Batch Monitor User Manual
You can use the Batch Monitor to view or adjust the
status of batches and jobs processed by Compressor or
Apple Qmaster. You can also use the Batch Monitor to view
detailed history for recently completed batches and jobs.
You use the Batch Monitor to monitor the transcoding progress of batches and jobs.
You can stop, resume, or delete any submitted job or batch up to the point at which
the transcoding is complete.
Just as Printer Setup Utility allows you to view print jobs submitted to a printer, the
Batch Monitor lets you view the status of batches submitted for processing. For
example, the Batch Monitor displays each batch’s name, details of where it originated,
the percentage of completion, and the estimated time before completion. Batches not
yet running appear as pending.
This document covers the following:
About the Batch Monitor (p. 2)
Viewing or Changing the Status of a Submitted Batch (p. 3)
Batch Monitor Controls and Displays (p. 4)
Batch Monitor and Distributed Processing (p. 7)
Setting Batch Monitor Preferences (p. 9)

About the Batch Monitor
The Batch Monitor contains the following items:
Status table
History table
Stop button:
batch or job, select it and click the Resume button.
Resume button:
Delete button:
Info button:
on either a batch or job currently being transcoded or a completed batch or job
listed in the History table.
Update button:
Status table:
Batch Monitor Preferences to determine which headings appear. You can also drag
the headings to change their order. “Setting Batch Monitor Preferences” on page 9
for details on choosing the headings and information on what each heading shows.
History table:
transcoded or have encountered some sort of error or cancellation. The History table
contains the following headings:
Batch Name:
Submission Time:
Sent by:
Successful, Canceled, or Failed (with relevant error messages describing the failure).
Unlike the Status table, Batch Monitor Preferences do not affect these headings.
However, you can drag the headings to change their order and column sizes.
Puts the selected batch or job on hold. To restart transcoding of the
Restarts transcoding of a batch or job after it has been stopped.
Removes the selected batch from the Status table.
Opens the Status Information window, which gives detailed information
Updates information shown in the Batch Monitor.
Lists details of batches and jobs currently being transcoded. You can use
Lists (for 24 hours) details of batches and jobs that have been
Name given to the batch when it was submitted.
Date and time the batch was submitted.
Submitter’s user name.
Priority level for each job within a batch (defaults to High).
State of the transcoded batch or job. Possible transcoding states are

Viewing or Changing the Status of a Submitted Batch
You open the Batch Monitor to see the status of a submitted batch and all the jobs
contained within it. Because it is a standalone application, you can view the
Batch Monitor window whether or not Compressor or Apple Qmaster is open or
whether or not you have submitted anything.
By default, Batch Monitor will launch automatically whenever you submit a batch using
either Compressor or Apple Qmaster.
To view the status of your batch:
To manually open the Batch Monitor, double-click the Batch Monitor icon in the
Utilities folder or click the Batch Monitor button in the Apple Qmaster window. The
Batch Monitor opens. If you just submitted a batch, you should see it being processed.
If you didn’t recently submit a batch, the table is empty.
View the batch processing details and take any necessary action:
Click the disclosure triangle next to the batch name for information about
individual jobs.
To pause a job or batch, select it and click the Stop button.
To restart, click the Resume button.
To delete a job or batch, select it and click the Delete button.
Status table
History table
When the progress report reaches 100 percent, your media file has been successfully
transcoded and saved in the designated destination folder. The submitted batch is
moved to the History table below the Status table.