msb lsb
0 0 0NO EFFECTEffect turned off.
1 1 0HALL1Reverb simulating the resonance of a hall.
2 1 1HALL2Reverb simulating the resonance of a hall.
3 2 0ROOM1Reverb simulating the resonance of a room.
4 2 1ROOM2Reverb simulating the resonance of a room.
5 2 2ROOM3Reverb simulating the resonance of a room.
6 3 0STAGE1Reverb appropriate for a solo instrument.
7 3 1STAGE2Reverb appropriate for a solo instrument.
8 4 0PLATEReverb simulating a metal plate reverb unit.
9 10 0WHITE ROOMA unique short reverb with a bit of initial delay.
10 11 0TUNNELSimulation of a tunnel space expanding to left and right.
11 13 0BASEMENTA bit of initial delay followed by reverb with a unique resonance.
No. Exclusive Effect TypeDescription
msb lsb
0 0 0NO EFFECTEffect turned off.
1 41 0CHORUS1Conventional chorus program that adds natural spaciousness.
2 41 1CHORUS2Conventional chorus program that adds natural spaciousness.
3 41 2CHORUS3Conventional chorus program that adds natural spaciousness.
4 41 8CHORUS4Chorus with stereo input. The pan setting specified for the Part will also apply to the effect sound.
5 42 0CELESTE1A 3-phase LFO adds modulation and spaciousness to the sound.
6 42 1CELESTE2A 4-phase LFO adds modulation and spaciousness to the sound.
7 42 2CELESTE3A 5-phase LFO adds modulation and spaciousness to the sound.
8 42 8CELESTE4CELESTE with stereo input. The pan setting specified for the Part will also apply to the effect sound.
9 43 0FLANGER1Adds a jet-airplane effect to the sound.
10 43 1FLANGER2Adds a jet-airplane effect to the sound.
11 43 8FLANGER3Adds a jet-airplane effect to the sound.
No. Exclusive Effect TypeDescription
msb lsb
0 0 0NO EFFECTEffect turned off.
1 1 0HALL1Reverb simulating the resonance of a hall.
2 1 1HALL2Reverb simulating the resonance of a hall.
3 2 0ROOM1Reverb simulating the resonance of a room.
4 2 1ROOM2Reverb simulating the resonance of a room.
5 2 2ROOM3Reverb simulating the resonance of a room.
6 3 0STAGE1Reverb appropriate for a solo instrument.
7 3 1STAGE2Reverb appropriate for a solo instrument.
8 4 0PLATEReverb simulating a metal plate reverb unit.
9 5 0DELAY L,C,RA program that creates three delay sounds; L, R, and C (center).
10 6 0DELAY L,RA program that creates two delay sounds; L and R. Two feedback delays are provided.
11 7 0ECHOTwo delays (L and R) and independent feedback delays for L and R.
12 8 0CROSS DELAYA program that crosses the feedback of two delays.
13 9 0ER1An effect that produces only the early reflection component of reverb.
14 9 1ER2An effect that produces only the early reflection component of reverb.
15 A 0GATE REVERBA simulation of gated reverb.
16 B 0REVERSE GATEA program that simulates gated reverb played backwards.
17 14 0KARAOKE 1A delay with feedback of the same type as used for karaoke reverb.
18 14 1KARAOKE 2A delay with feedback of the same type as used for karaoke reverb.
19 14 2KARAOKE 3A delay with feedback of the same type as used for karaoke reverb.
20 41 0CHORUS1A conventional chorus program, providing natural spaciousness.
21 41 1CHORUS2A conventional chorus program, providing natural spaciousness.
22 41 2CHORUS3A conventional chorus program, providing natural spaciousness.
23 41 8CHORUS4Chorus with stereo input.
24 42 0CELESTE1A 3-phase LFO adds modulation and spaciousness to the sound.
25 42 1CELESTE2A 4-phase LFO adds modulation and spaciousness to the sound.
26 42 2CELESTE3A 5-phase LFO adds modulation and spaciousness to the sound.
