Volkswagen Amarok Elsawin Use User Manual

Self-study Programme 348
Use and Function
Commercial Vehicles
As part of customer orientation, it is the declared aim of Volkswagen Group to use synergies efficiently and sensibly in this area.
For example, this self-study programme shows how we can use these synergies: Topics and content that concern several brands have been combined in a group SSP. This could, for example, be an engine that is used across the group or also a group system like ElsaWin.
Special brand-related topics will still be handled in self-study programmes for the respective brands.
The repair instructions are becoming more and more extensive and complicated, new features appear at shorter intervals and it is more and more difficult follow all information concerning a vehicle or a certain vehicle type. To make the complexity of the previously printed technical information easier to follow, vehicle manufacturers are increasingly turning to digital data.
For example, at Volkswagen Group, the electronic service information system (ElsaWin) for Windows is used. This self-study programme should help you recognise the wide range of application possibilities offered by ElsaWin and simplify operation and use in your everyday work.
It does not, however, replace the Help option that is integrated in ElsaWin. There you will find a range of information on the handling and use of ElsaWin.
The screenshots may differ from the actual software due to version changes that were made while the self-study programme was written, printed and translated. All screenshots should therefore be seen just as examples. The information provided depends on the infrastructure of the importer in the respective country.
The self-study programme shows the design and function of new developments. The contents will not be updated.
Further information Note
For current testing, adjustment and repair instructions, refer to the relevant service literature.
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
ElsaWin Reference Media . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Working with ElsaWin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Working with ElsaWin Reference Media . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
System Information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
Glossary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .94
Test Yourself. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
Technical literature for repair and maintenance
Technology development
The development of the repair documents required on a daily basis in the service department trails the development of the vehicle technology by the manufacturers.
The repair instructions from the manufacturers are updated at increasingly regular intervals.
There are often different operations for individual vehicles or chassis number ranges that should be performed while the vehicle is in the workshop.
In the past, all of these instructions were supplied to workshops on paper. This printed resource was taking up more and more storage space due to the technical advances in our vehicles and the larger number of models. In addition, the vehicles are being continuously developed over the course of a model year. All changes need to be entered manually in the form of supplements.
The solution is therefore an electronic reference medium that guarantees access to all data in an easily updated form, saving space and is time. This led to the development of ElsaWin with the information from existing printed material being turned into an electronic version for the computer.
Information library for storing literature
The electronic service information system (ElsaWin) helps organise procedures at the partner more effectively.
ElsaWin is therefore an important resource for service staff that they need to learn about. Linking the Volkswagen network (CPN) allows additional information that is stored on different servers to be used.
Advantages and use of ElsaWin
Call-up of current data to each ElsaWin workstation
Linking reference media from internal and external networks
Fast of integration of new reference media (e.g. DISS, FISH)
Automatic links and cross-references
No need for printed updates
Mobile ElsaWin for VAS 5051B and VAS 5052
ElsaWin station
ElsaWin in workshop network
The network in the workshop meets the requirements that will be indispensable for future services. The described procedure shows the aims.
Examples of data exchanges between the sales area and the workshop.
Data on the capacity of the workshop,
for making and preparing customer appointments.
Data on making/preparing the appointment
and creating the order in the workshop area: customer, vehicle and appointment data
Feedback on the latest repair data from the
workshop via the progress monitor The service assistant is informed about the repair progress and can intervene in the current process if necessary.
Data returned from the workshop to the dialog
transfer for the quality control and invoicing: Data on the required working times and job progress as well as on required spare parts.
The flow of data between the individual set­ups in the workshop
All customer and vehicle data is forwarded to
the connected equipment and can be automatically called up from any workstation at the dealership.
asanetwork (example Germany)
VAS 5052 as terminal for emissions testing station
V. A . G 1 8 1 3
V. A . G 1 8 0 0 VAS 6300
VAS 50 0 0
VAS 5053
This means you gain time for additional work
as well as avoid information blanks or out of date information.
Data flow between the workshop and the spare parts service
The spare parts service is integrated in the
service process from appointment preparation onwards: In the service support process, the parts department ensures that the parts flow is trouble-free in both directions.
VAS 5051B
Progress monitor
System-supported appointment management
Service training
ElsaWin in the service core processes
The electronic service information system provides important information that is required for trouble-free procedures.
Appointment preparation
An order is opened by the service personnel when the appointment is made. There
- recognised work positions from ElsaWin are listed,
- prices are imported from PASS (only Germany),
- packages are automatically set in order,
- required parts are checked for availability in the parts warehouse and any orders required made.
