The disc inserted in the front cover contains the user manual of the models DuCoNite
25 and DuCoNite® 32. The user manual is available in the following languages:
The disc also contains quick-reference instructions for the replacement of the pump
hose. This replacement instruction is only for users that are familiar with the
replacement procedures in the user manual.
How to use the disc
1Put the disc in the disc drive.
2Close the disc drive.
The disc will start automatically.
3Wait until the various language versions appear on screen.
4Select the required language (click 1x with the left mouse button).
The PDF reader program will automatically start and the required user manual
appears on screen.
In the left margin you will find the various chapters and paragraphs. These can be
accessed directly by clicking on the required chapter or paragraph.
In the text you will find hyperlink s to chapter s or para graphs . These hy perli nks are li nked
with the required chapters or paragraphs. By clicking a shortcut the required chapter or
paragraph appears on screen.
System requirements
The program on the disc requires a PC with the following minimum system
•Disc drive
The following software must be installed on the PC:
All rights reserved.
The information provided herein may not be reproduced and/or published in any form,
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The information provided can be changed without prior notification. Watson-Marlow
Bredel B.V. or one of its representatives cannot be held liable for possible damage
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applies to all damage, inclusive of (without limitation) compensating, direct , indirect or
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and claims of third pa rties.
Watson-Marlow Bredel B.V. provides the information in this manual "as is" and does not
take any responsibility and does not give any guarantee on this manual or its content.
Watson-Marlow Bredel B.V. rejects all responsibilities and guarantees. Furthermore,
Watson-Marlow Bredel B.V. does not take responsibility for and does not guarantee that
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Names, trade names, brands, etc. used by Watson-Marlow Bredel B.V. may not, as per
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1.1How to use this manual .......................................................................... 8
This manual is intended as a reference book by means
of which qualified users are able to install, commission
and maintain the hose pumps mentioned on the front
1.2Original instructions
The original instructions for this manual have been
written in English. Other language versions of this
manual are a translation of the original instructions.
1.3Other supplied documentation
Documentation of components such as the motor and
the Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) is normally not
included in this manual. However, if additional
documentation is supplied, you must follow the
instructions in this additional documentation.
1.4Service and support
For information with respect to specific adjustments,
installation, maintenance or repair jobs which fall
beyond the scope of this manual, contact your Bredel
representative. Make sure you have the following data
at hand:
•Serial number hose pump
•Article number pump hose
•Article number gearbox
•Article number electric motor
•Article number frequency controller
You will find these data on the identification plates or
stickers of the pumphead, the pump hose, the gearbox
and the electric motor. Refer to § 4.1.1.
1.5Environment and disposal of waste
Always observe the local rules and regulations with respect to processing (non reusable) parts of the hose pump.
Enquire within your local government about the
possibilities for reuse or environment-friendly
processing of packaging materials, (contaminated)
lubricant and oil.
In this manual the following symbols are used:
Procedures which, if not carried out with
the necessary care, may resu lt in serious
damage to the hose pump or in serious
bodily harm.
Procedures which, if not carried out with
the necessary care, may resu lt in serious
damage to the hose pum p, the surrounding
area or the environment.
Remarks, suggestions and advice.
Procedures, remarks, suggestions or
advice which refer to use in potentially
explosive atmos phe res in a ccordance with
the ATEX Directive 94/9/EC.
2.2Intended use
The hose pump is exclusively designed for pumping
suitable products. Every other or further use is not in
conformance with the intended use.
The "Intended use" as laid down in EN 292-1 is "... the
use for which the technical product is intended in
accordance with the specifications of the manufacturer,
inclusive of his indications in the sales brochure". In
case of doubt it is the use which appears to be its
intended use judging from the construction, execution
and function of the product . Observing the i nstructions
in the user's documentation also belongs to intended
Only use the pump in conformance with the intended
use described above. The manufacturer cannot be held
responsible for damage or harm resulting from use that
is not in conformance with the intended use. If you want
to change the application of your hose pump, contact
your Bredel representative first.
2.3Use in potentially explosive atmospheres
The pump head and gearbox mentioned in this manual
are suitable for use in a potentially explosive
atmosphere. The pumps mentioned meet the
requirem ents as stated i n the Europ ean Direct ive 94/9/
EC (ATEX Directive).
The pumps belong to:
•Group II Appliances, category 2 GD ck T4
2.4Use in corrosive atmosphere
The DuCoNite
externally) with a corrosion and wear resistant coating.
This coating withstands highly oxidising and reducing
media. Refer to § 10.1.4 for a specification.
pump head is coated (both in- and
The manufacturer does not accept any responsibility for
damage or harm caused by not (strictly) observing the
safety regulations and instructions in this manual and
the also supplied documentation, or by negligence
during installation, use, maintenance and repair of the
hose pumps mentioned on the front cover. Depending
on the specifi c worki ng cond itions or acce ssories used,
additional safety instructions can be required.
Immediately contact your Bredel representative, if you
noticed a potential danger while using your hose pump.
