Datex-Ohmeda S-5 Service Manual S5 Airway



S/5TM Airway Module, G-AO (rev. 06)
Airway Module, G-AiO (rev. 05)
Airway Module, G-AiOV (rev. 04)
Airway Module, G-AOV (rev. 04)
Gas Interface Board, B-GAS (rev. 01)
Datex-Ohmeda Inc. 3030 Ohmeda Drive 53707-7550 MADISON, WIS USA Tel. +1-608-221 1551, Fax +1-608-222 9147
All specifications are subject to change without notice.

Document No. 800 1005-1

June 2001

Datex-Ohmeda Division,
Instrumentarium Corp.
P.O. Box 900, FIN-00031
Tel. +358 10 394 11 Fax +358 9 146 3310
Instrumentarium Corp. All rights reserved.

Table of contents

S/5 Airway modules and S/5 Gas Interface Board, B-GAS
1.1 General specifications..............................................................................................................................2
1.2 Typical performance.................................................................................................................................2
1.2.1 CO
1.2.2 Respiration rate................................................................................................................................2
1.2.3 O
1.2.4 N
1.2.5 Hal, Iso, Enf......................................................................................................................................2
1.2.6 Sev..................................................................................................................................................2
1.2.7 Des..................................................................................................................................................3
1.2.8 Agent identification..........................................................................................................................3
1.2.9 Patient Spirometry............................................................................................................................3
1.2.10 Airway Pressure (Paw)...................................................................................................................3
1.2.11 Tidal Volume (TV)..........................................................................................................................3
1.2.12 Minute Volume (MV).....................................................................................................................3
1.2.13 Airway flow...................................................................................................................................3
1.3 Technical specification .............................................................................................................................4
1.3.1 CO
1.3.2 O
1.3.3 N
1.3.4 AA...................................................................................................................................................4
O .................................................................................................................................................2
O .................................................................................................................................................4
2 Functional Description 5
2.1 Measurement principle.............................................................................................................................5
2.1.1 CO
2.1.2 O
2.1.3 Agent identification..........................................................................................................................7
2.1.4 Patient Spirometry............................................................................................................................ 8
2.2 Main components.....................................................................................................................................9
2.2.1 Gas sampling system......................................................................................................................10
2.2.2 ACX-200 measuring unit.................................................................................................................16
2.2.3 OM measuring unit.........................................................................................................................17
2.2.4 ACX measuring board.....................................................................................................................18
2.2.5 ASX agent identification bench........................................................................................................20
2.2.6 ASX measuring board.....................................................................................................................20
2.2.7 PVX board......................................................................................................................................22
2.2.8 Gas mother boar d...........................................................................................................................24
2.2.9 Gas interface board........................................................................................................................26
2.3 Connectors and signals...........................................................................................................................26
2.3.1 Module bus connector....................................................................................................................26
, N2O and Agent measurement....................................................................................................5
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Datex-Ohmeda S/5 Anesthesia Monitor
2.3.2 Gas mother board connectors.........................................................................................................27
3 Service Procedures 31
3.1 General service information....................................................................................................................31
3.2 Service check.........................................................................................................................................32
3.2.1 Recommended tools......................................................................................................................32
3.2.2 Recommended parts......................................................................................................................32
3.3 Disassembly and reassembly..................................................................................................................41
3.4 Adjustments and calibrations..................................................................................................................42
3.4.1 Gas sampling system adjustment...................................................................................................42
3.4.2 Flow rate measurement..................................................................................................................42
3.4.3 Oxygen measurement unit adjust ments...........................................................................................44
3.4.4 Flow calibration..............................................................................................................................46
4 Troubleshooting 47
4.1 Troubleshooting chart.............................................................................................................................47
