ZOLL IVTM Catheter Icy User Manual

Icy® Catheter
Icy® Catheter 3-Lumen
Applause™ Coated
Guidewires (.032” x 75cm)
Vessel Dilator
Detachable Suture Tab & Clip
18ga x 2 ½" (6.3cm) Radiopaque OTN Catheter
000 Silk Suture
Chloraprep® Triple Swabstick Prep Pack
4" x 4" Gauze Sponges
3cc Syringe
5cc Syringes
Fenestrated Drape
Povidone Ointment
22ga x 1 ½" (3.8 cm) Needles
18ga x 2 ¾" (7.0 cm) Needle
5cc Ampule Lidocaine HCL 1%
Needle Disposal Cup
SilvaSorb® Site Antimicrobial Dressing
Flow rate
Medial Port (white)
Proximal IC-3893
Instructions for Use
Model IC-3893A/8700-0657-01 (Also referre d to as IC-3893)
Caution: Federal law restricts this device to sale by or on
Model IC-3893A/8700-0657-01 (Also referred to as IC-3893)
Store between 20-25°C. Avoid f reezing and exces sive heat above 40°C.
United States Patent Nos.:
9.3 French x 38cm Triple Infusion Lumen Extension Line Clamps Radiopaque Polyurethane
1 25ga x 1" (2.5 cm ) Needle
1 No. 11 Surgical Blade w/ long handle
1 SureSite Transparent Film Dressing
Device Description:
The Icy® Heat Exchange Heat Catheter is a sterile, single use flexible catheter designed for placement in the inferior vena cava from an insertion site in the femoral vein. The Icy Catheter is to be connected to a ZOLL single use disposable CoolGard 3000 separately) and the CoolGard 3000 System. A dilator and guidewire are required for the percutaneous insertion of the lumens are available for infusion and sampling.
Port (brown)
/Thermogard XP® Start-Up Kit (supplied
/Thermogard XP®
Icy® Catheter. Three (3)
IC-3893 1700 ml/hr 0.5 cc
IC-3893 900 ml/hr 0.4 cc
Port (blue)
IC-3893 1200 ml/hr 0.4 cc
Insertion Size
Catheter blood contact surfaces are
The Icy Applause™treated. Applause is a trademark of SurModics, Inc., registered in the U.S. Patent and trademark off ice.
Ethylene oxide sterilized. The Icy® Catheter is supplied sterile for single use only and should not be resterilized. The package should be inspected prior to use to ensure that the sterility barrier has not been compromised.
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Other U.S. and foreign patents pending.
Indications for Use:
The ZOLL Icy® Catheter Model IC-3893A, connected to the ZOLL Th e rmal Regulation System, is indicated for use:
in cardiac surgery adult patients to achieve and/or
maintain normothermia during surgery and recovery/i ntensive care, and
to induce, maintain and reverse mild hypothermia
in neurosurg ery adult patients in surgery and recovery/i ntensive care.
Safety and Efficacy Considerations:
Central venous catheterization should only be performed by well-trained personnel well versed in anatomical landmarks and safe technique. Personnel should also have knowledge of potential complications. Product designed for single use only. Do not r esterilize or reuse. Do n o t reinsert, onc e removed from patient. Do not alter the catheter in any way.
Potential risks with re-use of a single use device include but are not limited to:
Potentially life threatening infection
Toxic shock due to degrad ation of materials
Increased risk of thrombosis
Reduced heat exchange power
Device failures
Warning: Do not allow catheter to be placed into right atrium or right ventricle. Placement in right atrium or right vent ricle can resul t i n severe patient injury or death.
1. The risks of t he catheter are essentially those of a central line. The catheter should not be used in patients for whom central line placement is not indicated.
2. Bleeding diathesis.
3. Active sepsis.
4. Infection o r active bleeding at the site of catheter insertion.
5. Patients with no vascular access, or vascular system will not accom m odate catheter including patients with vena cava filters or other implanted impediments t o passage of the catheter.
6. Patients for whom the required temperature monitoring cannot be established.
7. Hypothermia is contraindicated in patients who have hemato lo g ical diseases that will be made worse with hypothermia e.g. any disease that produces cryoglobulinemia, any hemoglobinopathy in which hemolytic anaemia
Icy® Catheter
Instructions for Use
Model IC-3893A/8700-0657-01 (Also referre d to as IC-3893)
can be precipitated by cold including Sickle Cell Disease or Thalassemia.
Warnings and Precautio ns:
1. SINGLE USE ONLY. Product designed for single use
only. Do not resterilize or reuse. Do not reinsert, once removed from patient. Do not alter the catheter in any way. Maximum use period: 4 da ys.
