TI Designs provide the foundation that you needThe Wireless Heart Rate Monitor with Bluetooth® lowincluding methodology, testing and design files toenergy (BLE) is a reference design for customers to
quickly evaluate and customize and system. TIdevelop end-products for battery-powered 3-channel
Designs help you accelerate your time to market.health and fitness electrocardiogram (ECG)
Small Programmer and Debugger for
Low-Power RF System-on-Chips
•Supports 5-Lead ECG applications
•Easily monitor heart rate data through an iOS
Mobile Application
•Powered by a Lithium-ion battery
•EMI filters integrated in the ADS1293 device reject
Interference from outside RF sources
•Open-source Firmware and iOS application
enables quick time-to-market for customers
Featured Applications
•Health and Fitness
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TIDU195A–January 2014–Revised July 2014Wireless Heart Rate Monitor Reference Design
The heart of the Wireless Heart Rate Monitor is the ADS1293 device (analog front-end) and the CC2541
device (Bluetooth-low energy SOC) as shown in Figure 1. The ADS1293 device is a highly integrated lowpower analog front-end (AFE) that features three high-resolution ECG channels. The CC2541 system-onchip (SoC) adds a BLE wireless feature to the platform. BLE enables seamless connectivity to an iPhone®
or an iPad® through a configurable iOS application that allows an end-user to remotely monitor the heartrate data of a patient.
The ADS1293 incorporates all features commonly required in portable, low-power medical, sports, and
fitness electrocardiogram (ECG) applications. With high levels of integration and exceptional performance,
the ADS1293 enables the creation of scalable medical instrumentation systems at significantly reduced
size, power, and overall cost.
The ADS1293 features three high-resolution channels capable of operating up to 25.6ksps. Each channel
can be independently programmed for a specific sample rate and bandwidth allowing users to optimize the
configuration for performance and power. All input pins incorporate an EMI filter and can be routed to any
channel via a flexible routing switch. Flexible routing also allows independent lead-off detection, right leg
drive, and Wilson/Goldberger reference terminal generation without the need to reconnect leads
externally. A fourth channel allows external analog pace detection for applications that do not utilize digital
pace detection. For the ADS1293 block diagram, see Figure 2.
The ADS1293 incorporates a self-diagnostics alarm system to detect when the system is out of the
operating conditions range. Such events are reported to error flags. The overall status of the error flags is
available as a signal on a dedicated ALARMB pin. The device is packaged in a 5-mm × 5-mm × 0,8-mm,
28-pin LLP. Operating temperature ranges from –20°C to 85°C.
The CC2541 is a power-optimized true system-on-chip (SoC) solution for both Bluetooth low energy and
proprietary 2.4-GHz applications. It enables robust network nodes to be built with low total bill-of-material
costs. The CC2541 combines the excellent performance of a leading RF transceiver with an industrystandard enhanced 8051 MCU, in-system programmable flash memory, 8-KB RAM, and many other
powerful supporting features and peripherals. The CC2541 is highly suited for systems where ultralow
power consumption is required. This is specified by various operating modes. Short transition times
between operating modes further enable low power consumption.
The CC2541 is pin-compatible with the CC2540 in the 6-mm × 6-mm QFN40 package, if the USB is not
used on the CC2540 and the I2C/extra I/O is not used on the CC2541. Compared to the CC2540, the
CC2541 provides lower RF current consumption. The CC2541 does not have the USB interface of the
CC2540, and provides lower maximum output power in TX mode. The CC2541 also adds a HW I2C
The CC2541 is pin-compatible with the CC2533 RF4CE-optimized IEEE 802.15.4 SoC. The CC2541
comes in two different versions: CC2541F128/F256, with 128 KB and 256 KB of flash memory,
respectively. For the CC2541 block diagram, see Figure 3.
The TPS6122x family devices provide a power-supply solution for products powered by either a singlecell, two-cell, or three-cell alkaline, NiCd or NiMH, or one-cell Li-Ion or Li-polymer battery. Possible output
currents depend on the input-to-output voltage ratio. The boost converter is based on a hysteretic
controller topology using synchronous rectification to obtain maximum efficiency at minimal quiescent
currents. The output voltage of the adjustable version can be programmed by an external resistor divider,
or is set internally to a fixed output voltage. The converter can be switched off by a featured enable pin.
While being switched off, battery drain is minimized. The device is offered in a 6-pin SC-70 package
(DCK) measuring 2 mm × 2 mm to enable small circuit layout size. For the TPS61220 block diagram, see
Figure 4.