4.1.1 Supply voltage troubleshooting.......................................................................................................48
4.2 Gas sampling system troubleshooting.....................................................................................................49
4.2.1 Sampling system leak test..............................................................................................................49
4.2.2 Water separation............................................................................................................................49
4.2.3 Steam test for the special tubes......................................................................................................49
4.3 OM measuring unit troubleshooting.........................................................................................................50
4.4 ACX troubleshooting...............................................................................................................................50
4.4.1 Cleaning the measuring chamber of ACX measuring unit..................................................................50
4.5 ASX agent identification unit troubleshooting...........................................................................................52
4.6 PVX board troubleshooting......................................................................................................................53
4.7 Gas mother board troubleshooting..........................................................................................................53
4.7.1 Instru ctions after replacing the software or Gas mother board...........................................................53
4.8 Error messages.......................................................................................................................................54
5Service menu 55
5.1 Gas mother board...................................................................................................................................56
5.2 ACX service menu...................................................................................................................................59
5.3 PVX service menu...................................................................................................................................61
5.3.1 Flow calibration..............................................................................................................................62
5.3.2 Temp & Hum service menu.............................................................................................................63
5.4 ASX service menu...................................................................................................................................64
6 Spare parts 65
6.1 Spare parts list.......................................................................................................................................65
6.1.1 G-AO rev. 01, G-A iO rev. 00............................................................................................................65
6.1.2 G-AO rev. 02, G-A iO rev. 01, G-AOV rev. 00, G-AiOV rev. 00.............................................................66
6.1.3 G-AO rev. 03, G-A iO rev. 02, G-AOV rev. 01, G-AiOV rev. 01.............................................................66
6.1.4 G-AO rev. 04, G-A iO rev. 03, G-AOV rev. 02, G-AiOV rev. 02, G-O rev. 00, G-OV rev. 00.....................67
6.1.5 G-AO rev. 05, G-A iO rev. 04, G-AOV rev. 03, G-AiOV rev. 03, G-O rev. 01, G-OV rev. 01.....................67
6.1.6 S/5 G-AO rev. 06, G-A iO rev. 05, G-AOV rev. 04, G-AiOV rev. 04......................................................67
6.1.7 Panel stickers................................................................................................................................67
6.1.8 S/5 panel stickers.........................................................................................................................68
6.1.9 Planned Maintenance (PM) Kits:.....................................................................................................69
6.1.10 Gas Interface Board, B-GAS.......................................................................................................69
7 Earlier Revisions 70
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Table of contents
Service check FORM A-1


Figure 1 CO2/N2O/AA gas absorption spectra.....................................................................................................5
Figure 2 O
Figure 3 Anaesthetic Agents gas absorption spectra............................................................................................7
Figure 4 Airway module block diagram...............................................................................................................9
Figure 5 Gas sampling system block diagram ...................................................................................................12
Figure 6 Gas sampling system layout................................................................................................................13
Figure 7 Gas sampling system block diagram ...................................................................................................13
Figure 8 Gas sampling system layout................................................................................................................14
Figure 9 ACX photometer (ACX-200 measuring unit)..........................................................................................16
Figure 10 CO
Figure 11 ACX measuring board block diagram...............................................................................................19
measurement principle....................................................................................................................6
O/AA measurement block diagram......................................................................................17
Figure 12 ASX measuring unit ........................................................................................................................20
Figure 13 ASX measuring board block diagram...............................................................................................21
Figure 14 PVX board block diagram................................................................................................................23
Figure 15 Gas mother board block diagram....................................................................................................25
Figure 16 Gas sampling system adjustment chart...........................................................................................43
Figure 17 O
measuring unit adjustments.......................................................................................................46
Figure 18 ASX troubleshooting flowchart.........................................................................................................52
Figure 19 PVX board troubleshooting flowchart...............................................................................................53
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Datex-Ohmeda S/5 Anesthesia Monitor
Document No. 800 1005-1


The S/5 Airway Modules, G-AO, G-AiO, G-AOV and G-AiOV are designed for use with the S/5 Anesthesia Monitor and provide airway and respiratory parameters. Later in this manual modules can be called w/o system name S/5.
