Aprilia Consumer Service Spa
Technical Service and Training
Release 4 july 99
RSV 1000 Technical Training Course
RSV Mille
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Aprilia Consumer Service Spa
Technical Service and Training
Release 4 july 99
Open your third eye !
The originality of the technical decision the
systematic use of solutions borrowed from the
Racing Department and, above all, the passion and
commitment applied to make every detail exclusive,
form the basis of Aprilia's constructive philosophy. In
particular, the RSV Mille embodies and enhances
the most significant characteristics of this company's
heritage, with its high-level technology, superior
quality of construction and its unique and
unmistakable design.
The RSV Mille brings a substantial change on the
scene of bigh-powered super-sport motorcycles. lts
manoeuvrability and easy riding - typical of two
cylinder bikes - are wedded with the versatility and
The RSV Mille is the best production line bike for
use on the track.
A bike that guarantees a pleasant ride, on either
track or road, to satisfy even the most demanding
rider who wants the best as regards easy bandling,
performance, exclusive quality and technology. lt is
decidedly original, exclusive and performing. A
motorcycle in which the love of the racing world is
translated into a wealth of important details. A bike
with a superior performance, occupying a price
range in line with the best of Japanese competitors.
A product which represents, to all effects, a decision
in style for the buyer and, for Aprilia, the first stage of
further development linked with highpowered bikes.
For Aprilia, "the sense of wonder' means breaking
away from set patterns, having the courage to face
new challenges, in this case shaking off a
paradoxically conservatile universe such as the
world of high-powered super-sports motorcycles.
The RSV Mille marks a turning point, opens a new
chapter and becomes the new point of reference
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Aprilia Consumer Service Spa
Technical Service and Training
Release 4 july 99
Design Concept:
Aprilia’s aim in making RSV Mille was to create a
motorcycle with extremely compact dimensions, one
that could cleave the air in an optimumn fashion and
protect the rider against the impact of the wind and
high speeds.
The flow inside the front ait intakes has been
optimazed too, as well as the position of the intakes
on the fairing.
As regards the aereodynamic result obtained, the
achivied CXs value of 0,3010 is the new reference
point for the category.
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Aprilia Consumer Service Spa
Technical Service and Training
Release 4 july 99
The engine fitted on the RSV Mille is a completely
new type, conceived and developed by Aprilia's
engineers. It is a 60°V-formation longitudinal two
cylinder engine, with 4 distribution valves per cylinder
and a double camshaft at the head, controlled by a
mixed chain and gear system. lt is fed by electronic
ignition with air input through a system of dynamic
air intakes. lgnition is of the CDI type, where the load
of air and petrol is fired by the TSI system (Twin
Spark lgnition) which uses two spark plugs per
cylinder. lgnition is controlled by the integrate engine
management system, which also controls injection.
While it is true that the 90' V engine is itrinsically balanced (the first order forces generated during
the movement of the internal organs automatically cancel one another), it is equally true that the
dimensione of the engine are penalized by the size of the angle between the cilinders.
The decision to use a 60° V-formation two-cylinder engine responds perfectly to the need for a
lightweight, compact engine, so as not to sacrifica the design of the cycle parts with tecnical
solutions and weight distribution that are not optimum.
The countershafts
The problem of the vibrations which are created
inside a 60 V engine gave the designers a lot of
work. The possibility of offsetting the pins of the
connecting rod was discarded, as it would have
required excessive widening of the dimension of the
motor crankcase.
The solution found was the use of the exclusive
AVDC patent (Anti-Vibration Double
Countershaft).This system uses an anti-vibration by
turning countershaft which, in the opposite direction
to the engine shaft, balances the first order forces.
The moment generated by the countershaft is, in
turn, balanced by fitting a second countershaft
(Smaller than the main one) inside the head of the
rear cylinder. The result of adopting this technology
is an engine with excellent characteristics of power,
torque, with extremeily reduced vibrations.