Wireless Heart Rate Monitor Reference DesignTIDU195A–January 2014–Revised July 2014
– 2.4-GHz Bluetooth low energy Compliant and Proprietary RF System-on-Chip
– Supports 250-kbps, 500-kbps, 1-Mbps, 2-Mbps Data Rates
– Excellent link budget, enabling long-range applications without external front end
– Programmable output power up to 0 dBm
– Excellent receiver sensitivity (–94 dBm at 1 Mbps), selectivity, and blocking performance
– Suitable for systems targeting compliance with worldwide radio frequency regulations: ETSI EN 300
– Few external components
– Reference design provided
– 6-mm × 6-mm QFN-40 package
– Pin-compatible with CC2540 (when not using USB or I2C)
•Low Power
– Active-mode RX down to: 17.9 mA
– Active-mode TX (0 dBm): 18.2 mA
– Power mode 1 (4-µs wake-up): 270 µA
– Power mode 2 (sleep timer on): 1 µA
– Power mode 3 (external interrupts): 0.5 µA
– Wide Supply-voltage range (2 V–3.6 V)
•TPS62730 Compatible low power in active mode
– RX down to: 14.7 mA (3-V supply)
– TX (0 dBm): 14.3 mA (3-V supply)
– High-performance and low-power 8051 microcontroller core with code Prefetch
– In-system-programmable flash, 128- or 256-KB
– 8-KB RAM with retention in all power modes
– Hardware-debug support
– Extensive baseband automation, including auto-acknowledgment and address decoding
– Retention of all relevant registers in all power modes
– Powerful five-channel DMA
– General-purpose timers (one 16-Bit, two 8-Bit)
– IR generation circuitry
– 32-kHz sleep timer with capture
– Accurate digital RSSI support
– Battery monitor and temperature sensor
– 12-Bit ADC with eight channels and configurable resolution
– AES security coprocessor
– Two powerful USARTs with support for several serial protocols
– 23 general-purpose I/O Pins (21 × 4 mA, 2 × 20 mA)
– I2C interface
– Two I/O pins have LED Driving capabilities
– Watchdog timer
– Integrated high-performance comparator
•Development Tools
328 and EN 300 440 Class 2 (Europe), FCC CFR47 Part 15 (US), and ARIB STD-T66 (Japan)
Wireless Heart Rate Monitor Reference DesignTIDU195A–January 2014–Revised July 2014
Figure 5 shows the ADS1293 device in a 5-Lead ECG system setup. The ADS1293 device uses the
Common-Mode Detector to measure the common-mode of the patient’s body by averaging the voltage of
input pins IN1, IN2 and IN3, and uses this signal in the right leg drive feedback circuit.
NOTE: The ideal values of R1, R2and C1will vary per system/application; typical values for these
components are: R1= 100kΩ, R2= 1MΩ and C1= 1.5nF.
The output of the RLD amplifier is connected to the right leg electrode, which is IN4, to drive the commonmode of the patient’s body. The Wilson Central Terminal is generated by the ADS1293 and is used as a
reference to measure the chest electrode, V1. The chip uses an external 4.096MHz crystal oscillator
connected between the XTAL1 and XTAL2 pins to create the clock sources for the device.
Theory of Operation
CC2541 Communication
The CC2541 device communicates to the ADS1293 device through SPI interface. The CC2541 device
implements the application software to run this application through the 8051 microcontroller core in
addition to running the BLE stack. For additional information, see Section 4.4.
Figure 5. 5-Lead ECG Application
TIDU195A–January 2014–Revised July 2014Wireless Heart Rate Monitor Reference Design
For battery life calculations, TI highly recommends that the user reviews CC2541 Battery Life Calculation,
Comparing the power consumption of a BLE device to another device using a single metric is impossible.
For example, a device gets rated by its peak current. While the peak current plays a part in the total power
consumption, a device running the BLE stack only consumes current at the peak level during
transmission. Even in very high throughput systems, a BLE device is transmitting for only a small
percentage of the total time that the device is connected (see Figure 6).
Figure 6. Current Consumption
In addition to transmitting, there are other factors to consider when calculating battery life. A BLE device
can go through several other modes, such as receiving, sleeping, and waking up from sleep. Even if the
current consumption of a device in each different mode is known, there is not enough information to
determine the total power consumed by the device. Each layer of the BLE stack requires a certain amount
of processing to remain connected and to comply with the specifications of the protocol. The MCU takes
time to perform this processing, and during this time, current is consumed by the device. In addition, some
power might be consumed while the device switches between modes (see Figure 7). All of this must be
considered to get an accurate measurement of the total current consumed.
Figure 7. Current Consumption-Active versus Sleep Modes
Wireless Heart Rate Monitor Reference DesignTIDU195A–January 2014–Revised July 2014
•An iOS device: iPhone 4S and newer generations; iPad 3 and newer generations; fifth generation iPod
•3.6-V Lithium-ion battery, recommended model BT-0001
•CC Debugger (http://www.ti.com/tool/cc-debugger)
4.1.1Installing the Application
The application is not on iTunes (Apple Approved) for download. Download the application from the
following link: TIDA-00096 iOS Application Software .
Since the application is not on iTunes, use the steps below to install it manually. When the application is
distributed manually, there is a limit on how many devices can the application can be loaded on. The
UDID of each device needs to be provided before the application can be installed.
Use the following steps to install the Wireless Heart Rate Monitor application on a device.
1. Connect the iPhone or iPad to the PC.
2. Open the iTunes application on the PC.
3. Wait for iTunes to identify that the device is connected to the PC.
4. The serial number of the device is listed as shown in Figure 9.
Getting Started
Figure 8. 3.6-V Lithium-Ion Battery
5. In order to view the Identifier number (UDID), double click on Serial Number as shown in Figure 10
TIDU195A–January 2014–Revised July 2014Wireless Heart Rate Monitor Reference Design
6. Report the identifier number (UDID) number to the iPad developer.
7. After the UDID is added to the application (by the iPad developer), a .zip file is sent to the iTunes user
that contains the application to download onto the smart device such as an iPhone4S®, iPhone 5®, or
8. Unzip the folder to view the application, ecgmonitor.ipa.
9. Open iTunes
Once iTunes is open, use the following steps to install the application on the device.
1. Click the top-left button in the iTunes interface shown in Figure 11.
Figure 10. Finding the UDID Number
2. Once the top-left button is clicked, a menu appears, click on Add File to Library (see Figure 12) to
navigate to and select the ecgmonitor.ipa file from the file directory.
Wireless Heart Rate Monitor Reference DesignTIDU195A–January 2014–Revised July 2014