The user of the hose pump is always fully
responsible for observing the local valid
safety regulations and directives. Observe
these safety regulation s and directives
when using the hose pump.
2.6Qualification of the user
The installation, use and maintenance of the hose
pump should only be performed by well-trained and
qualified users. Temporary staff and persons in training
may use the hose pump only under the supervision and
responsibility of trained and qualified users.
2.7Regulations and instructions
•Everyone who works with the hose pump must
be aware of the contents of this manual and
observe the instructions with great car e.
•Never change the order of the actions to be
carried out.
•Always store the manual near the hose pump.
The manufacturer offers a two-year warranty on all
parts of the hose pum p. Thi s m ean s th at al l parts will be
repaired or replaced free of charge, with the exception
of consumables, such as pump hoses, hose clamps,
ball bearings, wear rings, and seals, or parts which
have been misused or have been intentionally
If parts are used that are not Watson-Marlow Bredel
B.V. (hereafter called Bredel) parts, every warranty
becomes void.
Damaged parts which are covered by the applicable
warranty conditions can be returned to the
manufacturer. The parts must be accompanied by a
fully filled in and signed safety form, as present in the
back of this manual. The safety form must be applied to
the outside of the shipping carton. Parts which have
been contaminated or which have been corroded by
chemicals or other substances which can pose a health
risk, must be cleaned before they are returned to the
manufacturer. Furthermore, it should be indicated on
the safety form which specific cleaning procedure has
been followed, and it should be indicated that the
equipment has been decontaminated. The safety form
is required at all items, even if the parts have not been
Warranties purporting to be on behalf of Bredel, made
by any person, including representatives of Bredel, its
subsidiaries, or its distributors, which do not accord with
the terms of this warranty shall not be binding upon
Bredel unless expressly approved in writing by a
Director or Manager of Bredel.
4.1Identification of the product
4.1.1Identification of the product
The hose pump can be identified based on the
identification plates or stickers on:
A:Pump head
C:Electric motor
D:Pump hose
E:Frequency controller (option)
4.1.2Identification of the pump
The identification plate on the pump head contains the
following data:
A:Pump type
B:Serial number
C:ATEX code and document number, if applicable
D:Year of manufacture
4.1.3Identification of the gearbox
The identification plate on the gearbox contains the
following data:
A:Article number
B:Serial number
C:Type number
D:Reduction ratio
E:Number of revolutions per minute
4.1.4Identification of the electric motor
The identification plate on the electric motor contains
the following data:
A:Type number
B:Serial number
C:Article number
H:Power factor
4.1.5Identification of the frequency controller
The identification of the Bredel Variable Frequency
Drive (VFD) can be found inside the VFD. Remove the
cover by loosening the two screws. The identification
sticker contains the following data:
A:Article number
B:Serial number
4.1.6Identification of the pump hose
The identification stic ker on the pump hose cont ai ns the
following data:
A:Pump type
B:Reorder number
C:Internal diameter
D:Type of material of inner liner
E:Remarks, if applicable
F:Maximum permissible working pressure
G:Production code
4.2Construction of the pump
C:Pressing shoes
D:Pump hose
E:Pump housing
H:Electric motor
I:Frequ enc y con trol ler (option)
J:Adapter without motor (option)
4.3Operation of the pump
The heart of the pump head consists of a specially
constructed pump hose (A) which lies contorted against
the inside of the pump housing (B). Both ends of the
hose are c onnected to the suction and discha rge lines
by means of a flange construction (C). A bearingmounted rotor (D) with two facing pressing shoes (E) is
in the centre of the pump head.
In phase 1 the lower pressing shoe compresses the
pump hose by the rotational movement of the rotor,
forcing the fluid through the hose. As soon as the
pressing shoe has passed, the hose recovers to its
original shape due to the mechanical properties of the
In phase 2 the product is drawn into the hose by the
(continuous) turning motion of the rotor.
In phase 3, the second pressing shoe will subsequently
compress the pump hose. Due to the continuous
rotating movement of the rotor not only new product is
sucked in, but also the already present product is
pressed out by the pressing shoe. When the first
pressing shoe runs from the pump hose, the second
pressing shoe has already closed the pump hose and
the product is prevented from flowing back. This
method of liquid displacement is also known as the
"positive displaceme nt principle".
4.4Pump hose
A:Outer extruded layer made of natural rubber
B:Four nylon reinforcement layers
C:Inner extruded liner
The pump hose liner material should be chemically
resistant with the product to be pumped. Dependent on
the specific requirements of your application a
corresponding pump hose must be selected. For each
pump model various hose types are available.
The material of the inner liner of the pump hose
determines the hose type. Each hose type is marked by
a unique colour code.
Consult your Bredel representative for
more detailed information about the chemical and temperature resistance of pump
The Bredel pump hoses have been carefully machined,
therefore there are minimum tolerances in wall
thickness. It is very important to guarantee the correct
compression of the pump hose, because:
•When the compre ssion is too high , it creates a
too high load of the pump and pump hose,
which may result in a reduction of the life of the
pump hose and bearings.