This Technical Reference Manual Slot provides information for the maintenance and service of the airway modules. Please see also related system e.g. related documentation, conventions used, symbols on equipment, safety precautions, system description, system installation, interfacing, functional check and planned maintenance.
Letters in the name stand for: G = Side mountable gas module O = CO V = Patient Spirometry A = Anesthetic agents i = Agent identification
, Patient O2, and N2O
Technical Reference Manual
S/5 Airway modules
for information related to
Table 1 Options of Parameter Modules
NOTE: The Airway Modules and Compact Airway Modules cannot be used simultaneously in the same monitor.
Gas Interface Board
Gas Interface Board, B-GAS is used for connecting the airway module to the central unit. The connection can also be made through the Interface Board, B-INT.
N2O Patient O
Agents Agent id Spirometry
Document No. 800 1005-1
Datex-Ohmeda S/5 Anesthesia Monitor


1.1 General specifications
Module size, W × D × H 135 × 410 × 135 mm/5.3 × 15.0 × 5.3 in Module weight 6 kg/13 lbs.
1.2 Typical performance
Sampling rate 200 ml/min nominal (180...220 ml/min) Display update rate breath-by-breath
Automatic compensation for pressure, CO Warm-up time 3 min for operation, 30 min for full specifications.
Auto-zeroing is performed at start-up, after 5 min + 5 min + 5 min + 15 min + 15 min + 15 min, and after that every 60 min at regular intervals.
1.2.1 CO
Measurement range 0 to 10 %, (0 to 10 kPa), (0 to 76 mmHg) Extended range 10 to 15 %, (10 to 15 kPa), (76 to 114 mmHg) (unspecified)
concentration is below 0.1 %, 0.0 % is displayed.
1.2.2 Respiration rate
Breath detection 1 % change in CO2 level Measurement range 4 to 60 breaths/min
1.2.3 O
Measurement range 0 to 100 % O
1.2.4 N2O
O, and CO2-O2 collision broadening effect.
Measurement range 0 to 100 % N2O
1.2.5 Hal, Iso, Enf
Measurement range 0 to 5 % Extended range 5 to 15 % (unspecified)
1.2.6 Sev
Measurement range 0 to 8 % Extended range 8 to 15 % (unspecified)
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1.2.7 Des
Measurement range 0 to 18 % Extended range 18 to 30 % (unspecified)
Resolution two decimals when the AA concentration below 1.0 % If AA concentration is below 0.10 %, 0.00 % is displayed.
1.2.8 Agent identification
Identified agents HAL, ENF, ISO, SEV, DES Identification time 30 seconds (typical value with pure agents) Identification threshold 0.15 vol% (typical)
Mixture warning when minor component concentration > 0.3 vol% and > 15 %of total agent concentration
1.2.9 Patient Spirometry
Values are valid when: Respiratory rate adult 4...30 pedi 4...50 breaths/min I:E ratio 1:3 - 1:0.5 Inner diameter of ET tube is 5.5 mm (adult) or 3 to 6 mm (pediatric).