Creating an order
Transferring order
The orders created in the DMS are transferred automatically and compared with the vehicle data. If there is special information for the vehicle, this will be displayed immediately in the central vehicle database after an online query.
The vehicle needs to be clearly identified to obtain the correct information.
ElsaWin on workstations
The customer order is created on a blank order in the DMS by the service assistant and can be selected in ElsaWin via the Job Management window (order number). The order number is assigned to the chassis number via which the information material is called up by ElsaWin. The work carried out, selected packages and items can be sent by ElsaWin to the DMS and used for invoicing.
ElsaWin is operated on all networked workstations allowing workshop staff to access the relevant and latest literature (e.g. TPS). In addition, ElsaWin also allows the order to be completed and fedback to DMS.
Creating repair and service orders
Quality control and preparation
To create the repair and service process module efficiently, all relevant information for the workshop staff needs to be at the right place, at the right time. By linking VAUDIS or ElsaWin with the asanetwork in the workshop, complete data management can be guaranteed over the complete core service process.
Core service process
Making appointments
The quality check and preparation for return of the vehicle immediately follows the repair and service.
All information from ElsaWin can be accessed directly.
Te le phon e report
Return of the vehicle/invoice
Preparing appointment
Creation of customer order
Vehicle acceptance/ creation of order
Identifying customer wishes
Creating order
Performance of work and workshop finding
Feedback from customer
Return of order data from ElsaWin
Checking “Order status”
Updating order data via ElsaWin
Quality check/ preparation of hand-over
ElsaWin Reference Media
Reference media in ElsaWin
ElsaWin contains all reference media that are required for the service department.
Reference media:
Strict maintenance operations
Direct Customer Information System Service
Vehicle-specific notes (FISH)
Body Repair
Owner’s Manuals
Workshop Manual
Emissions Test
Internet (globe)
ElsaWin start screen
Electronic Service Information System
Service Edit View Settings Warnings ?
Current Flow Diagrams
Maintenance Tables
Technical Problem Solution
Damage Number List
Repair Operation List/PASS
PASS Editing System
Online feedback report and feedback monitor
Job note
PASS Editing System
Repair Operation List/PASS
Maintenance Manual
Direct Customer Service Information System
Vehicle-specific Instructions
Body Repair
Owner’s Manuals
Workshop Manual
90005272 5 3C2 MEI65
Damage Number List
Technical Problem Solutions
Maintenance Tables
Current Flow Diagrams
Emissions Test
Strict maintenance operations
All information for inspection intervals and work are contained in this reference medium. Inspection information can be selected via the table of contents. The repair and work information is shown on a page consisting of text and images. Additional information is displayed by cross referencing other information mediums on Elsa, using the hyperlinks embedded in the information pages.
Direct Customer Service Information System (DISS)
The “DISS” reference medium is used to support repair procedures at partners. Using it will help avoid repeat repairs. Furthermore customer complaints can be forwarded to the manufacturer as part of quality monitoring.
DISS has the following advantages:
Direct access to the
“Technical Problem Solution” (TPS)
Data transfer to Technical support for queries
Fast recording of current problem solutions
possible in the TPS
No complaint reports in paper form
Support with successful first repair
Early warning if suspicion of repeat
DISS is used with:
Complex problems and customer complaints
Repeat repairs
Obligation to report as per TPS
Approval paintwork complaint
Warranty-related complaints
Technical queries
Safety-related queries
ElsaWin Reference Media
Vehicle specific notes
The “Vehicle specific notes” reference medium can display all maintenance work and repairs previously carried out on the vehicle, information on the launch of new models, any listed field campaigns and further technical information.
Body repairs
In this reference medium, the information required for the repair is displayed on different levels.
Owner’s manuals
The “Owner’s Manuals” reference medium is integrated from ElsaWin version 3.2. The latest version of the owner’s manual for the selected vehicle type and the selected model year is thus available. As the data is on a central server at the manufacturer, a connection to the CPN is required to use this feature. (not all vehicle models are currently available)
Worksh op Manual
The “Workshop Manual” reference medium provides the information required for the assembly, testing and adjustment work.
It is organised by:
Main group
Repair group
and contains picture and text information.