•When the compression is too low, this will result
in loss of capacity and backflow. Backflow
results in a reduction of the life of the pump
4.4.2 Hose compression force adjustment
In order to achieve optimal life of the pump hose, the
compression force of the pump hose can be adjusted by
placing a number of shims under the pressing shoes.
The shims (A) are fitted between the rotor (B) and the
pressing shoe (C). The number of shims will vary for
each counterpressure situation.
The paragrap h 7.9 describes how to sele ct and install
the shims.
4.4.3Lubrication and cooling
The pumphead, in which the rotor and pump hose can
be found, is filled with Bredel Genuine Hose Lubricant.
This lubricant lubricates the movement between the
hose and the pressing shoes and dissipates the
generated heat via the pump housing and the cover.
The lubricant is food grade. See § 10.1.5 for the
required quantity and NSF registration.
Consult your Bredel representative for
lubrication recommendations when operating the hose pump below 2 rpm.
The hose pump types described in this manual use coaxial gearbox units.
The gearboxes are fitted with a foot rest. The outgoing
shaft has been fitted with a spline.
4.6Electric motor
If the electric motor has been standard supplied by the
manufacturer, it is an integrated standardized squirrelcage motor. Refer to § 10.4 for specifications. If the
pump is to be used in potentially explosive
atmospheres, contact your Bredel representative.
4.7Motor frequency controller
Refer to the also s upp li ed documentation of the supplier
and § 10.5. If the pump is to be used in potentially
explosive atmospheres, contact your Bredel
4.8Available options
The next options are available for the hose pump:
•Revolution counter
•Drain connection
•Epoxy / titanium pressing shoes and titanium
•Frequency controller
•Pump support for non-standard gearbox types
•Special configuration for use in potentially
explosive atmospheres
If the pump is to be used in potentially
explosive atmospheres, contact your
Bredel representative.
When unpacking carefully follow the instructions as
given on the packaging or on the hose pump.
Check that your delivery is correct and check it for any
transport damage. Refer to § 4.1.1. Report any damage
immediately to your Bredel representative.
5.3Installation conditions
5.3.1Ambient conditions
Make sure that the hose pump is in an area where the
ambient temperature during operation is not lower than
-20 °C and not higher than +45 °C.
•The pump materials and protective layers are
suitable for indoor set-up and a protected
outdoor set-up. Under certain conditions the
pump is suitable for limited outdoor set-up or a
salty or aggressive atmosphere. Consult your
Bredel representative for more information.
•Make sure that the floor surface is horizontal
and has a maximum slope of 10 mm per metre.
•Make sure that there is sufficient room around
the pump to carry out the necessary
maintenance activities.
•Make sure that the room is sufficiently
ventilated, so that the heat developed by the
pump and drive can be discharged. Keep some
distance between the ventilation cover of the
electric motor and wall to enable the supply of
necessary cooling air.
When determining and connecting suction and
discharge lines consider the following points:
•The bore size of the suction an d dis ch arge lin es
must be larger than the bore size of the pump
hose. For more information consult your Bredel
•Limit the presence of sharp bends in the
discharge line. Make sure that the radius of the
bent discharge line is as large as possible
(preferably 5S). It is recommended to use Yconnections instead of T-connections.
•It is recommended to use a minimum of three
quarters (3/4) of the hose length as flexible
hose in the suction or discharge line. This
avoids the need to remove the connection lines
when changing a pump hose.
•Keep the delivery and suction lines as sh ort a nd
direct as possible.
•Select the correct mounting material for flexible
hoses and make sure that the installation is
suited for the design pressure of the system.
•Prevent any possibilities of exceeding the
maximum working pressure of the hose pump.
Refer to § 10.1.1. If necessary fit a pressure
relief valve.
Consider the maximum permissible working pressure on the discharge side.
Exceeding the maximum working pressure
may lead to serious damage to the pump.
•Make sure that the maximum forces on the
flanges are not exceeded. The permissible
loads are given in the following table.
Maximum permissible loads [N] on the
pump flange
ForceDuCoNite® 25DuCoNite® 32
In case of hose failure, the product or a
mixture of product and lubricant can leak
by the breather cap. If this risk is not
acceptable, dr ain piping can be connected,
refer to § 7.10.2.
The maximum pump tem perature is 60°C.
Above this temperature the corrosion
speed can rise excessively, depending on
the product.
5.3.4Frequency controller
A Bredel VFD that is fitted without the control switch starts automatically when pow er
is applied.
If the hose pump is fitted with a Bredel Variable
Frequency Drive (VFD), consider the following points:
•Take precautions so the motor does not re-start
automatically after an unscheduled stop.
In the event of a power or mechanical failure,
the Bredel VFD controls the motor to stop.
When the cause of the failure is removed, the
motor can restart automatically. The automatic
restart is dangerous to certain installations of
the pump.
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