Corel Photo Paint - 10 Instruction Manual

Copyright © 2000 COREL CORPORATION and COREL CORPORATION LIMITED. All rights reserved.
Corel PHOTO-PAINT® 10 User Guide
The contents of this manual and the associated Corel PHOTO-PAINT® software are the property of Corel Corporation and Corel Corporation Limited and their respective licensors and are copyrighted. Any reproduction in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. For more complete copyright information please refer to the About section in the Help menu of the software.
Software Credit
This book was designed and created using award-winning Corel® publishing and graphics software. WordPerfect® and Corel VENTURA™ were used to produce this book, and the illustrations were created in CorelDRAW® and Corel PHOTO-PAINT®.

Table of Contents

Introduction .....................1
Welcome to Corel PHOTO-PAINT ..............3
About Corel Corporation........................3
Corel support and services ......................4
Customer Service .............................6
Installing and uninstalling applications ..............7
Registering Corel PHOTO-PAINT...................8
Starting and quitting Corel PHOTO-PAINT ............8
Exploring the work area .......................10
Corel PHOTO-PAINT 10 Workspace tour ............14
Input .........................17
Bringing images into Corel PHOTO-PAINT .......19
Opening images .............................19
Importing files ..............................21
Scanning images ............................21
Loading photos from a digital camera..............22
Starting new images ..........................22
Viewing images..........................25
Viewing images .............................25
Zooming ..................................27
Image editing ....................29
Cropping and stitching images ...............31
Cropping images ............................31
Stitching images together ......................32
Changing image size and orientation ..........35
Changing image dimensions and resolution..........35
Changing image orientation.....................37
Retouching Images .......................39
Fixing poorly scanned images ...................39
Removing red eye and dust and scratch marks .......40
Sharpening images ...........................41
Cloning images and objects.....................44
Erasing image areas ..........................45
Working with lenses ......................47
Creating lenses .............................47
Masking images .........................49
Distinguishing protected and editable areas .........49
Defining editable areas ........................51
Defining editable areas using color information.......55
Table of contents i
Correcting the color and tone of images ........61
Correcting image color and tone .................61
Applying special effects to images ............67
Working with special effects ....................67
Types of special effects ........................69
Undoing, redoing, repeating, and fading ........81
Undoing, redoing, repeating, and fading actions ......81
Reverting to an earlier image state................83
Painting and creating ...............85
Working with color .......................87
Choosing colors .............................87
Filling images ...........................91
Applying uniform fills .........................91
Applying fountain fills .........................92
Applying bitmap fills..........................93
Applying texture fills..........................94
Applying gradient fills .........................96
Painting images .........................99
Drawing shapes and lines ......................99
Applying brush strokes .......................101
Spraying images ............................103
Working with objects.....................105
Creating objects ............................105
Selecting objects ...........................106
Moving, copying, and deleting objects ............108
Transforming objects.........................109
Adding drop shadows to objects ................113
Working with object transparency ...............114
Changing color modes ....................117
Changing the color mode of images ..............117
Changing images to the Paletted color mode........120
Working with text .......................125
Adding and editing text ......................125
Formatting text ............................127
Fitting text to a path ........................128
Output .......................131
Printing ..............................133
Printing your work ..........................133
Laying out print jobs ........................134
Saving, exporting, and closing images.........137
Saving images .............................137
Exporting files .............................139
Closing images.............................140
Creating Images for the Web ...............141
ii Table of contents
Publishing images to the Internet................141
Creating image maps ........................143
Emailing images ............................145
Table of contents iii
Welcome to Corel PHOTO-PAINT 1
Corel PHOTO-PAINTis a bitmap-based image-editing program
that lets you retouch existing photos or create original graphics. Corel PHOTO-PAINT gives you the tools and supplies of a professional graphic design studio. You can choose from an array of media and textures; colors and brushes; and a library of ready-made images. You can also animate your images and publish your work to the Internet.
In this section, you’ll learn about
Installing and uninstalling applications
Registering Corel PHOTO-PAINT
Starting and quitting Corel PHOTO-PAINT
Using Corel PHOTO-PAINT Help
Exploring the work area
Setting options
About Corel Corporation
Corel Corporation is an internationally recognized developer of award-winning business productivity, graphics, and operating system solutions on the Windows, Linux, UNIX, Macintosh, and Java platforms. Corel also develops market-leading, Web-based solutions, including applications, e-commerce and online services. For access to these services and more information about Corel and its products, see or on the Internet. Corel is headquartered in
CorelDRAW User Guide: Chapter 1 3
Ottawa, Canada. Corel’s common stock trades on the NASDAQ Stock Market (symbol: CORL) and on the Toronto Stock Exchange (symbol: COR).
