5.2.6D V ariable s (D Regist e rs) ................... ................... ........................ .......... 5-14
MotionSuite ™ Series Machine Controller Programming ManualTable of Contents /P reface
Outline of Manual
This manual is a collection of data regarding the design and maintenance of the MotionSuite™ series machine controller. The following items are included in this manual:
• Product outline, specifications and programming methods
• Basic programming
• Advanced programming
Read this manual thoroughly so as to ensure proper use of the controller. Furthermore,
store this manual properly so that it can be referenced whenever necessary .
Related Manuals
Related manuals are shown in the following table.
Use this product with full knowledge of the product specifications, usage limits, etc.
Document NameDocument NumberContent
MP930 Machine Controller
Hardware Manual
MP930 Machine Controller
Ladder Programming
MotionSuite™ Seri es Machine
Controller Software Manual
• YEA-SIA-C887-1.1 BDescribes in detail the functions, specifications and usage methods of the MP930
• Functions/Specifications
• Setup procedures, etc .
• SIEZ-C887-1.2Describes in detail the operation co mmands
used in MP930 ladder program m ing
• YEA-SIA-C887-1.4BDescri bes in detail the process control commands used in MotionWorks™ software
MotionSuite ™ Series Machine Controller Programming ManualTable of Contents /P reface
Using this Manual
Users of this manual
This manual is to be used by the following personnel:
• Persons designing MotionSuite™ systems
• Persons writing MotionSuite™ motion programs
The following abbreviations are used in this manual:
• MC Unit: MC unit used is the MotionSuite™ motion controller
• I/O Unit: I/O unit used is the I/O expansion module (model: JEPMC-IO350)
• PP: Programming Panel
• PC: Personal Computer
MotionSuite ™ Series Machine Controller Programming ManualTable of Contents /P reface
Safety Notes
This chapter deals with the cautionary items regarding the safe and proper use of this
device. Be sure to thoroughly read the directions in this manual and all associated
materials prior to mounting, running, storage/inspection, and then execute the contents
of these manuals correctly. Use the MotionSuite™ series machine controller after
thorough study of all device data, safety information, and cautionary items.
Cautions on Usage
During programming of the following axi s motion commands, be sur e to che ck the move path to make
sure that the tool does not interfere with the work.
Commands requiring such checks:
• Positioning (MOV) commands
• Linear Interpolation (MVS) commands
• Ci r cular Interpol ation (MCC, MCW) commands
• He lical Interpolation (MCC, MCW) commands
• Time Designated Positioning (MVT) commands
• Skip (SKP) commands
Each axis is moving independent ly
by feed speed
Positioning motion
Current position
End position
Move Path Based on the MOV Command
Forgetti ng this check may result in tool dam age , or bodily injury.
MotionSuite ™ Series Machine Controller Programming ManualTable of Contents /P reface
• I f the f o ll owing co m m a nd s are erroneously designat ed , the subsequ en t mo tio n o peratio n w il l b e co m pletely incorrect. V erify prior to running that these commands have been correctly designated
The following commands require such checks:
• Absolute mode (ABS)
• Incremental mode (INC)
• Current value change (POS)
• Machine coordinate designation (MVM)
Work coordinate
Current pos ition
POS Command (current value change)
Forgetti ng this step may result in tool damage, or bodily injury.
MotionSuite ™ Series Machine Controller Programming ManualTable of Contents /P reface
! General Cautionary Items
Cautions During Use
• The MotionSuite™ was n either designed nor manufactured for use in devices or systems under such critical
conditions as fol low: Transporta tion s yst ems, m edic al dev ices, aeros pace, nu cl ear powe r contro l, submari ne
relay devices, etc . Please contact Yaskaw a whe n cons idering any such special application.
• Although the MotionSui te™ is manufa cture d unde r rigorous qualit y con trol, pu t in pl ace sa fety appara tus s o
that a major accident c annot occur when apply ing the Moti onSuit e™ in an insta ll ation where the occurre nce
of major facilities damage or serious, life-threatening injury is anticipated due to the fai lure of the MotionSuite™.
• The pictures and diagrams in this manual are representative examples, and may differ from the product
• These manuals may be changed as needed due to product improvements, specification change, or for
improvement in ease of use of the manual.
• These changes are made following updating of the document number of the manual, and its issua nce as a
revised edition. The publication number of the re vised edition is written on the manual cover.