Emissions test
The “Emissions Test” reference medium contains all information required for the emissions test. This information is related to the engine code and is always structured in the following way:
Visual check
Test values for emissions test
Barcode for emissions test
ElsaWin Reference Media
Internet (globe)
The Internet module within ElsaWin provides access to the following brand and language-specific information:
Field campaigns
Processing information
CV campaigns
VW campaigns
VW/CV archive
Technical information
Frequently asked questions on ElsaWin content
A link to the CPN is necessary for full use of this information.
At Audi, the group paint guide is available via the globe.
Current Flow Diagrams
In the “Current Flow Diagrams” reference medium, you can call up all circuit diagrams related to the vehicle as well as the locations of the control units, the relay positions, fuse assignments and the position of the earth points.
Maintenance tables
This reference medium allows you to create a maintenance table that applies to exactly the selected vehicle.
Technical problem solution
The “Technical Problem Solution” (TPS) reference medium contains solutions for known technical problems related to the vehicle identification number.
ElsaWin Reference Media
Damage Number List
A damage number can be determined with this reference medium. A damage number is made up of the customer service number, damage type and manufacturer. Damage numbers are required for warranty claims.
Repair Operation List/PASS
The repair operation list contains operations for all assemblies indicating specified times.
“PASS” (package offer service system) is a reference medium for providing complete time and operation packages for standard repairs and maintenance work.
PASS Editing System
The PASS editing system allows you to create your own service packages (dealership packages) and integrate them in the “Repair Operation List/PASS” reference medium. You can use and copy existing packages, work positions and parts from the manufacturer.
Help (online Help)
Help includes the ElsaWin manual and provides help on all operating options and applications for the reference medium. (How do I work with ElsaWin?)
Working with ElsaWin
Starting out
The electronic service information system can be started in the same way whenever you use it.
Starting the application
You start ElsaWin using the icon on the screen
or by selecting it under All Programs.
Microsoft Office Tools
Launch Manager
Internet Explorer
Outlook Express
Windows Messanger
Windows Movie Maker
ElsaWin login
Before using the electronic service information system, you need to enter your user name and password. Both will be given to you by the system administrator at your dealership.
Once you have entered the user name and password and confirmed them by clicking the “OK” button or pressing the “Enter” key, the usage guidelines and information will appear.
Usage guidelines and information
The usage guidelines need to be acknowledged by pressing the “OK” button. Otherwise you will not be able to use ElsaWin.
This program is password-protected. Please enter your user name and password before continuing.
User name
Volksw a g e n AG
Any distribution or reproduction as well as any unauthorised use and/or operation that does not serve interoperability is prohibited.
! Note Text with this symbol contains additional, useful information.
Working with ElsaWin
Starting options
You can select the reference medium manually before entering the vehicle data or via the Job Management window. A connection to the DMS is required to make a selection via the Job Management window.
Manual entry
Vehicle identification can be carried out from the start mask.
The selection is made with the “Identify Vehicle” button.
Electronic Service Information System
ervice Edit View Settings Warnings ?
“Identify Vehicle” button
Electronic Service Information System
Service Edit View Settings Warnings ?
PASS Editing System
Maintenance Manual
Direct Customer Service Information System
Vehicle-specific Instructions
Body Repair
Owner’s Manuals
Workshop Manual
Emissions Test
9005276 5
Repair Operation List
Current Flow Diagrams
Damage Number List
Technical Problem Solution s
Maintenance Tables
Identifying vehicle
You identify a vehicle by selecting the vehicle data or by entering the vehicle identification number in the form box. A network connection to the manufacturer vehicle database via CPN is required for identification using the vehicle identification number. A separate password is needed here.
Vehicle Type Identification
Brand Name
Model year Code
Vehicle ID number:
WVW ZZZ 1K Z Z W 376 485
Gearbox no.:
Sales Model
Engine Type CCM kW Designation
Gearbox Type Number Designation
Final drive
Typ e N umb er
Start Enquiry
More >>
After entering the vehicle identification number, make sure you click the “Start Enquiry” button so that all equipment features (PR numbers) as well as the engine and gearbox numbers are available in all reference media. The shown vehicle data needs to be selected and transferred to the form with the “Accept” button.
Vehicle Type Identification
Brand Designation VVolkswagen
Model year Code 2005 K
Vehicle ID number:
WVW ZZZ 1K Z Z W 376 485
Gearbox no.:
Veh icl e Typ e
Basic Data
Sales Model
1K1 Golf
Engine Type CCM kW Designation BAG FS
Gearbox Type Number Designation GJX A
Final drive
1598 85 MPI Bosch Motr.
