Citizen CMP-30 User Manual

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MODEL CMP-30 series
User’s Manual


Les appareils et les machines élec triques et électroniques contiennent
If you want to dispose of this product, do not mix it with general household
Wenn Sie dieses Produk t entsorgen wollen, dann tun Sie dies bitte nicht
zusammen mit dem Haushaltsmüll. Es gibt im Rahmen der WEEE-Direktive innerhalb der Europäischen Union (Direktive 2002 /96/EC) geset zliche Bestimmungen für separate Sammelsysteme für gebrauchte elektronische Geräte und Produkte.
Si vous souhaitez vous débarrasser de cet appareil, ne le met tez pas à la
poubelle avec vos ordures ménagères. Il existe un système de récupération distinct pour les vieux appareils électroniques conformément à la législation WEEE sur le recyclage des déchets des équipements électriques et élec troniques (Directive 2002/96/EC) qui est uniquement valable dans les pays de l ’Union européenne.
souvent des ma tières dangereuses pour l’homme e t l’environnement si vous les utilisez e t vous vous en débarrassez de façon inappropriée.
Si desea deshacerse de este producto, no lo mezcle con residuos domésticos
de carácter general. Existe un sistema de recogida selectiva de aparatos elec trónicos usados, según es tablece la legislación prevista por la Direc tiva 2002 /96/CE sobre re siduos de aparatos eléctricos y electrónicos (RAEE), vigente únicamente en la Unión Europea.
Se desiderate get tare via ques to prodotto, non mes colatelo ai rifiuti generici
di casa. Esis te un sis tema di raccolta separato per i prodot ti elettronici usati in conformità alla legislazione RAEE (Direttiva 2002 /96 /CE), valida solo all’interno dell’Unione Europea.
Deponeer dit product niet bij het gewone huishoudelijk afval wanneer u het
wilt verwijderen. Er bestaat ingevolge de WEEE-richtlijn (Richtlijn 2002/96/ EG) een speciaal wettelijk voorgeschreven verzamelsyste em voor gebruik te elek tronische produc ten, welk alleen geldt binnen de Europese Unie.
Hvis du vil skille dig af med det te produkt, må du ikke smide det ud
sammen med dit almindelige husholdningsaf fald. Der findes et separat indsamlingssystem for udtjente elek troniske produkter i overensstemmelse med lovgivningen under WEEE- direk tivet (direk tiv 2002/96/EC), som kun er gældende i den Europæiske Union.
Se quiser deit ar fora e ste produto, não o misture com o lixo comum. De
acordo com a legislação que decorre da Directiva REEE – Resíduos de Equipamentos Eléctricos e Electrónicos (2002/9 6/CE), existe um sistema de recolha separado para os equipamentos electrónicos fora de uso, em vigor apenas na União Europeia.
Jeżeli zamierz asz pozbyć się tego produktu, nie wyrzucaj go razem
ze zwykłymi domowymi odpadkami. Według dyrektywy WEEE (Dyrektywa 2002/96/EC) obowiązującej w Unii Europejskiej dla używanych produktów elektronicznych należy stosować oddzielne sposoby utylizacji.

Declaration of Conformity

This printer conforms to the following Standards:
The Low Voltage Directive 2006/95/EC, the EC/R&TTE Directive, the RoHS Direc tive 2002/95/EC, and the WEEE Directive 2002/96/EC.
LVD : EN60950-1
EC/R&TTE: EN55022 Class B EN301 489-1 EN301 489-17 EN300 328 EN55024

FCC Compliance Statement for American Users

This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which receiver is connected. Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
CAUTION: Use shielded cables to connect this device to computers.
Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the grantee of this device could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.

EMI Compliance Statement for Canadian Users

This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003. Cet appareil numérique de la classe B est conforme
à la norme NMB-003 du


Before using this product, be sure to read through this manual. After
having read this manual, keep it in a safe, readily accessible place for
future reference. The information contained herein is subject to change without prior notice. Reproduction or transfer of part or all of this document in any means is
prohibited without permission from CITIZEN SYSTEMS. Note that CITIZEN SYSTEMS is not responsible for any operation results
regardless of missing, error, or misprinting in this manual. Note that CITIZEN SYSTEMS is not responsible for any trouble caused
as a result of using options or consumables that are not specified in this
manual. Except explained elsewhere in this manual, do not attempt to service,
disassemble or repair this product. Note that CITIZEN SYSTEMS is not responsible for any damage attributable
to incorrect operation/handling or improper operating environments which
are not specified in this manual. Due to the nature of thermal paper, printed data should be considered
for temporary use, not stored for a long period or permanently. Please
note that CITIZEN SYSTEMS is not responsible for damage or lost profit
resulting from the loss of data caused by accidents, repairs, tests or other
occurrence. If you find loss of information, error, or uncertain matter, please contact
your CITIZEN SYSTEMS dealer. If you find any disordered or missing page (s), contact you CITIZEN
SYSTEMS dealer for replacement.
CITIZEN is a registered trade mark of Citizen Holdings Co., Japan
CITIZEN es una marca registrada de Citizen Holdings Co., Japón
Company names and product names in this manual are trademarks or
registered trademarks of relevant companies.
Copyright © 2010 by CITIZEN SYSTEMS JAPAN CO., LTD.


