
To enable pausing of the screen display when the show command output reaches the end of the page:
DES-3528:admin# enable clipaging
Command: enable clipaging
disable clipaging
Used to disable the pausing of the console screen scrolling at the end of each page when a command displays more than one screen of information.
Syntax disable clipaging Description
This command is used to disable the pausing of the console screen at the end of each page when a command would display more than one screen of information.
Only Administrator and Operator-level users can issue this command.
Example usage:
To disable pausing of the screen display when show command output reaches the end of the page:
DES-3528:admin# disable clipaging
Command: disable clipaging
Used to login the remote device system through the network.
NOTE: If a user configures the serial port’s baud rate, the baud rate will take effect and save immediately. Baud rate settings will not change even if the user resets or reboots the Switch. The Baud rate will only change when the user configures it again. The serial port’s baud rate setting is not stored in the Switch’s configuration file. Resetting the Switch will not restore the baud rate to the
default setting.
xStack® DES-3528/DES-3552 Series Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Managed Switch CLI Reference Guide
Syntax telnet <ipaddr> {tcp_port <value 1-65535>} Description
This command is used when the manager want to manage the device system which isn’t on local. So can use this command to login in the remote system which is located on other side. If connect successful, some actions can be done as local.
<ipaddr> The network ip address. This is the destination which wants to log in. <value 1-65535> The TCP port number. TCP ports are numbered between 1 and 65535.
The “well-known” TCP port for the Telnet protocol is 23.
Only Administrator and Operator-level users can issue this command.
Example usage:
Telnet to the remote Switch:
DES-3528:admin# telnet tcp_port 50
Command: telnet tcp_port 50
Connecting to server,please wait....
DES-3528 Gigabit Ethernet Switch Command Line Interface
Firmware: Build 2.60.B010 Copyright(C) 2009 D-Link Corporation. All rights reserved. UserName:
enable telnet
Used to enable communication with and management of the Switch using the Telnet protocol.
Syntax enable telnet <tcp_port_number 1-65535> Description
This command is used to enable the Telnet protocol on the Switch. The user can specify the TCP or UDP port number the Switch will use to listen for Telnet requests.
<tcp_port_number 1-65535> The TCP port number. TCP ports are numbered between 1 and 65535. The “well-known” TCP port for the Telnet protocol is 23.
Only Administrator and Operator-level users can issue this command.
Example usage:
To enable Telnet and configure port number:
DES-3528:admin# enable telnet 23
Command: enable telnet 23
disable telnet
Used to disable the Telnet protocol on the Switch.
Syntax disable telnet Description
This command is used to disable the Telnet protocol on the Switch.
Only Administrator and Operator-level users can issue this command.
Example usage:
xStack® DES-3528/DES-3552 Series Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Managed Switch CLI Reference Guide
To disable the Telnet protocol on the Switch:
DES-3528:admin# disable telnet
Command: disable telnet
enable web
Used to enable the HTTP-based management software on the Switch.
Syntax enable web <tcp_port_number 1-65535> Description
This command is used to enable the Web-based management software on the Switch. The user can specify the TCP port number the Switch will use to listen for Telnet requests.
<tcp_port_number 1-65535> The TCP port number. TCP ports are numbered between 1 and 65535. The “well-known” port for the Web-based management software is 80.
Only Administrator and Operator-level users can issue this command.
Example usage:
To enable HTTP and configure port number:
DES-3528:admin# enable web 80
Command: enable web 80
disable web
Used to disable the HTTP-based management software on the Switch.
Syntax disable web Description
This command disables the Web-based management software on the Switch.
Only Administrator and Operator-level users can issue this command.
Example usage:
To disable HTTP:
DES-3528:admin# disable web
Command: disable web
Used to save changes in the Switch’s configuration to non-volatile RAM.
Syntax save {[config <config_id 1-2> | log | all]} Description
This command is used to enter the current Switch configuration into non-volatile RAM. The saved Switch configuration will be loaded into the Switch’s memory each time the Switch is restarted.
Parameters config <config_id 1-2> – Specify to save current settings to configuration file 1 or 2.
log – Specify to save current Switch log to NV-RAM.
xStack® DES-3528/DES-3552 Series Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Managed Switch CLI Reference Guide
all – Specify to save all configuration settings. If nothing is specified after “save”, the Switch
will save all.
Only Administrator and Operator-level users can issue this command.
Example usage:
To save the Switch’s current configuration to non-volatile RAM:
DES-3528:admin# save
Command: save
Saving all configurations to NV-RAM... Done.
Used to restart the Switch.
Syntax Reboot {force_agree} Description
This command is used to restart the Switch.
force_agree When force_agree is specified, the reboot command will be executed immediatedly without further confirmation.