• When ordering new manuals due to damage or loss, contact a Yaskawa dealer or the nearest Yaskawa corporate office li s ted on the cover, and give the document number.
• If the nameplate mounted on the product becomes illegible or damaged, order another nameplate from a
Yaskawa dealer or Yaskawa cor po r a te offic e li s t ed on th e co v e r.
• Any product modified by the custome r fall beyond Yaskawa’s product warranty . Yaskawa shoulder s no
responsibility for any injury or damage resulting from modified products.
This chapter deals with the methods of creating motion programs. Motion programs are created using MotionWorks™ (Programming Unit); the programs are
executed after transfer to the MotionSuite™ series machine controller.
1.1What is a Motion Program .................................................................................. 1-2
1.1.1Capabilities of Motion Programs ...............................................................1-2
1.1.2Basic P rog ram Str u ct u re ......... .................. ................... ........................ ...... 1-3
1.1.3Function Performance List ......................................................................... 1-5
1.1.4Motion P ro g ram Star t ............... .................. ......................... .................. .... 1-6
1.1.5Parallel Program Operation ....................................................................... 1-7
A general description of motion programming is presented in this chapter. Be sure to read
this section before doing any programming.
1.1.1Capabilit ies of Motion Programs
Using MotionSuite™, it is possible to program the specific motions necessary for
industrial machines. The main characteristics of motion progr ams are provi ded below
for reference:
Motion Program MPM001
PFORK S1, S2, S3, S4
Ladder Program
MSEE MP M001 DA0000
MSEE MP M002 DA0002
MSEE MP M003 DA0004
MSEE MP M004 DA0006
Motion Program
Motion Pro gram
Motion Pro gram
Motion Pro gram
Motion Pro gram
Parallel Operation 1
• A maxi mum of fou r pro grams c an be operat ed in par allel
using the PFORK command within a si ngle motion program.
• Axes may be freely combined in up to four groups.
Simultaneous Control of
Multiple Machines
• Several prog rams can be op e r at ed in
• A maximum of 14 axes can be controlled.
Maximum 14
axes simultaneo u s
Maximum 14
axes simultaneo u s
linear interpolation
Always refer to the motion program from the H drawing by using the MSEE
command. H drawings can be referenced from source drawings, sub-drawings,
or sub-sub-drawings.
System program starts by
operating conditions
Source Drawing
SEE H.01
Number of Programs
Can be called out from an H drawingA maximum of 256 combined
Torque LimitLimited (torque limit set by parameters only)
Command Unitmm, inch, deg, pulse
Minimum Command Setti ng Unit1, 0.1, 0.01, 0.001, 0.0001, 0.00001
Maximum Command Value-2147483648~+2147483647 (with 32-bit symbols)
Speed Command Unitmm/min, inch/min, deg/mi n, pulse/min
Accel/Decel TypeLinear, S-curve, separate accel/decel
Override FunctionsPositioning: 0.01~100.00% of axis uni t
Interpolation: 0.01~100.00% of group unit
CoordinatesCartesian Coordinates
Zero-Point Return4 Types:
The motion program is started from an “H” drawing ladder program. Start is initiated
by motion program start commands (MSEE) from within the ladder program and a
low to high transition of the program run start request bit. Motion programs are designated directly by the program number and indirectly by the register number containing
the program number.
MSEE MPM001 DA0000
IOW MB0001
Ladder Program
Motion Control Program
Figure 1.2: Motion Program Start by Direct Designation
MSEE MW00200 DA0000
MPM Number is in MW00200
Ladder ProgramMotion Contro l Pr ogram
IOW MB0001
Figure 1.3: Motion Program Start by Indirect Designation
With MP9xx, it is possible to program freely with various machine activities, due to
capabilities for parallel running that make complex motion control possible. Parallel
running of motion programs is available in the two following forms.
a. With motion program PFORK commands, parallel running of a maximum of 4
programs within 1 program is possible.
Motion Program MPM001
PFORK S1, S2, S3, S4
b. With ladder program MSEE commands, parallel running of multiple motion pro-
grams is possible. (When automatically generated with MotionWorks™ group
setting display , parallel running of a maximum of 4 programs is possible.)
