KY 196/196E/KY 197/197E
A. A conventional 50 ohm vertically polarized
antenna is requireri with the KY
196/196E/197/197E. Vertical bent whip antennas are not recommenderi. Widehand
provide efficient operation over the
band. Antennas should be installed oer
manufacturer's recommendations. Additional recommendations are as follows.
B. Mount antenna on a flat metal surface or install a qround plane at least 18 inches square.
C. The antenna should be well removed from any projections and the engine(s) anri propeller(s).
Also, for satisfactory operation, the antenna isolation between a communications transmitter
antenna and a NAVreceiver antenna, as well as between dual
antennas, should be a minimum
of 30dB. VHF antennas mounted on top and bottom have approximately "30dB isolation. A
horizontally polarized NAVantenna and a vertical polarized
antenna will have practical
values from 10 to 30dB.
D. If both Comm antennas must be top mounted or both bottom mounteri, antenna isolation between
Comm's may not be adequate to prevent reradiation. In single audio panel installations,
reradiation can also be prevented by use of the Xmit-Rec interlock. Refer to Service Bulletin
KY 196/196E-9 or KY 197/197E-10 and Installation Bulletin 194. In dual audio panel
installations where simultaneous operation of both Comm's is desired, the Xmit-Rec interlock
is not recommended. We would recommend adequate antenna isolation, 30dB min.
The KY 196/196E/1971197E uses a speci a l connector that mates di rect ly wi th the printed ci rcui t board
inside the unit. Assembly of the connector is as follows:
A. Contact Terminal Assembly using Molex Crimper (Figure 2-1)
1. Strip each wire 5/32" for contact terminal (KPN 030-1107-XX). (The last two digits of the
contact terminal part number indicates the number of terminals required).
2. Open the Molex hand crimper HT 1921 with the engraved side toward the operator. Place the
conductor tab section of a contact terminal on Anvi l B with the contact oortion facing
away from the operator. Close the crimper slightly untH the contact tabs touch the
female jaw.
3. Insert the stripped conductor until the insulation is even with the side of the crimper
facing the operator. Crimp the conductor tabs by squeezing the handles together until the
jaws are fully closed or a sufficient crimp is obtained.
4. Move the lead to Anvil A. Place the insulating tab section on Anvi-l A. Crimp again until
the jaws are fully closed or a sufficient crimp is obtained.
8. Contact Insertion into Molex Connector Housing
1. After the contact terminals have been installed on the
terminals can be inserted into the proper location in
030-1094-54). The terminal cannot be inserted upside down.
all the way in, until a click can be felt or heard.
wiring harness, the contact
the connector housing (KPN
8e sure to push the terminal
2. The self locking feature can be tested by gently pulling on the wire.
C. Location of Polarizing Key in Housing
1. Prior to insertion of connector into rear of unit, check polarizing key position between
contacts 3 and 4.
2. Refer to Figure 2-5 to check correct position of polarizing key.
D. Extraction of Contact from Molex Connector
1. Slip the flat narrow blade of a Molex contact e;ector tool, HT-1884
(I(PN 047-5099-01),
under the contact on the mating side of the connector. 8y turning the connector upside
down one can see the blade slide into the stoP.
Rev. 3, September, 1983
Paqe 2-;:!