Brookfield CAP1000 User Manual

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Operating Instructions
Manual No. M02-312-A0607 with Addendum D12-3312
Brookeld Engineering Labs., Inc. Page 1 Manual No. M02-312A0607
Brookeld CAP Viscometer Operating Instructions
CAP1000+ Manual No. M02-312A0607
CAP2000+ Manual No. M02-313-F0211
Addendum No. D12-3312
The tables listed within Sections III.1: Full Scale Range and Accuracy of Measurement and III.2: Ac­curacy of Viscosity and Temperature of the manuals have been updated, to reect the recommended
operational speeds for the CAP1000+ and CAP2000+ viscometers. Please refer to the tables within this addendum.
Table III-1 Full Scale Range Viscosity of LOW TORQUE CAP Viscometer
01 1875 13.33N 0.83 0.17 1875/(22.7*N)
02 3750 13.33N 1.65 0.33 3750/(22.7*N)
03 7500 13.33N 3.30 0.66 7500/(22.7*N)
04 15000 3.33N 6.61 1.32 15000/(22.7*N)
05 30000 3.33N 13.22 2.64 30000/(22.7*N)
06 75000 3.33N 13.04 6.61 75000/(22.7*N)
07 3150 2N 1.39 0.28 3150/(22.7*N)
08 12500 2N 5.51 1.10 12500/(22.7*N)
09 50000 2N 22.03 4.41 50000/(22.7*N)
10 5000 5N 2.20 0.44 5000/(22.7*N)
Cone Constant
Shear Rate
FSR at
100 RPM
FSR at
500 RPM
FSR at
any RPM
Table III-2 Full Scale Range Viscosity of HIGH TORQUE CAP Viscometer
01 1875 13.33N 18.75 4.69 2.50 2.08 1875/(N)
02 3750 13.33N 37.50 9.38 5.00 4.17 3750/(N)
03 7500 13.33N 75.00 18.75 10.00 8.33 7500/(N)
04 15000 3.33N 150.00 37.50 20.00 16.67 15000/(N)
05 30000 3.33N 300.00 75.00 40.00 33.33 30000/(N)
06 75000 3.33N 750.00 187.50 100.00 83.33 75000/(N)
07 3150 2N 31.50 7.88 N/A N/A 3150/(N)
08 12500 2N 125.00 31.25 N/A N/A 12500/(N)
09 50000 2N 500.00 125.00 N/A N/A 50000/(N)
10 5000 5N 50.00 12.50 6.67 5.56 5000/(N)
100 RPM
400 RPM
750 RPM
900 RPM
any RPM
Table III-3 Accuracy for LOW TORQUE CAP Viscometer
Cone Number ≤ 500 RPM
10-100% FSR
01 ± 2%
02 ± 2%
03 ± 2%
04 ± 2%
05 ± 2%
06 ± 2%
07 ± 2%
08 ± 2%
09 ± 2%
10 ± 2%
Table III-4 Accuracy for HIGH TORQUE CAP Viscometer
Cone Number ≤ 400 RPM 750 RPM 900 RPM 900 RPM
10-100% FSR 10-100% FSR ≤ 50% FSR > 50% FSR
01 ± 2% ± 2% ± 2% ± 4%
02 ± 2% ± 2% ± 2% ± 4%
03 ± 2% ± 2% ± 2% ± 4%
04 ± 2% ± 3% ± 3% ± 6%
05 ± 2% ± 4% ± 4% ± 8%
06 ± 2% ± 5% ± 5% ± 10%
07 ± 2% N/A N/A N/A
08 ± 2% N/A N/A N/A
09 ± 2% N/A N/A N/A
10 ± 2% ± 2% ± 2% ± 2%
I. INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................... 3
I.1 Components .................................................................................................................................................... 3
I.2 Utilities
I.3 Specications ..................................................................................................................................................5
I.4 Installation ........................................................................................................................................................5
I.5 Safety Symbols and Precautions .............................................................................................................. 6
I.6 Key Functions .................................................................................................................................................. 7
I.7 Viscosity and Temperature Display ..........................................................................................................7
I.8 Cleaning ............................................................................................................................................................8
II. GETTING STARTED ................................................................................................................ 9
II.1 Power ON ..........................................................................................................................................................9
II.2 Cone Spindle Selection and Setting .......................................................................................................9
II.3 Speed Setting ................................................................................................................................................11
II.4 Temperature Control Setting ...................................................................................................................11
II.5 Hold Time Settings ......................................................................................................................................12
II.6 Run Time .........................................................................................................................................................12
II.7 Printing ............................................................................................................................................................12
II.8 Run and Stop Keys .......................................................................................................................................13
............................................................................................................................................................... 4
III. OPERATION ..........................................................................................................................14
III.1 Full Scale Range and Accuracy of Measurement ...............................................................................14
III.2 Accuracy of Viscosity and Temperature ..............................................................................................15
III.3 Calibration Verication ..............................................................................................................................17
III.4 Cone Calibration ..........................................................................................................................................20
III.5 Repeatability .................................................................................................................................................21
III.6 Making Viscosity Measurements ...........................................................................................................22
APPENDIX A - Variables in Viscosity Measurement .....................................................................................24
APPENDIX B - Warranty Repair and Service ...................................................................................................26
This manual intended for use with CAP 1000+ series viscometers which have se­rial numbers beginning with a prex of “CPN”.