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Aprilia Consumer Service Spa
Technical Service and Training
Release 4 july 99
The dry sump
A further innovation brought by Aprilia in producing this new engine is the use of dry-sump
lubrication, which allows a more rigid and compact engine block that the "wet-sump" solution. The
system makes use of a second trochoid pump for recovery and an external oil tank, as well as a
radiator positioned in front of the engine.
The power clutch
The RSV Mille has a clutch with hydraulic control,
assisted by the esclusive PPC patent (Pneumatic
Power Clutch) to check bouncing of the rear wheel.
When decelerating suddenly, the weight of the
motorcycle is transferred instantly to the front,
lightening the rear axle. In high-powered twocylinder engines this phenomenon is accentuated by
the high “engine braking" effect; this can cause the
so-called bouncing, or the tendency of the rear
wheel to block and lift off the ground, endangering
the stability of the bike and, consequently, the
vehicle's performance and safety.
Aprilia has found the ideal solution to this problem
exploiting the variations in pressure which occur in
the intake ducts when the throttle is opened and
closed, to lighten the load on the clutch springs. By
connecting the intake ducts to a "lung" situated at the
side of the clutch group, the vacuum created when
the throttle is closed decreases the load exerted on
the disks by the springs, while when the throttle is
opened again the clutch resumes operation under
normal weight conditions, thus transferring all the
power to the rear wheel.
This system also allows reduction of the force
applied on the lever on the handlebar, when the bike
is running at low rev speeds.
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Aprilia Consumer Service Spa
Technical Service and Training
Release 4 july 99
The need for suitable control of the powerful engine
of the RSV Mille led the Aprilia designers to adopt
an electronic management system built into the
engine. All the fondamental operating parameters
are constantly monitored by a sophisticated
electronic controls unit which, on the basis of the
data received, control operation of both the injection
system and the ignition system.
The injectors are fed by a pump which produces a
constant pressure of 330 Kpa. The throttle bodies
have a diameter of 51 mm. Fresh air is taken in
through ducts which make use of dynamic pressure
when the motor-cycle is moving, sending fresh air
into a large volume airbox.
The entire injection/ignition system is also equipped
with a continuous Selfdiagnosis circuit (both on
starting and when the bike is running); this is able to
indicate any malfunctions of the system directly on
the dashboard, without the aid of complicated and
expensive external equipment.
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Aprilia Consumer Service Spa
Technical Service and Training
Release 4 july 99
The exhaust
The exhaust system of the RSV Mille originates as the reply to four very precise requests: light
weight, aerodynamic line, respect for the environment and for approval standards.
The choice of the "2 in 1 " exhaust proved to be the most appropriate since, while obtaining an
internal volume of over 9 litres, the bulk and weight are lower than those of a l'2 in 2" exhaust.
The exhaust of the RSV Mille made completely of stainless steel, which ensures long life and
lasting good looks.
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Aprilia Consumer Service Spa
Technical Service and Training
Release 4 july 99
As regards respect for the environment, the engine of the RSV Mille complies with the parameters
of the future European standards (EURO 1, which comes into force in 1999); this result is achieved
without the aid of any type of catalyst, as a further guarantee of performance and attention to these
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Aprilia Consumer Service Spa
Technical Service and Training
Release 4 july 99
Jewel within the jewel, the cycle parts of the RSV
Mille must be considered to all effects a true
masterpiece of engineering. As beautiful as a work
of art, impeccably but above all efficiently finished,
instinctive and easy to drive, to quarantee optimum
exploitation of all the engine power.
The best engineers in the Aprilia racing department
designed the frame, giving it the most in terms of
planning and knowledge of structures, choice of
materials, weight distribution and dynamic
Particular care was taken with the torsional stiffness (with a record value of 650 Kgm) and bending
resistance of tbc frame, fondamental elements as regards riding precision and safety.
The splendid rear fork with differentiated arms
controls, by means of linka-ges, a multiadjustable shock-absorber with built-in "piggyback" tank. The rear wheel bump position is
135 mm.
