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Products mentioned in this documentation that are not manufactured by
Comdial may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective
Access to CO Lines (outside lines) is possible via several methods. In
some cases you may want to dial the specific outside line (lines 740
– 755) or outside line group (9,800 – 806), but in
most cases, you can simply press the outside line button .
1. Press the outside line button of an idle outside line (LED not lit). If
the handset is still on-hook, the speakerphone LED will light.
2. When you hear dial tone, dial the telephone number.
3. Hang up to end the call. (Press if you are using speakerphone
to hang up.)
Intercom Call (to an extension)101 – 156,
Dial the extension number. (Speakerphone activates automatically.) Lift the
handset for a private call.
Press the DSS button of the extension that you want to call.
Account Code – Making a Call Using Account Code 79
If you want a call to be associated with a specific account in the detailed
records output from the DX-80 system (SMDR), you must enter an account
code prior to making the call. The account code length is predetermined
and programmed to be from 2 to 8 digits.
1. Dial the Account Code access number 79.
2. Enter a valid account code. (The DX-80 system will automatically
access an idle outside line.)
3. Dial the telephone number.
Automatic Redial!78
You can use Automatic Redial (AR) to dial the last number you dialed. The
system will automatically dial the number and then wait for a predetermined
time for the call to be answered. If the call is not answered during this time,
the system will hang up and then try the call again. The number of
attempts the phone will make is designated in the system programming.
DX-80 Digital Executive Telephone User GuidePage 5
1. When you place a call and receive a busy signal, hang up.
2. Press !78.
Call Operator/Attendant0
The extension that is programmed as the Attendant may receive multiple
internal calls via the programmed Operator Code. The Operator Code is “0”
at default.
To call the attendant (operator), press 0.
Conference, Meet Me390 – 397
Conference is used to join telephone connections together. Meet Me
Conference simplifies the setup process by assigning eight separate
conference locations that are joined by dialing the location number. (4
parties maximum each.) Callers can be transferred easily to these
locations. Users may simply dial the location number. Outside parties can
join the conference via the automated attendant simply by dialing the
location number at the auto attendant greeting.
Operation – Transfer a Caller to a Meet Me Conference
1. While connected to another extension or outside line, press .
2. Dial the Meet Me Conference destination for this call (390-397).
3. Hang up to complete the transfer.
Operation – Join a Meet Me Conference
1. Dial the Meet Me Conference destination to join (390-397).
2. Hang up when finished.
Operation – Join a Meet Me Conference from the Auto Attendant
1. When the automated attendant answers, dial the Meet Me
Conference destination to join (390-397).
2. Hang up when finished.
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Conference, Supervised/Unsupervised!77
The system can accommodate eight, 4-member (party) conferences
simultaneously. Conferences can include a maximum of 3 outside lines
and any number of extensions to a maximum of 4 conference members.
One inside key telephone station is the controller of the conference and
constitutes one conference member. Before a conference can be
established with 4 members, a 3-member conference must be established
A Supervised Conference is a conference in which at least one member is
an extension of the DX-80 system. The DX-80 extension that establishes a
conference is the conference controller and may add and/or delete
members of the conference at any time. The conference controller also has
the privilege of establishing an Unsupervised Conference.
An Unsupervised Conference is a conference in which only callers on
outside lines are members. All members are therefore outside of the
premises and connected together using the DX-80 conference resource. An
unsupervised conference may be re-joined by the initiating DX-80
extension, however, since that extension maintains control of the
conference even though it is unsupervised.
Operation – Establish a Three-party Conference
1. Answer or place the first call (internal or external).
2. Press .
3. Place the second call (internal or external).
4. Press the button. The connections are joined together.
5. Hang up to end the Conference.
Operation – Establish a Four-party Conference
1. First establish a three party conference (per above).
2. Press .
3. Place the third call (internal or external).
4. Press the button. The connections are joined together.
(Four parties include the initiator {Controller} of the conference.)
5. Hang up to end the Conference.
DX-80 Digital Executive Telephone User GuidePage 7
Operation – Establish an Unsupervised Conference
1. First establish a conference (per above) with two or three outside
2. Press !77. The Unsupervised Conference is established and
your extension is returned to idle.