Corel wants your feedback
If you have any comments or suggestions about Corel PHOTO-PAINT documentation, you can send them by email to or by regular mail to the following address.
Creative Products Documentation Manager Corel Corporation 1600 Carling Avenue Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1Z 8R7
Corel can’t respond to your messages individually, but you can check the Corel PHOTO-PAINT Web site for the latest product news, tips and tricks, and product upgrade information. You can access the Corel PHOTO-PAINT Web site at on the Internet.
Corel Training Manuals
Corel training manuals are the fast and easy way to learn about all of our applications. Corel training manuals include easy to follow, step-by-step instructions, and are illustrated throughout. Comprehensive, hands-on exercises provide the opportunity to practice the new concepts and skills that you have learned. The
modular structure of the course material makes Corel training manuals easily adaptable to different user groups and learning needs. Designed for both instructor-led training and self-paced study, the manuals target various levels of software knowledge, from new to experienced users.
For more information and pricing details, you can contact us by telephone at 1-800-77-COREL or visit on the Internet.
Corel support and services
The Corel product you are using is supported by the Corel Client Services team. This team is committed to providing quality customer service and support that is easy to access and convenient to use, while fostering one-to-one customer relationships.
If you have a question about the features and functions of Corel applications or operating systems, see the user guide or online Help for the product you are using. Updates and technical information are also available in the Release Notes.
Year 2000 information
Presenting timely solutions to the Year 2000 needs of users is a critical concern at Corel. For the latest information about new products and major upgrades of existing products that have been
4 Corel PHOTO-PAINT User Guide: Chapter 1
tested for Year 2000 date-related issues, visit Corel Corporation’s year 2000 policy Web site at on the Internet.
Registering Corel products
Registering Corel products is important. Registration provides you with timely access to the latest product updates, valuable information about product releases and access to free downloads, articles, tips and tricks, and special offers.
For more information about registering a Corel product see the online Help for the product or see on the Internet.
Technical support
The Web address for Corel is on the Internet. A list of localized Corel Web sites is available at on the Internet. Corel LINUX information is available at on the Internet.
Self-serve technical support options
Several self-serve tools are available to address technical questions 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Self-serve option How to access
Support newsgroups
Knowledge Base
File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
FTP information
Online Help
Interactive Voice Answering Network (IVAN)*
Automated Fax on Demand*
Type keyword Technical Support
*IVAN and Fax on Demand are available only in North America.
Welcome to Corel PHOTO-PAINT 5
Telephone technical support options
Corel users can use complimentary and fee-based telephone technical support options. Three levels of support are available.
Installation and Configuration Service
Installation and Configuration Service is a complimentary, 30-day service designed to address installation, configuration, and new feature issues. This service begins on the day of your first technical support call.
Installation and Configuration Service replaces Classic Service, however, Corel will honor previously purchased Classic contracts. For more information see on the Internet.
Installation and Configuration Service is not available for OEM, “White box,” Jewel Case (CD only), trial, or Academic versions of Corel products.
Priority Service
Priority Service is a fee-based service for users who require the help of second-level technicians. Priority Service may be purchased by the minute, by the incident, or on a term basis. Options range from core-business-hour access for individual users to around-the-clock access for multiuser environments.
Premium Service
Premium Service is Corel’s highest level of support. This service is designed for organizations that want to establish a direct relationship with Corel and for organizations that employ dedicated support professionals or have centralized technical management.
Customer Service
Corel Customer Service can provide you with prompt and accurate information about Corel product features, specifications, pricing, availability, and services. Corel Customer Service does not provide technical support. You can access Customer Service support through the following avenues.
World Wide Web
You can access general customer service and product information at on the Internet.
Mail, fax, email
You can send specific customer-service questions to Corel Customer Service representatives by mail, fax, and email.
Corel Corporation Corel Customer Service 1600 Carling Avenue Ottawa, Ontario Canada K1Z 8R7
6 Corel PHOTO-PAINT User Guide: Chapter 1
Fax: 1-613-761-9176
You can telephone Corel Customer Service centers with your questions.
In North America, you can reach Corel Customer Service by calling the 1-800-772-6735 toll-free line. The hours of operation are 9:00 Friday, and 10:00
Corel customers residing outside North America can contact Corel Customer Service representatives in Dublin, Ireland, by calling the 353-1-213-3912 toll line, or they can call a local authorized Corel Customer Service Partner.