2. Do not allow catheter to be placed into right atrium or
right ventricle. Catheter should be positioned so that the distal tip of catheter is in the inferior vena cava below its junction with the right atrium and parallel to the vessel wall. X-ray examination should b e us ed to ensure that the catheter is not in the right atrium or ventricle.
3. Cardiac Tamponade: Placement of indwelling catheters
in the right atrium is a practice that may lead to cardiac perforation and tampon a de . Pr actitioner s pla c i ng central venous catheters must be aware of this potentially fatal complication before advancing the catheter too far relative to patient size. The actua l position of the tip of the indwelling catheter should be confirmed by x-ray after insertion. Central venous catheters should not be placed in the right atrium unless specific ally required f o r special relativ ely short term procedures, such as aspiration of air emboli during neurosurg ery. Such procedures are nevertheless risk prone and should be closely monitored and controlled.
4. Alcohol and acetone can weaken the structure of the
polyureth ane material. Care should therefore be taken when infusing drugs containing alcohol or when using alcohol or acetone when performing routine catheter care and maintenance. Alcohol should not be used to declot the catheter.
5. Use of a syringe smaller than 10 ml to irrigate or declot
an occluded catheter may cause intraluminal leakage or catheter rupture.
6. Caution: If blood is observed within the circuit
circulating the sterile saline, stop the procedure.
7. The catheter is coated with Heparin. This may induce
or aggravate pre-existing Heparin induced thrombocytopenia (HIT).
8. Central venous catheterization should only be
performed by well-trained personnel well versed in anatomical landmarks and safe technique. Personnel should also have knowledge of potential complications.
9. Catheter shoul d be placed via a femoral vein approach
10. Possible complications with central venous catheters
include: atrial or ventricular perforation, cardiac tamponad e, air embolism, catheter embolism, thoracic duct laceration, bacte r e m ia, sept icemia, thrombosis, inadvertent ar te r ia l pu ncture, hematoma formation, hemorrhage, nerve damage and dysrhythmias.
11. All Luer-Lock connections and covers must be securely
tightened to prevent air embolism or fluid or blood loss.
12. Never use exces sive force in moving the catheter or
guidewire. If resistance is encountered, an x-ray should be performed to identify the r eason for the resistance.
13. Passage of t he guidewire into the right heart can cause
dysrhythmias, right bundle branch block, vessel wall, atrial or ventricular perforation.
14. Use only sterile normal saline for catheter priming and as the ci r culating fluid in the catheter.
15. Catheter should be routinely inspected for flow rate, security of dressing, correct catheter position and for secure Luer-Lock connection. Use centimeter markings to identify if the catheter position has c ha n g ed.
16. Only x-ray examination can ensure that the catheter tip has not entered the heart or no longer lies parallel to the vessel wall. If catheter position has change d, p e r form an x-ray examination to confirm catheter tip position.
17. For blood sampling, temporarily shut off remaining infusion ports through which solutions are being inf us ed.
18. Use only a 30cc or smaller s yringe for blood sampling.
19. Use only ZOLL suture tab and clip provided in kit to prevent catheter damage.
20. Do not infuse into the teal-green Luer-Lock connections.
21. Use care when infusing drugs that may be affected by cool temperat ures (as low as 4ºC). Mannitol containing solutions are temperature sensitive and must not be delivered through the
Catheter except for rapid push of up to a concentration of 20% mannitol solution followed by saline flush. Higher than a 20% concentration of mannitol or drip or in fusion pump delivery of mannitol must be done via a separate line.
22. WARNING: When connecting infusion
sets/injection systems to ZOLL Catheters do not exceed 100 psi/689 k Pa.
23. Not intend ed for pediatri c o r neonatal use.
24. For patients being made hypothermic, the
hypothermia itself may exacerbate some disease states. Care should be taken to properly monitor patient homeostasis during hypothermia.
Cardiac rhythm disturbances – both
bradycardia and ventricular tachyarrhythmia.
Clotting and coagulations function. Patients
at risk for disturbances of their clotting or coagulation function s ho uld be close ly monitored during hypothermia.
Blood gas and pH analysis. Hypothermia
modifies resting pH and PaC O should be aware that of the eff ect of temperatur e up on the result.
Prolonged hypothermia depresses the
immune response and lung function.


Intraluminal leakage between the saline lumen and infusion lumens is an unc om mon but potential catheter failure. In the event of such a failure, sterile saline from the cooling circuit will be introduced into the patient. Intral uminal leakage will usually be associated with a fluid loss alarm which will stop the system. ALWAYS INVESTIGATE FLUID LEVEL ALARMS. The cooling circuit is a closed loop system – usually fluid loss alarms indicate a breach somewhere in this
. Physicians
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Icy® Catheter
Instructions for Use
Model IC-3893A/8700-0657-01 (Also referre d to as IC-3893)
closed loop. With any fluid loss alarm, check both the integrity of the catheter and the Start-Up Kit (see belo w).