27 42 8CELESTE4Celeste with stereo input.
28 43 0FLANGER1Adds a jet-airplane effect to the sound.
29 43 1FLANGER2Adds a jet-airplane effect to the sound.
30 43 8FLANGER3Adds a jet-airplane effect to the sound.
31 44 0SYMPHONICA multi-phase version of CELESTE.
32 45 0ROTARY SPEAKERA simulation of a rotary speaker. You can use an AC1 (assignable controller) etc. to control the speed of rotation.
33 46 0TREMOLOAn effect that cyclically modulates the volume.
34 47 0AUTO PANA program that cyclically moves the sound image to left and right, front and back.
35 48 0PHASER1Cyclically changes the phase to add modulation to the sound.
36 48 8PHASER2Phaser with stereo input.
37 49 0DISTORTIONAdds a sharp-edged distortion to the sound.
38 4A 0OVER DRIVEAdds mild distortion to the sound.
39 4B 0AMP SIMULATORA simulation of a guitar amp.
40 4C 03-BAND EQ(MONO)A mono EQ with adjustable LOW, MID, and HIGH equalizing.
41 4D 02-BAND EQ(STEREO) A stereo EQ with adjustable LOW and HIGH. Ideal for drum Parts.
42 4E 0AUTO WAH(LFO)Cyclically modulates the center frequency of a wah filter. With an AC1 etc. this can function as a pedal wah.
43 40 0THRUBypass without applying an effect.
MU50 Effect Parameter List
parameter 1~10 = required parameters
No. ParameterDisplayValue See TableMU80MU50Control
NO EFFECT (for SYS) or THRU (for INS)
same as BASIC EFFECT (LSB=0)
same as BASIC EFFECT (LSB=0)
MU50 MIDI Data Format
1. Channel messages
1.1 Key on / Key off
Reception note range =C-2~G8
Velocity range = 1~127 (Velocity is received only for Note Off)
Not received by a Part for which the Multi Part parameter Rcv NOTE MESSAGE =
Not received by a Rhythm Part for which Rcv NOTE OFF = OFF
Key On is not received by a Rhythm Part for which Rcv NOTE ON = OFF
1.2 Control change
Control Changes are not received by a Part for which the Multi Part parameter Rcv
Bank Select processing is suspended until a Program Change is received.
When Sound Module Mode = C/M, all Bank Select messages are ignored.
Cntrl# parameterData Range
When the Multi Part parameter Rcv MODULATION = OFF, that Part will not receive
Modulation messages.
1.2.3Portamento Time
Cntrl# parameterData Range
5Portamento Time 0...127
When the parameter 1.2.9 Portamento = ON, this adjusts the speed of pitch change.
A setting of 0 is minimum portamento time, and 127 is longest portamento time.
Use this to set the value of the parameter specified by RPN and NRPN.
1.2.5Main Volume
Cntrl# parameterData Range
7Main Volume0...127
When the Multi Part parameter Rcv VOLUME = OFF, that Part will not receive
Volume messages.
Cntrl# parameterData Range
0 is left, 127 is right.
When the Multi Part parameter Rcv PAN = OFF, that Part will not receive Pan
Cntrl# parameterData Range
When the Multi Part parameter Rcv EXPRESSION = OFF, that Part will not receive
Expression messages.
Cntrl# parameterData Range
When the Multi Part parameter Rcv HOLD1 = OFF, that Part will not receive Hold1
Cntrl# parameterData Range
When the Multi Part parameter Rcv PORTAMENTO = OFF, that Part will not receive
Portamento messages.
(0-63:off, 64-127:on)
(0-63:off, 64-127:on)
1.2.10 Sostenuto
Cntrl# parameterData Range
When the Multi Part parameter Rcv SOSTENUTO = OFF, that Part will not receive
Sostenuto messages.
1.2.11 Soft Pedal
Cntrl# parameterData Range
67Soft Pedal0...127
When the Multi Part parameter Rcv SOFT PEDAL= OFF, that Part will not receive Soft
Pedal messages.