At the front the 43 mm Showa "upside-down"
fork allows a bump position of 120 mm.
The cycle parts of the RSV Mille are
supported by a dry weight of only 189 kg,
optimally distributed with 49.2% on the front
axle and 50.8% on the rear axle.
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Aprilia Consumer Service Spa
Technical Service and Training
Release 4 july 99
Every slightest detail of the RSV Mille receives the
same meticulous care from Aprilia, to transfer dove,
care and enthusiasm into every bike that the
company produces.
Many parts contribute to make the RSV Mille a
unique and unrivalied rnotorcycle: the aluminium rear
frame that supports the saddle, the beautiful
exposed welds, the adiustable controls on both
handlebar and pedals (where micrometric
adjustment by means of a cam offers a solution to
satisfy even the most demanding motorcyclist), the
Brembo wheels in aluminium alloy and the steering
shock absorber. These are only some of the most
significant details.
Another great innovation of this rnotorcycle is the
analog and digital dashboard. It is to all effects a real
computer on board, able to supply the rider wíth all
the information ho needs at any time.
A sophisticated, exclusive digital chronometer/clock,
controlled by the flashing of the main beam headlamp, is
able to store up to 40 lap times. The "red zone" on the rev
counter is indicated by the flashing of a warning light
(which may be set by the rider at the desired rev speed),
allowing him to choose the best moment to change gear
and gain precious seconds when performing the operation.
The headlamp
The headlamp is a particulary distinctive feature of the RSV Mille, characterizing its
appearance and making it immediately recognizable as soon as it starts flashing. lt is a triple
headlamp, in which the power of the main beam allows a broad, powerful and homogeneous beam
of light, to make night riding even more safe and effective. Two 55 Watt halogen lamps are housed
inside parabolas developed on the computer with the technology of complex surfaces.
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Aprilia Consumer Service Spa
Technical Service and Training
Release 4 july 99
The Brakers:
The Brakers of RSV, developed in close collaboration between Brembo and Aprilia, have calipers at
the front with 4 piston with different diameters (34 and 30 mm) wich act on steel disks with diameter
of 320 mm.
At the rear the bike is fitted with 220 mm disk and caliper with double opposed piston (d=30 mm)
In terms of product quality, the RSV Mille has achieved an even higher internal standard which
already places Aprilia at the top of the market. Quality means not only product quality but also, and
above all, design quality, as is demonstrated by the ISO 9001 certification obtained for ali production
To assure you that this bike is reliable and a really good buy, Aprilia covers the RSV Mille with a
MotoGo Three-Year Guarantee.
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Aprilia Consumer Service Spa
Technical Service and Training
Release 4 july 99
The injection-ignition system is of the " alpha/n, D/J" type, in which motor speed and throttle
position are used as the main parameters for the quantity of aspirated air; knowing the quantity of
air, the fuel level is dosed as a function of the performance required. Other system sensor
atmospheric pressure, air temperature, water temperature allow basic settings to be corrected in
the event of specific conditions. In addition, motor speed and throttle angle allow the optimum spark,
advance to be calculated under any operating condition.
Electronic injection-ignition system.
The application of an electronic control injection-ignition system to eight-stroke-cycle engine,
optimizes their use, providing a higher specific horsepower together with a lower specific
consumption, and reducing the unburt elements in the exhaust gases. These advantages are got
thank to a more exact air-fuel ratio metering and a good spark advance control. This
equipment consists of three circuits: Fuel circuit, Sucked air circuit and Electric circuit.
Influence of air-fuel ratio and of spark advance.
Air-fuel ratio and spark advance are key factors for the optimum functioning of the engine, and so is
their management. The air-fuel ratio is fhe ratio of air and fuel (weight) supplied to the engine: the
ideal (stechiometric) ratio is achieved when full combustion is ensured. Too much or too little air will
produce a lean or rich mixture, respectively, which affects horse power and fueI consumption (see
fig. 1, as well as the pollutant content in exhaust emissions see fig. 2).
