Aprilia PEGASO 650 IE User Manual Part2 11-1999

safe drive
The instructions given below cover normal operation of your vehicle and must be carefully observed. By following these rules you will enhanc e your ow n safet y and the safety of those around you. You will also maximize the life and utility of your ve­hicle.
Two wheeled vehicles obvio usly do not provide some of the protection provided by automobiles, therefore it is essential that you wear appropriate protective clothing. Especially, never operate yo ur vehicle without wearing your helmet, gloves, eye protection, a he avy j ac ke t, s tu rdy footwear, and sturdy full length pants.
However, do n ot assume that even t he best clothing and helmet will protect you in the event of an upset or a cr ash with anoth ­er vehicle. At best, this gear provides some protection from scrapes and scratch­es, but very little, if any, impact protection.
Be sure that you meet all the requirements prescribed by local law, including driver’s li­cense, minimum age , training, insura nce, taxes, vehi cle registr ation, license plat e, etc.
When you first receive your vehicle, prac­tice by riding in areas where there is little traffic. Do not attempt to ride in heavy traf­fic until you are thoroughly experienced and riding your vehicle has become sec­ond nature to you.
Although this vehicle is legal for operation on freeways and expressways, it is advis-
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able to not ride on these high speed high­ways until you are thoroughly familiar with your vehicle, and have attained a high de­gree of skill in its operation.
A new vehicle must be car efully broken in, see p. 56 (RUNNING-IN).
Before starting the engine, make sure that the brakes, clutch, transmission and throt­tle controls fu nction properl y and that the fuel and oil supply is adequate.
The exhaust system, brakes, and some other parts of the vehicle become very hot during operation. Do not to uch any of these part s.
Some medicines or drugs, illega l or pre­scription, and alcohol significantly increase the risk of accidents. Do no t rid e whi le y ou are under the influen ce of a lco ho l or drug s, be they illicit or prescription. Make sure you are in good physical condition and not
ill before ri ding your vehicl e. Do not ride your vehicle when you are particularly tired or fatigued. Alcohol, drugs and fatigue are leading causes of vehicle accidents.
Many accidents are caused by the rider’ s inexperience and lack of training. Do not ride your vehicle until you have received training from a recognized training organi­zation such as the Motorcycle Safety Foundation. Remember that riding a two wheeled vehicle, though easy and fun, is quite different from driving a car. Do not assume that you can operate your vehicle safely just because you are a competent automobile driver.
Never lend your vehicle to others unless you are sure that they are competent and properly licensed vehicle operators.
Observe all rules of the road. Particularly pay attention to all warning, regulatory and informational signs.
Avoid showing off (i.e., popping wheelies). Especially observ e sp eed l im its , rem ember that road conditions change with the weather and wet and icy p avements are particularly dangerous for vehicles, espe­cially if you are riding too fast. Remember that automobile drivers have a hard time seeing two wheeled vehicles, so always give the automobil e the right o f way, even if it is legally yours.
Before changing lane, look over your shoulder to make sure that the way is clear. Do not rely exclusively on the rear­view mirror: you may miscalculate the dis­tance and speed of a vehicle, or you may even not see it at all.
Avoid obstacles that could damage the ve­hicle or make you lose control.
Do not tailgate, do not attempt to incre ase your gas mileage by following in the slip stream of cars or trucks in front of you.
In case of accident motorcycles, scooters and mopeds do not provide the same de­gree of protection ensu red by auto mo bil es . The legs, in part icula r, are ex pose d the ri sk of being injured. However, the additional installation of leg guards may actually in­crease the risk of injuries and thei r serious­ness in case of accident.
Do not install leg gu ards available on the market of spare parts an d accessories. Non-compliance with these instructions may result in serious inju ries or even death.
Always ride with both hands on the han­dlebars and feet o n the footrests.
Never shift gear without using the clutch, if the vehicle is so equipped. Do not operate the shift lever or the other controls sudden­ly or abruptly. Such misuse can damage the internal components of the vehicle and consequently cause seizure, loss of con­trol, accidents and serious injuries or even death.
