Watson-Marlow Bredel 265 User Manual


The disc, which is inserted in the cover, contains the user manual(s) of the Bredel 265, Bredel 280 and Bredel 2100 hose pumps in the following languages:
English (UK) English (US) Español Français
The disc also contains quick-reference instructions for the replacement of the pump hose. This replacement instruction is only for users that are familiar with the replacement procedures in the user manual.

How to use the disc

The disc will start automatically. 3 Wait until the various language versions appear on screen. 4 Select the required language (click 1x with the left mouse button).
The PDF reader program will automatically start and the required user manual
appears on screen.


In the left margin you will find the various chapters and paragraphs. These can be accessed directly by clicking on the required chapter or paragraph. In the text you will find hyperlinks to chapters or paragraphs. These hyperlinks are linked with the required chapters or paragraphs. By clicking a shortcut the required chapter or paragraph appears on screen.

System requirements

The program on the disc requires a PC with the following minimum system requirements:
Nederlands Polski Portiguês
Svenska Suomi
Disc drive
The following software must be installed on the PC:
PDF reader program
an Internet browser
Hose pump series
Bredel 265, Bredel 280 and Bredel 2100
Hose Pumps
ISO 9001
Quality Management
ISO 14001
Environmental Management
© 2013 Watson-Marlow Bredel B.V.
All rights reserved. The information provided herein may not be reproduced and/or published in any form, by print, photoprint, microfilm or any other means whatsoever (electronically or mechanically) without the prior written authorisation of Watson-Marlow Bredel B.V.
The information provided can be changed without prior notification. Watson-Marlow Bredel B.V. or one of its representatives cannot be held liable for possible damage resulting from use of this manual. This is an extensive limitation of the liability which applies to all damage, inclusive of (without limitation) compensating, direct , indirect or consequential damage, loss of data, income or profit, loss or damage to possessions and claims of third parties.
Watson-Marlow Bredel B.V. provides the information in this manual "as is" and does not take any responsibility and does not give any guarantee on this manual o r its content. Watson-Marlow Bredel B.V. rejects all responsibilities and guarantees. Furthermore, Watson-Marlow Bredel B.V. does not take responsibility for and does not guarantee that the information in this manual is accurate, complete or up to date.
Names, trade names, brands, etc. used by Watson-Marlow Bredel B.V. may not, as per the legislation concerning the protection of trade names, be considered as available.
1.1 How to use this manual .................................. ........................................ 8
1.2 Original instructions ................................................................................ 8
1.3 Other supplied documentation ................................................................ 8
1.4 Service and support .................................................................... ... ... ...... 8
1.5 Environment and disposal of waste ........................................................ 9
2.1 Symbols ................................................................................................ 10
2.2 Intended use ......................................................................................... 10
2.3 Responsibility ........................................................................................ 11
2.4 Qualification of the user ........................................................................ 11
2.5 Regulations and instructions ................................................................. 12
4.1 Identification of the product ................................................................... 14
4.1.1 Identification of the product ....................................................... 14
4.1.2 Identification of the pump .......................................................... 14
4.1.3 Identification of the gearbox ...................................................... 14
4.1.4 Identification of the electric motor .............................................. 15
4.1.5 Identification of the pump hose ................................................. 15
4.2 Construction of the pump ...................................................................... 16
4.3 Operation of the pump .......................................................................... 16
4.4 Pump hose ...................................... .. ..................................... ... ............ 18
4.4.1 General ...................................................................................... 18
4.4.2 Hose compression force adjustment (shimming) ...................... 19
4.4.3 Lubrication and cooling ............................................................. 19
4.5 Gearbox ................................................................................................ 19
4.5.1 General ...................................................................................... 19
4.5.2 Maintenance .............................................................................. 20
4.6 Electric motor ........................................................................................ 20
4.7 Available options ................................................................................... 21
5.1 Unpacking ............................................................................................. 22
5.2 Inspection ............................................................................................. 22
5.3 Installation conditions ........................................................................... 22
5.3.1 Ambient conditions .................................................................... 22
5.3.2 Set-up ........................................................................................ 23
5.3.3 Pipework ................................................................................... 23
5.3.4 Flange sizes of the pipework ..................................................... 26
5.4 Lifting and moving the pump ................................................................ 27
5.4.1 Lifting the complete unit ............................................................ 27
5.4.2 Lifting the pumphead ................................................................. 28
5.4.3 Lifting the pump cover ............................................................... 28