CAP1000 and 2000 Viscometers with a serial number prex of “CP” require a dif­ferent manual. Please contact Brookeld or your authorized dealer/representa­tive to obtain this manual.
Brookeld Engineering Labs., Inc. Page 2 Manual No. M02-312A0607
The CAP 1000+ Series Viscometers are high shear rate instruments with Cone Plate geometry and integrated temperature control of the test sample material. Rotational speeds include 750 RPM and 900 RPM. Viscosity measurement ranges depend upon the cone spindle and the ro­tational speed (shear rate). Viscosity is selectively displayed in units of centipoise (cP), poise (P), milliPascal seconds (mPa•s) or Pascal seconds (Pa•s). Temperature control of sample is possible between either 5°C (or 15°C below ambient, whichever is higher) and 75°C or 50°C and 235°C depending on viscometer model.
The CAP 1000+ can also be ordered with a single, customized speed between 5 and 1000 rpm. In this case, the CAP 1000+ can offer, when necessary, low shear rate capability.
The CAP 1000+ Viscometer can display either CGS or SI units:
CGS SI Comment Viscosity: P or cP Pa•s or mPa•s 0.1 Pa•s = 1 P (= 100 cP) Shear Rate: Sec Speed: RPM RPM Temperature: °C °C
The CAP 1000+ Viscometer outputs data to a parallel printer in the CGS and SI units:
CGS SI Comment
Viscosity: P or cP Pa•s or mPa•s 0.1 Pa•s = 1 P (= 100 cP) Full Scale Range (F.S.R.): % % Shear Stress: Dynes/cm2 N/m2 1.0 N•m = 107 dyne•cm Shear Rate: Sec
Speed: RPM RPM Run Time: Seconds Seconds Temperature: °C °C Cone Spindle Number: No. No.
I.1 Components
The following items are included; see Figure I-1
Part No.
1. CAP 1000+ Viscometer
2. Cone Spindle(s) ........................................CAP-S-0X (X will be shown as a number 1-10)
3. Spindle Case ..........................................CAP-106Y
4. Solvent Trap ..........................................CAP-1K-63
5. Power Cord: 115V ..................................DVP-65
220V .................................DVP-66
Germany ...........................DE-7
6. Operating Instructions Manual ................M/02-312
Brookeld Engineering Labs., Inc. Page 3 Manual No. M02-312A0607
The following optional items may have been included:
Serial Tag Info on Back of Viscometer Head
Handle for Raising and Lowering Viscometer Head
Thumb Screw
P/N CAP-85Y Solvent Trap P/N C1K-63
The Flat
Cone Spindle P/N CAP-S-XX
Base Console
Part No.
7. Viscosity Standard Fluid for calibration See Table III-5 and III-6 in Section III.
Please check to be sure that you have received all components and that there is no damage.
If you are missing any parts, please notify Brookeld or your local dealer immediately. Any
shipping damage must be reported to the carrier. Save the packing container, if possible, for
future use when returning the viscometer to Brookeld or an authorized dealer for service.