A.M. to 9:00 P.M., eastern time (ET), Monday through
A.M. to 7:00 P.M. on Saturdays.
Installing and uninstalling applications
The Corel Setup wizard makes it easy to install and uninstall Corel applications. The Setup wizard lets you:
install any Corel applications included in your software
add components to currently installed applications
refresh files and configurations of currently installed
uninstall all or some of the components of Corel applications
To install new components or to update your current installation
1 Close all applications.
2 Insert Corel DRAW CD#1 into the CD drive.
If the Corel Setup wizard does not start automatically, click
Start on the Windows taskbar, and click Run. Type D:\Setup,
where D is the letter that corresponds to the CD drive.
3 Select one of the following options and follow the
instructions in the Corel setup wizard:
Add New Components — if you want to install
components that are not already installed
Update Current Installation — if you want to refresh your
installation of the application and restore all settings to their default values
Custom Setup — if you want to specify which
components to include
To uninstall
1 Click Start on the Windows taskbar, and click Programs }
CorelDRAW 10 } Setup and notes } Corel uninstaller.
2 Follow the instructions in the Corel uninstaller wizard.
Welcome to Corel PHOTO-PAINT 7
Registering Corel PHOTO-PAINT
You must register Corel PHOTO-PAINT to be eligible for technical support. Registered users receive our email newsletter, which contains information about new product releases and updates, free downloads, articles, tips, and special offers. If you have an Internet connection, you can register by following the instructions provided during installation.
Starting and quitting Corel PHOTO-PAINT
You can start Corel PHOTO-PAINT from the Windows taskbar, and end your Corel PHOTO-PAINT session from the application.
To start Corel PHOTO-PAINT
From the Windows taskbar, click Start } Programs }
CorelDRAW 10 } Corel PHOTO-PAINT 10.
To quit Corel PHOTO-PAINT
Click File } Exit.
Using Corel PHOTO-PAINT Help
Corel PHOTO-PAINT has a variety of features that help you work with the application:
Corel PHOTO-PAINT User Guide — paper documentation
explaining Corel PHOTO-PAINT concepts and features and providing procedures for the basic tasks you will perform.
Online Help — comprehensive online documentation
providing procedures for most of the tasks you will perform. Information is accessed through the table of contents, index, or word/phrase search tool.
Context Help — lets you access information about specific
buttons, icons, and sliders on the user-interface.
CorelTUTOR — lets you work through a series of practical
lessons that introduce you to the application’s major capabilities.
ToolTips — lets you access information about icons and
To use online Help
1 Click Help } Help Topics.
2 Click one of the following tabs:
Contents — to browse through topics by category
Index — to see a list of index entries
Find — to search for a particular word or phrase in the
online Help
8 Corel PHOTO-PAINT User Guide: Chapter 1
You can also
To access context Help for Do the following
Print an entire section
Print a topic Open a Help topic, and click the
Click a title on the Contents page, and click Print.
Print button in the Help window.
After you access an online Help topic, you can access
Docker windows
The status bar
Click on the standard toolbar, and click the item you want help on.
Click on the standard toolbar, and click the item you want help on.
related topics by clicking on the green highlighted text, the How To buttons, the Related Topics buttons, or the Overview buttons.
To use context Help
To access context Help for Do the following
Dialog boxes
Menu commands
Tools and controls
Click in the dialog box, and click the item you want help on.
Click on the standard toolbar, and click the item you want help on.
Click on the standard toolbar, and click the item you want help on.
Welcome to Corel PHOTO-PAINT 9
The status bar at the bottom of the application window lets you familiarize yourself with work area elements by displaying brief descriptions of buttons, controls, and menu commands as you move the mouse over them.
Toolbars consist of buttons that are shortcuts to many menu commands. The standard toolbar consists of commonly used commands. The table below outlines the buttons on the standard toolbar.
To use CorelTUTOR
Click Help } CorelTUTOR.
Press this button To
Start a new drawing
To display ToolTips
Position the cursor over an icon or a button.
Exploring the work area
An image that you open or create in Corel PHOTO-PAINT appears in an image window. You can open more than one image window, but you can apply commands to the active image window only. Application commands are accessible through the menu bar, toolbars, and toolbox. The property bar and Docker windows provide access to commands that are relevant to the active tool or current task. The property bar, Docker windows, toolbars and toolbox and can be opened, closed, and moved across your screen at any time.