5.5 Placing the pump .................................................................................. 28
6.1 Preparations ......................................................................................... 31
6.2 Commissioning ..................................................................................... 31
7.1 Temperature ......................................................................................... 32
7.2 Power rating ................................................. ... ... .................................. 32
7.3 Dry running ........................................................................................... 34
7.4 Hose failure ...................................................................................... ... . 35
7.5 Fluid leakage ........................................................................................ 35
8.1 General ................................................................................................. 37
8.2 Maintenance and periodic inspections ................................................. 38
8.3 Cleaning the pump hose ...................................................................... 40
8.4 Changing lubricant ............................................................................... 40
8.5 Changing oil in gearbox ........................................................................ 41
8.6 Replacing pump hose ........................................................................... 41
8.6.1 Removing pump hose ............................................................... 41
8.6.2 Cleaning the pump head ........................................................... 44
8.6.3 Fitting the pump hose ................................................................ 45
8.7 Exchanging replacement parts ............................................................. 48
8.7.1 General ..................................................................................... 48
8.7.2 Replacing pressing shoes ......................................................... 48
8.7.3 Replacing seal and wear ring .................................................... 50
8.7.4 Replacing bearings ............................................................. .. .... 54
8.8 Adjusting hose compression force (shimming) ..................................... 55
8.9 Fitting options ....................................................................................... 58
8.9.1 Fitting a high-level float switch .................................................. 58
8.9.2 Fitting a low level float switch .................................................... 59
8.9.3 Fitting revolution counter .......................................................... . 60
8.9.4 Installing the cover lifting device (CLD) on a horizontal
configuration .............................................................................. 62
8.9.5 Installing the cover lifting device (CLD) on a vertical
configuration .............................................................................. 63
9.1 Hose pump ........................................................................................... 65
9.2 Pump hose ...................................... .. ..................................... ... ............ 65
9.3 Electric motor and gearbox ................................................................... 65
11.1 Pump head ........................................................................................... 71
11.1.1 Performance .............................................................................. 71
11.1.2 Materials .................................................................................... 72
11.1.3 Surface treatment ...................................................................... 73
11.1.4 Lubricant table pump ................................................................. 73
11.1.5 Weights ..................................................................................... 73
11.1.6 Torque figures ........................................................................... 74
11.1.7 Shims specifications .................................................................. 75
11.2 Lubricant for gearbox ............................................................................ 76
11.3 Parts list ................................................................................................ 76
11.3.1 Overview complete unit ............................................................. 76
11.3.2 Overview pump head ................................................................ 77
11.3.3 Cover assembly ......................................................................... 78
11.3.4 Rotor assembly ......................................................................... 79
11.3.5 Pump housing assembly ........................................................... 80
11.3.6 Flange assembly ....................................................................... 81
11.3.7 Lubricants per pumphead .......................................................... 82
11.3.8 Adaption assembly .................................................................... 83
11.3.9 Frame assembly ......................................................... ... ............ 85
11.3.10Shaft assembly ......................................................................... 87
11.3.11Revolution counter assembly .................................................... 88


1.1 How to use this manual

This manual is intended as a reference book by means of which qualified users are able to install, commission and maintain the hose pumps mentioned on the front cover.

1.2 Original instructions

The original instructions for this manual have been written in English. Other language versions of this manual are a translation of the original instructions.

1.3 Other supplied documentation

Documentation of components such as motors, gearboxes and inverters is normally not include d in this manual. However, if additional documentation is supplied, you must follow the instructions in this additional documentation.

1.4 Service and support

For information with respect to specific adjustments, installation, maintenance or repair jobs which fall beyond the scope of this manual, contact your Bredel representative. Make sure you have the following data at hand:
Serial number hose pump
Article number pump hose
Article number gearbox
Article number electric motor
Article number frequency controller
You will find these data on the identification plates or stickers of the pumphead, the pump hose, the gearbox and the electric motor. Refer to § 4.1.1.