The electronic spark advance management optimises engine performance: peak power, transient,
consumption, pollution.
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4) Ideal ratio / Rapport ideal / Ideales Verhaltnis /
Proporcion ideal
Aprilia Consumer Service Spa
Technical Service and Training
Release 4 july 99
Operation phases.
When the engine has a normal temperature, the control unit –ECU- calculates the phase, the
injection time and the spark advance through interpolation of the corresponding store maps, as
function of the r.p.m/pressure (..and other input)
When the ignition switch is operated, the control unit feeds the fuel pump for a few seconds and
receives the throttle opening angle and engine temperature signals. At the start, the control unit
receives the engine revolutions and phase signals, which allow the injection and ignition control. To
make the starting easier, in addition to the use of the Starter, the base metering is enriched,
conforming to the coolant temperature.
During acceleration, the system increases the delivered fuel amount, so to have a better driving.
The acceleration condition is detected when the throttle opening angle increases remarkably; the
enrichment factor will be proportional to the pressure change and to the cooling water temperature.
A decrease of the throttle opening angle shows a deceleration and causes a reduction of the
delivered fuel.
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Aprilia Consumer Service Spa
Technical Service and Training
Release 4 july 99
The main features of the RSV MILLE fuel injection system are as follows:
1.Possibility of setting the right air/fuel mixture in real time on the basis of the throttle valve
opening, the inlet manifold pressure and the engine running speed.
2.Improved performance and acceleration response thanks to the SW which compensates the
air/fuel mixture in all engine running conditions.
3. Clean exhaust emission thanks to the fuel injection system.
Variable timing, depending on engine running states. At present, the system is not set up for
the use of the Lambda probe.
To determine the injection volume, vary the opening time of the injector; the greater the volume, the
longer the injection time. To determine the injection time, there are a number of different sensors
which increase or reduce the injection volume on the basis of the atmospheric pressure,
atmospheric temperature, engine coolant temperature, intake air pressure, accelerator position and
engine rpm.
The basic volume is given by the injection mapping and the sensors send the data to the electronic
control unit to compensate this volume in line with the running conditions of the engine/bike. There
are two maps in the E-Prom:
This is the “basic” map that mainly covers the high rpm sector. The
1. Map
2. Map
injector opening time, i.e. the injection volume, is determined on the basis
of the rpm and the throttle valve opening angle.
The D/J map covers the engine low/medium rpm sector. The idling
system is governed by the D/J map. The volume of fuel injected depends
on the manifold pressure and the rpm.
The figure shows the logic diagram for the Injection Volume calculation system.
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Aprilia Consumer Service Spa
Throttle angle
Technical Service and Training
Release 4 july 99
The control unit software switches between the DJ map and the alpha/n map on the basis of the
engine running conditions. The injection volume also depends on the other factors provided by the
compensation devices, illustrated later on.
The switch from D/J to alpha/n occurs gradually (See down figure) :
Injection Volume
As shown in the above figure, the D/J map is almost 100% active in low load running conditions
(e.g. engine in neutral).
The alpha/N curve becomes predominant in power delivery conditions.
Remember that the control unit is connected electrically to the instrument panel, and that there is
also the self-diagnosis function. When in the diagnosis option, the panel displays the fault codes
that act as a guide in the servicing.
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Aprilia Consumer Service Spa
Technical Service and Training
Release 4 july 99
Compensation devices:
1. Atmospheric pressure sensor
2. Engine coolant temperature sensor
3. Intake air temperature sensor
Positioned inside the control unit box. Reads the
The control unit normally reduces the injection volume
in low atmospheric pressure conditions
This sensor reads the coolant temperature. If the
temperature reading is low, the control unit increases
the injection times
This sensor reads the temperature of the intake air; if
the temperature is low, the injection time is increased
4. Gear position (idling switch)
Other significant compensation factors:
- Battery voltage
- Starting compensation (engine warming)
- Delta Alpha compensation:
- boosts the engine fuel supply during rapid acceleration
- cuts off the fuel during deceleration
This logic sensor verifies whether or not the gearbox is
in the neutral position. The signal also affects the
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Aprilia Consumer Service Spa
Technical Service and Training
Release 4 july 99
- Timing control
The times are controlled by the reading of the position of the crankshaft and
the position of the camshaft. The control unit also detects the starting phase, injecting the fuel into
the cylinders asynchronously.