Only Administrator-level users can issue this command.
Example usage: To restart the Switch:
DES-3528:admin# reboot
Command: reboot Are you sure you want to proceed with the system reboot? (y|n)y
Please wait, the switch is rebooting...
Used to reset the Switch to the factory default settings.
Syntax reset {[config | system]} {force_agree} Description
This command is used to restore the Switch’s configuration to the default settings assigned from the factory.
config If the keyword ‘config’ is specified, all of the factory default settings are restored on the Switch including the IP address, user accounts, and the Switch history log. The Switch will not save or reboot.
system If the keyword ‘system’ is specified all of the factory default settings are restored on the Switch. The Switch will save and reboot after the settings are changed to default. Rebooting will clear all entries in the Forwarding Data Base.
force_agree When force_agree is specified, the reset command will be executed immediatedly without further confirmation.
If no parameter is specified, the Switch’s current IP address, user accounts, and the Switch history log are not changed. All other parameters are restored to the factory default settings. The Switch will not save or reboot.
NOTE: The serial port baud rate will not be changed by the reset command. It will not be restored to the factory default setting.
Only Administrator-level users can issue this command.
Example usage:
xStack® DES-3528/DES-3552 Series Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Managed Switch CLI Reference Guide
To restore all of the Switch’s parameters to their default values:
DES-3528:admin# reset config
Command: reset config Are users sure to proceed with system reset?(y/n)y
Used to log in a user to the Switch’s console.
Syntax login Description
This command is used to initiate the login procedure. The user will be prompted for a Username and Password.
Example usage:
To initiate the login procedure:
DES-3528:admin# login
Command: login
Used to log out a user from the Switch’s console.
Syntax logout Description
This command terminates the current user’s session on the Switch’s console.
Example usage:
To terminate the current user’s console session:
DES-3528:admin# logout
The command is used to clear screen.
Syntax clear Description
The command is used to clear screen.
Example usage:
xStack® DES-3528/DES-3552 Series Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Managed Switch CLI Reference Guide
To clear screen:
DES-3528:admin# clear
Command: clear
config terminal width
The command is used to set current terminal width.
Syntax config terminal width [defaul t | <value 80-200>] Description
The usage is described as below:
1. Users login and configure the terminal width to 120, this configuration take effect on this login section. If users implement “save” command, the configuration is saved. After users log out and log in again, the terminal width is 120.
2. If user did not save the configuration, another user login, the terminal width is default value.
3. If at the same time, two CLI sessions are running, once section configure to 120 width and save it, the other section will not be effected, unless it log out and then log in.
Parameters default - The default setting of terminal width. The default value is 80.
<value 80-200> - The terminal width which will be configured. The width is betwee n 80 and
200 characters.
Example usage: To configure the current terminal width:
DES-3528:admin# config terminal width 120
Command: config terminal width 120
show terminal width
The command is used to display the configuration of current terminal width.
Syntax show terminal width Description
The command is used to display the configuration of current terminal width.
Example usage: To display the configuration of current terminal width:
DES-3528:admin#show terminal width
Command: show terminal width
Global terminal width : 80 Current terminal width : 80
xStack® DES-3528/DES-3552 Series Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Managed Switch CLI Reference Guide
Administrator level users can modify the login banner (greeting message) and command prompt by using the commands described below.
Command Parameters
config command_prompt [<string 16> | username | default] config greeting_message {default} show greeting_message
The Modify Banner and Pr om pt comm ands in the Com mand Line I nterf ace (CLI) are list ed (al ong wit h the a ppropri ate parameters) in the following table.
config command prompt
Used to configure the command prompt.
Syntax config command_prompt [<string 16> | username | default] Description
This command is used to change the command prompt.
Parameters string 16 –The command prompt can be changed by entering a new name of no more that 16
username – The command prompt will be changed to the login username. default – The command prompt will reset to factory default command prompt.
Only Administrator and Operator-level users can issue this command. Other restrictions include:
If the “reset” command is executed, the modified command prompt will remain modified. However, the “reset config/reset system” command will reset the command prompt to the original factory banner.
Example usage: To modify the command prompt to “AtYourService”:
DES-3528:admin#config command_prompt AtYourService
Command: config command_prompt AtYourService
config greeting _message
Used to configure the login bann er (greet in g m es sage) .
Syntax config greeting _message {de fault} Description
This command is used to modify the login banner (greeting message).
Parameters default – If the user enters default to the modify banner command, then the banner will be
reset to the original factory banner. To open the Banner Editor, click enter after typing the config greeting_message command.