S/5 Airway modules
1.2.10 Airway Pressure (Paw)
Accuracy ±1.5 cmH2O Resolution 1 cmH Measuring range -20 to +80 cmH
1.2.11 Tidal Volume (TV)
Accuracy ±6 % or 30 ml (adult); ±6 % or 4 ml (ped) Resolution 1 ml Measurement range 150 to 2000 ml (adult)
1.2.12 Minute Volume (MV)
Resolution 0.1 l/min Measurement range 2 to 15 l/min (adult)
1.2.13 Airway flow
Measurement range 1.5 to 100 l/min for both directions (adult)
15 to 300 ml (ped)
0.5 to 5 l/min (ped)
0.25 to 25 l/min for both directions (ped)
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Datex-Ohmeda S/5 Anesthesia Monitor
1.3 Technical specification
1.3.1 CO
1.3.2 O
1.3.3 N2O
Measurement rise time <360 ms (from 10 to 90 %) Gain stability 0.2 %CO
0.4 %CO
Gain temperature drift 0.2 %CO
0.4 %CO
Nonlinearity error 0.2 %CO
0.4 %CO
/24 h (0 to 8 %)
/24 h (8 to 10 %)
/10 °C (0 to 8 %)
/10 °C (8 to 10 %)
(0 to 8 %)
(8 to 10 %)
Measurement rise time <480 ms (from 10 to 90 %) Gain drift 2 % O Gain temperature drift 3 % O Nonlinearity error 2 % O
/24 h
/10 °C
2 2
Measurement rise time <360 ms (from 10 to 90 %) Gain drift 2 % N Gain temperature drift 3 % N Nonlinearity error 2 % N
O/24 h
O/10 °C
1.3.4 AA
Measurement rise time <520 ms (from 10 to 90 %) Gain drift 0.4 % AA/24 h Gain temperature drift 0.4 % AA/10 °C Nonlinearity error 0.2 % AA
Protection against electrical shock
Type BF
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2.1 Measurement principle
2.1.1 CO2, N2O and Agent measurement
The CO2, N2O, and anesthetic agent gas measurements are based on absorption of infrared light as it passes through the gas sample in measuring chamber in the photometer. The light absorption is measured at three wavelengths using an infrared detector. One of the wavelengths is that of the
absorption peak at 4.3 micrometers, the second is that of the N2O absorption peak at 3.9
micrometers, and the third is that of the anesthetic agent absorption peak at 3.3 micrometers. The signal processing electronics receive the signals from the IR detector and demodulate it to get DC components out of these signals which correspond to the content of each gas in the sample.
S/5 Airway modules
Figure 1 CO2/N2O/AA gas absorption spectra
Document No. 800 1005-1
Datex-Ohmeda S/5 Anesthesia Monitor
2.1.2 O2 measurement
The differential oxygen measuring unit uses the paramagnetic principle in a pneumatic bridge configuration. The signal picked up with a differential pressure transducer is generated in a measuring cell with a strong magnetic field that is switched on and off at a frequency of 110 Hz. The output signal is a DC voltage proportional to the O gases to be measured.
concentration difference between the two
Mixture out
Switched magnetic field
Sample in
Reference in
Figure 2 O2 measurement principle
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2.1.3 Agent identification
The anesthetic agent identification bench identifies Halothane, Enflurane, Isoflurane, Desflurane and Sevoflurane.
The bench measures the spectrum of the gas between 3.24 µm and 3.39 µm. Because the spectrum of each of the anaesthetic agents is different it is possible to identify them.
The bench consists of an infrared source, a measuring chamber, a rotating filter and a detector. The peak wavelength of the narrow bandpass filter changes when the angle between the light path and the filter is changed. When the filter rotates the required spectrum is scanned through. The agent or a mixture of agents is identified by comparing the measured spectrum with stored reference spectra.
500 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100
S/5 Airway modules
Anesthetic Agent Gas Absorption Spectra
Halothane 0 Enflurane 0 Isoflurane 0 Sevoflurane 0 Desflurane 0 Freon 0
Wavelength [nm]
Figure 3 Anaesthetic Agents gas absorption spectra
Document No. 800 1005-1
Datex-Ohmeda S/5 Anesthesia Monitor
2.1.4 Patient Spirometry
In anesthesia, CMV (Controlled Mechanical Ventilation) is the mostly used ventilation mode. In this mode, mechanical breaths are delivered to the patient by a ventilator with a proper tidal volume (TV), respiration rate (RR), and inspiration/expiration ratio in time (I:E) determined by the settings of the ventilator.