Open a drawing
Save a drawing
Print a drawing
Cut selected objects to the Clipboard
Copy selected objects to the Clipboard
Paste the Clipboard contents into a drawing
10 Corel PHOTO-PAINT User Guide: Chapter 1
Press this button To
Press this button To
Undo the last action
Redo the last action
Import a drawing
Launch Corel Graphics Community Web site
Launch What’s This? or context help
The toolbox consists of flyout toolbars. Flyouts contain a set of
Export a drawing
related Corel PHOTO-PAINT tools. A small arrow in the right-hand corner of a toolbox button, indicates a flyout.
Expand the work area
Descriptions of Corel PHOTO-PAINT’s flyouts and their tools appear below.
Show or hide the mask marquee
Show or hide the object marquee
Show the image properties
Launch Corel applications
Flyout Description
The Object tools flyout lets you access the Object picker tool and the Transformation tool.
Welcome to Corel PHOTO-PAINT 11
Flyout Description
Flyout Description
The Mask tools flyout lets you access the Rectangular mask tool, the Circle mask tool, the
Freehand mask tool, the Lasso
mask tool, the Scissors mask tool, the Magic wand mask tool, and the Mask brush tool.
The Zoom tools flyout lets you access the Zoom tool and the
Hand tool.
The Undo tools flyout lets you access the Local undo tool,
Eraser tool, and Color replacer
The Shape tools flyout lets you access the Rectangle tool, the
Ellipse tool, the Polygon tool,
and the Line tool.
The Fill tools flyout lets you access the Fill tool and the
Interactive fill tool.
Tools Description
The Object transparency tools flyout lets you access the Object
transparency tool, the Color transparency tool, and the Transparency brush tool.
The Brush tools flyout lets you access the Paint tool, the Effect tool, the Clone tool, and the
Image sprayer tool.
The Path tool lets you create and edit paths.
The Deskew crop tool lets you define a cropping area and straighten crooked images.
The Eyedropper tool lets you choose colors from an image.
The Text tool lets you add text to your image and edit existing text.
12 Corel PHOTO-PAINT User Guide: Chapter 1
Tools Description
The Interactive dropshadow tool lets you add shadows to objects.
From here
For more information about... In the online Help index, type
Setting options options, setting
Setting the units of measure measure
Welcome to Corel PHOTO-PAINT 13
Corel PHOTO-PAINT 10 Workspace tour
Title bar Desktop
Menu bar
Property bar
Image window
Docker window
Color palette
Status bar
Welcome to Corel PHOTO-PAINT 14
Work area Description
Work area Description
Title bar The area displaying the title of
the active image
Menu bar The area containing menus
Toolbar A dockable bar that contains
shortcuts to menus and commands
Property bar A detachable bar that contains
commands that relate to the active tool. For example, when the Text tool is active, the property bar displays commands relevant to creating and editing text.
Toolbox A dockable bar that contains
tools for creating, filling, and modifying images
Image window The area in which the image
Desktop The area outside the image
Color palette A dockable bar that contains
colors you can use for creating, filling, and modifying images.
Status bar An area that displays image
information and tips, as well as the current paint, fill, and paper color
Navigator A button that displays the entire
image allowing you to focus the image window on a specific area. The Navigator is only available if you have areas that exceed the image window.
Docker window A dockable window that provides
access to additional commands and image information. Some Docker windows provide a visual display area from which you can access elements such as objects, brushes, and scripts.
Welcome to Corel PHOTO-PAINT 15
Bringing images into Corel PHOTO-PAINT 2
You can bring images you want to edit or use to create original artwork into Corel PHOTO-PAINT in a variety of ways.
In this section, you’ll learn about
opening images
importing files
scanning images
loading photos from a digital camera
starting new images
Opening images
You can open most bitmapped images in Corel PHOTO-PAINT. You can also use clipart and photos that are stored on your computer,
on the Corel PHOTO-PAINT CD, or that are available on the Content on the Web site, to enhance your images. You can access these files by browsing or by searching. If you are opening a vector graphic, you will need to import it. For more information on importing vector graphics, see “Importing files” on page 21.
To open an image
1 Click File } Open.
2 Choose the drive and folder where the file is stored.
If you want to view a thumbnail of the image, enable the
Preview check box.
3 Double-click the filename.
Corel PHOTO-PAINT User Guide: Chapter 2 19
You can decrease the dimensions of an image as you open it by choosing Resample from the list box to the right of the Files of type list box. You can also open an image by clicking the Open button on the toolbar.
To browse for images
1 Click Window } Dockers } Scrapbook } Browse.
2 Navigate to a file stored on your computer or on the CD
installed in your CD drive.