To check the integrity of the catheter:
1. Stop operation of the C oolGard 3000
2. Disconnect the Start-Up Kit from the catheter and
3. Fill a sterile 10 ml syringe with sterile saline.
4. Connected to the INFLOW lumen of the catheter and
5. Now cap the OUTFLOW lumen and pull 5 cc of
6. Ease the vacuum and recap the INFLOW lumen.
To check the integrity of the tubing set:
1. Look for obvious leaka ge.
2. Remove the tubing from the pump raceway and inspect
3. Check along the tubing from the pump to the patient for
4. Similarly, check the tubing that returns to the pump
5. Trace the tubing from the saline bag back to the pump.
More warnings and preca utions are located in following instructions.
properly cap both the catheter and Start-Up Kit using an aseptic technique.
disconnect the outflow cap. Infuse the 10 ml of saline – it should flow out the outflow lumen.
vacuum and sustain this for at least 10 seconds. Approximately 4 ml of saline, but not blood, should enter the syringe and you should be able to maintain the vacuum.
for damage (return it to position if not damaged).
sources of fluid loss. Look for damage to the tubing and/or the presence of air within the tubing.
Inspect, and tighten as nece ssar y, each Luer fitting (do not use instruments to tighten Luer fittings).
from the patient. Examine the saline bag to ensure that it has not been accidentally compromised (for example, the spike may have damaged the bag wall).
Materials Required:
Quantity Description
1 Icy 1 Bag of Normal Saline 1 Start-Up Kit 1 CoolGard 3000
Kit for percutaneous introduction
Catheter Preparation and Insertion:
Use sterile technique.
1. Caution: Use f e moral vein app r oach only.
2. Place patient in a supine position.
3. Prep and dra pe puncture site as required.
4. Caution: Always prime catheter before it is inserted into patient.
5. Carefully rem ove catheter from package, leaving on catheter membrane cover.
Catheter Preparation Procedure:
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/Thermogard XP® System
1. Remove caps from the inflow and outflow luer hubs. With the catheter cover in place, fill syringe (5cc or larger) with steril e saline and attach syringe to female inflow luer hub.
2. Warning: Never inject positive pressure into the inflow hub with the outflow luer cap in place.
3. Gently inject saline through cathet er u ntil it begins to exit from outf low luer.
4. Using 5 cc or larger syringe, flush the distal infusion lumen with sterile saline. Leave the distal luer uncapped for guidewire passage.
5. Remove catheter membrane cover. If there is resistance in removing the m embrane cover from the catheter, flush the membrane cover with sterile saline. Inspect catheter to assur e that air has been pu rged from the heat ex change membrane. Inspect the catheter for leaks .
6. Warning: Do not cut the catheter to alter length.
Catheter Insertion:
1. Obtain femoral venous access using standard percutaneous techniques. Access should be maintained with a .032” guidewir e. See special instructions for Guidewires.
2. Warning: Do not attempt to re-insert a partially or completely withdrawn OTN (over the needle) introducer needle from its catheter.
3. Caution: Do not use a guidewire larger than .032” with the Icy
4. Holding spring guidewire in place, remove introducer catheter. Precaution: Maintain a firm grip on the guidewire at all times.
5. Enlarge the cutaneous puncture site with cutting edge of scalpel positioned away from the guidewire. Warning: Do not cut guidewire. Use vessel dilator to enlarge site as required. Do not leave vessel dilator in place as an indwelling catheter to minimize risk of possible vessel wall perforation
6. Thread tip of Icy Maintain a sufficiently firm grip on the guidewire during catheter insertion. Grasping near skin, advance ca t heter into vein with a slight twisting motion.
7. Using c en timeter marks on the catheter as positioning reference points, advance catheter to final indwe ll ing position.
8. Hold catheter at desired depth and remove guidewire. If resistance is encountered when attempting to remove the guidewire after catheter placement, the guidewire may be kinked about the tip of the cat heter. If resistance is encountered, withdraw the catheter relative to the guidewire about 2-3 cm and attempt to remove the guidewire. If resistance is again encount ered remove the guidewire and ca t heter simultaneously.
9. Caution: Do not apply undue force to the guidewire.
10. Verify that the guidewire is intact upon removal.
Catheter over guidewire.
Icy® Catheter
Instructions for Use
Model IC-3893A/8700-0657-01 (Also referre d to as IC-3893)
11. Check lumen placement by attaching a syringe to the distal infusion luer hub and aspirate until a free flow of venous blood is observed . Connect infusion luer to appropriate Luer-Lock line as required. Unused infusion port may be "locked" through injection cap using standard hospital protocol. A slide clamp is provided on the tubing to occlude flow through the infusion lum en during line a n d injection ca p changes. Precaution: To minimize risk of dam age to the tubing from excessive pressure, the clamp must be opened prior to infusing through the lumen.