Remain in the seat when you are riding. Do not stand up or attempt to stretch while you are riding your vehicle. If you need to rest, pull over to the side of the road when it can be safely done.
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It is very important to your safety that you give full attention to the riding task. Watch what you are doin g, do not al low your self to be distracted by other cars, people or things on the roadside, etc. Never smoke, eat, drink, read, etc. while riding your vehi­cle. If you must consult a map, pull over when it can be done safely.
Use only the vehicles specific fuels and lu­bricants indicated in the “LUBRICANT CHART; check the oil, fuel and coolant levels regularly.
If the throttle sticks open, it may cause a collision with another vehicle, or an upset.
If the throttle sticks, kill the engine with the engine stop switch located on the right handlebar.
Do not attempt to restart the engine until the throttle has been repaired and works perfectly. Failure to obey this warning can
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lead to a runaway with seriously injuries or even death. Your vehicle is equipped with a double ca­ble throttle. One cable opens the throttle when you rotate the throttle grip toward you; the other closes the throttle when you rotate th e gr ip aw ay from y ou. I t i s es sen ­tial, when you release the throttle grip, that it automatically return to the idle position. This double cable arrangement enhances safety by providing for positive closing of the throttle.
In the event of a throttle sticking emer­gency, always kill the engine using the engine stop switch loc ated near the throttle grip on the right handlebar. Nev­er use your vehicle if the throttle does not automatically fully return to the idle position when the throttle grip is re-
leased. Contact your Local APRILIA Deal- er for repairs. Failure to heed this warn­ing can lead to a serious accident and subsequent injury or even death.
If you and your vehicle are involved in an accident, insure that there has been no damage to the control levers, tubes, wires, braking system and other vital parts. If your vehicle is in volved i n an accid ent, take it immediately to your Local aprilia Dealer who has the equipment and knowledge to check for accidental da mage which may compromise your safety.
Your aprilia dealer is ready and able to help you with any safety problems that you might have, but of course it is necessary for you to report any malfunctions to your mechanic in order for him to help you.
Do not use your vehicle if it is damaged. A damaged vehicle may become unstable or
present other proble ms w hich can i ncreas e the risk of accident, and theref ore of seri­ous injury or even death.
Do not attempt to modify the position, an­gle or color of your license p late. Do not cover it with even a clear plastic covering. Do not modify any of the safety equipment of your vehicle, especially such saf ety re­lated items as directional indicators, rear view mirrors, lights or horns.
Any modification to your vehicle will invali­date the warranty.
Do not modify your engine in an attempt to increase the horsepower. This can result in irreparable damage to the engine, as well as degradation of the performance and handling of the vehicle which could lead to an upset, and seriou s inju ry or even death.
Have your vehicle repaired only with or igi ­nal parts, and us e only original aprilia or aprilia approved accessorie s. Th e u se o f aftermarket accessories and parts can se­riously compromise the safety of your ve­hicle as well as its performance and ser­viceability. Any modification which affects performance or safety voids your warranty completely.
Tampering with the emissions or noise control systems on your vehicle is against the law, and can be punished by large fines.
In some jurisdictions, it can even lead to the confiscation of your vehicle.
This vehicle wa s not designed to be equipped with a sidecar or to be used to tow trailers or other vehicles.
aprilia does not manufacture sidecars or trailers and therefore cannot predict the ef­fects of such accessories on the manoeu­vrability or stability of the vehicle: it can only warn that such effects may be nega­tive and that any damage to the vehicle components caused by the use of such ac­cessories will not be covered by the war­ranty.
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Never race other vehicles with your vehi­cle.
Brake with both the front and rear brakes. The use of one brake only for sudd en brak ­ing may cause the vehicle to skid or make the rider lose control of the vehicle itself.
When ridin g down a st eep hi ll, us e the en­gine as a brake by selecting the same gear, or a lower gear, than you would use to climb the hill. Use front and rear brakes sparingly.