Delivery of life support gases is based on pressure. However, without knowing volume measured of exhalation, one cannot be sure that a breath occurred. The ultimate goal of ventilation is to use the least amount of pressure to generate the most appropriate volume for each breath.
The Patient Spirometry monitors ventilation in anesthesia. Both patient breathing circuit and the function of the ventilator are monitored. The following parameters are displayed:
Expiratory and inspiratory tidal volume (TV) in ml. Expiratory and inspiratory minute volume (MV) in l/min. Expiratory volume in first second (V1.0) in per cent for adults and in 0.5 seconds for children. Inspiration/expiration ratio in time (I:E) Airway pressures: Peak pressure (P pressure (PEEP), Real time airway pressure waveform (P Flow: Real time flow waveform (V') Compliance (C) Pressure volume loop Flow volume loop
), End inspiratory pressure (P
), Positive end expiratory
Airway pressure
Airway flow
, and P
are measured by pressure transducer on the PVX board. Atmospheric pressure
is used as a reference in measurement. The pressure measurement is made from the airway part that is closest to the patient between patient circuit and intubation tube.
The measurement is based on measuring the kinetic gas pressure and is performed using Pitot effect. Pressure transducer is used to measure the Pitot pressure. The obtained pressure signal is linearized and corrected according to the density of the gas. Speed of the flow is calculated from these pressure values and TV value is then integrated. MV value is further calculated a nd averaged using TV and RR (respiratory rate) values.
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Patient Spirometry sensor, D-lite
Patient Spirometry is measured with a specific sensor, D-lite or Pedi-lite. D-lite and Pedi-lite sensors are designed to measure kinetic pressure by t wo-sided Pitot tube. The
pressure reduction caused by measuring cross is taken into account, too, especially in small flows. Velocity is calculated from pressure difference according to Bernoulli's equation. Flow is then
determined using the calcula ted velocity.
S/5 Airway modules
(from Bernoulli's equation)
F=v A×
where, F=flow (l/min) v=velocity (m/s) A=cross area (m dP=pressure difference (cmH
ρ=density (kg/m
Finally the volume information is obtained by integrating the flow signal.
2.2 Main components
The airway modules consist of ACX-200 and OM-101 gas measuring units, ASX-200 agent identification unit (G-AiO/AiOV), PVX board (G-OV/AiOV/AOV), gas sampling system, ACX measuring board and gas mother board.
Oxygen Measuing Unit
Serial I/O
Supply voltages
+5 V, GND
Serial I/O
O2 signal
ACX Board
Signal out
Supply voltages, Control
Gas Module CPU
ACX Bench
X1 X2
Valve controls
ACX, ASX, PVX serial I/O
+5 Vref
Lamp Supply Voltage
Lamp Driver
Lamp control
Pump control Mod key in
Lamp control
ASX Unit
Supply voltages
ASX serial i/O
Valve controls
+15 VD, GNDD
Pump control
+15 VD, GNDD
PVX Board
Supply voltages
PVX serial i/O
Valve Driver
Pump Driver
X1 X3
Gas pressure and flow in
+24/+32 VD
+15 VD
+15 VD
+5 V +5 VL +15 VD +/-15 V +24 /+32 VD GND GNDD
+15 V
Figure 4 Airway module block diagram
Gas Mother Board
Mod key in
Module Key
Document No. 800 1005-1
Datex-Ohmeda S/5 Anesthesia Monitor
2.2.1 Gas sampling system
The gas sampling system samples the measured air to the module, and removes water and impurities from it. A sampling line is connected to the water trap on the front panel. The pump draws gas through the sampling line to gas measuring units. After the measurements, the gas is exhausted from sample gas out connector on the rear panel of the module.
Water trap, D-fend
The gas sample enters the monitor through the water trap, where it is divided into two flows, main flow and side flow (see Gas sampling system block diagram). The main flow goes into the measuring system through a hydrophobic filter.