Operation – Rejoin an Unsupervised Conference
1. Press !77.
2. Your extension is rejoined to the conference connection.
Operation – Force Release a Conference Member
(Conference Controller only)
1. While engaged in a conference the display shows:
private forced
2. Press [forced].
3. Press [exit] to abort the operation and return to the conference.
3. Dial the directory number (outside line number or Extension number)
to release. (You may also simply press the outside line button or DSS
button of the outside line/extension to be released.)
4. That conference member is disconnected and you are rejoined in
conference with the remaining members.
5. Hang up to end the Conference.
Operation – Private Connection with a Conference Member
(Conference Controller only)
1. While engaged in a conference the display shows:
private forced
2. Press [private]
3. Press [exit] to abort the operation and return to the conference.
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3. Dial the directory number (outside line number or Extension number)
to connect. (You may also simply press the outside line button or DSS
button of the outside line/extension to be connected.)
4. That conference party is removed from the conference and connected
to you.
5. You may re-establish the conference with all members by pressing the
5. Hang up on the current connection and rejoin the remaining
member(s) by pressing .
6. Hang up to end the conference/connection.
Direct Inward System Access (DISA) (Optional)
This optional feature allows you to remotely access system resources such
as System Speed Dial, outside line Access, and Intercom dialing.
DISA can be accessed via the Automated Attendant (AAM required) as well
as by dedicated DISA lines.
1. Call into the DX-80 system from some remote location.
2. When the Automated Attendant answers, press 9 to access DISA.
2. If the dialed number is a DISA line only, the line will automatically
3. DISA dial tone is heard (stutter dial tone).
4. Dial an extension number, Hunt Group number, or the Operator code.
Ring-back tone is heard until the call is answered.
Or to access a DX-80 outside line…
1. Dial “#” + Extension Password + Extension Number + “#” to access a
system outside line to dial out.
2. Dial an outside line Group number, or speed dial location number to
place an outgoing call.
3. Hang up when finished.
Last Number Redial!8
The Last Number Redial (LNR) feature automatically dials the last number
dialed from your telephone. The LNR retains sixteen (16) digits for each
DX-80 Digital Executive Telephone User GuidePage 9
extension. You may either choose a specific outside line by first pressing
that outside line button or you may allow the line to be selected
automatically by the LNR feature.
Operation – Choose an Outside Line First
1. Press an outside line button.
2. Press !8.
Operation – Automatically Select an Outside Line
1. Press !8.
Off Hook Voice Announce with Hands-free Answerback
Off-Hook Voice Announce (OHVA) allows you to announce your call over
the speaker of a busy extension.
To receive an OHVA call, the called extension must be using the handset.
An OHVA call can be rejected easily if the call in progress should not be
Operation – Placing an OHVA to Another Extension
1. Call the busy extension.
cbck msg next
2. Press [next]. The bottom row options change as follows:
camp voic
3. Press [voic]. The OHVA call is established over the called extension
Operation – Receiving an OHVA Call
1. While on a call using the handset, you receive an OHVA call:
2. Respond to the OHVA caller using the telephone speakerphone (no
buttons to press) or press [reject] to end the OHVA call.
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On Hook Dialing
You can make outgoing calls from your digital speakerphone without lifting
the handset, and you can monitor the dialing status through the built-in
speaker. The button lamp is lit when you are making a call.
1. Without lifting the handset, dial any extension number. (Hot Key must
be enabled in the phone system programming.)
2. Without lifting the handset, press any outside line button and dial.
3. When Hot Key is disabled, press the ON/OFF button or press an idle
outside line button. Then dial without lifting the handset.
Paging400 – 408, 777
You can make a public announcement to all extension users or to a portion
of users. The DX-80 system provides both all-call (heard by all users) and
page zone (heard by a specific group of users) paging that you access by
dialing special codes. Page announcements are heard over extension
1. While in the idle condition – lift the handset.
2. Dial the Zone Page access code (extensions) 401–408
external page 777 for the group of users you want to page, or
to page all users, press the feature button designated as ALL PAGE
(if available) or dial the All Call Page access code 400.
