Denver MT-777 WHITE User Manual

PDVD -19302 MTK1389Q方 案(EU P说明书)
Before con nec tin g, op era ting or adjusting this pr odu ct, please rea d thi s use r's m anu al carefully and comple tel y.
Table of Contents
Saf ety Pr ecautio ns
Table of Content s
Ide ntifica tion of Control s
Main Unit
Remote control unit
SETUP Menu Setting
General Page
Parameters and specif ication s
Video Setup Page
Preference Page
Audio Setup Page
Password Setup Page
Battery Parameters
Important Safety Instructions
War nin g: To red uce t he ri sk of e lec tric shock, do not rem ove the cover or b ack . There ar e no us er- ser vic eable parts insid e. Re fer s erv ici ng to q ualified personn el.
War nin g: To pre ven t fir e or el ect ric shock hazard, do n ot expose the u nit t o rai n or mo ist ure.
Do not expos e the Ad apt or an d por table DVD to water (drippin g or sp las hin g) an d no objects filled wi th li qui ds, such as vase s, sh oul d be pl ace d on the unit.
Keep the por tab le DV D awa y fro m direct sunlight an d hea t source suc h as ra dia tor s or st oves.
Do not block t he ve nti lat ion o penings. Slots and o pen ing s on the unit are p rov ide d for v ent ilation. Th e openings should never be blo cke d by pl aci ng yo ur portable DVD on a cus hio n, sofa or othe r sim ila r sur fac e.
Do not place t he po rta ble D VD on u nstable cart, stan d, tripod, br ack et or t abl e. Th e uni t may f all , resulting in possible d ama ge or i nju ry.
Never plac e hea vy or s har p obj ects on the LCD panel or frame.
Only use the AC a dap ter i ncl ude d with portable DVD. U sin g any other ad apt er wi ll vo id yo ur warranty.
The plug of AC ad apt or is u sed a s the d isconnect device , the disconne ct de vic e sha ll re main readily opera ble .
Unplu g the p owe r fro m the o utl et when the unit is not in u se.
Attentio n sho uld b e dra wn to t he environmental a spe cts o f battery di spo sal .
This marki ng in dic ate s tha t this product shoul d not be disp ose d wit h oth er ho use hold wastes througho ut th e EU. To preve nt po ssi ble h arm t o the environm ent o r hum an he alt h from uncontrolle d waste disp osa l, re cyc le it r esponsibly to prom ote the sustai nab le re use o f mat erial resources. To return you r use d dev ice , ple ase use the return and colle cti on sy ste ms or c ont act the retailer whe re the produc t was p urc has ed. T hey c an ta ke th is produ ct fo r env iro nme nta l safe recycling.
Important Safety Instructions
CAUTION: D ang er of e xpl osi on if battery is incor rec tly repla ced . Rep lac e onl y wit h the same or equivale nt ty pe.
WAR NNI NG: T he ba tte ry (b att ery or batteries or ba tte ry pack) shal l not b e exp ose d to ex cessive heat such as sunshine , fir e or th e lik e.
WAR NNI NG: E xce ssive sound pressu re fr om ea rph one s or headp hon es ca n cau se he ari ng loss.
WAR NNI NG: O nly u se attachments/a cce sso rie s spe cified provided b y the m anu fac tur er, the portable DVD is s upp lie d by AC adap ter, t he AC ad apt er is u sed a s disconnect devic e, the discon nec t dev ice s hal l remain readily ope rab le.
Caution: D ang er of e xpl osi on if battery is incor rec tly repla ced , rep lac ed on ly wi th the same or equival ent t ype (Lithium b att ery )
Notes on Copyrights:
It is forbid den b y law t o cop y, bro adc ast , sho w,broadcast via cable , pla y in pu bli c, or r ent c opyrighted mater ial w ith out permi ssi on.
This produ ct fe atu res t he co py protection func tio n dev elo ped b y Macrovis ion .Co py pr ote ction signals are re cor ded o n som e dis cs. When recor din g and p lay ing t he pictures of these d isc s pic tur e noise will a ppe ar.T his p rod uct incorporates c opy rig ht pr ote ction technolo gy th at is p rot ect ed by method claims of c ert ain U .S. Patents an d oth er in tel lec tual property righ ts ow ned b y Mac rov ision Corporat ion a nd ot her r igh ts owners.Use of thi s cop yri ght p rot ection technolo gy mu st be a uth ori zed by Macrovision C orp ora tio n, an d is intended f or ho me an d oth er li mited viewing uses o nly u nle ss otherwis e aut hor ize d by ma crovision Corpor ati on. R eve rse engin eer ing o r dis ass emb ly is prohibited.
You ca n fin d the s erial number on the back of t he un it. Thi s num ber is uniq ue to t his u nit a nd no t ava ilable to others.You s hou ld record reque ste d inf orm ati on he re and retain this gui de as a p erm ane nt record of yo ur pu rch ase .
Model N o. __ ___ ___ ___ ______________ ___ __ Seria l No. _ ___ ___ ___ ______________ ___ ___ Date of Purc has e__ ___ ___ ______________ ___
Safety Precautions
War nin g: wh en th e unit using by child, p are nts m ust m ake s ure to let the chi ld un der sta nd al l contents in Instru cti on bo ok ho w battery us ing t o gua ran tee u sing battery corre ctl y all t he ti me.
War nin g: wh en fi nd battery overhea t, sw ell o r dou r, ple ase stop using b att ery a nd co nta ct service centre fo r get tin g repla cem ent .
War nin g: do n ot ch arging battery on th e pla ce of i nsu ffi cie nt
ventilat ion s uch a s: ma ttr ess, sofa, cushion , s oft m at. ... ..
War nin g: we w ill n ot take any responsi bil ity i f use r inc orrectly use batter y, not followi ng ou r war nin g ins truction label on th e battery ca se.
War nin g: mo re th an 250mm USB extensi on co rd is p roh ibi ted to use for USB p ort
War nin g: Th is di git al vi deo d isc player employs a l ase r sys tem . Use of contr ols ,ad jus tme nts, or the performa nce o f pro ced ure s other than t hos e spe cif ied h erein may result in ha zar dou s radia tio n Exp osu re.
War nin g: To pre ven t dir ect e xpo sure to laser beam,d o not o pen the enclos ure .Visib le la ser r adi ati on when open.
War nin g: Ne ver s tare directly into t he la ser b eam .
Cauti on: D o not i nst all t his p roduct in a confined s pac e suc h as a book case o r sim ila r uni t.
over heat 40 C
+ 8 hidden pages