The side flow creates a slight sub-atmospheric pressure within the water trap container. This facilitates gathering th e fluid removed by the hydrophobic filter.
Sampling line
The sampling line is an integral part of the total sampling system. The resistance established by the sampling line is significant when the software determines the occlusion a nd air-leak alarm limits during the turn-on sequence.
The Nafion
Zero valve
The small inner diameter causes fluids such as blood or mucus not to propagate within the tube, so that when the line is clogged, it is replaced.
A nafion tube (tubes A or B, and C: see figure 5) is used to balance the sample gas humidity with that of ambient air. The tube will prevent errors caused by the effect of water vapor on gas partial pressure when humid gases are measured after calibration with dry gases. It is inserted between the water trap and the zero valve (G-AiO/A iOV) or between the zero valve and ACX-200 measuring unit (G-O/OV/AO/AOV). The tube is also inserted between the CO
absorber and the zero valve.
The main flow passes through a solenoid valve before proceeding to the ACX-200 measuring unit. This valve is activated to establish the zero points for the A CX-200 and O
measuring units at start-
up, at 5 minutes, and after that at regular intervals. After 1-hour monitoring, the auto-zeroing is performed once an hour. When the valve is activated, room air is drawn through the CO into the internal system and the gas sensors.
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Nafion is a trademark of Du Pont
Gas measuring units, ACX-200 and O2 unit
After the zero valve, the gas passes through the ACX-200 and O2 measuring units. In the ACX-200 measuring unit, infrared light is passed through chambers containing the main flow gas (measurement) and a chamber containing reference gas. The measurement is made by determining the ratio between the two light intensities.
The oxygen sensor has two inputs. One input accepts the main flow and the other draws in room air for reference. The sensor uses a differential pressure transducer to compare the pressure gradient produced when both gases are exposed to an oscillating magnetic field. Both gas flows exit from a single port.
In i model, the ASX agent identification unit is installed in parallel with the oxygen sensor . The task of the ASX unit is to identify anesthesia agents by infrared light method used also in the ACX-200 unit.
Pressure valve
The pressure valve is used to meas ure the pressure gradient between the O2 measurement flow and the O filter.
reference flow. This pressure gradient reflects the condition of the D-fend water trap
S/5 Airway modules
Normally the pressure gradient between the O approximately +8 mmHg. If the software detects the gradient to be between 0 and -5 mmHg, the pressure valve will initiate pressure measurement of the reference flo w. If the gradient is greater than -5 mmHg, the software triggers the message ’Replace Trap’.
Flow cassettes
The internal flow rates are set using flow cassettes. These cassettes are used to set the side flow rate and the O
reference flow rate, the flow rates through the measuring units and the total flow
rate of the sampling system.
Sampling pump and damping chamber
The sampling pump is a vibrating membrane pump driven by a 50 Hz/12 V/0.4 A square wave current.
The damping chamber is used to even out the pulsating flow and silence the exhaust flow.
measurement flow and the reference flow is
Document No. 800 1005-1
Datex-Ohmeda S/5 Anesthesia Monitor
Figure 5 Gas sampling system block diagram
In G-AO, -AOV models, tube A is Teflon, B and C Nafion. In G-AiO, -AiOV models, tubes A and C are Nafion, B is Teflon.
See new tubing since autumn 1998 in figure 7.
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S/5 Airway modules
Ref IN Room AIR
Sample Gas IN
Figure 6 Gas sampling system layout
See new sampling system layout since autumn 1998 in figure 8.
Pressure valve
Pressure transducer
in G-AiO/AiOV
Sample pump
Zero valve
main flow
O2 sensor
Damping chamber
side flow
Constriction casse tte
Figure 7 Gas sampling system block diagram
In G-AO, -AOV models, tube A is Teflon, B and C Nafion. In G-AiO, -AiOV models, tubes A and C are Nafion, B is Teflon. Figure 7 is valid for modules manufactured since autumn 1998.