What the Icons Mean
Precautions and notices necessary to follow for preventing hazards to the user or other person or their properties are defined as shown below. Hazards and degrees of damage that may be caused by ignoring the instructions are categorized as shown below. Please be familiar with the content of these definitions before reading this manual.
Indi ca tes th e case t hat may resu lt in death or serious injury.
This sy mb ol ind ic ates t hat us in g the product improper ly in defiance of this symbol may result in death or serious injur y.
This sy mb ol ind ic ates t hat us in g the product improper ly in defiance of this symbol may result in injury or damage to properties.
Denition of the icons
This symbol indicates the hazard that needs precautions.
This symbol indicates prohibited actions.
This symbol indicates mandatory actions.

Precautions in Handling Printer

If the product continues to be used when heat or smoke is
generated or an abnormal odor is produced, a fire may occur. Immediately turn the printer power off, and carefully but quickly remove the battery, then contact our service agent. If any foreign matter (metal tip, water, liquid) enters the
product, immediately turn the printer power OFF, and carefully but quickly remove the battery, then contact our service agent. Ignoring this instruction may result in a fire.
Do not place the printer on a shaky table or other unbalanced
place. The printer may drop or fall resulting in injury. Avoid using or storing in the following place. Damage to
printer may be caused.
In a car parked in a sunny place, a place exposed to direct sunlight, near heat generating equipment, or the like. A place where temperature or humidity is excessively high or low, or its change is radical. A dusty place. A place likely to get a splash of water or liquid.
Avoid dropping, impacting or vibrating the printer otherwise
damage may be caused. Avoid entr y of foreign material. Otherwise, fault may occur.
Do not use volatile liquid (thinner, benzine, etc.) or wet cloth
when cleaning the printer. Deterioration or discoloration may occur. Use a dry, soft cloth for cleaning. Do not move the printer or give any shock or vibration to it
while the printer is in operation or in standby operation. The printer power may be disconnected and the print data may be lost.

Precautions on Using Printer

Do not touch the print head or paper cutter while replacing
print paper. Heated print head may cause burn. The cutter may cause injury to the hand.
Use of print paper other than specified may result in not only
deteriorated print quality but shor tened life of print head (printing portion). Do not tap or rub the print head with edged or hard material.
When condensation is present on the print head, dry it
completely before printing. Printing with condensation may damage the print head.
Precaution on Overheating
To prevent the motor from overheating, continuous printing (or
feeding) of the printer should be 1.5 m or less in print length. After printing for this distance we recommend a pause of at least 30 seconds for cooling.

Precautions on Using Battery

Leaked liquid from the bat ter y may result in loss of eyesight if
it enters the eye. Immediately wash eyes with fresh water and get medical care. If liquid from the battery is ingested, immediately seek
medical attention. Keep the following in mind when handling battery.
Otherwise, liquid leakage, heat generation, and explosion may result.
Do not throw battery into fire or do not apply heat. Do not peel or scratch the external batter y casing. Soldering is prohibited. Do not give strong shock to battery or throw it away. Do not short-circuit the positive and negative terminals with a metal such as metal wire.
Never disassemble or modify battery. Otherwise, liquid
leakage, heat generation, or explosion may occur.
If battery liquid attaches to skin or cloth, immediately wash it
out with fresh water. Otherwise, skin disorder may be caused.
Risk of explosion if battery is replaced by an incorrect type.
Dispose of used batteries according to the instructions.
Use only the approved external charger or charge the battery
within the printer. Never use another charger or one that looks to be similar.
Do not dip battery in water or sea water. Wet battery may
generate heat or may be subject to corrosion. Do not use or leave battery at high temperature. Using or
leaving battery in a place of high temperature may result in liquid leakage, deteriorated performance, or shortened lifetime. Keep battery beyond the reach of a baby or child. Pay
attention not to let a child take out the bat tery. If the battery is used for the first time, be sure to charge it
completely before use. If any abnormality is found while the battery is in use, stop the
operation and carry the battery in local sales agent. The batter y in the printer is shipped partially charged. Please
fully charge the battery prior to using the printer.

Precautions on Installing New Paper

Before printing, confirm that print paper is set straight forward
at the exit from the print (thermal) head. Skewed setting may result in paper jamming. To prevent skewed insertion of paper, use the following form
for the end of paper.

Precautions on Using Thermal Paper

Print density may change with different kinds of paper.
Observe the following when using thermal paper. Thermal
paper is not resistant to discoloration, deterioration in quality, and thin printing.
Do not leave printed thermal paper exposed to light for a long time. Avoid exposure to high temperature, humidity, liquid, or sunlight. When keeping the printer thermal paper on a board, do not use paste, adhesive, or adhesive tape containing volatile organic solvent. For long-time storage, use thermal paper of high storage type or copy it with plain paper copier. Avoid contact with a film of vinyl chloride for a long time. Avoid using ammonia. Do not put thermal paper near the paper copied by use of ammonia. Avoid putting sweat or grease from your hands on the surface (printed or to be printed) of thermal paper. Store thermal paper in a dark place with average temperature below 25°C and relative humidity below 65% .
Using print paper with a thickness outside the recommended
range may cause improper print quality.
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