1.2.12 Harmonic Content
Cntrl# parameterData Range
71Harmonic Content 0...127
This message adjusts the resonance specified by the voice data. Since this is a relative
change parameter,
specify the increase or decrease relative to a center value of 64. Higher values will result
in a more characteristic sound.
Depending on the voice, the range of effect may be narrower than the range available
for setting.
1.2.13 Release Time
Cntrl# parameterData Range
72 Release Time0...127
This message adjusts the envelope release time specified by the voice data. Since this is
a relative change parameter,
specify an increase or decrease relative to a center value of 64.
1.2.14 Attack Time
Cntrl# parameterData Range
73 Attack Time0...127
This message adjusts the envelope attack time specified by the voice data. Since this is a
relative change parameter,
specify an increase or decrease relative to a central value of 64.
1.2.15 Brightness
Cntrl# parameterData Range
This message adjusts the cutoff frequency specified by the voice data. Since this is a
relative change parameter,
specify an increase or decrease relative to a central value of 64. Lower values will result
in a softer sound.
For some voices, the range of effect may be narrower than the range available for
1.2.16 Portamento Control
Cntrl# parameterData Range
84Portamento Control 0...127
Portamento Control is transmitted specifying the Note On Key of currently-sounding
Specify a Portamento Source Key number of 0~127. When a Portamento Control
message is received,
the currently sounding pitch will change with a Portamento Time of 0 to the key of the
next-received Note On on the same channel.
This message is received even if Rcv PORTAMENTO = OFF
1.2.17 Effect1 Depth ( Reverb Send Level )
Cntrl# parameterData Range
91Effect1 Depth0...127
This message sets the send level for the reverb effect.
1.2.18 Effect3 Depth ( Chorus Send Level )
Cntrl# parameterData Range
93Effect3 Depth0...127
This message sets the send level for the chorus effect.
Cntrl# parameterData Range
94Effect4 Depth0...127(when Variation Connection = 1 (System))
This message sets the send level for the Variation effect.
If Variation Connection = 0(Insertion), this has no effect.
1.2.20 Data Increment / Decrement (for RPN)
Cntrl# parameterData Range
96RPN Increment0...127
97RPN Decrement 0...127
The data byte is ignored.
These messages increase or decrease the MSB value of Pitch Bend Sensitivity, Fine
Tune, or Coarse Tune in steps of 1.
When the maximum value or minimum value is reached, the value will not be
incremented or decremented further.
(Incrementing the Fine Tune will not cause the Coarse Tune to be stepped up.)
1.2.21 NRPN (Non-Registered Parameter Number)
Cntrl# parameterData Range
98NRPN LSB0...127
99NRPN MSB0...127
When the Multi Part parameter Rcv NRPN = OFF, that Part will not receive NRPN
First send the NRPN MSB and NRPN LSB to specify the parameter which is to be
controlled. Then
use Data Entry to set the value of the specified parameter.
The following NRPN numbers can be received.
NRPNData entry
MSB LSB MSBParameter name and value range
$01 $08 $mmVibrato Rate
$01 $09 $mmVibrato Depth
$01 $0A $mmVibrato Delay
$01 $20 $mmFilter Cutoff Frequency
$01 $21 $mmFilter Resonance
$01 $63 $mmEG Attack Time
$01 $64 $mmEG Decay Time
$01 $66 $mmEG Release Time
$14 $rr $mmDrum Filter Cutoff Frequency
$15 $rr $mmDrum Filter Resonance
$16 $rr $mmDrum EG Attack Rate
$17 $rr $mmDrum EG Decay Rate
$18 $rr $mmDrum Instrument Pitch Coarse
$19 $rr $mmDrum Instrument Pitch Fine
$1A $rr $mmDrum Instrument Level
mm : $00 - $40 - $7F (-64 - 0 - +63)
mm : $00 - $40 - $7F (-64 - 0 - +63)
mm : $00 - $40 - $7F (-64 - 0 - +63)
mm : $00 - $40 - $7F (-64 - 0 - +63)
mm : $00 - $40 - $7F (-64 - 0 - +63)
mm : $00 - $40 - $7F (-64 - 0 - +63)
mm : $00 - $40 - $7F (-64 - 0 - +63)
mm : $00 - $40 - $7F (-64 - 0 - +63)
mm : $00 - $40 - $7F (-64 - 0 - +63)
rr : drum instrument note number
mm : $00 - $40 - $7F (-64 - 0 - +63)
rr : drum instrument note number
mm : $00 - $40 - $7F (-64 - 0 - +63)
rr : drum instrument note number
mm : $00 - $40 - $7F (-64 - 0 - +63)
rr : drum instrument note number
Applies to both Decay1 and 2.