Type the information to be displayed on the banner by using the commands described on the Banner Editor:
Quit without save: Ctrl+C Save and quit: Ctrl+W Move cursor: Left/Right/Up/Down Delete line: Ctrl+D
xStack® DES-3528/DES-3552 Series Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Managed Switch CLI Reference Guide
config greeting _message
Erase all setting: Ctrl+X
Reload original setting: Ctrl+L
Only Administrator and Operator-level users can issue this command. Other restrictions include:
If the “reset” command is executed, the modified banner will remain modified. However, the “reset config/reset system” command will reset the modified banner to the original factory banner.
The capacity of the banner is 6*80. 6 Lines and 80 characters per line.
Ctrl+W will only save the modified banner in the DRAM. Users need to type the
save” command to save it into FLASH.
Only valid in threshold level.
Example usage: To modify the banner:
DES-3528:admin#config greeting_message
Command: config greeting_message
Greeting Messages Editor ================================================================================ DES-3528 Fast Ethernet Switch Command Line Interface
Firmware: Build 2.60.017 Copyright(C) 2010 D-Link Corporation. All rights reserved. ================================================================================
<Function Key> <Control Key> Ctrl+C Quit without save left/right/ Ctrl+W Save and quit up/down Move cursor Ctrl+D Delete line Ctrl+X Erase all setting Ctrl+L Reload original setting
show greeting_message
Used to view the currently configured greeting message configured on the Switch.
Syntax show greeting_message Description
This command is used to view the currently configured greeting message on the Switch.
Only Administrator and Operator-level users can issue this command.
Example usage: To view the currently configured greeting message:
xStack® DES-3528/DES-3552 Series Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Managed Switch CLI Reference Guide
DES-3528:admin#show greeting_message
Command: show greeting_message
================================================================================ DES-3528 Fast Ethernet Switch Command Line Interface
Firmware: Build 2.60.017 Copyright(C) 2010 D-Link Corporation. All rights reserved. ================================================================================
xStack® DES-3528/DES-3552 Series Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Managed Switch CLI Reference Guide
The Switch port commands in the Command Line Interface (CLI) are listed (along with the appropriate parameters) in the following table.
Command Parameters
config ports [<portlist> | all] {medium_type [fiber | copper]} {speed [auto | 10_half | 10_full | 100_half |
100_full | 1000_full {[master | slave]}] | flow_control [enable | disable] | learning [enable | disable ] | state [enable | disable] | mdix [auto | normal | cross] | [description <desc 1-32> |
clear_description]} show ports {<portlist>} {[description | err_disabled | details | media_type]} enable jumbo_frame disable jumbo_frame show jumbo_frame
Each command is listed, in detail, in the following sections.
config ports
Used to configure the Switch’s port settings.
Syntax config ports [<portlist> | all] {medium_type [fiber | copper]} {speed [auto | 10_half |
10_full | 100_half | 100_full | 1000_full {[master | slave]}] | flow_control [enable | disable] | learning [enable | disab le ] | state [enable | disable] | mdix [auto | normal | cross] | [description <desc 1-32> | clear_description]}
This command is used to configure the Switch’s Ethernet ports. Only the ports listed in the <portlist> will be affected.
all Configure all ports on the Switch. <portlist> Specifies a port or range of ports to be configured. speed – Allows the user to adjust the speed for a port or range of ports. The user has a
choice of the following:
auto Enables auto-negotiation for the specified range of ports. [10 | 100 | 1000] Configures the speed in Mbps for the specified range of ports.
Gigabit ports are statically set to 1000. When setting port speed to 1000_full,user should specify master or slave mode for 1000 base TX interface, and leave the 1000_full without any master or slave setting for other interfaces.
[half | full] − Configures the specified range of ports as either full-duplex or half-duplex. flow_control [enable | disable] – Enable or disable flow control for the specified ports. learning [enable | disable] Enables or disables the MAC address learning on the specified
range of ports. medium_type – Specify the medium type while the configured ports are combo ports. It’s an
optional parameter for configuring medium type combo ports. For no combo ports, user does not need to specify medium_type in the commands.
state [enable | disable] Enables or disables the specified range of ports. description Enter an alphanumeric string of no more than 32 characters to describe a
selected port interface.
clear description – To clear the description. mdix [auto | normal | cross] – MDIX mode can be specified as auto, normal, or cross. If set to
normal state, the port is in MDIX mode and can be connected to a port on an end node, such as a server or PC, using a straight-through cable. If set to cross state, the port is in MDI mode, and can be connected to a port on another Switch or hub that uses MDI-X ports through a straight-through cable. If set to auto state, the ports can be connected to any connections by using straight-through or cross-over cable. The ports make the necessary adjustments to accommodate either cable for correct operation.