Always ride at the appropria te speed and avoid unnecessary hard acceleration. This not only is safer, but also reduces fuel consumption and increases the life of the vehicle.
If you must ride your vehicle in r ainy weather, or on loose sur faces, remember that traction is greatly reduced. Under these conditions, all handling of the vehi­cle must be done gradually and smoothly. Sudden acceleration, braking or turning may make you lose control of your vehicle. When traction is reduced, accele rate and slow using your vehicles engine braking insofar as possible. Avoid rapid, harsh application of the brakes.
Gradually open and close the throttle, to avoid spinning or skidding the rear wheel.
On rough road surface s, slow down and ride with particular care.
Try to avoid wide open throttle accelera­tions, unless they are nece ssary for such things as passing.
Dont allow your engine to lug, that is, run at too low an rpm. Shift down to a low­er gear. Also, dont over-rev the engine. Observe the redline on the tachometer.
Remember that excessive ly aggressive cornering can cause your vehicles tires to lose sideways traction, which can result in an upset and serious injury or even death.
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Always observe posted and statutory speed limits, but do not assume that you can ride as fast as the speed limit under all road conditions. Slowing down a little can greatly increase your safet y under all road conditions.
Do not ride your vehicle off road. Do not tamper with the muf fler system or
the emissions control system of your vehi­cle. This is not only bad for the environ­ment, it can subject you to serious pen al­ties.
Before riding your vehicle, ensure that your riding gear is in good condition. To be effective, your helmet must fit properl y, and the visor or other eye pro tection must be clean.
Both research and experience have shown that drivers of other vehicles often do not see vehicles or riders. In order to make yourself more conspicuous to these drivers, wear bright reflective clothing, such as a reflective vest, or clothing with reflective sections sewn into the jacket, pants and gloves. B e particular aware o f approaching automobiles and trucks that might be trying to turn left i n front of you. Many vehicle accidents are caused by an opposing automobile driver making a left turn without warning in front of the vehicle.
Inevitably, the driver wil l look right at you, and yet swea r that they did not see you before they turne d directly into y our path. Ride alert!
Wear protective clothing, preferably in light and/or reflecting colours. In this way you will make yourself more visible to the other drivers, thus notably reducin g the risk of being knocked down, and you will be more protected in case of fall.
Always wear your crash helmet. Many ac­cidents are fatal because of injuries to the head.
This clothing should be very tight-fitting and fastened at the wrists and ankles. Strings, belts and ties should not be hang­ing loose; prevent these and other objects from interfering with driving by getting en­tangled with moving parts or driving mech­anisms.
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Do not carry sharp objects in your pockets that could be dangerou s in case o f an up­set, for example, pens or mechanical pen­cils, etc. Also, make sure that your pas­sengers follow this recommendation.
The owner of the vehicle is responsible for the choice, installation and use of any ac­cessory.
The installation of inappropriate acc essories or the overloading of the vehicl e may result in the instability of the vehicle itself and cause accidents with consequent risk of se­rious injuries or even death. Windshields could be particularly dangerous, as they can break and injure or cut the rider in case of accident. In case of doubts with regard to any accessory you would like to install or
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any load you would like to carry, previously consult your Local aprilia Dealer.
Avoid installing accessories that cover horns or lights or that could impair their functions, limit the suspension stroke and the steering ang le, h amper the o peratio n of the controls and reduce the distance from the ground and the angle of inclination in turns. Avoid using accessories that hamper ac­cess to the co n tro l s, sinc e t h is can pr ol on g reaction times during an emergency. Fairings and windshields installed on the vehicle may produce aerodynamic forces that will affect the st ability of the vehicle during use, especially at high speeds.
Make sure that anything y ou carry on yo ur vehicle is securely attached, and cannot come lose and jam the wheels, forks, etc. Do not install any electr ical accessories, and do not modify the electrical system of your vehicle. Anything that could cause an electrical overload or other fault could cause the vehi cle to s uddenly stop, the lights to dim or quit, or the horn and other safety ac­cessories not to work. Use only aprilia gen­uine accessories.