1.5 Environment and disposal of waste

Always observe the local rules and regula­tions with respect to processing (non reus­able) parts of the hose pump.
Enquire within your local government about the possibilities for reuse or environment-friendly processing of packaging materials, (contaminated) lubricant and oil.


2.1 Symbols

In this manual the following symbols are used:
Procedures which, if not carried out with the necessary care, may result in serious damage to the hose pump or in serious bodily harm.
Procedures which, if not carried out with the necessary care, may result in serious damage to the hose pump, the surrounding area or the environment.
Remarks, suggestions and advice.

2.2 Intended use

The hose pump is exclusively designed for pumping suitable products. Every other or further use is not in conformance with the intended use. The "Intended use" as laid down in EN 292-1 is "... the use for which the technical product is intended in accordance with the specifications of the manufacturer, inclusive of his indications in the sales brochure". In case of doubt it is the use which appears to be its intended use judging from the construction, execution and function of the product. Observing the instructions in the user's documentation also belongs to intended use. Only use the pump in conformance with the intended use described above. The manufacturer cannot be h eld responsible for damage or harm resulting from use that
is not in conformance with the intended use. If you want to change the application of your hose pump, contact your Bredel representative first.

2.3 Responsibility

The manufacturer does not accept any responsibility for damage or harm caused by not (strictly) observing the safety regulations and instructions in this manual and the also supplied documentation, or by negligence during installation, use, maintenance and repair of the hose pumps mentioned on the front cover. Depending on the specific working conditions or accessories used, additional safety instructions can be required. Immediately contact your Bredel representative, if you noticed a potential danger while using your hose pump.
The user of the hose pump is always fully responsible for observing the local valid safety regulations and directives. Observe these safety regulations and directives when using the hose pump.

2.4 Qualification of the user

The installation, use and maintenance of the hose pump should only be performed by well-trained and qualified users. Temporary staff and persons in training may use the hose pump only under the supervision and responsibility of trained and qualified users.

2.5 Regulations and instructions

Everyone who works with the hose pump must
be aware of the contents of this manual and observe the instructions with great care.
Never change the order of the actions to be
carried out.
Always store the manual and the manuals of the
gearbox and the electric motor near the hose pump.


The manufacturer offers a two-year warranty on all parts of the hose pump. This means that all parts will be repaired or replaced free of charge, with the exception of consumables such as pump hoses, hose clamps, ball bearings, wear rings, seals and rubber bushes, or parts which have been used wrongly, misused, whether or not they have been intentionally damaged. If genuine Watson-Marlow Bredel (hereafter called Bredel) parts are not used, any warranty claim is void.
Damaged parts which are covered by the applicable warranty conditions can be returned to the manufacturer. The parts must be accompanied by a fully filled in and signed safety form, as present in the back of this manual. The safety form must be applied to the outside of the shipping carton. Parts which have been contaminated or which have been corroded by chemicals or other substances which can pose a health risk must be cleaned before they are returned to the manufacturer. Furthermore, it should be indicated on the safety form which specific cleaning procedure has been followed, and that the equipment has been decontaminated. The safety form is required even if the parts have not been used.
Warranties purporting to be on behalf of Bredel B.V. made by any person, including representatives of Bredel B.V., its subsidiaries, or its distributors, which do not accord with the terms of this warranty shall not be binding upon Bredel B.V. unless expressly approved in writing by a Director or Manager of Bredel B.V.


4.1 Identification of the product

4.1.1 Identification of the product

The hose pump can be identified based on the identification plates or stickers on:
A: Pumphead B: Gearbox C: Electric motor D: Pump hose E: Frame

4.1.2 Identifica tion of the pump

The identification plate on the pump head contains the following data:
A: Type number B: Serial number C: ATEX code D: ATEX document number E: Year of manufacture
Hose Pumps
Watson-Marlow Bredel B.V. Sluisstraat 7-Delden-NL www.bredel.com
Patent applied