Typ e N umb er
More >>
Type/model code 1K1 0G3 Model year 2005 Colour code Z4Z4RW Production date 05.06.2005 Engine BAG Gearbox GJX
Val u e
Working with ElsaWin
Selection via Job Management window
The orders created in the DMS are transferred automatically to ElsaWin. In the menu bar, you can open the selection box for the orders under “View” with the “Select Job” menu item or by clicking the “Select Job” button. There you can select an order using the order number.
The vehicle data already entered in the DMS is transferred automatically.
These options are only available if your system is linked to the DMS!
“Select Job” button
The vehicle data can then be transferred using the “Job Management” mask.
Job Management
Job number: Distrib./Importer No.: Dealer number:
JobNo. Status Type Reg.No. Shor t name Car ID number Sales type MY MIL GIL TI L Date Mileage
901245 1 Type WOB-WE 897 Müller
901354 1 Type Meier WAU ZZZ 8P 34A052528 8P0044 5 AMF EE A 23789
904567 9 Type Schulze WVW ZZZ7 H Z Z H 987 123 7HMB01 5 AXD FNO AK B 56312
IN-HB 237
H-RS 8765
WVW ZZZ 1K Z Z W 376 485
1234 1234
1K1 0G3 5 BAG GJX 21.10.2005 46789 07.06.2005
21.10.2005 02.04.2005
21.10.2005 02.01.2005
Date of reg.
Transmit again OK Cancel
You will find further information on the options in the ElsaWin Help.
Calling up a reference medium
After identifying the vehicle, the required reference medium can be called up in various ways.
Calling up the reference medium via the button in the start mask
The required reference medium can be called up by clicking the large buttons in the start mask when it first opens. The icons work as buttons. Once the right position has been reached, the mouse cursor turns into a hand.
Electronic Service Information System
Service Edit View Settings Warnings ?
Job note
PASS Editing System
Maintenance Manual
Direct Customer Service Information System
Vehicle-specific Instructions
Body Repair
Owner’s Manuals
Workshop Manual
90005276 5 3C2 MEI65
The status line contains information in different boxes (including the current vehicle data). It is explained in detail in Help.
Repair Operation List/PASS
Damage Number List
Technical Problem Solutions
Maintenance Tables
Current Flow Diagrams
Emissions Test
ButtonStatus line
Working with ElsaWin
Calling up a reference medium via the toolbar
The icons in the toolbar are the same as those in the start mask. The required reference medium can be selected by clicking on the icon. After clicking on them, the icon on the toolbar changes and the reference medium is opened.
Selected reference medium
Calling up the reference medium via the menu bar
The reference media can also be selected in the menu bar under the “View” menu. You can select the reference medium by clicking on it from the drop down menu. The selected reference medium is indicated with a check box.
Electronic Service Information System
ervice Edit View Settings Warnings ?
PASS Editing System
Repair Operation List/PASS
Damage Number List
Technical Problem Solutions
Maintenance Tables
Current Flow Diagrams
Emissions Test
Workshop Manual
Owner’s Manuals
Body Repair
Vehicle-specific Instructions
Direct Customer Service Information System
Maintenance Manual
Select Job
In some cases, the central information on a vehicle is blocked. In this case, follow the instructions that appear on the screen.
Other buttons
New process
When you click the “New Process” button, all previous applications are closed and the new procedure starts again with vehicle identification on the start screen.
New process
Logging off and closing
To log off completely, you need to close all applications (reference media) and then log off as an ElsaWin user by clicking the “Logoff” button. You can then close ElsaWin by clicking the “Close” button.
Select job
All workshop orders that have been created in the DMS and still not invoiced will be listed in the Job Management window. Clicking the button opens the order list. If you then click an order, it will start with vehicle identification.
Select job
Show history
Show history
All procedures under the workshop order number or the temporary order number are saved by ElsaWin.
If you simply close ElsaWin using the close button (X), the applications will remain active on the server if there is a network connection. This can lead to reduction in the server work speed or the overloading.
Tempo r a r y j ob number
If no workshop job number (no DMS) is available, ElsaWin issues a temporary job number for each process where vehicle identification was carried out.
Temporary job number
Vehicle-specific Instructions
Body Repair
Owner’s Manuals
Workshop Manual
9005276 5
Emissions Test
Technical Problem Solution s
Maintenance Tables
Current Flow Diagrams
Working with ElsaWin Reference Media
Strict maintenance operation
Area of application
The “Strict maintenance operation” reference medium describes all inspection intervals, operations and work required for maintenance. It is therefore used as an information source when working on a maintenance job.