mm : $00 - $40 - $7F (-64 - 0 - +63)
rr : drum instrument note number
mm : $00 - $40 - $7F (-64 - 0 - +63)
rr : drum instrument note number
mm : $00 - $7F (0 - max)
rr : drum instrument note number
$1C $rr $mmDrum Instrument Pan
$1D $rr $mmDrum Instrument Reverb Send Level
$1E $rr $mmDrum Instrument Chorus Send Level
$1F $rr $mmDrum Instrument Variation Send Level
MSB 14h-1Fh(for Drum)is valid only when that channel is in Drum mode
and Drum Setup 1 or 2 is selected.
1.2.22 RPN (Registered Parameter Number)
Cntrl# parameterData Range
100RPN LSB0...127
101RPN MSB0...127
When the Multi Part parameter Rcv RPN = OFF, that Part will not receive these
The following RPN numbers can be received.
RPNData entry
MSB LSB MSB LSB Parameter name and value range
00H 00H mmH — Pitch Bend Sensitivity
00H 01H mmH 11H Fine Tuning
00H 02H mmH — Coarse Tuning
7FH 7FH — — RPN null
1.2.23 Channel Mode Messages
The following Channel Mode Messages are received.
2nd byte 3rd byte
1200All Sound Off
1210Reset All Controllers
1230All Note Off
1240Omni Off
1250Omni On
1260 ~ 16 Mono
1270Poly All Sound Off
Turn off all sounds currently sounding on the specified channel.
However the status of channel messages such as Note On and Hold On is maintained. Reset All Controllers
The values of the following controllers will change.
mm : $00 - $40 - $7F (random, left - center - right)
rr : drum instrument note number
mm : $00 - $7F (0 - max)
rr : drum instrument note number
mm : $00 - $7F (0 - max)
rr : drum instrument note number
mm : $00 - $7F (0 - max)
rr : drum instrument note number
Default:7F 7FH
mm:00-18H(0-2 chromatic steps)
Settable in chromatic steps up to 2 octaves
LSB value is ignored.
mm:28H - 40H - 58H(-24 - +24 chromatic steps)
LSB value is ignored.
Set condition in which RPN and NRPN numbers are not
Internally set values are not affected.
Number that was received
will not change
will not change
MU50 MIDI Data Format All Note Off
This message turns off all notes currently on for the specified channel.
However if Hold 1 or Sostenuto are on, notes will continue sounding until these are
turned off. Omni Off
Perform the same processing as when All Note Off is received. Omni On
Perform the same processing as when All Note Off is received. Mono
Perform the same processing as when All Sound Off is received, and if the 3rd byte
(mono number) is in the range of 0~16,
set the applicable channel to Mode 4 (m = 1). Poly
Perform the same processing as when All Sound Off is received, and set
the applicable channel to Mode 3.
1.3 Program Change
If the Multi Part parameter Rcv PROGRAM CHANGE = OFF, that Part will not receive
Program Changes.
If Sound Module Mode = C/M, all Program Changes for the Drum Voice Part are
1.4 Pitch Bend
If the Multi Part parameter Rcv PITCH BEND CHANGE = OFF, that Part will not
receive Pitch Bend messages.