Do not overload your vehicle. Attach lug­gage or packages as close as possible to the center of your vehicl e and distrib ute th e load from side to side as evenly as possi­ble, to keep imbalance to a minimum. Re­member that loads tend to loosen with riding, so frequently che ck the security of your load.
Do not hang anything from your vehicle handlebars, fenders, or forks, because this will upset the handling of your vehicle, and could prevent you from avoiding an acci­dent. Failure to heed t his warn ing ca n le ad to an upset with subsequent serious injury or even death.
Do not ride with your crash helmet hung from the strap because it could easily foul the wheels, fenders, or forks, causing an upset and subsequent serious injury or even death.
Carry a passenger only if your vehicle is equipped with passenger footr ests, hand­grips for the passenger to hold on to, and a passenger seat.
When carrying a passenger, remember that your vehicles handling is degraded, that the brakes ar e less efficient, and t he center of gravit y is higher and further t o the rear.
This makes it more likely that the front wheel will come up off the ground, espe­cially on acceleration. Therefore, you should avoid hard acceleratio n and hard braking. Many ac ci de nts are cau se d by in­experienced ride rs carrying passeng ers. Remember that allow ance must be made for the extra weight of the passen ger for al l driving maneuvers.
Avoid abrupt and excessive acceleration. Always slow down in time and calculate longer stopping and manoeuvring distanc­es. Non-complianc e w ith th es e ins tru cti ons may lead to the overturning of the vehicle or to other accidents with consequent seri­ous injuries or even death.
Never carry loosely packaged items, make sure that everything that you carry on your vehicle is carefully secured.
Do not carry packages wh ich protrude from the luggage rack or which cover an y of the signal lights, the headlight, or the horn.
Never carry animals or children on the glove compartment or on the luggage rack.
Never exceed the labeled maximum load for each saddlebag.
Overloading your vehicle seriously reduc­es its stability and maneuverability and can lead to an upset with subsequent seri­ous injury or death .
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1) Ignition switch/steering lock/parking lights
2) Fuel filler cap
3) Fuel valve
4) Battery
5) Fuses
6) Glove/tool kit compartm ent
7) Passenger grab rail
8) Rear luggage rack
9) Passenger left footrest (snapping, closed / open)
10) Center stand
11) Side stand
12) Rider left footrest (with spring, always open)
13) Shift lever
14) Expansion tank
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1) Horn
2) Carbon canister
3) Engine oil filter
4) Rear brake pedal
5) Rider right footrest (with spring, alway s open )
6) Anti-theft hook (for the aprilia Body-Guard” armored cable
7) Rear brake master cylinder
8) Passenger right footrest (snapping, closed / open)
9) Passenger grab rail
10) Saddle lock
11) Crash helmet hook
12) Rear br ake reservoir
13) Air cleaner
14) Engine oil level plug-dipstick
15) Front brake reservoir
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1) Electrical controls on the left side of the handlebar
2) Cold start lever (e)
3) Clutch lever
4) Left rear-view mirror
5) Instruments and indicators
6) Right rear-view mirror
7) Front brake lever
8) Throttle grip
9) Electrical controls on the right side of the handlebar
10) Ignition switch/steering lock/parking lights (
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n - m - s - Y)
11) Green direction indicator warning light (
12) Green neutral indicator warning light (q)
13) Red engine oil pressure warning light (
14) Blue high beam warning light (
15) Green low beam and parking light warning light (p)
16) Amber low fuel warning light (
17) Tachometer
18) Total miles odometer
19) Speedometer
20) Coolant temperature indicator (
21) Trip odometer
22) Odometer reset
h) in °C (Celsius degree)
Description Function Directional indicator High beam indicator a Comes on when the headlight is in high beam position or when the high beam signalling is operated. Parking light
and low beam warning light
Coolant temperat ure indicator in °C (Celsius degree)
Engine oil pressure warning light
Low fuel warning light
Neutral indicator warning light
Tachometer rpm
Trip odometer Indicates the number of miles covered in a trip. To reset to zero, press the odometer control button. Odometer Indicates the total number of miles that the vehicle has traveled since new. Speedometer Indicates road speed. Odometer reset Press it to reset to zero the trip odometer.
c Blinks when the right (or the le ft) direction indicator is on.