You can also
Open a file as a new image Drag the file into the application
Add clipart or a photograph to
the active image
Display the folder tree
Drag the clipart object or photograph onto the image window.
Click the flyout button at the top of the Scrapbook Docker window, and select Show tree.
You can also search the Content on the Web site for images by clicking the Content on the Web button .
To search for images
1 Click Window } Dockers } Scrapbook } Search.
2 Type a keyword in the Search for box.
3 In the Using Indices For area, click the check box of each
Corel application you want to search.
4 In the Search in area, click the check box of each category
you want to search.
5 Click Search.
6 Click one of the following buttons to specify how the search
results display:
Large icons
Small icons
List icons
Detail view
You can also
If you are opening a vector graphic, you will need to import it. For more information on importing vector
Search using a different keyword
Click the New Search button
and type a new keyword.
graphics, see “Importing files” on page 21.
20 Corel PHOTO-PAINT User Guide: Chapter 2
You can also
Display the next page of search results
Click the Forward button .
Importing files
Corel applications let you import files created in other applications. For example, you can import a JPEG, GIF, or text file. You can import a file and place it in the active application window as an object. The imported file becomes part of the active file. You can also import a file by opening it in a new application window. While importing a graphic, you can resample it to change the number of pixels, eliminate unusable detail, and reduce the file size. You can also crop a graphic to select only the exact area and size of the image you want to import.
To import a file into an active image
1 Click File } Import } Import.
2 Choose the drive and folder where the file is stored.
3 Choose a file format from the Files of type list box.
4 Click the filename.
5 Enable any of the following check boxes:
Extract embedded ICC profile — lets you save the
embedded International Color Consortium (ICC) profile to the color directory where the application was installed
Check for watermark — lets you check for an encoding
Digimarc watermark when you import files
Do not show filter dialog — lets you use the filter’s
default settings without opening the dialog box
You can change the sorting order of the file formats in the Files of type list box by choosing a sorting method from the Sort type list box.
Scanning images
You can scan photos into Corel PHOTO-PAINT using a TWAIN-compatible scanner. For information about installing your scanner’s TWAIN driver and interface, see the manufacturer’s documentation.
To scan images
1 Click File } Acquire image } Select source.
2 Choose your scanner from the Sources box.
3 Click Select.
4 Click File } Acquire image } Acquire.
Bringing images into Corel PHOTO-PAINT 21
To scan additional images during the same session, click File } Acquire image } Acquire.
Loading photos from a digital camera
You can load photos from a digital camera source into Corel PHOTO-PAINT using a TWAIN-compatible digital camera. For information about installing your digital camera’s TWAIN driver, see the manufacturer’s documentation.
You can also name photos and add notes to them.
To load photos into Corel PHOTO-PAINT
1 Click File } Acquire image } Select source.
2 Choose a digital camera from the Camera list box.
3 Click File } Acquire image } Acquire.
You can also
Open photos in the image
Click the thumbnail of each photo you want to select and click Open.
You can also
Save photos Click the thumbnail of each
photo you want to select and click Save to disk. Choose the drive and folder where you want to save the photos and click
Name a photo Double-click a thumbnail and
type a name.
Add a note to a photo Click a thumbnail and type a note
in the Photo note for image box.
To load additional photos during the same session, click File } Acquire image } Acquire. You can click Move forward to view photos not displayed in the image window.
Starting new images
You can produce original artwork by starting an image from scratch, by using data copied from another image window or another application to the Clipboard, or by duplicating an existing image.
22 Corel PHOTO-PAINT User Guide: Chapter 2
When you start an image from scratch, you can specify the size of the image, its background color, and the color mode you want to use. You can also specify the image’s resolution, or the number of pixels per unit of measure. The higher the resolution you specify, the larger the file size of the image.
To start an image from scratch
1 Click File } New.
2 Choose a color mode from the Color mode list box.
3 Choose a size from the Size list box.
4 Enable one of the following options:
5 Choose a value from the Resolution list box.
6 Open the Paper color picker, and click a color for the
You can specify a custom page size by choosing Custom from the Size list box and typing values in the Width and Height boxes.
You can also create an image by clicking the New button on the standard toolbar.
When you create an image, you can choose either portrait or landscape and you can choose the color of the background.
To create an image using the Clipboard contents
Click File } New from Clipboard.
To start an image from a duplicate
1 Click Image } Duplicate.
2 Type a filename in the As box.
If you want to combine the objects and background in the new image, enable the Merge objects with background check box.
Bringing images into Corel PHOTO-PAINT 23
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