1.5 Channel Aftertouch
With the default setting there will be no function.
If the Multi Part parameter Rcv CHANNEL AFTER TOUCH = OFF,
that Part will not receive Channel Aftertouch.
1.6 Polyphonic Aftertouch
With the default setting there will be no function.
If the Multi Part parameter Rcv POLYPHONIC AFTER TOUCH = OFF,
that Part will not receive Polyphonic Aftertouch.
There will be an effect only for note numbers 36-97.
2. System Exclusive Messages
2.1 Parameter Changes
This device uses the following parameter changes.
1)Master Volume
1)General MIDI Mode On
2)Identity Request(INQUIRY MESSAGE)
3)Identity Reply(INQUIRY MESSAGE)
1)XG System on
2)XG System Data parameter change
3)System Information
4)Multi Effect1 Data parameter change
5)Display Data parameter change
6)Multi Part Data parameter change
7)Drums Setup Data parameter change
[ MU80, MU50 NATIVE ]
1) MU80, MU50 System data parameter change
2) Current Performance parameter change
3) Remote switch
[ Other ]
1)Master tuning
2)TG300 System Data Parameter change
3)TG300 Multi Effect Data parameter change
4)TG300 Mutli Part Data parameter change
5)Disk Orchestra On
2.1.2Universal Realtime Messages Master Volume
11110000F0= Exclusive status
011111117F= Universal Real Time
011111117F= ID of target device
0000010004= Sub-ID #1=Device Control Message
0000000101= Sub-ID #2=Master Volume
0sssssss*SS= Volume LSB
0tttttttTT= Volume MSB
11110111F7= End of Exclusive
11110000F0= Exclusive status
011111117F= Universal Real Time
0xxxnnnnXN= Device Number, xxx = don’t care
0000010004= Sub-ID #1=Device Control Message
0000000101= Sub-ID #2=Master Volume
0sssssssSS= Volume LSB
0tttttttTT= Volume MSB
11110111F7= End of Exclusive
When this is received, the Volume MSB will be reflected in the System Parameter
* SS is the hex expression of 0sssssss Same for others
2.1.3Universal Non-Realtime Messages General MIDI Mode On
11110000F0= Exclusive status
011111107E= Universal Non-Real Time
011111117F= ID of target device
0000100109= Sub-ID #1=General MIDI Message
0000000101= Sub-ID #2=General MIDI On
11110111F7= End of Exclusive
11110000F0= Exclusive status
011111107E= Universal Non-Real Time
0xxxnnnnXN= Device Number, xxx = don’t care
0000100109= Sub-ID #1=General MIDI Message
0000000101= Sub-ID #2=General MIDI On
11110111F7= End of Exclusive
When On is received, the SOUND MODULE MODE will be changed to XG mode.
Ignored when in C/M mode.
Not received when Rcv GM EXCLUSIVE = OFF
Since approximately 50 ms is required to execute this message, leave an appropriate
interval before the message that follows it. Identity Request
11110000F0= Exclusive status
011111107E= Universal Non-Real Time
0cccccccccccccc= Device Number
0000011006= General Information
0000000101= Identity Request(Sub-ID #2)
11110111F7= End of Exclusive
When this message is received, this device will
transmit the following Identity Reply message. Identity Reply
11110000F0=Exclusive status
111111107E=Universal Non-Real Time
0nnnnnnn0nnnnnnn=Device Number
0000011006=General Information(Sub-ID #1)
0000001002=Device Identity Reply(Sub-ID #2)
0100001143=YAMAHA ID
0000000000=Device Family Code LSB MU50ID#1
0100000141=Device Family Code MSB MU50ID#2
0100011046=Device Number Code LSB MU50ID#3
0000000101=Device Number Code MSB MU50ID#4
0000000001=XG ID
11110111F7=End of Exclusive
This device transmits this message when it receives a Identity Request message.