It comes on when the i gnit i on switch is turned to n (ON) or Y (PARKING) po si t ion and automati­caly the lights are on.
It indicat es the approxim ate temperature of the coolant in the engi ne. When the pointer starts moving beyond the “40” (40 °C) leve l, the temp erat ure is suffi cien t for driving the vehicle. The normal running tem pe rature range is indicated by the central area of the scale. If the pointer reac hes the red area, st op the engine and ch eck the coolan t level, see p. 44 (C OOL-
set and serious injury or even death.
It comes on whenever the ignition switch is turned to position n (ON) and the engi ne is not running, thus testing the cor rect oper ation of th e lamp. I f during this phas e the lam p does no t turn on, it must be replaced. The engine oil pressure warning light
gine, this means that the oil system is not develo ping suffi cient press ure. In this case, imme ­diately stop the engine and contact your Local lead to engine seizure, upset, and serious injury or even death.
It comes on when the quantity of fuel left in the tank is about 1.59 US gal (6 L ) [electrical reserve]. In this case m ove the fuel valve leve r to the “RES” position and top up as soon possib le, see p. 35
Do not operate the vehicle if the maximum temperature is exceeded. Se­rious engine damage or even seizure may result which can cause an up-
j must go off when the engi ne is running.
If the engine oil pressure warning light j remains on (when the en­gine is running), or if it comes on during the normal running of the en -
Dealer. Failure to heed this warning can
q Comes on when th e gear is in neutral.
It indicates the number of revolutions of the engine per minute.
Never exceed the engine max. speed rate, see p. 56 (RUNNING-IN).
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NOTE The electrical components function only when the igni-
tion switch (A) is in the n (ON) position. The parking lights are illuminated besides when the ignition switch (A) is in the
The horn is activated when the push button is pressed.
Y” (PARKING) position.
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To indicate the turn to the left, move the switch to the left; to indicate the turn to the right, move the switch to the right. To turn off the direction indicator, press the switch.
When the lever is in the po sition indicated by t he parking lights, dashboard light and low beam are on. When the lever is mo ved to the nated, the dashboard and parking lights remain on.
Depress the button momentarily to flash the high beam for signaling when passing, etc. and in the event you need someones attention in an emergency.
Operate the cold start (choke ) by rotating the lever down­wards. To disengage the cold sta rt, return the lev er upwards to its ini­tial position.
b - a )
c )
b, the
a , the high beam is i ll umi -
a )
Use the engine stop switch to stop the engine. It is essential that you be very fami lia r with thi s c on trol so tha t yo u wi ll a uto ­matically stop the engine i n the even t of a stu ck throttl e or oth­er engine runaway.
n - m)
If the throttle sticks open, it may cause a collision with an­other vehicle, or an upset.
If the throt tle sticks, ki ll the engine with the engi ne stop switch located on the right handlebar. Do not attempt to restart the engine until the throttle has been repaired and works perf ectly. Failure to obey this warning can lead to a runawa y with seriously injuries or even death.
Your vehicle is equ ipped with a double c abl e throttle. One ca­ble opens the throttle when you rotate the throttle grip toward you; the other closes the throttle w hen you rotate the grip away from you. It is essential, when you release the throttle grip, that it automatically return to the idle position. This double cable arrangement enhances safety by providing for positive closing of the throttle.
In the event of a throttle sticking emergency, always kill the engine using the engine stop switch located near the throt­tle grip on the right handlebar. Never use your vehicle if the throttle does not automatically fully return to the idle posi­tion when the throttle grip is released. Contact your Local APRILIA Dealer for repairs. Failure to heed this warning can lead to a serious accident and subsequent injury or even death.
Do not use the engine stop switch to stop the engine while the vehicle is moving.