Only Administrator and Operator-level users can issue this command.
xStack® DES-3528/DES-3552 Series Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Managed Switch CLI Reference Guide
Example usage:
To configure the speed of ports 1-3 of unit 1 to be 10 Mbps, full duplex, learning enabled, state enabled and flow control enabled:
DES-3528:admin# config ports 1-3 speed 10_full learning enable state enable
flow_control enable Command: config ports 1-3 speed 10_full learning enable state enable flow_control enable
show ports
Used to display the current configuration of a range of ports.
Syntax show ports {<portlist>} {[description | err_disabled | details | media_type]} Description
This command is used to display the current configuration of a range of ports.
<portlist> Specifies a port or range of ports to be displayed. description – Adding this parameter to the show ports command indicates that a previously
entered port description will be included in the display. err_disabled – Use this to list disabled ports including connection status and reason for being
details – Use this to show the detail information of ports. media_type – Specifies the media type used.
Example usage:
To display the configuration of all ports on a Switch:
DES-3528:admin# show ports
Command: show ports
Port State/ Settings Connection Address MDIX Speed/Duplex/FlowCtrl Speed/Duplex/FlowCtrl Learning
------- -------- --------------------- ---------------------- --------­ 1 Enabled Auto/Disabled Link Down Enabled Auto 2 Enabled Auto/Disabled Link Down Enabled Auto 3 Enabled Auto/Disabled Link Down Enabled Auto 4 Enabled Auto/Disabled Link Down Enabled Auto 5 Enabled Auto/Disabled Link Down Enabled Auto 6 Enabled Auto/Disabled Link Down Enabled Auto 7 Enabled Auto/Disabled Link Down Enabled Auto 8 Enabled Auto/Disabled Link Down Enabled Auto 9 Enabled Auto/Disabled Link Down Enabled Auto
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Example usage:
To display the configuration of all ports on a standalone Switch, with description:
DES-3528:admin# show ports description Command: show ports description
xStack® DES-3528/DES-3552 Series Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Managed Switch CLI Reference Guide
Port State/ Settings Connection Address MDIX Speed/Duplex/FlowCtrl Speed/Duplex/FlowCtrl Learning
------- -------- --------------------- ---------------------- --------­ 1 Enabled Auto/Disabled Link Down Enabled Auto Description: 2 Enabled Auto/Disabled Link Down Enabled Auto Description: 3 Enabled Auto/Disabled Link Down Enabled Auto Description: 4 Enabled Auto/Disabled Link Down Enabled Auto Description: 5 Enabled Auto/Disabled Link Down Enabled Auto Description: 6 Enabled Auto/Disabled Link Down Enabled Auto Description:
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Example usage:
To display disabled ports i n c luding c on nec ti on s tat us and reas on f or be ing d isab le d on a standalone Switch:
DES-3528:admin# show ports err_disabled
Command: show ports err_disabled
Port Port Connection Status Reason State
----- -------- --------------------- ----------------
Example usage:
To display detail information of ports on the Switch:
DES-3528:admin# show ports details
Command: show ports details
Port : 1
Port Status : Link Down Description : HardWare Type : Fast Ethernet MAC Address : 00-22-B0-10-8A-01 Bandwidth : 100000Kbit Auto-Negotiation : Enabled Duplex Mode : Full Duplex Flow Control : Disabled MDI : Auto Address Learning : Enabled Last Clear of Counter : 0 hours 3 mins ago BPDU Hardware Filtering Mode: Disabled Queuing Strategy : FIFO
TX Load : 0/100, 0bits/sec, 0packets/sec RX Load : 0/100, 0bits/sec, 0packets/sec
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xStack® DES-3528/DES-3552 Series Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Managed Switch CLI Reference Guide
enable jumbo_frame
Used to enable the jumbo frame function on the Switch.
Syntax enable jumbo_frame Description
This command will allow ethernet frames larger than 1536 bytes to be processed by the Switch. The maximum size of the jumbo frame may not exceed 9220 Bytes tagged.
Only Administrator and Operator-level users can issue this command.
Example usage:
To enabled the jambo frame:
DES-3528:admin# enable jumbo_frame
Command: enable jumbo_frame
The maximum size of jumbo frame is 9216 bytes. Success.
disable jumbo_frame
Used to disable the jumbo frame function on the Switch.
disable jumbo_frame
This command will disable the jumbo frame function on the Switch.
Only Administrator and Operator-level users can issue this command.
Example usage:
To disable the jumbo frame:
DES-3528:admin# disable jumbo_frame
Command: disable jumbo_frame
show jumbo_frame
Used to show the status of the jumbo frame function on the Switch.
show jumbo_frame
This command will show the status of the jumbo frame function on the Switch.
Example usage:
To show the jumbo frame status currently configured on the Switch:
DES-3528:admin# show jumbo_frame
Command: show jumbo_frame
Jumbo Frame State : Disabled Maximum Frame Size : 1536 Bytes
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