MU50 MIDI Data Format
2.1.4XG Native Parameter Change
11110000F0Exclusive status
0100001143YAMAHA ID
0001nnnn1ndevice Number
010011004CXG Model ID
0aaaaaaaaaaaaaaAddress High
0aaaaaaaaaaaaaaAddress Mid
0aaaaaaaaaaaaaaAddress Low
11110111F7End of Exclusive
For parameters whose data size is 2 or 4, transmit the appropriate number of data bytes. XG Sytem On
11110000F0Exclusive status
0100001143YAMAHA ID
0001nnnn1Ndevice Number
010011004CXG Model ID
0aaaaaaa00Address High
0aaaaaaa00Address Mid
0aaaaaaa7EAddress Low
11110111F7End of Exclusive
When On is received, the SOUND MODULE MODE will change to XG.
Since approximately 50 ms is required to execute this message, leave an appropriate
interval before
the message that follows it. XG System Data parameter change
Refer to tables <1-1> and <1-2>. System Information
Data transmission is performed in response to a Dump Request, but data reception is
Refer to tables <1-1> and <1-3>. Multi Effect1 Data parameter change
Refer to tables <1-1> and <1-4>. Display Data parameter change
Refer to tables <1-1> and <1-5>. Multi Part Data parameter change
Refer to tables <1-1> and <1-6>. Drums Setup Data parameter change
Refer to tables <1-1> and <1-7>.
If a DRUM SETUP RESET parameter change is received while in XG mode, the Drum
Setup parameter values will be initialized.
In any mode, selecting a Drum Set will cause the Drum Setup parameter values to be
2.1.5MU80, MU50 native parameter change
11110000F0Exclusive status
0100001143YAMAHA ID
0001nnnn1ndevice Number
0100100149MU80, MU50 Model ID
0aaaaaaaaaaaaaaAddress High
0aaaaaaaaaaaaaaAddress Mid
0aaaaaaaaaaaaaaAddress Low
11110111F7End of Exclusive
For parameters with a data size of 2 or 4, transmit the appropriate number of data bytes. MU80, MU50 System Data parameter change
Refer to tables <2-1> and <2-2>. Current Performance parameter change
Refer to tables <2-1> and <2-3>. Remote Switch
Refer to tables <2-1> and <2-4>.
2.1.6Other parameter changes Master Tuning
11110000F0Exclusive status
0100001143YAMAHA ID
0001nnnn1ndevice Number
0010011127Model ID
0000000130Sub ID2
0mmmmmmmmmMaster Tune MSB
0lllllllllMaster Tune LSB
11110111F7End of Exclusive
This message simultaneously changes the pitch of all channels.
This message sets the SOUND MODULE MODE of this device to DOC MODE.
2.2 Bulk Dump
This device handles the following bulk dump data.
1) XG System Data
2) Multi Effect1 Data
3) Multi Part Data
4) Drums Setup Data
[ MU80, MU50 NATIVE ]
1) MU80, MU50 System data
2) Internal Performance
2.2.1XG Native Bulk Dump
11110000F0Exclusive status
0100001143YAMAHA ID
0000nnnn0ndevice Number
010011004CXG Model ID
0aaaaaaaaaaaaaaAddress High
0aaaaaaaaaaaaaaAddress Mid
0aaaaaaaaaaaaaaAddress Low
11110111F7End of Exclusive
For the Address and Byte Count, refer to the supplementary tables.
The Check Sum is the value that results in a value of zero for the lower 7 bits when the
Start Address, Byte Count, and the Check Sum itself are added.
No more than 512 bytes shall be transmitted at one time. If one of the above Dump
Request messages for 513 bytes or more is received,
the data will be divided into appropriate packets of 512 bytes or less, and transmitted at
appropriate intervals (of at least 120 msec). XG System Data bulk dump
Refer to tables <1-1> and <1-2>. Multi Effect1 Data bulk dump
Refer to tables <1-1> and <1-4>. Multi Part Data bulk dump
Refer to tables <1-1> and <1-6>. Drums Setup Data bulk dump
Refer to tables <1-1> and <1-7>.
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