With the switch (1) in the start the engine. The engine can be stopped by moving the switch (1) to the
m (OFF) position.
n (ON) position it is possible to
Do not leave the ignition on if you have stopped the engine by moving the engine stop switch to the as this will discharge the battery. When the vehicle has com e to rest afte r stopping th e engine with the engine stop switch, turn the ignition switch (A) to the
m” (OFF) position.
When the starter switch is depressed, the starter is engaged and the engine will start. For starting, see p. 50 (STARTING).
m (OFF) position
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Turn the key (2) to position Y (PARK­ING); automatically the parking lights stay on.
Extract the key (2).
Do not leave the ignition switch (1) in the
Y” (PARKING) position for extended
periods of time, as this will cause the battery to become completely run down.
The ignition switch (1) is located on the upper plate of the steering head.
NOTE The key operates t he ignition
switch/steering lock, the saddle lock and the fuel tank lock. Two keys are supplied t ogether with the vehicle (one spare key).
Never attempt to place the ignition switch in the locked s (LOCK) posi­tion while the vehicle is moving. This will cause loss of control of the vehicle with possible subsequent accident, se­rious injury or even death.
To lock the steering:
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Place the vehicle on the stand.
Turn the handleba r com ple tel y le ftw ard s.
Turn the key (2) to position m (OFF) and press it.
Release the key (2).
NOTE Turn the key (2) and steer the
handlebar at the same time.
Rotate the key (2) counterclo ckwise (l eft­wards), steer the ha ndlebar slowly until the key (2) reaches position
Extract the key (2).
When you park the vehicle in a dark area, or in a blady lit area (parking-lot or street) it is possible, and usefu l, may leav e the park­ing lights on, so the vehicle will be easily visible.
For leave t he parking lights on:
Lock the steering, see beside (STEER­ING LOCK) without extract the key (2).
s” (LOCK).
Position Function
The steering is locked.
It is neither possible to start the engine, nor to switch on the lights.
Neither the engine, nor the lights can be switched on.
The engine and the lights can be switched on.
The parking lights are illuminated.
It is possible to remove the key.
It is possible to remove the key.
It is not possible to remove the key.
It is possible to remove the key.
Thanks to the crash helm et hook, you no longer have to carry the crash helmet with you every time you park the vehicle.
Do not ride with the crash helm et hang­ing from the hook. This may cause an upset with subsequent serious injury or death.
To secure your crash helmet:
Remove the sa dd l e, s ee p . 81 (REMOV­ING THE SADDLE).
Withdraw t he eyelet (1) of the cable (2) from the hook (3).
Pass the cable (2) through the visor opening or through the apposite loop on the crash helmet.
Insert the eyelet (1) completely in the hook (3).
NOTE Before lowering and locking the
saddle, make sure that you have not left the key in the under saddle area.
Replace the saddle, see p. 81 (REMOV­ING THE SADDLE).
The anti-theft hook (4) is positioned on the right side of the vehicle, near the rider’s footboard.
To prevent the vehicle from being stolen, it is advisable to secure it with the aprilia Body-Guard armored cable able at any Local aprilia Dealer.
(5), avail-
Do not use the hook to li ft the ve hicl e o r for any purpose other than securing the vehicle once it has been parked.
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The glove/tool kit compartment is posi­tioned under the rear part of the saddle; to reach it:
Remove the saddle, see p. 81 (REMOV­ING THE SADDLE).
The tool kit (1) includes: – 3 mm, 4 mm, 5 mm, 6 mm, and 8 mm
Allen wrenches;
a 5.5 and 7 mm open end wrench;an 8 and 11 mm open end wrench;a 10 and 13 mm open end wrench;a 19 mm open end wrench;a 24 mm open end wrench;an 18 mm spark plug socket wrench;a double ended slot/Phillips screwdriver;a lever for the spark plug wrench;tool pouch.
Max. allowed weight: 3.31 lb (1.5 kg).
Max. allowed weight: 20 lb (9 kg).
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