Reads the position of the crankshaft, discretizing angles of
Crankshaft sensor
Camshaft position sensor
Sends a voltage to the control unit, like any pick-up.
This signal controls the fuel pump via the ECU.
Reads the position of the camshaft and sends the signal to
the ECU. The sensor reads the position of the front cylinder
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Aprilia Consumer Service Spa
Technical Service and Training
Release 4 july 99
Injection stop control
Rpm limiter:
Software control. The control unit stops the injection if the rpm are excessive.
The injector function is disabled during deceleration with the throttle valve closed.
Side stand switch:
Prevents starting when in running conditions
Switches the bike off immediately if a gear is engaged with the side stand
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Aprilia Consumer Service Spa
Technical Service and Training
Release 4 july 99
Safety systems
Kick back Prevention:
At about 300 rpm (if the rpm have been over 800 rpm) the control unit deenergizes the coil signal to prevent a possible kick-back in the pistons when turning the bike off.
Tip over sensor:
If the bike tips over, the tip over sensor stops the injectors’ control signal and
fuel pump. The sensor is a mechanical switch already used on other bikes on the market. Reset
the CPU by switching off the bike to re-enable the normal functioning of the control unit.
Side stand and clutch switches (possible conditions):
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Aprilia Consumer Service Spa
Technical Service and Training
Release 4 july 99
The self-diagnostics function is part of the ECU software and is a valid aid to trouble-shooting in the
electronic injection system.
With the control unit and dashboard connected and the key “on”, the multi-function LCD displays
the message “EFI” instead of the temperature reading for about 3 seconds
If the EFI message disappears after 3 seconds and TEMPERATURE appears (°C, °F or COLD),
this means that the injection control unit has found no static errors in the injection components. To
check the crankshaft and camshaft sensors, make a starting attempt lasting > 4 sec.
If EFI DOES NOT appear, this means there is no connection between the display and the control
unit (DIAG lead disconnected à check wiring)
If the EFI message persists, this means that the control unit has found a fault in the
sensors/components. Go into the Dealer Mode.
The diagnostics function is divided up as follows:
- USER MODE: If there is a fault, the user will see the “EFI” message remaining on the display
after starting. This is the only sensors/coils fault message that can be seen by the user
- DEALER MODE: Using connector 68, the mechanic will be able to read the corresponding fault
code on the LCD
How to access DEALER MODE:
1- Ground the control unit diagnostics terminal via connector 68 (see diagram). The message
DIAG will appear on the display
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Aprilia Consumer Service Spa
Technical Service and Training
Release 4 july 99
2-If everything is functioning perfectly, the following figures may appear on the display:
-1, 0, 1 (throttle valve opening standard values – SEE CO SETTING)
3- If there are any faults, the fault codes will appear in sequence. The sequence will keep repeating
until you exit the Dealer Mode.
Whether or not the bike can be turned on in the Dealer Mode depends on the type of fault.