Ladder Program
Motion Program
MSEE MPM 00 1 DA 00 00
MSEE MPM 00 2 DA 00 02
MSEE MPM 00 3 DA 00 04
MSEE MPM 00 4 DA 00 06
Motion Program
Motion Program
Motion Program
Parallel Operation 1
• A maximum of four (4) programs can be operated i n parallel us ing the PFORK command within a single motion
program. The PFORK command must be ended with the
PJOINT command.
Parallel Operation 2
• Several programs can be operated in parallel
by using the ladder program MSEE command.
1.1.6Program Editor
The motion program editor is generated on the MotionWorks™ (programming device)
motion program editor display. The editing display contains the following functions.
a. The same functions as the text editor, such as cut & paste, look-up, replace, and
b. Special functions such as debugging operations and program instruction moni-
c. Function for importing and reading text editor files
The program number is a number for the purpose of program discrimination. There
are two kinds of programs: Main programs and sub-programs. The numbers 1~256
may be applied to each.
Main Programs
Program number (1~256)
Program number (1~256)
Figure 1.5: Motion Program File Names
Supplemental It em
(1) The same number cannot be designated for both main programs and sub-programs.
(2) Up to 256 programs of the Main program and Subprogram combined can be
! Comment Writing
It is possible to write comments within the program. These comments are saved
within the controller. There are two ways to create a comment, as follows:
1. Surrounding a comment statement with quotation marks.
“Character string”
ZRN [AXIS1]0 [AXIS2]0 [AXIS3]0; “Zero return all axes”
MVS [AXIS1]100.0 [AXIS2]200.0 [AXIS3]3 00.0; “Three axis linear int erpolation”
2. All characters following the first quotation mark in a line become comments
without surrounding the line in quotation marks if
“Character string
“Move to the wait machine position by linear interpolation after all axi s zero point return
ZRN [AXIS1]0 [AXIS2]0 [AXIS3]0;
MVS [AXIS1]100.0 [AXIS2]200.0 [AXIS3]3 00.0;
Coordinate Language
Axis coordinate value and amount
of axial incremen tal moti o n
Motion Command
Designates motion operation type and control type.
Label to be bran ched t o when us i ng paral lel
execution or selected execution commands
Interpolation fe ed s pee d
b. Always be sure to insert a space [SP] between the motion command and the
coordinate language.
c. Although there is no restriction on the number of characters in a single line of a
single block, we recommend that the number of characters be kept to within a
range that can be displayed on-screen for the sake of program viewability.
d. A [;] is needed any time that a block is completed.
e. The label is used as the target block for the parallel execution command
(PFORK) or selection execution command (SFORK).
! Label
A label must be us ed for the parallel execution command (PFORK) or selection execution command (SFORK). Attach a colon [:] to the end of a 1~8 character string of
alphanumeric characters or symbols. The characters that can be used in a label are
shown below. The first character in a label must be alphabetical.
1. The error “Duplicate Label Defined” results if the same label is used multiple
times within a program.
2. An error results in the number of PFORK branches if the number of labels differs.
1.2.2Control Axes
Axis Names
It is possible to set a desired axis name of up to eight characters. The axis names are
set in the Group Definitions Screen in MotionWorks ™. The characters that can be
used in a name, as well as the default axis names, are given below.
Usable Characters0~9, A~Z, a~z
Axis Name Examples[AXIS1] [X1] [CONV1]
Default Axis NamesIf fou r axes are designated: [A1] [B1] [C1] [D1]
If eight axes are designat ed:
[A1] [B1] [C1] [D1] [E1] [F1] [G1] [H1]
1. Always be sure to enclose axis names written in 1 ~ 8 alphanumeric characters
within [ ].
2. The same axis name cannot be set into multiple axes.
3. An error results if an axis name is designated in the motion program different
from the axis name set in the Group Definition Screen.
The motion amount and coordinate values attached to the axis name are called “coordinate language” in this book. The meanings of the coordinate language used in this
system are shown in the table below.
Coordinate La nguage Designatio n MethodMeaning
Axis Name[X1], [Y1], [AXIS]Designates axis to be moved
Motion Amount or
Coordinate Value
Auxiliary Data for Circular Interpolati on and
Helical Interpola tion
Amount of External
Positioning Motion
Important Points
Direct Designation: 123.456
Variable Designation:
RCircula r interpolation radius (set by the increm ent)
DDistance of motion after external signal input (set by
Coordinate value of designated axis , or inc rem ental
motion range
Circular interpolation center coordinate (Horizontal)
Circular interpolation center coordinate (Vertical)
the incr em e nt)
1. The 32-bit integer data type is used when the motion amount or coor dinate value
is designated by a variable.