Selecting inspection or work operation
After selecting, the reference medium is called up. The contents are shown on the screen. The individual inspection and work operation is displayed in alphabetical order and can be selected by clicking on the text.
Alphabetical contents
Electronic Service Information System
Service Edit View Settings Warnings ?
Current Position Search item:
Emissions test Emissions test for petrol engines Emissions test for diesel engines Axle joints: Visual check Airbags for front passenger: Key switch General Raising the vehicle on a ramp Work description Stickers Automatic gearbox: Check ATF level Battery: Check battery terminals for secure sea Battery: Check
Checking tyres: Condition, tyre tread, Brake system: Perform visual check for leaks Brake pads, front and rear Check thickness Changing brake fluid Brake fluid level: Check Connecting diagnosis tester
Direct Shift Gearbox: Changing oil and filter Electric windows: Positioning Veh icle dat a s ti cke r Vehicle ID number Vehicle system test: Perform Joint boots: Perform visual check Information on LongLife service Regular service
Job note
90005276 5 1K1 MEI65Golf BDK GJD
Screen layout
The contents are shown on the left-hand side of the screen.
Work operation/documents
The work operation and documents are shown on the right-hand side of the screen.
Repair and work operation
By positioning the mouse cursor on the respective line of the contents and clicking, the repair and work operation is displayed in the form of text and images.
Scope of work/document Cross reference Work steps
Electronic Service Information System
Service Edit View Settings Warnings ?
Job note
Current Position: Camshaft drive toothed belt: Check (4-cylinder petrol engines, 1.4l, 55kW and 1.6l, 75kW Search item:
RNS MFD-2 radio navigation Anti-theft Tyre pressure monitor: Basic setting RME fuel (biodiesel) Manual gearbox/axle drive: Check oil level Windscreen wipers and washer and headlight Windscreen blades: Check end position Headlight setting: Check Sunroof: Check function Service intervals Service work Service interval display: Recode Service interval display: Reset
Track rod ball joints: Play, fitting and Dust and pollen filter: Clean housing Transport mode: Deactivate Transport lock: Remove securing components Door arresters: Grease Identification plate
Hand-over inspection Clock: Set Underbody protection: Visual check for damag Camshaft drive toothed belt: Replace Camshaft drive toothed belt: Check Toothed belt and toothed belt tensioner: Replac Time and/or mileage-related additional work Spark plugs: Replace
Camshaft drive toothed belt: Check (4-cylinder petrol engines, 1.4l, 55 kW and 1.6 l, 75 kW)
Checking toothed belt condition
- Remove toothed belt cover, > Rep. Gr. 15
- Check condition of toothed belt for:
- A - Cracks, cross-sectional breaks, cracks (coating)
- B – Side contact
- C - Fraying of cord strands
- D - Cracks (in teeth base) Layer separation (toothed belt body, draw strands) Surface cracks (synthetic coating) Traces of oil and grease
If faults are found always renew toothed belt. This will avoid possible breakdowns or operating problems. The replacement of a toothed belt is a repair measure.
90005276 5 1K1 MEI65Golf BDK GJD
The selected work operation is indicated with the title. The title is shown in a blue font.
Work ste p s
The necessary work steps and activities are shown in a bulleted list or as text. Diagrams are provided to help explain.
Additional work that is not included in the description of work steps, can be called up using a cross-reference hyperlink. The cross-reference hyperlink is in green font.
Working with ElsaWin Reference Media
Direct Customer Service Information System
Area of application
The “Direct Customer Service Information System” resource supports the procedure at the partner so that extra work and repeat repairs can be avoided. It is used to record customer complaints, document the work performed and also aids technical support by the vehicle manufacturer. This is used to ensure the whole repair process runs smoothly.
When an appointment is made for a work order, different customer wishes are established that can be divided into three groups:
a clearly separate order (e.g. an oil change service, changing winter tyres for summer tyres, replacing the aerial
an order in which disassembly work or visual checks are required (e.g. an inspection service, a field campaign,
a slipping clutch, replacing brake pads)
a complaint from the customer that makes diagnosis or investigating the complaint together with the customer
necessary (e.g. engine stalling, noises when steering, jolting when accelerating).
Proportion of orders according to order type
clearly separate orders
orders with disassembly work or visual checks
Customer complaints
If the customer has already been to the workshop, particular sensitivity is required when handling this order.
+ 70 hidden pages