The ECU must be on for the fault codes to be saved; if the bike is switched off (STOP Condition) the codes
memory will be erased
There is no SW/HW control on the injectors
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Aprilia Consumer Service Spa
Technical Service and Training
Release 4 july 99
Sensor not connected, faulty
wiring, sensor broken
Sensor not connected, faulty
wiring, sensor broken
Sensor not connected, faulty
wiring, sensor broken
Increased differences
between sensor signals
Sensor not connected, faulty
wiring, sensor broken
Sensor not connected, faulty
wiring, sensor broken
Sensor not connected, faulty
wiring, sensor broken
ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE SENSORSensor – inside control unit
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See table
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Release 4 july 99
-Check the fuel pump
-Check the injectors
-Check that the anti-theft system connector is connected
-Check the key switch
-Check the STOP-RUN control
-Check the 30 Amp fuses and 15 Amp fuses B and E
-Check the engine stop relay
-Check the battery
- Check the safety system logic (diode box, switches)
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Aprilia Consumer Service Spa
Technical Service and Training
Release 4 july 99
If a fault is detected, the control unit may:
- stop the bike
- allow running but not starting
- allow running and starting
as described in the table:
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Aprilia Consumer Service Spa
Technical Service and Training
Release 4 july 99
[A] [B] [R] [C] [D]
Press keys [A] and [B] and turn the key from OFF to ON: all segments stay lit as long as [A] and [B] are
Press key [A] for 5 seconds =:> numbers and km/h (mph) flash
Press key [B] to change unit of measurement
Confirm with [A] pressed for about 5 seconds.
3. INSTANTANEOUS, MAXIMUM AVERAGE SPEED (only with instantaneous S = 0)
Instantaneousspeed => press key [B] for about 1 second
Maximum speed => press key [B] for about 1 second
Average speed => press key [B] for about 1 second
a) 1st partial reset:
instantaneous speed on display => press key [R] for about 3 seconds => 1st partial = 0
b)maximum speed reset:
maxS and 1st partial on display => press key [R] for about 1 second => maxS = 0.
c)average speed and 2nd partial reset :
avgS and 2nd partial on display => press key [R] for about 1 second => avgS = 0,
2nd partial = 0
With the display showing maxS or avgS and insS becomes > 0 the display shows insS.
-Press [C] for t < 1 second => set value displayed for seconds
-Key pressed for more than 1 second - pointer moves at 1000 RPM/step as long as [C]
is pressed
-If the key is released and then pressed again within 3 seconds for less than 1 second the setting
increases by 100 RPM/pulse.
-If key [C] is not pressed for more than 3 seconds the setting is stored (confirmed by lighting of
indicator light).
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Release 4 july 99
Coolant temperature and clock => [D] =>
Battery voltage => [D] =>
Set hours (Press LAP) =>
Set minutes (Press LAP) =>
Set °C/°F (Press LAP) => go back to
b) Stop watch
Press and hold [LAP] and then (within 0.7 seconds) press key [D] to start the stop watch.
b.1) Press [LAP] ==> stop watch starts (the [LAP] key is not enabled for 10 sec.)
b.2)Starting from timing =:> press [B] => display shows first acquired time => press [LAP] to
re-display times in sequence
-Press [B] to go back to timing
-Press [A] + [LAP] for 2 seconds to zero memories
b.3) To exit timing press [D] and then [LAP] (temperature and clock will appear on display).
6.Switch off SERVICE => press [LAP] and [R] for 5 seconds.
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Release 4 july 99
The ignition system is controlled by the control unit. The system is a normal one, known as a
digital transistorised ignition system, which sets the correct timing on the basis of the engine
rpm and throttle position. It is made up of the crankshaft sensor (pick up coil), control unit, two
ignition coils and spark plugs.
1. The ignition coil power supply is governed by the side stand safety circuit and by the gear
2. The timing is constantly controlled by the throttle position and the rpm
The devices described below affect the timing in the stopping or starting of the ignition
Crankshaft sensor:
The engine pick up coil produces a signal when it meets the projecting part of the
magneto flywheel.
The wave generated is sent to the control unit which calculates the engine rpm; this
signal determines the timing.
Throttle position sensor:
This sensor, mounted on the throttle body, has a variable resistance which changes the
opening value of the throttle. On the basis of this signal, the control unit sets the timing in
response to the engine rpm.
The timing mapping is made up of two factors: the throttle position and the engine rpm.
The ignition is inductive and not the capacitive discharge type. ! NEVER SHORT CIRCUIT TO
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