(Ex.) ML0100
2. When there are fractions, insert zeroes for the number of places following the
decimal point.
(Ex.) Use 300000 to designate 300.000 when the number of decimal places = 3.
However, the servo parameter area (IWCxxx, OWCxxx) in the I, O registers
cannot be used for variables of the motion amount or coordinate value.
! Number of Simul taneously Controlled Axes
The number of simultaneously controlled axes designated from the motion program is
shown in the following chart.
Number of Simultaneously Controlled Axes List
Command Language
Positioning (MOV)14 axes maximum
Linear Interpol ation (MVS)14 axes maximum
Circular Interpolation (MCW/MCC)2 axes
Helical Interpolation (MCW/MCC)3 axes
Skip Command (SKP)14 axes maximum
External Positioning (EXM)1 axis
Time Designated Positioning (MVT)14 axes maximum
The programmable command units are in accordance with the settings of b0~b3
“Command Unit Selection” of set-up parameter 17 “Servo Module Function Selection
Flag” and set-up parameter 18 “Number of Places Below Decimal Point.”
Command Unit List
Parameter Setting
# of Places Below Decimal=01 pulse1mm1º1”
# of Places Below Decimal=11 pulse0.1mm0.1º0.1”
# of Places Below Decimal=21 pulse0.01mm0.01º0.01”
# of Places Below Decimal=31 pulse0.001mm0.001º0.001”
# of Places Below Decimal=41 pulse0.0001mm0.0001º0.0001”
# of Places Below Decimal=51 pulse0.00001mm0.00001º0.00001”
Command Unit
Command Unit mmCommand Unit
Command Unit
The number of places below the decimal point are disabled if command unit = pulse.
The decimal points in the motion pr ogram input and posit ion monitor dis play are also
! Maximum Command V alue
The maximum values of single motion commands are given in the table below.
When an absolute value command (designation mode in a range of 0~359.999º) is
used in a rotary axis, the commanded +/- sign shows the rotation direction, and the
command value signifies the absolute position.
When designating a position 180º from the current position:
Example of Designating the Rotary Axis Absolute Mode
Example of Designating the Rotary Axis Absolute Mode
When moving to the 0º position by designating the absolute mode in a rotary axis, -0.0
cannot be designated in a counter-clockwise motion. In this case, designate -360.0.
! Number and Variable Tabulation Method
Numbers used in motion programs are of two types: parameters and variables. The
setting method for these numbers is given below.
Calculations can combine global variables, local variables and constants with
operators and functions. The result can be substituted by a variable. Calculation and
functions use the following commands.
a. Fast feed speed is used in the following axis motions:
• Positioning (MOV) commands
• JOG run (JOG) operation
• Step run (STEP) operation
b. Set the fast feed speed in the setup parameters “Fast Feed Speed (OLxx22) or in
the motion program “Feed Speed Change Command (VEL)”.
• Fast Feed Speed Parameters (set in setup parameters)
Parameter NumberNameSetting RangeUnit
OLxx22Fast Feed Speed
• Methods for setting Fast Feed Speed in the motion program
1. Direct Setting Method for Fast Feed Speed Parameters
OLC022=6000 ; Sets fast feed speed for the first axis
OLC062=5000 ; Sets fast feed s pee d for the second axis
OLC0A2=7000 ; Sets fast feed speed for the third axis
2. Setting Method Using t he F eed Speed Change Command (VEL)
VEL [X1] 6000 [Y2] 5000 [Z1] 7000
By command unit
c. The fast feed can be switched to override within a range of 0~327.67%. This can
be set for each axis using the setup parameter “Override (OWxx2C).” There are
three override setting methods: in the motion program, in the ladder program,
and in the setup parameter.
Command Speed × Override = Output Speed
Command Speed
Override Function
Fixed Parameter 17
Bit 9
1. Override is normally enabled during run. Ladder programs and motion programs can be modified by parameter setting during axis motion.
2. When the output speed from the override setting data is outside of operable
range, the Parameter Setting Error results.
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