4.1.3 Identification of the gearbox

The identification plate on the gearbox contains the following data:
A: Type number B: Batch number C: Motor power D: Gear motor output speed E: Gear reducer nomi nal power F: Two months and year of manufacture G: Mounting position H: Gear motor service factor J: Transmission ratio K: Diameter Flange - motor shaft
a company of the Habasit Group
 
www.rossi-group.com Made in Italy

4.1.4 Identification of the electric motor

The identification plate on the electric motor contains the following data:
A: Serial number B: Type number C: Power D: Voltage E: Frequency F: Speed G: Insulation class H: Protection class I: Bredel article or order number

4.1.5 Identif ication of the pump hose

The identification sticker on the pump hose contains the following data:
A: Pump type B: Reorder number C: Internal diameter D: Type of material of inner liner E: Remarks, if applicable F: Maximum permissible working pressure G: Production code
As. mot.
kW V
High precision pump
element machined for

4.2 Construction of the pump

A: Pump hose B: Pump housing C: Rotor D: Pressing shoes E: Cover F: Inspection window G: Frame H: Gearbox I: Electric motor

4.3 Operation of the pump

The heart of the pump head consists of a specially constructed pump hose (A) which lies contorted against the inside of the pump housing (B). Both ends of the hose are connected to the suction and discharge lines
by means of a flange construction (C). A bearing­mounted rotor (D) with two facing pressing shoes (E) is in the centre of the pump head.
In phase 1 the lower pressing shoe compresses the pump hose by the rotational movement of the rotor, forcing the fluid through the hose. As soon as the pressing shoe has passed, the hose recovers to its original shape due to the mechanical properties of the material.
In phase 2 the product is drawn into the hose by the (continuous) turning motion of the rotor.
In phase 3, the second pressing shoe will subse quently compress the pump hose. Due to the continuous rotating movement of the rotor not onl y new product is sucked in, but also the already present product is pressed out by the pressing shoe. When the first pressing shoe runs from the pump hose, the second pressing shoe has already closed the pump hose and the product is prevented from flowing back. This method of liquid displacement is also known as the "positive displacement principle".

4.4 Pump hose

4.4.1 General A: Outer extruded layer made of natural rubber B: Four nylon reinforcement layers C: Inner extruded liner

The pump hose liner material should be chemically resistant with the product to be pumped. Dependent on the specific requirements of your application a corresponding pump hose must be selected. For each pump model various hose types are available. The material of the inner liner of the pump hose determines the hose type. Each hos e ty pe i s marked by a unique colour code.
Hose type Material Colour code
NR Natural rubber Purple NBR Nitrile rubber Yellow EPDM EPDM Red CSM CSM Blue
Consult your Bredel representative for more detailed information about the chemi­cal and temperature resistance of pump hoses.
The Bredel pump hoses have been carefully machined, therefore there are minimum tolerances in wall thickness. It is very important to guarantee the correct compression of the pump hose, because:
When the compression is too high, it creates a
too high load of the pump and pump hose, which may result in a reduction of the life of the pump hose and bearings.
When the compression is too low, this will result
in loss of yield and backflow. Backflow results in a reduction of the life of the pump hose.

4.4.2 Hose compression force adjustment (shimming)

In order to achieve optimal life of the pump hose, the compression force of the pump hose can be adjusted by placing a number of shims under the pressing shoes. The shims (A) are fitted between the rotor (B) and the pressing shoe (C). The number of shims will vary for each counterpressure situation.
The paragraph 8.8 describes how to select and install the shims.

4.4.3 Lubrication and cooling

The pumphead, in which the rotor and pump hose can be found, is filled with Bredel Genuine Hose Lubricant. This lubricant lubricates the movement between the hose and the pressing shoes and dissipates the generated heat via the pump housing and the cover.
The lubricant is food grade. See § 11.1.4 for the required quantity and NSF registration.
Consult your Bredel representative for lubrication recommendations when operat­ing the hose pump below 2 rpm.

4.5 Gearbox

4.5.1 General

The hose pump types described in this manual use a bevel-helical gearbox. The gearbox is mainly used for high reduction ratios and low input speeds. This modular construction enables a wide range of reductions, torques and connection possibilities for the electric motor.