Figure I-1: Components
I.2 Utilities
Input Voltage: 115 VAC or 230 VAC Input Frequency: 50/60 Hz Power Consumption: Less than 345 WATTS Fuses: (2) 5x20mm, 3A, 250V; Fast Acting for 125VAC (2) 5x20mm, 1.6A, 250V; Fast Acting for 250VAC
Power Cord Color Code: United States Outside United States Hot (live) Black Brown Neutral White Blue Ground (earth) Green Green/Yellow
Brookeld Engineering Labs., Inc. Page 4 Manual No. M02-312A0607
I.3 Specications
Torque Range: Low 797-7,970 dynecm (designated on serial tag as 1/23 CAP) High 18,100-181,000 dynecm (designated on serial tag as 1.0 CAP)
Speeds: 750 RPM and 900 RPM or
single speed from 5-900 RPM as specied at time of order
Temperatures: CAP 1000+L 5°C (or 15°C below ambient, whichever is higher) to
75°C CAP 1000+H 50°C to 235°C All models provide 0.1°C increments
Weight: Gross Weight 36 lb 16.3 kg Net Weight 27 lb 12.3 kg Carton Volume 4.9 cu ft 0.15 m
Carton Dimensions 18 in. L x 18 in. W x 26 in. H 48 cm. L x 48 cm. W x 66 cm. H
Materials: CAP cone spindles and temperature plates are made of tungsten carbide.
Operating CAP 1000+ Viscometers must be operated within the following Environment: ambient temperatures: +5°C (41°F) to 40°C (104°F) and humidity: 20% to 80% R.H. (non-condensing atmosphere)
I.4 Installation
Note: DO NOT lift the viscometer by the handle or head! LIFT only by the base console or
1) Set the viscometer on a clean level bench surface.
2) Remove shipping foam insert from the plate area on the CAP Viscometer. Store the foam insert for future use when shipping or transporting CAP Viscometer.
Foam Insert Used When Sh i p pi ng CAP Viscometer
Figure I-2: Detail of Foam Insert
Brookeld Engineering Labs., Inc. Page 5 Manual No. M02-312A0607
3) Verify that the viscometer’s power requirements match your power source BEFORE con­necting it to power.
The AC input voltage and frequency must be within the appropriate range as shown on
the back of the viscometer head .
Note: The CAP Viscometer must be earth grounded. Use the three (3) wire power cord! Do
not alter!
4) Connect the power cord to the viscometer and to the power supply (source).
5) If using a printer, connect the printer cable to the printer port and printer.
Note: Ensure that both the printer and the CAP 1000+ are off when connecting cables.
I.5 Safety Symbols and Precautions
Safety Symbols
The following explains safety symbols which may be found in this operating manual.
Indicates hazardous voltages may be present.
Caution: HOT surface.
Refer to the manual for specic warning or caution information to avoid personal injury
or damage to the instrument.
Safety Overview If this instrument is used in a manner not specied by the manufacturer, the protection
provided by the instrument may be impaired.
This instrument is not intended for use in a potentially hazardous environment.
In case of emergency, turn off the instrument and then disconnect the electrical cord
from the wall outlet.
Brookeld Engineering Labs., Inc. Page 6 Manual No. M02-312A0607
I.6 Key Functions
Figure I-3 shows the control keys on the face of the viscometer display panel:
NUMERIC 0 - 9 These keys are used for data entry
ENTER This key accepts entered data.
STOP / ESCAPE Stops cone spindle rotation at any time. Exits data
entry eld.
DELETE This key clears entered values for input selec-
PRINT This key sends data to the parallel printer, when
This key starts spindle rotation.
This key selects time entry mode (time of spindle
This key selects time entry mode (wait time be-
fore spindle rotates).
This key selects the cone spindle entry mode.
This key selects the temperature entry mode.
I.7 Viscosity and Temperature Display
Viscosity is displayed in either P=Poise or cP=Centipoise (CGS system) or Pa•s=Pascal sec­onds or
mPa•s=milliPascal seconds (SI system). If the viscosity measurement is over range,
EEEE” will be displayed. Brookeld recommends a minimum torque reading of 10% when making viscosity measurements. If the torque value is between 0 and 10%, the display will ash to indicate an under range condition. If the viscometer nal reading is below zero, nega­tive values will be displayed.
Figure I-3
Temperature is displayed in °C=degrees centigrade.
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