12. Caution: Do not clamp or occlude inflow or outflow lines. This can cause line blockage and possible failure.
13. Secure and dress insertio n site and catheter temporari l y.
14 Verify catheter tip position by chest x-ray immediately
after placement. X-ray exam must show the catheter located in the IVC with the distal end of the catheter parallel to the vena cava wall. If the catheter tip is malpositioned, reposition and reverify.
15. Proximal radiopaque marker indicates proximal end of balloons to ensure that balloons reside com pletely in vessel. If catheter is malpositioned, reposition and reverify.
16. Secure ca theter to patient. Use juncture h u b side wings as primary suture site to minimize the risk of catheter migration.
17. The ZOLL suture tab and clip can also be used as an additional attachment point. Assure that catheter bod y is secure and does not slide.
18. Caution: Use on l y the ZOLL suture tab and clip provided in the kit. Catheter damage may result if other tabs or clips are used.
19. Caution: Do not suture directly to the outside diameter of the catheter to minimize the risk of cutting or damaging the catheter or impeding catheter flow.
20. Dress puncture site per hospital protocol. Maintain the insertion site with regular meticulous redressing using aseptic technique.
21. Record on the patient's chart the indwelling catheter length using the centimeter marks on the catheter shaft as reference. Frequent visual reassessmen t should be made to ensure that the cath eter has not moved .
22. Attach a primed Start-Up Kit to Icy Catheter by connecting the male luer of the Start-Up Kit to the female inflow luer of the Icy the female luer of the Start-Up Kit to the male outflow luer of the Icy loosely to the INFLOW and O UTFL OW extension tubes to help identify them. Assure that a sufficient amount of sterile saline i s present at the ends of the hubs to make an air free connection. Refer to
CoolGard 3000 details on C oo lGard 3000 operation.
23. Warning: Failure to connect the Start-Up Kit correctly to the catheter could result in catheter failure. Do not attach Start-Up Kit to the brown luer.
24. Caution: Do not attach Start-Up Kit to distal port.
Catheter. White "ZOLL" tags are fitted
/Thermogard XP® manual for
4 of 11 106085-001 Rev.2
Heat Exchange
Catheter an d
/Thermogard XP®®
25. Caution: Do not place any stopcocks in line that may be inadvertently shut off. This can cause line blockage and possible failure.
26. Pump saline through Start-Up Kit and catheter to assure that all connections are secure and that there is no leaking. Allow any remaining air in system to be purged out.
Disconnecting Catheter from CoolGard
/Thermogard XP® System:
1. Stop circulation of saline through catheter.
2. Disconnect Start-Up Kit from catheter.
3. To maintain sterile connections, immediately cap off luer connectors of both catheter and Start-Up Kit using sterile luer caps or connect inflow and outflow luers together.
Reconnecting Catheter to CoolGard
/Thermogard XP® System:
1. Remove luer caps from luer connectors of catheter and Start-Up Kit and discard or disconnect inflow and outflow luers from each other.
2. Attach Start-Up K it to Icy Catheter by connecting the male luer of the Start­Up Kit to the female inflow luer of the Icy Catheter and the female luer of the Start-Up Kit to the male outflow luer o f the Icy Assure that a sufficient amount of sterile saline is present at t he ends of the hubs make an air free connection.
3. Warning: Failure to connect the Start-Up Kit correctly to the catheter could result in catheter failure.
4. Warning: DO NOT confuse the INFLOW and
OUTFLOW Luer fittings for standard cent ral line infusion ports. They are for connection to the CoolGard 3000 ONLY.
5. Caution: Do not place any extra stopcocks in line that may be inadvertently shut off. This can cause line blockage and possible failure.
Heat Exchange
/Thermogard XP® System
Catheter Removal:
1. Stop all pumping of saline through the catheter.
2. Disconnect Start-Up Kit from ca theter. Uncap or
leave uncapped the inflow and outflow lumens of the cooling circuit (coo ling circuit ONLY).
This will allow residual saline within the circuit to be expressed . As catheter is withdrawn, the balloons are compressed. Saline within the balloons must be free to pass out of the balloon or the balloon will not deflate making the catheter difficult to r em ov e.
3. Place patient in supine po sition. Remove dressing . Remove sutures fro m suture site.
4. Slowly remove catheter from patient. As catheter exits the site apply pressur e with a dressing impermeable to air, e.g. vaseline gauze.
5. Warning: Do not move catheter if resistance is felt. Check to ensure that the inflow and outflow lumens of the cooling circuit are NOT capped. If they are capped, uncap them and try removing the catheter again. If resistance is still encountered, an x-ray should be
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