4.5.2 Maintenance

For all information on maintenance and lubrications, see the manual of the gearbox.
Check the oil level regularly. If necessary, refill the oil level. Avoid mixing oils of different types. In case of doubt, change the oil completely. Also check that there are no metallic parts with unusual dimensions in the oil.
Special attention must be paid to very loaded output stages and with very low speeds (<1 rpm). In such cases, always use high viscosity oils with a good amount of Extreme Pressure (EP) additive.
Gearboxes, which are not particularly loaded and that have a discontinuous operating cycle without considerable temperature ranges, can be lubricated with mineral oil. When the gearboxes are heavily loade d and used in a continuous way, this can result in temperature increase. In this case, it is best to use polyalphaolefin synthetic lubricants (PAO). Use a synthetic lubricant when the ambient temperature is below -20 °C. For special applications where high powers and speeds are involved, consult your Bredel representative.

4.6 Electric motor

The standard-supplied electric motor is a completely enclosed three-phase asynchronous motor. The interface between motor and gearbox is an IEC or Nema flange. The motor connection must meet the local applicable regulations. A thermal safety device should reduce the risk of a motor overload. For connecting PTC thermistors (if present) a special thermistor relay must be used. In case of doubt, contact your Bredel representative for advice.
Item Specification
Construction IM B5 (flange type) Materials Housing, connection box and end shields: cast-iron Number of poles 4, 6 or 8 poles Voltage - frequency Protection class in accordance
with IEC 34-5 Insulation class F (temperature limit 155 °C) Temperature rise Within class B
* Unless specified otherwise

4.7 Available options

The following options are av ai l a bl e for the hose pump:
400 / 690 V - 3 phases - 50 Hz IP55
High (lubricant) level float switch
Low (lubricant) level float switch
Revolution counter
Cover lifting device (CLD)
Heavy duty bearings
Epoxy pressing shoes
Stainless steel 316 flanges, flange brackets,
hose clamps, support and mounting articles
Different flange standards (EN, ANSI, JIS)
Vacuum assist facility


5.1 Unpacking

When unpacking, carefully follow the instructions as given on the packaging or on the hose pump. This also applies to the unpacking of the geabox and the electric motor.

5.2 Inspection

Check that your delivery is correct and check it for any transport damage. Also when replacing parts, check that the delivery of the replacement parts is correct and check them for any transport damage. Refer to § 4.1.1. Report any damage immediately to your Bredel representative.

5.3 Installation conditions

5.3.1 Ambient conditions

Make sure that the hose pump is in an area where the ambient temperature during operation is not lower than
-20 °C and not higher than +45 °C. The minimum start-up temperature for the gearbox is -10 °C. A heater is required for tempertures below
-10 °C.
Atmospheric humidity
When the unit must be stored for a lo ng period of time, especially in humid conditions, fill the gearbox completely with oil and protect the machined parts with rust inhibitors. For extreme conditions, special precautions must be taken. Contact your local Watson-Marlow Bredel representative for additional information.

5.3.2 Set-up

The pump materials and protective layers are
suitable for indoor set-up and a protected outdoor set-up. Under certain conditions the pump is suitable for limited outdoor set-up or a salty or aggressive atmosphere. Consult your Bredel representative for more information.
Position the pump on a horizontal surface. Use
suitable anchor bolts to attach the pump to the floor surface.
Make sure that there is sufficient room around
the pump to carry out the necessary maintenance activities.
Make sure that the room is sufficiently
ventilated, so that the heat developed by the pump and drive can be discharged. Keep some distance between the ventilation cover of the electric motor and wall to enable the supply of necessary cooling air.