Sample Gas OUT
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Datex-Ohmeda S/5 Anesthesia Monitor
Figure 8 Gas sampling system layout
Figure 8 is valid for modules manufactured since autumn 1998.
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Table 2 Flow cassettes
S/5 Airway modules
50/26.0 878048 50/19.0 873800 50/16.3 878047 50/15.3 873801 50/14.1 878046 50/13.1 873802 50/12.4 878045 50/11.2 874770 50/10.4 873803 50/9.2 874509 50/8.7 873804 50/7.4 873805 50/6.5 878044 50/5.8 873806 50/5.1 878043 50/4.4 873807 50/3.8 878042 50/3.2 873808 50/3.0 878040 50/2.8 878039 50/2.5 878038 50/2.3 873809 50/2.0 878037 50/1.8 873810 50/1.6 878036 50/1.4 873811 50/1.1 873812
NOTE: The number on the cassette represents relative flow when a specific pressure is applied. Therefore 50/26.0 presents the least resistance and 50/1.1 the most.
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Datex-Ohmeda S/5 Anesthesia Monitor
2.2.2 ACX-200 measuring unit
The ACX photometer is of dual path type. The infrared light beam passes through a measuring chamber containing the gas to be analyzed, and a reference chamber, which is free of CO and AA. The measurement is made by determining the ratio between the two light intensities.
, N2O,
Figure 9 ACX photometer (ACX-200 measuring unit)
A filter wheel is used to control the light from an incandescent lamp that passes through the photometer. The filters are arranged so that the light is passed sequentially:
first at the CO
then through the measuring chamber
finally it is blocked completely
The same sequence is repeated at the N
absorption wavelength through the reference chamber
O and anaesthetic agent gas absorption wavelengths.
After passing through the filters the light is reflected and focused by a mirror onto the infrared detector. This detector measures the three light levels for each gas described above.
There is an optical sensor incorporated in the photometer which detects light from a reflective surface on the filter wheel once every revolution. The pu lses from this sensor are us ed to synchronize the electronics to the signal from the infrared detector. A stabilizing diode measures the temperature, which is needed to compensate for thermal drifts. The infrar ed detector, the optical sensor and the stabilizing diode are mounted on the preamplifier board.
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S/5 Airway modules
Figure 10 CO2/N2O/AA measurement block diagram
2.2.3 OM measuring unit
The oxygen measurement is based on the paramagnetic susceptibility, which is a unique property of oxygen among all gases generally present in a breathing gas mixture. The gas to be measured and the reference gas, which usually is room air, are conducted into a gap in an electromagnet with a strong magnetic field switched on and off at a frequency of approximately 110 Hz.
An alternating differential pressure is generated between the sample and reference inputs due to forces acting to the oxygen molecules in a magnetic field gradient.
The pressure is measured with a sensitive differential transducer, rectified with a synchronous detector and amplified to produce a DC voltage proportional to the oxygen partial pressure difference of the two gases.
Document No. 800 1005-1
Datex-Ohmeda S/5 Anesthesia Monitor
2.2.4 ACX measuring board
The measuring electronics can be divided into a few functional blocks, which are described below (see the block diagram in figure 11).
The ACX Measuring board controls gas measurements. It converts the photometer signal into digital data, calculates results and transmits it to Gas mother board. The board contains, in addition to the 80C51FA processor, EPROM, RAM, and EEPROM, several analog and digital I/O functions.
Internal and external bus
The processor has access to the Measuring board peripherals (memory, A/D converter, D/A converters, etc) via an internal bus. For communication between the Gas mother board and the Measuring board, there is an external bus in connector X1.
Memory components include 64k × 8 bit EPROM program memory, 32k × 8 bit low current CMOS RAM, and EEPROM for permanent calibration values and setup memory.
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S/5 Airway modules
Figure 11 ACX measuring board block diagram
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