3. You hear the Page Alert Tone.
4. Make paging announcement.
5. Hang up when finished.
Saved Number Redial!51
Saved Number Redial is normally used whenever you want to retain a
telephone number to be dialed later. The same feature code is used to
Save a Dialed Number (SDN) and to dial the saved number – Saved
Number Redial (SNR).
DX-80 Digital Executive Telephone User GuidePage 11
Operation – SDN
1. After you’ve placed an outside line call for which you want to store the
number, press !51.
2. The dialed number is stored in the Saved Number memory.
Operation – SNR
1. When the telephone is idle, press the feature button designated as
REDIAL (if available) or press !51.
2. The stored number is dialed.
Speed DialExtension 470 – 489,
System 500 – 699
Speed Dialing allows you to store frequently dialed numbers. There are 20
speed “bins” for most extensions and 200 system speed bins that may be
shared by all extensions.
Operation – Setup
1. Press !1.
2. Dial the Speed Dial location number (470 – 489).
3. Press [show]. The current contents are displayed.
4. Press [chg].
5. Input the number you want to store, including Pauses (!70),
Flash !3 and Pulse To Tone Conversion (*) codes.
6. Press [save]. That number is stored in this speed dial location.
7. Continue programming speed dial locations from step 2 above or
hang-up (press twice) to exit.
Operation – Use – System Selects the Outside Line Automatically
1. Dial the Speed Dial location number (470 – 489,
500 – 699).
2. That speed dial number is dialed on the last outside line that you used
or any outside line in the same outside line group.
Operation – Use – You Select the Outside Line to Use
1. Press the desired outside line button (or dial the outside line directory
number 740-755).
2. Press !1.
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3. Dial the Speed Dial location number (470 – 489,
500 – 699).
In-Progress Features
Answering Machine Emulation (Listen/Pick Up)
Answering Machine Emulation requires the optional DX-80 Small Office
(Voice Mail System). This feature mimics the call-screening feature of an
answering machine. Whenever your voice mailbox answers a call, the DX80 allows you to screen the caller leaving the message. This option is
available for only a few seconds after your voice mailbox has answered the
1. When an extension user voice mailbox answers a caller, you’ll hear an
alert tone. The feature button programmed for Voice Mail (!64)
will flash green at a fast rate.
2. Press the flashing Voice Mail button. The button LED will now flash
green at a slower rate.
3. The display shows:
yes no
3.1. Press [yes] to monitor call. The LED of the voice mail button will
light steady green. At this time you are monitoring the caller and
message in progress.
3.2. Or… press [no] to exit this mode and abandon monitoring.
4. If you select [yes], the display shows:
answer exit
5. Press [answer] to be connected to the caller and remove him from the
voice mailbox. The voice mail button LED will extinguish.
6. Press [exit] to leave the caller in the voice mailbox to record her
message and to return your extension to idle status.
Call Back – CO Line[cbck]
This feature allows you to queue a busy outside line and reserve that
outside line for use when it becomes available. This feature eliminates the
DX-80 Digital Executive Telephone User GuidePage 13
need for you to observe the line status continually for availability. You may
have only one Call Back active at any time.
1. Press a busy (solid red LED) outside line or outside line group button,
or dial an outside line access group number (9, 800-806, 740 – 755).
2. You will hear busy tone and the display will read:
3. Press [cbck] Interactive Soft Button or Dial [#] on the dial pad.
4. You will hear a confirmation tone and the display will read:
5. A few moments later, the display will return to an idle state.
6. When the selected outside line, or an outside line in the selected
outside line group, becomes available, you will hear fast ringing at the
extension and the display will read:
reply del
7. Press [reply] to be connected to the available outside line and dial as
usual or
8. Press [del] to delete the outside line callback.
Call Back – Extension[cbck]
When you call an extension that is busy, in Do Not Disturb (DND), or idle,
you can use this feature to queue your call so that it will be placed as soon
as the extension is available (for busy or DND extensions) or the extension
user returns (for idle extensions). When you send a Call Back to a busy
extension, the Call Back process will begin when the busy extension hangs
up. When you send a Call Back to an idle extension, the Call Back process
will begin once the user performs an operation at that extension and then
hangs up.
1. Dial the extension number of the busy extension.
2. If the extension you are calling is in Tone Ringing Mode, the display
cbck msg
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