5.3.3 Pipework

When determining and connecting suction and discharge lines consider the following points:
The bore size of the suction and discharge lines
must be larger than the bore size of the pump hose. For more information consult your Bredel representative.
Limit the presence of sharp bends in the
discharge line. Make sure that the radius of the bent discharge line is as large as possible (preferably 5S). It is recommended to use Y­connections instead of T-connections.
Keep the piping at a minimum equal to or
greater than the bore size of the pump. Increase the bore size of the pipe work when the duty fluid has a high velocity or inertia. This will help keep friction and impulse losses to a mi nimum. Where critical velocities are a concerned, consult your Bredel representative.
max 10 mm
For the flexible hoses select compatible
materials and ensure the installation is suited for the design pressure of the system.
Keep the delivery and suction lines as short and
direct as possible.
Prevent any possibilities of exceeding the
maximum working pressure of the hose pump. Refer to § 11.1.1. If necessary fit a pressure relief valve.
Consider the maximum permissible work­ing pressure on the discharge side. Exceeding the maximum working pressure may lead to serious damage to the pump.
Consult your Bredel representative for
recommendations on mounting pulsation dampening devices. A pulsation dampener and/ or inlet pulse accumulator may be necessary if the relative density and and pump speed is high and the line lengths are long.
The self-priming and positive displacement
nature of peristaltic pumps means that valves are not required. If for whatever reason valves are fitted into the system, they must have a straight fluid path and cause minimum restriction to flow in the pumping circuit. Note that the presence of check valves directly in the process stream may increase pulsation and negatively impact hose life.
For the ease of hose changing and some
pulsation suppression, it is recommended to use a segment of flexible hose between the pump flange and hard piping of the suction and/ or discharge line. A segment of three quarters (3/4) of the pump hose length for the flexible pipe work is recommended. Bredel also recommends installing an isolation valve and pipe-drain in the suction and discharge
pipework to allow fluid isolation and drainage from the pump during maintenance. Following these recommendations will help to minimize the exposure of process fluid to maintenance personnel.
Make sure that the maximum forces on the
flanges are not exceeded. The permissible loads are given in the following table.
Maximum permissible loads [N] on the pump
Force Bredel 265 Bredel 280 Bredel 2100
F1 1400 2000 2000 F2 300 400 400 F3 700 1000 1000
F2 F1

5.3.4 Flange sizes of the pipework

The table below shows the flange sizes on the pumphead for external connection.
Apply a sufficiently large pipe diameter when joining both discharge lines or both suction lines.
Flange sizes
Pump EN-ANSI D d6 b k Number d2
EN1092-1 [mm] 185 81 20 145 4 18
ANSI [inches] 7 2.94 7/8 5-1/2 4 3/4
EN1092-1 [mm] 200 94 20 160 8 18
ANSI [inches] 7-1/2 3.57 15/16 6 4 3/4
EN1092-1 [mm] 220 119 22 180 8 18
ANSI [inches] 9 4.57 15/16 7-1/2 8 3/4

5.4 Lifting and moving the pump

5.4.1 Lifting the complete unit

The pump can be delivered in several mounting positions. The gear motor unit can be placed in a vertical and horizontal position.
1. Applicable for both configurations, use the through holes or tapped holes of the gear reducer casing when lifting and transporting the pump unit. Make sure that the load is properly balanced and provide hooks, lifting systems and cables suitable for the total mass of the pump unit. The illustrations show the proper way to lift the units.
Do not use the eye bolts on th e motor when lifting the pump unit.
The maximum ratings are shown in the table below.
Maximum rating Weight [kg] Weight [lbs]
Pump with gearbox 1261 1948 2715 2774 4286 5972
If the pump is to be lifted ensure that all standard lifting practices are adhered to and carried out by qualified personnel only.

5.4.2 Lifting the pumphead

1. Lift the pumphead by using the lifting hole on the top of the pump cover, see §5.4.3.
2. During the (dis)assembly of the pumphead from the adaption ring, use the special-made lifting tool (A).
The lifting tool makes sure that the pumphead is positioned vertically in front of the adaption ring. This makes it easier to mount or dis­mount the pumphead. The lifting tool can be supplied by Bredel.
The working load limit (WLL) of the lifting tool is 11 00 kg/2420 lbs. For weights of the pumphead, refer to §11.1.5.

5.4.3 Lifting the pump cover

1. The cover (B) can be lifted by using the lifting hole (C) on the top of the pump cover. For weights of the pump cover, refer to §11.1.5. The cover can also be lifted by means of a cover lifting device (A), also called CLD. For mounting the cover lifting device, refer to §8.9.4 for the horizontal configuration and §8.9.5 for the vertical configuration.

5.5 Placing the pump

Follow the next steps to make sure the anchor bolts are used properly.
1. Drill the holes.
2. Clean the bore holes.
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